123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775 |
- <html>
- <head><title>Altitude and Mortality</title></head>
- <body>
- <h1>
- Altitude and Mortality
- </h1>
- <p></p>
- <p>
- <em>Breathing pure oxygen lowers the oxygen content of tissues; breathing rarefied air, or air with carbon
- dioxide, oxygenates and energizes the tissues; if this seems upside down, it's because medical
- physiology has been taught upside down. And respiratory physiology holds the key to the special
- functions of all the organs, and to many of their basic pathological changes.</em>
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong><em>Stress, shock, inflammation, aging, and organ failure are, in important ways, respiratory
- problems.</em></strong>
- </p>
- Definitions <strong>
- Haldane effect:
- </strong>Oxygen displaces carbon dioxide from hemoglobin, in proportion to its partial (specific) pressure.
- <strong>
- Bohr effect:</strong> Carbon dioxide (or acidity) displaces oxygen from hemoglobin. <strong>
- Lactic acidemia:
- </strong>The presence of lactic acid in the blood. <strong>
- Alkalosis:</strong> A pH of the blood above 7.4. <strong>
- Acidosis:
- </strong>A blood pH below 7.4. <strong>
- Lactate paradox:</strong> The reduced production of lactic acid at a given work rate at high altitude.
- Muscle work efficiency may be 50% greater at high altitude. ATP wastage is decreased.<p></p>
- <p>
- There are some popular medical ideas that obstruct clear thinking about respiration. One is that high
- altitude deprives you of oxygen, and is likely to be bad for people with heart disease and cancer. Another
- is that breathing pure oxygen helps sick people to oxygenate their tissues while exerting less effort in
- breathing. These are both exactly wrong, and the errors have been explored in quite a few publications, but
- the ideas persist in the culture to such a degree that our <strong><em>perceptions and intuitions
- </em></strong>have been misled, making closely related things seem to be unrelated. In this culture, it
- is hard to see that heart disease, cancer, and cataracts all involve a crucial respiratory defect, with the
- production of too much lactic acid and too little carbon dioxide, which leads to a "swelling
- pathology"<strong>:</strong> A pathological retention of water. The swollen heart beats poorly, the swollen
- lens turns milky, other cells divide rapidly as a result of swelling.
- </p>
- <p>
- People who live at very high altitudes live significantly longer<strong>;</strong> they have a lower
- incidence of cancer (Weinberg, et al., 1987) and heart disease (Mortimer, et al., 1977), and other
- degenerative conditions, than people who live near sea level. As I have written earlier, I think the lower
- energy transfer from cosmic radiation is likely to be a factor in their longevity, but several kinds of
- evidence indicate that it is the lower oxygen pressure itself that makes the biggest contribution to their
- longevity.
- </p>
- <p>
- "Mountain sickness" is a potentially deadly condition that develops in some people when they ascend too
- rapidly to a high altitude. Edema of the lungs and brain can develop rapidly, leading to convulsions and
- death. The standard drug for preventing it is acetazolamide, which inhibits carbonic anhydrase and causes
- carbon dioxide to be retained, creating a slight tendency toward acidosis. This treatment probably mimics
- the retention of carbon dioxide that occurs naturally in altitude adapted people. The reasons for mountain
- sickness, and the reasons for the low incidence of heart disease, cancer, cataracts, etc., at high altitude,
- offer clues to the prevention of death and deterioration from many other causes.
- </p>
- <p>
- When the weather in a particular place is cool, sunny and dry (which in itself is very good for the health)
- the atmospheric pressure usually is higher than average. Although sunny dry weather is healthful,<strong>
- periods of higher pressure correspond to an increased incidence of death</strong>
- from heart disease and strokes.
- </p>
- <p>
- The Haldane-Bohr effect describes the fact that oxygen and carbon dioxide destabilize each other"s binding
- to hemoglobin. When oxygen pressure is high, the blood releases its carbon dioxide more easily. In stormy
- weather, or at high altitude, the lower oxygen pressure allows the body to retain more carbon dioxide.
- Carbon dioxide, produced in the cells, releases oxygen into the tissues, relaxes blood vessels, prevents
- edema, eliminates ammonia, and increases the efficiency of oxidative metabolism.
- </p>
- <p>
- Hyperventilation, breathing excessively and causing too much carbon dioxide to be lost, is similar to being
- in the presence of too much oxygen<strong>;</strong> it"s similar to being at low altitude with high
- atmospheric pressure, only worse. Therefore, the physiological events produced by hyperventilation can give
- us an insight into what happens when the atmospheric pressure is low, by looking at the events in reverse.
- Likewise, breathing 100% oxygen has known harmful consequences, which are very similar to those produced by
- hyperventilation.
- </p>
- <p>
- Hyperventilation is defined as breathing enough to produce respiratory alkalosis from the loss of carbon
- dioxide. Lactic acid is produced in response to the alkalosis of hyperventilation.
- </p>
- <p>
- Breathing too much oxygen displaces too much carbon dioxide, provoking an increase in lactic acid<strong
- >;</strong> too much lactate displaces both oxygen and carbon dioxide. Lactate itself tends to suppress
- respiration.
- </p>
- <p>
- Oxygen toxicity and hyperventilation create a systemic deficiency of carbon dioxide. It is this carbon
- dioxide deficiency that makes breathing more difficult in pure oxygen, that impairs the heart"s ability to
- work, and that increases the resistance of blood vessels, impairing circulation and oxygen delivery to
- tissues. In conditions that permit greater carbon dioxide retention, circulation is improved and the heart
- works more effectively. Carbon dioxide inhibits the production of lactic acid, and lactic acid lowers carbon
- dioxide's concentratrion in a variety of ways..
- </p>
- <p>
- When carbon dioxide production is low, because of hypothyroidism, there will usually be some lactate
- entering the blood even at rest, because adrenalin and noradrenalin are produced in large amounts to
- compensate for hypothyroidism, and the adrenergic stimulation, besides mobilizing glucose from the glycogen
- stores, stimulates the production of lactate. The excess production of lactate displaces carbon dioxide from
- the blood, partly as a compensation for acidity. The increased impulse to breath ("ventilatory drive")
- produced by adrenalin makes the problem worse, and lactate can promote the adrenergic response, in a vicious
- circle..
- </p>
- <p>
- Since the 1920s when A. V. Hill proposed that the prolonged increase in oxygen consumption after a short
- period of intense work, the "oxygen debt," was equivalent to the amount of lactic acid that had entered the
- circulation from the muscles" anaerobic work, and that it had to be disposed of by oxidative processes,
- physiology textbooks have given the impression that lactic acid accumulation was exactly the same as the
- oxygen debt. In reality, several things are involved, especially the elevation of temperature produced by
- the intense work. Increased temperature raises oxygen consumption independently of lactic acid, and lower
- temperature decreases oxygen consump-tion, even when lactic acid is present.
- </p>
- <p>
- The idea of the "oxygen debt" produced by exercise or stress as being equivalent to the accumulation of
- lactic acid is far from accurate, but it"s true that activity increases the need for oxygen, and also
- increases the tendency to accumulate lactic acid, which can then be disposed of over an extended time, with
- the consumption of oxygen. This relationship between work and lactic acidemia and oxygen deficit led to the
- term "lactate paradox" to describe the lower production of lactic acid during maximal work at high altitude
- when people are adapted to the altiude. Carbon dioxide, retained through the Haldane effect, accounts for
- the lactate paradox, by inhibiting cellular excitation and sustaining oxidative metabolism to consume
- lactate efficiently.
- </p>
- <p>
- The loss of carbon dioxide from the lungs in the presence of high oxygen pressure, the shift toward
- alkalosis, by the Bohr-Haldane effect increases the blood"s affinity for oxygen, and restricts its delivery
- to the tissues, but because of the abundance of oxygen in the lungs, the blood is almost competely saturated
- with oxygen.
- </p>
- <p>
- At high altitude, the slight tendency toward carbon dioxide-retention acidosis decreases the blood"s
- affinity for oxygen, making it more available to the tissues. It happens that lactic acid also affects the
- blood"s oxygen affinity, though not as strongly as carbon dioxide. <strong>
- However, lactic acid doesn"t vaporize as the blood passes through the lungs, so its effect on the lungs"
- ability to oxygenate the blood is the opposite of the easily exchangeable carbon dioxide"s.
- </strong>
- Besides<strong> </strong>dissociating oxygen from hemoglobin, lactate also displaces carbon dioxide from its
- (carbamino) binding sites on hemoglobin. If it does this in hemoglobin, it probably does it in many other
- places in the body.
- </p>
- <p>
- According to Meerson, ascending more than 200 feet per day produces measurable stress. People seldom notice
- the effects of ascending a few thousand feet in a day, but it has been found that a large proportion of
- people have bleeding into the retina when they ascend to 10,000 feet without adequate adaptation.
- Presumably, similar symptomless bleeding occurs in other organs, but the retina can be easily inspected.
- </p>
- <p>
- If hypothyroid people, with increased adrenalin and lactate, are hyperventilating even at rest and at sea
- level, when they go to a high altitude where less oxygen is available, and their absorption of oxygen is
- impaired by lactic acidemia, <strong>their "oxygen debt," conceived as circulating lactic acid, is easily
- increased, intensifying their already excessive "ventilatory drive," and in proportion to the lactic
- acid oxygen debt, oxygen absorption is further inhibited.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- The lactic acid has to be disposed of, but their ability to extract oxygen is reduced. The poor oxygenation,
- and the increased lactic acid and free fatty acids cause blood vessels to become leaky, producing edema in
- the lungs and brain. <strong>This is very similar to the "multiple organ failure" that occurs in
- inflammatory conditions, bacteremia, congestive heart failure, cancer, and trauma.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong>Otto Warburg established that lactic acid production even in the presence of oxygen is a fundamental
- property of cancer.</strong> It is, to a great degree, the lactic acid which triggers the defensive
- reactions of the organism, leading to tissue wasting from excessive glucocorticoid hormone. The cancer"s
- production of lactic acid creates the same kind of internal imbalance produced by hyperventilation, and if
- we look at the physiology of hyperventilation in the light of Warburg"s description of cancer,
- hyperventilation imitates cancer metabolism, by producing lactic acid "even in the presence of oxygen."
- Lactate, a supposedly benign metabolite of the cancer cells, which appears in all the other degenerative
- conditions, including obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer"s disease, multiple sclerosis, is itself a central factor
- in the degenerative process.
- </p>
- <p>
- Working out the mechanisms involved in susceptibility to altitude sickness will clarify the issues involved
- in the things that cause most people to die. At first, all of these changes occur in the regulatory systems,
- and so can be corrected.
- </p>
- <p>
- The vitality of the mitochondria, their capacity for oxidative energy production, is influenced by nutrition
- and hormones. In healthy people, mitochondria work efficiently at almost any altitude, but people with
- damaged or poorly regulated mitochondria are extremely susceptible to stress and hyperventilation.
- Progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid (T3 and T2) are protective of normal mitochondrial function, by both
- local and systemic effects.
- </p>
- <p>
- The changes that occur in malnutrition and hypothyroidism affect the mitochondria in a multitude of ways,
- besides the local effects of the thyroid and progesterone deficiency.
- </p>
- <p>
- Increased estrogen, nitric oxide, excitatory amino acids, cortisol, lactate, free unsaturated fatty acids,
- prolactin, growth hormone, histamine, serotonin, tumor necrosis factor and other pro-inflammatory cytokines
- and kinins, and a variety of prostaglandins and eicosanoids, have been identified as anti-mitochondrial,
- anti-respiratory agents. Edema itself can be counted among these agents.<strong> </strong>
- (Carbon dioxide itself directly reduces tissue edema, as can be seen in studies of the cornea.)<strong>
- Thyroid, progesterone, magnesium, glucose, and saturated fatty acids are among the central protective
- elements.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- The similarity of the changes occurring under the influence of estrogen excess, oxygen deprivation, aging,
- and ionizing radiation are remarkable. People who think that radiation"s biological effects are mainly on
- the DNA, and that estrogen acts through "estrogen receptors," aren"t interested in the parallels, but the
- idea of a common respiratory defect, activating common pathways, suggests that there is something useful in
- the perception that irradiation, hypoxia, and aging have estrogenic effects.
- </p>
- <p>
- Irradiation by ultraviolet, gamma, or x-rays, and even by blue light, is damaging to mitochondrial
- respiration. All of the ionizing radiations produce immediate and lingering edema, which continues to damage
- metabolism in a more or less permanent way, apart from any detectable mutagenic actions. The amount of water
- taken up following irradiation can be 20% to 30% of the normal weight, which is similar to the amount of
- swelling that intense work produces in a muscle, and to the weight increase under hormonal imbalances. The
- energy changes produced by irradiation in, for example, the heart, appear to accelerate the changes produced
- by aging. Since unsaturated fats accumulate in the respiratory system with aging, and are targets for
- radiation damage, the involvement of these fats in all sorts of antirespiratory degenerative processes
- deserves more attention. Darkness, like irradiation, excess lactate, and unsaturated fats, has the
- diabetes-like effect of greatly reducing the ability of muscle to absorb sugar, while light stimulates
- respiration..
- </p>
- <p>
- When the ideas of "stress," "respiratory defect," and "hyperventilation" are considered together, they seem
- practically interchangeable.
- </p>
- <p>
- The presence of lactic acid, which indicates stress or defective respiration, interferes with energy
- metabolism in ways that tend to be self-promoting. Harry Rubin"s experiments demonstrated that cells become
- cancerous before genetic changes appear. <strong>The mere presence of lactic acid can make cells more
- susceptible to the transformation into cancer cells.
- </strong>(Mothersill, et al., 1983.) The implications of this for the increased susceptibility to cancer
- during stress, and for the increased resistance to cancer at high altitude, are obvious.
- </p>
- <p>
- Blocking the production of lactic acid can make cells more resistant (Seymour and Mothersill, 1988)<strong
- >;</strong>
- if lactic acid were merely a useful fuel, it"s hard to see how poisoning its formation could improve cell
- survival. But it happens to be an energy-disruptive fuel, interfering with carbon dioxide metabolism, among
- other things.
- </p>
- <p>
- Hyperventilation is present in hypothyroidism, and is driven by adrenalin, lactate, and free fatty acids.
- Free fatty acids and lactate impair glucose use, and promote edema, especially in the lungs. Edema in the
- lungs limits oxygen absorption. Swelling of the brain, resulting from increased vascular permeability and
- the entry of free fatty acids, reduces its circulation and oxygenation<strong>;</strong> lactic acidemia
- causes swelling of glial cells. Swelling of the endothelium increases vascular resistance by making the
- channel narrower, eventually affecting all organs. Cells of the immune system release tumor necrosis factor
- and other inflammatory cytokines, and the bowel becomes more permeable, allowing endotoxin and even bacteria
- to enter the blood. Endotoxin impairs mitochondria, increases estrogen levels, causes Kupffer cells in the
- liver to produce more tumor necrosis factor, etc.. Despite its name, tumor necrosis factor stimulates the
- growth and metastasis of some types of cancer. Dilution of the body fluids, which occurs in hypothyroidsim,
- hyperestrogenism, etc., stimulates tumor growth.
- </p>
- <p>
- The inflammatory factors that can promote cell growth can, with just slight variation, deplete cellular
- energy to the extent that the cells die from the energetic cost of the repair process, or mutate from
- defective repairs. Niacinamide can have an "antiinflammatory" function, preventing death from multiple organ
- failure, by interupting the reactions to nitric oxide and peroxynitrile (Cuzzocrea, et al., 1999). The
- cells" type, environment, and history determine the different outcomes.
- </p>
- <p>
- Cataracts, cancer, congestive heart failure, seemingly such different degenerative problems, have the same
- sort of metabolic problem, leading to the abnormal absorption of water by cells, disrupting their normal
- functions.
- </p>
- <p>
- The same simple metabolic therapies, such as thyroid, progesterone, magnesium, and carbon dioxide, are
- appropriate for a great range of seemingly different diseases. Other biochemicals, such as adenosine and
- niacinamide, have more specific protective effects, farther downstream in the "cascade" effects of stress.
- </p>
- <p>
- There are many little cliches in the medical culture that prevent serious thought about integral
- therapy<strong>:</strong> "Progesterone is the pregnancy hormone," "thyroid makes your heart work too hard,"
- "thyroid uncouples mitochondrial phosphorylation," "magnesium has nothing to do with thyroid or
- progesterone," "lactate provides energy," etc. But many of these minor cliches are held in place by deep
- theoretical errors about the nature of cells and organisms. Once those have been corrected, there should be
- progress toward more powerful integral therapies.
- </p>
- <p><h3>REFERENCES</h3></p>
- <p>
- Cell Biol Int Rep 1983 Nov;7(11):971-80.<strong>
- Lactate-mediated changes in growth morphology and transformation frequency of irradiated C3H 10T1/2
- cells.</strong> Mothersill C, Seymour CB, Moriarty M. Treatment of mammalian cells with lactate or
- inhibitors of glycolysis alters their radiation response, particularly in the low dose region of the dose
- response curve. The occurrence of <strong>both high lactate levels and high glycolytic metabolism in
- tumours</strong> is well known and therefore the effect of lactate on a cell line sensitive to radiation
- induced transformation was examined using a single exposure to Cobalt 60 gamma rays as the carcinogen
- challenge. The results indicate that cells treated with <strong>
- 5mM lactate before irradiation exhibit changes in morphology and growth rate and that the transformation
- frequency is increased by three to ten fold following 24 hours lactate treatment just prior to
- irradiation.
- </strong>
- Examination of radiation survival curves showed a positive correlation between transformation frequency and
- size of the shoulder, but increasing transformation frequency was associated with a decrease in Do. A
- mechanism involving altered Redox potential in lactate treated cells is suggested. The results are discussed
- in terms of their possible significance for radiotherapy.
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong>Radiat Environ Biophys 1988;27(1):49-57. The effect of glycolysis</strong>
- <strong>
- inhibitors on the radiation response of CHO-K1 cells. Seymour CB, Mothersill C Saint Luke's Hospital,
- Rathgar, Dublin, Ireland. Exposure of CHO-K1 cells to three different inhibitors of glycolysis, prior to
- treatment with a single dose of ionising radiation, reduced their survival. The effects were
- concentration-dependent but occurred under all conditions where cells were exposed to the inhibitors
- prior to irradiation. The results are similar to those obtained by this group when glycolysis was
- altered using analogues of D-glucose or by blocking the pyruvate----lactate reaction using added lactate
- or oxamate. They support data from other workers suggesting a role for energy metabolism in the final
- expression of radiation damage.
- </strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Crit Care Med 1999 Aug;27(8):1517-23. <strong>Protective effect of poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase inhibition on
- multiple organ failure after zymosan-induced peritonitis in the rat.</strong> Cuzzocrea S, Zingarelli B,
- Costantino G, Sottile A, Teti D, Caputi AP
- </p>
- <p>
- Eur J Cancer 1975 May;11(5):365-371. <strong>Cancer and altitude. Does intracellular pH regulate cell
- division?</strong> Burton AC.<strong> </strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong>Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 1999 Aug;54(4):365-72. The pathophysiology of hyperventilation syndrome.
- Folgering H.</strong> Dept Pulmonology Dekkerswald, University of Nijmegen, Groesbeek, The Netherlands..
- <strong>Hyperventilation is defined as breathing in excess of the metabolic needs of the body, eliminating
- more carbon dioxide than is produced, and, consequently, resulting in respiratory alkalosis and an
- elevated blood pH.</strong> The traditional definition of hyperventilation syndrome describes "a
- syndrome, characterized by a variety of somatic symptoms induced by physiologically inappropriate
- hyperventilation and usually reproduced by voluntary hyperventilation". The spectrum of symptoms ascribed to
- hyperventilation syndrome is extremely broad, aspecific and varying. They stem from virtually every tract,
- and can be caused by physiological mechanisms such as low Pa,CO2, or the<strong>
- increased sympathetic adrenergic tone.</strong> Psychological mechanisms also contribute to the
- symptomatology, or even generate some of the symptoms. Taking the traditional definition of hyperventilation
- syndrome as a starting point, there should be three elements to the diagnostic criterion: 1) the patient
- should hyperventilate and have low Pa,CO2, 2) somatic diseases causing hyperventilation should have been
- excluded, and 3) the patient should have a number of complaints which are, or have been, related to the
- hypocapnia. Recent studies have questioned the tight relationship between hypocapnia and complaints.
- However, the latter can be maintained and/or elicited when situations in the absence of hypocapnia in which
- the first hyperventilation and hypocapnia was present recur. Thus, the main approach to diagnosis is the
- detection of signs of (possible) dysregulation of breathing leading to hypocapnia. The therapeutic approach
- to hyperventilation syndrome has several stages and/or degrees of intervention: psychological counselling,
- physiotherapy and relaxation, and finally drug therapy. Depending on the severity of the problem, one or
- more therapeutic strategies can be chosen.
- </p>
- <p>
- N Engl J Med 1977 Mar 17;296(11):581-585.<strong>
- Reduction in mortality from coronary heart disease in men residing at high altitude.</strong> Mortimer
- EA Jr, Monson RR, MacMahon B In New Mexico, where inhabited areas vary from 914 to over 2135 m above sea
- level, we compared age-adjusted mortality rates for arteriosclerotic heart disease for white men and women
- for the years 1957-1970 in five sets of counties, grouped by altitude in 305-m (1000-foot) increments. The
- results show a serial decline in mortality from the lowest to the highest altitude for males but not for
- females. Mortality rates for males residing in the county groups higher than 1220 m in order of ascending
- altitude <strong>were 98, 90, 86 and 72 per cent of that for the county group below 1220-m altitude (P less
- than 0.0001).</strong> The results do not appear to be explained by artifacts in ascertainment,
- variations in ethnicity or urbanization. A possible explanation of the trend is that adjustment to residence
- at high altitude is incomplete and daily activities therefore represent greater exercise than when
- undertaken at lower altitudes.
- </p>
- <p>
- Br Med J 1980 Jan 5;280(6206):5. Cardiovascular mortality and altitude.
- </p>
- <p>
- Radiat Res 1987 Nov;112(2):381-390. <strong>Altitude, radiation, and mortality from cancer and heart
- disease.</strong> Weinberg CR, Brown KG, Hoel DG. The variation in background radiation levels is an
- important source of information for estimating human risks associated with low-level exposure to ionizing
- radiation. Several studies conducted in the United States, correlating mortality rates for cancer with
- estimated background radiation levels, found an unexpected inverse relationship. Such results have been
- interpreted as suggesting that low levels of ionizing radiation may actually confer some benefit. An
- environmental factor strongly correlated with background radiation is altitude. Since there are important
- physiological adaptations associated with breathing thinner air, such changes may themselves influence risk.
- We therefore fit models that simultaneously incorporated altitude and background radiation as predictors of
- mortality. The <strong>negative correlations with background radiation</strong> seen for <strong>mortality
- from arteriosclerotic heart disease and cancers of the lung, the intestine, and the breast</strong>
- disappeared or became positive once altitude was included in the models. <strong>By contrast, the
- significant negative correlations with altitude persisted with adjustment for radiation. Interpretation
- of these results is problematic, but recent evidence implicating reactive forms of oxygen in
- carcinogenesis and atherosclerosis may be relevant. We conclude that the cancer correlational studies
- carried out in the United States using vital statistics data do not in themselves demonstrate a lack of
- carcinogenic effect of low radiation levels, and that reduced oxygen pressure of inspired air may be
- protective against certain causes of death.
- </strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Biull Eksp Biol Med 1993 Jun;115(6):576-578. <strong>[The effect of high-altitude ecological and
- experimental stresses on the thrombocyte-vascular wall system].</strong> [Article in Russian].
- Bekbolotova AK, Lemeshenko VA, Aliev MA. Experiments in animals (rats) and examinations of the population of
- high-altitude shepherds were used to study the functional system "Thrombocytes-Vessel Wall" (STVW) for
- evaluation of the organism ecological adaptation to "pure" high-altitude stress, with and without
- combination with experimental-adrenergic cardionecrosogenic stress (ACNS, in rats). The adaptive increase of
- antiaggregation prostacyclin activity of the aorta in rats and PGI2 reaction of vessels in human population
- of high-altitude in mountains (2000, 3000-3500 m) were found to be a common biologist regularity. The<strong
- >
- adaptive increase of coronary reserve of the heart and vasodilatator-antiaggregation status in
- high-altitude shepherds correlated with an increase of antiaggregation activity of the aorta and
- decrease of spontaneous aggregation of the thrombocytes in rats under conditions of more prolonged
- adaptation to high-altitude ecological stress.
- </strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Diabetologia 1982 Jun;22(6):493. <strong>Measurement of glycosylated haemoglobin at high altitudes.</strong>
- Paisey R, Valles V, Arredondo G, Wong B, Lozano-Castaneda O.
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong>[Change in the ultrastructure of rat myocardium under the influence of 12-months' adaptation to high
- altitude]</strong> Zhaparov B; Mirrakhimov MM. Biull Eksp Biol Med, 1977 Jul, 84:7, 109-12. The right
- and left ventricle myocardium of rats was studied in the course of a 12-month period of adaptation to high
- altitude (3200 m above the sea level). A long-term exposure of the animals to the high altitude led the
- development of ventricular hypertrophy mostly of the right, and partly of the left ventricle.<strong>
- Hyperplasia and hypertrophy of individual organellae, particularly mitochondria</strong>, were found in
- most cardiomyocytes of both ventricles. In animals adapted to the high altitude the mitochondrial succinic
- dehydrogenase activity was more pronounced than in control ones. The results obtained testified to the
- enhanced intracellular metabolism reflecting myocardial compensatory adaptive responses.
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong>[Morphologic characteristics of the hearts of argali continuously dwelling at high mountain
- altitudes]</strong>, Zhaparov B; Kamitov SKh; Mirrakhimov MM, Biull Eksp Biol Med, 1980 Apr, 89<strong
- >:</strong>4, 498-501 The hearts of argali [wild sheep] living at 3800-5000 m above the sea level were
- examined.<strong>
- Macroscopy showed complete absence of fatty tissue under the epicardium.</strong> Increased number of
- the capillaries surrounding cardiomyocytes, intercalated discs in many zones of the myocardium, sharp
- thickening giving pronounced cross lines of myofibrils were revealed on semithin and ultrathin sections. The
- data obtained demonstrate specificity of the heart structure of argali and are<strong>
- discussed from the standpoint of increased compensatory-adaptive changes in the test organ, these
- changes being associated with its enhanced function provoked by high altitude conditions.
- </strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- J Dev Physiol 1990 Sep;14(3):139-46. <strong>Effect of lactate and beta-hydroxybutyrate infusions on brain
- metabolism in the fetal sheep.</strong>
- <hr />
- <strong>Despite large increases in fetal arterial lactate and beta-hydroxybutyrate during the respective
- infusions, no significant uptake of either substrate was demonstrated. However during both types of
- infusion, the brain arterio-venous difference for glucose decreased 30% (P less than 0.05). Since the
- brain arterio-venous difference for oxygen was unchanged, and blood flow to the cerebral hemispheres
- (measured in 11 studies) was also unchanged, the infusions appeared to cause a true decrease in brain
- glucose uptake. This decrease paralleled the rise in lactate concentration during lactate infusions, and
- the rise in lactate and butyrate</strong> concentrations during the butyrate infusions. Both substrates
- have metabolic actions that may inhibit brain glucose uptake. <strong>We speculate that the deleterious
- effects of high lactate and ketone states in the perinatal period may in part be due to inhibition of
- brain glucose uptake.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Hypertens 1995 Feb;9(2):119-22. <strong>
- Pressor effect of hyperventilation in healthy subjects.</strong> Todd GP, Chadwick IG, Yeo WW, Jackson
- PR, Ramsay LE University Department of Medicine and Pharmacology, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK
- Hyperventilation is an important feature of panic disorder, and an association has been reported between
- panic disorder and hypertension. We have examined the effect of hyperventilation on the blood pressure (BP)
- of healthy subjects. Twenty six subjects were randomised in a balanced two-period cross-over study to
- compare the effects of hyperventilation with that of normal breathing on sitting BP, heart rate and the
- electrocardiogram. Each study phase lasted 40 min, with 15 min of baseline observation, 5 min of
- hyperventilation or normal breathing, and 20 min of continued<strong>
- observation. Hyperventilation significantly increased SBP by 8.9 mm Hg (95% CI 3.8-13.8, P < 0.01),
- diastolic blood pressure by 8.2 mm Hg (95% CI 1.7-14.7, P < 0.05), mean arterial pressure by 10.0 mm
- Hg (95% CI 3.3-16.7, P < 0.01) and heart rate by 36 beats/min (95% CI 31-44, P < 0.01). The
- changes in diastolic and mean arterial pressure correlated significantly with the total</strong>
- <hr />
- <strong>
- Intravenous infusion of free fatty acid (FFA) 20 mg.kg-1.min-1 produces pulmonary edema, hypoxemia,
- hyperventilation and increase in the alveolar surfactant content in rabbits in less than 15</strong>
- min.
- </p>
- <p>
- Respiration 1986;49(3):187-94. <strong>Role of hypocapnia in the alveolar surfactant increase induced by
- free fatty acid intravenous infusion in the rabbit.</strong>
- Oyarzun MJ, Donoso P, Quijada D<strong>. Intravenous infusion of free fatty acid (FFA) produces an increase
- in the alveolar surfactant pool of the rabbit and pulmonary edema, hyperventilation, hypoxemia and
- hypocapnia. Previous studies suggested that alveolar PCO2 would be a regulator of intracellular storages
- of surfactant. In order to</strong>
- <hr />
- </p>
- <p>
- Farmakol Toksikol 1977. Sep-Oct; 40(5):620-3..<strong>
- [Effect of combinations of apressin, obsidan, diprazin, adenosine, NAD and nicotinamide on the
- resistance of rats to hypoxia and on carbohydrate metabolic indices].</strong> [Article in Russian]
- Abakumov GZ As evidenced from experiments on rats, a combined application of apressin with obsidan and
- diprazine, and also of adenozine with nicotine-amidadenine-dinucleotide (NAD), as well as of adeozine with
- nicotine amide potentiates the protective effect of these substances in hypobaric hypoxia, increases the
- resistance of the animals to cerebral ischemia, <strong>brings down the excess lactate level and raises the
- redoz potential of the system lactic-acid-pyruvic</strong> acid in the brain of rats exposed to the
- effects of rarefied atmosphere.
- </p>
- <p>
- Schweiz Med Wochenschr 1977 Nov 5;107(44):1585-6. <strong>[Protective effect of pyridoxilate on the hypoxic
- myocardium. Experimental studies].</strong> [Article in French] Moret PR, Lutzen U The protective action
- of piridoxilate on hypoxic myocardium has been studied on rats in acute hypoxia (isolated heart, perfused
- with a non-oxygenated solution) and in prolonged hypoxia (3 days at high [3454 m] altitude). Piridoxilate
- maintained a higher ATP level with a much lower production of lactate. <strong>The mechanisms of action of
- piridoxilate are probably fairly similar to those of Na dichloracetate</strong>.
- </p>
- <p>
- J. Appl Physiol 1991 Apr;70(4):1720-30. .<strong>Metabolic and work efficiencies during exercise in Andean
- natives.</strong> Hochachka PW, Stanley C, Matheson GO, McKenzie DC, Allen PS, Parkhouse WS Department
- of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. <strong>
- Maximum O2 and CO2 fluxes during exercise were less perturbed by hypoxia in Quechua natives</strong>
- from the Andes than in lowlanders. In exploring how this was achieved, we found that, <strong>for a given
- work rate, Quechua highlanders at 4,200 m accumulated substantially less lactate
- </strong>than lowlanders at sea level normoxia (approximately 5-7 vs. 10-14 mM) despite hypobaric hypoxia.
- This phenomenon, known as the lactate paradox, was entirely refractory to normoxia-hypoxia transitions. In
- lowlanders, the lactate paradox is an acclimation; however, in Quechuas, the lactate paradox is an
- expression of metabolic organization that did not deacclimate, at least over the 6-wk period of our study.
- Thus it was concluded that this metabolic organization is a developmentally or genetically fixed
- characteristic selected because of the <strong>efficiency advantage of aerobic metabolism (high ATP yield
- per mol of substrate metabolized) compared with anaerobic glycolysis.</strong> Measurements of
- respiratory quotient indicated preferential use of carbohydrate as fuel for muscle work, which is also
- advantageous in hypoxia because it maximizes the yield of ATP per mol of O2 consumed. Finally, minimizing
- the cost of muscle work was also reflected in energetic efficiency as classically defined (power output per
- metabolic power input);<strong>
- this was evident at all work rates but was most pronounced at submaximal work rates (efficiency
- approximately 1.5 times higher than in lowlander athletes).</strong> Because plots of power output vs.
- metabolic power input did not extrapolate to the origin, it was concluded 1) that exercise in both groups
- sustained a significant ATP expenditure not convertible to mechanical work but 2) that this expenditure was
- downregulated in Andean natives by thus far unexplained mechanisms.
- </p>
- <p>
- Br J Anaesth 1975 Jun;47(6):669-78. <strong>Effect of CO2 on myocardial contractility and aortic input
- impedance during anaesthesia.</strong> Foex P, Prys-Roberts C. The haemodynamic responses to hypocapnia
- and hypercapnia have been studied in the dog during intermittent positive pressure ventilation under
- halothane anaesthesia (1% halothane in oxygen) and under nitrous oxide anaesthesia (30% oxygen in nitrous
- oxide). In the absence of significant<strong>
- variations of either myocardial contractility or left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, the changes of
- stroke volume and cardiac output (diminution because of hypocapnia, augmentation because of hypercapnia)
- were determined by alterations of systemic vascular resistance (augmentation because of hypocapnia,
- diminution because of hypercapnia).
- </strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- J Appl Physiol 1991 May;70(5):1963-76.<strong>
- Skeletal muscle metabolism and work capacity: a 31P-NMR study of Andean natives and lowlanders.</strong>
- Matheson GO, Allen PS, Ellinger DC, Hanstock CC, Gheorghiu D, McKenzie DC, Stanley C, Parkhouse WS,
- Hochachka PW Sports Medicine Division, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Two metabolic
- features of altitude-adapted humans are the <strong>maximal O2 consumption (VO2max) paradox (higher work
- rates following acclimatization without increases in VO2max)
- </strong>and the lactate paradox (progressive reductions in muscle and blood lactate with exercise at
- increasing altitude). To
- </p>
- <p>
- J Hum Hypertens 1995 Feb;9(2):119-22.<strong>
- Pressor effect of hyperventilation in healthy subjects.</strong>Todd GP, Chadwick IG, Yeo WW, Jackson
- PR, Ramsay LE.
- </p>
- <p>
- J Infect Dis 1998 May;177(5):1418-21.<strong>The effect of lactic acid on mononuclear cell secretion of
- proinflammatory cytokines in response to group B streptococci.</strong>
- Steele PM, Augustine NH, Hill HR Department of Pathology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake
- City 84132, USA.<strong><hr /></strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- J Appl Physiol 1994 Apr;76(4):1462-7<strong>.</strong> Lactic acidosis as a facilitator of oxyhemoglobin
- dissociation during exercise. Stringer W, Wasserman K, Casaburi R, Porszasz J, Maehara K, French W.
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong>Involvement of nitric oxide and N-methyl- D-aspartate in acute hypoxic altitude convulsion in mice.
- </strong>Chen CH; Chen AC; Liu HJ. Aviat Space Environ Med, 1997 Apr, 68:4, 296-9. "Altitude convulsion is a
- rather specific form of experimental convulsion which is induced by acute exposure to a hypobaric hypoxic
- condition. Several neurotransmitters have been shown to be involved in the mechanisms of altitude
- convulsions." "The novel neurotransmitter nitric oxide (NO) may be involved in the mechanisms of altitude
- convulsion through its neuronal signalling roles in relation to the NMDA receptor." <strong>"NO synthesis
- precursor, L-arginine (20, 40, 200, 800 mg/kg), resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in the ACT in
- mice, while the NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor, NG-nitro-L-arginine-methyl ester (L-NAME, 1.25, 2.50, 5.00
- mg/kg, i.p.) increased the ACT."</strong>
- "CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest an important signalling role for nitric oxide and NMDA in the
- development of altitude convulsion and further support the hypothesized relationship between NMDA-receptor
- mediated neurotoxicity and nitric oxide."<strong> </strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong>Excitotoxicity in the lung: N-methyl-D-aspartate- induced, nitric oxide-dependent, pulmonary edema
- is attenuated by vasoactive intestinal peptide and by inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase.
- </strong>
- Said SI; Berisha HI; Pakbaz H. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 1996 May 14, 93:10, 4688-92. <strong>"Excitatory
- amino acid toxicity, resulting from overactivation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors,
- is a major mechanism of neuronal cell death in acute and chronic neurological diseases. We have
- investigated whether excitotoxicity may occur in peripheral organs, causing tissue injury, and report
- that NMDA receptor activation in perfused, ventilated rat lungs triggered acute injury, marked by
- increased pressures needed to ventilate and perfuse the lung, and by high-permeability edema."</strong>
- The injury was prevented by competitive NMDA receptor antagonists or by channel-blocker MK-801, and <strong
- >was reduced in the presence of Mg2+.</strong> As with NMDA toxicity to central neurons, the lung injury was
- nitric oxide (NO) dependent: it <strong>required L-arginine, was associated with increased production of
- NO,</strong> and was attenuated by either of two NO synthase inhibitors. The neuropeptide<strong>
- </strong>vasoactive intestinal peptide and<strong>
- inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase also prevented this injury, but without inhibiting NO
- synthesis, both acting by inhibiting a toxic action of NO that is critical to tissue injury.
- </strong>
- The findings indicate that: (i) NMDA receptors exist in the lung (and probably elsewhere outside the central
- nervous system), (ii) excessive activation of these receptors may provoke acute edematous lung injury as
- seen in the "adult respiratory distress syndrome," and (iii) this injury can be modulated by blockade of one
- of three critical steps: NMDA receptor binding, inhibition of NO synthesis, or activation of
- poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase.
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong>Adenosine modulates N-methyl-D- aspartate- stimulated hippocampal nitric oxide production in vivo.
- </strong>Bhardwaj A; Northington FJ; Koehler RC; Stiefel T; Hanley DF; Traystman RJ. Stroke, 1995 Sep, 26:9,
- 1627-33. "Adenosine acts presynaptically to inhibit release of excitatory amino acids (EAAs) and is thus
- considered to be neuroprotective. Because EAA-stimulated synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) may play an
- important role in long-term potentiation and excitotoxic-mediated injury, we tested the hypotheses that
- adenosine agonists attenuate basal and EAA-induced NO production in the hippocampus in vivo and that
- adenosine A1 receptors mediate this response." "...these data are consistent with in vitro results showing
- that NMDA receptor stimulation enhances NO production. Furthermore, we conclude that stimulation of A1
- receptors can attenuate the basal as well as NMDA-induced production of NO. Because NMDA receptor
- stimulation amplifies glutamate release, our data are consistent with presynaptic A1 receptor-mediated
- inhibition of EAA release and consequent downregulation of NO production."
- </p>
- <p>
- Anesthesiology 1993 Jan;78(1):91-9.<strong>
- Hypocapnia worsens arterial blood oxygenation and increases VA/Q heterogeneity in canine pulmonary
- edema.</strong> Domino KB, Lu Y, Eisenstein BL, Hlastala MP. University of Washington Medical School,
- Seattle. "Hyperventilation frequently is employed to reduce carbon dioxide partial pressure in patients in
- the operating room and intensive care unit. However the effect of hypocapnia on oxygenation is complex and
- may result in worsening in patients with preexisting intrapulmonary shunt." "Both hypocapnia and hypercapnia
- were associated with an increased VA/Q inequality. However, PaO2 decreased and P[A-a]O2 increased with only
- hypocapnia. These results suggest that hyperventilation to reduce PaCO2 may be detrimental to arterial PO2
- in some patients with lung disease."
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong>Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1996 Jan;40(1):133-4 Hyperlactatemia associated with hypocarbic
- hyperventilation. Cheung PY</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Am J Physiol 1999 May;276(5 Pt 1):E922-9 Hyperlactatemia reduces muscle glucose uptake and GLUT-4 mRNA while
- increasing (E1alpha)PDH gene expression in rat. Lombardi AM, Fabris R, Bassetto F, Serra R, Leturque A,
- Federspil G, Girard J, Vettor R Endocrine Metabolic Laboratory, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences,
- University of Padova, 35100 Padova, Italy. <strong>
- An increased basal plasma lactate concentration is present in many physiological and pathological
- conditions, including obesity and diabetes. We previously demonstrated that acute lactate infusion in
- rats produced a decrease in overall glucose uptake.</strong>
- The present study was carried out to further investigate the effect of lactate on glucose transport and
- utilization in skeletal muscle. In chronically catheterized rats, a 24-h sodium lactate or bicarbonate
- infusion was performed. To study glucose uptake in muscle, a bolus of 2-deoxy-[3H]glucose was injected in
- basal condition and during euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp. Our results show that hyperlactatemia
- decreased glucose uptake in muscles (i.e., red quadriceps; P < 0.05). Moreover in red muscles, both
- GLUT-4 mRNA (-30% in red quadriceps and -60% in soleus; P < 0.025) and protein (-40% in red quadriceps; P
- < 0.05) were decreased, whereas the (E1alpha)pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) mRNA was increased (+40% in red
- quadriceps; P < 0.001) in lactate-infused animals. PDH protein was also increased (4-fold in red
- gastrocnemius and 2-fold in red quadriceps). These results indicate that <strong>chronic
- hyperlactatemia</strong> reduces glucose uptake by affecting the expression of genes involved in glucose
- metabolism in muscle, suggesting a role for lactate in t<strong>he development of insulin
- resistance.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Radiat Res 1993 Apr;134(1):79-85 <strong>Effects of in vivo heart irradiation on myocardial energy
- metabolism in rats.</strong>
- Franken NA, Hollaar L, Bosker FJ, van Ravels FJ, van der Laarse A, Wondergem J Department of Clinical
- Oncology, University Hospital, Leiden, The Netherlands. To investigate the effect of in vivo heart
- irradiation on myocardial energy metabolism, we measured myocardial adenosine nucleotide concentrations and
- mitochondrial oxygen consumption in left ventricular tissue of rats 0-16 months after local heart
- irradiation (20 Gy). At 24 h and 2 months no difference in myocardial adenosine nucleotide concentration was
- apparent between irradiated and control hearts. The total myocardial adenosine nucleotide concentrations in
- irradiated hearts compared to those of nonirradiated controls tended to be lower from 4 months onward. The
- rate of<strong>
- oxidative energy production (state 3 respiration) in irradiated hearts was significantly reduced ompared
- with that of age-matched controls from 2 months onward. Moreover, as a result of aging, time-dependent
- decrease in the rate of oxidative energy production was observed in both rradiated and control hearts
- </strong>
- <hr />
- <strong>changes in energy supplies provide a mechanism to explain impaired contractility after local heart
- irradiation.
- </strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- J Radiat Res (Tokyo) 1993 Sep;34(3):195-203.<strong>
- Radiosensitization of human lung fibroblasts by chemical that decrease ATP levels.
- </strong>Kumar A, Kimura H, Aoyama T.<strong>
- "Radiosensitization by lactate, pyruvate, nalidixic acid and novobiocin was studied in exponentially
- growing SH-18L human lung fibroblasts. All the chemicals had a slight radiosensitizing effect at a low
- concentration and a definite effect at a higher one." "Fibroblasts incubated with the low concentration
- of each chemical for 24 hrs after X irradiation showed no reduction in intracellular ATP content,
- whereas, the higher concentration produced a significant decrease.
- </strong>These observations suggest that the decrease in the ATP content may be involved in the
- radiosensitization of human fibroblasts at high concentrations of these chemicals.<strong>
- In contrast, radiosensitization at a low concentration is not explained by a relationship to ATP
- content. Different mechanisms may be involved in radiosensitization at low and high concentrations of
- these chemicals."</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- J Exp Med 1993 May 1;177(5):1391-8. <strong>Enhancement of experimental metastasis by tumor necrosis
- factor.</strong> Orosz P, Echtenacher B, Falk W, Ruschoff J, Weber D, Mannel D.N. Institute for
- Immunology and Genetics, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg. "The influence of endogenous and
- exogenous tumor necrosis factor (TNF) on metastasis was investigated in an experimental fibrosarcoma
- metastasis model." "This effect was time dependent, as administration of rmTNF 5 h before or 1 h but not 24
- h after tumor cell inoculation caused an increase of tumor cell colony formation on the lung surface,
- suggesting an influence of TNF on the vascular adhesion and diapedesis of tumor cells. Since tumor-bearing
- mice showed an enhanced ability to produce TNF after endotoxin injection compared to control mice,
- tumor-bearing mice were treated with anti-mTNF antibodies. Neutralization of endogenous tumor-induced TNF
- led to a significant decrease of the number of pulmonary metastases. Histological analysis of
- micrometastases in the lung on day 5 by silver staining of proteins associated with nucleolar organizer
- regions revealed <strong>
- more metastatic foci and augmented proliferative activity of the tumor cells after
- </strong>
- <strong>rmTNF pretreatment of mice.</strong> However, no direct effect of rmTNF on the proliferation rate of
- tumor cells was seen in vitro."
- </p>
- <p>
- Nippon Geka Gakkai Zasshi 1996 Sep;97(9):726-32.<strong>
- [Energy substrate metabolism during stress].
- </strong> Sugimoto H. Department of Traumatology and Critical Care Medicine, Osaka University School of
- Medicine, Suita, Japan.<strong>
- "Energy substrate metabolism during stress is characterized by increased REE (resting energy
- expenditure), hyperglycemia, hyperlactatemia and protein catabolism. This stress-induced hypermetabolic
- responses are closely related to increased secretion of neurohormonal and cytokine mediators. The
- insulin resistance hyperglycemia has been called "stress diabetes" or 'surgical diabetes.' Glucose
- disposal has been thought to be impaired in this condition." "This hyperglycemia in stress diabetes
- results from a postreceptor mechanism. Stress hyperlactatemia is thought to be caused by decreased
- pyruvate dehydrogenase activity rather than tissue hypoperfusion."</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- <em>Clin Physiol 1995 Nov;15(6):581-95.
- </em>
- <strong><em>Effects of lactate infusion on hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis.</em></strong>
- <em>
- Haesler E, Schneiter P, Temler E, Jequier E, Tappy L.</em>
- </p>
- <p>
- <em>Cancer Res 1993 Apr. 15;53(8):1939-44..
- </em>
- <strong><em>Tumor necrosis factor alpha as an autocrine and paracrine growth factor for ovarian cancer:
- monokine induction of tumor cell proliferation and tumor necrosis factor alpha expression.</em
- ></strong>
- <em>
- Wu S, Boyer CM, Whitaker RS, Berchuck A, Wiener JR, Weinberg JB, Bast RC Jr.</em>
- </p>
- <p>
- Klin Med (Mosk) 1989 May;67(5):38-41<strong>. ["Dry" carbon dioxide baths in treating patients with
- myocardial infarction at the sanatorium stage of rehabilitation].
- </strong>
- [Article in Russian] Barashkova NL, Kartamysheva NL, Krasnova VP, Kriuchkova LN, Miasoedova E.S. A group of
- 75 patients with a history of myocardial infarction and repeated myocardial infarction were subjected to
- treatment involving dry carbon dioxide baths. Its results demonstrated normalization of IHD manifestations,
- such as coronary and heart failure, functional state of the cardiovascular system, its reserve
- potentialities and adaptation to physical effort. Under the influence of a course treatment with dry carbon
- dioxide baths hemodynamic parameters of cardiac output (cardiac and stroke volume) underwent favourable
- changes, rhythm slowed down, diastole became longer and systolic and diastolic arterial pressure decreased.
- The data obtained substantiate application of dry carbon dioxide baths in the recovery period to I-III
- functional classes patients with a history of myocardial infarction.
- </p>
- <p>
- J Dev Physiol 1989 Nov;12(5):283-6. <strong>Haemodynamic effects of respiratory alkalosis independent of
- changes in airway pressure in anaesthetized newborn dogs.</strong> Reuter JH, Donovan EF, Kotagal U.R.
- <strong>"We have recently reported a decrease in cardiac output in newborn dogs during respiratory alkalosis
- which is independent of changes in airway pressure."</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Undersea Hyperb Med 1994 Jun;21(2):169-83. <strong>Influence of hyperbaric oxygen on left ventricular
- contractility, total coronary blood flow, and myocardial oxygen consumption in the conscious dog.
- </strong>
- Savitt MA, Rankin JS, Elberry JR, Owen CH, Camporesi E.M. <strong>"It is known that hyperbaric oxygenation
- (HBO) decreases total coronary blood flow (TCBF) and cardiac output (CO)."</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong><em>Heart rhythm disturbances in the inhabitants of mountainous regions.</em></strong>
- <em>
- Mirrakhimov MM; Meimanaliev TS Cor Vasa, 1981, 23:5, 359-65.
- </em>
- <strong><em>"During exercise heart arrhythmias</em></strong>
- <strong><em>
- appeared conspicuously less frequently in the high mountain than in the low altitude inhabitants."
- </em></strong>
- </p>
- <p>© Ray Peat 2006. All Rights Reserved. www.RayPeat.com</p>
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