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- \chapter*{Abbreviations} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Abbreviations}
- \markboth{Abbreviations}{Abbreviations}
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- \begin{tabular}{ll}
- \textbf{Abbreviation} &\textbf{Meaning}\\ [0.25cm]
- AFC & Alkaline Fuel Cells\\
- AST & Accelerated Stress Test\\
- BEV & Battery Electric Vehicle\\
- BP & Bipolar Plates\\
- CCE& Catalyst Coated Electrode\\
- CCM & Catalyst Coated Membrane\\
- CCS & Catalyst Coated Susbrate\\
- CL & Catalyst Layer \\
- CVM & Cell Voltage Monitoring\\
- EDX & Energy Dispersive X-ray\\
- EIS & Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy\\
- FC& Fuel Cell\\
- FCEV & Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle\\
- GDL & Gas Diffusion Layer\\
- GHG& Grennhouse Gas Neutrality\\
- ICE & Internal Combustion Engine\\
- ICR & Interfacial Contact Resistance\\
- IPCC& Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change\\
- LES & Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme \\
- MCFC&Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell\\
- MEA& Membrane Electrode Assembly \\
- MPL & Microporous Layer \\
- MPL & Microporous layer\\
- NEDC & New European Driving Cicle\\
- OCP & Open Circuit Potential\\
- OCV & Open Circuit Voltage\\
- ORR& Oxygen Reduction Reaction\\
- PEM & Polymer Electrolyte Membrane \\
- PEMFC & Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuell Cell\\
- PTFE &Polytetrafluoroethylene /Teflon\\
- SOFC& Solid Oxide Fuel Cell\\
- TPB & Triple Phase Boundary \\
- TUM& Technical University of Munich\\
- \end{tabular}
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