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  3. <title>Calcium and Disease: Hypertension, organ calcification, &amp; shock, vs. respiratory energy</title>
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  6. <h1>
  7. Calcium and Disease: Hypertension, organ calcification, &amp; shock, vs. respiratory energy
  8. </h1>
  9. <p>
  10. <em>
  11. SOME CONTEXTS In biology and biochemistry, calcium is the substance most often studied, so it is
  12. significant that researchers still speak of a calcium paradox. There are several such paradoxes: As
  13. bones lose calcium, the soft tissues calcify; when less calcium is eaten, blood calcium may increase,
  14. along with calcium in many organs and tissues; if an organ such as the heart is deprived of calcium for
  15. a short time, its cells lose their ability to respond normally to calcium, and instead they take up a
  16. large, toxic amount of calcium. Magnesium deficiency and calcium deficiency have some similar symptoms
  17. (such as cramping), but magnesium is antagonistic to calcium in many systems. It is the basic protective
  18. calcium blocker. Inflammation leads to excessive uptake of calcium by cells, and is a factor in obesity,
  19. depression, and the degenerative diseases. Protein deficiency is an important cause of deranged calcium
  20. metabolism. Vitamins K, E, and A are important in regulating calcium metabolism, and preventing
  21. osteoporosis. Aspirin (with antiestrogenic and vitamin E-like actions) is protective against bone
  22. resorption and hypercalcemia.
  23. </em>
  24. <hr />
  25. It is extremely important to realize that calcium deposits in soft tissues become worse when the diet is <em
  26. >low in calcium.</em> Persons suffering from arthritis, bursitis, scleroderma, hardening of the arteries and
  27. any abnormality where calcium deposits or spurs may cause pain are often afraid to eat foods rich in
  28. calcium. Actually they can never improve until their calcium and magnesium intakes are adequate. Not
  29. infrequently physicians tell individuals with kidney stones to avoid all milk, thereby causing stones to
  30. form even more rapidly. Such calcium deposits can also occur when vitamin E is undersupplied. After
  31. open-heart surgery, when both magnesium and vitamin E are drastically needed and could easily be given, the
  32. calcification of heart muscles often becomes so severe that it can cause death within a few days. Pages
  33. 171-172,<em>
  34. Lets Eat Right to Keep Fit,</em> Adelle Davis, Signet, 1970.
  35. <hr />
  36. Almost all biologists think of the organism as a machine, regulated by information according to innate
  37. programs. When it comes down to the details, their explanations sometimes make Rube Goldbergs imaginary
  38. contraptions seem elegant. At their best, they usually rely on some mysterious things called ionic pumps,
  39. that perform active transport, powered by little motors, under instructions from molecules that act on their
  40. specific receptors. When things get unmanageable, the biologists speak of paradoxes. Calcium is the most
  41. studied of all regulatory molecules, so it isnt surprising that there is more than one calcium paradox. But
  42. there are ways of looking at the organism, focusing on energy metabolism, that dont involve the <em>ad
  43. hoc</em> theory of calcium pumps, and that make it easy to keep things in context. Ionized atoms and
  44. molecules behave in orderly ways, in relation to their size and their electrical charge. Organic material,
  45. even when its dead, selectively binds certain metal ions, and excludes others. The living organism produces
  46. a stream of metabolic products, such as carbon dioxide or lactic acid, which interact specifically with each
  47. other and with the metal ions, modifying their concentrations inside cells and in the body fluids. This
  48. movement of ions can be called active transport, without invoking the mysterious machinery of membrane
  49. pumps. Chemical changes produced inside cells, for example by respiration, create different electrical
  50. charges in different compartments (inside and outside of capillaries, for example) which affect the
  51. movements of water and ions, by simple physical processes, not by molecular pumps. The result of these
  52. passive and active processes is that each kind of ion has a characteristic concentration in each
  53. compartment, according to the metabolic energy state of the organism. Magnesium and potassium are mainly
  54. intracellular ions, sodium and calcium are mainly extracellular ions. When cells are excited, stressed, or
  55. de-energized, they lose magnesium and potassium, and take up sodium and calcium. The mitochondria can bind a
  56. certain amount of calcium during stress, but accumulating calcium can reach a point at which it inactivates
  57. the mitochondria, forcing cells to increase their inefficient glycolytic energy production, producing an
  58. excess of lactic acid. Abnormal calcification begins in the mitochondria. When cells are stressed or dying,
  59. they take up calcium, which tends to excite the cells at the same time that it inhibits their energy
  60. production, intensifying their stress. A cramp or a seizure is an example of uncontrolled cellular
  61. excitation. Prolonged excitation and stress contribute to tissue inflammation and fibrosis. Gross
  62. calcification generally follows the fibrosis that is produced by inflammation. Arteries, kidneys, and other
  63. organs calcify during aging. At the age of 90, the amount of calcium in the elastic layer of an artery is
  64. about 35 times greater than at the age of 20. Nearly every type of tissue, including the brain, is
  65. susceptible to the inflammatory process that leads through fibrosis to calcification. The exception is the
  66. skeleton, which loses its calcium as the soft tissues absorb calcium. These observations lead to some
  67. simplifying ideas about the nature of aging and disease. Some people who know about the involvement of
  68. calcium in aging, stress, and degeneration suggest eating a low calcium diet, but since we all have
  69. skeletons, dietary calcium restriction cant protect our cells, and in fact, it usually intensifies the
  70. process of calcification of the soft tissues. Statistics from several countries have clearly shown that the
  71. mortality rate (especially from arteriosclerotic heart disease, but also from some other diseases, including
  72. cancer) is lower than average in regions that have hard water, which often contains a very large amount of
  73. either calcium or magnesium. Many studies have shown that dietary calcium (or vitamin D, which increases
  74. calcium absorption) can have very important antiinflammatory effects. About 25 years ago, David McCarron
  75. noticed that the governments data on diet and hypertension showed that the people who ate the most salt had
  76. the lowest blood pressure, and those who ate the least salt had the highest pressure. He showed that a
  77. calcium deficiency, rather than a sodium excess, was the most likely nutritional explanation for
  78. hypertension. Hans Selye found that some steroids contribute to inflammation and calcification. Animals
  79. could be sensitized to develop calciphylaxis, an intense, localized interaction of inflammation and
  80. calcification. In the 1970s, Constance Martin pointed out that, up to that time, estrogen was known to
  81. increase soft tissue calcium, but hadnt been shown to improve bone calcification and strength. Oxygen
  82. deprivation, cyanide poisoning, x-irradiation, and all other sorts of injury also increase the calcium
  83. content of soft tissues. One of Selyes colleagues, G. Jasmin, showed that magnesium deficiency causes
  84. inflammation. A deficiency of either calcium or magnesium can stimulate the parathyroid glands to produce
  85. more hormone (parathyroid hormone, PTH), which increases calcium absorption, but also removes calcium from
  86. the bones. This hormone, responding to a dietary calcium or magnesium deficiency, is an important factor in
  87. causing cells to take up too much calcium, and its excess is associated with many inflammatory and
  88. degenerative diseases. Interleukin-6 (IL-6), an inflammatory cytokine which increases with aging, is
  89. commonly considered to have an important role in the multiple processes of atrophy in old age. One of the
  90. things which can increase the production of IL-6 is the parathyroid hormone (PTH), which increases the
  91. amount of calcium circulating in the blood, partly by causing it to be removed from the bones; IL-6
  92. stimulates the process of calcium removal from bones. Some of the interactions of hormones and other
  93. regulatory chemicals are interesting, even though they are normally treated as if they were parts of a
  94. machine that operates according to a hidden program written in the genes. Prolactin, which is increased
  95. under the influence of estrogen or serotonin, causes the body to lose calcium (drawing it from the bones),
  96. and it stimulates the secretion of PTH, which compensates for the calcium loss by increasing its
  97. mobilization from bones. Prolactins action on bone is at least partly by increasing IL-6 formation; IL-6
  98. stimulates the release of prolactin. Serotonin and IL-6 stimulate each others secretion, and PTH and
  99. serotonin each stimulate the others release.. PTH (like estrogen and serotonin) inhibits cellular
  100. respiration and activates glycolysis, lowering the ATP level and shifting the cells metabolism toward the
  101. production of lactic acid rather than carbon dioxide. PTH also causes bicarbonate to be lost in the urine.
  102. Since the formation of carbon dioxide lowers the intracellular pH, and the formation of lactic acid raises
  103. it (through the reaction of NADH with pyruvate), the proteins in the cell become more strongly negatively
  104. charged under the influence of oxygen deprivation, or under the influence of these hormones. In the cell
  105. with high pH and increased negative electrical charge, the positively charged calcium ion is absorbed into
  106. the cytoplasm. The calcium can enter from the relatively concentrated external fluid, but it can also be
  107. released from acidic intracellular stores, the way serotonin is released by a disturbance of pH. There are
  108. several other pro-inflammatory substances, such as the cytokines, that have a similar effect on cellular
  109. energy systems. The antimetabolic actions of PTH mimic those seen in aging and diabetes, and surgical
  110. removal of the parathyroid glands has been known to eliminate diabetes. PTH can cause diuresis, leading to
  111. loss of blood volume and dehydration, hypertension, paralysis, increased rate of cell division, and growth
  112. of cartilage, bone, and other tissues. Simply eating an adequate amount of calcium and magnesium can
  113. alleviate many problems related to stress and aging that are considered serious, such as heart arrhythmia,
  114. pancreatitis, and tissue calcification. The antiinflammatory, anti-allergy actions of calcium and magnesium
  115. are well established, and there is clear evidence that obesity and various emotional disturbances can result
  116. from their deficiency. Chronically high PTH can produce anemia, by a variety of mechanisms. Since a very low
  117. sodium diet increases the loss of magnesium, by increasing aldosterone synthesis, simply increasing the
  118. amount of sodium in the diet can help some people to balance their minerals and minimize stress. During
  119. fasting and other intense stress, the kidneys destroy a large amount of protein to form ammonia to maintain
  120. their ability to excrete acids, so using a large amount of the alkaline minerals can reduce the protein
  121. catabolism. A diet of milk and fruit, or milk and meat, provides a nutritional balance with generous amounts
  122. of calcium and magnesium. Leafy vegetables are a very rich source of magnesium, but they are also a
  123. potential source of large amounts of lead and other toxins. In 1960, many people, including the
  124. U.S.government, were advocating the use of a largely vegetarian diet for children, because of the amount of
  125. radioactive strontium in milk. I compared the amount of strontium in a diet of vegetables that would provide
  126. the necessary quantity of calcium and protein, and it was clear that vegetables were the worst source of
  127. radioactive strontium, because their ratio of strontium to calcium was much higher than the ratio in milk.
  128. The cows were concentrating calcium and protein from the contaminated plant foods, eliminating much of the
  129. strontium. This principle still applies to the toxins that are currently found in the U.S. food supply. Milk
  130. has many protective effects besides providing calcium. Many babies are being given milk substitutes (health
  131. food drinks) made from soy or rice, with terrible consequences. The same products used by adults have less
  132. disastrous effects in the short term, but are still likely to contribute to degeneration and dementia. Much
  133. of the intracellular magnesium is complexed with ATP, and helps to stabilize that molecule. If cellular
  134. energy production is low, as in hypothyroidism, cells tend to lose their magnesium very easily, shifting the
  135. balance toward the lower energy molecule, ADP, with the release of phosphate. ADP complexes with calcium,
  136. rather than magnesium, increasing the cells calcium content. Increased intracellular calcium, in association
  137. with excess nitric oxide and excitatory amino acids, is involved in several neurodegenerative diseases,
  138. including ALS, Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons chorea, and epilepsy. Magnesium,
  139. nicotine, progesterone, and many other substances are known to protect against excitotoxic calcium overload,
  140. but there is no coherent effort in the health professions to make rational use of the available knowledge.
  141. Respiration and carbon dioxide are the basic antagonists of the PTH. At birth, a baby has practically no
  142. PTH, probably because of the high intrauterine concentration of carbon dioxide, but within a few days the
  143. PTH rises. Increased carbon dioxide favors bone formation, and decreased bicarbonate favors the loss of
  144. calcium from bone (Canzanello, et al., 1995; Bushinsky, et al, 2001). The use of sodium bicarbonate can
  145. stimulate bone formation. A low protein diet, similar to that eaten by a large proportion of women (0.8 g/kg
  146. of body weight) increases PTH, and so probably contributes to the development of osteoporosis and the
  147. diseases of calcification. In an extreme protein deficiency, there is a shift towards inflammation,
  148. serotonin excess, and excessive clotting, which might be related to the effect of the milder, more common
  149. protein deficiency. Many people advocate a low protein diet, specifically to prevent or treat osteoporosis,
  150. but the cultures that traditionally have had extremely high protein diets, such as the Masai, are very
  151. healthy. Recent studies (see Bell and Whiting, 2002) are emphasizing the importance of animal protein in
  152. preventing osteoporosis. Traditional meat-eating cultures efficiently use the whole animal, including blood,
  153. skin, bones, and the various organs, rather than just the muscles. That diet is favorable for calcium
  154. regulation, because it provides more vitamin A, D, E, and K, calcium, and gelatin, and less of the
  155. pro-inflammatory amino acids, tryptophan and cysteine. Most loss of calcium from bones occurs during the
  156. night. PTH tends to cycle with prolactin, which increases during the night, along with cortisol and the
  157. other stress hormones. These nocturnal hormones probably account for the morning stiffness seen in many
  158. rheumatic conditions, connective tissue diseases, and in aging. Progesterone, which increases the carbon
  159. dioxide content of the tissues, is remarkably able to inhibit the actions of most of the inflammatory and
  160. catabolic mediators, and to protect against degenerative calcification and osteoporosis. It also protects
  161. against abnormal clotting. PTH increases platelet calcium concentration, and under some conditions can
  162. produce inappropriate coagulation. Aspirin inhibits the actions of PTH, helping to prevent the calcification
  163. of inflamed tissues, and it inhibits the loss of calcium from bones. Aspirin decreases the release of IL-6.
  164. A protein called the PTH-related protein (PTHrP) has the same functions as PTH, but can be produced in any
  165. tissue. It is responsible for the hypercalcemia of cancer, and is apparently involved in the frequent
  166. metastasis of breast cancer to the bones. With only a small change in the theory of the nature of a living
  167. organism, recognizing the importance of the interactions of metabolites and structural substances,
  168. controlled by energetic metabolism, real progress could be made in understanding disease and health. The
  169. most important calcium paradox is that medical journals (e.g.,
  170. <em>International J. of Cardiology, </em>
  171. Dec., 2002) are still promoting the idea that eating too much calcium causes hardening of the arteries and
  172. other diseases of calcification.
  173. <h3>REFERENCES</h3>
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  180. of PTH for fibroblast activation and the genesis of the cardiac fibrosis of uremia.
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  183. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1976 May;5(3):291-3. Recurrent hormone dependent chorea: effects of oestrogens and
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  191. Nutr Rev 2002 Oct;60(10 Pt 1):337-41. Elderly women need dietary protein to maintain bone mass. Bell J,
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  194. associated with bone mineral density. Other studies confirm the beneficial effect of increasing dietary
  195. protein intake in older women to reduce bone mineral density loss and risk of fracture, suggesting that
  196. emphasis should be placed on promoting adequate protein intake in elderly women.
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  204. urinary calcium is derived from bone. In cultured bone, chronic metabolic, but not respiratory, acidosis
  205. increases net calcium efflux (J(Ca)), decreases osteoblastic collagen synthesis, and increases osteoclastic
  206. bone resorption. Metabolic acidosis increases bone PGE(2) production, which is correlated with J(Ca), and
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  217. J Lab Clin Med 1995 Jul;126(1):81-7. Effect of chronic respiratory acidosis on calcium metabolism in the
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  219. results in hypercalciuria and negative calcium balance. The impact of chronic respiratory acidosis on
  220. calcium metabolism has been less well studied. To address this issue, metabolic balance and static bone
  221. histomorphometric data were obtained during a 14-day exposure of rats to 10% CO2 (blood pH 7.33, PaCO2 83 mm
  222. Hg) and were compared with pair-fed controls. All rats were fed a 0.8% calcium diet. Urinary calcium
  223. excretion (mg/period, mean +/- SEM) was increased during both week 1 and week 2 (16 +/- 3 vs 9 +/- 1 and 16
  224. +/- 2 vs 9 +/- 1, CO2 group vs controls, respectively [p &lt; 0.05]). Net intestinal calcium absorption
  225. (intake minus fecal excretion) was increased throughout the period of hypercapnia (week 1, 213 +/- 19 mg vs
  226. 135 +/- 15 mg; week 2, 135 +/- 16 mg vs 43 +/- 14 mg; and cumulatively, 344 +/- 27 mg vs 178 +/- 20 mg, CO2
  227. group vs controls [p &lt; 0.01]). As a consequence of the marked increment in intestinal calcium absorption
  228. during hypercapnia, mean net calcium balance was more positive than that of controls throughout the study
  229. (week 1, 197 +/- 18 mg vs 126 +/- 15 mg; week 2, 120 +/- 15 mg vs 34 +/- 15 mg; and cumulatively, 317 +/- 25
  230. mg vs 159 +/- 20 mg, CO2 group vs controls, respectively [p &lt; 0.01]). There were no significant
  231. differences in calcium intake, plasma total calcium, immunoreactive parathyroid hormone, 25-hydroxyvitamin
  232. D, or creatinine clearance between the two groups.
  233. </p>
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  235. Mov Disord 1991;6(4):355-7. An unusual cause of recurrent chorea. Caviness JN, Muenter MD. Lee Silverman
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  241. <strong><hr /></strong>
  242. <hr />
  243. <strong>These data demonstrate that IL-6 and PTH fluctuate with E2, and serum II-6 is associated with PTH
  244. levels during the menstrual cycle.
  245. </strong>
  246. </p>
  247. <p>
  248. J Cell Sci 2002 Feb 1;115(Pt 3):599-607. pH-dependent regulation of lysosomal calcium in macrophages.
  249. Christensen KA, Myers JT, Swanson JA. Average free calcium concentration in macrophage lysosomes was
  250. 4-6x10(-4) M, less than half of the extracellular calcium concentration, but much higher than cytosolic
  251. calcium levels. pH-dependent reductions of lysosomal calcium concentrations appeared to result from calcium
  252. movement out of lysosomes into cytoplasm, since increases in cytosolic calcium levels could be detected upon
  253. lysosome alkalinization.
  254. </p>
  255. <p>
  256. Adv Neurol 1979;26:123-33. Ovarian steroid hormones and cerebral function. Cogen PH, Zimmerman EA.
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  259. J Bone Miner Res 1996 Oct;11(10):1419-29. Stimulation of neonatal mouse calvarial bone resorption by the
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  261. bone resorption was observed with the glucocorticoids hydrocortisone and dexamethasone. The 45Ca release
  262. stimulated by 1 microM hydrocortisone and 0.1 microM dexamethasone was also inhibited by 10 microM
  263. progesterone in a competitive manner and by 1 microM of the antiglucocorticoid RU38486, both of which are
  264. modulators of glucocorticoid binding.
  265. </p>
  266. <p>
  267. J Physiol 2002 Mar 15;539(Pt 3):791-803. MgATP counteracts intracellular proton inhibition of the
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  269. induced by ATP at acid pH (6.9) can be mimicked by a rise in pH(i) from 6.9 to 7.3 in the absence of the
  270. nucleotide.
  271. </p>
  272. <p>
  273. J Maine Med Assoc 1977 Oct;68(10):370-1 Quadriparesis as an unusual manifestation of hypercalcemia. Dyro FM.
  274. </p>
  275. <p><hr /></p>
  276. <p>
  277. Hypertension 1986 Jun;8(6):497-505. Effects of calcium infusion on blood pressure in hypertensive and
  278. normotensive humans. Ellison DH, Shneidman R, Morris C, McCarron DA. Together, these data provide evidence
  279. for interactions between dietary sodium intake and the cardiovascular response to calcium. They confirm that
  280. hypertensive subjects exhibit enhanced parathyroid gland function even when dietary factors are controlled,
  281. and they suggest that these subjects are more sensitive to the cardiovascular effects of short-term calcium
  282. infusion.
  283. </p>
  284. <p>
  285. Yale J Biol Med 1996 Sep-Dec;68(5-6):215-7. Diplopia associated with hyperparathyroidism: report of a case.
  286. Forman BH, Ciardiello K, Landau SJ, Freedman JK. A patient with hypercalcemia due to primary
  287. hyperparathyroidism presented with diplopia that resolved with surgical removal of his parathyroid adenoma
  288. and normalization of his serum calcium values. No previous report of this feature of hyperparathyroidism has
  289. been reported.
  290. </p>
  291. <p>
  292. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo) 1985 Dec;31 Suppl:S15-9. <strong>Aging and calcium as an environmental
  293. factor.</strong>
  294. Fujita T Calcium deficiency is a constant menace to land-abiding animals, including mammals. Humans enjoying
  295. exceptional longevity on earth are especially susceptible to calcium deficiency in old age. Low calcium and
  296. vitamin D intake, short solar exposure, decreased intestinal absorption, and falling renal function with
  297. insufficient 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D biosynthesis all contribute to calcium deficiency, secondary
  298. hyperparathyroidism, bone loss and possibly calcium shift from the bone to soft tissue, and from the
  299. extracellular to the intracellular compartment, blunting the sharp concentration gap between these
  300. compartments. The consequences of calcium deficiency might thus include not only osteoporosis, but also
  301. arteriosclerosis and hypertension due to the increase of calcium in the vascular wall, <strong>amyotrophic
  302. lateral sclerosis and senile dementia due to calcium deposition
  303. </strong>in the central nervous system, <strong>and a decrease in cellular function, because of blunting of
  304. the difference in extracellular-intracellular calcium, leading to diabetes mellitus, immune deficiency
  305. and others (Fig. 6)
  306. </strong>
  307. </p>
  308. <p>
  309. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1990;587:371-5. Cytokines and osteoporosis. Fujita T, Matsui T, Nakao Y, Shiozawa S, Imai
  310. Y. Conditions associated with immune dysfunction such as aging, corticosteroid therapy, and rheumatoid
  311. arthritis are associated with osteoporosis, which is also more common in females than in males, like most of
  312. the autoimmune-collagen diseases. Peripheral lymphocyte subsets CD4/CD8 were higher in patients with senile
  313. osteoporosis than in the age-matched controls, and returned to normal after 1 month of 1 alpha(OH)vitamin D3
  314. treatment. Plasma interferon reflecting macrophage function decreased with advance in age and increased in
  315. response to 1 alpha(OH)D3 treatment. As one of the immunoregulators, vitamin D tends to stimulate the
  316. macrophage-natural killer system and suppress the lymphocyte system, stimulating TGF beta and TNF alpha
  317. activity. Senile osteoporosis of low turnover thus appears to be associated with vitamin D deficiency, low
  318. macrophage function, high CD4 lymphocyte proportion, low IL-1 and high IL-2 activity, low IFN alpha and high
  319. IFN gamma activity, and low TGF beta and TNF alpha activity.
  320. </p>
  321. <p>
  322. Contrib Nephrol 1991;90:206-11. <strong>
  323. Calcium, parathyroids and aging.
  324. </strong>
  325. Fujita T Calcium is unique in its distribution in living organisms with an extremely high hard and soft
  326. tissue and extra- intracellular concentration gradient. Calcium<strong>
  327. deficiency through stimulating parathyroid hormone secretion tends to blunt such a difference by
  328. paradoxically increasing the calcium concentration in the soft tissue and intracellular compartment.
  329. Since aging is associated with the</strong> progressive aggravation of calcium deficiency, such blunting
  330. also progresses with aging. The dysfunction, damage and death of cells occurring in all diseases<strong>
  331. is always associated with a blunting of the extra- and intracellular calcium components. Calcium
  332. supplement especially with highly biologically available active absorbable calcium, was associated with
  333. the suppression of parathyroid</strong>
  334. hormone secretion and the normalization of a such blunting <strong>of intercompartmental distribution of
  335. calcium examples in hypertension and diabetes mellitus with evident improvement of clinical
  336. manifestations and laboratory tests.
  337. </strong>
  338. </p>
  339. <p>
  340. Presse Med 2001 Apr 7;30(13):653-8. [Hypovitaminosis D: a major worldwide public health problem]
  341. Gannage-Yared MH, Tohme A, Halaby G. Mild to moderate hypovitaminosis D causes secondary hyperparathyroidism
  342. increasing the risk of fracture, particularly femoral neck fracture. Vitamin D would also have an
  343. antiinflammatory and anticancer effect. Hypovitaminosis D is frequently observed in Europe in the elderly,
  344. particularly in the institutionalized population, but is also seen in otherwise healthy younger adults. An
  345. estimated 40% of the young European population has some degree of hypovitaminosis D. Finally, the beneficial
  346. effect of moderate sun exposure on cutaneous vitamin D synthesis (and psychological well-being) must not be
  347. overlooked.
  348. </p>
  349. <p>
  350. Mol Med 1996 Mar;2(2):204-10. <strong>
  351. Parathyroid hormone-related protein is induced during lethal endotoxemia and contributes to
  352. endotoxin-induced mortality in rodents.</strong> Funk JL, Moser AH, Strewler GJ, Feingold KR, Grunfeld
  353. C. Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) is a ubiquitous and highly conserved vasoactive peptide whose
  354. role and regulation in normal physiology remain an enigma. Recently, we demonstrated that low-dose endotoxin
  355. (LPS) induces intrasplenic, but not systemic, levels of PTHrP; and that tumor necrosis factor, a
  356. pro-inflammatory cytokine, is the major mediator of this effect. We have therefore hypothesized that, with
  357. higher, lethal doses of endotoxin, PTHrP could be induced in multiple tissues to such a degree that it could
  358. contribute to the lethality of septic shock. In response to a near-lethal dose of endotoxin, PTHrP mRNA
  359. levels increased acutely in every vital organ examined (spleen, lung, heart, kidney, and liver). Circulating
  360. levels of PTHrP also increased, peaking 2 hr after administration of high-dose endotoxin. These<strong>
  361. results suggest that PTHrP belongs to the cascade of pro-inflammatory cytokines induced during lethal
  362. endotoxemia that is responsible for the toxic effects of</strong> LPS.
  363. </p>
  364. <p><hr /></p>
  365. <p>
  366. Calcif Tissue Int 1990 May;46(5):294-9. Effective therapy of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis with
  367. medroxyprogesterone acetate. Grecu EO, Weinshelbaum A, Simmons R. The results lend support to the hypothesis
  368. of a progesterone-glucocorticoid competitive antagonism at the bone level, though other possibilities can be
  369. entertained, and suggest MPA as an effective therapy for glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in men.
  370. </p>
  371. <p>
  372. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1986 Mar;181(3):438-42. <strong>Forskolin-induced bone resorption in neonatal mouse
  373. calvaria in vitro.</strong> Gunasekaran S, Hall GE, Kenny AD <strong>Lactic acid release was increased
  374. during the 96 hr of incubation in proportion to the calcium release in the media.</strong>
  375. J Endocrinol 2000 Feb;164(2):129-38. <strong>Estrogen mediates the sex difference in post-burn
  376. immunosuppression.</strong> Gregory MS, Duffner LA, Faunce DE, Kovacs EJ. Previous studies in our
  377. laboratory have demonstrated that cell-mediated immune function was suppressed in female, but not male, mice
  378. at 10 days after burn injury and was mediated,<strong>
  379. in part, by increased production of interleukin-6 (IL-6).
  380. </strong>
  381. Increased circulating<strong>
  382. concentrations of E(2) corresponded with suppressed delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and
  383. splenocyte-proliferative responses, and increased circulating concentrations of IL-6 in female mice
  384. after burn. Ovariectomy
  385. </strong>restored the suppressed DTH response and decreased IL-6 concentrations, and administration of
  386. exogenous E(2) to both ovariectomized females and intact male mice resulted in a suppressed DTH response. In
  387. addition, in vitro <strong>treatment with E(2) suppressed splenocyte proliferation in a macrophage-dependent
  388. manner and enhanced macrophage production of IL-6.</strong>
  389. </p>
  390. <p>
  391. Calcif Tissue Int 1990 May;46(5):294-9. Effective therapy of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis with
  392. medroxyprogesterone acetate. Grecu EO, Weinshelbaum A, Simmons R.
  393. </p>
  394. <p>
  395. Nephron 1982;30(3):237-9. Elevated thrombocyte calcium content in uremia and its correction by 1 alpha(OH)
  396. vitamin D treatment. Gura V, Creter D, Levi J.
  397. </p>
  398. <p>
  399. Fortschr Med 1985 Mar 28;103(12):328-30. <strong>
  400. [Antiallergic effect of oral calcium.</strong> A clinico-experimental study] [Article in German] Haas
  401. PJ. Randomized Controlled Trial
  402. </p>
  403. <p>
  404. Acta Univ Carol Med Monogr 1972;53:427-32. The possible role of platelets as trigger in intravascular
  405. coagulation associated with acute hyperparathyroidism. Hilgard P, Hohage R, Schmitt W, Minne H, Ziegler R.
  406. </p>
  407. <p>
  408. Sci Total Environ 1986 Oct;54:207-16. Chemical qualities of water that contribute to human health in a
  409. positive way. Hopps HC, Feder GL. The chemical substances in water that make positive contributions to human
  410. health act mainly in two ways: (i) nutritionally, by supplying essential macro and micro elements that the
  411. diet (excluding water) may not provide in adequate amounts (for example, Mg, I and Zn); and (ii) by
  412. providing macro and micro elements that inhibit the absorbtion and/or effects of toxic elements such as Hg,
  413. Pb and Cd. In this context, the inverse relationship between hard water and cardiovascular disease will be
  414. discussed. Specific data relating hardness and Mg and Ca content of potable waters to specific geographic
  415. regions of the U.S.A. will be presented. These data show a strong positive correlation between low Mg
  416. content and decreased longevity, and between high Ca and Mg content and increased longevity. In the regions
  417. considered, increased longevity correlates strongly with decreased cardiovascular mortality, and the
  418. decreased longevity with increased cardiovascular mortality.
  419. </p>
  420. <p>
  421. Calcif Tissue Res 1977 Oct 20;23(3):241-4.<strong>
  422. Proliferation of osteoclasts in rat bone following bleeding and femoral fractures.</strong> Johnell O,
  423. Hulth A This rise in the osteoclast population might be due to an increased parathyroid activity released by
  424. the trauma, but other factors may be involved. Both bleedings and fractures in rats are followed by
  425. hypercalcemia. Brain Behav Immun 2000 Mar;14(1):49-61. <strong>Modulation of IL-6 production during the
  426. menstrual cycle in vivo and in vitro.</strong> Konecna L, Yan MS, Miller LE, Scholmerich J, Falk W,
  427. Straub RH. Premenopausal female patients with chronic inflammatory diseases demonstrate changes in disease
  428. activity during the MC. <strong><hr /></strong>
  429. <hr />
  430. Kidney Int Suppl 1983 Dec;16:S204-7. <strong>Pathogenesis of the anemia of uremia: role of secondary
  431. hyperparathyroidism.</strong> Massry SG PTH may participate in the genesis of the anemia of uremia
  432. through at least<strong>
  433. three pathways. These include inhibition of erythropoiesis, shortening survival of RBCs and inducing
  434. fibrosis of bone marrow cavity.
  435. </strong>
  436. </p>
  437. <p>
  438. Braz J Med Biol Res 2002 Feb;35(2):229-36. Parathyroid hormone secretion in chronic human endogenous
  439. hypercortisolism. Lanna CM, Paula FJ, Montenegro RM Jr, Moreira AC, Foss MC. Osteoporosis is a common
  440. manifestation of Cushing's syndrome, but the mechanisms responsible for this abnormality have not been
  441. defined. Patients with CH showed an increased PTH response to the hypocalcemic stimulus compared to
  442. controls.
  443. </p>
  444. <p>
  445. Am J Clin Nutr 2000 Jul;72(1):168-73. <strong>
  446. A threshold for low-protein-diet-induced elevations in parathyroid hormone.</strong>
  447. Kerstetter JE, Svastisalee CM, Caseria DM, Mitnick ME, Insogna KL. <strong>
  448. Elevations in PTH developed by day 4 of the diets containing 0.7 and 0.8 g protein/kg but not during the
  449. diets containing 0.9 or 1.0 g protein/kg.</strong>
  450. Our data suggest that in young healthy women consuming a well-balanced diet, the current recommended dietary
  451. allowance for protein (0.8 g/kg) results in short-term perturbations in calcium homeostasis.
  452. </p>
  453. <p>
  454. J Endocrinol 1995 Sep;146(3):421-9. Effect of oral calcium supplementation on intracellular calcium and
  455. plasma renin in men. Lijnen P, Petrov V. Oral calcium supplementation in these men was also accompanied by a
  456. reduction in the plasma concentration of intact parathyroid hormone and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, an
  457. increase in 24-h urinary calcium excretion but no change in the plasma total Ca2+ concentration, serum
  458. ionized Ca2+ level and plasma phosphate or 25-hydroxyvitamin D3.
  459. </p>
  460. <p>
  461. Clin Sci (Lond) 1996 Sep;91(3):313-8. Effects of mineral composition of drinking water on risk for stone
  462. formation and bone metabolism in idiopathic calcium nephrolithiasis. Marangella M, Vitale C, Petrarulo M,
  463. Rovera L, Dutto F. The increase in overall calcium intake due to different drinking water induced modest
  464. increases in calcium excretion, whereas oxalate excretion tended to decrease. The changes in oxalate
  465. excretion during any one study period compared with another were significantly related to those in calcium
  466. intake. Citrate excretion was significantly higher with the high-calcium, alkaline water. 4. Parathyroid
  467. hormone, calcitriol and markers of bone resorption increased when patients were changed from the
  468. high-calcium, alkaline to the low-calcium drinking water. 5. We suggest that overall calcium intake may be
  469. tailored by supplying calcium in drinking water. Adverse effects on bone turnover with low-calcium diets can
  470. be prevented by giving high-calcium, alkaline drinking water, and the stone-forming risk can be decreased as
  471. effectively as with low-calcium drinking water.
  472. </p>
  473. <p>
  474. J Endocrinol 1998 Feb;156(2):231-5. Calcium blood level modulates endogenous nitric oxide action: effects of
  475. parathroidectomy in patients with hyperparathyroidism. Martina V, Bruno GA, Brancaleoni V, Zumpano E,
  476. Tagliabue M, Fornengo R, Gasparri G, Pescarmona GP. In primary hyperparathyroidism (H-PTH) an increase in
  477. platelet free calcium levels is present. After surgery, together with the normalization of calcium levels,
  478. NO production also returned to normal values.
  479. </p>
  480. <p>
  481. Hypertension 1980 Mar-Apr;2(2):162-8. Enhanced parathyroid function in essential hypertension: a homeostatic
  482. response to a urinary calcium leak. McCarron DA, Pingree PA, Rubin RJ, Gaucher SM, Molitch M, Krutzik S.
  483. Recent reports . . . suggest that increased parathyroid gland function may be one of the more common
  484. endocrine disturbances associated with hypertension. Compared to a second age- and sex-matched normotensive
  485. population, the hypertensives demonstrated a significant (p less than 0.005) relative hypercalciuria. For
  486. any level of urinary sodium, hypertensives excreted more calcium. These preliminary data suggest that
  487. parathyroid gland function may be enhanced in essential hypertension.
  488. </p>
  489. <p>
  490. Am J Med 1987 Jan 26;82(1B):27-33. The calcium paradox of essential hypertension. McCarron DA, Morris CD,
  491. Bukoski R. Three disparate observations--that calcium mediates vascular smooth muscle contraction, that
  492. calcium channel blockers lower blood pressure, and that increased dietary calcium intake can also ameliorate
  493. hypertension--constitute somewhat of a paradox. This evidence, and the paradoxical therapeutic efficacy of
  494. both calcium channel blockers and supplemental dietary calcium, can be integrated into a single theoretic
  495. construct.
  496. </p>
  497. <p>
  498. Am J Hypertens 1995 Oct;8(10 Pt 1):957-64. Regulation of parathyroid hormone and vitamin D in essential
  499. hypertension. Young EW, Morris CD, Holcomb S, McMillan G, McCarron DA. The maximal stimulated PTH level was
  500. significantly higher in hypertensive than normotensive subjects in the absence of measured differences in
  501. serum ionized calcium concentration, serum 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D concentration, and creatinine clearance.
  502. </p>
  503. <p>
  504. J Clin Invest 1995 Apr;95(4):1933-40. <strong>
  505. The diurnal rhythm of bone resorption in the rat. Effect of feeding habits and pharmacological
  506. inhibitors.</strong> Muhlbauer RC, Fleisch H. This paper shows that, in rats, bone mass can be<strong>
  507. increased by feeding habits per se. . . . we previously found a peak of bone resorption following food
  508. administration. We now demonstrate that dividing the solid and liquid intake into portions blunts this
  509. peak ....
  510. </strong>
  511. Whether bone mass in humans is also under the control of dietary habits is not known. <strong>If so, an
  512. increased meal frequency may be used to prevent osteoporosis.
  513. </strong>Nephron 2001 Dec;89(4):384-90. <strong>Prolonged dietary calcium restriction: a diagnostic approach
  514. in idiopathic Hypercalciuria.</strong> Muller D, Eggert P.
  515. </p>
  516. <p><hr /></p>
  517. <p>
  518. J Appl Physiol 2001 Jun;90(6):2094-100. Effects of hypercapnia and hypocapnia on [Ca2+]i mobilization in
  519. human pulmonary artery endothelial cells. Nishio K, Suzuki Y, Takeshita K, Aoki T, Kudo H, Sato N, Naoki K,
  520. Miyao N, Ishii M, Yamaguchi K. Hypocapnic alkalosis caused a fivefold increase in [Ca2+]i compared with
  521. hypercapnic acidosis. The hypocapnia-evoked increase in [Ca2+]i was decreased from 242 +/- 56 to 50 +/- 32
  522. nmol/l by the removal of extracellular Ca2+. The main mechanism affecting the hypocapnia-dependent [Ca2+]i
  523. increase was thought to be the augmented influx of extracellular Ca2+ mediated by extracellular alkalosis.
  524. Hypercapnic acidosis caused little change in PGI2 production, but hypocapnic alkalosis increased it
  525. markedly.
  526. </p>
  527. <p>
  528. Clin Nephrol 2002 Mar;57(3):183-91.. Bone involvement in idiopathic hypercalciuria. Misael da Silva AM, dos
  529. Reis LM, Pereira RC, Futata E, Branco-Martins CT, Noronha IL, Wajchemberg BL, Jorgetti V. A negative
  530. correlation was observed between IL-6 levels and Z score of the femoral neck. Bone involvement was detected
  531. in a young population with nephrolithiasis demonstrating that a strict follow-up is necessary in order to
  532. control hypercalciuria.
  533. </p>
  534. <p>
  535. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2002 Jul;283(1):H193-203. CaMKII-dependent reactivation of SR Ca(2+) uptake
  536. and contractile recovery during intracellular acidosis. Nomura N, Satoh H, Terada H, Matsunaga M, Watanabe
  537. H, Hayashi H. In hearts, intracellular acidosis disturbs contractile performance by decreasing myofibrillar
  538. Ca(2+) response, but contraction recovers at prolonged acidosis.
  539. </p>
  540. <p>
  541. J R Soc Health 1998 Apr;118(2):103-6. Lessons to be learned: a case study approach. Primary
  542. hyperparathyroidism simulating an acute severe polyneuritis. Olukoga A. The case is presented of a 65 year
  543. old lady with recent onset of neuromuscular manifestations, comprising paraparesis, areflexia and unsteady
  544. gait, along with episodes of slurring of speech and diplopia, later confirmed to be due to severe
  545. hypercalcaemia--which itself was caused by primary hyperparathyroidism.
  546. </p>
  547. <p>
  548. Nippon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi 1989 May;26(3):216-22. <strong>[Calcium and magnesium metabolism in the
  549. aged]</strong>
  550. [Article in Japanese] Ouchi Y, Orimo H Although serum calcium concentration remains constant during ageing,
  551. the plasma<strong>
  552. concentration of calcium regulating hormones has been known to show dramatic change with ageing. The
  553. plasma concentration of parathyroid hormone increases with ageing, whereas plasma concentrations of
  554. calcitonin and active vitamin D metabolite decrease with ageing.</strong> On the other hand, the
  555. incidence of <strong>soft tissue calcification is known to increase with ageing.
  556. </strong>
  557. </p>
  558. <p>
  559. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1978 Sep;47(3):626-32. Calcium-regulating hormones during the menstrual cycle.
  560. Pitkin RM, Reynolds WA, Williams GA, Hargis GK. In six subjects with cycle lengths of 27-31 days, PTH levels
  561. rose progressively through the follicular phase to a peak at or slightly before the LH surge, then fell
  562. progressively through the luteal phase; peak PTH levels were 30-35% above early follicular and late luteal
  563. values. One subject experienced a prolonged (44 day) ovulatory cycle characterized by three distinct PTH
  564. peaks, each of which coincided with elevations in plasma estradiol level.
  565. </p>
  566. <p>
  567. Muscle Nerve 1982 Jan;5(1):26-32. <strong>
  568. Hereditary polymyopathy and cardiomyopathy in the Syrian hamster. II. Development of heart necrotic
  569. changes in relation to defective mitochondrial function.</strong> Proschek L, Jasmin G <strong>Since the
  570. mitochondrial respiratory pattern and calcium overload parallel the cardiac degeneration, it is inferred
  571. that the cell energy depletion is a functional consequence of an abnormal calcium influx.</strong>
  572. Eur J Endocrinol 1998 Oct;139(4):433-7. <strong>Changes in cytochrome oxidase activity in brown adipose
  573. tissue during oestrous cycle in the rat.</strong>
  574. Puerta M, Rocha M, Gonzalez-Covaleda S, McBennett SM, Andrews JF. <strong>
  575. The involvement of oestradiol in such a cycle is suggested by the fact that oestradiol treatment
  576. decreased COX activity to values similar to those found in proestrus.
  577. </strong>
  578. </p>
  579. <p>
  580. Am J Hypertens 1999 Dec;12(12 Pt 1-2):1217-24. Modification of intracellular calcium and plasma renin by
  581. dietary calcium in men. Petrov V, Lijnen P. Our data show that the increase in PARA [plasma renin activity]
  582. observed in men during oral calcium supplementation is accompanied by a reduction in the intracellular free
  583. and total Ca2+ concentration in platelets and erythrocytes and by a decrease in the plasma concentration of
  584. intact parathormone and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3.
  585. </p>
  586. <p>
  587. Arthritis Rheum 2001 Oct;44(10):2338-41. <strong>
  588. Association of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease in women with systemic lupus
  589. erythematosus.</strong> Ramsey-Goldman R, Manzi S. These results demonstrate an association between
  590. decreased BMD and both an increased carotid plaque index and presence of coronary artery calcification in a
  591. small cohort of young women with lupus.
  592. </p>
  593. <p>
  594. Am J Hypertens 1994 Dec;7(12):1052-7. Dietary calcium reduces blood pressure, parathyroid hormone, and
  595. platelet cytosolic calcium responses in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Rao RM, Yan Y, Wu Y.
  596. </p>
  597. <p>
  598. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2002. May;87(5):2008-12 Potassium citrate prevents increased urine calcium excretion
  599. and bone resorption induced by a high sodium chloride diet. Sellmeyer DE, Schloetter M, Sebastian A.
  600. </p>
  601. <p>
  602. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1990 Dec;86(6 Pt 1):881-5 <strong>1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 potentiates the decreased
  603. response of lymphocytes from atopic subjects to agents that increase intracellular cyclic adenosine
  604. monophosphate.</strong> Ravid A, Tamir R, Liberman UA, Rotem C, Pick AI, Novogrodsky A, Koren R. Eur J
  605. Endocrinol 2002 May;146(5):635-42. <strong>Diurnal rhythm of plasma 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and vitamin
  606. D-binding protein in postmenopausal women: relationship to plasma parathyroid hormone and calcium and
  607. phosphate metabolism.</strong> Rejnmark L, Lauridsen AL, Vestergaard P, Heickendorff L, Andreasen F,
  608. Mosekilde L. <strong>With the disclosure of a diurnal rhythm of total plasma 1,25(OH)(2)D, all major
  609. hormones and minerals related to calcium homeostasis have now been shown to exhibit diurnal variations.
  610. </strong>
  611. </p>
  612. <p>
  613. Magnes Res 1999 Dec;12(4):257-67. Magnesium deficiency-induced osteoporosis in the rat: uncoupling of bone
  614. formation and bone resorption. Rude RK, Kirchen ME, Gruber HE, Meyer MH, Luck JS, Crawford DL. Magnesium
  615. (Mg) intake has been linked to bone mass and/or rate of bone loss in humans. Experimental Mg deficiency in
  616. animal models has resulted in impaired bone growth, osteopenia, and increased skeletal fragility.
  617. </p>
  618. <p>
  619. Schweiz Med Wochenschr 1994 Jun 25;124(25):1122-8. <strong>[Hypercalcemia]</strong> Schmid C. <strong>Severe
  620. hypercalcemia is mainly caused by inappropriately high concentrations of compounds which promote bone
  621. resorption, in particular PTH, PTHrP, or 1,25 (OH)2D3. The major consequences are impaired central
  622. nervous system and kidney function (polyuria/dehydration);
  623. </strong>
  624. the latter, in turn, aggravate hypercalcemia via decreased fluid intake, mobility, and renal calcium
  625. clearance.
  626. </p>
  627. <p>
  628. J Neurophysiol 2002 May;87(5):2209-24. Intracellular pH response to anoxia in acutely dissociated adult rat
  629. hippocampal CA1 neurons. Sheldon C, Church J. During perfusion with HCO/CO(2)- or HEPES-buffered media (pH
  630. 7.35) at 37 degrees C, 5- or 10-min anoxic insults were typified by an intracellular acidification on the
  631. induction of anoxia, a subsequent rise in pH(i) in the continued absence of O(2), and a further internal
  632. alkalinization on the return to normoxia. Reducing extracellular pH from 7.35 to 6.60, or reducing ambient
  633. temperature from 37 degrees C to room temperature, also attenuated the increases in steady-state pH(i)
  634. observed during and after anoxia and reduced rates of pH(i) recovery from acid loads imposed in the
  635. immediate postanoxic period. The results suggest that a Zn(2+)-sensitive acid efflux mechanism, possibly a
  636. H(+)-conductive pathway activated by membrane depolarization, contributes to the internal alkalinization
  637. observed during anoxia in adult rat CA1 neurons. The rise in pH(i) after anoxia reflects acid extrusion via
  638. the H(+)-conductive pathway and also Na(+)/H(+) exchange, activation of the latter being mediated, at least
  639. in part, through a cAMP-dependent signaling pathway.
  640. </p>
  641. <p>
  642. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2002 Dec;283(6):H2518-26. pH-induced changes in calcium: functional
  643. consequences and mechanisms of action in guinea pig portal vein. Smith RD, Eisner DA, Wray S. The effects of
  644. changing extracellular (pH(o)) and intracellular pH (pH(i)) on force and the mechanisms involved in the
  645. guinea pig portal vein were investigated to better understand the control of tone in this vessel. When pH(o)
  646. was altered, the effects on force and calcium were the same irrespective of whether force had been produced
  647. spontaneously by high-K depolarization or by norepinephrine; alkalinization increased tone, and
  648. acidification reduced it. Because pH(o) changes also lead to changes in pH(i), we determined whether the
  649. effects on force could be explained by these induced pH(i) changes. It was found, however, that only with
  650. spontaneous activity did intracellular alkalinization increase force. In depolarized preparations, force was
  651. decreased, and, with norepinephrine, force was initially decreased and then increased. Thus the effects of
  652. pH(o) cannot be explained solely by changes in pH(i). The role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and
  653. surface membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase on the mechanism were investigated and shown not to be involved. Therefore,
  654. it is concluded that both pH(o) and pH(i) can have powerful modulatory effects on portal vein tone, that
  655. these effects are not identical, and that they are likely to be due to effects of pH on ion channels rather
  656. than the SR or plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase.
  657. </p>
  658. <p>
  659. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2002 May 10;293(3):974-8. Arachidonic acid increases intracellular calcium in
  660. erythrocytes. Soldati L, Lombardi C, Adamo D, Terranegra A, Bianchin C, Bianchi G, Vezzoli G.. Since
  661. arachidonic acid and other polyunsaturated fatty acids influence the activities of most ion channels, we
  662. studied their effects on the erythrocyte Ca(2+) influx. AA (5-50 microM) and EPA (20-30 microM) stimulated a
  663. concentration-dependent increase in [Ca(2+)](i), deriving from extracellular calcium (1 mM), without
  664. affecting the intra- and extracellular pH and membrane voltage. We conclude that AA could activate an
  665. erythrocyte voltage-independent Ca(2+) transport via an intermediate product of cyclooxygenase pathway...
  666. </p>
  667. <p>
  668. BMJ 1991 Mar 30;302(6779):762. Hormone replacement therapy induced chorea. Steiger MJ, Quinn NP. University
  669. Department of Clinical Neurology, Institute of Neurology, London.
  670. </p>
  671. <p>
  672. Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi 1991 Dec 20;67(12):1319-38. [Cation metabolism and the effects of circulating
  673. factors in pregnancy induced hypertension] Takashima M, Morikawa H, Yamasaki M, Mochizuki M. These data
  674. suggest that the increase of p-[Ca2+]i and r-[Na+]i in PIH is important in the initiation and maintenance of
  675. hypertension by influencing peripheral vascular resistance, and also various factors in the serum of PIH
  676. women may contribute to the accumulation of intracellular ionized calcium in patients with PIH.
  677. </p>
  678. <p>
  679. Hear Res 2001 Apr;154(1-2):81-7. Effects of gentamicin and pH on [Ca2+]i in apical and basal outer hair
  680. cells from guinea pigs. Tan CT, Lee SY, Yao CJ, Liu SH, Lin-Shiau SY. By means of fura-2
  681. microspectrofluorimetry, we measured the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) of OHCs bathed in
  682. Hanks' balanced salt solution (pH 7.40) during either a resting state or high K+-induced depolarization.
  683. While gentamicin and extracellular acidification (pH 7.14) can separately attenuate this increase in [Ca2+]i
  684. in both types of OHCs, their suppressive effects are additive in basal OHCs, but not in apical OHCs.
  685. </p>
  686. <p>
  687. Biochem Pharmacol 1983 Jan 15;32(2):355-60. Induction of mast cell secretion by parathormone. Tsakalos ND,
  688. Theoharides TC, Kops SK, Askenase PW. The biologically active fragment of human parathormone (PTH) and
  689. intact bovine PTH were found to induce secretion of both serotonin and histamine from rat peritoneal mast
  690. cells in vitro. Intradermal injection of PTH induced immediate increases in vascular permeability suggesting
  691. that PTH could induce mast cell secretion in vivo. These results demonstrate that elevated levels of PTH can
  692. induce mast cell secretion in vitro and in vivo and suggest a possible role for mast cells in the
  693. pathophysiology of non-allergic disease states.
  694. </p>
  695. <p>
  696. J Neurol Sci 1989 Feb;89(2-3):189-97. Hyperestrogenemia in neuromuscular diseases. Usuki F, Nakazato O,
  697. Osame M, Igata A. The cases, comprising bulbospinal muscular disease of the Kennedy-Alter-Sung type,
  698. Kugelberg-Welander disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy, were all
  699. euthyroid males. The baseline levels of serum estrone were significantly higher in all of the patients than
  700. in age-matched normal subjects. Serum baseline testosterone, LH and FSH levels were all essentially normal,
  701. except low FSH levels in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
  702. </p>
  703. <p>
  704. MMW Munch Med Wochenschr 1976 Oct 22;118(43):1395-8. <strong>[Oral application of calcium and vitamin D2 in
  705. allergic bronchial asthma</strong>] Utz G, Hauck AM. Within 60 minutes after application, a
  706. statistically significant reduction of airway resistance (Rt) and intrathoracic gas volume (IGV), as well as
  707. an increase of forced exspiratory one second volume (FEV1) and forced inspiratory one second volume (FIV1)
  708. was observed, in comparison with placebo. <strong>It is concluded that calcium, given orally in combination
  709. with calciferol, causes a decrease of airway obstruction in patients with allergic bronchial asthma.
  710. </strong>J Urol 1994 Oct;152(4):1226-8. <strong>Urinary incontinence due to idiopathic hypercalciuria in
  711. children.
  712. </strong>Vachvanichsanong P, Malagon M, Moore ES. In addition to being the most common cause of
  713. microhematuria in children, our study demonstrates that idiopathic<strong>
  714. hypercalciuria is also frequently associated with urinary incontinence of all types.
  715. </strong>Magnes Trace Elem 1991-92;10(2-4):281-6. <strong>Relation of magnesium to osteoporosis and calcium
  716. urolithiasis.</strong> Wallach S Magnesium influences mineral metabolism in hard and soft tissues
  717. indirectly through hormonal and other modulating factors, and by direct effects on the processes of bone
  718. formation and resorption and of crystallization (mineralization). Its causative and therapeutic
  719. relationships to calcium urolithiasis (CaUr) are controversial despite an association between low urinary Mg
  720. and CaUr. Recent studies have also found a tendency to low serum and/or lymphocyte Mg levels in CaUr.
  721. Despite earlier studies demonstrating an inhibitory effect of Mg supplementation on experimental CaUr in
  722. animals and in spontaneous CaUr in humans, at least two properly controlled clinical trials of Mg
  723. supplementation have failed to demonstrate a beneficial effect on CaUr frequency. With regard to the
  724. skeleton, experimental studies have shown that Mg depletion causes a decrease in both osteoblast and
  725. osteoclast activity with the development of a form of 'aplastic bone disease'. At the same time, bone salt
  726. crystallization is enhanced by Mg deficiency. Conversely, Mg excess impairs mineralization with the
  727. development of an osteomalacia-like picture, and may also stimulate bone resorption independently of
  728. parathyroid hormone. Whether or not Mg depletion may be a causal factor in human osteoporosis is also
  729. controversial, and there are conflicting reports as to the Mg content of osteoporotic bone. Small decreases
  730. in serum and/or erythrocyte Mg in osteoporotic patients have been reported, and one author has noted
  731. improved bone mineral density with a multinutrient supplement rich in Mg. The extant data are sparse and
  732. indicate a clear need for more rigorous study.
  733. </p>
  734. <p>
  735. Semin Dial 2002 May-Jun;15(3):172-86 Calciphylaxis: emerging concepts in prevention, diagnosis, and
  736. treatment. Wilmer WA, Magro CM. Several recent reports demonstrate that prolonged hyperphosphatemia and/or
  737. elevated calcium x phosphorus products are associated with the syndrome. Protein malnutrition increases the
  738. likelihood of calciphylaxis, as does warfarin use and hypercoagulable states, such as protein C and/or
  739. protein S deficiency.
  740. </p>
  741. <p>
  742. J Clin Lab Anal 1998;12(3):145-9. A proposal for standardizing urine collections for bone resorption markers
  743. measurement. Zaninotto M, Bernardi D, Ujka F, Bonato P, Plebani M. The findings suggest that nocturnal
  744. collection and first morning void samples provide the most reliable data on the rate of bone degradation,
  745. possibly showing bone loss not only in osteopenic patients but also in women with a low T-score.
  746. </p>
  747. <p>
  748. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2001 Aug;281(2):F366-73. Increased CO(2) stimulates K/Rb reabsorption mediated by
  749. H-K-ATPase in CCD of potassium-restricted rabbit. Zhou X, Nakamura S, Xia SL, Wingo CS.
  750. </p>
  751. <p>
  752. Sci Total Environ 1981 Apr;18:35-45 Water hardness and mortality in the Netherlands. Zielhuis RL, Haring BJ.
  753. The hypothesis that the Ca and Mg deficiency in areas with soft drinking water increases the risk of I.H.D.
  754. death rate was supported by the finding that food loses more Ca and Mg when it is cooked in soft water as
  755. compared to cooking in hard water. However, investigation of a group of 17 municipalities of which mortality
  756. and water quality data are known for three periods, 1958-1962, 1965-1970 and 1971-1977, showed that the
  757. inverse statistical relation between I.H.D. Mortality and water hardness still existed but with decreasing
  758. significance of correlation coefficients.
  759. </p>
  760. <p>
  761. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1980 Dec;51(6):1274-8. Serotonin stimulates adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate
  762. accumulation in parathyroid adenoma. Zimmerman D, Abboud HE, George LE, Edis AJ, Dousa TP. Since cAMP acts
  763. as a mediator of parathyroid hormone (PTH) release, our results suggest that serotonin could be one of the
  764. factors regulating PTH secretion and/or contributing to PTH hypersecretion in various forms of primary
  765. hyperparathyroidism.
  766. </p>
  767. <p>
  768. Cas Lek Cesk 1997 Jul 30;136(15):459-63. <strong>
  769. [New drugs with positive effects on bones]
  770. </strong>
  771. [Article in Czech] Zofkova I, Kanceva RL. Magnesium influences bone in different ways. <strong>It activates
  772. osteoblasts, increases bone mineralization, and enhances the sensitivity of target tissues (incl. bone)
  773. to PTH and 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3,</strong> Under certain conditions however, magnesium can stimulate bone
  774. resorption. A more potent factor than magnesium is stroncium, which not only activates osteoblats but
  775. decreases the number of osteoclasts, thus abolishing bone resorption and enhancing formation. <strong>
  776. Bicarbonates are also favourable for bone. NaHCO3 together with potassium citrate stimulates osteoblasts
  777. and enhances bone mineralisation.</strong>
  778. © Ray Peat Ph.D. 2009. All Rights Reserved.
  779. </p>
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