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  4. Eclampsia in the Real Organism: A Paradigm of General Distress Applicable in Infants, Adults, Etc.
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  9. Eclampsia in the Real Organism: A Paradigm of General Distress Applicable in Infants, Adults, Etc.
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  12. <p>
  13. To prevent the appropriation and abuse of our language by academic and professional cliques, I like to
  14. recall my grandparents' speech. When my grandmother spoke of eclampsia, the word was still normal
  15. English, that reflected the Greek root meaning, "shining out," referring to the visual effects that are
  16. often prodromal to seizures. The word was most often used in relation to pregnancy, but it could also be
  17. applied to similar seizures in young children. The word is the sort that might have been coined by a
  18. person who had experienced the condition, but the experience of seeing hallucinatory lights is seldom
  19. mentioned in the professional discussion of "eclampsia and preeclampsia."
  20. </p>
  21. <p>
  22. Metaphoric thinking--using comparisons, models, or examples--is our natural way of gaining new
  23. understanding. Ordinary language, and culture, grow when insightful comparisons are generally adopted,
  24. extending the meaning of old categories. Although the free growth of insight and understanding might be
  25. the basic law of language and culture, we have no institutions that are amenable to that principle of
  26. free development of understanding. Institutions devoted to power and control are naturally hostile to
  27. the free development of ideas.
  28. </p>
  29. <p>
  30. Among physicians, toxemia (meaning poisons in the blood) has been used synonymously with preeclampsia,
  31. to refer to the syndrome in pregnant women of high blood pressure, albumin in the urine, and edema,
  32. sometimes ending in convulsions. Eclampsia is reserved for the convulsions themselves, and is restricted
  33. to the convulsions which follow preeclampsia, when there is "no other reason" for the seizure such as
  34. "epilepsy" or cerebral hemorrhage. Sometimes it is momentarily convenient to use medical terms, but we
  35. should never forget the quantity of outrageous ignorance that is attached to so many technical words
  36. when they suggest the identity of unlike things, and when they partition and isolate things which have
  37. meaning only as part of a process. Misleading terminology has certainly played an important role in
  38. retarding the understanding of the problems of pregnancy.
  39. </p>
  40. <p>
  41. In 1974, when I decided to write Nutrition for Women, I was motivated by the awful treatment I saw women
  42. receiving, especially during pregnancy, from physicians and dietitians. Despite the research of people
  43. like the Shutes and the Biskinds, there were still "educated" and influential people who said that the
  44. mother's diet had no influence on the baby. (That strange attitude affects many aspects of behavior and
  45. opinion.)
  46. </p>
  47. <p>
  48. How can people believe that the mother's diet has no effect on the baby's health? Textbooks used to talk
  49. about the "insulated" fetus, which would get sufficient nutrients from the mother's body even if she
  50. were starving. To "prove" the doctrine, it was pointed out that the fetus gets enough iron to make blood
  51. even when the mother is anemic. In the last few years, the recognition that smoking, drinking, and using
  52. other drugs can harm the baby has helped to break down the doctrine of "insulation," but there is still
  53. not a medical culture in which the effects of diet on the physiology of pregnancy are appreciated. This
  54. is because of a mistaken idea about the nature of the organism and its development. "Genes make the
  55. organism," according to this doctrine, and if there are congenital defects in the baby, the genes are
  56. responsible. A simple sort of causality flows from the genes to the finished organism, according to that
  57. idea. <strong>It was taught that if "the genes" are really bad, the defective baby can make the mother
  58. sick, and she contributed to the baby's bad genes.</strong> The idea isn't completely illogical, but
  59. it isn't based on reality, and it is demonstrably false. (Race, age and parity have no effect on
  60. incidence of cerebral palsy<strong>;</strong> low birth weight and complications of pregnancy are
  61. associated with it<strong>: </strong>J. F. Eastman, "Obstetrical background of 753 cases of cerebral
  62. palsy," Obstet. Gynecol. Surv. 17, 459-497, 1962.)
  63. </p>
  64. <p>
  65. Although Sigmund Freud sensibly argued in 1897 that it was more reasonable to think that an infant's
  66. cerebral palsy was caused by the same factors that caused the mother's sickness, than to think that the
  67. baby's cerebral palsy <em>caused</em> maternal sickness and premature labor, <strong>more than 50 years
  68. later people were still taking seriously the idea that cerebral palsy might cause maternal
  69. complications and prematurity.</strong> (A.M. Lilienfield and E. Parkhurst, "A study of the
  70. association of factors of pregnancy and parturition with the development of cerebral palsy," <em>Am. J.
  71. Hyg. 53,</em> 262-282, 1951.)
  72. </p>
  73. <p>
  74. Medical textbooks and articles still commonly list the conditions that are associated with
  75. eclampsia<strong>: </strong> Very young and very old mothers, a first pregnancy or a great number of
  76. previous pregnancies, diabetes, twins, obesity, excessive weight gain, and kidney disease. Some authors,
  77. observing the high incidence of eclampsia in the deep South, among Blacks and on American Indian
  78. reservations, have suggested that it is a genetic disease because it "runs in families." If poverty and
  79. malnutrition are also seen to "run in families," some of these authors have argued that the bad genes
  80. which cause birth defects also cause eclampsia and poverty. (L. C. Chesley, et al., "The familial factor
  81. in toxemia of pregnancy," Obstet. Gynec. 32, 303-311, 1968, reported that women whose mothers suffered
  82. eclampsia during their gestation were likely to have eclampsia themselves. Some "researchers" have
  83. concluded that eclampsia is good, because many of the babies die, eliminating the "genes" for eclampsia
  84. and poverty.)<strong>*</strong> Any sensible farmer knows that pregnant animals must have good food if
  85. they are to successfully bear healthy young, but of course those farmers don't have a sophisticated
  86. knowledge of genetics.
  87. </p>
  88. <p>
  89. The inclusion of obesity and "excessive weight gain" among the conditions associated with eclampsia has
  90. distracted most physicians from the fact that malnutrition is the basic cause of eclampsia. The
  91. pathologist who, knowing nothing about a woman's diet, writes in his autopsy report that the subject is
  92. "a well nourished" pregnant woman, reflects a medical culture which chooses to reduce "nutritional
  93. adequacy" to a matter of gross body weight. The attempt to restrict weight gain in pregnancy has
  94. expanded the problem of eclampsia beyond its association with poverty, into the more affluent classes.
  95. </p>
  96. <p>
  97. Freud wasn't the first physician who grasped the idea that the baby's health depends on the mother's,
  98. and that her health depends on good nutrition. Between 1834 and 1843, John C. W. Lever, M.D., discovered
  99. that 9 out of 10 eclamptic women had protein in their urine. He described an eclamptic woman who bore a
  100. premature, low-weight baby, as having "...been living in a state of most abject penury for two or three
  101. months, subsisting for days on a single meal of bread and tea. Her face and body were covered with
  102. cachectic sores." ("Cases of puerperal convulsions," <em>Guy's Hospital Reports, Volume 1, series 2,</em
  103. > 495-517, 1843.) S. S. Rosenstein observed that eclampsia was preceded by changes in the serum (<em
  104. >Traite Pratique des Maladies des Reins,</em> Paris, 1874). L. A. A. Charpentier specifically documented
  105. low serum albumin as a cause of eclampsia (<em>A Practical Treatise on Obstetrics, Volume 2,</em>
  106. William Wood &amp; Co., 1887). Robert Ross, M.D., documented the role of malnutrition as the cause of
  107. proteinuria and eclampsia (<em>Southern Medical Journal 28,</em> 120, 1935).
  108. </p>
  109. <p>
  110. In outline, we can visualize a chain of causality beginning with a diet deficient in protein, impairing
  111. liver function, producing inability to store glycogen, to inactivate estrogen and insulin, and to
  112. activate thyroid. Low protein and high estrogen cause increased tendency of the blood to clot. High
  113. estrogen destroys the liver's ability to produce albumin (G. Belasco and G. Braverman, <em>Control of
  114. Messenger RNA Stability,</em> Academic Press, 1994). Low thyroid causes sodium to be lost. The loss
  115. of sodium albuminate causes tissue edema, while the blood volume is decreased. Decreased blood volume
  116. and hemoconcentration (red cells form a larger fraction of the blood) impair the circulation. Blood
  117. pressure increases. Blood sugar becomes unstable, cortisol rises, increasing the likelihood of premature
  118. labor. High estrogen, hypoglycemia, viscous blood, increased tendency of the blood to clot cause
  119. seizures. Women who die from eclampsia often have extensive intravascular clotting, and sometimes the
  120. brain and liver show evidence of earlier damage, probably from clots that have been cleared. (Sometimes
  121. prolonged clotting consumes fibrinogen, causing inability to clot, and a tendency to hemorrhage.) <em>M.
  122. M. Singh, "Carbohydrate metabolism in pre-eclampsia," Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 83, 124-131. 1976.
  123. Sodium decrease, R. L. Searcy, Diagnostic Biochemistry, McGraw-Hill, 1969. Viscosity, L. C. Chesley,
  124. 'Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1978. Clotting, T. Chatterjee, et
  125. al., "Studies on plasma fibrinogen level in preeclampsia and eclampsia, Experientia 34, 562-3,
  126. 1978<strong>;</strong> D. M. Haynes, "Medical Complications During Pregnancy, McGraw-Hill Co.
  127. Blakiston Div., 1969. Progesterone decrease, G. V. Smith, et al., "Estrogen and progestin metabolism
  128. in pregnant women, with especial reference to pre-eclamptic toxemia and the effect of hormone
  129. administration," Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 39, 405, 1940; R. L. Searcy, Diagnostic Biochemistry,
  130. McGraw-Hill, 1969.</em>
  131. </p>
  132. <p>
  133. But the simple chain of causality has many lines of feedback, exacerbating the problem, and the
  134. nutritional problem is usually worse than a simple protein deficiency. B vitamin deficiencies alone are
  135. enough to cause the liver's underactivity, and to cause estrogen dominance, and a simple vitamin A
  136. deficiency causes an inability to use protein efficiently or to make progesterone, and in itself mimics
  137. some of the effects of estrogen.
  138. </p>
  139. <p>
  140. Anything that causes a thyroid deficiency will make the problem worse. Thyroid therapy alone has had
  141. spectacular success in treating and preventing eclampsia. (H. O. Nicholson, 1904, cited in Dieckman's
  142. <em>Toxemias of Pregnancy,</em> 1952; 1929, Barczi, of Budapest; Broda Barnes, who prescribed thyroid as
  143. needed, delivered more than 2,000 babies and never had a case of pre-eclampsia, though statistically 100
  144. would have been expected.)
  145. </p>
  146. <p>
  147. The clotting which sometimes kills women, can, if it is not so extensive, cause spotty brain damage,
  148. similar to that seen in "multiple sclerosis," or it can occur in the liver, or other organ, or in the
  149. placenta, or in the fetus, especially in its brain and liver. Some cases of supposed "post-partum
  150. psychosis" have been the result of multiple strokes. When large clots occur in the liver or placenta,
  151. the fibrinogen which has been providing the fibrin for disseminated intravascular coagulation can appear
  152. to be consumed faster than it is produced by the liver. I think its disappearance may sometimes be the
  153. result of the liver's diminished blood supply, rather than the "consumption" which is the way this
  154. situation is usually explained. It is at this point that hemorrhages, rather than clots, become the
  155. problem. The undernourished liver can produce seizures in a variety of ways--clots, hemorrhages,
  156. hypoglycemia, and brain edema, for example, so eclampsia needn't be so carefully discriminated from "the
  157. other causes of seizures."
  158. </p>
  159. <p>
  160. Because I had migraines as a child, I was interested in their cause. Eating certain foods, or skipping
  161. meals, seemed to be involved, but I noticed that women often had migraines premenstrually. Epilepsy too,
  162. I learned, often occurred premenstrually.
  163. </p>
  164. <p>
  165. In my experience of migraine, nausea and pain followed the visual signs, which consisted of a variable
  166. progression of blind spots and lights. When I eventually learned that I could stop the progression of
  167. symptoms by quickly eating a quart of ice cream, I saw that my insight could be applied to other
  168. situations in which similar visual events played a role, especially "eclampsia" and "epilepsy." For
  169. example, a woman who was 6 months pregnant called me around 10 o'clock one morning, to say that she had
  170. gone blind, and was alone in her country house. She said she had just eaten breakfast around 9 AM, and
  171. wasn't hungry, but I knew that the 6 month fetus has a great need for glucose, so I urged her to eat
  172. some fruit. She called me 15 minutes later to report that she had eaten a banana, and her vision had
  173. returned.
  174. </p>
  175. <p>
  176. Early in pregnancy, "morning sickness" is a common problem, and it is seldom thought to have anything to
  177. do with eclampsia, because of the traditional medical idea that the fetus "causes" eclampsia, and in the
  178. first couple of months of pregnancy the conceptus is very small. But salty carbohydrate (soda crackers,
  179. typically) is the standard remedy for morning sickness. Some women have "morning sickness"
  180. premenstrually, and it (like the nausea of migraine) is eased by salt and carbohydrate. X-ray studies
  181. have demonstrated that there are spasms of the small intestine (near the bile duct) associated with
  182. estrogen-induced nausea.
  183. </p>
  184. <p>
  185. Hypoglycemia is just one of the problems that develops when the liver malfunctions, but it is so
  186. important that orange juice or Coca Cola or ice cream can provide tremendous relief from symptoms.
  187. Sodium (orange juice and Pepsi provide some) helps to absorb the sugar, and--more basically--is
  188. essential for helping to restore the blood volume. Pepsi has been recommened by the World Health
  189. Organization for the rehydration of babies with diarrhea, in whom hypovolemia (thickening of the blood
  190. from loss of water) is also a problem.
  191. </p>
  192. <p>
  193. The problem of refeeding starving people has many features in common with the problem of correcting the
  194. liver malfunction and hormone imbalances which follow prolonged malnutrition of a milder sort. The use
  195. of the highest quality protein (egg yolk or potato juice, or at least milk or meat) is important, but
  196. the supplementation of thyroid containing T 3 is often necessary. Intravenous albumin, hypertonic
  197. solutions of glucose and sodium, and magnesium in an effective form should be helpful (magnesium sulfate
  198. injected intramuscularly is the traditional treatment for eclampsia, since it is quickly effective in
  199. stopping convulsions). While the sodium helps to restore blood volume and to regulate glucose, under
  200. some circumstances (high aldosterone) it helps to retain magnesium<strong>;</strong> aldosterone is not
  201. necessarily high during eclampsia.. Triiodothyronine directly promotes cellular absorption of magnesium.
  202. Hypertonic glucose with minerals is known to decrease the destruction of protein during stress<strong
  203. >:</strong> M. Jeevanandam, et al., <em>Metabolism 40,</em> 1199-1206, 1991.
  204. </p>
  205. <p>
  206. Katherina Dalton observed that her patients who suffered from PMS (and were benefitted by progesterone
  207. treatment) were likely to develop "toxemia" when they became pregnant, and to have problems at the time
  208. of menopause. In these women, it is common for "menstruation" to continue on the normal cycle during the
  209. first several months of pregnancy. This cyclic bleeding seems to represent times of an increased ratio
  210. of estrogen to progesterone, and during such periods of cyclic bleeding the risk of miscarriage is high.
  211. Researchers found that a single injection of progesterone could sometimes eliminate the signs of toxemia
  212. for the remainder of the pregnancy. Katherina Dalton, who continued to give her patients progesterone
  213. throughout pregnancy, later learned that the babies treated in this way were remarkably healthy and
  214. bright, while the average baby delivered after a "toxemic" pregnancy has an IQ of only 85.
  215. </p>
  216. <p>
  217. Marian Diamond's work with rats clearly showed that increased exposure to estrogen during pregnancy
  218. reduced the size of the cerebral cortex and the animals' ability to learn, while progesterone increased
  219. the brain size and intelligence. Zamenhof's studies suggested that these hormones probably have their
  220. effects largely through their actions on glucose, though they also affect the availability of oxygen in
  221. the same way, and have a variety of direct effects on brain cells that would operate toward the same
  222. end.
  223. </p>
  224. <p>
  225. If Katherina Dalton's patients' IQs averaged 130, instead of the expected 85, the potential social
  226. effects of proper health care during pregnancy are enormous.
  227. </p>
  228. <p>
  229. But there is evidence that healthy gestation affects more than just the IQ. Strength of character,
  230. ability to reason abstractly, and the absence of physical defects, for example, are strongly associated
  231. with weight at birth.
  232. </p>
  233. <p>
  234. Government studies and Social Security statistics suggest the size of the problem. The National
  235. Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke found that birth weight was directly related to IQ at age
  236. four, and that up to half of all children who were underweight at birth have an IQ under 70.(Chase.)
  237. According to standard definitions, about 8% of babies in the U.S. have low birth weight.
  238. </p>
  239. <p>
  240. Among people receiving Social Security income because of disability that existed at the age of 18, 75%
  241. were disabled before birth. In 94% of these cases, the abnormality was neurological. (HEW.)
  242. </p>
  243. <p>
  244. A study of 8 to 10-year-old children found that abstract verbal reasoning and perceptual/motor
  245. integration are more closely related to birth weight than they are to IQ. (Wiener.)
  246. </p>
  247. <p>
  248. National nutritional data show that in the U.S. <strong>the development of at least a million babies a
  249. year is "substantially compromised" by prenatal malnutrition.</strong> Miscarriages, which are also
  250. causally related to poor nutrition, occur at a rate of a few hundred thousand per year. (Williams.)
  251. </p>
  252. <p>
  253. When a muscle is fatigued, it swells, taking up sodium and water, and it is likely to become sore.
  254. Energy depletion causes any cell to take up water and sodium, and to lose potassium. An abnormal excess
  255. of potassium in the blood, especially when sodium is low, affects nerve, muscle, and secretory
  256. cells<strong>;</strong> a high level of potassium can stop the heart, for example. Cellular energy can
  257. be depleted by a combination of work, insufficient food or oxygen, or a deficiency of the hormones
  258. needed for energy production. When the swelling happens suddenly, the movement of water and sodium from
  259. the blood plasma into cells decreases the volume of blood, while the quantity of red cells remains the
  260. same, making the blood more viscous.
  261. </p>
  262. <p>
  263. During the night, as adrenalin, cortisol, and other stress hormones rise, our blood becomes more viscous
  264. and clots more easily. In rats, it has been found that the concentration of serum proteins increases
  265. significantly during the night, presumably because water is moving out of the circulatory system. Even
  266. moderate stress causes some loss of water from the blood.
  267. </p>
  268. <p>
  269. If a person is malnourished, a moderate stress can overcome the body's regulatory capacity. If tissue
  270. damage is extreme, or blood loss is great, even a healthy person experiences hypovolemia and shock.
  271. </p>
  272. <p>
  273. C.A. Crenshaw, who was a member of the trauma team at Parkland Hospital in Dallas that worked on Kennedy
  274. and Oswald, had been involved in research with G. T. Shires on traumatic shock. In his words, "we made
  275. medical history by discovering that death from hemorrhagic shock (blood loss) can be due primarily to
  276. the body's adjunctive depletion of internal salt water into the cells." (Shires' work involved isotopes
  277. of sodium to show that sodium seems to be taken up by cells during shock.)
  278. </p>
  279. <p>
  280. According to Crenshaw, "Oswald did not die from damaged internal organs. He died from the chemical
  281. imbalances of hemorrhagic shock. From the time he was shot<strong>...</strong>until the moment fluids
  282. were introduced into the body<strong>...</strong>" [19 minutes] "there was very little blood circulating
  283. in Oswald's body. As a result, he was not getting oxygen, and waste built up in his cells. Then, when
  284. the fluids were started, the collection of waste from the cells was dumped into the bloodstream,
  285. suddenly increasing the acid level, and delivering these impurities to his heart. When the contaminated
  286. blood reached the heart, it went into arrest<strong>....</strong>" The "waste" he refers to includes
  287. potassium and lactic acid. Crenshaw advocates the use of Ringer's lactate to replace some of the lost
  288. fluid. Since the blood already contains a large amount of lactate because the body is unable to consume
  289. it, this doesn't seem reasonable. I think a hypertonic version of Locke's solution, containing glucose
  290. and sodium bicarbonate as well as sodium chloride, would be better, though I think the potassium should
  291. be omitted too, and extra magnesium would seem desirable. Triiodothyronine, I suspect, would help
  292. tremendously to deal with the problems of shock, causing potassium, magnesium, and phosphate to move
  293. back into cells, and sodium to move out, helping to restore blood volume and reduce the wasteful
  294. conversion of glucose to lactic acid..
  295. </p>
  296. <p>
  297. Albumin has been used therapeutically in preeclampsia (Kelman), to restore blood volume. Synthetic
  298. polymers with similar osmotic properties are sometimes used in shock, and might also be useful in
  299. eclampsia, but simply eating extra protein quickly restores blood albumin. For example, in a group of
  300. women who were in their seventh month of pregnancy, the normal women's serum osmotic pressure was 247
  301. mm. of water, that of the women with nonconvulsive toxemia was 215 mm., and in the women with eclampsia,
  302. the albumin and osmotic pressure were lowest, with a pressure of 175 mm. In the eighth month, the
  303. toxemic women who ate 260 grams of protein daily had a 7% increase in osmotic pressure, and a group who
  304. ate 20 grams had a decline of 9%.(Strauss) In a group of preeclamptics, plasma volume was 39% below that
  305. of normal pregnant women.
  306. </p>
  307. <p>
  308. If the physiology of shock has some relevance for eclampsia, so does the physiology of heart failure,
  309. since Meerson has shown that it is a consequence of uncompensated stress. The failing heart shifts from
  310. mainly glucose oxidation to the inefficient use of fatty acids, which are mobilized during stress, and
  311. with its decreased energy supply, it is unable to beat efficiently, since it remains in a partly
  312. contracted state. Estrogen (which is increased in men who have had heart attacks) is another factor
  313. which decreases the heart's stroke volume, and estrogen is closely associated with the physiology of the
  314. free unsaturated fatty acids. The partly contracted state of the heart is effectively a continuation of
  315. the partly contracted state of the blood vessels that causes the hypertension, and reduced tissue
  316. perfusion seen in shock and eclampsia. Since shock can be seen as a generalized inflammatory state, and
  317. since aspirin has been helpful in protecting against heart disease, it's reasonable that aspirin has
  318. been tried as a treatment in pre-eclampsia. It seems to protect the fetus against intrauterine growth
  319. retardation, an effect that I think relates to aspirin's ability to protect in several ways against
  320. excesses of uunsaturated fatty acids and of estrogen. But, since aspirin can interfere with blood
  321. clotting, its use around the time of childbirth can be risky, and it is best to correct the problem
  322. early enough that aspirin isn't needed.
  323. </p>
  324. <p>
  325. Besides protein deficiency and other nutritional deficiencies, excess estrogen and low thyroid can also
  326. limit the liver's ability to produce albumin. Hypovolemia reduces liver function, and (like hepatic
  327. infarcts) will reduce its ability to maintain albumin production..
  328. </p>
  329. <p>
  330. The studies which have found that hospitalized patients with the lowest albumin are the least likely to
  331. survive suggest that the hypovolemia resulting from hepatic inefficiency is a problem of general
  332. importance, and that it probably relates to the multiple organ failure which is an extremely common form
  333. of death among hospitalized patients. A diet low in sodium and protein probably kills many more people
  334. than has been documented. If old age is commonly a hypovolemic condition, then the common salt
  335. restriction for old-age hypertension is just as irrational as is salt-restriction in pregnancy or in
  336. shock. Thyroid (T 3), glucose, sodium, magnesium and protein should be considered in any state in which
  337. weakened homeostatic control of the composition of plasma is evident.
  338. </p>
  339. <p><strong> &nbsp;</strong></p>
  340. <p>
  341. <strong>*Note:</strong> Although Konrad Lorenz (who later received the Nobel Prize) was the architect of
  342. the Nazi's policy of "racial hygiene" (extermination of those with unwanted physical, cultural, or
  343. political traits which were supposedly determined by "genes") he took his ideas from the leading U.S.
  344. geneticists, whose works were published in the main genetics journals. Following the Nazis' defeat, some
  345. of these journals were renamed, and the materials on eugenics were often removed from libraries, so that
  346. a new historical resume could be presented by the profession. <strong></strong>
  347. </p>
  348. <p><strong> &nbsp;</strong></p>
  349. <p><strong><h3>ADDITIONAL REFERENCES</h3></strong></p>
  350. <p>
  351. G. Wiener, et al., "Correlates of low birth weight: Psychological status at eight to ten years of age,"
  352. Pediatr. Res. 2, 110-118, 1968.
  353. </p>
  354. <p>A. Chase, "The great pellagra cover-up," Psychol. Today, pp. 83-86, Feb., 1975.</p>
  355. <p>Prevention Handbook, Natl. Assoc. for Retarded Citizens, 1974.</p>
  356. <p>US HEW, The Women and Their Pregnancies, W.B. Saunders Co., 1972.</p>
  357. <p>
  358. M. Winick and P. Rosso, "The effect of severe early malnutrition on cellular growth of human brain,"
  359. Pediatr. Res. 3, 181-184, 1969.
  360. </p>
  361. <p>Roger Williams, Nutrition Against Disease, Pitman Publ., 1971.</p>
  362. <p>H.M. Schmeck, Jr., "Brain harm in US laid to food lack," N.Y. times, Nov. 2, 1975.</p>
  363. <p>R. Hurley, Poverty and Mental Retardation: A Causal Relationship, Random House, 1970.</p>
  364. <p>D. Shanklin and J. Hodin, Maternal Nutrition and Child Health, C. C. Thomas, 1978.</p>
  365. <p>
  366. H.H. Reese, H. A. Paskind, and E. L. Sevringhaus, 1936 Year Book of Neurology, Psychiatry and
  367. Endocrinology, Year Book Publishers, Chicago, 1937.
  368. </p>
  369. <p>
  370. M. B. Strauss, "Observations on the etiology of the toxemias of pregnancy: The relationship of
  371. nutritional deficiency, hypoproteinemia, and elevated venous pressure to water retention in pregnancy,"
  372. Am. J. Med. Sci. 190, 811-824, 1935.
  373. </p>
  374. <p>"Albumin concentration can be used for mild preeclampsia," Obstet. Gynecol. News, October 1, 1974.</p>
  375. <p>
  376. L. Kelman, et al., "Effects of dietary protein restriction on albumin synthesis, albumin catabolism, and
  377. the plasma aminogram," Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 25, 1174-1178, 1972.
  378. </p>
  379. <p>
  380. T. H. Brewer, "Role of malnutrition, hepatic dysfunction, and gastrointestinal bacteria in the
  381. pathogenesis of acute toxemia of pregnancy," Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 84, 1253-1256, 1962.
  382. </p>
  383. <p>"Plasma volume 'a clue' to hypertension risks," Obstet. Gynecol. Observer, August/September, 1975.</p>
  384. <p>C. A. Crenshaw, MD, J. Hansen and J. G. Shaw, JFK: Conspiracy of Silence, Signet, 1992.</p>
  385. <p>
  386. T. Backstrom, "Epileptic seizures in women related to plasma estrogen and progesterone during the
  387. menstrual cycle," Acta Neurol. Scand. 54, 321-347, 1976.
  388. </p>
  389. <p>
  390. C. Muller, et al., "Reversible bilateral cerebral changes on magnetic resonance imaging during
  391. eclampsia," Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 121(39), 1184-1188, 1996. (Brain edema was
  392. demonstrated.)
  393. </p>
  394. <p>
  395. Uzan S; Merviel P; Beaufils M; Breart G; Salat-Baroux J. [Aspirin during pregnancy. Indications and
  396. modalities of prescription after the publication of the later trials]. Presse Medicale, 1996 Jan 6-13,
  397. 25(1):31-6. Aspirin, an inhibitor of cyclo-oxygenase, is prescribed in a number of conditions related to
  398. abnormal production of prostaglandins including gravidic hypertension. Results of the most recent trials
  399. demonstrate that in patients with a past history of pre-eclampsia or intra-uterine growth retardation, a
  400. pathological Doppler examination of the uterus, a pathological angiotensin test or an antiphospholipid
  401. syndrome, prescription of aspirin at the dose of 100 mg/day can prevent recurrence or development of
  402. pre-eclampsia or intra-uterine growth retardation. Treatment should begin as soon as possible during
  403. pregnancy, certainly before development of clinical manifestations. After history taking and
  404. identification of possible contraindications, bleeding time (Ivy method) is recorded before and after
  405. prescription and should be lower than 8 minutes. In case bleeding time exceeds 10 minutes 10 to 15 days
  406. after initiating aspirin, doses may be reduced to 50 mg per day or even 50 mg every two or three days to
  407. reach the target level. Treatment should generally be continued up to 36 weeks gestation.
  408. </p>
  409. <p>
  410. Randall, C L; Anton, R F; Becker, H C; Hale, R L; Ekblad, U. Aspirin dose-dependently reduces
  411. alcohol-induced birth defects and prostaglandin E levels in mice. Teratology, v.44, n.5, (1991):
  412. 521-530. The purpose of the present study was threefold. The first purpose was to determine if aspirin
  413. (ASA) decreases alcohol-induced birth defects in mice in a dose-dependent fashion. The second purpose
  414. was to see if the antagonism of alcohol-induced birth defects afforded by ASA pretreatment was related
  415. to dose-dependent decreases in prostaglandin E (PGE) levels in uterine/embryo tissue. The third purpose
  416. was to determine if ASA pretreatment altered maternal blood alcohol level.” In experiments 1 and 2,
  417. pregnant C57BL/6J mice were administered ASA (0, 18.75, 37.5, 75, 150, or 300 mg/kg) on gestation day
  418. 10. One hour following the subcutaneous injection of ASA, mice received alcohol (5.8 g/kg) or an
  419. isocaloric sucrose solution intragastrically. In experiment 1 the incidence of birth defects was
  420. assessed in fetuses delivered by caesarean section on gestation day 19. In experiment 2 uterine/embryo
  421. tissue samples were collected on gestation day 10 1 hr following alcohol intubation for subsequent PGE
  422. analysis. In experiment 3 blood samples were taken at five time points following alcohol intubation from
  423. separate groups of alcohol-treated pregnant mice pretreated with 150 mg/kg ASA or vehicle The results
  424. from the three experiments indicated that ASA dose-dependently reduced the frequency of alcohol-induced
  425. birth defects in fetuses examined at gestation day 19, ASA decreased the levels of PGE in gestation day
  426. 10 uterine/embryo tissue in a similar dose-dependentfashion, and ASA pretreatment did not significantly
  427. influence maternalblood alcohol levels. These results provide additional support for the hypothesis that
  428. PGs may play an important role in mediating the teratogenic actions of alcohol.
  429. </p>
  430. <p><hr /></p>
  431. <p>
  432. An aspirin a day to prevent prematurity. Sibai BM. Clin Perinatol, 1992 Jun, 19:2, 305-17. Intrauterine
  433. fetal growth retardation and preeclampsia remain a substantial cause of preterm birth world wide. There
  434. is evidence to suggest that a functional imbalance between vascular prostacyclin and platelet-derived
  435. thromboxane A2 production plays a central role in the pathogenesis of these disorders. Low-dose aspirin
  436. appears to reverse the above functional balance resulting in increased prostacyclin to thromboxane
  437. ratio. The efficacy and safety of low-dose aspirin in preventing preeclampsia and fetal growth
  438. retardation were tested in several randomized and uncontrolled trials. The data in the literature
  439. suggest that low-dose aspirin is effective in reducing preterm birth due to the above complications in
  440. selected high-risk pregnant women.
  441. </p>
  442. <p>
  443. Rosental, D G; Machiavelli, G A; Chernavsky, A C; Speziale, N S; Burdman, J A. Indomethacin inhibits the
  444. effects of estrogen in the anterior pituitary gland of the rat. Journal of Endocrinology, v.121, n.3,
  445. (1989): 513-520. Two inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis, indomethacin and aspirin, blocked the
  446. increase of oestrogen-binding sites in the nuclear subcellular fraction, an increase which occurs after
  447. the administration of oestradiol.
  448. </p>
  449. <p>
  450. Zanagnolo, V; Dharmarajan, A M; Endo, K; Wallach, E E. Effects of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and
  451. naproxen sodium (naproxen) on ovulation, prostaglandin, and progesterone production in the rabbit.
  452. Fertility and Sterility, v.65, n.5, (1996): 1036-1043.
  453. </p>
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