123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495 |
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- <p>
- <strong>
- Sugar issues</strong>
- </p>
- <p></p>Since the first doctor noticed, hundreds of years ago, that the urine of a diabetic patient tasted sweet,
- it has been common to call the condition the sugar disease, or sugar diabetes, and since nothing was known about
- physiological chemistry, it was commonly believed that eating too much sugar had to be the cause, since the
- ability of the body to convert the protein in tissues into sugar wasn"t discovered until 1848, by Claude Bernard
- (who realized that diabetics lost more sugar than they took in). Even though patients continued to pass sugar in
- their urine until they died, despite the elimination of sugar from their diet, medical policy required that they
- be restrained to keep them from eating sugar. That prescientific medical belief, that eating sugar causes
- diabetes, is still held by a very large number, probably the majority, of physicians. Originally, diabetes was
- understood to be a wasting disease, but as it became common for doctors to measure glucose, obese people were
- often found to have hyperglycemia, so the name diabetes has been extended to them, as type 2 diabetes. High
- blood sugar is often seen along with high blood pressure and obesity in Cushing's syndrome, with excess
- cortisol, and these features are also used to define the newer metabolic syndrome. Following the old reasoning
- about the sugar disease, the newer kind of obese diabetes is commonly blamed on eating too much sugar. Obesity,
- especially a fat waist, and all its associated health problems, are said by some doctors to be the result of
- eating too much sugar, especially fructose. (Starch is the only common carbohydrate that contains no fructose.)
- Obesity is associated not only with diabetes or insulin resistance, but also with atheroslcerosis and heart
- disease, high blood pressure, generalized inflammation, arthritis, depression, risk of dementia, and cancer.
- There is general agreement about the problems commonly associated with obesity, but not about the causes or the
- way to prevent or cure obesity and the associated conditions. In an earlier newsletter, I wrote about P. A.
- Piorry in Paris, in 1864, and Dr. William Budd in England, in 1867, who treated diabetes by adding a large
- amount of ordinary sugar, sucrose, to the patient's diet. Glucose was known to be the sugar appearing in the
- diabetics' urine, but sucrose consists of half glucose, and half fructose. In 1874, E. Kulz in Germany reported
- that diabetics could assimilate fructose better than glucose. In the next decades there were several more
- reports on the benefits of feeding fructose, including the reduction of glucose in the urine. With the discovery
- of insulin in 1922, fructose therapy was practically forgotten, until the 1950s when new manufacturing
- techniques began to make it economical to use. Its use in diabetic diets became so popular that it became
- available in health food stores, and was also used in hospitals for intravenous feeding. However, while fructose
- was becoming popular, the cholesterol theory of heart disease was being promoted. This was the theory that
- eating foods containing saturated fat and cholesterol caused heart disease. (My newsletter, Cholesterol,
- longevity, intelligence, and health, discussed the development of that theory.) A Swedish physician and
- researcher, Uffe Ravnskov, has reviewed the medical arguments for the theory that lipids in the blood are the
- cause of atherosclerosis and heart disease, and shows that there has never been evidence of causality, something
- which some people, such as Broda Barnes, understood from the beginning. In the 1950s, an English professor, John
- Yudkin, didn't accept the idea that eating saturated fat was the cause of high blood levels of triglycerides and
- cholesterol, but he didn"t question the theory that lipids in the blood caused the circulatory disease. He
- argued that it was sugar, especially the fructose component of sucrose, rather than dietary fat, that caused the
- high blood lipids seen in the affluent countries, and consequently the diseases. He was sure it was a specific
- chemical effect of the fructose, because he argued that the nutrients that were removed in refining white flour
- and white sugar were insignificant, in the whole diet. Following the publication of Yudkin's books, and
- coinciding with increasing promotion of the health benefits of unsaturated vegetable oils, many people were
- converted to Yudkin's version of the lipid theory of heart disease, i.e., that the "bad lipids" in the blood are
- the result of eating sugar. This has grown into essentially a cult, in which sugar is believed to act like an
- intoxicant, forcing people to eat until they become obese, and develop the "metabolic syndrome," and "diabetes,"
- and the many problems that derive from that. The publicity campaign against "saturated fat" as an ally of
- cholesterol derived its support from the commercial promotion of the polyunsaturated seed oils as food for
- humans. Although the early investigators of vitamin E knew that the polyunsaturated oils could cause sterility,
- and others later found that their use in commercial animal foods could cause brain degeneration, there were a
- few biologists (mostly associated with George Burr) who believed that this type of fatty acid is an essential
- nutrient. George and Mildred Burr had created what they claimed to be a disease in rats caused by the absence of
- linoleic or linolenic acid in their food. Although well known researchers had previously published evidence that
- animals on a fat free diet were healthy--even healthier than on a normal diet--Burr and his wife published their
- contradictory claim without bothering to discuss the conflicting evidence. I haven't seen any instance in which
- Burr or his followers ever mentioned the conflicting evidence. Although other biologists didn't accept Burr's
- claims, and several researchers subsequently published contrary results, he later became famous when the seed
- oil industry wanted scientific-seeming reasons for selling their product as an "essential" food. The fact that
- eating the polyunsaturated fats could cause the blood cholesterol level to decrease slightly was advertised as a
- health benefit. Later, when human trials showed that more people on the "heart healthy" diet died of heart
- disease and cancer, more conventional means of advertising were used instead of human tests. Burr's experimental
- diet consisted of purified casein (milk protein) and purified sucrose, supplemented with a vitamin concentrate
- and some minerals. Several of the B vitamins weren't known at the time, and the mineral mixture lacked zinc,
- copper, manganese, molybdenum, and selenium. More of the essential nutrients were unknown in his time than in
- Yudkin's, so his failure to consider the possibility of other nutritional deficiencies affecting health is more
- understandable. In 1933, Burr observed that his fat-deficient rats consumed oxygen at an extremely high rate,
- and even then, the thought didn't occur to him that other nutritional deficiencies might have been involved in
- the condition he described. Ordinarily, the need for vitamins and minerals corresponds to the rate at which
- calories are being burned, the metabolic rate. Burr recalled that the rats on the fat free diet drank more
- water, and he reasoned that the absence of linoleic or linolenic acid in their skin was allowing water vapor to
- escape at a high rate. He didn't explain why the saturated fats the rats were synthesizing from sugar didn't
- serve at least as well as a "vapor barrier"; they are more effective at water-proofing than unsaturated fats,
- because of their greater hydrophobicity. The condensed and cross-linked keratin protein in skin cells is the
- main reason for the skin's relatively low permeability. When an animal is burning calories at a higher rate, its
- sweat glands are more actively maintaining a normal body temperature, cooling by evaporation; the amount of
- water evaporated is an approximate measure of metabolic rate, and of thyroid function. In 1936, a man in Burr's
- lab, William Brown, agreed to eat a similar diet for six months, to see whether the "essential fatty acid
- deficiency" affected humans as it did rats. The diet was very similar to the rats', with a large part of the
- daily 2500 calories being provided at hourly intervals during the day by sugar syrup (flavored with citric acid
- and anise oil), protein from 4 quarts of special fat-free skimmed milk, a quart of which was made into cottage
- cheese, the juice of half an orange, and a "biscuit" made with potato starch, baking powder, mineral oil, and
- salt, with iron, viosterol (vitamin D), and carotene supplemented. Brown had suffered from weekly migraine
- headaches since childhood, and his blood pressure was a little high when he began the diet. After six weeks on
- the diet, his migraines stopped, and never returned. His plasma inorganic phosphorus declined slightly during
- the experiment (3.43 mg./100 cc. of plasma and 2.64 on the diet, and after six months on a normal diet 4.2
- mg.%), and his total serum proteins increased from 6.98 gm.% to 8.06 gm.% on the experimental diet. His
- leucocyte count was lower on the high sugar diet, but he didn't experience colds or other sickness. On a normal
- diet, his systolic blood pressure varied from 140 to 150 mm. of mercury, the diastolic, 95 to 100. After a few
- months on the sugar and milk diet, his blood pressure had lowered to about 130 over 85 to 88. Several months
- after he returned to a normal diet, his blood pressure rose to the previous level. On a normal diet, his weight
- was 152 pounds, and his metabolic rate was from 9% to 12% below normal, but after six months on the diet it had
- increased to 2% below normal. After three months on the sugar and milk diet, his weight leveled off at 138
- pounds. After being on the diet, when he ate 2000 calories of sugar and milk within two hours, his respiratory
- quotient would exceed 1.0, but on his normal diet his maximum respiratory quotient following those foods was
- less than 1.0. The effect of diabetes is to keep the respiratory quotient low, since a respiratory quotient of
- one corresponds to the oxidation of pure carbohydrate, and extreme diabetics oxidize fat in preference to
- carbohydrate, and may have a quotient just a little above 0.7. The results of Brown's and Burr's experiments
- could be interpreted to mean that the polyunsaturated fats not only lower the metabolic rate, but especially
- interfere with the metabolism of sugars. In other words, they suggest that the normal diet is diabetogenic.
- During the six months of the experiment, the unsaturation of Brown's serum lipids decreased. The authors
- reported that "There was no essential change in the serum cholesterol as a result of the change in diet."
- However, in November and December, two months before the experiment began, it had been 252 mg.% in two
- measurements. At the beginning of the test, it was 298, two weeks later, 228, and four months later, 206 mg%.
- The total quantity of lipids in his blood didn't seem to change much, since the triglycerides increased as the
- cholesterol decreased. By the time of Brown's experiment, other researchers had demonstrated that the
- cholesterol level was increased in hypothyroidism, and decreased as thyroid function, and oxygen consumption,
- increased. If Burr's team had been reading the medical literature, they would have understood the relation
- between Brown's increased metabolic rate and decreased cholesterol level. But they did record the facts, which
- is valuable. The authors wrote that "The most interesting subjective effect of the 'fat-free' regimen was the
- definite disappearance of a feeling of fatigue at the end of the day's work." A lowered metabolic rate and
- energy production is a common feature of aging and most degenerative diseases. From the beginning of an animal's
- life, sugars are the primary source of energy, and with maturation and aging there is a shift toward replacing
- sugar oxidation with fat oxidation. Old people are able to metabolize fat at the same rate as younger people,
- but their overall metabolic rate is lower, because they are unable to oxidize sugar at the same high rate as
- young people. Fat people have a similar selectively reduced ability to oxidize sugar. Stress and starvation lead
- to a relative reliance on the fats stored in the tissues, and the mobilization of these as circulating free
- fatty acids contributes to a slowing of metabolism and a shift away from the use of glucose for energy. This is
- adaptive in the short term, since relatively little glucose is stored in the tissues (as glycogen), and the
- proteins making up the body would be rapidly consumed for energy, if it were not for the reduced energy demands
- resulting from the effects of the free fatty acids. One of the points at which fatty acids suppress the use of
- glucose is at the point at which it is converted into fructose, in the process of glycolysis. When fructose is
- available, it can by-pass this barrier to the use of glucose, and continue to provide pyruvic acid for
- continuing oxidative metabolism, and if the mitochondria themselves aren't providing sufficient energy, it can
- leave the cell as lactate, allowing continuing glycolytic energy production. In the brain, this can sustain life
- in an emergency. Many people lately have been told, as part of a campaign to explain the high incidence of fatty
- liver degeneration in the US, supposedly resulting from eating too much sugar, that fructose can be metabolized
- only by the liver. The liver does have the highest capacity for metabolizing fructose, but the other organs do
- metabolize it. If fructose can by-pass the fatty acids' inhibition of glucose metabolism, to be oxidized when
- glucose can't, and if the metabolism of diabetes involves the oxidation of fatty acids instead of glucose, then
- we would expect there to be less than the normal amount of fructose in the serum of diabetics, although their
- defining trait is the presence of an increased amount of glucose. According to Osuagwu and Madumere (2008), that
- is the case. If a fructose deficiency exists in diabetes, then it is appropriate to supplement it in the diet.
- Besides being one of the forms of sugar involved in ordinary energy production, interchangeable with glucose,
- fructose has some special functions, that aren't as well performed by glucose. It is the main sugar involved in
- reproduction, in the seminal fluid and intrauterine fluid, and in the developing fetus. After these crucial
- stages of life are past, glucose becomes the primary molecular source of energy, except when the system is under
- stress. It has been suggested (Jauniaux, et al., 2005) that the predominance of fructose rather than glucose in
- the embryo's environment helps to maintain ATP and the oxidative state (cellular redox potential) during
- development in the low-oxygen environment. The placenta turns glucose from the mother's blood into fructose, and
- the fructose in the mother's blood can pass through into the fetus, and although glucose can move back from the
- fetus into the mother's blood, fructose is unable to move in that direction, so a high concentration is
- maintained in the fluids around the fetus. The control of the redox potential is sometimes called the "redox
- signalling system," since it coherently affects all processes and conditions in the cell, including pH and
- hydrophobicity. For example, when a cell prepares to divide, the balance shifts strongly away from the oxidative
- condition, with increases in the ratios of NADH to NAD+, of GSH to GSSG, and of lactate to pyruvate. These same
- shifts occur during most kinds of stress. In natural stress, decreased availability of oxygen or nutrients is
- often the key problem, and many poisons can produce similar interference with energy production, for example
- cyanide or carbon monoxide, which block the use of oxygen, or ethanol, which inhibits the oxidation of sugars,
- fats, and amino acids (Shelmet, et al., 1988). When oxygen isn't constantly removing electrons from cells (being
- chemically reduced by them) those electrons will react elsewhere, creating free radicals (including activated
- oxygen) and reduced iron, that will create inappropriate chemical reactions (Niknahad, et al., 1995;
- MacAllister, et al., 2011). Stresses and poisons of many different types, interfering with the normal flow of
- electrons to oxygen, produce large amounts of free radicals, which can spread structural and chemical damage,
- involving all systems of the cell. Ethyl alcohol is a common potentially toxic substance that can have this
- effect, causing oxidative damage by allowing an excess of electrons to accumulate in the cell, shifting the
- cells' balance away from the stable oxidized state. Fructose has been known for many years to accelerate the
- oxidation of ethanol (by about 80%). Oxygen consumption in the presence of ethanol is increased by fructose more
- than by glucose (Thieden and Lundquist, 1967). Besides removing the alcohol from the body more quickly, it
- prevents the oxidative damage, by maintaining or restoring the cell's redox balance, the relatively oxidized
- state of the NADH/NAD+, lactate/pyruvate, and GSH/GSSH systems. Although glucose has this stabilizing,
- pro-oxidative function in many situations, this is a general feature of fructose, sometimes allowing it to have
- the opposite effect of glucose on the cell's redox state. It seems to be largely this generalized shift of the
- cell's redox state towards oxidation that is behind the ability of a small amount of fructose to catalyze the
- more rapid oxidation of a large amount of glucose. Besides protecting against the reductive stresses, fructose
- can also protect against the oxidative stress of increased hydrogen peroxide (Spasojevic, et al., 2009). Its
- metabolite, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, is even more effective as an antioxidant. Keeping the metabolic rate high
- has many benefits, including the rapid renewal of cells and their components, such as cholesterol and other
- lipids, and proteins, which are always susceptible to damage from oxidants, but the high metabolic rate also
- tends to keep the redox system in the proper balance, reducing the rate of oxidative damage. Endotoxin absorbed
- from the intestine is one of the ubiquitous stresses that tends to cause free radical damage. Fructose, probably
- more than glucose, is protective against damage from endotoxin. Many stressors cause capillary leakage, allowing
- albumin and other blood components to enter extracellular spaces or to be lost in the urine, and this is a
- feature of diabetes, obesity, and a variety of inflammatory and degenerative diseases including Alzheimer's
- disease (Szekanecz and Koch, 2008; Ujiie, et al., 2003). Although the mechanism isn't understood, fructose
- supports capillary integrity; fructose feeding for 4 and 8 weeks caused a 56% and 51% reduction in capillary
- leakage, respectively (Chakir, et al., 1998; Plante, et al., 2003). The ability of the mitochondria to oxidize
- pyruvic acid and glucose is characteristically lost to some degree in cancer. When this oxidation fails, the
- disturbed redox balance of the cell will usually lead to the cell's death, but if it can survive, this balance
- favors growth and cell division, rather than differentiated function. This was Otto Warburg's discovery, that
- was rejected by official medicine for 75 years. Cancer researchers have become interested in this enzyme system
- that controls the oxidation of pyruvic acid (and thus sugar) by the mitochondria, since these enzymes are
- crucially defective in cancer cells (and also in diabetes). The chemical DCA, dichloroacetate, is effective
- against a variety of cancers, and it acts by reactivating the enzymes that oxidize pyruvic acid. Thyroid
- hormone, insulin, and fructose also activate these enzymes. These are the enzymes that are inactivated by
- excessive exposure to fatty acids, and that are involved in the progressive replacement of sugar oxidation by
- fat oxidation, during stress and aging, and in degenerative diseases; for example, a process that inactivates
- the energy-producing pyruvate dehydrogenase in Alzheimer's disease has been identified (Ishiguro, 1998).
- Niacinamide, by lowering free fatty acids and regulating the redox system, supporting sugar oxidation, is useful
- in the whole spectrum of metabolic degenerative diseases. A few times in the last 80 years, people (starting
- with Nasonov) have recognized that the hydrophobicity of a cell changes with its degree of excitation, and with
- its energy level. Recently, even in non-living physical-chemical systems, hydrophobicity and redox potential
- have been seen to vary together and to influence each other. Recent work shows how the oxidation of fatty acids
- contributes to the dissolution of mitochondria (Macchioni, et al., 2010). At first glance it might seem odd that
- the presence of fatty material could reduce the "fat loving" (lipophilic, equivalent to hydrophobic) property of
- a cell, but the fat used as fuel is in the form of fatty acids, which are soap-like, and spontaneously introduce
- "wetness" into the relatively water-resistant cell substance. The presence of fatty acids, impairing the last
- oxidative stage of respiration, increases the tendency of the mitochondrion to release its cytochrome c into the
- cell in a reduced form, leading to the apoptotic death of the cell. The oxidized form of the cytochrome is more
- hydrophobic, and stable. Burr didn't understand that it was his rats' high sugar diet, freed of the
- anti-oxidative unsaturated fatty acids, that caused their extremely high metabolic rate, but since that time
- many experiments have made it clear that it is specifically the fructose component of sucrose that is protective
- against the antimetabolic fats. Although Brown, et al., weren't focusing on the biological effects of sugar,
- their results are important in the history of sugar research because their work was done before the culture had
- been influenced by the development of the lipid theory of heart disease, and the later idea that fructose is
- responsible for increasing the blood lipids. In 1963 and 1964, experiments (Carroll, 1964) showed that the
- effects of glucose and fructose were radically affected by the type of fat in the diet. Although 0.6% of
- calories as polyunsaturated fat prevents the appearance of the Mead acid (which is considered to indicate a
- deficiency of essential fats) the "high fructose" diets consistently add 10% or more corn oil or other highly
- unsaturated fat to the diet. These large quantities of PUFA aren't necessary to prevent a deficiency, but they
- are needed to obscure the beneficial effects of fructose. Many studies have found that sucrose is less fattening
- than starch or glucose, that is, that more calories can be consumed without gaining weight. During exercise, the
- addition of fructose to glucose increases the oxidation of carbohydrate by about 50% (Jentjens and Jeukendrup,
- 2005). In another experiment, rats were fed either sucrose or Coca-Cola and Purina chow, and were allowed to eat
- as much as they wanted (Bukowiecki, et al, 1983). They consumed 50% more calories without gaining extra weight,
- relative to the standard diet. Ruzzin, et al. (2005) observed rats given a 10.5% or 35% sucrose solution, or
- water, and observed that the sucrose increased their energy consumption by about 15% without increasing weight
- gain. Macor, et al. (1990) found that glucose caused a smaller increase in metabolic rate in obese people than
- in normal weight people, but that fructose increased their metabolic rate as much as it did that of the normal
- weight people. Tappy, et al. (1993) saw a similar increase in heat production in obese people, relative to the
- effect of glucose. Brundin, et al. (1993) compared the effects of glucose and fructose in healthy people, and
- saw a greater oxygen consumption with fructose, and also an increase in the temperature of the blood, and a
- greater increase in carbon dioxide production. These metabolic effects have led several groups to recommend the
- use of fructose for treating shock, the stress of surgery, or infection (e.g., Adolph, et al., 1995). The
- commonly recommended alternative to sugar in the diet is starch, but many studies show that it produces all of
- the effects that are commonly ascribed to sucrose and fructose, for example hyperglycemia (Villaume, et al.,
- 1984) and increased weight gain. The addition of fructose to glucose "can markedly reduce hyperglycemia during
- intraportal glucose infusion by increasing net hepatic glucose uptake even when insulin secretion is
- compromised" (Shiota, et al., 2005). "Fructose appears most effective in those normal individuals who have the
- poorest glucose tolerance" (Moore, et al., 2000). Lipid peroxidation is involved in the degenerative diseases,
- and many publications argue that fructose increases it, despite the fact that it can increase the production of
- uric acid, which is a major component of our endogenous antioxidant system (e.g., Waring, et al., 2003). When
- rats were fed for 8 weeks on a diet with 18% fructose and 11% saturated fatty acids, the content of
- polyunsatured fats in the blood decreased, as they had in the Brown, et al., experiment, and their total
- antioxidant status was increased (Girard, et al., 2005). When stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats were
- given 60% fructose, superoxide dismutase in their liver was increased, and the authors suggest that this "may
- constitute an early protective mechanism" (Brosnan and Carkner, 2008). When people were given a 300 calorie
- drink containing glucose, or fructose, or orange juice, those receiving the glucose had a large increase in
- oxidative and inflammatory stress (reactive oxygen species, and NF-kappaB binding), and those changes were
- absent in those receiving the fructose or orange juice (Ghanim, et al., 2007). One of the observations in Brown,
- et al., was that the level of phosphate in the serum decreased during the experimental diet. Several later
- studies show that fructose increases the excretion of phosphate in the urine, while decreasing the level in the
- serum. However, a common opinion is that it's only the phosphorylation of fructose, increasing the amount in
- cells, that causes the decrease in the serum; that could account for the momentary drop in serum phosphate
- during a fructose load, but--since there is only so much phosphate that can be bound to intracellular
- fructose--it can't account for the chronic depression of the serum phosphate on a continuing diet of fructose or
- sucrose. There are many reasons to think that a slight reduction of serum phosphate would be beneficial. It has
- been suggested that eating fruit is protective against prostate cancer, by lowering serum phosphate (Kapur,
- 2000). The aging suppressing gene discovered in 1997, named after the Greek life-promoting goddess Klotho,
- suppresses the reabsorption of phosphate by the kidney (which is also a function of the parathyroid hormone),
- and inhibits the formation of the activated form of vitamin D, opposing the effect of the parathyroid hormone.
- In the absence of the gene, serum phosphate is high, and the animal ages and dies prematurely. In humans, in
- recent years a very close association has been has been documented between increased phosphate levels, within
- the normal range, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Serum phosphate is increased in people with
- osteoporosis (Gallagher, et al., 1980), and various treatments that lower serum phosphate improve bone
- mineralization, with the retention of calcium phosphate (Ma and Fu, 2010; Batista, et al., 2010; Kelly, et al.,
- 1967; Parfitt, 1965; Kim, et al., 2003). At high altitude, or when taking a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, there
- is more carbon dioxide in the blood, and the serum phosphate is lower; sucrose and fructose increase the
- respiratory quotient and carbon dioxide production, and this is probably a factor in lowering the serum
- phosphate. Fructose affects the body's ability to retain other nutrients, including magnesium, copper, calcium,
- and other minerals. Comparing diets with 20% of the calories from fructose or from cornstarch, Holbrook, et al.
- (1989) concluded "The results indicate that dietary fructose enhances mineral balance." Ordinarily, things (such
- as thyroid and vitamin D) which improve the retention of magnesium and other nutrients are considered good, but
- the fructose mythology allows researchers to conclude, after finding an increased magnesium balance, with either
- 4% or 20% of energy from fructose (compared to cornstarch, bread, and rice), "that dietary fructose adversely
- affects macromineral homeostasis in humans." (Milne and Nielsen, 2000). Another study compared the effects of a
- diet with plain water, or water containing 13% glucose, or sucrose, or fructose, or high fructose corn syrup on
- the properties of rats' bones: Bone mineral density and mineral content, and bone strength, and mineral balance.
- The largest differences were between animals drinking the glucose and the fructose solutions. The rats getting
- the glucose had reduced phosphorus in their bones, and more calcium in their urine, than the rats that got
- fructose. "The results suggested that glucose rather than fructose exerted more deleterious effects on mineral
- balance and bone" (Tsanzi, et al., 2008). An older experiment compared two groups with an otherwise well
- balanced diet, lacking vitamin D, containing either 68% starch or 68% sucrose. A third group got the starch
- diet, but with added vitamin D. The rats on the vitamin D deficient starch diet had very low levels of calcium
- in their blood, and the calcium content of their bones was low, exactly what is expected with the vitamin D
- deficiency. However, the rats on the sucrose diet, also vitamin D deficient, had normal levels of calcium in
- their blood. The sucrose, unlike the starch, maintained claim homeostasis. A radioactive calcium tracer showed
- normal uptake by the bone, and also apparently normal bone development, although their bones were lighter than
- those receiving vitamin D. People have told me that when they looked for articles on fructose in PubMed they
- couldn't find anything except articles about its bad effects. There are two reasons for that. PubMed, like the
- earlier Index Medicus, represents the material in the National Library of Medicine, and is a medical, rather
- than a scientific, database, and there is a large amount of important research that it ignores. And because of
- the authoritarian and conformist nature of the medical profession, when a researcher observes something that is
- contrary to majority opinion, the title of the publication is unlikely to focus on that. In too many articles in
- medical journals, the title and conclusions positively misrepresent the data reported in the article. When the
- idea of "glycemic index" was being popularized by dietitians, it was already known that starch, consisting of
- chains of glucose molecules, had a much higher index than fructose and sucrose. The more rapid appearance of
- glucose in the blood stimulates more insulin, and insulin stimulates fat synthesis, when there is more glucose
- than can be oxidized immediately. If starch or glucose is eaten at the same time as polyunsaturated fats, which
- inhibit its oxidation, it will produce more fat. Many animal experiments show this, even when they are intending
- to show the dangers of fructose and sucrose. For example (Thresher, et al., 2000), rats were fed diets with 68%
- carbohydrate, 12% fat (corn oil), and 20% protein. In one group the carbohydrate was starch (cornstarch and
- maltodextrin, with a glucose equivalence of 10%), and in other groups it was either 68% sucrose, or 34% fructose
- and 34% glucose, or 34% fructose and 34% starch. (An interesting oddity, fasting triglycerides were highest in
- the fructose+starch group.) The weight of their fat pads (epididymal, retroperitoneal, and mesenteric) was
- greatest in the fructose+starch group, and least in the sucrose group. The starch group's fat was intermediate
- in weight between those of the sucrose and the fructose+glucose groups. At the beginning of the experimental
- diet, the average weight of the animals was 213.1 grams. After five weeks, the animals in the fructose+glucose
- group gained 164 grams, those in the sucrose group gained 177 grams, and those in the starch group gained 199.2
- grams. The animals ate as much of the diet as they wanted, and those in the sucrose group ate the least. The
- purpose of their study was to see whether fructose causes "glucose intolerance" and "insulin resistance." Since
- insulin stimulates appetite (Chance, et al, 1986; Dulloo and Girardier, 1989; Czech, 1988; DiBattista, 1983;
- Sonoda, 1983; Godbole and York, 1978), and fat synthesis, the reduced food consumption and reduced weight gain
- show that fructose was protecting against these potentially harmful effects of insulin. Much of the current
- concern about the dangers of fructose is focussed on the cornstarch-derived high fructose corn syrup, HFCS. Many
- studies assume that its composition is nearly all fructose and glucose. However, Wahjudi, et al. (2010) analyzed
- samples of it before and after hydrolyzing it in acid, to break down other carbohydrates present in it. They
- found that the carbohydrate content was several times higher than the listed values. "The underestimation of
- carbohydrate content in beverages may be a contributing factor in the development of obesity in children," and
- it's especially interesting that so much of it is present in the form of starch-like materials. Many people are
- claiming that fructose consumption has increased greatly in the last 30 or 40 years, and that this is
- responsible for the epidemic of obesity and diabetes. According to the USDA Economic Research Service, the 2007
- calorie consumption as flour and cereal products increased 3% from 1970, while added sugar calories decreased
- 1%. Calories from meats, eggs, and nuts decreased 4%, from dairy foods decreased 3%, and calories from added
- fats increased 7%. The percentage of calories from fruits and vegetables stayed the same. The average person
- consumed 603 calories per day more in 2007 than in 1970. If changes in the national diet are responsible for the
- increase of obesity, diabetes, and the diseases associated with them, then it would seem that the increased
- consumption of fat and starch is responsible, and that would be consistent with the known effects of starches
- and polyunsaturated fats. In monkeys living in the wild, when their diet is mainly fruit, their cortisol is low,
- and it rises when they eat a diet with less sugar (Behie, et al., 2010). Sucrose consumption lowers ACTH, the
- main pituitary stress hormone (Klement, et al., 2009; Ulrich-Lai, et al., 2007), and stress promotes increased
- sugar and fat consumption (Pecoraro, et al., 2004). If animals' adrenal glands are removed, so that they lack
- the adrenal steroids, they choose to consume more sucrose (Laugero, et al., 2001). Stress seems to be perceived
- as a need for sugar. In the absence of sucrose, satisfying this need with starch and fat is more likely to lead
- to obesity. The glucocorticoid hormones inhibit the metabolism of sugar. Sugar is essential for brain
- development and maintenance. The effects of environmental stimulation and deprivation-stress can be detected in
- the thickness of the brain cortex in as little as 4 days in growing rats (Diamond, et al., 1976). These effects
- can persist through a lifetime, and are even passed on transgenerationally. Experimental evidence shows that
- polyunsaturated (omega-3) fats retard fetal brain development, and that sugar promotes it. These facts argue
- against some of the currently popular ideas of the evolution of the human brain based on ancestral diets of fish
- or meat, which only matters as far as those anthropological theories are used to argue against fruits and other
- sugars in the present diet. Honey has been used therapeutically for thousands of years, and recently there has
- been some research documenting a variety of uses, including treatment of ulcers and colitis, and other
- inflammatory conditions. Obesity increases mediators of inflammation, including the C-reactive protein (CRP) and
- homocysteine. Honey, which contains free fructose and free glucose, lowers CRP and homocysteine, as well as
- triglycerides, glucose, and cholesterol, while it increased insulin more than sucrose did (Al-Waili, 2004).
- Hypoglycemia intensifies inflammatory reactions, and insulin can reduce inflammation if sugar is available.
- Obesity, like diabetes, seems to involve a cellular energy deficiency, resulting from the inability to
- metabolize sugar. Sucrose (and sometimes honey) is increasingly being used to reduce pain in newborns, for minor
- things such as injections (Guala, et al., 2001; Okan, et al., 2007; Anand, et al., 2005; Schoen and Fischell,
- 1991). It's also effective in adults. It acts by influencing a variety of nerve systems, and also reduces
- stress. Insulin is probably involved in sugar analgesia, as it is in inflammation, since it promotes entry of
- endorphins into the brain (Witt, et al., 2000). An extracellular phosphorylated fructose metabolite,
- diphosphoglycerate, has an essential regulatory effect in the blood; another fructose metabolite, fructose
- diphosphate, can reduce mast cell histamine release and protect against oxidative and hypoxic injury and
- endotoxic shock, and it reduces the expression of the inflammation mediators TNF-alpha, IL-6, nitric oxide
- synthase, and the activation of NF-kappaB, among other protective effects, and its therapeutic value is known,
- but its relation to dietary sugars hasn't been investigated. A daily diet that includes two quarts of milk and a
- quart of orange juice provides enough fructose and other sugars for general resistance to stress, but larger
- amounts of fruit juice, honey, or other sugars can protect against increased stress, and can reverse some of the
- established degenerative conditions. Refined granulated sugar is extremely pure, but it lacks all of the
- essential nutrients, so it should be considered as a temporary therapeutic material, or as an occasional
- substitute when good fruit isn't available, or when available honey is allergenic. <h3>
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