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4 months ago
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  2. <head><title>Food-junk and some mystery ailments: Fatigue, Alzheimer's, Colitis, Immunodeficiency.</title></head>
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  5. Food-junk and some mystery ailments: Fatigue, Alzheimer's, Colitis, Immunodeficiency.
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  8. Years ago, I noticed that Oregon was one of the few states that still had real whipping cream and cottage
  9. cheese without additives, so I have been trustingly using cream in my coffee every day. Last week, I noticed
  10. that my cream listed carrageenan in its ingredients. Over the years, I have avoided carrageenan-containing
  11. foods such as apple cider, hot dogs, most ice creams and prepared sauces and jellies, because they caused me
  12. to have serious allergic symptoms. Carrageenan has been found to cause colitis and anaphylaxis in humans,
  13. but it is often present in baby “formulas” and a wide range of milk products, with the result that many
  14. people have come to believe that it was the milk-product that was responsible for their allergic symptoms.
  15. Because the regulators claim that it is a safe natural substance, it is very likely that it sometimes
  16. appears in foods that don’t list it on the label, for example when it is part of another ingredient.<p>
  17. In the 1940s, carrageenan, a polysaccharide made from a type of seaweed, was recognized as a dangerous
  18. allergen. Since then it has become a standard laboratory material to use to produce in-flammatory tumors
  19. (granulomas), immunodeficiency, arthritis, and other in-flammations. It has also become an increasingly
  20. common material in the food industry. Articles are often written to praise its usefulness and to claim
  21. that it doesn't produce cancer in healthy animals. Its presence in food, like that of the polyester
  22. imitation fat, microcrystalline cellulose, and many other polymers used to stabilize emulsions or to
  23. increase smoothness, is often justified by the doctrine that these molecules are too large to be
  24. absorbed. There are two points that are deliberately ignored by the food-safety regulators, 1) these
  25. materials can interact dangerously with intestinal bacteria, and 2) they can be absorbed, in the process
  26. called "persorption."
  27. </p>
  28. <p>
  29. The sulfites (sodium bisulfite, potassium metabisulfite, etc.) have been used as preservatives in foods
  30. and drugs for a long time, even though they were known to cause intense allergic reactions in some
  31. people. Fresh vegetables and fish, dried fruits, ham and other preserved meats, hominy, pickles, canned
  32. vegetables and juices, and wines were commonly treated with large amounts of the sulfites to prevent
  33. darkening and the development of unpleasant odors. People with asthma were known to be more sensitive
  34. than other people, but the sulfites could cause a fatal asthma-like attack even in someone who had never
  35. had asthma. Even when this was known, drugs used to treat asthma were preserved with sulfites. Was the
  36. information just slow to reach the people who made the products? No, the manufacturers knew about the
  37. deadly nature of their products, but they kept on selling them. The FDA didn't answer letters on the
  38. subject, and medical magazines such as J.A.M.A. declined to publish even brief letters seriously
  39. discussing the issue. Obviously, since many people died from what the drug companies called "paradoxical
  40. bronchoconstriction" when they used the products, the drug companies had to be protected from lawsuits,
  41. and the medical magazines and the government regulators did that through the control of information.
  42. </p>
  43. <p>
  44. I think a similar situation exists now in relation to the effects of carrageenan.
  45. </p>
  46. <p>
  47. Stress and anxiety sharply reduce the circulation of blood to the intestine and liver. Prolonged stress
  48. damages the ability of the in-testinal cells to exclude large molecules. Local irritation and
  49. inflammation of the intestine also increase its permeability and decrease its ability to exclude harmful
  50. materials. But even the normal intestine is able to permit the passage of large molecules and particles,
  51. in many cases particles larger than the cells that line the intestine; this persorption of particles has
  52. been demonstrated using particles of plastic, starch grains which are sometimes several times larger
  53. than blood cells, and many other materials, including carrageenan. One of the reasons it has been easy
  54. to convince the public that persorption doesn't happen is that there is a powerful myth in our culture
  55. about the existence of a "semipermeable" "plasma membrane" on cells through which only certain specific
  56. substances may pass.
  57. </p>
  58. <p>
  59. About 30 years ago some biologists made a movie of living cells under the microscope, showing an ameboid
  60. cell entering another cell, swimming around, and leaving, without encountering any perceptible
  61. resistance; persorption of food particles, moving in one side of a cell and out the other, wouldn't seem
  62. so mysterious if more people had seen films of that sort.
  63. </p>
  64. <p>
  65. Also in the 1960s, Gerhard Volkheimer rediscovered the phenomenon of persorption, which had been
  66. demonstrated a century earlier. Starch grains, or other hard particles, can be found in the blood,
  67. urine, and other fluids after they have been ingested. The iodine stain for starch, and the
  68. characteristic shape of the granules, makes their observation very easy. The absorption of
  69. immunologically intact proteins and other particles has been demonstrated many times, but myth is more
  70. important than fact; all of my biol-ogy professors, for example, denied that proteins could be absorbed
  71. by any part of the digestive system.
  72. </p>
  73. <p>
  74. The accepted description of the absorption of chylomicrons, tiny particles of fat, helps to understand
  75. the way medical professors think about the intestine. These particles, they say, are disassembled by the
  76. intestine cells on one side, their molecular parts are taken up by the cells, and similar particles are
  77. excreted out the other side of the cells, into the lymphatic vessels. As they visualize one of these
  78. cells, it consists of at least four barriers, with each theoretical cell surface membrane consisting of
  79. an outer water-compatible phase, in intramembranal lipid region, and an inner water-compatible phase
  80. where the membrane rests on the “cell contents.” Endocytosis, for example the ingestion of a bacterial
  81. particle by a phagocyte, is described in a similar way, to avoid any breach in the “lipid bilayer
  82. membrane.”
  83. </p>
  84. <p>
  85. This mental armature has made it essentially impossible for the biomedical culture to assimilate the
  86. facts of persorption, which would have led 150 years ago to the scientific study of allergy and
  87. immunology in relation to the digestive system.
  88. </p>
  89. <p>
  90. Volkheimer found that mice fed raw starch aged at an abnormally fast rate, and when he dissected the
  91. starch-fed mice, he found a multitude of starch-grain-blocked arterioles in every organ, each of which
  92. caused the death of the cells that depended on the blood supplied by that arteriole. It isn’t hard to
  93. see how this would affect the functions of organs such as the brain and heart, even without considering
  94. the immunological and other implications of the presence of foreign particles randomly distributed
  95. through the tissue.
  96. </p>
  97. <p>
  98. In 1979 some of my students in Mexico wanted a project to do in the lab. Since several traditional foods
  99. are made with corn that has been boiled in alkali, I thought it would be valuable to see whether this
  100. treatment reduced the ability of the starch grains to be persorbed. For breakfast one day, they ate only
  101. atole, tamales, and tortillas, all made from the alkali treated corn. None of the students could find
  102. any starch grains after centrifuging their blood and urine. That led me to substitute those foods
  103. whenever possible for other starches.
  104. </p>
  105. <p></p>
  106. <p>
  107. I have written previously about some of the environmental factors, including radiation, estrogens, and
  108. unsaturated fats, that are known to damage the immune system and the brain, and that we have been
  109. increasingly exposed to since 1940.
  110. </p>
  111. <p>
  112. To better understand the nature of the diseases that are now becoming so common, we can look at them in
  113. a series, from the bowel, to the liver, to the immune system, and to the brain and hormones.
  114. </p>
  115. <p>
  116. The incidence of several inflammatory diseases, for example Crohn's disease, a chronic inflammation of
  117. the intestine, has been increasing during the last 50 years in the industrialized countries, and at the
  118. same time, the incidence of several liver diseases has also been increasing.
  119. </p>
  120. <p>
  121. The entry of bacteria into the blood stream, which can lead to septicemia, is ordinarily considered to
  122. be of importance only in extreme immunodeficiency states, such as old age or in premature infants, but
  123. the death rate of young adults from septicemia has been increasing rapidly since the 1940s.
  124. </p>
  125. <p>
  126. The permeability of the intestine that allows bacteria to enter the blood stream is very serious if the
  127. phagocytic cells are weakened. Carrageenan poisoning is one known cause of the disappearance of
  128. macrophages. Its powerful immunosuppression would tend to be superimposed onto the immunological damage
  129. that has been produced by radiation, unsaturated fats, and estrogens.
  130. </p>
  131. <p>
  132. The liver tumor that is characteristic of young women using the oral contraceptive pill is a
  133. hepatocellular adenoma, which is considered to be a premalignant tumor. In Japan, Mexico, and several
  134. European countries, the incidence of hepatocellular tu-mors has increased steadily and tremendously in
  135. recent decades, and it has increased in men as well as in women. This is the sort of tumor that very
  136. likely represents an increased burden of toxins absorbed from the bowel. Carrageenan contributes to the
  137. disappearance of the liver enzymes (the cytochrome P-450 system) that detoxify drugs, hormones, and a
  138. variety of other chemicals.
  139. </p>
  140. <p>
  141. Carrageenan enters even the intact, uninflamed gut, and damages both chemical defenses and immunological
  142. defenses. When it has produced inflammatory bowel damage, the amount absorbed will be greater, as will
  143. the absorption of bacterial endotoxin. Carra-geenan and endotoxin synergize in many ways, including
  144. their effects on nitric oxide, prostaglandins, toxic free radicals, and the defensive enzyme systems.
  145. </p>
  146. <p>
  147. The continuing efficient production of energy is a basic aspect of metabolic defense, and this is
  148. interrupted by carrageenan and endotoxin. The energy failure becomes part of a vicious circle, in which
  149. permeability of the intestine is increased by the very factors that it should exclude.
  150. </p>
  151. <p>
  152. Once the protective barrier-functions of the intestine and liver have been damaged, allergens and many
  153. materials with specific biological effects can enter the tissues. The polysaccharide components of
  154. connective tissue constitute a major part of our regulatory system for maintaining differentiated cell
  155. functioning, and absorbed starches act as “false signals,” with a great capacity for deranging cellular
  156. functioning. Several types of research indicate that carrageenan changes cellular function in complex
  157. ways, imitating changes seen in cancer, for example.
  158. </p>
  159. <p>
  160. R.J.V. Pulvertaft found "a close similarity between Burkitt cells and human lymphocytes stimulated by
  161. bean extract." He concluded that "…the possibility of a relation between Burkitt's lymphoma and a diet
  162. of beans should not be neglected," though he emphasized that other factors must be considered, since
  163. most people who eat beans don't develop the disease. The intestinal parasites which are common in
  164. tropical Africa can cause inflammation of the bowel, leading to the absorption of large amounts of
  165. antigens.
  166. </p>
  167. <p>
  168. Since the bowel becomes inflamed in influenze, it is reasonable to think that some of the symptoms of
  169. "the flu" are produced by absorbed bowel toxins.
  170. </p>
  171. <p>
  172. The variations in the post-influenza syndromes are very likely influenced by the nature of the bacteria
  173. or foods which are present, chronically or at the time of an uncompensated stress or inflammatory
  174. disease. K.M. Stevens has argued that while rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis are caused by the
  175. antigens of streptococci, systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE) is probably caused by the antigens of
  176. gram-positive lactobacilli found in the normal flora.
  177. </p>
  178. <p>
  179. Migraine, SLE, chronic fatigue syndrome, thyroid problems, and some kinds of porphyria seem to be more
  180. common in women of re-productive age, and are often exacerbated by premenstrual hormone changes.
  181. According to Stevens, "SLE is almost entirely a disease of women of child-bearing age. One possibility
  182. for this selection could be that women during this period harbour a peculiar flora. This is indeed the
  183. case; large numbers of gram-positive lactobacilli are present in the vagina only during the thirty-odd
  184. years when regular menstrual activity is present."
  185. </p>
  186. <p>
  187. In 1974, I noticed that I consistently got a migraine headache after drinking a lactobacillus milk
  188. product, and stopped using (and recommending) yogurt and other lactobacillus foods, though I suspected
  189. it was the lactic acid which caused the immediate symptoms. Lactic acid is a metabolic burden,
  190. especially when combined with an estrogen excess, but Stevens' main point, about the significance of our
  191. immunological response to systemic bacterial antigens, deserves more attention.
  192. </p>
  193. <p>
  194. On a typical diet, tissues progressively accumulate linoleic acid, and this alters the structure of
  195. mitochondrial cardiolipin, which governs the response of the mitochondrial enzymes to the thyroid
  196. hormone. This process is especially evident in the female liver. In the “autoimmune” diseases, such as
  197. lupus, there are typically antibodies to cardiolipin, as if the body were trying to reject its own
  198. tissues, which have been altered by the storage of linoleic acid. The altered mitochondrial function,
  199. which is involved in so many symptoms, can become part of a vicious circle, with endotoxin and estrogen
  200. having central roles, once the stage has been set by the combination of diet, stress, and toxins.
  201. </p>
  202. <p>
  203. A few months ago I had a questionnaire circulated in a “fibromyositis” discussion group on the internet,
  204. and the consistency of responses was interesting.
  205. </p>
  206. <p>
  207. The questions were: 1) Have you noticed that any of your symptoms are worse premenstrually?
  208. </p>
  209. <p>
  210. 2) Have you noticed that any symptom is less severe premenstrually?
  211. </p>
  212. <p>
  213. 3) Do any symptoms seem to be worse periodically, but without being associated with the premenstrual
  214. time?
  215. </p>
  216. <p>
  217. 4) Did your symptoms appear after use of oral contraceptives or IUD?
  218. </p>
  219. <p>
  220. Except for one woman who was taking oral contraceptives at the time she became sick, and kept taking
  221. them, and who didn’t notice any cycle, all of the answers to the first three questions (15 of the 16 who
  222. responded) were identical: 1) yes, 2) no, 3) no.
  223. </p>
  224. <p>
  225. The premenstrual estrogen-dominance usually leads progressively to higher prolactin and lower thyroid
  226. function. Estrogen is closely associated with endotoxinemia, and with histamine and nitric oxide
  227. formation, and with the whole range of inflammatory and “autoimmune” diseases. Anything that irritates
  228. the bowel, leading to increased endotoxin absorption, contributes to the same cluster of metabolic
  229. consequences.
  230. </p>
  231. <p>
  232. I have previously discussed the use of antibiotics (and/or carrot fiber and/or charcoal) to relieve the
  233. premenstrual syndrome, and have mentioned the study in which the lifespan was extended by occasionally
  234. adding charcoal to the diet. A few years ago, I heard about a Mexican farmer who collected his
  235. neighbors' runt pigs, and got them to grow normally by adding charcoal to their diet. This probably
  236. achieves the same thing as adding antibiotics to their food, which is practiced by pig farmers in the US
  237. to promote growth and efficient use of food. Charcoal, besides binding and removing toxins, is also a
  238. powerful catalyst for the oxidative destruction of many toxic chemicals. In a sense, it anticipates the
  239. action of the protective enzymes of the intestinal wall and the liver.
  240. </p>
  241. <p>
  242. Some women with premenstrual fatigue have found that the “premenstrual” phase tends to get longer and
  243. longer, until they have chronic fatigue. I found that to be one of the easiest "PMS" problems to
  244. correct. When people are older, and have been sick longer, the fatigue problem is likely to involve more
  245. systems of the body. The larger the quantity of "toxic fat" stored in the body, the more careful the
  246. person must be about increasing metabolic and physical activity. Using more vitamin E, short-chain
  247. saturated fats, and other anti-lipid-peroxidation agents is important.
  248. </p>
  249. <p>
  250. The inflammatory diseases that develop after prolonged stress are sometimes hard to correct. But
  251. avoiding exposure to the major toxic allergens--such as carrageenan--is an essential consideration, just
  252. as important as correcting the thyroid function and avoiding the antithyroid substances.
  253. </p>
  254. <p>
  255. Low cholesterol is very commonly involved in the diseases of stress, and--like inadequate dietary
  256. protein--will make the system less responsive to supplementary thryoid hormone.
  257. </p>
  258. <p>
  259. The proliferative aspects of the inflammatory diseases represent, I think, a primitive form of
  260. regeneration. Arthritis, atherosclerosis, various granulomatous processes, breast diseases, liver
  261. adenomas, etc., provide an opportunity for investigating the various systems and substances that guide
  262. cell proliferation toward reconstruction, rather than obstructive and deformative, degenerative,
  263. processes. Degenerative diseases probably all contain clues for understanding regeneration, as I have
  264. suggested in relation to Alzheimer’s disease and inflammation. I will be talking about these in other
  265. newsletters, but the first step will always be to minimize exposure to the disruptive substances.
  266. </p>
  267. <p></p>
  268. <hr />
  269. <p><h3>REFERENCES</h3></p>
  270. <p>
  271. Pathol Biol (Paris) 1979 Dec;27(10):615-626 [Biological and pharmacological effects of
  272. carrageenan].[Article in French] Roch-Arveiller M, Giroud JP “Carrageenan is sulfated polysaccharide
  273. which has been extensively used as emulsifier and thickening agent in the food industry, for its ability
  274. to induce acute inflammation in pharmacology and for its selectively toxic effect for macrophages in
  275. immunology. Carrageenan is a complex substance which displays various biological properties. The authors
  276. have shown the extent of these actions and reviewed the latest investigations on this subject.”
  277. </p>
  278. <p>
  279. Kirchheiner B J Allergy Clin Immunol 1995 May;95(5 Pt 1):933-936 Anaphylaxis to carrageenan: a
  280. pseudo-latex allergy. Tarlo SM, Dolovich J, Listgarten C “Anaphylactic reactions during a barium enema
  281. have been attributed to allergy to latex on the barium enema device. The observation of anaphylaxis
  282. during barium enema without latex exposure or latex allergy led to the performance of an allergy skin
  283. test to the barium enema solution.” “Individual components of the barium enema solution were obtained
  284. for double-blind skin testing. A RAST to identify specific IgE antibodies to the skin test active agent
  285. was established.” “Carrageenan, a component of the barium enema solution, produced positive reactions to
  286. allergy skin test and RAST. Gastrointestinal symptoms for which the patient was being investigated by
  287. the barium enema subsequently disappeared with a diet free of carrageenan. CONCLUSIONS: Carrageenan is a
  288. previously unreported cause of anaphylaxis during barium enema. It is an allergen widely distributed in
  289. common foods and potentially could account for some symptoms related to milk products or baby formula.”
  290. </p>
  291. <p>
  292. Cancer Detect Prev 1981;4(1-4):129-134 Harmful effects of carrageenan fed to animals. Watt J, Marcus R
  293. “An increased number of reports have appeared in the literature describing the harmful effects of
  294. degraded and undegraded carrageenan supplied to several animal species in their diet or drinking fluid.
  295. The harmful effects include foetal toxicity, teratogenicity, birth defects, pulmonary lesions,
  296. hepatomegaly, prolonged storage in Kupffer cells, ulcerative disease of the large bowel with
  297. hyperplastic, metaplastic, and polypoidal mucosal changes, enhancement of neoplasia by carcinogens, and,
  298. more ominously, colorectal carcinoma. Degraded carrageenan as a drug or food additive has been
  299. restricted in the United States by the FDA, but undegraded carrageenan is still widely used throughout
  300. the world as a food additive. Its harmful effects in animals are almost certainly associated with its
  301. degradation during passage through the gastrointestinal tract. There is a need for extreme caution in
  302. the use of carrageenan or carrageenan-like products as food additives in our diet, and particularly in
  303. slimming recipes.”
  304. </p>
  305. <p>
  306. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand [A] 1980 May;88(3):135-141 Stereomicroscopic and histologic changes in the
  307. colon of guinea pigs fed degraded carrageenan. Olsen PS, Poulsen SS “A colitis-like state induced in
  308. Guinea Pigs fed degraded carrageenan orally. By means of a combined semimacroscopic and histologic
  309. technique the course of the disease was followed during 28 days. The changes were primarily seen and
  310. became most prominent in the caecum. The first lesions were observed following 24 hours of treatment as
  311. small rounded foci initially with degenerative changes and inflammation in the surface epithelium, later
  312. forming superficial focal ulcerations. Ulcerative changes gradually progressed during the experiment,
  313. forming linear and later large, geographical ulcerations. Topographically the ulcerative process was
  314. strongly related to the larger submucosal vessels. Nonulcerated parts of the mucosa were not changed
  315. until following 7-14 days of treatment. The mucosa became bulging, granulated and finally villus-like.
  316. Accumulation of macrophages was found under the surface epithelium after 7-17 days. Possible
  317. pathogenetic mechanisms are discussed, especially the development of the early lesions and the
  318. significance of the macrophages.
  319. </p>
  320. <p>
  321. Cancer Res 1997 Jul 15;57(14):2823-2826 Filament disassembly and loss of mammary myoepithelial cells
  322. after exposure to lambda-carrageenan. Tobacman JK “Carrageenans are naturally occurring sulfated
  323. polysaccharides, widely used in commercial food preparation to improve the texture of processed foods.
  324. Because of their ubiquity in the diet and their observed preneoplastic effects in intestinal cells,
  325. their impact on human mammary myoepithelial cells in tissue culture was studied. At concentrations as
  326. low as 0.00014%, lambda-carrageenan was associated with disassembly of filaments with reduced
  327. immunostaining for vimentin, alpha-smooth muscle-specific actin, and gelsolin; increased staining for
  328. cytokeratin 14; and cell death. The absence of mammary myoepithelial cells is associated with invasive
  329. mammary malignancy; hence, the destruction of these cells in tissue culture by a low concentration of a
  330. widely used food additive suggests a dietary mechanism for mammary carcinogenesis not considered
  331. previously.”
  332. </p>
  333. <p>
  334. Agents Actions 1981 May;11(3):265-273 Carrageenan: a review of its effects on the immune system. Thomson
  335. AW, Fowler EF “Carrageenans (kappa, lambda and iota) are sulphated polysaccharides isolated from marine
  336. algae that can markedly suppress immune responses both in vivo and in vitro. Impairment of complement
  337. activity and humoral responses to T-dependent antigens, depression of cell-mediated immunity,
  338. prolongation of graft survival and potentiation of tumour growth by carrageenans have been reported. The
  339. mechanism responsible for carrageenan-induced immune suppression is believed to be its selective
  340. cytopathic effect on macrophages. This property of carrageenan has led to its adoption as a tool for
  341. analysing the role of these cells in the induction and expression of immune reactivity. Systemic
  342. administration of carrageenan may, however, induce disseminated intravascular coagulation and inflict
  343. damage on both the liver and kidney. This is an important consideration in the interpretation of the
  344. effects of carrageenan in vivo and precludes its use as a clinical immune suppressant.”
  345. </p>
  346. <p>
  347. Biomedicine 1978 May;28(3):148-152 Carrageenan and the immune response. Thomson AW “Since the biological
  348. effects of carrageenan were reviewed in 1972 by Di Rosa it has become clear from a large number of
  349. reports that this algal polysaccharide markedly influences immune responses. Profound suppression of
  350. immunity evidenced by impaired antibody production, graft rejection, delayed hypersensitivity and
  351. anti-tumour immunity, has been observed in carrageenan-treated animals and the immunodepressive ability
  352. of carrageenan confirmed by in vitro studies. Efforts at analysis of carrageenan-induced immune
  353. suppression have focussed on the selective cy-totoxic effect of this agent onmononuclear phagocytes.
  354. Faith in the ability of carrageenan to eliminate those cells has led to its use in examination of the
  355. role played by mononuclear phagocytes in various aspects of immune reactivity. This review documents and
  356. discusses the effects of carrageenan on immune responses and assesses the value of carrageenan as a
  357. useful tool in both current and future work aimed at broadening our knowledge of mechanisms underlying
  358. immune reactions.”
  359. </p>
  360. <p>
  361. Teratology 1981 Apr;23(2):273-278 Teratogenic effect of lambda-carrageenan on the chick embryo. Monis B,
  362. Rovasio RA “Carrageenans are widely used as food additives. Thus, it seemed of interest to test their
  363. possible teratogenic action. For this purpose, 530 chick eggs were injected in the yolk sac with 0.1 ml
  364. of a solution of 0.1% lambda-carrageenan in 0.9% sodium chloride. As controls, 286 eggs were injected
  365. with 0.1 ml of 9.0% sodium chloride. In addition, 284 eggs received no treatment. After incubation for
  366. 48--50 hours at 39 degrees C, embryos were fixed, cleared, and observed with a stereoscopic microscope.
  367. The frequency of abnormal embryos in the group receiving lambda-carrageenan was higher than in the
  368. controls (p less than 0.04). Partial duplication of the body, abnormal flexures of the trunk,
  369. anencephaly, a severely malformed brain, thickening of the neural tube wall, an irregular neural tube
  370. lumen with segmentary occlusion and a reduction in crown-rump length and number of somites were
  371. distinctly seen in thelambda-carrageenan-injected group. Moreover, the average number of anomalies per
  372. embryo in the lambda-carrageenan-injected group was nearly twice that in the controls. Present data
  373. indicate that lambda-carrageenan has teratogenic effects on early stages of the development of the chick
  374. embryo.”
  375. </p>
  376. <p>
  377. Food Addit Contam 1989 Oct;6(4):425-436 Intestinal uptake and immunological effects of
  378. carrageenan--current concepts. Nicklin S, Miller K “Carrageenans are a group of high molecular weight
  379. sulphated polygalactans which find extensive use inthe food industry as thickening, gelling and
  380. protein-suspending agents. Although there is no evidence to suggest that the persorption of small
  381. amounts of carrageenans across the intestinal barrier poses an acute toxic hazard, they are known to be
  382. biologically active in a number of physiological systems and extended oral administration in laboratory
  383. animals has been shown to modify both in vivo and in vitro immune competence. Whereas this effect could
  384. be attributed to carrageenan having a selective toxic effect on antigen-processing macrophages,
  385. additional studies suggest that macrophages can also influence immune responses by the timed release of
  386. immunoregulatory mediators. Evidence in support of this comes from in vitro studies which demonstrate
  387. that carrageenan-treated macrophages can, depending on conditions and time of administration, release
  388. either stimulatory or inhibitory factors. The former is known to be the immunostimulatory agent
  389. interleukin 1 (IL-1). The inhibitory factor, which is produced at an early stage following exposure to
  390. non-toxic doses of carrageenans, has yet to be formally identified but it is believed to be a
  391. prostaglandin because of its specific mode of action and short biological half-life. At present it is
  392. impossible to relate these studies to the human situation. Although it is established that carrageenans
  393. can cross the intestinal barrier of experimental animals, there is no evidence to suggest that the
  394. limited uptake that may occur in man in any way interferes with normal immune competence. Nevertheless,
  395. increased exposure may occur in the neonate during weaning, and adults and children following allergic
  396. reactions and episodes of gastrointestinal disease. Further studies under such conditions now seem
  397. warranted in order to elucidate the possible immunological consequences which may be associated with
  398. enhanced uptake of carrageenans in vulnerable groups.”
  399. </p>
  400. <p>
  401. Health Rep 1990;2(4):343-359 “Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis: morbidity and mortality,” Rod
  402. Riley. “This study analyzes hospital discharges and deaths from 1971 to 1986 for patients with
  403. inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which includes Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The data are
  404. based on hospital morbidity and mortality statistics provided to Statistics Canada by the provinces. For
  405. Crohn's disease, age-standardized rates per 100,000 population for hospital discharges increased by 148%
  406. for males and by 192% for females over the study period. In 1986, the rate for females was 48% higher
  407. than the rate for males. For both males and females, age-specific discharge rates were highest in the
  408. 20-24 age group. For ulcerative colitis, male age-standardized discharge rates decreased by 17% from
  409. 1971 to 1977, and then increased by 41% from 1977 to 1986. For females, the rates decreased by 18% from
  410. 1971 to 1976, then remained fairly stable from 1976 to 1986. Male and female discharge rates were
  411. similar over the study period. For females, rates were highest in the 20-34 age groups; for males, they
  412. were highest in the 65 and older age groups. In 1971, rates for both types of IBD were almost the same,
  413. but by the end of the study period the rate per 100,000 population for Crohn's disease was 34 for
  414. females and 23 for males, while for ulcerative colitis the rates were 13 for females and 14 for males.
  415. During the 16-year study period, cause of death data showed 556 deaths directly attributed to Crohn's
  416. disease and 761 deaths at-tributed to ulcerative colitis. The under 45 age group accounted for 25% of
  417. deaths due to Crohn's disease and for 17% of deaths due to ulcerative colitis. The time trends for IBD
  418. hospital discharge rates in Canada closely parallel the findings of hospital discharge rates in the
  419. United States and England-Wales. A comparison with epidemiological population surveys strongly suggests
  420. that increased discharge rates are due mostly to increases in incidence and prevalence of IBD in the
  421. general population.”
  422. </p>
  423. <p><hr /></p>
  424. <p><hr /></p>
  425. <p>
  426. Gut 1988 Mar;29(3):346-351, Cardiff Crohn's disease jubilee: the incidence over 50 years. Rose JD,
  427. Roberts GM, Williams G, Mayberry JF, Rhodes J “The incidence of Crohn's disease in Cardiff between 1931
  428. and 1985 has been examined using hospital diagnostic indices supplemented in recent years by records
  429. from clinicians, and the departments of pathology and radiology. Four hundred and seven new patients
  430. were confirmed after all notes had been reviewed. There has been a large increase from 0.18 cases/10(5)
  431. of the population per year in the 1930s to current values of 8.3/10(5)/year. The incidence continues to
  432. rise and shows an increasing proportion of patients with colorectal disease. Peak age specific
  433. incidences occur in the third and eighth decades of life.”
  434. </p>
  435. <p>
  436. Am J Hematol 1992 Mar;39(3):176-182 Polysaccharide encapsulated bacterial infection in sickle cell
  437. anemia: a thirty year epidemiologic experience. Wong WY, Powars DR, Chan L, Hiti A, Johnson C, Overturf
  438. G “Annual age-specific incidence rates of Streptococcus pneumoniae or Haemophilus influenzae bacterial
  439. septicemia in sickle cell anemia (SS) were determined for the years of 1957 through 1989. Forty-nine
  440. patients had 64 episodes of septicemia among a population of 786 SS patients observed for 8,138
  441. person-years. Peak frequency of infection occurred between 1968-1971 and 1975-1981 with a conspicuous
  442. absence of episodes in 1972, 1973, 1982-1984, and 1986-1987, thus demonstrating cycles of high and low
  443. attack rates. The annual age-specific incidence rate of septicemia varied from 64.5 (1965) to 421.1
  444. (1980) per 1,000 person-years for those under 2 years of age and never exceeded 10.2 per 1,000 in those
  445. over 4 years of age. Following the introduction of pneumococcal polyvalent vaccine in 1978, incidence of
  446. infection decreased in SS children greater than 2 years of age. No modification of the risk of infection
  447. was observed in immunized children less than 2 years of age. During these three decades, there has been
  448. a ten-fold increase in the number of SS adults over 20 years of age. The relative risk of chronic sickle
  449. complications comparing the survivors of septicemia to the non-infected patients was: subsequent death
  450. 1.76, retinopathy 4.06, avascular necrosis 1.95, symptomatic cholelithiasis 1.33, stroke 1.30, and
  451. priapism 1.26. These data suggest that prognosis for lifetime severe SS is initially manifested as an
  452. increased risk of septicemia during childhood.”
  453. </p>
  454. <p>
  455. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 1986 Jun;10(6-7):468-474 [Trends of mortality from cirrhosis in France between
  456. 1925 and 1982 Coppere H, Audigier JC “In 1982, 13,866 deaths secondary to cirrhosis were reported.
  457. Between 1925 and 1982, the number of deaths increased by 163 p. 100. This overall change was observed
  458. gradually: profound drop in the cirrhosis mortality rate during the Second World War, increase between
  459. 1945 and 1967, stabilization between 1967 and 1975 and more pronounced decline from then on. Cirrhosis
  460. mortality rate per 100,000 increased from 9.17 to 28.21 (+208 p. 100) in males and from 3.63 to 10.38
  461. (+186 p. 100) in females from 1945 to 1982. The increase was approximately the same whatever the age. A
  462. cohort effect was observed in both sexes. There were two successive waves of increased mortality
  463. separated by an interval of non augmentation for the cohorts born between 1906 and 1915 and between 1931
  464. and 1940. Since 1967, mortality due to cirrhosis has stopped increasing in both sexes. These changes may
  465. be related to decreasing alcohol consumption in France, certainly one of the major objectives in present
  466. day health programs. Abrupt reduction of alcohol consumption should be followed by a dramatic fall in
  467. the number of deaths from cirrhosis. Progressive decline of consumption is possibly associated with a
  468. decrease in the incidence of the disease. In 2,000, the rate for cirrhosis mortality is expected to be
  469. the same as that observed in the middle of the 20th century.”
  470. </p>
  471. <p>
  472. Cancer Res 1987 Sep 15;47(18):4967-4972 Changing incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in Japan. Okuda
  473. K, Fujimoto I, Hanai A, Urano Y “A trend in the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in Japan was
  474. studied from the data of the Osaka Cancer Registry (population, 8,512,351 in 1981) for the period of
  475. 1963-1983, the Vital Statistics of Japan, Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the Japan Autopsy Registry
  476. which contained 594,132 individually filed cases in the 26-year period from 1958 to 1983. Both cancer
  477. registry data and autopsy records showed a more than 2-fold increase in HCC incidence, particularly in
  478. the last 10 years or so, among males and a less pronounced increase in females. The same trend was borne
  479. out by the cancer registries of Nagasaki City and Miyagi Prefecture and the Vital Statistics. When
  480. studied with the autopsy data, it was found that the numbers of autopsies for cirrhosis without HCC and
  481. autopsies for HCC (with and without cirrhosis) were about the same in 1958-1961 and that currently
  482. (1980-1983) the latter is about 2 times the former. As one of the possible causes of increase in HCC
  483. incidence other than prolonged survival of patients with cirrhosis, chronic non-A, non-B hepatitis is
  484. discussed. “
  485. </p>
  486. <p>
  487. Hepatogastroenterology 1997 Sep;44(17):1401-1403 Hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatic cirrhosis in
  488. Mexico: a 25 year necroscopy review. Cortes-Espinosa T, Mondragon-Sanchez R, Hurtado-Andrade H,
  489. Sanchez-Cisneros R “BACKGROUND/AIMS: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common form of cancer which is
  490. found throughout the world. In recent years, the rates of HCC seem to have increased in European and
  491. North American countries.” “RESULTS: Of 12556 autopsies studied, 73 cases of histologically proven HCC
  492. were reported, representing a total necropsy carcinoma incidence of 0.59%. Fifty-five cases were
  493. associated with cirrhosis (0.43%), and 18 were not (0.14%). HCC was two times more common in males (67%)
  494. than in females (33%), with a ratio of 2:1. During this period, the necropsy incidence of HCC rose
  495. steadily to twice its original level (1965-69 incidence 0.35%; 1985-89 incidence 0.69%). The necropsy
  496. incidence of cirrhosis was 4% (329 males, 185 females). The overall TC/T index was 75% (87% for males
  497. and 50% for females). The overall TC/C index was 10.7% (13% for males and 6.4% for females).
  498. CONCLUSIONS: There was a two-fold increase in the incidence of HCC in the Mexican population studied
  499. over a 25-year period. HCC was associated with cirrhosis in the majority of cases. HCC was two times
  500. more common in males than in females in patients with cirrhosis; in patients without cirrhosis, the
  501. ratio was 1:1. The incidence of cirrhosis was 4%, which remained unchanged with the passage of time.”
  502. </p>
  503. <p>
  504. Hepatogastroenterology 1984 Oct;31(5):215-217 Hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis: a review of their
  505. relative incidence in a 25-year period in the Florence area. Bartoloni St Omer F, Giannini A, Napoli P
  506. “An eight-fold increase in the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in the Florence area was detected
  507. in a 25-year retrospective review of adult autopsy records in the Institute of Pathology of the
  508. University of Florence. During the same period, the incidence of cirrhosis did not show a parallel
  509. increase. The relationship between hepatocellular carcinoma, cirrhosis and HB virus is briefly discussed
  510. in the light of these findings.”
  511. </p>
  512. <p>
  513. J Clin Pathol 1978 Feb;31(2):108-110 Hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatic cirrhosis in the west of
  514. Scotland: a 25-year necropsy review. Burnett RA, Patrick RS, Spilg WG, Buchanan WM, Macsween RN “A
  515. two-fold increase in the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in the west of Scotland is reported on
  516. the basis of a 25-year retrospective necropsy review (313 cases). This increase is not accompanied by a
  517. corresponding increase in the incidence of hepatic cirrhosis. The relationship between hepatocellular
  518. carcinoma and hepatic cirrhosis is discussed in the light of these findings.”
  519. </p>
  520. <p>
  521. J Hyg Epidemiol Microbiol Immunol 1990;34(4):343-348 “Increasing trend of hyperbilirubinemia incidence
  522. in the blood donors population,” Pintera J.
  523. </p>
  524. <p>
  525. Hepatogastroenterology 1984 Oct;31(5):211-214 Primary hepatic cancer and liver cirrhosis. Autopsy study
  526. covering fifty years. Bethke BA, Schubert GE “Autopsy reports from 1931 to 1980 were used to study the
  527. incidence of liver cirrhosis (LC) and the association between LC and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in
  528. our area (Wuppertal, Germany). An increase in LC and in LC with HCC has occurred since World War II,
  529. with HCC being most frequently associated with postnecrotic cirrhosis. The prevalence of HCC in men with
  530. LC was highest (13.5%) in 1966-1970, whereas the prevalence of HCC with LC in women rose abruptly to a
  531. peak (11.8%) during the last 5 years of the study. Possible etiological factors for the association
  532. between LC and HCC are discussed.”
  533. </p>
  534. <p>
  535. Riv Eur Sci Med Farmacol 1990 Jun;12(3):165-168 [Oral contraceptive and hepatic effects].[Article in
  536. Italian] Tarantino G, Morelli L, Califano C “The general use of synthetic estrogens like DC pointed out
  537. that near many skilled collateral effects, some others that are showing with a decrease of bile
  538. excretion (cholestasis), reversible with their administration interruption; with hepatic cells adenoma
  539. that are potentially premalignant and can transform into hepatocellular carcinoma; with vascular
  540. complications such as (most frequently in carcinomatousis) "hepatic peliosis" and "thrombosis" of
  541. suprahepatic veins (Budd-Chiari's syndrome). There is no overall increase in the incidence of
  542. gallbladder disease (cholelithiasis and cholecystitis).”
  543. </p>
  544. <p>
  545. Hepatology 1990 Nov;12(5):1106-1110 Fatty liver hepatitis (steatohepatitis) and obesity: an autopsy
  546. study with analysis of risk factors. Wanless IR, Lentz JS “Steatohepatitis (fatty liver hepatitis),
  547. histologically identical to alcoholic disease, occurs in some obese patients after jejunoileal bypass. A
  548. similar lesion occurs rarely in obese patients without bypass surgery, but the risk factors are poorly
  549. understood. Hepatic steatosis, steatohepatitis and fibrosis were sought in 351 apparently nonalcoholic
  550. patients at autopsy and various risk factors were evaluated.” “Thus this study supports the hypothesis
  551. that fatty acids have a role in the hepatocellular necrosis found in some obese individuals.”
  552. </p>
  553. <p>
  554. Prostaglandins 1977 Aug;14(2):295-307 Reduced exudation and increased tissue proliferation during
  555. chronic inflammation in rats deprived of endogenous prostaglandin precursors. Bonta IL, Parnham MJ,
  556. Adolfs MJ “Two models of chronic inflammation were studied in rats deprived of endogenous precursors of
  557. prostaglandins by feeding the animals on essential fatty acid deficient (EFAD) food. During
  558. kaolin-induced pouch-granuloma, exudate production was markedly reduced in EFAD rats, when compared with
  559. normal animals. The exudates from normal rats contained large amounts of PGE, but in the exudates from
  560. EFAD rats the amount of PGE was very markedly reduced. Similarly, with carrageenan-impregnated polyether
  561. sponges, the exudative component of inflammation was reduced in EFAD rats. However, the proliferative
  562. component was significantly increased, particularly in relation to the stunted growth of EFAD rats.
  563. Sponge exudates from EFAD rats contained fewer leucocytes than those from normal animals but the fall in
  564. leucocyte count was much smaller than the very marked reduction in PGE activity. EFAD rats also
  565. exhibited a significant increase in adrenal weights. The results are discussed in the light of the
  566. ambivalent (pro- or anti-inflammatory) role of endogenous PGS. It appears that, in the proliferative
  567. phase of inflammation, the anti-inflammatory role of PGs is more dominant.”
  568. </p>
  569. <p>
  570. J Hepatol 1997 Sep;27(3):578-582 Subfulminant hepatic failure in autoimmune hepatitis type 1: an unusual
  571. form of presentation. Herzog D, Rasquin-Weber AM, Debray D, Alvarez F “Autoimmune hepatitis type 1 is
  572. known to progress insidiously and in many cases cirrhosis is already established at the first
  573. presentation of symptoms. It affects mostly females, with peaks of incidence around 10 and 50 years of
  574. age. Subfulminant hepatic failure is an unusual initial form of presentation of AIH type 1 and it was
  575. observed in three post-pubertal female patients. Rapid disease evolution or no response to
  576. immunosuppressive therapy led to liver transplantation in all patients. Two did not have cirrhosis, and
  577. the third had focal cirrhosis. The occurrence of the unusual subfulminant form of autoimmune hepatitis
  578. in three latepubertal girls (Tanner V) suggests that estrogen may play a role in the severity of the
  579. disease.”
  580. </p>
  581. <p>
  582. Acta Hepatogastroenterol (Stuttg) 1977 Apr;24(2):97-101 Plasma prolactin and prolactin release in liver
  583. cirrhosis. Wernze H, Schmitz E “A significant increase of basal plasma prolactin levels
  584. (radioimmunoassayed) in 75 patients with liver cirrhosis was found in comparison to 50 male controls
  585. (8.5+/-4.5 (SD) vs. 5.5+/-1.7 ng/ml p less than 0.001). The extent and incidence of hyperprolactinaemia
  586. in 48 patients with alcoholic cirrhosis was more pronounced than in 27 cases of cirrhosis of
  587. non-alcoholic aetiologies (mean 9.7+/-4.8 vs. 5.7+/-2.1 ng/ml). No relation to ascites formation as well
  588. as to the development of gynaecomastia was apparent. Prolactin release following thyrotropin-releasing
  589. hormone was markedly enhanced in alcoholic as compared to non-alcoholic cirrhosis. Possibly
  590. hyperprolactinaemia and increased pituitary hormone reserve reflects hyperoestrogenism but changes of
  591. the hypothalamic regulation cannot be excluded as yet.”
  592. </p>
  593. <p>
  594. Jpn J Pharmacol 1991 Apr;55(4):551-554 Endotoxin- and inflammation-induced depression of the hepatic
  595. drug metabolism in rats. Ishikawa M, Sasaki K, Nishimura K, Takayanagi Y, Sasaki K “Carrageenan-induced
  596. inflammation and exposure to endotoxin considerably decreased the content of cytochrome P-450 and
  597. activities of ethylmorphine N-demethylase and meperidine N-demethylase, but did not decrease the
  598. activities of aniline hydroxylase or NADPH-cytochrome c reductase, compared with the respective
  599. activities in rats treated with carrageenan alone. These results suggest that under these experimental
  600. conditions, the two host-related environmental factors interact and enhance a decrease in rat hepatic
  601. microsomal drug metabolizing enzymes depending on the substrate used.”
  602. </p>
  603. <p>
  604. Infect Immun 1991 Feb;59(2):679-683 Enhancement of lipopolysaccharide-induced tumor necrosis factor
  605. production in mice by carrageenan pretreatment. Ogata M, Yoshida S, Kamochi M, Shigematsu A, Mizuguchi Y
  606. “Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a cytokine which mediates endotoxin shock and causes multiple organ
  607. damage. It is thought that macrophage (MP) activation is necessary to increase lipopolysaccharide
  608. (LPS)-induced TNF production and lethality. Carrageenan (CAR) is sulfated polygalactose which destroys
  609. MP; it is used as a MP blocker. We found that CAR pretreatment can increase both endotoxin-induced TNF
  610. production and the mortality rate in mice. The ddY mice (7 to 8 weeks old) were injected
  611. intraperitoneally with CAR (5-mg dose) and challenged intravenously with LPS 24 h later. Without CAR
  612. pretreatment, LPS doses of less than 10 micrograms did not induce TNF in sera. After pretreatment,
  613. however, about 3 x 10(3) to 4 x 10(4) U of TNF per ml was produced after LPS injection at doses of 0.1
  614. to 10 micrograms, respectively. TNF production was significantly increased by CAR pretreatment at LPS
  615. doses of more than 10 micrograms. CAR pretreatment rendered the mice more sensitive to the lethal effect
  616. of LPS; 50% lethal doses of LPS in CAR-pretreated mice and nonpretreated mice were 26.9 and 227
  617. micrograms, respectively. The mortality of the two groups was significantly different at doses of 50,
  618. 100, and 200 mi-crograms of LPS. CAR increased LPS-induced TNF production and mortality within 2 h, much
  619. earlier than MP activators, which needed at least 4 days. Our results made clear that TNF production is
  620. enhanced not only by a MP activator but also by a MP blocker.”
  621. </p>
  622. <p>
  623. Prog Clin Biol Res 1989;286:237-242 Effect of macrophage inhibition in carrageenan- and
  624. D-galactosamine-induced sensitivity to low-dose endotoxin. Kujawa KI, Berning A, Odeyale C, Yaffe LJ.
  625. </p>
  626. <p>
  627. J Surg Res 1984 Jul;37(1):63-68 Evidence for aerobic glycolysis in lambda-carrageenan-wounded skeletal
  628. muscle. Caldwell MD, Shearer J, Morris A, Mastrofrancesco B, Henry W, Albina JE “Classically, increased
  629. lactate production in wounded tissue is ascribed to anaerobic glycolysis although its oxygen consumption
  630. has been found to be similar to normal tissue. This apparent inconsistency was studied in a standardized
  631. isolated perfused wound model. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were wounded (group W) with intramuscular
  632. injections of lambda-carrageenan and fed ad lib.; not wounded and pair fed to the decreased food intake
  633. of the wounded animals (group PFC); or not wounded and fed ad lib. (group ALC). After 5 days, the
  634. hindlimbs of animals from each group were either perfused using a standard perfusate with added
  635. [U-14C]glucose or [1-14C]pyruvate or assayed for the tissue content of lactate and pyruvate. In
  636. addition, the effect of a 30% hemorrhage on the tissue lactate and pyruvate concentration was examined.
  637. Wounding increased glucose uptake and lactate production by 100 and 96%, respectively, above that seen
  638. in ALC animals. Oxygen consumption was unchanged by wounding (5.74, 5.14, and 5.83 mumole/min/100 g in
  639. W, PFC, and ALC, respectively). Glucose and pyruvate oxidation were also unaltered among the groups.
  640. Hemorrhage resulted in a comparable increase in lactate and pyruvate in tissue from wounded and pair-fed
  641. control animals (above those concentrations found in tissue harvested without preexisting hemorrhage).
  642. As a consequence, the same relationship in L/P ratio was maintained after hemorrhage. Taken together,
  643. these results confirm the presence of aerobic glycolysis in wounded tissue (unchanged oxygen
  644. consumption, glucose, and pyruvate oxidation). In addition, pyruvate dehydrogenase activity in the wound
  645. was apparently the same as that found in muscle from pair-fed control animals.”
  646. </p>
  647. <p>
  648. Food Chem Toxicol 1984 Aug;22(8):615-621 Effect of orally administered food-grade carrageenans on
  649. antibody-mediated and cell-mediated immunity in the inbred rat. Nicklin S, Miller K “Experiments were
  650. performed to investigate the immunological consequences associated with the persorption of poorly
  651. degradable carregeenans from the diet. Using an inbred strain of rat it was demonstrated
  652. histochemically, by the carrageenan-specific Alcian blue staining technique, that small quantities of
  653. food-grade carrageenans given at 0.5% in drinking-water for 90 days could penetrate the intestinal
  654. barrier of adult animals. This apparently occurred via an intact mucosa in the absence of inflammatory
  655. or pathological lesions. The carrageenan was demonstrated in macrophage-like cells present within the
  656. villi and lamina propria of the small intestine. The oral administration of kappa, lambda or iota
  657. food-grade carrageenans did not affect local (biliary) or systemic antibody responses to gut commensal
  658. microorganisms, or to orally-administered sheep erythrocytes. However, when sheep red blood cells were
  659. administered parenterally the ensuing anti-sheep red blood cell haemagglutinating antibody response was
  660. temporarily suppressed in carrageenan-fed rats. lambda-Carrageenan and iota-carrageenan both
  661. significantly (P less than or equal to 0.01 and P less than or equal to 0.05, respectively) reduced the
  662. mid-phase (14-28 days) haemagglutinin response; kappa-carrageenan (L100) was less effective but caused
  663. significant depression at day 21 (P less than or equal to 0.01). Individual responses were, however,
  664. within the control range 35 days after sheep erythrocyte administration, thus indicating the temporary
  665. nature of this effect. Although carrageenan administration depressed the anti-sheep erythrocyte antibody
  666. response, it did not affect T-cell immune competence as measured by the popliteal lymph node assay for
  667. graft-versus-host reactivity.”
  668. </p>
  669. <p>
  670. J Nutr 1986 Feb;116(2):223-232 Effects of certain dietary fibers on apparent permeability of the rat
  671. intestine. Shiau SY, Chang GW “Apparent intestinal permeability was determined indirectly by orally
  672. administering a poorly absorbed dye, phenol red, to rats and measuring its recovery in feces and in
  673. urine. Increased apparent permeability was recognized by increased dye recovery in urine and by an
  674. increased ratio of urinary to fecal dye recovery. Guar gum, pectin, carrageenan type I (80% kappa, 20%
  675. lambda), carra-geenan type II (iota) and cellulose were each fed at levels of 5 and 15% (wt/wt) of the
  676. diet for 31 d to male Fischer 344 rats. The average initial weight of rats was 230 g. Rats fed 15% guar
  677. gum gained significantly less weight than most of the other rats (P less than 0.05). Phenol red recovery
  678. was measured at 2 and 4 wk after the beginning of the experiment. At 2 wk urinary recoveries of phenol
  679. red were high in rats fed fiber-free and carrageenan type II diets, indicating increased apparent
  680. permeability. By 4 wk, adaptation had apparently taken place.” “These data are consistent with the
  681. hypothesis that intestinal permeability to foreign substances may be altered considerably by diet.”
  682. </p>
  683. <p>
  684. Pathologe 1993 Sep;14(5):247-252 [Persorption of microparticles].[Article in German] Volkheimer G
  685. “Solid, hard microparticles, such as starch granules, pollen, cellulose particles, fibres and crystals,
  686. whose diameters are well into the micrometre range, are incorporated regularly and in considerable
  687. numbers from the digestive tract. Motor factors play an important part in the paracellular penetration
  688. of the epithelial cell layer. From the subepithelial region the microparticles are transported away via
  689. lymph and blood vessels. They can be detected in body fluids using simple methods: only a few minutes
  690. after oral administration they can be found in the peripheral blood-stream. We observed their passage
  691. into urine, bile, cerebrospinal fluid, the alveolar lumen, the peritoneal cavity, breast milk, and
  692. transplacentally into the fetal blood-stream. Since persorbed microparticles can embolise small vessels,
  693. this touches on microangiological problems, especially in the region of the CNS. The long-term deposit
  694. of embolising microparticles which consist of potential allergens or contaminants, or which are carriers
  695. of contaminants, is of immunological and environmental-technical importance. Numerous ready-made
  696. foodstuffs contain large quantities of microparticles capable of persorption.”
  697. </p>
  698. <p>
  699. Eur J Pediatr 1993 Jul;152(7):592-594 Oral cornstarch therapy: is persorption harmless? Gitzelmann R,
  700. Spycher MA ”Sediments prepared from freshly voided urine of four patients with glycogenosis Ia, or
  701. leucine-sensitive hypoglycaemia, on oral cornstarch therapy contained starch granules, evidence for
  702. persorption i.e. the incorporation of undissolved starch particles. In these patients, amyluria was more
  703. marked than in untreated controls. While cornstarch therapy is successful and causes few side-effects,
  704. the possibility of late adverse reactions to persorbed starch should not be disregarded.”
  705. </p>
  706. <p>
  707. Med Hypotheses 1991 Jun;35(2):85-87 “Persorption of raw starch: a cause of senile dementia? Freedman BJ
  708. “Intact starch granules in food can pass through the intestinal wall and enter the circulation. They
  709. remain intact if they have not been cooked for long enough in the presence of water. Some of these
  710. granules embolise arterioles and capillaries. In most organs the collateral circulation suffices for
  711. continued function.In the brain, however, neurones may be lost. Over many decades the neuronal loss
  712. could be of clinical importance. To test this hypothesis, there is a need to examine brains for the
  713. presence of embolised starch granules. Examining tissues polariscopically clearly distinguishes starch
  714. granules from other objects of similar appearance.”
  715. </p>
  716. <p>
  717. Kitasato Arch Exp Med 1990 Apr;63(1):1-6 [The Herbst-Volkheimer effect]” [Article in German], Prokop, O.
  718. “More than 150 years ago the foundations were laid for the so-called HERBST effect which was
  719. subsequently forgotten. In the sixties the phenomenon was rediscovered by VOLKHEIMER at the Charite
  720. Hospital in Berlin and then reviewed through many experiments and publications. What is meant by the
  721. HERBST effect? If an experimental animal or even human being is given a larger amount of maize starch or
  722. also biscuits or some other products containing starch, starch bodies can be detected rapidly in venous
  723. blood already after minutes or half an hour later and in the urine after one hour and later. The term
  724. "persorption" has been coined for this interesting phenomenon. It is indeed surprising that it has met
  725. with so little attention. As a matter of fact, it constitutes the basis for our understanding of peroral
  726. immunization and of allergies. In the same way, feeding of carbon particles results in their appearance
  727. and detection in blood, kidney and urine. The same result is obtained by the intake of diatoms and what
  728. is even more important with meat fibres. I hope you are aware of the implications. When Professor NAGAI
  729. stayed in Berlin, we tried to receive the phenomenon. Since only a few cell nuclei are necessary for
  730. "genetic fingerprinting" we thought that after intake of 200 or 400 g of raw meat the type of food eaten
  731. could be determined from the urinary sediment by means of the fingerprint method which would be of
  732. forensic significance. Therefore, we eat meat and raw liver and examined the urinary sediment.”
  733. </p>
  734. <p>
  735. Z Arztl Fortbild (Jena) 1993 Mar 12;87(3):217-221 [The phenomenon of persorption--history and
  736. facts].[Article in German] Volkheimer G.
  737. </p>
  738. <p>
  739. J Pediatr 1994 Sep;125(3):392-399 Clinical and molecular epidemiology of enterococcal bacteremia in a
  740. pediatric teaching hospital. Christie C, Hammond J, Reising S, Evans-Patterson J “An apparent increase
  741. in the in-cidence of enterococcal bacteremias from 7 to 48/1000 bacteremias during 1986 to 1991 (p &lt;
  742. 0.01) prompted this descriptive clinical and molecular epidemiologic study of 83 episodes occurring in
  743. 80 children between 1986 and 1992.” “The increase in enterococcal bacteremias was not due to a clonal
  744. strain dissemination but to an increase in cases of heterogeneous enterococcal strains. We conclude that
  745. enterococcal septicemia is now an important cause of serious morbidity and death in critically ill
  746. children.”
  747. </p>
  748. <p>R.F.V. Pulvertaft, PHA in relation to Burkitt's tumour, Lancet sept 12, pp 552-554, 1964.</p>
  749. <p>K.M. Stevens, The aetiology of SLE, Lancet, Sept. 5, 506-508, 1964.</p>
  750. <p><hr /></p>
  751. <p>Ray Peat's Newsletter</p>
  752. <p>
  753. Not for republication without written permission PO Box 5764, Eugene, OR 97405 Raymond PeatJuly, 1995
  754. </p>
  755. <p>
  756. Persorption refers to a process in which relatively large particles pass through the intact wall of the
  757. intestine and enter the blood or lymphatic vessels. It can be demonstrated easily, but food regulators
  758. prefer to act as though it didn't exist. The doctrine that polymers--gums, starches, peptides, polyester
  759. fat substitutes--and other particulate substances can be safely added to food because they are "too
  760. large to be absorbed" is very important to the food in-dustry and its shills.
  761. </p>
  762. <p>
  763. When the bowel is inflamed, toxins are absorbed. The natural bacterial endotoxin produces many of the
  764. same inflammatory effects as the food additive, carrageenan. Like inflammatory bowel disease, the
  765. incidence of liver tumors and cirrhosis has increased rapidly. Liver damage leads to hormonal imbalance.
  766. Carrageenan produces inflammation and immunodeficiency, synergizing with estrogen, endotoxin and
  767. unsaturated fatty acids.
  768. </p>
  769. <p>
  770. “Volkheimer found that mice fed raw starch aged at an abnormally fast rate, and when he dissected the
  771. starch-fed mice, he found a multitude of blocked arterioles in every organ, each of which caused the
  772. death of the cells that depended on the blood supplied by that arteriole. It isn’t hard to see how this
  773. would affect the functions of organs such as the brain and heart, even without considering the
  774. immunological and other implications....”
  775. </p>
  776. <p></p>
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