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5 months ago
  1. % This file was created with JabRef 2.6.
  2. % Encoding: Cp1252
  3. %Introduction
  4. @online{01_ipcc_sr15_2018,
  5. author = {{Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)}},
  6. title = {Global Warming of 1.5°C: An IPCC Special Report},
  7. year = {2018},
  8. url = {},
  9. note = {Accessed: 2024-08-27},
  10. }
  11. @article{01_xu_ramanathan_2017,
  12. title = {Well below 2$\degree$ C : Mitigation strategies for avoiding dangerous to catastrophic climate changes},
  13. volume = {114},
  14. issn = {0027-8424, 1091-6490},
  15. url = {},
  16. language = {en},
  17. number = {39},
  18. urldate = {2024-08-27},
  19. journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
  20. author = {Xu, Yangyang and Ramanathan, Veerabhadran},
  21. year = {2017},
  22. note = {pages 10315--10323},
  23. }
  24. @online{01_E_klimaschutzgesetz,
  25. author = {Federal Government of Germany},
  26. title = {Ein Plan fürs Klima},
  27. url = {},
  28. urldate = {2024-08-26},
  29. note = {Accessed: 2024-08-26},
  30. year = {2024},
  31. }
  32. @online{01_umweltbundesamt_treibhausgas_eu,
  33. author = {Umweltbundesamt},
  34. title = {Treibhausgas-Emissionen in der Europäischen Union: Trends},
  35. year = {2024},
  36. url = {},
  37. note = {Accessed: 2024-08-27},
  38. }
  39. @online{01_ipcc_ar6_wg1_2021,
  40. author = {Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)},
  41. title = {IPCC AR6 Working Group I Summary for Policymakers},
  42. year = {2021},
  43. url = {},
  44. note = {pages 6-7, Accessed: 2024-08-27},
  45. }
  46. @online{01_umweltbundesamt_verkehr_emissionen,
  47. author = {Umweltbundesamt},
  48. title = {Emissionen des Verkehrs: Verkehr belastet Luft und Klima - Minderungsziele der Bundesregierung},
  49. year = {2024},
  50. url = {},
  51. note = {Accessed: 2024-08-27},
  52. }
  53. @online{01_destatis_co2_strassenverkehr,
  54. author = {Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis)},
  55. title = {CO2-Emissionen im Straßenverkehr in Europa},
  56. year = {2024},
  57. url = {},
  58. note = {Accessed: 2024-08-27},
  59. }
  60. @online{01_un_climatechange_causes_2023,
  61. author = {United Nations},
  62. title = {Causes and Effects of Climate Change},
  63. year = {2023},
  64. url = {},
  65. note = {Accessed: 2024-08-27},
  66. }
  67. @article{01_wilberforce_advances_2016,
  68. title = {Advances in stationary and portable fuel cell applications},
  69. volume = {41},
  70. issn = {03603199},
  71. url = {},
  72. doi = {10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.02.057},
  73. number = {37},
  74. urldate = {2024-08-26},
  75. journal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},
  76. author = {Wilberforce, Tabbi and Alaswad, A. and Palumbo, A. and Dassisti, M. and Olabi, A.G.},
  77. month = oct,
  78. year = {2016},
  79. pages = {16509--16522},
  80. }
  81. @article{01_wilberforce_developments_2017,
  82. title = {Developments of electric cars and fuel cell hydrogen electric cars},
  83. volume = {42},
  84. issn = {03603199},
  85. url = {},
  86. doi = {10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.07.054},
  87. language = {en},
  88. number = {40},
  89. urldate = {2024-08-26},
  90. journal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},
  91. author = {Wilberforce, Tabbi and El-Hassan, Zaki and Khatib, F.N. and Al Makky, Ahmed and Baroutaji, Ahmad and Carton, James G. and Olabi, Abdul G.},
  92. month = oct,
  93. year = {2017},
  94. pages = {25695--25734},
  95. file = {Wilberforce et al. - 2017 - Developments of electric cars and fuel cell hydrog.pdf:/Users/mauricioplatteau/Zotero/storage/FBA6BL6V/Wilberforce et al. - 2017 - Developments of electric cars and fuel cell hydrog.pdf:application/pdf},
  96. }
  97. @article{wang_preparation_2018,
  98. title = {Preparation and performances of electrically conductive {Nb}-doped {TiO2} coatings for 316 stainless steel bipolar plates of proton-exchange membrane fuel cells},
  99. volume = {142},
  100. issn = {0010938X},
  101. url = {},
  102. doi = {10.1016/j.corsci.2018.07.034},
  103. language = {en},
  104. urldate = {2024-08-26},
  105. journal = {Corrosion Science},
  106. author = {Wang, Yanli and Zhang, Shenghua and Lu, Zhaoxia and Wang, Lisheng and Li, Weihua},
  107. month = sep,
  108. year = {2018},
  109. pages = {249--257},
  110. annote = {Siehe kosten
  111. The bipolar plate accounts for 80\% of weight and 45\% cost of the stack manufacturing cost
  112. },
  113. }
  114. @article{elferjani_coupling_2021,
  115. title = {A coupling approach between metallic bipolar plates corrosion and membrane chemical degradation in the proton exchange membrane fuel cells},
  116. volume = {46},
  117. issn = {03603199},
  118. url = {},
  119. doi = {10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.06.215},
  120. language = {en},
  121. number = {63},
  122. urldate = {2024-08-23},
  123. journal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},
  124. author = {Elferjani, I. and Serre, G. and Ter-Ovanessian, B. and Normand, B.},
  125. month = sep,
  126. year = {2021},
  127. pages = {32226--32241},
  128. file = {Elferjani et al. - 2021 - A coupling approach between metallic bipolar plate.pdf:/Users/mauricioplatteau/Zotero/storage/GA5CAQMU/Elferjani et al. - 2021 - A coupling approach between metallic bipolar plate.pdf:application/pdf},
  129. }
  130. @online{E_un_climate_change,
  131. author = {{United Nations}},
  132. title = {Causes and Effects of Climate Change},
  133. url = {},
  134. urldate = {05.05.2024},
  135. year = {2023},
  136. note = {Accessed: 2024-08-27},
  137. }
  138. %Theoretical background
  139. @article{02_baroutaji2015materials,
  140. title={Materials in PEM fuel cells},
  141. author={Baroutaji, Ahmad and Carton, JG and Sajjia, Mustafa and Olabi, Abdul Ghani},
  142. year={2015},
  143. publisher={Elsevier}
  144. }
  145. @article{02_lucia2014overview,
  146. title={Overview on fuel cells},
  147. author={Lucia, Umberto},
  148. journal={Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews},
  149. volume={30},
  150. pages={164--169},
  151. year={2014},
  152. publisher={Elsevier},
  153. note = {pages 164-169},
  154. }
  155. @article{02_wang2020fundamentals,
  156. title={Fundamentals, materials, and machine learning of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell technology},
  157. author={Wang, Yun and Seo, Bongjin and Wang, Bowen and Zamel, Nada and Jiao, Kui and Adroher, Xavier Cordobes},
  158. journal={Energy and AI},
  159. volume={1},
  160. pages={100014},
  161. year={2020},
  162. publisher={Elsevier},
  163. note = {page 100014}
  164. }
  165. @book{02_Abderezzak2018,
  166. author = {B. Abderezzak},
  167. title = {Introduction to Transfer Phenomena in PEM Fuel Cells},
  168. year = {2018},
  169. edition = {1st},
  170. publisher = {Elsevier},
  171. note = {page = 16}
  172. }
  173. @phdthesis{SOFC_hauser2021effects,
  174. title={Effects of Tars on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells},
  175. author={Hauser, Michael Maximilian},
  176. year={2021},
  177. school={Technische Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen}
  178. note = {page = 4},
  179. }
  180. @article{SOFC_lin_analysis_2024,
  181. title = {Analysis on temperature uniformity in methane-rich internal reforming solid oxide fuel cells ({SOFCs})},
  182. volume = {57},
  183. issn = {03603199},
  184. url = {},
  185. doi = {10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.01.071},
  186. language = {en},
  187. urldate = {2024-09-02},
  188. journal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},
  189. author = {Lin, Chen and Kerscher, Florian and Herrmann, Stephan and Steinrücken, Benjamin and Spliethoff, Hartmut},
  190. month = feb,
  191. year = {2024},
  192. note= {pages 769--788},
  193. }
  194. @article{SOFC_Haberman2004,
  195. author = {B. A. Haberman and J. B. Young},
  196. title = {Three-dimensional simulation of chemically reacting gas flows in the porous support structure of an integrated-planar solid oxide fuel cell},
  197. journal = {International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer},
  198. year = {2004},
  199. volume = {47},
  200. number = {17},
  201. pages = {3617--3629},
  202. doi = {10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2004.03.009}
  203. }
  204. @techreport{SOFC_WGS_Buttler2016,
  205. author = {A. Buttler and H. Spliethoff},
  206. title = {Kampf der Studien},
  207. institution = {Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme},
  208. year = {2016},
  209. type = {Technical report},
  210. }
  211. @article{MCFS_cui2021review,
  212. title={Review of molten carbonate-based direct carbon fuel cells},
  213. author={Cui, Can and Li, Shuangbin and Gong, Junyi and Wei, Keyan and Hou, Xiangjun and Jiang, Cairong and Yao, Yali and Ma, Jianjun},
  214. journal={Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy},
  215. volume={10},
  216. pages={1--24},
  217. year={2021},
  218. publisher={Springer}
  219. }
  220. @article{MCFScontreras2021molten,
  221. title={Molten carbonate fuel cells: a technological perspective and review},
  222. author={Contreras, Ricardo R and Almarza, Jorge and Rinc{\'o}n, Luis},
  223. journal={Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects},
  224. pages={1--15},
  225. year={2021},
  226. publisher={Taylor \& Francis}
  227. }
  228. @article{AFC_mclean2002assessment,
  229. title={An assessment of alkaline fuel cell technology},
  230. author={McLean, GF and Niet, T and Prince-Richard, S and Djilali, N},
  231. journal={International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},
  232. volume={27},
  233. number={5},
  234. pages={507--526},
  235. year={2002},
  236. publisher={Elsevier},
  237. note = {page 513},
  238. }
  239. @article{AFC_AlSaleh1994_CO2,
  240. author = {Al-Saleh, M.A. and Gultekin, S. and Al-Zakri, A.S. and Celiker, H.},
  241. title = {Effect of carbon dioxide on the performance of Ni=PTFE and Ag=PTFE electrodes in an alkaline fuel cell},
  242. journal = {Journal of Applied Electrochemistry},
  243. year = {1994},
  244. volume = {24},
  245. pages = {575--580},
  246. notes = {pages 575--580}
  247. }
  248. @article{AFC_AlSaleh1994_Ni,
  249. author = {Al-Saleh, M.A. and Gultekin, S. and Al-Zakri, A.S. and Celiker, H.},
  250. title = {Performance of porous nickel electrode for alkaline H2=O2 fuel cell},
  251. journal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},
  252. year = {1994},
  253. volume = {19},
  254. pages = {713--718},
  255. notes = {pages 713--718}
  256. }
  257. @article{PEM_Atuomotive_arrigoni2022greenhouse,
  258. title={Greenhouse Gas Implications of Extending the Service Life of PEM Fuel Cells for Automotive Applications: A Life Cycle Assessment},
  259. author={Arrigoni, Alessandro and Arosio, Valeria and Basso Peressut, Andrea and Latorrata, Saverio and Dotelli, Giovanni},
  260. journal={Clean Technologies},
  261. volume={4},
  262. number={1},
  263. pages={132--148},
  264. year={2022},
  265. publisher={MDPI}
  266. }
  267. @book{Fundamentals_o2016fuel,
  268. title={Fuel cell fundamentals},
  269. author={O'hayre, Ryan and Cha, Suk-Won and Colella, Whitney and Prinz, Fritz B},
  270. year={2016},
  271. publisher={John Wiley \& Sons}
  272. }
  273. @incollection{Fundamentals_scherer2012fuel,
  274. title={Fuel cell types and their electrochemistry},
  275. author={Scherer, Günther G},
  276. booktitle={Fuel Cells: Selected Entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology},
  277. pages={97--119},
  278. year={2012},
  279. publisher={Springer},
  280. notes = {pages 97--119},
  281. }
  282. @incollection{Fund_barbir2008fuel,
  283. title={Fuel cell basic chemistry, electrochemistry and thermodynamics},
  284. author={Barbir, Frano},
  285. booktitle={Mini-Micro Fuel Cells: Fundamentals and Applications},
  286. pages={13--26},
  287. year={2008},
  288. publisher={Springer}
  289. }
  290. @book{Fundamentals_kurzweil2013brennstoffzellentechnik,
  291. title={Brennstoffzellentechnik},
  292. author={Kurzweil, Peter},
  293. year={2013},
  294. publisher={Springer}
  295. }
  296. @article{F_omran2021mathematical,
  297. title={Mathematical model of a proton-exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell},
  298. author={Omran, Abdelnasir and Lucchesi, Alessandro and Smith, David and Alaswad, Abed and Amiri, Amirpiran and Wilberforce, Tabbi and Sodr{\'e}, Jos{\'e} Ricardo and Olabi, AG},
  299. journal={International Journal of Thermofluids},
  300. volume={11},
  301. pages={100110},
  302. year={2021},
  303. publisher={Elsevier}
  304. }
  305. @article{Nernst_sahu2014performance,
  306. title={Performance study of PEM fuel cell under different loading conditions},
  307. author={Sahu, Ishwar Prasad and Krishna, Gali and Biswas, Manojit and Das, Mihir Kumar},
  308. journal={Energy Procedia},
  309. volume={54},
  310. pages={468--478},
  311. year={2014},
  312. publisher={Elsevier}
  313. }
  314. @article{Nernst_mardle2021examination,
  315. title={An examination of the catalyst layer contribution to the disparity between the Nernst potential and open circuit potential in proton exchange membrane fuel cells},
  316. author={Mardle, Peter and Cerri, Isotta and Suzuki, Toshiyuki and El-Kharouf, Ahmad},
  317. journal={Catalysts},
  318. volume={11},
  319. number={8},
  320. pages={965},
  321. year={2021},
  322. publisher={MDPI}
  323. }
  324. @book{Fundamentals_klell2018wasserstoff,
  325. title={Wasserstoff in der Fahrzeugtechnik: erzeugung, speicherung, anwendung},
  326. author={Klell, Manfred and Eichlseder, Helmut and Trattner, Alexander},
  327. year={2018},
  328. publisher={Springer-Verlag}
  329. }
  330. %PEM
  331. @article{PEMSchem_xu2020towards,
  332. title={Towards mass applications: A review on the challenges and developments in metallic bipolar plates for PEMFC},
  333. author={Xu, Zhutian and Qiu, Diankai and Yi, Peiyun and Peng, Linfa and Lai, Xinmin},
  334. journal={Progress in natural science: materials international},
  335. volume={30},
  336. number={6},
  337. pages={815--824},
  338. year={2020},
  339. publisher={Elsevier}
  340. }
  341. @article{PEM_khosravi2021electrochemical,
  342. title={Electrochemical aspects of interconnect materials in PEMFCs},
  343. author={Khosravi, Saman and Abbas, Qamar and Reichmann, Klaus},
  344. journal={International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},
  345. volume={46},
  346. number={71},
  347. pages={35420--35447},
  348. year={2021},
  349. publisher={Elsevier}
  350. }
  351. @article{PEM_baroutaji2015materials,
  352. title={Materials in PEM fuel cells},
  353. author={Baroutaji, Ahmad and Carton, JG and Sajjia, Mustafa and Olabi, Abdul Ghani},
  354. year={2015},
  355. publisher={Elsevier},
  356. pages = {4-11},
  357. }
  358. @article{antunes2010,
  359. title={Corrosion of metal bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells: A review},
  360. author={Antunes, R.A. and Oliveira, M.C.L. and Ett, G. and Ett, V.},
  361. journal={International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},
  362. volume={35},
  363. number={8},
  364. pages={3632--3647},
  365. year={2010},
  366. publisher={Elsevier},
  367. doi={10.1016/j.ijhydene.2010.01.059}
  368. }
  369. @article{Automotive_leng2020,
  370. title={J. Power Sources 451 (2020) 227783},
  371. author={Leng, Y. and Ming, P. and Yang, D. and Zhang, C.},
  372. journal={Journal of Power Sources},
  373. volume={451},
  374. pages={227783},
  375. year={2020},
  376. publisher={Elsevier},
  377. doi={10.1016/j.jpowsour.2019.227783}
  378. }
  379. @misc{doe_pemfc_targets,
  380. author = {{U.S. Department of Energy}},
  381. title = {DOE Technical Targets for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Components},
  382. year = 2024,
  383. url = {},
  384. note = {Accessed: 2024-09-16}
  385. }
  386. @article{SSweight_li2005review,
  387. title={Review of bipolar plates in PEM fuel cells: Flow-field designs},
  388. author={Li, Xianguo and Sabir, Imad},
  389. journal={International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},
  390. volume={30},
  391. number={4},
  392. pages={359--371},
  393. year={2005},
  394. publisher={Elsevier},
  395. doi={10.1016/j.ijhydene.2004.09.019}
  396. }
  397. @misc{bmw_hydrogen_2024,
  398. author = {{BMW Group}},
  399. title = {Hydrogen as a Drive Technology},
  400. year = 2024,
  401. url = {},
  402. note = {Accessed: 2024-09-16}
  403. }
  404. @misc{toyota_technical_review_2021,
  405. author = {{Toyota Motor Corporation}},
  406. title = {Toyota Technical Review, Vol. 66},
  407. year = 2021,
  408. url = {},
  409. pages={26},
  410. note = {Accessed: 2024-09-16}
  411. }
  412. @article{eom2012,
  413. title={Degradation behavior of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell employing metallic bipolar plates under reverse current condition},
  414. author={Eom, K. and Cho, E. and Nam, S.-W. and Lim, T.-H. and Jang, J.H. and Kim, H.-J. and Hong, B.K. and Yang, Y.C.},
  415. journal={Electrochimica Acta},
  416. volume={78},
  417. pages={324--330},
  418. year={2012},
  419. publisher={Elsevier},
  420. doi={10.1016/j.electacta.2012.06.023}
  421. }
  422. @article{sulek2011,
  423. title={Investigation of stainless steel bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells: Corrosion and contact resistance measurements},
  424. author={Sulek, M. and Adams, J. and Kaberline, S. and Ricketts, M. and Waldecker, J.R.},
  425. journal={Journal of Power Sources},
  426. volume={196},
  427. pages={8967--8972},
  428. year={2011},
  429. publisher={Elsevier},
  430. doi={10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.06.048}
  431. }
  432. @article{papadias2015degradation,
  433. title={Degradation of SS316L bipolar plates in simulated fuel cell environment: Corrosion rate, barrier film formation kinetics and contact resistance},
  434. author={Papadias, Dionissios D and Ahluwalia, Rajesh K and Thomson, Jeffery K and Meyer III, Harry M and Brady, Michael P and Wang, Heli and Turner, John A and Mukundan, Rangachary and Borup, Rod},
  435. journal={Journal of Power Sources},
  436. volume={273},
  437. pages={1237--1249},
  438. year={2015},
  439. publisher={Elsevier}
  440. }
  441. @article{feng2011,
  442. title={Degradation of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells with stainless steel bipolar plates},
  443. author={Feng, K. and Wu, G.S. and Li, Z.G. and Cai, X. and Chu, P.K.},
  444. journal={International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},
  445. volume={36},
  446. pages={13032--13042},
  447. year={2011},
  448. publisher={Elsevier},
  449. doi={10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.07.113}
  450. }
  451. %MEA
  452. @article{MEA_lim2021comparison,
  453. title={Comparison of catalyst-coated membranes and catalyst-coated substrate for PEMFC membrane electrode assembly: A review},
  454. author={Lim, Bee Huah and Majlan, Edy Herianto and Tajuddin, Ahmad and Husaini, Teuku and Daud, Wan Ramli Wan and Radzuan, Nabilah Afiqah Mohd and Haque, Md Ahsanul},
  455. journal={Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering},
  456. volume={33},
  457. pages={1--16},
  458. year={2021},
  459. publisher={Elsevier}
  460. }
  461. @incollection{MEA_lapicque2012,
  462. title={Analysis and Evaluation of Aging Phenomena in PEMFCs},
  463. author={Lapicque, F. and Bonnet, C. and Huang, B.T. and Chatillon, Y.},
  464. booktitle={Fuel Cell Engineering},
  465. editor={Sundmacher, A.C.E.},
  466. pages={265--330},
  467. year={2012},
  468. publisher={Elsevier},
  469. address={Amsterdam}
  470. }
  471. @article{MEA_bhosale2020,
  472. title={Preparation methods of membrane electrode assemblies for proton exchange membrane fuel cells and unitized regenerative fuel cells: A review},
  473. author={Bhosale, A. C. and Ghosh, P. C. and Assaud, L.},
  474. journal={Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews},
  475. volume={133},
  476. pages={110286},
  477. year={2020},
  478. doi={10.1016/j.rser.2020.110286}
  479. }
  480. @article{PEM_MEA_parekh2022recent,
  481. title={Recent developments of proton exchange membranes for PEMFC: A review},
  482. author={Parekh, Abhi},
  483. journal={Frontiers in Energy Research},
  484. volume={10},
  485. pages={956132},
  486. year={2022},
  487. publisher={Frontiers Media SA}
  488. }
  489. @article{Pt_liew2014,
  490. title={Non-Pt catalyst as oxygen reduction reaction in microbial fuel cells: a review},
  491. author={Liew, K. Ben and Daud, W.R.W. and Ghasemi, M. and Leong, J.X. and Lim, S. Su and Ismail, M.},
  492. journal={International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},
  493. volume={39},
  494. number={10},
  495. pages={4870--4883},
  496. year={2014},
  497. publisher={Elsevier},
  498. doi={10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.01.062}
  499. }
  500. @article{thiele2024realistic,
  501. title={Realistic accelerated stress tests for PEM fuel cells: Test procedure development based on standardized automotive driving cycles},
  502. author={Thiele, Paul and Yang, Yue and Dirkes, Steffen and Wick, Maximilian and Pischinger, Stefan},
  503. journal={international journal of hydrogen energy},
  504. volume={52},
  505. pages={1065--1080},
  506. year={2024},
  507. publisher={Elsevier}
  508. }
  509. %GDL
  510. @article{GDL_zamel2011,
  511. title={Measurement of in-plane thermal conductivity of carbon paper diffusion media in the temperature range of -20 °C to +120 °C},
  512. author={Zamel, N. and Litovsky, E. and Shakhshir, S. and others},
  513. journal={Applied Energy},
  514. volume={88},
  515. pages={3042--3050},
  516. year={2011},
  517. doi={10.1016/j.apenergy.2011.02.008}
  518. }
  519. @article{ijaodola2019,
  520. title={A review of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell models for application to automotive systems},
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