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  2. <head><title>Tissue-bound estrogen in aging</title></head>
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  4. <h1>
  5. Tissue-bound estrogen in aging
  6. </h1>
  7. <em><p>
  8. The "Estrogen Replacement" industry is based on the doctrine that a woman's tissues are depleted of
  9. estrogen after menopause. This doctrine is false.
  10. </p>
  11. <p>
  12. The concentration of a hormone in the blood doesn't directly represent the concentration in the various
  13. organs.
  14. </p>
  15. <p>
  16. The amount of estrogen in tissue is decreased when progesterone is abundant. In the absence of
  17. progesterone, tissues retain estrogen even when there is little estrogen circulating in the blood.
  18. </p>
  19. <p>
  20. Many things suggest an increased estrogenic activity at menopause. For example, melatonin decreases
  21. sharply at puberty when estrogen increases, and then it decreases again at menopause. Prolactin
  22. (stimulated by estrogen) increases around puberty, and instead of decreasing at menopause, it often
  23. increases, and its increase is associated with osteoporosis and other age-related symptoms.
  24. </p>
  25. <p>
  26. Estrogen is produced in many tissues by the enzyme aromatase, even in the breast and endometrium,
  27. although these are considered "target tissues" rather than endocrine glands. Aromatase increases with
  28. aging.
  29. </p>
  30. <p>
  31. Estrogen is inactivated, mainly in the liver and brain, by being made water soluble by the attachment of
  32. glucuronic acid and/or sulfuric acid.
  33. </p>
  34. <p>
  35. Estrogen's concentration in a particular tissue depends on many things, including its affinity or
  36. binding strength for components of that tissue, relative to its affinity for the blood; the activity in
  37. that tissue of the aromatase enzyme, which converts androgens to estrogen; the activity of the
  38. glucuronidase enzyme, that converts water-soluble estrogen glucuronides into the oil soluble active
  39. forms of estrogen; and the sulfatases and several other enzymes that modify the activity and solubility
  40. of the estrogens. The "estrogen receptors," proteins which bind estrogens in cells, are inactivated by
  41. progesterone, and activated by many physical and chemical conditions.
  42. </p>
  43. <p>
  44. Inflammation activates beta-glucuronidase, and antiinflammatory substances such as aspirin reduce many
  45. of estrogen's effects.
  46. </p></em>
  47. <hr />
  48. <p>
  49. Doctrines are admitted into the "scientific canon" by those who have the power of censorship. In astronomy,
  50. Halton Arp's discovery of "anomalous" galactic red-shifts is practically unknown, because the journal
  51. editors say the observations are "just anomalies," or that the theories which could explain them are
  52. unconventional; but the actual problem is that they are strong evidence against The Big Bang, Hubble's Law,
  53. and the Expanding Universe. American science, since the 1940s, has probably been the most censored and
  54. doctrinaire in the world.
  55. </p>
  56. <p>
  57. Gilbert Ling's revolution in cell biology remains outside the canon, despite the profound influence of MRI,
  58. which grew directly out of his view of the cell, because his work provided conclusive evidence that cells
  59. are not regulated by "semipermeable membranes and membrane pumps." Every field of science is ruled by a
  60. doctrinaire establishment.
  61. </p>
  62. <p>
  63. Charles E. Brown-S"quard (1817-94) was a physiologist who pioneered scientific endocrinology, but who was
  64. ridiculed because of his claim that extracts of animal glands had an invigorating effect when injected. His
  65. place in the scientific canon is mainly as an object of ridicule, and the details of his case are perfectly
  66. representative of the way our "canon" has been constructed. The argument for dismissing his observations was
  67. that he used a water extract of testicles, and, according to the 20th century American biologists,
  68. testosterone is not water soluble, and so the water extract would have "contained no hormone." The argument
  69. is foolish, because living organs contain innumerable substances that will solublize oily molecules, but
  70. also because Brown-Sequard was describing an effect that wasn"t necessarily limited to a single chemical
  71. substance. (The transplanting of living cells to repair tissues is finally being accepted, but the pioneers
  72. in promoting tissue regeneration or repair with the transplantation of living, dead, or stressed cells--V.
  73. Filatov, L.V. Polezhaev, W.T. Summerlin, for example--were simply written out of history.)
  74. </p>
  75. <p>
  76. If Brown-S"quard"s extract couldn"t work because testosterone isn"t soluble in water, then what are we to
  77. think of the thousands of medical publications that talk about "free hormones" as the only active hormones?
  78. ("Free hormone" is defined as the hormone that isn"t bound to a transporting protein, with the more or less
  79. explicit idea that it is dissolved in the water of the plasma or extracellular fluid.) Brown-S"quard"s
  80. tissue extracts would have contained solublizing substances including proteins and phospholipids, so the
  81. oily hormones would certainly be present (and active) in his extracts. But the thousands of people who
  82. ridiculed him committed themselves to the fact that steroid hormones are insoluble in water. By their own
  83. standard, they are selling an impossibility when they do calculations to reveal the amount of "free
  84. hormone," as something distinct from the protein bound hormone, in the patient"s blood.
  85. </p>
  86. <p>
  87. The immense Hormone Replacement Therapy industry--which Brown-S"quard"s experiments foreshadowed--is based
  88. on the fact that the concentrations of some hormones in the blood serum decrease with aging.
  89. </p>
  90. <p>
  91. At first, it was assumed that the amount of the hormone in the blood corresponded to the effectiveness of
  92. that hormone. Whatever was in the blood was being delivered to the "target tissues." But as the idea of
  93. measuring "protein bound iodine" (PBI) to determine thyroid function came into disrepute (because it never
  94. had a scientific basis at all), new ideas of measuring "active hormones" came into the marketplace, and
  95. currently the doctrine is that the "bound" hormones are inactive, and the active hormones are "free." The
  96. "free" hormones are supposed to be the only ones that can get into the cells to deliver their signals, but
  97. the problem is that "free hormones" exist only in the imagination of people who interpret certain lab tests,
  98. as I discussed in the newsletter on thyroid tests (May, 2000).
  99. </p>
  100. <p>
  101. In the 1960s and 1970s, when the PBI test was disappearing, there was intense interest in--a kind of mania
  102. regarding--the role of "membranes" in regulating cell functions, and the membrane was still seen by most
  103. biologists as the "semipermeable membrane" which, "obviously," would exclude molecules as large as albumin
  104. and the other proteins that carry thyroid and other hormones in the blood. (In reality, and experimental
  105. observations, albumin and other proteins enter cells more or less freely, depending on prevailing
  106. conditions.) The membrane doctrine led directly to the "free hormone" doctrine.
  107. </p>
  108. <p>
  109. This issue, of arguing about which form of a hormone is the "active" form, has to do with explaining how
  110. much of the blood-carried hormone is going to get into the "target tissues." If the membrane is a
  111. "semipermeable" barrier to molecules such as hormones, then specific receptors and transporters will be
  112. needed. If the concentration of a hormone inside the cell is higher than that in the blood, a "pump" will
  113. usually be invoked, to produce an "active transport" of the hormone against its concentration gradient.
  114. </p>
  115. <p>
  116. <strong>But if the membrane regulates the passage of hormones from blood to tissue cells, and especially if
  117. pumps are needed to move the hormone into the cell, how relevant is the measurement of hormones in the
  118. blood?</strong>
  119. </p>
  120. <p>
  121. Within the blood, progesterone and thyroid hormone (T3) are much more concentrated in the red blood cells
  122. than in the serum. Since it isn"t likely that red blood cells are "targets" for the sex hormones, or for
  123. progesterone or even thyroid, their concentration "against their gradient" in these cells suggests that a
  124. simple distribution by solubility is involved. Oily substances just naturally tend to concentrate inside
  125. cells because of their insolubility in the watery environment of the plasma and extracellular fluid.
  126. Proteins that have "oily" regions effectively bind oily molecules, such as fats and steroids. Even red blood
  127. cells have such proteins.
  128. </p>
  129. <p>
  130. In the case of oil soluble molecules, such as progesterone and estrogen, it"s important to explain that most
  131. of their "binding" to proteins or other oil-loving molecules is really the nearly passive consequence of the
  132. molecules" being forced away from the watery phase--they are hydrophobic, and although it would take a great
  133. amount of energy to make these insoluble substances enter the watery phase, the attractive force between
  134. them and the cell is usually small. This means that they can be freely mobile, while "bound" or concentrated
  135. within the cell. The oxygen atoms, and especially the phenolic group of estrogen, slightly reduce the
  136. hormones" affinity for simple oils, but they interact with other polar or aromatic groups, giving estrogen
  137. the ability to bind more strongly and specifically with some proteins and other molecules. Enzymes which
  138. catalyze estrogen"s oxidation-reduction actions are among the specific estrogen-binding proteins.
  139. </p>
  140. <p>
  141. Many proteins and lipoproteins bind steroids, but some intracellular proteins bind them so strongly that
  142. they have been--in a very teleological, if not anthropomorphic, way--considered as the switch by which the
  143. hormone turns on the cellular response. In the popular doctrine of the Estrogen Receptor, a few molecules of
  144. estrogen bind to the receptors, which carry them to the nucleus of the cell, where the activated receptors
  145. turn on the genes in charge of the female response. (Or the male response, or the growth response, or the
  146. atrophy response, or whatever genetic response estrogen is producing.) Once the switch has been thrown, the
  147. estrogen molecules have fulfilled their hormonal duty, and must get lost, so that the response isn"t
  148. perpetuated indefinitely by a few molecules.
  149. </p>
  150. <p>
  151. Although the Estrogen Receptor doctrine is worse than silly, there are real proteins which bind estrogen,
  152. and some of these are called receptors. The uterus, breast, and brain, which are very responsive to
  153. estrogen, bind, or concentrate, estrogen molecules.
  154. </p>
  155. <p>
  156. When I was working on my dissertation, I tried to extract estrogens from hamster uteri, but the chemical
  157. techniques I was using to measure estrogen weren"t accurate for such small quantities. A few years later, S.
  158. Batra was able to extract the estrogen from human tissue in quantities large enough for accurate analysis by
  159. radioimmunoassay. (Batra, 1976.)
  160. </p>
  161. <p>
  162. His crucial observation was that the difference in estrogen concentration between tissue and blood was
  163. lowest in the luteal phase, when progesterone is high:
  164. </p>
  165. <p>
  166. <strong>"The tissue/plasma ratio of E2 [estradiol] ranged from</strong>
  167. <strong>1.45 to 20.36 with very high values in early follicular phase and the lowest in mid-luteal
  168. phase."</strong> This means that progesterone prevents the tissue from concentrating estrogen. He made
  169. similar observations during pregnancy, <strong>
  170. with tissue estrogen decreasing as blood progesterone increased, so that</strong>
  171. <strong>there is less estrogen in the tissue than in the plasma.</strong>
  172. But in women who aren"t pregnant, and when their progesterone is low, the tissues may contain 20 to 30 times
  173. more estrogen than the plasma (in equal volumes).
  174. </p>
  175. <p>
  176. In aging, the sharply decreased progesterone production creates a situation resembling the follicular phase
  177. of the menstrual cycle, allowing tissues to concentrate estrogen even when the serum estrogen may be low.
  178. </p>
  179. <p>
  180. "<strong>In postmenopausal women, the tissue concentration of E2 was not significantly lower than in
  181. menstruating women in follicular phase. . . .</strong>" (Akerlund, et al., 1981.)
  182. </p>
  183. <p>
  184. Besides the relatively direct actions of progesterone on the estrogen receptors, keeping their concentration
  185. low, and its indirect action by preventing prolactin from stimulating the formation of estrogen receptors,
  186. there are many other processes that can increase or decrease the tissue concentration of estrogen, and many
  187. of these influences change with aging.
  188. </p>
  189. <p>
  190. There are two kinds of enzyme that produce estrogen. Aromatase converts male hormones into estrogen.
  191. Beta-glucuronidase converts the inactive estrogen-glucuronides into active estrogen. The healthy liver
  192. inactivates practically all the estrogen that reaches it, mostly by combining it with the "sugar acid,"
  193. glucuronic acid. This makes the estrogen water soluble, and it is quickly eliminated in the urine. But when
  194. it passes through inflamed tissue, these tissues contain large amounts of beta-glucuronidase, which will
  195. remove the glucuronic acid, leaving the pure estrogen to accumulate in the tissue.
  196. </p>
  197. <p>
  198. Many kinds of liver impairment decrease its ability to excrete estrogen, and estrogen contributes to a
  199. variety of liver diseases. The work of the Biskinds in the 1940s showed that a dietary protein deficiency
  200. prevented the liver from detoxifying estrogen. Hypothyroidism prevents the liver from attaching glucuronic
  201. acid to estrogen, and so increases the body"s retention of estrogen, which in turn impairs the thyroid
  202. gland"s ability to secrete thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism often results from nutritional protein
  203. deficiency.
  204. </p>
  205. <p>
  206. Although we commonly think of the ovaries as the main source of estrogen, the enzyme which makes it can be
  207. found in all parts of the body. Surprisingly, in rhesus monkeys, aromatase in the arms accounts for a very
  208. large part of estrogen production. Fat and the skin are major sources of estrogen, especially in older
  209. people. <strong>The activity of aromatase increases with aging, and under the influence of prolactin,
  210. cortisol, prostaglandin, and the pituitary hormones, FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and growth
  211. hormone.</strong>
  212. <strong>It is inhibited by progesterone, thyroid, aspirin, and high altitude.</strong>
  213. Aromatase can produce estrogen in fat cells, fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, breast and uterine tissue,
  214. pancreas, liver, brain, bone, skin, etc. Its action in breast cancer, endometriosis, uterine cancer, lupus,
  215. gynecomastia, and many other diseases is especially important. Aromatase in mammary tissue appears to
  216. increase estrogen receptors and cause breast neoplasia, independently of ovarian estrogen (Tekmal, et al.,
  217. 1999).
  218. </p>
  219. <p>
  220. Women who have had their ovaries removed are usually told that they need to take estrogen, but animal
  221. experiments consistently show that removal of the gonads causes the tissue aromatases to increase. The loss
  222. of progesterone and ovarian androgens is probably responsible for this generalized increase in the formation
  223. of estrogen. In the brain, aromatase increases under the influence of estrogen treatment.
  224. </p>
  225. <p>
  226. Sulfatase is another enzyme that releases estrogen in tissues, and its activity is inhibited by
  227. antiestrogenic hormones.
  228. </p>
  229. <p>
  230. In at least some tissues, progesterone inhibits the release or activation of beta-glucuronidase (which,
  231. according to Cristofalo and Kabakjian, 1975, increases with aging). Glucaric acid, which inhibits this
  232. enzyme, is being used to treat breast cancer, and glucuronic acid also tends to inhibit the intracellular
  233. release of estrogen by beta-glucuronidase.
  234. </p>
  235. <p>
  236. Although there is clearly a trend toward the rational use of antiestrogenic treatments for breast cancer, in
  237. other diseases the myth of estrogen deficiency still prevents even rudimentary approaches.
  238. </p>
  239. <p>
  240. Ever since Lipshutz" work in the 1940s, it has been established that the <strong><em>
  241. uninterrupted</em></strong> effect of a little estrogen is more harmful than larger but intermittent
  242. exposures. But after menopause, when progesterone stops its cyclic displacement of estrogen from the
  243. tissues, the tissues retain large amounts of estrogen continuously.
  244. </p>
  245. <p>
  246. The menopause itself is produced by the prolonged exposure to estrogen beginning in puberty, in spite of the
  247. monthly protection of the progesterone produced by cycling ovaries. The unopposed action of the high
  248. concentration of tissue-bound estrogen after menopause must be even more harmful.
  249. </p>
  250. <p>
  251. The decline of the antiestrogenic factors in aging, combined with the increase of pro-estrogenic factors
  252. such as cortisol and prolactin and FSH, occurs in both men and women. During the reproductive years, women"s
  253. cyclic production of large amounts of progesterone probably retards their aging enough to account for their
  254. greater longevity. Childbearing also has a residual antiestrogenic effect and is associated with increased
  255. longevity.
  256. </p>
  257. <p>
  258. Being aware of this pervasive increase in estrogen exposure with aging should make it possible to marshal a
  259. comprehensive set of methods for opposing that trend toward degeneration.
  260. </p>
  261. <p>
  262. <strong><h3>REFERENCES</h3></strong>
  263. </p>
  264. <p>
  265. Contraception 1981 Apr;23(4):447-55. <strong>Comparison of plasma and myometrial tissue concentrations of
  266. estradiol-17 beta and progesterone in nonpregnant women.</strong> Akerlund M, Batra S, Helm G Plasma and
  267. myometrial tissue concentrations of estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) were measured by radioimmunoassay
  268. techniques in samples obtained from women with regular menstrual cycles and from women in pre- <strong>or
  269. postmenopausal age.</strong> In women with regular cycles, the tissue concentration of E2 ranged from
  270. 0.13 to 1.06 ng/g wet weight, with significantly higher levels around ovulation than in follicular or luteal
  271. phases of the cycle. The tissue concentration of P ranged from 2.06 to 14.85 ng/g wet weight with
  272. significantly higher level in luteal phase than in follicular phase. The tissue/plasma ratio of E2 ranged
  273. from <strong>1.45 to 20.36 with very high values in early follicular phase and the lowest in mid-luteal
  274. phase.</strong> The ratio for P ranged from 0.54 to 23.7 and was significantly lower in the luteal phase
  275. than in other phases of the cycle. One woman in premenopausal age with an ovarian cyst was the only case
  276. with<strong>
  277. a tissue/plasma ratio of E2 Less Than 1, since her plasma E2 levels were exceptionally high. In
  278. </strong>
  279. <strong>postmenopausal women, the tissue concentration of E2 was not significantly lower than in
  280. menstruating women in follicular phase, and the tissue concentration of P was not significantly lower
  281. than in fertile women in any of the phases.</strong> Neither in these women nor in menstruating women
  282. was there <strong>
  283. a close correlation between tissue and plasma levels.
  284. </strong>
  285. The present data indicate that the myometrial uptake capacity for ovarian steroids may be saturated, <strong
  286. >and also that a certain amount of these steroids is bound to tissue even if plasma levels are low.</strong>
  287. </p>
  288. <p>
  289. Biokhimiia 1984 Aug;49(8):1350-6. <strong>[The nature of thyroid hormone receptors. Translocation of thyroid
  290. hormones through plasma membranes].</strong> Azimova ShS, Umarova GD, Petrova OS, Tukhtaev KR,
  291. Abdukarimov A<strong>
  292. The in vivo translocation of thyroxine-binding blood serum prealbumin (TBPA) was studied. It was found
  293. that the TBPA-hormone complex penetrates-through the plasma membrane into the cytoplasm of target cells.
  294. Electron microscopic autoradiography revealed that blood serum TBPA is localized in ribosomes of target
  295. cells as well as in mitochondria, lipid droplets and Golgi complex. Negligible amounts of the
  296. translocated TBPA is localized in lysosomes of the cells insensitive to thyroid
  297. </strong>hormones (spleen macrophages). Study of T4- and T3-binding proteins from rat liver cytoplasm
  298. demonstrated that one of them has the antigenic determinants common with those of TBPA. It was shown
  299. autoimmunoradiographically that the structure of TBPA is not altered during its translocation.
  300. </p>
  301. <p>
  302. <strong> </strong>
  303. Biokhimiia 1985 Nov;50(11):1926-32.<strong>
  304. [The nature of thyroid hormone receptors. Intracellular functions of thyroxine-binding
  305. prealbumin</strong>] Azimova ShS; Normatov K; Umarova GD; Kalontarov AI; Makhmudova AA The effect of
  306. tyroxin-binding prealbumin (TBPA) of blood serum on the template activity of chromatin was studied. It was
  307. found that the values of binding constants of TBPA for T3 and T4 are 2 X 10(-11) M and 5 X 10(-10) M,
  308. respectively. The receptors isolated from 0.4 M KCl extract <strong>of chromatin and mitochondria as well as
  309. hormone-bound TBPA cause similar effects</strong> on the template activity of chromatin. Based on
  310. experimental results and the previously published comparative data on the structure of TBPA, nuclear,
  311. cytoplasmic and mitochondrial receptors of thyroid hormones as well as on <strong>translocation across the
  312. plasma membrane and intracellular transport of TBPA, a conclusion was drawn, which suggested that TBPA
  313. is the "core" of the true thyroid hormone receptor. It was shown that T3-bound TBPA caused histone
  314. H1-dependent conformational changes in chromatin.</strong> Based on the studies with the interaction of
  315. the TBPA-T3 complex with spin-labeled chromatin, a scheme of functioning of the thyroid hormone nuclear
  316. receptor was proposed.
  317. </p>
  318. <p>
  319. Biokhimiia 1984 Sep;49(9):1478-85<strong>[The nature of thyroid hormone receptors. Thyroxine- and
  320. triiodothyronine-binding proteins of mitochondria]</strong>
  321. Azimova ShS; Umarova GD; Petrova OS; Tukhtaev KR; Abdukarimov A. T4- and T3-binding proteins of rat liver
  322. were studied. It was found that the external mitochondrial membranes and matrix contain a protein whose
  323. electrophoretic mobility is similar to that of thyroxine-binding blood serum prealbumin (TBPA) and which
  324. binds either T4 or T3. This protein is precipitated by monospecific antibodies against TBPA. The internal
  325. mitochondrial membrane has two proteins able to bind thyroid hormones, one of which is localized in the
  326. cathode part of the gel and binds only T3, while the second one capable of binding T4 rather than T3 and
  327. possessing the electrophoretic mobility similar to that of TBPA. Radioimmunoprecipitation with monospecific
  328. antibodies against TBPA revealed that this protein also the antigenic determinants common with those of
  329. TBPA. The in vivo translocation of 125I-TBPA into submitochondrial fractions was studied. The analysis of
  330. densitograms of submitochondrial protein fraction showed that both TBPA and hormones are localized in
  331. <strong>the same protein fractions. Electron microscopic autoradiography demonstrated that 125I-TBPA enters
  332. the cytoplasm through the external membrane and is localized on the internal mitochondrial membrane and
  333. matrix.
  334. </strong>
  335. </p>
  336. <p>
  337. Biokhimiia 1984 Aug;49(8):1350-6<strong>. [The nature of thyroid hormone receptors. Translocation of thyroid
  338. hormones through plasma membranes]</strong> Azimova ShS; Umarova GD; Petrova OS; Tukhtaev KR;
  339. Abdukarimov A The in vivo translocation of thyroxine-binding blood serum prealbumin (TBPA) was studied. It
  340. was found that the TBPA-hormone complex penetrates-through the plasma membrane into the cytoplasm of target
  341. cells. Electron microscopic autoradiography revealed that blood serum TBPA is localized in ribosomes of
  342. target cells as well as in mitochondria, lipid droplets and Golgi complex. Negligible amounts of the
  343. translocated TBPA is localized in lysosomes of the cells insensitive to thyroid hormones (spleen
  344. macrophages). Study of T4- and T3-binding proteins from rat liver cytoplasm demonstrated that one of them
  345. has the antigenic determinants common with those of TBPA. It was shown autoimmunoradiographically that the
  346. structure of TBPA is not altered during its translocation.
  347. </p>
  348. <p>
  349. Probl Endokrinol (Mosk), 1981 Mar-Apr, 27:2, 48-52.<strong>
  350. [Blood estradiol level and G2-chalone content in the vaginal mucosa in rats of different ages]</strong>
  351. Anisimov VN; Okulov VB. <strong>"17 beta-Estradiol level was higher in the blood serum of rats aged 14 to 16
  352. months with regular estral cycles during all the phases as compared to that in 3- to 4-month-old female
  353. rats.
  354. </strong>
  355. The latter ones had a higher vaginal mucosa G2-chalone concentration. The level of the vaginal mucosa
  356. G2-chalone decreased in young rats 12 hours after subcutaneous benzoate-estradiol injection<strong>. . .
  357. .</strong>". "Possible role of age-associated disturbances of the <strong>regulatory cell proliferation
  358. stimulant (estrogen) and its inhibitor (chalone) interactions in neoplastic target tissue transformation
  359. is discussed."</strong>
  360. </p>
  361. <p>
  362. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1979 Dec;11(6):603-10. <strong>Interrelations between plasma and tissue concentrations
  363. of 17 beta-oestradiol and progesterone during human pregnancy.</strong> Batra S, Bengtsson LP, Sjoberg
  364. NO Oestradiol and progesterone concentration in plasma, decidua, myometrium and placenta obtained from women
  365. undergoing Caesarian section at term and abortion at weeks 16-22 of pregnancy were determined. There was a
  366. significant increase in oestradiol concentration (per g wet wt) both in placenta, decidua and myometrium
  367. from mid-term to term. <strong>Both at mid-term and term oestradiol concentrations in decidua and myometrium
  368. were much smaller than those in the plasma (per ml).</strong>
  369. Progesterone concentration in placenta and in myometrium did not increase from mid-term to term where it
  370. increased significantly in decidua. <strong>
  371. Decidual and myometrial progesterone concentrations at mid-term were 2-3 times higher than those in
  372. plasma,
  373. </strong>
  374. but at term the concentrations in both these tissues were lower than in plasma. The ratio <strong
  375. >progesterone/oestradiol in plasma, decidua, myometrium and placenta at mid-term was 8.7, 112.2, 61.4 and
  376. 370.0,</strong> respectively, and it decreased significantly in the myometrium and placenta but was
  377. nearly unchanged in plasma and decidua at term. The general conclusion to be drawn from the present study is
  378. <strong>the lack of correspondence between the plasma concentrations and the tissue concentrations of female
  379. sex steroids during pregnancy.</strong>
  380. </p>
  381. <p>
  382. Endocrinology 1976 Nov; 99(5): 1178-81. <strong>Unconjugated estradiol in the myometrium of
  383. pregnancy.</strong> Batra S. By chemically digesting myometrium in a mixture of NaOH and sodium dodecyl
  384. sulphate, estradiol could be recovered almost completely by extraction with ethyl acetate. The concentration
  385. of estradiol-17beta (E2) in the extracted samples could reliably be determined by radioimmunoassay. Compared
  386. to its concentration in the plasma, E2 in the pregnant human myometrium was very low, and as a result, the
  387. tissue/plasma estradiol concentration ratio was less than 0.5. In the pseudopregnant rabbit, this ratio
  388. ranged between 16 and 20.
  389. </p>
  390. <p>
  391. J Steroid Biochem 1989 Jan;32(1A):35-9. <strong>Tissue specific effects of progesterone on progesterone and
  392. estrogen receptors in the female urogenital tract.</strong> Batra S, Iosif CS. The effect of
  393. progesterone administration on progesterone and estrogen receptors in the uterus, vagina and urethra of
  394. rabbits was studied. After 24 h of<strong>
  395. progesterone treatment the concentration of cytosolic progesterone receptors decreased to about 25% of
  396. the control value in the uterus, whereas no significant change in receptor concentration was observed in
  397. the vagina or the urethra. The concentration of the nuclear progesterone receptor did not change in any
  398. of the three tissues studied. The apparent dissociation constant (Kd) of nuclear progesterone receptor
  399. increased after progesterone treatment in all</strong> three tissues. Although the Kd of the cytosolic
  400. progesterone receptor also increased in all tissues, the difference was significant for only the vagina
  401. and<strong>
  402. urethra. The concentration of cytosolic estrogen receptors in the uterus decreased significantly (P less
  403. than 0.001) after progesterone treatment whereas the Kd value increased slightly (P less than 0.05). In
  404. vagina or the urethra,</strong>
  405. there was no change in either estrogen receptor concentration or Kd values after progesterone treatment.
  406. These data clearly showed that the reduction by progesterone of progesterone and estrogen receptor
  407. concentrations occurs only in the uterus and not in the vagina or the urethra.
  408. </p>
  409. <p>
  410. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1980 Apr 15;136(8):986-91. <strong>Female sex steroid concentrations in the ampullary
  411. and isthmic regions of the human fallopian tube and their relationship to plasma concentrations during
  412. the menstrual cycle.</strong>
  413. Batra S, Helm G, Owman C, Sjoberg NO, Walles B. The concentrations of estradiol-17 beta (E2) and
  414. progesterone (P) were measured in the ampullary and isthmic portions of the fallopian tube of nonpregnant
  415. menstruating women and the cyclic fluctuations were related to the concentrations of these hormones in
  416. plasma. The steroid concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassays. There was no significant difference
  417. in the isthmic and ampullary concentrations of either steroid in any of the menstrual phases. The mean value
  418. for E2 was highest in the ovulatory phase and for P during the luteal phase. The tissue (per gm)/plasma (per
  419. ml) ratio for the steroid concentrations was above unity in all measurements. The ratio for E2 was highest
  420. (isthmus:12, ampulla:8) in the follicular phase and for P (isthmus:26, ampulla:18) during ovulation. Since
  421. <strong>
  422. these highest ratios were attained when plasma steroid concentrations were relatively low they were
  423. interpreted as reflections of a maximal receptor contribution.</strong>
  424. </p>
  425. <p>
  426. Biol Reprod 1980 Apr;22(3):430-7.<strong>
  427. Sex steroids in plasma and reproductive tissues of the female guinea pig.</strong> Batra S, Sjoberg NO,
  428. Thorbert G.
  429. </p>
  430. <p>
  431. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1997 Apr;61(3-6):323-39.<strong>
  432. Steroid control and sexual differentiation of brain aromatase.</strong> Balthazart J. "Together, these
  433. data indicate that <strong>
  434. the removal of estrogens caused by steroidal inhibitors decreases the synthesis of ARO,</strong>
  435. presumably at the transcriptional level."
  436. </p>
  437. <p>
  438. Science, Vol. 94, No. 2446 (Nov. 1941), p. 462. <strong>Diminution in Ability of the Liver to Inactivate
  439. Estrone in Vitamin B Complex Deficiency,</strong> Biskind, M.S., and G. R. Biskind.
  440. </p>
  441. <p>
  442. Am. Jour. Clin. Path., Vol. 16 (1946), No. 12, pages 737-45.<strong>
  443. The Nutritional Aspects of Certain Endocrine Disturbances,</strong> Biskind, G. R., and M. S.
  444. Biskind.<strong> </strong>
  445. </p>
  446. <p>
  447. Biol Reprod, 1993 Oct, 49:4, 647-52<strong>. Pathologic effect of estradiol on the hypothalamus.</strong>
  448. Brawer JR; Beaudet A; Desjardins GC; Schipper HM. Estradiol provides physiological signals to the brain
  449. throughout life that are indispensable for the development and regulation of reproductive function. In
  450. addition to its multiple physiological actions, we have shown that estradiol is also selectively cytotoxic
  451. to beta-endorphin neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus. The mechanism underlying this neurotoxic
  452. action appears to involve the conversion of estradiol to catechol estrogen and subsequent oxidation to
  453. o-semiquinone free radicals. The estradiol-induced loss of beta-endorphin neurons engenders a compensatory
  454. increment in mu opioid binding in the medial preoptic area rendering this region supersensitive to residual
  455. beta-endorphin or to other endogenous opioids. The consequent persistent opioid inhibition results in a
  456. cascade of neuroendocrine deficits that are ultimately expressed as a chronically attenuated plasma LH
  457. pattern to which the ovaries respond by becoming anovulatory and polycystic. This neurotoxic action of
  458. estradiol may contribute to a number of reproductive disorders in humans and in animals in which aberrant
  459. hypothalamic function is a major component.
  460. </p>
  461. <p>
  462. Mech Ageing Dev, 1991 May, 58:2-3, 207-20. <strong>Exposure to estradiol impairs luteinizing hormone
  463. function during aging.</strong> Collins TJ; Parkening TA Department of Anatomy and Neurosciences,
  464. University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston 77550. "This work evaluated the anterior pituitary (AP)
  465. component of the H-P axis by determining the ability of perifused AP to release LH following sustained but
  466. pulsatile LHRH stimulation. The normal dual discharge profile of LH was affected by age." <strong>"The role
  467. of estradiol (E2) in AP aging was further tested as AP from ovariectomized (OVXed) mice, deprived of E2
  468. since puberty, responded as well as the mature proestrous group. In contrast, aged mice subjected to
  469. long-term E2 exposure (cycling or OVXed plus E2 replacement) failed to produce the dual response
  470. pa</strong>ttern." "Furthermore, <strong>E2 is a major factor in altering LH function and appears to act
  471. before middle age."</strong>
  472. </p>
  473. <p>
  474. Mech Ageing Dev 1975 Jan-Feb;4(1):19-28. <strong>Lysosomal enzymes and aging in vitro: subcellular enzyme
  475. distribution and effect of hydrocortisone on cell life-span.</strong> Cristofalo VJ, Kabakjian J. "The
  476. acid phosphatase and beta glucuronidase activities of four subcellular fractions (nuclear,
  477. mitochondrial-lysosomal, microsomal, supernatant) of WI-38 cells were compared during in vitro aging.
  478. A<strong>ll of the fractions showed an age-associated increase in activity.</strong>"
  479. </p>
  480. <p>
  481. Endocrinology, 1992 Nov, 131:5, 2482-4.<strong>
  482. Vitamin E protects hypothalamic beta-endorphin neurons from estradiol neurotoxicity.</strong> Desjardins
  483. GC; Beaudet A; Schipper HM; Brawer JR. Estradiol valerate (EV) treatment has been shown to result in the
  484. destruction of 60% of beta-endorphin neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus. Evidence suggests that the
  485. mechanism of EV-induced neurotoxicity involves the conversion of estradiol to catechol estrogen and
  486. subsequent oxidation to free radicals in local peroxidase-positive astrocytes. In this study, we examined
  487. whether treatment with the antioxidant, vitamin E, protects beta-endorphin neurons from the neurotoxic
  488. action of estradiol. Our results demonstrate that chronic vitamin E treatment prevents the decrement in
  489. hypothalamic beta-endorphin concentrations resulting from arcuate beta-endorphin cell loss, suggesting that
  490. the latter is mediated by free radicals. Vitamin E treatment also prevented the onset of persistent vaginal
  491. cornification and polycystic ovarian condition which have been shown to result from the EV-induced
  492. hypothalamic pathology.
  493. </p>
  494. <p>
  495. Exp Gerontol, 1995 May-Aug, 30:3-4, 253-67.<strong>
  496. Estrogen-induced hypothalamic beta-endorphin neuron loss: a possible model of hypothalamic
  497. aging.</strong>
  498. Desjardins GC; Beaudet A; Meaney MJ; Brawer JR. Over the course of normal aging, all female mammals with
  499. regular cycles display an irreversible arrest of cyclicity at mid-life. Males, in contrast, exhibit
  500. gametogenesis until death.<strong>
  501. Although it is widely accepted that exposure to estradiol throughout life contributes to reproductive
  502. aging, a unified hypothesis of the role of estradiol in reproductive senescence has yet to
  503. emerge.</strong> Recent evidence derived from a rodent model of chronic estradiol-mediated accelerated
  504. reproductive senescence now suggests such a hypothesis. It has been shown that chronic estradiol exposure
  505. results in the <strong>destruction of greater than 60% of all beta-endorphin neurons in the arcuate nucleus
  506. </strong>
  507. while leaving other neuronal populations spared. This loss of opioid neurons is prevented by treatment with
  508. antioxidants indicating that it results from <strong>estradiol-induced formation of free radicals.
  509. Furthermore, we have shown that this beta-endorphin cell loss is followed by a compensatory upregulation
  510. of mu opioid receptors in the vicinity of LHRH cell bodies.</strong> The increment in mu opioid
  511. receptors presumably renders the opioid target cells supersensitive to either residual beta-endorphin or
  512. other endogenous mu ligands, such as met-enkephalin, thus resulting in chronic opioid <strong>suppression of
  513. the pattern of LHRH release, and subsequently that of LH.</strong> Indeed, prevention of the
  514. neuroendocrine effects of estradiol by antioxidant treatment also <strong>prevents the cascade of
  515. neuroendocrine aberrations resulting in anovulatory acyclicity.</strong> The loss of beta-endorphin
  516. neurons along with the paradoxical opioid supersensitivity which ensues, provides a unifying framework in
  517. which to interpret the diverse features that characterize the reproductively senescent female.
  518. </p>
  519. <p>
  520. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 1994 Jun; 54(6):321-31.<strong>
  521. Hormonprofile bei hochbetagten Frauen und potentielle Einflussfaktoren.</strong> Eggert-Kruse W; Kruse
  522. W; Rohr G; Muller S; Kreissler-Haag D; Klinga K; Runnebaum B. <strong>[Hormone profile of elderly women and
  523. potential modifiers].
  524. </strong>
  525. Eggert-Kruse W, Kruse W, Rohr G, Muller S, Kreissler-Haag D, Klinga K, Runnebaum B. "In 136 women with a
  526. median age of 78 (60-98) years the serum concentrations of FSH, LH, prolactin, estradiol-17 beta,
  527. testosterone and DHEA-S were determined completed by GnRH and ACTH stimulation tests in a subgroup. This
  528. resulted in median values for FSH of 15.8 ng/ml, LH 6.4 ng/ml, prolactin 6.9 ng/ml, estradiol 16 pg/ml,
  529. testosterone 270 pg/ml and 306 ng/ml for DHEA-S. <strong>No correlation with age in this population was
  530. found for gonadotropins as well as the other hormones for an age level of up to 98 years."</strong>
  531. </p>
  532. <p>
  533. Acta Physiol Hung 1985;65(4):473-8. <strong>Peripheral blood concentrations of progesterone and oestradiol
  534. during human pregnancy and delivery.</strong>
  535. Kauppila A, Jarvinen PA To evaluate the significance of progesterone and estradiol in human uterine activity
  536. during pregnancy and delivery the blood concentrations of these hormones were monitored weekly during the
  537. last trimester of pregnancy and at the onset of labour in 15 women, and before and 3 hours after the
  538. induction of term delivery in 83 parturients. Neither plasma concentrations of progesterone or estradiol nor
  539. the ratio of progesterone to estradiol changed significantly during the last trimester of pregnancy or at
  540. the onset of delivery. After the<strong>
  541. induction of delivery parturients with initial progesterone dominance (ratio of progesterone to
  542. estradiol higher than 5 before induction) demonstrated a significant fall in serum concentration of
  543. progesterone and in the ratio of progesterone to estradiol while estradiol concentration rose
  544. significantly. In estrogen dominant women (progesterone to estradiol ratio equal to or lower than 5) the
  545. serum concentration of progesterone and the ratio of progesterone to</strong> estradiol rose
  546. significantly during the 3 hours after the induction of delivery. Our results suggest that the peripheral
  547. blood levels of progesterone and estradiol do not correlate with the tissue biochemical changes which
  548. prepare the uterine cervix and myometrium for delivery. The observation that the ratio of progesterone to
  549. estradiol decreased in progesterone-dominant and increased in estrogen-dominant women stresses the
  550. importance of a well balanced equilibrium of these hormones for prostaglandin metabolism during human
  551. delivery.
  552. </p>
  553. <p>
  554. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1984 Nov 1;150(5 Pt 1):501-5. <strong>Estrogen and progesterone receptor and hormone
  555. levels in human myometrium and placenta in term pregnancy.</strong> Khan-Dawood FS, Dawood MY. Estradiol
  556. and progesterone receptors in the myometrium, decidua, placenta, chorion, and amnion of eight women who
  557. underwent elective cesarean section at term were determined by means of an exchange assay. The hormone
  558. levels in the peripheral plasma and cytosol of these tissues were measured by radioimmunoassays. Maternal
  559. plasma and the placenta had high concentrations of estradiol and progesterone, with the placenta having 12
  560. times more progesterone<strong>
  561. than in maternal plasma but only half the concentrations of estradiol in</strong> maternal plasma. The
  562. decidua and placenta had detectable levels of cytosol and nuclear estradiol receptors, but the myometrium
  563. had no measurable cytosol estradiol receptors, <strong>
  564. whereas the chorion and amnion had neither cytosol nor nuclear estradiol receptors. However, the chorion
  565. and amnion had significantly higher concentrations of estradiol</strong> in the cytosol than those in
  566. the decidua and myometrium. Only the decidua and myometrium had cytosol and nuclear progesterone receptors,
  567. but the placenta, amnion, and chorion had neither cytosol nor nuclear progesterone receptors. In contrast,
  568. progesterone hormone levels were significantly higher in the placenta, amnion, and chorion than in the
  569. decidua and myometrium. The findings indicate that, in the term pregnant uterus, (1) the placenta, amnion,
  570. and chorion are rich in progesterone, estradiol, and nuclear estradiol receptors but have no progesterone
  571. receptors, (2) the decidua and myometrium have nuclear estradiol and progesterone receptors, and (3) <strong
  572. >the myometrium has a higher progesterone/estradiol ratio than that of the peripheral plasma, thus
  573. suggesting a highly progesterone-dominated uterus.</strong>
  574. </p>
  575. <p>
  576. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1982 Jan 29;104(2):570-6. <strong>Progesterone-induced inactivation of nuclear
  577. estrogen receptor in the hamster uterus is mediated by acid phosphatase.</strong> MacDonald RG, Okulicz
  578. WC, Leavitt, W.W.
  579. </p>
  580. <p>
  581. Steroids 1982 Oct;40(4):465-73. <strong>Progesterone-induced estrogen receptor-regulatory factor is not 17
  582. beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.</strong> MacDonald RG, Gianferrari EA, Leavitt WW These studies were
  583. done to determine if the progesterone-induced estrogen receptor-regulatory factor (ReRF) in hamster uterus
  584. is 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17 beta-HSD), i.e. that rapid loss of nuclear estrogen receptor
  585. (Re) might be due to enhanced estradiol oxidation to estrone catalyzed by 17 beta-HSD. Treatment of
  586. proestrous hamsters with progesterone (approximately 25 mg/kg BW) for either 2 h or 4 h had no effect on 17
  587. beta-HSD activity measured as the rate of conversion of [6,7-3H]estradiol to [3H]estrone by whole uterine
  588. homogenates at 35 degrees C. During this same time interval, progesterone treatment increased the rate of
  589. inactivation of the occupied form of nuclear Re as determined during a 30 min incubation of uterine nuclear
  590. extract in vitro at 36 degrees C. Since we previously demonstrated that such in vitro Re-inactivating
  591. activity represents ReRF, the present studies show that ReRF is not 17 beta-HSD or a modifier of that
  592. enzyme.
  593. </p>
  594. <p>
  595. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1987 Aug; 157(2):312-317. <strong>Age-related changes in the female hormonal environment
  596. during reproductive life.</strong> Musey VC, Collins DC, Musey PI, Martino-Saltzman D, Preedy JR
  597. Previous studies have indicated that serum levels of follicle-stimulating hormone rise with age during the
  598. female reproductive life, but the effect on other hormones is not clear. We studied the effects of age,
  599. independent of pregnancy, by comparing serum hormone levels in two groups of nulliparous, <strong>
  600. premenopausal women aged 18 to 23 and 29 to 40 years. We found that increased age during reproductive
  601. life is accompanied by a significant rise in both basal and stimulated serum follicle-stimulating
  602. hormone levels. This was accompanied by an increase in the serum level of estradiol-17 beta and the
  603. urine
  604. </strong>
  605. levels of estradiol-17 beta and 17 beta-estradiol-17-glucosiduronate. The serum level of estrone sulfate
  606. decreased with age. Serum and urine levels of other estrogens were unchanged. The basal and stimulated
  607. levels of luteinizing hormone were also unchanged. There was a significant decrease in basal and stimulated
  608. serum prolactin levels. Serum levels of dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate decreased
  609. with age, but serum testosterone was unchanged. It is concluded that significant age-related changes in the
  610. female hormonal environment occur during the reproductive years.
  611. </p>
  612. <p>
  613. Endocrinology 1981 Dec;109(6):2273-5. <strong>Progesterone-induced estrogen receptor-regulatory factor in
  614. hamster uterine nuclei: preliminary characterization in a cell-free system.</strong> Okulicz WC,
  615. MacDonald RG, Leavitt WW.<strong>
  616. "In vitro studies have demonstrated a progesterone-induced activity associated with the uterine nuclear
  617. fraction which resulted in the loss of nuclear estrogen receptor."</strong> "This progesterone-dependent
  618. stimulation of estrogen receptor loss was absent when nuclear extract was prepared in phosphate buffer
  619. rather than Tris buffer. In addition, sodium molybdate and sodium metavanadate (both at 10 mM) inhibited
  620. this activity in nuclear extract. These observations support the hypothesis that progesterone modulation of
  621. estrogen action may be accomplished by induction (or activation) of an estrogen receptor-regulatory factor
  622. (Re-RF), and this factor may in turn <strong>act to eliminate the occupied form of estrogen receptor from
  623. the nucleus,</strong> perhaps through a hypothetical dephosphorylation-inactivation mechanism."
  624. </p>
  625. <p>
  626. American Journal of Human Biology, v.8, n.6, (1996): 751-759. <strong>Ovarian function in the latter half of
  627. the reproductive lifespan.
  628. </strong>O'Rourke, M T; Lipson, S F; Ellison, P T. "Thus, ovarian endocrine function over the course of
  629. reproductive life represents a process of change, but not one of generalized functional decline."
  630. </p>
  631. <p>
  632. J Gerontol, 1978 Mar, 33:2, 191-6.<strong>
  633. Circulating plasma levels of pregnenolone, progesterone, estrogen, luteinizing hormone, and follicle
  634. stimulating hormone in young and aged C57BL/6 mice during various stages of pregnancy.</strong>
  635. Parkening TA; Lau IF; Saksena SK; Chang MC Young (3-5 mo of age) and senescent (12-15 mo of age) multiparous
  636. C57BL/6 mice were mated with young males (3-6 mo of age) and the numbers of preimplantation embryos and
  637. implantation sites determined on days 1 (day of plug), 4, 9, and 16 of pregnancy. The numbers of viable
  638. embryos were significantly lower (p less than 0.02 to p less than 0.001) in senescent females compared with
  639. young females on all days except day 1 of pregnancy. Plasma samples tested by radioimmunoassay indicated
  640. circulating estradiol-17B was significantly lower (P less than 0.05) on day 1 and <strong>higher (p less
  641. than 0.05) on day 4
  642. </strong>in older females, whereas FSH was higher on days 4, 9, and 16 (p less than 0.02 to p less than
  643. 0.001) in senescent females when compared with samples from young females. Levels of pregnenolone,
  644. progesterone, estrone, and LH were not significantly different at any stage of pregnancy in the two age
  645. groups. From the hormonal data it did not appear that degenerating corpora lutea were responsible for the
  646. declining litter size in this strain of aged mouse.
  647. </p>
  648. <p>
  649. Biol Reprod, 1985 Jun, 32:5, 989-97. <strong>Orthotopic ovarian transplantations in young and aged C57BL/6J
  650. mice.</strong> Parkening TA; Collins TJ; Elder FF. "Orthotopic ovarian transplantations were done
  651. between young (6-wk-old) and aged (17-mo-old) C57BL/6J mice. The percentages of mice mating following
  652. surgery from the four possible ovarian transfer combinations were as follows: young into young, 83%; <strong
  653. >young into aged, 46%;</strong> aged into young, 83%; and aged into aged, 36%." <strong>"The only
  654. statistical differences found between the transfer groups occurred in FSH concentrations. Plasma FSH was
  655. markedly elevated (P less than 0.005) in young recipients with ovaries transplanted from aged donors, in
  656. comparison to young recipients with ovaries from young donors.
  657. </strong>
  658. These data indicate that the aging ovary and uterus play a secondary role in <strong>reproductive failure
  659. and that the aging hypothalamic-hypophyseal complex is primarily responsible for the loss of fecundity
  660. in older female C57BL/6J mice."
  661. </strong>
  662. </p>
  663. <p>
  664. J Endocrinol, 1978 Jul, 78:1, 147-8. <strong>Postovulatory levels of progestogens, oestrogens, luteinizing
  665. hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone in the plasma of aged golden hamsters exhibiting a delay in
  666. fertilization.</strong> Parkening TA; Saksena SK; Lau IF.
  667. </p>
  668. <p>
  669. Biology of Reproduction, v.49, n.2, (1993): 387-392. <strong>Controlled neonatal exposure to estrogens: A
  670. suitable tool for reproductive aging studies in the female rat.</strong> Rodriguez, P; Fernandez-Galaz,
  671. C; Tejero, A. "The present study was designed to determine whether the modification of exposure time to
  672. large doses of estrogens provided a reliable model for early changes in reproductive aging." "Premature
  673. occurrence of vaginal opening was observed in all three estrogenized groups independently of EB exposure.
  674. However, females bearing implants for 24 h had first estrus at the same age as their controls and cycled
  675. regularly, and neither histological nor gonadal alterations could be observed at 75 days. Interestingly,
  676. they failed to cycle regularly at 5 mo whereas controls continued to cycle." "On the other hand, the
  677. increase of EB exposure (Ei5, EI) resulted in a gradual and significant delay in the onset of first estrus
  678. and in a high number of estrous phases, as frequently observed during reproductive decline. At 75 days, the
  679. ovaries of these last two groups showed a reduced number of corpora lutea and <strong>an increased number of
  680. large follicles</strong>. According to this histological pattern, ovarian weight and progesterone (P)
  681. content gradually decreased whereas both groups showed higher estradiol (E-2) content than controls. This
  682. resulted in <strong>a higher E-2:P ratio, comparable to that observed in normal aging rats.</strong>
  683. <strong>The results allow us to conclude that the exposure time to large doses of estrogens is critical to
  684. the gradual enhancement of reproductive decline. Furthermore, exposures as brief as 24 h led to a
  685. potential early model for aging studies that will be useful to verify whether neuroendocrine changes
  686. precede gonadal impairment."</strong>
  687. </p>
  688. <p>
  689. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1996 Apr;81(4):1495-501. <strong>Characterization of reproductive hormonal dynamics
  690. in the perimenopause.</strong> Santoro N, Brown JR, Adel T, Skurnick JH. "<strong>Overall mean estrone
  691. conjugate excretion was</strong>
  692. <strong><hr /></strong>
  693. <strong>and was similarly elevated in both follicular and luteal phases.</strong>
  694. <strong>Luteal phase pregnanediol excretion was diminished in the perimenopausal women</strong> compared to
  695. that in younger normal subjects (range for integrated pregnanediol,<strong> 1.0-8.4 vs. 1.6-12.7 </strong>
  696. <hr />
  697. <strong>
  698. conclude that altered ovarian function in the perimenopause can be observed as early as age 43 yr and
  699. include hyperestrogenism, hypergonadotropism, and decreased luteal phase progesterone excretion. These
  700. hormonal alterations may well be responsible for the increased gynecological morbidity that
  701. characterizes this period of life."
  702. </strong>
  703. </p>
  704. <p>
  705. Brain Res, 1994 Jul 25, 652:1, 161-3.<strong>
  706. The 21-aminosteroid antioxidant, U74389F, prevents estradiol-induced depletion of hypothalamic
  707. beta-endorphin in adult female rats.</strong> Schipper HM; Desjardins GC; Beaudet A; Brawer JR.<strong>
  708. "A single intramuscular injection of 2 mg estradiol valerate (EV) results in neuronal degeneration and
  709. beta-endorphin depletion in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus of adult female rats." "The present
  710. findings support the hypothesis that the toxic effect of estradiol on hypothalamic beta-endorphin
  711. neurons is mediated by free radicals."
  712. </strong>
  713. </p>
  714. <p>
  715. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol 2000;27(1):54-6. <strong>Hormonal reproductive status of women at menopausal
  716. transition compared to that observed in a group of midreproductive-aged women.</strong> Sengos C,
  717. Iatrakis G, Andreakos C, Xygakis A, Papapetrou P. <strong>CONCLUSION: The reproductive hormonal patterns
  718. in</strong>
  719. <strong>perimenopausal women favor a relatively hypergonadotropic hyper-estrogenic milieu.</strong>
  720. </p>
  721. <p>
  722. Endocr Relat Cancer 1999 Jun;6(2):307-14.<strong>
  723. Aromatase overexpression and breast hyperplasia, an in vivo model--continued overexpression of aromatase
  724. is sufficient to maintain hyperplasia without circulating estrogens, and aromatase inhibitors abrogate
  725. these preneoplastic changes in mammary glands.</strong> Tekmal RR, Kirma N, Gill K, Fowler K "To test
  726. directly the role of breast-tissue estrogen in initiation of breast cancer, we have developed the
  727. aromatase-transgenic mouse model and demonstrated for the first time that increased mammary estrogens
  728. resulting from the overexpression of aromatase in mammary glands lead to the induction of various
  729. preneoplastic and neoplastic changes that are similar to early breast cancer." "Our current studies show
  730. aromatase overexpression is sufficient to induce and maintain early preneoplastic and neoplastic changes in
  731. female mice without circulating ovarian estrogen. Preneoplastic and neoplastic changes induced in mammary
  732. glands as a result of aromatase overexpression can be completely abrogated with the administration of the
  733. aromatase inhibitor, letrozole. Consistent with complete reduction in hyperplasia,<strong>
  734. we have also seen downregulation of estrogen receptor and a decrease in cell proliferation</strong>
  735. markers, suggesting aromatase-induced hyperplasia can be treated with aromatase inhibitors. Our studies
  736. demonstrate that <strong>aromatase overexpression alone, without circulating estrogen, is responsible for
  737. the induction of breast hyperplasia and these changes can be abrogated using aromatase
  738. inhibitors."</strong>
  739. </p>
  740. <p>
  741. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2000 Jun;73(3-4):141-5. <strong>Elevated steroid sulfatase expression in breast
  742. cancers.</strong> Utsumi T, Yoshimura N, Takeuchi S, Maruta M, Maeda K, Harada N. In situ estrogen
  743. synthesis makes an important contribution to the high estrogen concentration found in breast cancer tissues.
  744. Steroid sulfatase which hydrolyzes several sulfated steroids such as estrone sulfate, dehydroepiandrosterone
  745. sulfate, and cholesterol sulfate may be involved. In the present study, we therefore, assessed steroid
  746. sulfatase mRNA levels in breast malignancies and background tissues from 38 patients by reverse
  747. transcription and polymerase chain reaction. The levels in breast cancer tissues were significantly
  748. increased at 1458.4+/-2119.7 attomoles/mg RNA (mean +/- SD) as compared with 535.6+/-663.4 attomoles/mg RNA
  749. for non-malignant tissues (P&lt;0.001). Thus, increased steroid sulfatase expression may be partly
  750. responsible for local overproduction of estrogen and provide a growth advantage for tumor cells.
  751. </p>
  752. <p>
  753. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1986;464:106-16. <strong>Uptake and concentration of steroid hormones in mammary
  754. tissues.</strong> Thijssen JH, van Landeghem AA, Poortman J In order to exert their biological effects,
  755. steroid hormones must enter the cells of target tissues and after binding to specific receptor molecules
  756. must remain for a prolonged period of time in the nucleus. Therefore the endogenous levels and the
  757. subcellular distribution of estradiol, estrone, DHEAS, DHEA ad 5-Adiol were measured in normal breast
  758. tissues and in malignant and nonmalignant breast tumors from pre- and postmenopausal women. For estradiol
  759. the highest tissue levels were found in the malignant samples<strong>. No differences were seen in these
  760. levels between pre- and postmenopausal women despite the largely different peripheral blood
  761. levels.</strong> For estrone no differences were found between the tissues studied. Although the
  762. estradiol concentration was higher in the estradiol-receptor-positive than in the receptor-negative tumors,
  763. no correlation was calculated between the estradiol and the receptor consent. Striking differences were seen
  764. between the breast and uterine tissues for the total tissue concentration of estradiol, the ratio between
  765. estradiol and estrone, and the subcellular distribution of both estrogens. <strong>At similar receptor
  766. concentrations in the tissues these differences cannot easily be explained.</strong> Regarding the
  767. androgens, the tissue/plasma gradient was higher for DHEA than for 5-Adiol, and for DHEAS there was very
  768. probably a much lower tissue gradient. The highly significant correlation between the androgens suggests an
  769. intracellular metabolism of DHEAS to DHEA and 5-Adiol. <strong>Lower concentrations of DHEAS and DHEA were
  770. observed in the malignant tissues compared with the normal ones and the benign lesions.</strong> For
  771. 5-Adiol no differences were found and therefore these data do not support our original hypothesis on the
  772. role of this androgen in the etiology of breast abnormalities. Hence the way in which adrenal androgens
  773. express their influence on the breast cells remains unclear.
  774. </p>
  775. <p>
  776. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1978 Jul;9(1):59-66. <strong>Sex hormone concentrations in post-menopausal
  777. women.</strong> Vermeulen A, Verdonck L. "Plasma sex hormone concentrations (testosterone, (T),
  778. androstenedione (A), oestrone (E1) and oestradiol (E2) were measured in forty post-menopausal women more
  779. than 4 years post-normal menopause." <strong>"Sex hormone concentrations in this group of postmenopausal
  780. women (greater than 4YPM) did not show any variation as a function of age,</strong> with the possible
  781. exception of E2 which showed a tendency to decrease in the late post-menopause. E1 and to a lesser extent E2
  782. as well as the E1/A ratio were significantly corelated with degree of obesity or fat mass, suggesting a
  783. possible role of fat tissue in the aromatization of androgens. Neither the T/A nor the E2/E1 ratios were
  784. correlated with fat mass, suggesting that the reduction of 17 oxo-group does not occur in fat tissue. The
  785. E1/A ratio was significantly higher than the reported conversion rate of A in E1."
  786. </p>
  787. <p>
  788. J Steroid Biochem 1984 Nov;21(5):607-12. <strong>The endogenous concentration of estradiol and estrone in
  789. normal human postmenopausal endometrium.</strong> Vermeulen-Meiners C, Jaszmann LJ, Haspels AA, Poortman
  790. J, Thijssen JH The endogenous estrone (E1) and estradiol (E2) levels (pg/g tissue) were measured in 54
  791. postmenopausal, atrophic endometria and compared with the E1 and E2 levels in plasma (pg/ml). The results
  792. from the tissue levels of both steroids<strong>
  793. showed large variations and there was no significant correlation with their plasma levels. The mean E2
  794. concentration in tissue was 420 pg/g, 50 times higher than in plasma and the E1 concentration of 270
  795. pg/g was 9 times higher.
  796. </strong>The E2/E1 ratio in tissue of 1.6, was higher than the corresponding E2/E1 ratio in plasma, being
  797. 0.3. <strong>We conclude that normal postmenopausal atrophic endometria contain relatively high
  798. concentrations of estradiol and somewhat lower estrone levels.</strong> These tissue levels do not lead
  799. to histological effects.
  800. </p>
  801. <p>
  802. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998 Dec; 83(12):4474-80. <strong>Deficient 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type
  803. 2 expression in endometriosis: failure to metabolize 17beta-estradiol.</strong> Zeitoun K, Takayama K,
  804. Sasano H, Suzuki T, Moghrabi N, Andersson S, Johns A, Meng L, Putman M, Carr B, Bulun SE.<strong> </strong>
  805. "Aberrant aromatase expression in stromal cells of endometriosis gives rise to conversion of circulating
  806. androstenedione to estrone in this tissue, whereas aromatase expression is absent in the eutopic
  807. endometrium. In this study, we initially demonstrated by Northern blotting transcripts of the reductive
  808. 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17betaHSD) type 1, which catalyzes the conversion of estrone to
  809. 17beta-estradiol, in both eutopic endometrium and endometriosis. <strong>Thus, it follows that the product
  810. of the aromatase reaction, namely estrone, that is weakly estrogenic can be converted to the potent
  811. estrogen, 17beta-estradiol, in endometriotic tissues. It was previously</strong>
  812. <strong>
  813. demonstrated that progesterone stimulates the inactivation of 17beta-estradiol</strong> through
  814. conversion to estrone in eutopic endometrial epithelial cells." <strong>"In conclusion, inactivation of
  815. 17beta-estradiol is impaired in endometriotic tissues due to deficient expression of 17betaHSD-2, which
  816. is normally expressed in eutopic endometrium in response to progesterone."</strong>
  817. </p>
  818. <p>
  819. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1999 Aug 2;261(2):499-503. <strong>Piceatannol, a stilbene phytochemical,
  820. inhibits mitochondrial F0F1-ATPase activity by targeting the F1 complex.</strong> Zheng J, Ramirez VD.
  821. </p>
  822. <p>
  823. Eur J Pharmacol 1999 Feb 26;368(1):95-102.<strong>
  824. Rapid inhibition of rat brain mitochondrial proton F0F1-ATPase activity by estrogens: comparison with
  825. Na+, K+ -ATPase of porcine cortex. Zheng J, Ramirez VD</strong>. "The data indicate that the ubiquitous
  826. mitochondrial F0F1-ATPase is a specific target site for estradiol and related estrogenic compounds; however,
  827. under this in vitro condition, the effect seems to require pharmacological concentrations."
  828. </p>
  829. <p>
  830. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1999 Jan;68(1-2):65-75. <strong>Purification and identification of an estrogen
  831. binding protein from rat brain: oligomycin sensitivity-conferring protein (OSCP), a subunit of
  832. mitochondrial F0F1-ATP synthase/ATPase.</strong> Zheng J, Ramirez VD. "This finding opens up the
  833. possibility that estradiol, and probably other compounds with<strong>
  834. similar structures, in addition to their classical genomic mechanism, may interact with ATP
  835. synthase/ATPase by binding to OSCP, and thereby modulating cellular energy metabolism."</strong>
  836. </p>
  837. <p>© Ray Peat 2006. All Rights Reserved.</p>
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