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<meta name="slug" content="caffeine"> |
<meta name="slug" content="caffeine"> |
<meta name="title" content="Koffein: ein vitamin-ähnlicher Nährstoff, oder Adaptogen"> |
<meta name="tags" content="in-arbeit"> |
<meta name="title-de" content="Koffein: ein vitaminähnlicher Nährstoff, oder Adaptogen"> |
<meta name="title-en" content="Caffeine: A vitamin-like nutrient, or adaptogen"> |
<meta name="tags" content=""> |
<h1 data-tunit> |
<h1 data-tunit> |
<span lang="en">Caffeine: A vitamin-like nutrient, or adaptogen</span> |
<span lang="en">Caffeine: A vitamin-like nutrient, or adaptogen</span> |
@@ -618,116 +619,214 @@ |
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<hr> |
<p> |
<p> |
🚧 Baustelle beginnt ab hier. 🚧 |
<span lang="en"> |
Toxins and stressors often kill cells, for example in the brain, liver, and |
immune system, by causing the cells to expend energy faster than it can be |
replaced. There is an enzyme system that repairs genetic damage, called |
"PARP." The activation of this enzyme is a major energy drain, and substances |
that inhibit it can prevent the death of the cell. Niacin and caffeine can |
inhibit this enzyme sufficiently to prevent this characteristic kind of cell |
death, without preventing the normal cellular turnover<strong>;</strong> that |
is, they don"t produce tumors by preventing the death of cells that aren"t |
needed. |
</span> |
<span lang="de"> |
Giftstoffe und Stressoren können Zellen oft töten, zum Beispiel im Gehirn, in der Leber, und im Immunsystem, |
indem sie dafür sorgen, dass die Zellen ihre Energie schneller verbrauchen, als sie ersetzt werden kann. "PARP" |
ist ein Enzymsystem, das genetische Schäden repariert. Die Aktivierung dieses Enzyms sorgt für große |
Energieverschwendung, und Stoffe, die es hemmen, können den Zelltod aufhalten. Niacin und Koffein können dieses |
Enzym ausreichend hemmen, um diesem typischen Zelltod vorzubeugen, ohne den normalen Zellenumsatz zu |
verhindern; sprich, Tumoren werden nicht begünstigt, weil sie den Zelltod von nicht |
gebrauchten Zellen eben nicht verhindern. |
</span> |
</p> |
</p> |
<hr> |
<p> |
Toxins and stressors often kill cells, for example in the brain, liver, and |
immune system, by causing the cells to expend energy faster than it can be |
replaced. There is an enzyme system that repairs genetic damage, called |
"PARP." The activation of this enzyme is a major energy drain, and substances |
that inhibit it can prevent the death of the cell. Niacin and caffeine can |
inhibit this enzyme sufficiently to prevent this characteristic kind of cell |
death, without preventing the normal cellular turnover<strong>;</strong> that |
is, they don"t produce tumors by preventing the death of cells that aren"t |
needed. |
</p> |
<p> |
<p> |
The purines are important in a great variety of regulatory processes, and |
caffeine fits into this complex system in other ways that are often protective |
against stress. For example, it has been proposed that tea can protect against |
circulatory disease by preventing abnormal clotting, and the mechanism seems |
to be that caffeine (or theophylline) tends to restrain stress-induced |
platelet aggregaton. |
</p> |
<p> |
When platelets clump, they release various factors that contribute to the |
development of a clot. Serotonin is one of these, and is released by other |
kinds of cell, including mast cells and basophils and nerve cells. Serotonin |
produces vascular spasms and increased blood pressure, blood vessel leakiness |
and inflammation, and the release of many other stress mediators. Caffeine, |
besides inhibiting the platelet aggregation, also tends to inhibit the release |
of serotonin, or to promote its uptake and binding. |
<span lang="en"> |
The purines are important in a great variety of regulatory processes, and |
caffeine fits into this complex system in other ways that are often protective |
against stress. For example, it has been proposed that tea can protect against |
circulatory disease by preventing abnormal clotting, and the mechanism seems |
to be that caffeine (or theophylline) tends to restrain stress-induced |
platelet aggregaton. |
</span> |
<span lang="de"> |
Die Purine sind für eine Vielzahl von regulierenden Prozessen wichtig, und Koffein passt in dieses System |
in vielerlei Hinsicht hinein, und weist oft eine schützende Wirkung auf. Es wurde zum Beispiel vorgeschlagen, |
dass Tee vor Herzkreislauferkrankungen schützen kann, indem es abnormale Blutgerinnung verhindert, und der |
Mechanismus ist scheinbar, dass Koffein (bzw. Theophyllin) dazu neigt, durch Stress verursachte |
Thrombozytenaggregation zu hemmen. |
</span> |
</p> |
</p> |
<p> |
<p> |
J. W. Davis, et al., 1996, found that high uric acid levels seem to protect |
against the development of Parkinson"s disease. They ascribed this effect to |
uric acid"s antioxidant function. Coffee drinking, which <em>lowers</em> uric |
acid levels, nevertheless appeared to be much more strongly protective against |
Parkinson"s disease than uric acid. |
</p> |
<p> |
Possibly more important than coffee"s ability to protect the health is the way |
it does it. The studies that have tried to gather evidence to show that coffee |
is harmful, and found the opposite, have provided insight into several |
diseases. For example, coffee"s effects on serotonin are very similar to |
carbon dioxide"s, and the thyroid hormone"s. Noticing that coffee drinking is |
associated with a low incidence of Parkinson"s disease could focus attention |
on the ways that thyroid and carbon dioxide and serotonin, estrogen, mast |
cells, histamine and blood clotting interact to produce nerve cell death. |
</p> |
<p> |
Thinking about how caffeine can be beneficial across such a broad spectrum of |
problems can give us a perspective on the similarities of their underlying |
physiology and biochemistry, expanding the implications of stress, biological |
energy, and adaptability. |
</p> |
<p> |
The observation that coffee drinkers have a low incidence of suicide, for |
example, might be physiologically related to the large increase in suicide |
rate among people who use the newer antidepressants called "serotonin reuptake |
inhibitors." Serotonin excess causes several of the features of depression, |
such as learned helplessness and reduced metabolic rate, while coffee |
stimulates the <em>uptake</em> (inactivation or storage) of serotonin, |
increases metabolic energy, and tends to improve mood. In animal studies, it |
reverses the state of helplessness or despair, often more effectively than |
so-called antidepressants. |
<span lang="en"> |
When platelets clump, they release various factors that contribute to the |
development of a clot. Serotonin is one of these, and is released by other |
kinds of cell, including mast cells and basophils and nerve cells. Serotonin |
produces vascular spasms and increased blood pressure, blood vessel leakiness |
and inflammation, and the release of many other stress mediators. Caffeine, |
besides inhibiting the platelet aggregation, also tends to inhibit the release |
of serotonin, or to promote its uptake and binding. |
</span> |
<span lang="de"> |
Wenn Blutplättchen verklumpen, schütten sie mehrere Faktoren aus, die zur Entwicklung einer Gerinnung beitragen. |
Serotonin ist einer dieser Faktoren, und es wird von anderen Zellenarten ausgeschüttet, wie zum Beispiel |
Mastzellen, Basophilen, und Nervenzellen. Serotonin sorgt für Gefäßkrämpfe und einen erhöhten Blutdruck, |
Durchlässigkeit und Entzündung der Blutgefäße, und die Ausschüttung vieler anderer Stress-vermittelnder |
Stoffe. |
</span> |
</p> |
</p> |
<p> |
<p> |
The research on caffeine"s effects on blood pressure, and on the use of fuel |
by the more actively metabolizing cells, hasn"t clarified its effects on |
respiration and nutrition, but some of these experiments confirm things that |
coffee drinkers usually learn for themselves. |
<span lang="en"> |
J. W. Davis, et al., 1996, found that high uric acid levels seem to protect |
against the development of Parkinson"s disease. They ascribed this effect to |
uric acid"s antioxidant function. Coffee drinking, which <em>lowers</em> uric |
acid levels, nevertheless appeared to be much more strongly protective against |
Parkinson"s disease than uric acid. |
</span> |
<span lang="de"> |
J. W. Davis, et al., 1996, beobachteten, dass einen hohen Harnsäurespiegel offenbar vor der Entwicklung von |
Parkinson schützt. Sie schrieben diese Wirkung der antioxidativen Funktion von Harnsäure zu. Das Trinken von |
Kaffee, was den Harnsäurespiegel senkt, schien dennoch noch viel stärker vor Parkinson zu schützen als Harnsäure. |
</span> |
</p> |
</p> |
<p> |
<p> |
Often, a woman who thinks that she has symptoms of hypoglycemia says that |
drinking even the smallest amount of coffee makes her anxious and shaky. |
Sometimes, I have suggested that they try drinking about two ounces of coffee |
with cream or milk along with a meal. It"s common for them to find that this |
reduces their symptoms of hypoglycemia, and allows them to be symptom-free |
between meals. Although we don"t know exactly why caffeine improves an |
athlete"s endurance, I think the same processes are involved when coffee |
increases a person"s "endurance" in ordinary activities. |
<span lang="en"> |
Possibly more important than coffee"s ability to protect the health is the way |
it does it. The studies that have tried to gather evidence to show that coffee |
is harmful, and found the opposite, have provided insight into several |
diseases. For example, coffee"s effects on serotonin are very similar to |
carbon dioxide"s, and the thyroid hormone"s. Noticing that coffee drinking is |
associated with a low incidence of Parkinson"s disease could focus attention |
on the ways that thyroid and carbon dioxide and serotonin, estrogen, mast |
cells, histamine and blood clotting interact to produce nerve cell death. |
</span> |
<span lang="de"> |
Möglicherweise noch wichtiger als der gesundheitsschützende Effekt von Kaffee ist seine genaue Wirkungsweise. |
Studien, die Beweise dafür zu sammeln suchten, dass Kaffee schädlich ist, und das Gegenteil beobachteten, |
bieten ein besseres Verständnis für mehrere Krankheiten. Die Wirkung von Kaffee auf Serotonin, zum Beispiel, |
ähnelt stark der von Kohlenstoffdioxid und den Schilddrüsenhormone. Die Beobachtung, dass das Trinken von Kaffee |
mit einer geringen Parkinsoninzidenz einhergeht, könnte die Aufmerksamkeit darauf lenken, wie die |
Schilddrüsenhormone und Kohlenstoffdioxid mit Serotonin, Östrogen, Mastzellen, Histamin, und Blutgerinnung |
bei der Entwicklung von Nervenzelltod interagieren. |
</span> |
</p> |
<p> |
<span lang="en"> |
Thinking about how caffeine can be beneficial across such a broad spectrum of |
problems can give us a perspective on the similarities of their underlying |
physiology and biochemistry, expanding the implications of stress, biological |
energy, and adaptability. |
</span> |
<span lang="de"> |
Wenn wir darüber nachdenken, wie Koffein bei einem breiten Spektrum von Problemen positiv wirksam sein kann, |
können wir eine Perspektive für die ihnen zugrundeliegende Physiologie und Biochemie erhalten, was die |
Implikationen für Stress biologische Energie, und unsere Anpassungsfähigkeit erweitert. |
</span> |
</p> |
<p> |
<span lang="en"> |
The observation that coffee drinkers have a low incidence of suicide, for |
example, might be physiologically related to the large increase in suicide |
rate among people who use the newer antidepressants called "serotonin reuptake |
inhibitors." Serotonin excess causes several of the features of depression, |
such as learned helplessness and reduced metabolic rate, while coffee |
stimulates the <em>uptake</em> (inactivation or storage) of serotonin, |
increases metabolic energy, and tends to improve mood. In animal studies, it |
reverses the state of helplessness or despair, often more effectively than |
so-called antidepressants. |
</span> |
<span lang="de"> |
Die Beobachtung, dass Kaffeetrinker eine geringe Suizidrate haben, zum Beispiel, könnte physiologisch damit |
zusammenhängen, dass die Suizidrate unter Personen höher ist, die die neuen Antidepressiva verwenden, die |
"Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer". Serotoninüberschuss verursacht viele Depressionsmerkmale, wie zum Beispiel |
erlernte Hilfslosigkeit und eine niedrigere Stoffwechselrate, während Kaffee die <em>Aufnahme</em> |
(Deaktivierung oder Speicherung) von Serotonin stimuliert, Stoffwechselenergie erhöht, und die Stimmung |
gewöhnlicherweise verbessert. In Tierversuchen sorgt es für die Umkehrung des Hilfslosigkeitszustands oder der |
Verzweiflung, oft noch effektiver als die sogenannten Antidepressiva. |
</span> |
</p> |
<p> |
<span lang="en"> |
The research on caffeine"s effects on blood pressure, and on the use of fuel |
by the more actively metabolizing cells, hasn"t clarified its effects on |
respiration and nutrition, but some of these experiments confirm things that |
coffee drinkers usually learn for themselves. |
</span> |
<span lang="de"> |
Die Forschung zu den Wirkungen von Koffein auf Blutdruck, sowie auf den Gebrauch von Brennstoffen von den |
aktiver verstoffwechselnden Zellen, bietet noch keine Aufklärung zu den Wirkungen auf Veratmung und Ernährung, |
aber einige dieser Experimente bestätigen einiges, das Kaffeetrinker am eigenen Leibe erfahren. |
</span> |
</p> |
<p> |
<span lang="en"> |
Often, a woman who thinks that she has symptoms of hypoglycemia says that |
drinking even the smallest amount of coffee makes her anxious and shaky. |
Sometimes, I have suggested that they try drinking about two ounces of coffee |
with cream or milk along with a meal. It"s common for them to find that this |
reduces their symptoms of hypoglycemia, and allows them to be symptom-free |
between meals. Although we don"t know exactly why caffeine improves an |
athlete"s endurance, I think the same processes are involved when coffee |
increases a person"s "endurance" in ordinary activities. |
</span> |
<span lang="de"> |
Oft sagen Frauen, die unter Symptomen von Unterzuckerung zu leiden glauben, dass das Trinken von selbst der |
kleinsten Menge Kaffee bei ihnen für Unruhe und Zittern sorgt. Manchmal habe ich geraten, dass sie versuchen |
sollen, ungefähr zwei Unzen [~60ml] Kaffee zusammen mit Sahne oder Milch bei einer Mahlzeit zu trinken. Häufig |
stellen sie fest, dass zu einer Reduzierung ihrer Unterzuckerungssymptome führt, und ermöglicht es ihnen, |
zwischen Mahlzeiten symptomfrei zu bleiben. Obwohl wir nicht genau wissen, warum Koffein die Ausdauer von |
Leistungssportlern verbessert, denke ich, dass die gleichen Vorgänge am Werk sind, wenn Kaffee die "Ausdauer" |
eine Person bei normalen Aktivitäten erhöht. |
</span> |
</p> |
<p> |
<span lang="en"> |
Caffeine has remarkable parallels to thyroid and progesterone, and the use of |
coffee or tea can help to maintain their production, or compensate for their |
deficiency. Women spontaneously drink more coffee premenstrually, and since |
caffeine is known to increase the concentration of progesterone in the blood |
and in the brain, this is obviously a spontaneous and rational form of |
self-medication, though medical editors like to see things causally reversed, |
and blame the coffee drinking for the symptoms it is actually alleviating. |
Some women have noticed that the effect of a progesterone supplement is |
stronger when they take it with coffee. This is similar to the synergy between |
thyroid and progesterone, which is probably involved, since caffeine tends to |
<em>locally</em> activate thyroid secretion by a variety of mechanisms, |
increasing cyclic AMP and decreasing serotonin in thyroid cells, for example, |
and also by lowering the systemic stress mediators. |
</span> |
<span lang="de"> |
Koffein teilt bemerkenswerte Parallele mit den Schilddrüsenhormonen und Progesteron, und der Konsum von Kaffee |
oder Tee kann dabei helfen, deren Produktion aufrechtzuerhalten, oder deren Mangel kompensieren. Frauen trinken |
prämenstruell spontan mehr Kaffee und, da Koffein bekanntermaßen die Konzentration von Progesteron im Gehirn |
erhöht, ist das offensichtlich eine spontane und rationale Form der Selbstmedikation; jedoch sehen medizinische |
Redakteure die Kausalität gerne umgekehrt, und geben dem Kaffeekonsum die Schuld an eben den Symptomen, die dieser |
tatsächlich lindert. |
</span> |
</p> |
</p> |
<p> |
<p> |
Caffeine has remarkable parallels to thyroid and progesterone, and the use of |
coffee or tea can help to maintain their production, or compensate for their |
deficiency. Women spontaneously drink more coffee premenstrually, and since |
caffeine is known to increase the concentration of progesterone in the blood |
and in the brain, this is obviously a spontaneous and rational form of |
self-medication, though medical editors like to see things causally reversed, |
and blame the coffee drinking for the symptoms it is actually alleviating. |
Some women have noticed that the effect of a progesterone supplement is |
stronger when they take it with coffee. This is similar to the synergy between |
thyroid and progesterone, which is probably involved, since caffeine tends to |
<em>locally</em> activate thyroid secretion by a variety of mechanisms, |
increasing cyclic AMP and decreasing serotonin in thyroid cells, for example, |
and also by lowering the systemic stress mediators. |
<span lang="en"> |
Medical editors like to publish articles that reinforce important prejudices, |
even if, scientifically, they are trash. The momentum of a bad idea can |
probably be measured by the tons of glossy paper that have gone into its |
development. Just for the sake of the environment, it would be nice if editors |
would try to think in terms of evidence and biological mechanisms, rather than |
stereotypes. |
</span> |
<span lang="de"> |
Medizinische Redakteure veröffentlichen gerne Artikel, die wichtige Vorurteile stärken, selbst wenn sie |
wissenschaftlicher Müll sind. Das Momentum einer schlechten Idee kann wahrscheinlich daran gemessen werden, wie |
viele Tonnen Hochglanzpapier in ihre Entwicklung geflossen sind. Nur der Umwelt zuliebe wäre es schön, |
wenn die Redakteure im Sinne von Beweisen und biologischen Mechanismen anstatt Stereotypen denken würden. |
</span> |
</p> |
</p> |
<p> |
Medical editors like to publish articles that reinforce important prejudices, |
even if, scientifically, they are trash. The momentum of a bad idea can |
probably be measured by the tons of glossy paper that have gone into its |
development. Just for the sake of the environment, it would be nice if editors |
would try to think in terms of evidence and biological mechanisms, rather than |
stereotypes. |
</p> |
<p class="notranslate"> |
<p data-notranslate> |
<a href="https://raypeat.com/articles/articles/hypothyroidism.shtml">Originalartikel und Quellenverzeichnis</a> |
<a href="https://raypeat.com/articles/articles/hypothyroidism.shtml">Originalartikel und Quellenverzeichnis</a> |
</p> |
</p> |