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  1. <html>
  2. <head><title>RU486, Cancer, Estrogen, and Progesterone.</title></head>
  3. <body>
  4. <h1>
  5. RU486, Cancer, Estrogen, and Progesterone.
  6. </h1>
  7. Recently many people have been disturbed by reading claims that progesterone can cause cancer, or diabetes, or
  8. autoimmune diseases, or heart disease, or Alzheimer's disease. A flurry of press conferences, and a few groups
  9. of "molecular biologists" working on "progesterone receptors," and the results of studies in which Prempro
  10. (containing a synthetic "progestin") increased breast cancer, have created great confusion and concern, at least
  11. in the English speaking countries. <p></p>
  12. <p>
  13. Wyeth, the manufacturer of Prempro, has been highly motivated to recover their sales and profits that
  14. declined about 70% in the first two years after the Women's Health Initiative announced its results. When
  15. billions of dollars in profits are involved, clever public relations can achieve marvelous things.
  16. </p>
  17. <p>
  18. Women and other mammals that are <strong><em>deficient</em></strong> in progesterone, and/or that have an
  19. excess of estrogen, have a higher than average incidence of cancer. Animal experiments have shown that
  20. administering progesterone could prevent cancer. Cells in the most cancer-susceptible tissues proliferate in
  21. proportion to the ratio of estrogen to progesterone. When the estrogen dominance persists for a long time
  22. without interruption, there are progressive distortions in the structure of the responsive organs--the
  23. uterus, breast, pituitary, lung, liver, kidney, brain, and other organs--and those structural distortions
  24. tend to progress gradually from fibroses to cancer.
  25. </p>
  26. <p>
  27. As a result of the early studies in both humans and animals, progesterone was used by many physicians to
  28. treat the types of cancer that were clearly caused by estrogen, especially uterine, breast, and kidney
  29. cancers. But by the 1950s, the drug industry had created the myth that their patented synthetic analogs of
  30. progesterone were medically more effective than progesterone itself, and the result has been that
  31. medroxyprogesterone acetate and other synthetics have been widely used to treat women's cancers, including
  32. breast cancer.
  33. </p>
  34. <p>
  35. Unfortunately, those synthetic compounds have a variety of functions unlike progesterone, including some
  36. estrogenic and/or androgenic and/or glucocorticoid and/or antiprogesterone functions, besides other special,
  37. idiosyncratic side effects. The rationale for their use was that they were "like progesterone, only better."
  38. The unpleasant and unwanted truth is that, as a group, they are seriously carcinogenic, besides being toxic
  39. in a variety of other ways. Thousands of researchers have drawn conclusions about the effects of
  40. progesterone on the basis of their experiments with a synthetic progestin.
  41. </p>
  42. <p>
  43. The earliest studies of estrogen and progesterone in the 1930s had the great advantage of a scientific
  44. culture that was relatively unpolluted by the pharmaceutical industry. As described by Carla Rothenberg, the
  45. massive manipulation of the medical, regulatory, and scientific culture by the estrogen industry began in
  46. 1941. After that, the role of metaphysics, word magic, and epicycle-like models increasingly replaced
  47. empirical science in endocrinology and cell physiology.
  48. </p>
  49. <p>
  50. As the estrogen industry began losing billions of dollars a year following the 2002 report from the Women's
  51. Health Initiative regarding estrogen's toxicity, and as it was noticed that progesterone sales had increased
  52. more than 100-fold, it was clear what had to be done--the toxic effects of estrogen had to be transferred to
  53. progesterone. For more than 50 years, progesterone was recognized to be antimitotic and anti-inflammatory
  54. and anticarcinogenic, but suddenly it has become a mitogenic pro-inflammatory carcinogen.
  55. </p>
  56. <p>
  57. Science used to involve confirmation or refutation of published results and conclusions. A different
  58. experimenter, using the technique described in a publication, would often get a different result, and a
  59. dialog or disputation would develop, sometimes continuing for years, before consensus was achieved, though
  60. many times there would be no clear conclusion or consensus.
  61. </p>
  62. <p>
  63. In that traditional scientific environment, it was customary to recognize that a certain position remained
  64. hypothetical and controversial until some new technique or insight settled the question with some degree of
  65. clarity and decisiveness. People who cherry-picked studies to support their position, while ignoring
  66. contradictory evidence, were violating the basic scientific principles of tentativeness and reasonableness.
  67. Contradictory, as well as confirmatory, data have to be considered.
  68. </p>
  69. <p>
  70. But when a single experiment involves several people working for a year or more, at a cost of a million or
  71. more dollars, who is going to finance an experiment that "would merely confirm" those results? The newly
  72. developed techniques for identifying specific molecules are often very elaborate and expensive, and as a
  73. result only a few kinds of molecule are usually investigated in each experiment. The results are open to
  74. various interpretations, and most of those interpretations depend on results from other studies, whose
  75. techniques, results, and conclusions have never been challenged, either. There is no significant source of
  76. funding to challenge the programs of the pharmaceutical industry.
  77. </p>
  78. <p>
  79. The result is that the pronouncements of the principal investigator, and the repetitions of those
  80. conclusions in the mass media, create a culture of opinion, without the foundation of multiple confirmations
  81. that used to be part of the scientific process. The process has taken on many of the features of a cult, in
  82. which received opinions are repeatedly reinforced by the investment of money and authority. Newspaper
  83. reporters know that the team of investigators spent two years on their project, and the lead investigator
  84. wears a white lab coat during the interview, so the reporters don't notice that the investigators'
  85. conclusion is a non sequitur, supported by chains of non sequiturs.
  86. </p>
  87. <p>
  88. The public gets most of its information about science from the mass media, and the increasingly concentrated
  89. ownership of the media contributes to the use of scientific news as an adjunct to their main business,
  90. advertising and product promotion. The pharmaceutical industry spends billions of dollars annually on
  91. direct-to-consumer advertising, so the big scientific news, for the media, is likely to be anything that
  92. will increase their advertising revenue.
  93. </p>
  94. <p>
  95. Social-economic cults often simplify the thought processes required by the participants, by inventing a
  96. scapegoat. The estrogen cult has decided that progesterone will be its scapegoat.
  97. </p>
  98. <p>
  99. Hans Selye argued that steroid hormones should be named by their origin, or by their chemical structural
  100. names, rather than their effects, because each hormone has innumerable effects. To name a substance
  101. according to its effects is to predict and to foreordain the discoveries that will be made regarding its
  102. effects.
  103. </p>
  104. <p>
  105. The common system of hormonal names according to their putative effects has allowed ideology and
  106. metaphysical ideas to dominate endocrinology. The worst example of metaphysical medicine was the use, for
  107. more than 50 years, of "estrogen, the female hormone" to treat prostate cancer, in the belief that "male
  108. hormones" cause the cancer, and that the female hormone would negate it. This word magic led to a vast
  109. psychotic medical endeavor, that has only recently been reconsidered.
  110. </p>
  111. <p>
  112. Within the scheme of hormones understood according to their names, "hormone receptors" were proposed to be
  113. the mechanism by which hormones produced their effects. Each hormone had a receptor. If another substance
  114. bound more strongly than the hormone to its receptor, without producing the effects of the hormone, it was
  115. called an antihormone.
  116. </p>
  117. <p>
  118. The industry of synthetic hormones used the ideology of unitary hormonal action to identify new substances
  119. as pharmaceutical hormones, that were always in some way said to be better than the natural hormones--for
  120. example by being "orally active," unlike natural hormones, supposedly. Physicians docilely went along with
  121. whatever the drug salesmen told them. If a drug was classified as a "progestin" by a single reaction in one
  122. animal tissue, then it had a metaphysical identity with the natural hormone, except that it was better, and
  123. patentable.
  124. </p>
  125. <p>
  126. The natural hormones eventually were assigned any of the toxic properties that were observed for the
  127. pharmaceutical products "in their class." If synthetic progestins caused heart disease, birth defects, and
  128. cancer, then the "natural progestin" was assumed to do that, too. It's important to realize the impact of
  129. logical fallacies on the medical culture.
  130. </p>
  131. <p>
  132. Like the hormones themselves, which metaphysically supposedly acted upon one receptor, to activate one gene
  133. (or set of genes), the antihormones came to be stereotyped. If a particular hormonal action was blocked by a
  134. chemical, then that substance became an antagonistic antihormone, and when its administration produced an
  135. effect, that effect was taken to be the result of blocking the hormone for which it was "the antagonist."
  136. </p>
  137. <p>
  138. The "antiprogesterone" molecule, RU486, besides having some progesterone-like and antiestrogenic properties,
  139. also has (according to Hackenberg, et al., 1996). some androgenic, antiandrogenic, and antiglucocorticoid
  140. properties. Experiments in which it is used might have pharmaceutical meaning, but they so far have very
  141. little clear biological meaning.
  142. </p>
  143. <p>
  144. Adding to the conceptual sloppiness of the "molecular biology" wing of endocrinology, the culture in which
  145. pharmaceutical products had come to dominate medical ideas about hormones allowed the conventional
  146. pharmaceutical vehicles to be disregarded in most experiments, both <em>in vitro</em>
  147. and <em>in vivo</em>. If progesterone was injected into patients mixed with sesame oil and benzyl alcohol,
  148. then it often didn't occur to animal experimenters to give control injections of the solvent. For <em>in
  149. vitro</em>
  150. studies, in a watery medium, oil wouldn't do, so they would use an alcohol solvent, and again often forgot
  151. to do a solvent control experiment.
  152. </p>
  153. <p>
  154. The importance of the solvent was seen by an experimenter studying the effect of vitamin E on age pigment in
  155. nerves. It occurred to that experimenter to test the ethyl alcohol alone, and he found that it produced
  156. almost the same effect as that produced by the solution of alcohol and vitamin E. Workers with hormones
  157. often just assume that a little alcohol wouldn't affect their system. But when the effects of alcohol by
  158. itself have been studied, many of the effects produced by very low concentrations happen to be the same
  159. effects that have been ascribed to hormones, such as progesterone.
  160. </p>
  161. <p>
  162. In some cases, the solvent allows the hormone to crystallize, especially if the solvent is water-miscible,
  163. and fails to distribute it evenly through the medium and cells as the experimenter assumed would happen, and
  164. so the experimenter reports that the hormone is not effective in that kind of cell, even though the hormone
  165. didn't reach the cells in the amount intended.
  166. </p>
  167. <p>
  168. These are four of the common sources of error about progesterone: (1) Saying that progesterone has produced
  169. an effect which was produced by a different substance. (2) Saying that progesterone is the cause of a
  170. certain effect, if an "anti-progesterone" chemical prevents that effect. (3) Saying that progesterone caused
  171. something, when in fact the solvent caused it. And (4) saying that progesterone fails to do something, when
  172. progesterone hasn't been delivered to the system being studied.
  173. </p>
  174. <p>
  175. Many years ago, experimenters who wanted to minimize the problems involved in administering progesterone in
  176. toxic solvents found that, with careful effort, progesterone could be transferred to a protein, such as
  177. albumin, and that the albumin-progesterone complex could be washed to remove the solvent. In this form, the
  178. progesterone can be delivered to cells in a form that isn't radically different from the form in which it
  179. naturally circulates in the body. Apparently, the labor involved discourages the widespread use of this
  180. technique.
  181. </p>
  182. <p>
  183. Although the industry's early generalizations about estrogen and progesterone, defining them as "the female
  184. hormone" and "the pregnancy hormone," were radically mistaken, some useful generalizations about their
  185. effects were gradually being built up during the first few decades in which their chemical and physiological
  186. properties were studied.
  187. </p>
  188. <p>
  189. Estrogen's name, derived from the gadfly, accurately suggests its role as an excitant, getting things
  190. started. Progesterone's name, relating to pregnancy, is compatible with thinking of it as an agent of
  191. calming and fulfillment. But these properties show up in every aspect of physiology, and the special cases
  192. of female estrus and pregnancy can be properly understood only in the larger context, in which, for example,
  193. progesterone is a brain hormone in both sexes and at all ages, and estrogen is an essential male hormone
  194. involved in the sperm cell's function and male libido.<em> </em>
  195. </p>
  196. <p>
  197. Progesterone can, without estrogen, create the uterine conditions for implantation of an embryo (Piccini,
  198. 2005, progesterone induces LIF; Sherwin, et al., 2004, LIF can substitute for estrogen), and it has many
  199. other features that can be considered apart from estrogen, such as its regulation of salts, energy
  200. metabolism, protein metabolism, immunity, stress, and inflammation, but without understanding its opposition
  201. to estrogen, there will be no coherent understanding of progesterone's biological meaning.
  202. </p>
  203. <p>
  204. Both estrogen and progesterone are hydrophobic molecules (progesterone much more so than estrogen) which
  205. bind with some affinity to many components of cells. Certain proteins that strongly bind the hormones are
  206. called their receptors.
  207. </p>
  208. <p>
  209. Cells respond to stimulation by estrogen by producing a variety of molecules, including the "progesterone
  210. receptor" protein. When progesterone enters the cell, binding to these proteins, the estrogenic stimulation
  211. is halted, by a series of reactions in which the estrogen receptors disintegrate, and in which estrogen is
  212. made water soluble by the activation of enzymes that attach sulfate or a sugar acid, causing it leave the
  213. cell and move into the bloodstream, and by reactions that prevent its reentry into the cell by inactivating
  214. another type of enzyme, and that suppress its <em>de novo</em> formation in the cell, and that oxidize it
  215. into a less active form. Progesterone terminates estrogen's cellular functions with extreme thoroughness.
  216. </p>
  217. <p>
  218. A recent publication in <em>Science </em>
  219. ("Prevention of Brca1-mediated mammary tumorigenesis in mice by a progesterone antagonist," Poole, et al.,
  220. Dec. 1, 2006), with associated press conferences, reported an experiment in which a special kind of mouse
  221. was prepared, which lacked two tumor-suppressing genes called BRCA and p53.
  222. </p>
  223. <p>
  224. One of the functions of the BRCA gene product is to repair genetic damage, and another function is to (like
  225. progesterone) suppress the estrogen receptor and its functions. Estrogen, and some environmental
  226. carcinogens, can suppress the BRCA gene product. Estrogen can also turn off the tumor suppressor protein,
  227. p53. So it is interesting that a group of experimenters chose to produce a mouse that lacked both the normal
  228. BRCA and p53 genes. They had a mouse that was designed to unleash estrogen's effects, and that modeled some
  229. of the features of estrogen toxicity and progesterone deficiency.
  230. </p>
  231. <p>
  232. This mouse, lacking an essential gene that would allow progesterone to function normally, probably affecting
  233. progesterone's ability to eliminate the estrogen receptor, also lacked the tumor suppressor gene p53, which
  234. is required for luteinization (Cherian-Shaw 2004);<strong>
  235. in its absence, progesterone synthesis is decreased,</strong>
  236. <strong>estrogen synthesis is increased.</strong>
  237. </p>
  238. <p>
  239. (Chen, Y, et al., 1999<strong>:</strong> BRCA represses the actions of estrogen and its receptor, and, like
  240. progesterone, activates the p21 promoter, which inhibits cell proliferation. Aspirin and vitamin D also act
  241. through p21.)
  242. </p>
  243. <p>
  244. The mutant BRCA gene prevents the cell, even in the presence of progesterone, from turning off estrogen's
  245. effects the way it should. The antiestrogenic RU486 (some articles below), which has some of progesterone's
  246. effects (including therapeutic actions against endometrial and breast cancer), appears to overcome some of
  247. the effects of that mutation.
  248. </p>
  249. <p>
  250. It might have been proper to describe the engineered mouse that lacked both the BRCA and the p53 genes as a
  251. mouse in which the effects of estrogen excess and progesterone deficiency would be especially pronounced and
  252. deadly. To speak of progesterone as contributing to the development of cancer in that specially designed
  253. mouse goes far beyond bad science. However, that study makes sense if it is seen as preparation for the
  254. promotion of a new drug similar in effect to RU486, to prevent breast cancer.
  255. </p>
  256. <p>
  257. The study's lead author, Eva Lee, quoted by a university publicist, said "We found that progesterone plays a
  258. role in the development of breast cancer by encouraging the proliferation of mammary cells that carry a
  259. breast cancer gene." But they didn't measure the amount of progesterone present in the animals. They didn't
  260. "find" anything at all about progesterone. The "anti-progesterone" drug they used has been used for many
  261. years to treat uterine, ovarian, and breast cancers, in some cases <em>with</em> progesterone, to intensify
  262. its effects, and its protective effects are very likely the result of its antiestrogenic and anti-cortisol
  263. effects, both of which are well established, and relevant. In some cases, it acts like progesterone, only
  264. more strongly.
  265. </p>
  266. <p>
  267. "Other more specific progesterone blockers are under development," Lee notes. And the article in <em
  268. >Science</em> magazine looks like nothing more than the first advertisement for one that her husband,
  269. Wen-Hwa Lee, has designed.
  270. </p>
  271. <p>
  272. According to publicists at the University of California, Irvine, "Lee plans to focus his research on
  273. developing new compounds that will disrupt end-stage cancer cells. The goal is a small molecule that, when
  274. injected into the blood stream, will act as something of a biological cruise missile to target, shock and
  275. awe the cancerous cells." "In this research, he will make valuable use of a breast cancer model developed by
  276. his wife." "She developed the model, and I will develop the molecule," Lee says. "We can use this model to
  277. test a new drug and how it works in combination with old drugs."
  278. </p>
  279. <p>
  280. "Previously we blamed everything," Lee says of his eye cancer discovery. "We blamed electricity, we blamed
  281. too much sausage - but in this case it's clear: It's the gene's fault."
  282. </p>
  283. <p>
  284. The things that these people know, demonstrated by previous publications, but that they don't say in the <em
  285. >Science</em> article, are very revealing. The retinoblastoma gene (and its protein product), a specialty of
  286. Wen-Hwa Lee, is widely known to be a factor in breast cancer, and to be responsive to progesterone, RU486,
  287. and p21. Its links to ubiquitin, the hormone receptors, proteasomes, and the BRCA gene are well known, but
  288. previously they were seen as linking estrogen to cell proliferation, and progesterone to the inhibition of
  289. cellular proliferation.
  290. </p>
  291. <p>
  292. By organizing their claims around the idea that RU486 is acting as an antiprogesterone, rather than as a
  293. progesterone synergist in opposing estrogen, Eva Lee's team has misused words to argue that it is
  294. progesterone, rather than estrogen, that causes breast cancer. Of the many relevant issues that their
  295. publication ignores, the absence of measurements of the actual estrogen and progesterone in the animals'
  296. serum most strongly suggests that the project was not designed for proper scientific purposes.
  297. </p>
  298. <p>
  299. They chose to use techniques that are perfectly inappropriate for showing what they claim to show.
  300. </p>
  301. <p>
  302. In the second paragraph of their article, Poole, et al., say "Hormone replacement therapy with progesterone
  303. and estrogen, but not estrogen alone, has been associated with an elevation risk in postmenopausal women."
  304. Aside from the gross inaccuracy of saying "progesterone," rather than synthetic progestin, they phrase their
  305. comment about "estrogen alone" in a way that suggests an identity of purpose with the estrogen industry
  306. apologists, who have been manipulating the data from the WHI estrogen-only study, clearly to lay the blame
  307. on progesterone. (Women who took estrogen had many more surgeries to remove mammographically abnormal breast
  308. tissue. This would easily account for fewer minor cancer diagnoses; despite this, there were more advanced
  309. cancers in the estrogen group.)
  310. </p>
  311. <p>
  312. While the Poole, et al., group are operating within a context of new views regarding estrogen, progesterone,
  313. and cancer, they are ignoring the greater part of contemporary thinking about cancer, a consensus that has
  314. been growing for over 70 years<strong>:</strong> All of the factors that produce cancer, including breast
  315. cancer, produce inflammation and cellular excitation.
  316. </p>
  317. <p>
  318. Progesterone is antiinflammatory, and reduces cellular excitation.
  319. </p>
  320. <p>
  321. Even within their small world of molecular endocrinology, thinking in ways that have been fostered by
  322. computer technology, about gene networks, interacting nodes, and crosstalk between pathways, their model and
  323. their arguments don't work. They have left out the complexity that could give their argument some weight.
  324. </p>
  325. <p>
  326. The medical mainstream has recognized for 30 years that progesterone protects the uterus against cancer;
  327. that was the reason for adding Provera to the standard menopausal hormonal treatment. The new claim that
  328. natural progesterone causes breast cancer should oblige them to explain why the hormone would have opposite
  329. effects in different organs, but the mechanisms of action of estrogen and progesterone are remarkably
  330. similar in both organs, even when examined at the molecular level. If "molecular endocrinologists" are going
  331. to have interpretations diametrically opposed to classical endocrinology (if black is to be white, if apples
  332. are to fall up), they will have to produce some very interesting evidence.
  333. </p>
  334. <p>
  335. Cancer is a malignant (destructive, invasive) tumor that kills the organism. The main dogma regarding its
  336. nature and origin is that it differs genetically from the host, as a result of mutations. Estrogen causes
  337. mutations and other forms of genetic instability, as well as cancer itself. Progesterone doesn't harm genes
  338. or cause genetic instability.
  339. </p>
  340. <p>
  341. The speculative anti-progesterone school has put great emphasis on the issue of cellular proliferation, with
  342. the reasoning that proliferating cells are more likely to undergo genetic changes. And synthetic progestins
  343. often do imitate estrogen and increase cellular proliferation. People like the Lees are asserting as an
  344. established fact that progesterone increases cellular proliferation.
  345. </p>
  346. <p>
  347. A paper by Soderqvist has been cited as proof that progesterone increases the proliferation of breast cells.
  348. He saw more mitoses in the breasts during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, and said the slightly
  349. increased mitotic rate was "associated with" progesterone. Of course, estrogen increased at the same time,
  350. and estrogen causes sustained proliferation of breast cells, while progesterone stimulation causes only two
  351. cell divisions, ending with the differentiation of the cell. (Groshong, et al., 1997, Owen, et al., 1998)
  352. </p>
  353. <p>
  354. One of the ways that progesterone stops proliferation and promotes differentiation is by keeping the
  355. retinoblastoma protein in its unphosphorylated, active protective state (Gizard, et al., 2006) The effects
  356. of estrogen and progesterone on that protein are reciprocal (Chen, et al., 2005). It's hard for me to
  357. imagine that the Lees don't know about these hormonal effects on Wen-Hwa's retinoblastoma gene product.
  358. </p>
  359. <p>
  360. The inactivation of that protein by hyperphosphorylation is part of a general biological process, in which
  361. activation of a cell (by injury or nervous or hormonal or other stimulation, including radiation) leads to
  362. the activation of a large group of about 500 enzymes, phosphorylases, which amplify the stimulation, and
  363. cause the cell to respond by becoming active in many ways, for example, by stopping the synthesis of
  364. glycogen, and beginning its conversion to glucose to provide energy for the adaptive responses, that include
  365. the activation of genes and the synthesis or destruction of proteins. Another set of enzymes, the
  366. phosphatases, remove the activating phosphate groups, and allow the cell to return to its resting state.
  367. </p>
  368. <p>
  369. The "molecular" endocrinologists and geneticists are committed to a reductionist view of life, the view that
  370. DNA is the essence, the secret, of life, and that it controls cells through its interactions with smaller
  371. molecules, such as the hormone receptors.
  372. </p>
  373. <p>
  374. The idea of hormone receptors can be traced directly to the work of Elwood Jensen, who started his career
  375. working in chemical warfare, at the University of Chicago. Jensen claims that an experiment he did in the
  376. 1950s "caused the demise" of the enzymic-redox theory of estrogen's action, by showing that uterine tissue
  377. can't oxidize estradiol, and that its only action is on the genes, by way of "the estrogen receptor." But
  378. the uterus and other tissues do oxidize estradiol, and its cyclic oxidation and reduction is clearly
  379. involved in some of estrogen's toxic and excitatory effects.
  380. </p>
  381. <p>
  382. For some reason, the military is still interested in hormone receptors. Lawrence National Weapons Laboratory
  383. (with its giant "predictive science" computer) is now the site of some of the anti-progesterone research.
  384. </p>
  385. <p>
  386. Molecular biologists have outlined a chain of reactions, starting at the cell surface, and cascading through
  387. a series of phosphorylations, until the genes are activated. The cell surface is important, because cells
  388. are always in contact with something, and their functions and structure must be appropriate for their
  389. location. But the reductionist view of a network of phosphorylating enzymes ignores some facts.
  390. </p>
  391. <p>
  392. Glycogen phosphorylase was the first enzyme whose activity was shown to be regulated by structural changes,
  393. allosterism. The active form is stabilized by phosphorylation, but this process takes seconds or minutes to
  394. develop, and the enzyme becomes active immediately when the cell is stimulated, for example in muscle
  395. contraction, within milliseconds. This kind of allosteric activation (or inactivation) can be seen in a
  396. variety of other enzymes, the cold-labile enzymes. A coherent change of the cell causes coordinated changes
  397. in its parts. These processes of enzymic regulation are fast, and can occur throughout a cell, practically
  398. simultaneously. Strict reductionists don't like to talk about them. "Network analysis" becomes irrelevant.
  399. </p>
  400. <p>
  401. While a cell in general is activated by a wave of phosphorylation, certain processes (including glycogen
  402. synthesis) are blocked. When BRCA1 or retinoblastoma protein is hyperphosphorylated, its anti-estrogenic,
  403. anti-proliferative functions are stopped. The communication between cells is another function that's stopped
  404. by injury-induced phosphorylation.
  405. </p>
  406. <p>
  407. Estrogen generally activates phosphorylases, and inactivates phosphatases. Progesterone generally opposes
  408. those effects.
  409. </p>
  410. <p>
  411. Phosphorylation is just one of the regulatory systems that are relevant to the development of cancer, and
  412. that are acted on oppositely by estrogen and progesterone. To reduce the explanation for cancer to a gene or
  413. two or three may be an attractive idea for molecular endocrinologists, but the idea's simplicity is
  414. delusive.
  415. </p>
  416. <p>
  417. Each component of the cell contributes complexly to the cell's regulatory stability. Likewise, a drug such
  418. as RU486 complexly modifies the cell's stability, changing thresholds in many ways, some of which synergize
  419. with progesterone (e.g., supporting the GABA system), others of which antagonize progesterone's effects
  420. (e.g., increasing exposure to prostaglandins).
  421. </p>
  422. <p>
  423. There are other proteins in cells, besides the "hormone receptors," that bind progesterone, and that
  424. regulate cell functions globally. The sigma receptor, for example, that interacts with cocaine to excite the
  425. cell, interacts with progesterone to quiet the cell. The sigma receptor is closely related functionally to
  426. the histones, that regulate the activity of chromosomes and DNA, and progesterone regulates many processes
  427. that control the histones.
  428. </p>
  429. <p>
  430. The GABA receptor system, and the systems that respond to glutamic acid (e.g., the "NMDA receptors") are
  431. involved in the inhibitory and excitatory processes that restrain or accelerate the growth of cancer cells,
  432. and progesterone acts through those systems to quiet cells, and restrain growth.
  433. </p>
  434. <p>
  435. The inhibitor of differentiation, Id-1, is inhibited by progesterone, activated by estrogen (Lin, et al.,
  436. 2000). Proteins acting in the opposite direction, PTEN and p21, for example, are activated by progesterone,
  437. and inhibited by estrogen.
  438. </p>
  439. <p>
  440. The inflammatory cytokines, acting through the NFkappaB protein to activate genes, are generally oppositely
  441. regulated by estrogen and progesterone.
  442. </p>
  443. <p>
  444. Prostaglandins, platelet activating factor, nitric oxide, peroxidase, lipases, histamine, serotonin,
  445. lactate, insulin, intracellular calcium, carbon dioxide, osmolarity, pH, and the redox environment are all
  446. relevant to cancer, and are affected systemically and locally by estrogen and progesterone in generally
  447. opposing ways.
  448. </p>
  449. <p>
  450. About ten years ago, Geron corporation announced that it was developing products to control aging and
  451. cancer, by regulating telomerase, the enzyme that lengthens a piece of DNA at the end of the chromosomes.
  452. Their argument was that telomeres get shorter each time a cell divides, and that after about 50 divisions,
  453. cells reach the limit identified by Leonard Hayflick, and die, and that this accounts for the aging of the
  454. organism. Cancer cells are immortal, they said, because they maintain active telomerase, so the company
  455. proposed to cure cancer, by selling molecules to inhibit the enzyme, and to cure aging, by providing new
  456. enzymes for old people. However, Hayflick's limit was mainly the effect of bad culture methods, and the
  457. theory that the shortening of telomeres causes aging was contradicted by the finding of longer telomeres in
  458. some old people than in some young people, and different telomere lengths in different organs of the same
  459. person.
  460. </p>
  461. <p>
  462. But it's true that cancer cells have active telomerase, and that most healthy cells don't. It happens that
  463. telomerase is activated by cellular injury, such as radiation, that activates phosphorylases, and that it is
  464. inactivated by phosphatases. Estrogen activates telomerase, and progesterone inhibits it.
  465. </p>
  466. <p>
  467. Molecular endocrinology is very important to the pharmaceutical industry, because it lends itself so well to
  468. television commercials and corporate stock offerings. Monsanto and the Pentagon believe they can use
  469. reductionist molecular biology to predict, manipulate, and control life processes, but so far it is only
  470. their ability to damage organisms that has been demonstrated.
  471. </p>
  472. <p>
  473. Besides the early animal studies that showed experimentally that progesterone can prevent or cure a wide
  474. variety of tumors, the newer evidence showing that progesterone is a major protective factor against even
  475. breast cancer, would suggest that dishonest efforts to protect estrogen sales by preventing women from using
  476. natural progesterone will be causing more women to develop cancer.
  477. </p>
  478. <p>
  479. The recent report that the incidence of breast cancer in the United States fell drastically between 2002 and
  480. 2004, following the great decline in estrogen sales, shows the magnitude of the injury and death caused by
  481. the falsifications of the estrogen industry--a matter of millions of unnecessary deaths, just in the years
  482. that I have been working on the estrogen issue. The current campaign against progesterone can be expected to
  483. cause many unnecessary cancer deaths (e.g., Plu-Bureau, et al., Mauvais-Jarvis, et al.), while distracting
  484. the public from the culpability of the estrogen industry.
  485. </p>
  486. <p>
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