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  6. <strong>Pathological Science &amp; General Electric:Threatening the paradigm</strong>
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  9. Everything in biology depends on the internal order of cells, and on the interactions of each cell with its
  10. surroundings. All of these orderly interactions involve contacts between biological molecules and water. The
  11. forces regulating interactions on that scale must be understood before life can be understood, but the
  12. nature of the forces at these interfaces has been controversial for 100 years. In 1953, physicist Irving
  13. Langmuir gave a talk at the General Electric laboratory about what he called "pathological science." That
  14. talk is still resonating in the scientific culture, and it is used to reinforce attitudes similar to those
  15. held by Langmuir, i.e., the dominant scientific paradigm of the 20th century, and to justify certain
  16. institutions that regulate innovation. For Langmuir, there was a clearly defined "scientific method," and he
  17. said some people were led away from the proper method by wishful thinking to interpret ambiguous results as
  18. confirmations of their hypothesis. He listed 6 symptoms of pathological science: 1) An effect produced by a
  19. barely detectable cause, and 2) the effect is barely detectable, or many measurements are needed because of
  20. the very low statistical significance of the results, 3) claims of great accuracy, 4) they involve fantastic
  21. theories contrary to experience, 5) criticisms are met by <em>ad hoc</em> excuses, and 6) the ratio of
  22. supporters to critics approaches 50%, then fades toward zero. He failed to mention these features in any
  23. research that supported his view of things, and called an idea pathological when people continued to work on
  24. it despite disapproval by the recognized experts. He didn't mention the Nobel prizes that were given for the
  25. worm theory of cancer or for treating psychological problems with lobotomies, and he didn't mention that
  26. there were organized campaigns against the publication of disapproved ideas.The dominant view in biology,
  27. which is analogous to Langmuir's view in physics, is that all decisive cellular processes involve the direct
  28. mechanical contact of one molecule with another, the activation of a lock (an enzyme or receptor) by a key
  29. that has the right shape, or the adhesion of a molecule to another substance according to its chemical
  30. composition. An alternative view, now clearly supported by the evidence, is that there are forces that
  31. aren't merely between molecular surfaces, but rather that the local conditions at the surfaces of proteins
  32. and other molecules, and the properties of the solvent water, are modified by the surrounding conditions. It
  33. is this alternative view that is now making progress in understanding disease and health, regeneration and
  34. degeneration. But to judge the new work, it's important to know the nature of the opposition.Thomas Edison,
  35. who was adept at publicizing himself as the inventor of ideas he had bought or stolen, founded General
  36. Electric. Attempting to eliminate Nikola Tesla's system of alternating current, since Edison was invested in
  37. direct current systems, Edison's GE tried to convince the public that direct current was safer, by using
  38. alternating current to electrocute an elephant, and by promoting its use in the electric chair. GE
  39. eventually gave up the direct current technology for electrifying cities, and they refined the electric
  40. light bulb and were fairly successful in controlling, practically monopolizing, that market, and in
  41. shortening the life of incandescent bulbs. Carbon filament bulbs made around 1900 often lasted decades; I
  42. had one that kept working until it was broken during a move in 1960. Light bulbs made in England 65 years
  43. ago, and in the Soviet Union, and bulbs currently made in China, had a life expectancy five times as long as
  44. the bulbs made in the US since GE learned how to carefully control the rate at which the tungsten filament
  45. deteriorates. Irving Langmuir was their leading light bulb scientist. In his 1932 Nobel lecture, he
  46. tediously argued that molecules of gas can form only one layer on a surface such as a filament. About 17
  47. years earlier, Michael Polanyi had demonstrated that molecules can be adsorbed in multilayers, but his
  48. evidence was dismissed because, according to the understanding of industrial experts such as Langmuir, and
  49. the leading scientific authorities, Einstein, Nernst, and Haber, it was impossible. They were committed to
  50. an explanatory system that didn't allow events such as those Polanyi described.Although Polanyi knew that
  51. his adsorption isotherm was more realistic than Langmuir's (he had demonstrated many cases that Langmuir's
  52. didn't describe correctly), and also easier to understand, he taught Langmuir's isotherm to his students,
  53. because he knew that they would be required to know it to pass their examinations. He knew he had risked his
  54. career by his earlier exposition of his ideas, and he was unwilling to endanger his students' careers by
  55. involving them in the controversy.From 1920 to 1926, before the advent in 1927 of "quantum physics" (with
  56. its still-argued features of delocalized electrons, molecular orbitals, resonance, non-locality,
  57. incommensurability, indeterminism), Polanyi had turned his attention from the physics of adsorption to
  58. chemical structure, and his group was the first to show that cellulose was made up of long molecules,
  59. polymers, rather than of just associated clusters. That idea didn't catch on, so he turned to the behavior
  60. of crystals and metals. He found that crystals were much weaker than they should be, according to the
  61. strength of the bonds between their atoms, and showed that this was because of defects, and that during
  62. repeated stresses, they became weaker, as energy migrated through relatively long distances in the
  63. substance, to concentrate the defects. The idea of lattice defects was acceptable at that time, but
  64. long-range mobility of bond energy was no more acceptable then than it had been when J.C. Bose described
  65. metal fatigue, decades earlier. Polanyi also showed that the strength and rigidity of a crystal were altered
  66. when the crystal was immersed in water. Again, such an influence of a surface on the over-all physical
  67. properties of a solid substance had no noticeable effect on the scientific culture, although his results
  68. were published in the major journals. To adjust one's interpretive system at that time to rationalize
  69. Polanyi's results would have required discarding the basic assumptions that were behind Einstein's
  70. explanation of the photoelectric effect, and maybe even his theory of Brownian motion. However, by 2011,
  71. fewer people have invested their personal development in those ideas of short-range electrical binding
  72. forces that prevailed early in the 20th century, and now, for example, the evidence of "delocalized holes in
  73. DNA" can be discussed more openly. Eventually, science textbooks may be rewritten to show a steady
  74. progression of understanding from Bose, though Polanyi, Perutz, Szent-Gyorgyi, Ling, and Damadian (inventor
  75. of the MRI, holder of the patents infringed by GE, non-winner of the Nobel prize). In 1933 J.D. Bernal had
  76. proposed a structural model of water that contained a considerable amount of order (Bernal and Fowler, 1933)
  77. but by the 1950s the idea of spontaneous ordering in water was out of style, and he worked out a more random
  78. structure. Max Perutz, continuing the study of hemoglobin he had begun with Bernal, became concerned with
  79. long range forces acting through water: "The nature of the forces which keep particles parallel and
  80. equidistant across such great thicknesses of water is not yet clear." Normal wet crystals of methemoglobin
  81. contain regular layers of water 15 Angstroms thick. He suggested that a laminated structure of the water
  82. could plausibly explain his measurements. Comparing the protein crystal to montmorillonite particles, which
  83. incorporate several layers of water, each 3 Angstroms thick, each layer of water in the protein crystal
  84. would be 4 Angstroms thick, since swelling proceeds in discrete steps of that thickness. 52.4% of the volume
  85. of Perutz's normal, stable, wet protein crystals consisted of liquid. Part of the water is a fixed
  86. monolayer, but the rest is apparently in the form of mobile, interactive, multilayers. By 1952, Perutz had
  87. decided that long range forces weren't involved in hemoglobin crystallization, but he didn't comment on the
  88. long range ordering of clays, tobacco mosaic viruses, and other particles and gels. In 2005, an interlaminar
  89. distance of 17.9 Angstroms, or six layers of water, still seems to be stable in hydrated montmorillonite
  90. (Odriozola &amp; Aguilar, 2005). Clay continues to be studied in relation to nuclear waste disposal, so the
  91. effects of surfaces on water's properties haven't been entirely excluded from science. The interfacial water
  92. in clay has special catalytic properties that make it interesting to many researchers (Anderson,
  93. 1970)Bernal's and Perutz' conformity in the 1950s rejection of long range forces and an ordered structure of
  94. water represented the dominant ideas in physics and physical chemistry, but many people (with very little
  95. financial or institutional support) were continuing to study the structure of water, both in the bulk phase
  96. and near surfaces, as in cells. Philippa Wiggins, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Carlton Hazlewood, Freeman Cope, and
  97. Ray Damadian were among the most active proponents of the importance of structured water in living cells.
  98. Walter Drost-Hansen showed that water near surfaces (vicinal water) is several percent less dense, and has a
  99. greater heat capacity, than bulk water, and that bulk water undergoes transitions at certain temperatures
  100. that alter its effects on enzyme reactions.The question regarding the nature of the forces at surfaces or
  101. interfaces affects how we think about everything, from life to nuclear energy. The political and economic
  102. implications of "non-local energy" (which is most obvious at surfaces) have at times led to organized
  103. campaigns to discourage research in those areas. When Alexandre Rothen found (beginning in 1946) that
  104. enzymes and antibodies had non-local effects, several prestigious publications claimed to show how he must
  105. have been mistaken<strong>: </strong>The<strong> </strong>films<strong> </strong>he used must have been
  106. porous, despite his demonstrations of their continuity. The methods he developed at Rockefeller Institute
  107. quickly became standard for accurately measuring very thin films. In the early 1970s, a GE employee, Ivar
  108. Giaever, visited Rothen's lab to learn his methods. Shortly after his visit, he demonstrated his "new
  109. method" to the press. I saw an article about it in Science News, and wrote them a short letter, pointing out
  110. that the method had been developed and used by Rothen much earlier<strong>;</strong> they printed my note,
  111. which could be seen as a criticism of the author of the news article. About a week later, I got a letter
  112. from Rothen, thanking me for writing to the magazine; he said they had refused to publish his own letter
  113. explaining the situation, including his interactions with Giaever during the visit. I assume that the
  114. magazine felt some kind of pressure to protect Giaever and GE from an authoritative accusation of scientific
  115. dishonesty.In 1968 when I began studying biology at the University of Oregon, the professor of microscopy,
  116. Andrew Bajer, posted a display of dozens of micrographs, with explanatory captions, along the halls near the
  117. entrance of one of the science buildings. The one that interested me most showed orderly rows of regularly
  118. formed objects on a smooth surface. The caption described it as clusters of sodium atoms, deposited from
  119. vapor, on a film of a polymer (formvar, I think), under which was a quartz crystal. The caption noted that
  120. the sodium atoms had condensed in a pattern representing the crystal structure of the underlying quartz.
  121. Although Rothen's work involved proteins deposited from solution, rather than sodium atoms deposited from
  122. vapor, Bajer's image illustrated visually the projection of the forces of crystal structure through an
  123. amorphous film. This seemed to be a graphic representation of Polanyi's adsorption potential, a force acting
  124. on atoms in the space near a surface, as opposed to Langmuir's local atomic force that didn't reach beyond
  125. the first layer of atoms. The long range order in this case arranged atoms geometrically, while Rothen's
  126. preparations showed a "projected" specificity, but of a more complex sort. Just a few months later, someone
  127. who knew of Stephen Carter's demonstration that fibroblasts will migrate on a glass slide coated with a gold
  128. film, toward areas of greater thickness of the metal, did a similar experiment, but with a formvar film
  129. between the gold and the cells. The cells still migrated up the gradient, toward the area of thicker gold
  130. under the film. The reaction to that publication was the same as the reaction to Rothen's work 20 years
  131. before, the formvar films contained holes, and the cells were reaching through the film to touch the metal
  132. surface, sort of like kids peeking around a blindfold when they aren't supposed to be watching. I didn't
  133. understand how the holes would explain anything, even if there were holes and if the cells had put out many
  134. long filopodia to reach through the film, but in fact making a formvar film is a very standardized
  135. technique. They can be made "holey," or like a very open net, or they can be made solid, just by choosing
  136. the concentration of the polymer used. The difference is very clear, under an electron microscope, but the
  137. professors needed an excuse for dismissing something they didn't want to understand. Further work was
  138. discouraged by their ridicule.In Russia, GE had very little influence on the acceptability of ideas in
  139. science, and Boris Deryagin continued (from the 1930s until 1990) to study the properties of water near
  140. surfaces. In 1987 his group demonstrated that cells can clear particles from a space around themselves,
  141. extending more than a cell's diameter away. This distance is similar to the cell free zone in flowing blood
  142. adjacent to the walls of arterioles, which is probably the result of multiple interacting forces. At
  143. present, processes such as cell adhesion of leukocytes and stem cells (and tumor cells) to the blood vessel
  144. wall and movement through the blood vessel into the tissues (diapedesis) is explained in terms of adhesion
  145. molecules, disregarding the plausible effects of long range attractive or repulsive forces. Clumping or
  146. sludging of red blood cells occurs when the organism is failing to adapt to stress, and could be reasonably
  147. explained by a failure of protective repulsive fields. These fields are developed and maintained by
  148. metabolism, primarily oxidative energy metabolism, and are modified by endogenous regulatory substances and
  149. external conditions, including electromagnetic and electrical fields. 100 years ago, Albert Einstein was a
  150. major influence in popularizing the "only local" dogma of atomic interactions. (His work led directly to
  151. "quantum physics," but he never accepted its irrational implications.<strong><sup>(1)</sup></strong> I don't
  152. think he ever considered that the assumptions in his [atomic-quantized] theory of the photoelectric effect
  153. were the problem.) One charged atom is completely neutralized by its association with an oppositely charged
  154. atom, and the force is described by the inverse square law, that the force decreases with the square of the
  155. distance between point charges, meaning that the force is very strong at very small distances. However, a
  156. physical<strong><em>surface</em></strong>, a plane where one substance ends and another begins, follows
  157. different rules. Different substances have different electron affinities, creating a phase boundary
  158. potential, a charged layer at the interface. (Electrical double layers at interfaces are important in
  159. semiconductors and electrodes, but biologists have carefully avoided discussing them, except in the very
  160. narrow context of electrodes.) The electrically active surface of a substance, even though it's made of
  161. atoms and electrons, projects its electrical field in proportion to its area. This principle is as old as
  162. Coulomb's law, but the habit of thinking of electrical charge on the atomic scale seems to make people
  163. forget it. It's exactly the sort of space-filling field that Polanyi's adsorption isotherm describes. It's
  164. also involved in crystal strength and elasticity as studied by Polanyi, in piezoelectricity, and in
  165. generation of semiconduction in amorphous materials, as used in Stan Ovshinsky's processes.Long range
  166. structural and electronic interactions produce "antenna" effects, which are sensitive to very weak fields,
  167. whether they originate inside or outside of the organism. Magnetobiology is often treated as a
  168. pseudo-science or pathological science, because "real science" considers heating and chemical bond reactions
  169. to be the only possible effects of low energy fields or radiation. Solco Tromp, beginning in the 1930s,
  170. showed that cells behave like liquid crystals, and that liquid crystals can respond to very low electrical
  171. and magnetic fields.If the adsorption potential structures the water in its region of space, this
  172. interfacial water is now a new <em>phase</em>, with different physical properties, including new catalytic
  173. properties, such as those recognized by the clay investigators (which increased its ability to dissolve the
  174. clay minerals).Several versions of Langmuir's Pathological Science talk have been published, some of them
  175. adding new examples, including "polywater." Langmuir died in 1957, and the first example of polywater was
  176. observed by N.N. Fedyakin was observed in 1961. When finely drawn quartz or Pyrex glass capillary tubes
  177. (with inside diameter of up to a tenth of a millimeter) are suspended in a container with the air pressure
  178. reduced, above a container of distilled water, so that they are exposed to pure water vapor at room
  179. temperature, after a period of an hour or more (sometimes days or weeks were required) a small drop of
  180. liquid condenses inside some (a small percentage) of the capillary tubes. Above some of the original drops,
  181. a second drop sometimes appeared, that would enlarge as the first drop shrank. This separation of water into
  182. two fractions was itself anomalous, and the upper drop was found to be denser than normal water. Many people
  183. began studying its properties. Fedyakin found that its thermal expansion was greater, and its vapor pressure
  184. lower, than ordinary water. Others found that it had a higher refractive index, viscosity, and surface
  185. tension, as well as greater density, than ordinary water. Birefringence (the splitting of a beam of light
  186. into two rays when it passes through an ordered material) was observed in the anomalous water, and this
  187. usually indicates the presence of a polymer (Fedyakin, et al., 1965; Willis et al., 1969; Lippincott, et
  188. al., 1969) or crystallinity. The water associated with clay is also birefringent (Derjaguin and
  189. Greene-Kelly, 1964), and its properties are different when the clay absorbs it from the vapor phase or from
  190. liquid water.Hysteresis is a lag in the behavior of a system, resulting when the internal state of the
  191. system is altered by an action, so that it responds differently to a repetition of that action; it's the
  192. memory of a system that exists only when the system has internal structure. For example, a gas has
  193. relatively little hysteresis. Perfect elasticity is one extreme of an ordered solid, but most solids have
  194. some hysteresis, in which the deformed material fails to spring back immediately. Hysteresis of adsorption
  195. can be seen at the edges of a drop of water on a tilted surface, with a steeper contact angle on the newer
  196. contact at the lower edge, showing a reluctance of the water to wet a new surface, a lower contact angle
  197. where the drop is pulling away from the upper surface, a reluctance to break the contact. The same is seen
  198. at the edges of an evaporating-shrinking drop, or a growing drop. Everyone perceives this memory function of
  199. water.Boris Deryagin studied both the elasticity and the hysteresis of water near surfaces, and both
  200. approaches showed that it contained internal structure. Many dogmatic professors denied that water could
  201. show elasticity or "memory," because of their interpretive system/mental rigidity. When Fedyakin got the
  202. help of Deryagin's lab in analyzing the anomalous material, many different methods of purifying the glass
  203. and the water and the vessel were tried, and its properties were analyzed in many different ways. When
  204. Deryagin first described the material at a conference in Europe, there was great interest, and eventually
  205. hundreds of people began investigating it. A British laboratory was the first to get a sample of Deryagin's
  206. material in 1966, and their tests confirmed Deryagin's. The US Bureau of Standards, having the best
  207. analytical instruments in the world (including a microscope spectrometer), studied it carefully. They
  208. (Lippincott, Stromberg, Grant, &amp; Cessac, 1969) found that its bonds were stronger than those in ordinary
  209. water, and they compared its absorption spectrum (by computer) with those of 100,000 known substances, and
  210. found that it corresponded with nothing previously known. It didn't have the absorption band of normal
  211. water. When it evaporated, it left no visible residue, and it turned into ordinary water when heated. They
  212. concluded that the physical structure that would best fit its absorption spectrum was a polymerized form of
  213. water, so they called it "polywater." Later, Lippincott and others (Page, et al., 1970; Petsko, 1970) did
  214. proton magnetic resonance analyses that showed a difference of polywater from normal water in the hydrogen
  215. bonding, a "deshielding" of the protons, meaning that the electrons were arranged differently in the
  216. molecules.In 1969 there were many threats to the dominant paradigm, and many people were demanding a change
  217. in the government's funding priorities. The public excitement about polywater following the many
  218. confirmations of its existence was disturbing to the defenders of the paradigm. Philip Abelson, the chief
  219. editor of Science magazine, used the magazine to further his political beliefs. Denis Rousseau, a young
  220. researcher at Bell Labs (who now writes about pathological science), published a series of articles in
  221. Science describing his tests of polywater. He played tennis until his tee-shirt was soaked with sweat, then
  222. extracted and concentrated the sweat into a small gummy pellet. He reported that the infrared spectrum of
  223. the sweat concentrate (largely sodium lactate) was very similar to that of polywater. One of the techniques
  224. he used to identify impurities (electron spectroscopy) requires a high vacuum, so there couldn't be any
  225. normal water present. The water associated with ionic impurities is driven off at low temperatures compared
  226. to the temperature needed to decompose the anomalous water.Although Rousseau's "explanation" was ludicrous,
  227. it was just the thing the professors needed to prevent further challenges to their paradigm. Although
  228. Deryagin published more evidence of the purity of the anomalous water in 1972, by 1973 the mass media,
  229. including Science magazine, were saying that polywater didn't exist, and that Deryagin had admitted that he
  230. was mistaken. But polywater was Lippincott's term, and what Deryagin said was that silica was the only
  231. impurity that could be identified in the anomalous material. There are many antecedents to anomalous water
  232. in the literature. In the 1920s, W.A. Patrick of Johns Hopkins and J. L. Shereshefsky at Howard university
  233. investigated the properties of water in fine capillary tubes and found that the vapor pressure wasn't the
  234. same as that of normal water. (This is what would have been expected, if Polanyi's adsorption isotherm had
  235. been accepted.) The density of water in clay has been found to be slightly less than normal. This water
  236. bound to clay requires a high temperature to eliminate, similar to the decomposition temperature of
  237. polywater. The catalytic properties of interfacial water in clay are recognized, causing it to solublize
  238. components of the clay. So it's hard to imagine that there wouldn't be some silica in the material formed in
  239. quartz or glass capillary tubes.<strong>The only thing pathological about the polywater episode was the
  240. extreme effort that was made to stigmatize a whole category of research, to restore faith in the old
  241. doctrine that insisted there are no long range ordering processes anywhere in the universe.</strong> The
  242. successful campaign against polywater strengthened the mainstream denial of the evidence of ordering in
  243. interfacial and intracellular water, kept the doctrine of the lipid bilayer cell membrane alive, and up
  244. until the present has prevented the proper use of MRI scans in medical diagnosis.In 1946, while the
  245. government was studying the way nuclear fallout was influenced by the weather, a group at GE, led by
  246. Langmuir, began experimenting with weather control by means of "cloud seeding." Langmuir observed that the
  247. energy in a cloud system was greater than that in an atomic bomb, and that by seeding clouds in Europe,
  248. disastrous weather effects could be created in the Soviet Union. The GE group convinced the Pentagon to
  249. become involved in weather control. (The physicist Ross Gunn was transferred directly from work on the
  250. atomic bomb to direct the cloud seeding project.) In one of Langmuir's seeding experiments, he claimed that
  251. he had changed the direction of a hurricane moving toward the U.S. When a young researcher pointed out that
  252. the weather service had predicted exactly that change of direction, based on the temperatures of ocean
  253. currents, Langmuir became angry, and told the man that he wasn't going to explain it to him, because he was
  254. too stupid to understand. Langmuir's attitude toward science was exactly what GE wanted; his career and
  255. reputation were part of the corporation's public relations and business plan. Science was whatever GE
  256. thought was good for their business. That science was pathological, sometimes by Langmuir's own defining
  257. features, most of the time by the effects it has had on society. The Manhattan Project was central to GE's
  258. business plan, and when the bomb project was completed GE and the Atomic Energy Commission found that the
  259. same subsidies could be used to develop nuclear generators of electricity. Following Edison's pioneering
  260. work with x-rays, x-ray imaging machines had become very profitable for GE. It was important to assure the
  261. public that medical, industrial, and military radiation was well understood, well controlled, safe, and
  262. essential for the general welfare. In their view, if every woman could have access to GE's x-ray mammograms,
  263. for example, almost all breast cancers could be cured. The radiation exposure from living near a GE nuclear
  264. power generator is infinitesimal compared to living in Denver or flying in an airplane. (There is some
  265. discussion of these issues in my January, 2011 newsletter, "Radiation and growth.") Public relations
  266. involves everything from "basic research" to television advertising.If nuclear energy is as safe as the
  267. industry and governments say it is, the reactors should be located in the centers of large cities, because
  268. transmitting electric power long distances is presently wasting 50% of the power (Hirose Takashi, The
  269. Nuclear Disaster that could destroy Japan...and the world, 2011). Admiral Rickover, influential advocate of
  270. nuclear power, said "...every time you produce radiation, [a] horrible force [is unleashed,] and I think
  271. there the human race is going to wreck itself. [We must] outlaw nuclear reactors" (January, 1982
  272. congressional testimony) Helen Caldicott says Fukushima is many times worse than Chernobyl. The radioactive
  273. cesium in German mushrooms and truffles hasn't decreased 25 years after Chernobyl, and the German government
  274. is spending increasing amounts to compensate hunters for the wild boars (who eat truffles) that must be
  275. disposed of as radioactive waste.<strong><sup>(2)</sup></strong>General Electric sent its condolences to the
  276. people of Japan, and said the reactors of that design had functioned well for 40 years; they didn't mention
  277. that Unit I at Fukushima had been scheduled to be shut down on March 26, 2011, the end of its 40 year life
  278. expectancy. In late March, as the accident continued, Tepco applied for a permit to build two new reactors
  279. at the Fukushima site. In the US, the government continues its loan guarantee policy to subsidize new
  280. reactor construction. After many years of working with his metalized slides, Alexandre Rothen found that
  281. their activity, the strength of their long-range influence, varied with a 24 hour cycle, and that their
  282. activity could also be destroyed or restored by putting them in a magnetic field, parallel or perpendicular
  283. to the surface. Around the same time, a Russian biochemist, Simon Shnoll, noticed that there were cyclic
  284. changes in well defined enzymic reactions. Like Rothen, Shnoll did experiments that showed that the earth's
  285. motion (relative to the stars) affected measurements in the laboratory, even measurements of alpha particles
  286. produced by nuclear fission. Organized matter, whether it's cellular or in the crystalline solid state, is
  287. susceptible to surrounding conditions.In 1971 or '72 I learned of H.C. Dudley's idea of a "neutrino sea,"
  288. that he suggested might be equivalent to the "luminiferous ether" that had previously been used to explain
  289. light and electromagnetism. I wrote to him, asking if he thought neutrinos could be involved in biological
  290. ordering processes by resonating with matter under some circumstances. He had been developing a theory, in
  291. which atomic nuclei might interact with a neutrino "ether," in ways that could affect the decay rate of the
  292. unstable isotopes, and so it didn't seem unreasonable to him that biological structures might also interact
  293. with neutrinos. In October, 1972, he published a purely theoretical article in which he explained that
  294. nuclear reactors might under some conditions become dangerously unstable. I had earlier seen a newspaper
  295. article about an experiment by a physicist, J.L. Anderson, in which radioactive carbon-14 didn't follow the
  296. normal rules of random decay, when the isotope was incorporated into an oil, which was spread in a monolayer
  297. on a metal surface. By chance, Anderson's experimental article was published simultaneously with Dudley's
  298. theoretical article, though neither one knew of the other's work. Nearly all physicists said his results
  299. weren't possible, because the small forces involved in adsorbing an oil to a metal surface were
  300. infinitesimal compared to the force needed to cause nuclear reactions. Over the next few years, Dudley and
  301. others did some experiments that appeared to confirm Anderson's results, showing that the rate of nuclear
  302. reactions can be modified by mild changes in the physical state of the unstable elements.Anderson's and
  303. Dudley's work didn't get much attention from the public, so there was no need for the defenders of the
  304. dominant paradigm to attack it. There was no financial support for continuing their research.Behind the
  305. industries' assurances that "low level" radiation is safe, whether it's ionizing radiation, microwave or
  306. broadcast frequency electromagnetic radiation, is their reductionist approach to physics, chemistry, and
  307. biology. Those doctrines no longer have the prestige that they once did, but their pathological,
  308. authoritarian "science" culture is being sustained by the influence of corporations on mass culture.With the
  309. institutions of research and education controlled by pharmaceutical, military and industrial interests for
  310. their own benefit, fundamental progress in knowledge is a threat to the system. NOTES1. From Einstein's 1926
  311. letter to Max Born: "Quantum mechanics is very worthy of regard. But an inner voice tells me that this is
  312. not yet the right track. The theory yields much, but it hardly brings us closer to the Old One's secrets. I,
  313. in any case, am convinced the He does not play dice." Quoted in P. Busch and G. Jaeger, "Unsharp quantum
  314. reality," 4 May 2010.2. None of the major institutions in the US are providing basic information about
  315. protection from Fukushima's radioactive fallout. Eating foods produced before the arrival of the radioactive
  316. rain, feeding old foods to chickens and milk animals, and keeping your metabolic rate high, are the main
  317. defenses. Eventually, fertilizing crops with mined minerals, and enriching the atmosphere with carbon from
  318. coal will dilute the radioactive isotopes from the nuclear accidents.<h3>REFERENCES</h3>DM Anderson, <strong
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