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  1. <html>
  2. <head><title>Progesterone Pregnenolone &amp; DHEA - Three Youth-Associated Hormones</title></head>
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  4. <h1>
  5. Progesterone Pregnenolone &amp; DHEA - Three Youth-Associated Hormones
  6. </h1>
  7. <p>
  8. <strong>PROGESTERONE INFORMATION</strong>
  9. </p>
  10. <p>
  11. Raymond Peat, MA, PhD (Univ. of Oregon)
  12. </p>
  13. <p>
  14. Endocrine Physiologist, specializing in hormonal changes in stress and aging
  15. </p>
  16. <p>
  17. Sixty years ago, progesterone was found to be the main hormone produced by the ovaries. Since it was
  18. necessary for fertility and for maintaining a healthy pregnancy, it was called the "pro-gestational
  19. hormone," and its name sometimes leads people to think that it isn't needed when you don't want to get
  20. pregnant. In fact, it is the most protective hormone the body produces, and the large amounts that are
  21. produced during pregnancy result from the developing baby's need for protection from the stressful
  22. environment. Normally, the brain contains a very high concentration of progesterone, reflecting its
  23. protective function for that most important organ. The thymus gland, the key organ of our immune system, is
  24. also profoundly dependent on progesterone.
  25. </p>
  26. <p>
  27. In experiments, progesterone was found to be the basic hormone of adaptation and of resistance to stress.
  28. The adrenal glands use it to produce their anti-stress hormones, and when there is enough progesterone, they
  29. don't have to produce the potentially harmful cortisone. In a progesterone deficiency, we produce too much
  30. cortisone, and excessive cortisone causes osteoporosis, aging of the skin, damage to brain cells, and the
  31. accumulation of fat, especially on the back and abdomen.
  32. </p>
  33. <p>
  34. Experiments have shown that progesterone relieves anxiety, improves memory, protects brain cells, and even
  35. prevents epileptic seizures. It promotes respiration, and has been used to correct emphysema. In the
  36. circulatory system, it prevents bulging veins by increasing the tone of blood vessels, and improves the
  37. efficiency of the heart. It reverses many of the signs of aging in the skin, and promotes healthy bone
  38. growth. It can relieve many types of arthritis, and helps a variety of immunological problems.
  39. </p>
  40. <p>
  41. If progesterone is taken dissolved in vitamin E, it is absorbed very efficiently, and distributed quickly to
  42. all of the tissues. If a woman has ovaries, progesterone helps them to produce both progesterone and
  43. estrogen as needed, and also helps to restore normal functioning of the thyroid and other glands. If her
  44. ovaries have been removed, progesterone should be taken consistently to replace the lost supply. A
  45. progesterone deficiency has often been associated with increased susceptibility to cancer, and progesterone
  46. has been used to treat some types of cancer.
  47. </p>
  48. <p>
  49. It is important to emphasize that progesterone is not just the hormone of pregnancy. To use it only "to
  50. protect the uterus" would be like telling a man he doesn't need testosterone if he doesn't plan to father
  51. children, except that progesterone is of far greater and more basic significance than testosterone. While
  52. men do naturally produce progesterone, and can sometimes benefit from using it, it is not a male hormone.
  53. Some people get that impression, because some physicians recommend combining estrogen with either
  54. testosterone or progesterone, to protect against some of estrogen's side effects, but progesterone is the
  55. body's natural complement to estrogen. Used alone, progesterone often makes it unnecessary to use estrogen
  56. for hot flashes or insomnia, or other symptoms of menopause.
  57. </p>
  58. <p>
  59. When dissolved in vitamin E, progesterone begins entering the blood stream almost as soon as it contacts any
  60. membrane, such as the lips, tongue, gums, or palate, but when it is swallowed, it continues to be absorbed
  61. as part of the digestive process. When taken with food, its absorption occurs at the same rate as the
  62. digestion and absorption of the food.
  63. </p>
  64. <p>
  65. <strong>PREGNENOLONE</strong>
  66. </p>
  67. <p>
  68. Pregnenolone, which is the raw material for producing many of the hormones of stress and adaptation, was
  69. known as early as 1934, but for several years it was considered to be an "inert" substance. A reason for
  70. this belief is that it was first tested on healthy young animals. Since these animals were already producing
  71. large amounts of pregnenolone (in the brain, adrenal glands, and gonads), additional pregnenolone had no
  72. effect.
  73. </p>
  74. <p>
  75. In the 1940s, pregnenolone was tested in people who were sick or under stress, and it was found to have a
  76. wide range of beneficial actions, but the drug industry never had much interest in it. Its very generality
  77. made it seem unlike a drug, and its natural occurrence made it impossible to patent. Thus, many synthetic
  78. variants, each with a more specialized action and some serious side effects, came to be patented and
  79. promoted for use in treating specific conditions. The drug companies created an atmosphere in which many
  80. people felt that each disease should have a drug, and each drug, a disease. The side effects of some of
  81. those synthetic hormones were so awful that many people came to fear them. For example, synthetic varieties
  82. of "cortisone" can destroy immunity, and can cause osteoporosis, diabetes, and rapid aging, with loss of
  83. pigment in the skin and hair, and extreme thinning of the skin.
  84. </p>
  85. <p>
  86. Natural pregnenolone is present in young people of both sexes at a very high concentration, and one reason
  87. for the large amount produced in youth is that it is one of our basic defenses against the harmful side
  88. effects that an imbalance of even our natural hormones can produce. In excess, natural cortisone or estrogen
  89. can be dangerous, but when there is an abundance of pregnenolone, their side effects are prevented or
  90. minimized.
  91. </p>
  92. <p>
  93. In a healthy young person or animal, taking even a large dose of pregnenolone has no hormone-like or
  94. drug-like action at all. It is unique in this way. But if the animal or person is under stress, and
  95. producing more cortisone than usual, taking pregnenolone causes the cortisone to come down to the normal
  96. level. After the age of 40 or 45, it seems that everyone lives in a state of continuous "stress," just as a
  97. normal part of aging. This coincides with the body's decreased ability to produce an abundance of
  98. pregnenolone.
  99. </p>
  100. <p>
  101. When aging rats are given a supplement of pregnenolone, it immediately improves their memory and general
  102. performance. Human studies, as early as the 1940s, have also demonstrated improved performance of ordinary
  103. tasks. It is now known that pregnenolone is one of the major hormones in the brain. It is produced by
  104. certain brain cells, as well as being absorbed into the brain from the blood. It protects brain cells from
  105. injury caused by fatigue, and an adequate amount has a calming effect on the emotions, which is part of the
  106. reason that it protects us from the stress response that leads to an excessive production of cortisone.
  107. People feel a mood of resilience and an ability to confront challenges.
  108. </p>
  109. <p>
  110. Many people have noticed that pregnenolone has a "face-lifting" action. This effect seems to be produced by
  111. improved circulation to the skin, and by an actual contraction of some muscle-like cells in the skin. A
  112. similar effect can improve joint mobility in arthritis, tissue elasticity in the lungs, and even eyesight.
  113. Many studies have shown it to be protective of "fibrous tissues" in general, and in this connection it was
  114. proven to prevent the tumors that can be caused by estrogen.
  115. </p>
  116. <p>
  117. Pregnenolone is largely converted into two other "youth-associated" protective hormones, progesterone and
  118. DHEA. At the age of 30, both men and women produce roughly 30 to 50 mg. of pregnenolone daily. When taken
  119. orally, even in the powdered form, it is absorbed fairly well. One dose of approximately 300 mg (the size of
  120. an aspirin tablet) keeps acting for about a week, as absorption continues along the intestine, and as it is
  121. "recycled" in the body. Part of this long lasting effect is because it improves the body's ability to
  122. produce its own pregnenolone. It tends to improve function of the thyroid and other glands, and this
  123. "normalizing" effect on the other glands helps to account for its wide range of beneficial effects.
  124. </p>
  125. <p><strong>DHEA: ANOTHER YOUTH-ASSOCIATED HORMONE</strong></p>
  126. <p>
  127. Raymond Peat, MA, PhD (Univ. of Oregon)
  128. </p>
  129. <p>
  130. Endocrine Physiologist
  131. </p>
  132. <p>
  133. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) has a technical-sounding name because it has never been identified with a
  134. single dominant function, in spite of its abundance in the body. Many researchers still think of it as a
  135. substance produced by the adrenal glands, but experiments show that animals without adrenals are able to
  136. produce it in normal amounts. Much of it is formed in the brain (from pregnenolone), but it is probably
  137. produced in other organs, including the skin. The brain contains a much higher concentration of DHEA than
  138. the blood does.
  139. </p>
  140. <p>
  141. In old age, we produce only about 5% as much as we do in youth. This is about the same decrease that occurs
  142. with progesterone and pregnenolone. The other hormones (for example, cortisone) do not decrease so much; as
  143. a result, our balance shifts continually during aging toward dominance by hormones such as cortisone, which
  144. use up more and more body substance, without rebuilding it. Protection against the toxic actions of these
  145. specialized hormones is a major function of DHEA and the other youth-associated hormones.
  146. </p>
  147. <p>
  148. For example, starvation, aging, and stress cause the skin to become thin and fragile. An excess of
  149. cortisone--whether it is from medical treatment, or from stress, aging, or malnutrition--does the same
  150. thing. Material from the skin is dissolved to provide nutrition for the more essential organs. Other organs,
  151. such as the muscles and bones, dissolve more slowly, but just as destructively, under the continued
  152. influence of cortisone. DHEA blocks these destructive effects of cortisone, and actively restores the normal
  153. growth and repair processes to those organs, strengthening the skin and bones and other organs. Stimulation
  154. of bone-growth by DHEA has been demonstrated in vitro (in laboratory tests), and it has been used to relieve
  155. many symptoms caused by osteoporosis and arthritis, even when applied topically in an oily solution.
  156. </p>
  157. <p>
  158. Estrogen is known to produce a great variety of immunological defects, and DHEA, apparently by its balancing
  159. and restorative actions, is able to correct some of those immunological defects, including some "autoimmune"
  160. diseases.
  161. </p>
  162. <p>
  163. It is established that DHEA protects against cancer, but it isn't yet understood how it does this. It
  164. appears to protect against the toxic cancer-producing effects of excess estrogen, but its anti-cancer
  165. properties probably involve many other functions.
  166. </p>
  167. <p>
  168. Diabetes can be produced experimentally by certain poisons which kill the insulin-producing cells in the
  169. pancreas. Rabbits were experimentally made diabetic, and when treated with DHEA their diabetes was cured. It
  170. was found that the insulin-producing cells had regenerated. Many people with diabetes have used brewer's
  171. yeast and DHEA to improve their sugar metabolism. In diabetes, very little sugar enters the cells, so
  172. fatigue is a problem. DHEA stimulates cells to absorb sugar and to burn it, so it increases our general
  173. energy level and helps to prevent obesity.
  174. </p>
  175. <p>
  176. Young people produce about 12 to 15 milligrams of DHEA per day, and that amount decreases by about 2 mg. per
  177. day for every decade after the age of 30. This is one of the reasons that young people eat more without
  178. getting fat, and tolerate cold weather better: DHEA, like the thyroid hormone, increases our heat production
  179. and ability to burn calories. At the age of 50, about 4 mg. of DHEA per day will usually restore the level
  180. of DHEA in the blood to a youthful level. It is important to avoid taking more than needed, since some
  181. people (especially if they are deficient in progesterone, pregnenolone, or thyroid) can turn the excess into
  182. estrogen or testosterone, and large amounts of those sex hormones can disturb the function of the thymus
  183. gland and the liver.
  184. </p>
  185. <p>
  186. People who have taken an excess of DHEA have been found to have abnormally high estrogen levels, and this
  187. can cause the liver to enlarge, and the thymus to shrink.
  188. </p>
  189. <p>
  190. One study has found that the only hormone abnormality in a groupt of Alzheimers patients' brains was an
  191. excess of DHEA. In cell culture, DHEA can cause changes in glial cells resembling those seen in the aging
  192. brain. These observations suggest that DHEA should be used with caution. Supplements of pregnenolone and
  193. thyroid seem to be the safest way to optimize DHEA production.
  194. </p>
  195. <p>
  196. © Ray Peat 2006. All Rights Reserved.
  197. </p>
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