const articles = [ { title: "TSH, temperature, pulse rate, and other indicators in hypothyroidism", url: "", slug: "hypothyroidism", }, { title: "Academic authoritarians, language, metaphor, animals, and science", url: "", slug: "authoritarians", }, { title: "Adaptive substance, creative regeneration: Mainstream science, repression, and creativity", url: "", slug: "adaptive-substance", }, { title: "Aging Eyes, Infant Eyes, and Excitable Tissues", url: "", slug: "aging-eyes", }, { title: "Aging, estrogen, and progesterone.", url: "", slug: "aging-estrogen-progesterone", }, { title: "Altitude and Mortality.", url: "", slug: "altitude-mortality", }, { title: "Alzheimer's: The problem of Alzheimer's disease as a clue to immortality - part 1.", url: "", slug: "alzheimers", }, { title: "Alzheimer's: The problem of Alzheimer's disease as a clue to immortality - part 2.", url: "", slug: "alzheimers2", }, { title: "Aspirin, brain and cancer.", url: "", slug: "aspirin-brain-cancer", }, { title: "Autonomic systems.", url: "", slug: "autonomic-systems", }, { title: "Bleeding, clotting, cancer.", url: "", slug: "bleeding-clotting-cancer", }, { title: "Blocking Tissue Destruction.", url: "", slug: "tissue-destruction", }, { title: "Bone Density: First Do No Harm.", url: "", slug: "bonedensity", }, { title: "Breast Cancer.", url: "", slug: "breastcancer", }, { title: 'BSE ("mad cow"), scrapie, etc.: Stimulated amyloid degeneration and the toxic fats.', url: "", slug: "madcow", }, { title: "Caffeine: A vitamin-like nutrient, or adaptogen. Questions about tea and coffee, cancer and other degenerative diseases, and the hormones.", url: "", slug: "caffeine", }, { title: "Calcium and Disease: Hypertension, organ calcification, & shock, vs. respiratory energy", url: "", slug: "calcium", }, { title: "Cancer: Disorder and Energy", url: "", slug: "cancer-disorder-energy", }, { title: "Cancer: Disorder and Energy", url: "", slug: "cancer-disorder-energy", }, { title: "Cascara, energy, cancer and the FDA's laxative abuse", url: "", slug: "cascara-energy-cancer-fda-laxative-abuse", }, { title: "Cataracts: water, energy, light, and aging", url: "", slug: "cataracts-water-energy-light-aging", }, { title: "Cholesterol, longevity, intelligence, and health.", url: "", slug: "cholesterol-longevity", }, { title: "Coconut Oil.", url: "", slug: "coconut-oil", }, { title: "Diabetes, scleroderma, oils and hormones.", url: "", slug: "diabetes", }, { title: "Eclampsia in the Real Organism: A Paradigm of General Distress Applicable in Infants, Adults, Etc.", url: "", slug: "eclampsia", }, { title: "Epilepsy and Progesterone.", url: "", slug: "epilepsy-progesterone", }, { title: "Estriol, DES, DDT, etc.", url: "", slug: "estriol-des-ddt", }, { title: "Estrogen - Age Stress Hormone.", url: "", slug: "estrogen-age-stress", }, { title: "Estrogen and Osteoporosis.", url: "", slug: "estrogen-osteoporosis", }, { title: "Estrogen Receptors - what do they explain?", url: "", slug: "", }, { title: "Estrogen, memory and heredity: Imprinting and the stress response", url: "", slug: "imprinting", }, { title: "Estrogen, progesterone, and cancer: Conflicts of interest in regulation and product promotion", url: "", slug: "estrogen-progesterone-cancer", }, { title: "Fatigue, aging, and recuperation", url: "", slug: "fatigue-aging-recuperation", }, { title: "Fats and degeneration.", url: "", slug: "fats-degeneration3", }, { title: "Fats, functions & malfunctions", url: "", slug: "fats-functions-malfunctions", }, { title: "Food-junk and some mystery ailments: Fatigue, Alzheimer's, Colitis, Immunodeficiency.", url: "", slug: "carrageenan", }, { title: "Gelatin, stress, longevity", url: "", slug: "gelatin", }, { title: "Genes, Carbon Dioxide and Adaptation", url: "", slug: "genes-carbon-dioxide-adaptation", }, { title: "Glucose and sucrose for diabetes", url: "", slug: "glucose-sucrose-diabetes", }, { title: "Glycemia, starch, and sugar in context", url: "", slug: "glycemia", }, { title: "Growth hormone: Hormone of Stress, Aging, and Death?", url: "", slug: "growth-hormone", }, { title: "Heart and hormones", url: "", slug: "heart-hormones", }, { title: "Hot flashes, energy, and aging", url: "", slug: "hot-flashes-energy-aging", }, { title: "How do you know? Students, patients, and discovery", url: "", slug: "howdoyouknow", }, { title: "Immunodeficiency, dioxins, stress, and the hormones.", url: "", slug: "immunodeficiency", }, { title: "Intelligence and metabolism", url: "", slug: "intelligence", }, { title: "Intuitive knowledge and its development", url: "", slug: "intuitive-knowledge", }, { title: "Iron's Dangers.", url: "", slug: "iron-dangers", }, { title: "Lactate vs. CO2 in wounds, sickness, and aging; the other approach to cancer", url: "", slug: "lactate", }, { title: "Leakiness, aging, and cancer.", url: "", slug: "leakiness", }, { title: "Meat physiology, stress, and degenerative physiology", url: "", slug: "meat-physiology-stress", }, { title: "Membranes, plasma membranes, and surfaces", url: "", slug: "membranes", }, { title: "Menopause and its causes.", url: "", slug: "menopause", }, { title: "Milk in context: allergies, ecology, and some myths", url: "", slug: "milk", }, { title: "Mitochondria and mortality", url: "", slug: "mitochondria-mortality", }, { title: "Multiple Sclerosis and other hormone related brain syndromes", url: "", slug: "multiple-sclerosis-hormone-related-brain-syndromes", }, { title: "Multiple Sclerosis and other hormone-related brain syndromes", url: "", slug: "multiple-sclerosis", }, { title: "Multiple sclerosis, protein, fats, and progesterone", url: "", slug: "ms", }, { title: "Natural Estrogens", url: "", slug: "natural-estrogens", }, { title: "Oils in Context.", url: "", slug: "oils-in-context", }, { title: "Osteoporosis, aging, tissue renewal, and product science", url: "", slug: "osteoporosis-aging", }, { title: "Osteoporosis, harmful calcification, and nerve/muscle malfunctions.", url: "", slug: "osteoporosis", }, { title: "Pathological Science & General Electric: Threatening the paradigm", url: "", slug: "pathological-science-general-electric", }, { title: "Phosphate, activation, and aging", url: "", slug: "phosphate-activation-aging", }, { title: "Physiology texts and the real world", url: "", slug: "physiology-texts-and-the-real-world", }, { title: "Preventing and treating cancer with progesterone.", url: "", slug: "cancer-progesterone", }, { title: "Progesterone Deceptions", url: "", slug: "progesterone-deceptions", }, { title: "Progesterone Pregnenolone & DHEA - Three Youth-Associated Hormones.", url: "", slug: "three-hormones", }, { title: "Progesterone Summaries", url: "", slug: "progesterone-summaries", }, { title: "Progesterone, not estrogen, is the coronary protection factor of women.", url: "", slug: "coronaryprogesterone", }, { title: "Prostate Cancer", url: "", slug: "prostate-cancer", }, { title: "Protective CO2 and aging", url: "", slug: "co2", }, { title: "Protective CO2 and aging", url: "", slug: "protective-co2-aging", }, { title: "Regeneration and degeneration: Types of inflammation change with aging", url: "", slug: "regeneration-degeneration", }, { title: "Rosacea, inflammation, and aging: The inefficiency of stress", url: "", slug: "rosacea-inflammation-aging", }, { title: "RU486, Cancer, Estrogen, and Progesterone", url: "", slug: "ru486", }, { title: "Salt, energy, metabolic rate, and longevity", url: "", slug: "salt", }, { title: "Serotonin, depression, and aggression: The problem of brain energy", url: "", slug: "serotonin-depression-aggression", }, { title: "Serotonin: Effects in disease, aging and inflammation", url: "", slug: "serotonin-disease-aging-inflammation", }, { title: "Stem cells, cell culture, and culture: Issues in regeneration", url: "", slug: "stemcells", }, { title: "Sugar issues", url: "", slug: "sugar-issues", }, { title: "Suitable Fats, Unsuitable Fats: Issues in Nutrition", url: "", slug: "unsuitablefats", }, { title: "The Cancer Matrix", url: "", slug: "the-cancer-matrix", }, { title: "The dark side of stress (learned helplesness)", url: "", slug: "dark-side-of-stress-learned-helplessness", }, { title: "The Great Fish Oil Experiment", url: "", slug: "fishoil", }, { title: "The transparency of life: Cataracts as a model of age-related disease.", url: "", slug: "transparency-cataracts", }, { title: "Thyroid, insomnia, and the insanities: Commonalities in disease", url: "", slug: "thyroid-insanities", }, { title: "Thyroid: Therapies, Confusion, and Fraud.", url: "", slug: "thyroid", }, { title: "Tissue-bound estrogen in aging", url: "", slug: "tissue-bound-estrogen", }, { title: "Tryptophan, serotonin, and aging.", url: "", slug: "tryptophan-serotonin-aging", }, { title: "Unsaturated Vegetable Oils: Toxic.", url: "", slug: "unsaturated-oils", }, { title: "Vegetables, etc. - Who Defines Food?", url: "", slug: "vegetables", }, { title: "Vitamin E: Estrogen antagonist, energy promoter, and anti-inflammatory", url: "", slug: "vitamin-e", }, { title: "Water: swelling, tension, pain, fatigue, aging", url: "", slug: "water", }, { title: "When energy fails: Edema, heart failure, hypertension, sarcopenia, etc.", url: "", slug: "edema-heart-failure-hypertension-sarcopenia", }, { title: "William Blake as biological visionary. Can art instruct science?", url: "", slug: "william-blake", }, ]; export default articles;