This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2022) Capacity: max_strings=200000, hash_size=200000, hash_prime=170003 The top-level auxiliary file: 2024_MA_Platteau.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: Content/TitlePage_LES.aux The style file: unsrtnat.bst Database file #1: Bibliography.bib Warning--entry type for "01_ipcc_sr15_2018" isn't style-file defined --line 7 of file Bibliography.bib Warning--entry type for "01_E_klimaschutzgesetz" isn't style-file defined --line 29 of file Bibliography.bib Warning--entry type for "01_umweltbundesamt_treibhausgas_eu" isn't style-file defined --line 37 of file Bibliography.bib Warning--entry type for "01_ipcc_ar6_wg1_2021" isn't style-file defined --line 45 of file Bibliography.bib Warning--entry type for "01_umweltbundesamt_verkehr_emissionen" isn't style-file defined --line 53 of file Bibliography.bib Warning--entry type for "01_destatis_co2_strassenverkehr" isn't style-file defined --line 61 of file Bibliography.bib Warning--entry type for "01_un_climatechange_causes_2023" isn't style-file defined --line 69 of file Bibliography.bib I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 193 of file Bibliography.bib : : note = {page = 4}, (Error may have been on previous line) I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 716 of file Bibliography.bib : @article{ren2020degradation : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Warning--empty journal in 02_baroutaji2015materials Warning--empty journal in PEM_baroutaji2015materials You've used 86 entries, 2481 wiz_defined-function locations, 1097 strings with 24049 characters, and the built_in function-call counts, 36994 in all, are: = -- 3059 > -- 2256 < -- 29 + -- 855 - -- 677 * -- 3197 := -- 6090 add.period$ -- 318 call.type$ -- 86$ -- 170$ -- 80 cite$ -- 88 duplicate$ -- 1617 empty$ -- 3151$ -- 777 if$ -- 7664$ -- 7$ -- 87 missing$ -- 77 newline$ -- 495 num.names$ -- 260 pop$ -- 641 preamble$ -- 1 purify$ -- 86 quote$ -- 0 skip$ -- 904 stack$ -- 0 substring$ -- 1973 swap$ -- 219 text.length$ -- 5 text.prefix$ -- 0 top$ -- 0 type$ -- 593 warning$ -- 2 while$ -- 302 width$ -- 0 write$ -- 1228 (There were 2 error messages)