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- <head><title>Autonomic systems</title></head>
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- <h1>
- Autonomic systems
- </h1>
- <p>
- <em>Historically, functions such as reason, emotion, and instinct were associated with particular nervous
- structures, and there was a reluctance to think that consciousness, like instinct, could be based on
- "reflexes." Eventually, this led to the idea of an autonomous nervous system which produced emotions and
- adjusted the body's functions, while the "central nervous system" was the seat of conscious thought,
- perception, and behavior.</em>
- </p>
- <em>
- <p>
- Our individual cells have a degree of autonomy, consisting of the ability to sense their situation,
- integrate stimuli, and act adaptively. Their behavior is intelligently adaptive. The cells that make up
- the nervous system have this basic capacity for complex adaptive integration, but they also have the
- specialized role of serving as links between cells, and between cells and the environment.
- </p>
- <p>
- The integration of the organism is most complete when the energy of each cell is optimal. The "autonomic
- nervous system," including nerves that are closely associated with the diverse organs and tissues, is
- easiest to understand as a system for integrating and optimizing energy throughout the organism.
- </p>
- <p>
- This view suggests new ways of understanding imbalance in these nervous functions, and the diseases that
- develop under the imbalanced conditions--e.g., asthma, polycystic ovaries, menopausal symptoms, some
- skin diseases, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and tumors.
- </p>
- <p>
- Every organ has its own intrinsic nerve net, and the cortex of the brain adjusts each system to meet the
- adaptive needs of the organism.
- </p>
- </em>
- <p>
- <em>
- When every cell is functioning optimally, and the organism is adapted to its environment, there is
- little need for intervention by the "transmitter substances."</em>
- </p>
- <p></p>
- <p>
- People like Walter Cannon and Wilhelm Reich popularized the idea of the autonomic nervous system, but they
- were just systematizing ideas that had been developing since the beginning of the century. Their views were
- the context in which Selye"s idea of stress developed.
- </p>
- <p>
- The anatomical components of the nervous system that were called the sympathetic ("fight or flight,"
- adrenergic) system and the parasympathetic ("vegetative") system are still important factors in
- physiological thinking, and despite the great complexity that has grown up around them, there is still a
- tendency to identify the systems with polarities of mood or emotion. The idea of polarities is useful, but
- it easily leads to error.
- </p>
- <p>
- (The sympathetic system includes a chain of ganglia along the spine, and its functions include dilating the
- pupils and accelerating the heart. The parasympathetic system is also called the cranio-sacral system, from
- the location of its ganglia, and among its functions are slowing the heart and constricting the pupils.
- However, despite several decades of research, the actions of "sympathetic" and "parasympathetic" nerves in
- most organs aren"t understood.)
- </p>
- <p>
- If the "adrenaline side" of the nervous system is responsible for the reactions to pain and threat,
- reactions of fear and rage, then the opposite side tends to be given attributes such as peace and pleasure,
- and the fact that these oppositions are often true has led to a climate in which the adrenergic reactions
- are seen as "bad," and the opposite reactions as "good." When adrenalin was identified as an agent of the
- sympathetic nervous system, there was a search for the "opposing" agent of the parasympathetic system.
- Histamine was an early candidate, before acetylcholine was discovered to be the main parasympathetic agent.
- This view of histamine was fostered by the older idea of "trophic nerves," which easily became identified
- with the parasympathetic system. When acetylcholine was identified as the transmitter or agent of the
- parasympathetic system, it tended to take on many of the qualities, including the "trophic" functions, that
- had grown up around the idea of the parasympathetic system, but the emphasis on acetylcholine led to a
- general neglect of the associations of histamine, and the mast cells that produce much of it, with the
- autonomic nervous system. (The current trend seems to be emphasizing a close integration of mast cell
- function with nervous function.) Nitric oxide has recently been identified as another parasympathetic
- "transmitter." Nitric oxide and histamine are both very important factors in degenerative inflammatory
- diseases, but their association with the parasympathetic nervous system has given them an aura of
- benevolence.
- </p>
- <p>
- I think it"s useful to compare the autonomic nervous system with the pituitary, not just because some of the
- pituitary hormones are called "trophic" hormones (e.g., luteotrophic, adrenocorticotrophic), but because
- their important adaptive functions can themselves be the cause of serious problems. An excess of the thyroid
- stimulating hormone, for example, causes degeneration and cancer development in the thyroid gland, and
- animals deprived of their pituitary gland, but given thyroid, live longer than intact animals.
- </p>
- <p>
- If slaves are starved and beaten frequently, they aren"t very productive, they don"t live long, and they
- might rebel. Workers that are healthy and working for a common goal that they understand are more
- productive. Cells that are well energized perform their functions with minimal cues, but deprived cells that
- have to be forced to function are likely to die unexpectedly, or to reproduce inappropriately, or to change
- their identity.
- </p>
- <p>
- Professors often make a strong impression on their students, but, especially in technical or scientific
- fields, they usually do this by controlling the discourse, so that radical questioning is excluded. What
- they don"t know "isn"t knowledge." Under the pressure of "getting a professional education," students
- appreciate organizing principles and mnemonic devices, but this gives traditional ways of systematizing
- knowledge tremendous power that, in practice, is far more important than mere experimental results.
- (Experiments that don"t acknowledge the ruling metaphors are almost universally considered inadmissable,
- unpublishable.)
- </p>
- <p>
- Some obvious questions about the autonomic system have been commonly ignored or minimized by physiologists.
- If "stress" is the stimulus that causes the sympathetic system to increase its activity, what is the
- stimulus for increased activity of the parasympathetic system? What accounts for the relative balance
- between the two sides of the system, or their imbalance? The fact that the answers aren"t obvious has left
- the questions largely to psychiatrists and psychologists. Wilhelm Reich, who tried to provide answers in
- terms of developmental interactions between the organism and its environment, found that the question led
- him to investigate psychosomatic disease, sexual repression, cancer, and fascism, with disastrous results
- for himself.
- </p>
- <p>
- Chinese medicine was familiar with many of the functions of the autonomic nervous system at a time when
- western medicine was organized around "the humors." It"s easy for contemporary "western" people to see that
- the "winds" and the hot and cold principles of Chinese tradition are metaphors, but they are reluctant to
- see that their own system has grown up within very similar traditional metaphoric polarities.
- </p>
- <p>
- The successes of even a good metaphor can cause people to neglect details that could support a more complete
- and accurate image of reality.
- </p>
- <p>
- Contemporary science carries a load of bad metaphors, because the educational system doesn"t tolerate a
- critical attitude. Potentially, a good metaphor (e.g., Vernadsky"s suggestion that an organism is "a
- whirlwind of atoms") could blow away many bad metaphors, but the present organization of science is tending
- in the other direction<strong>:</strong> Commercial interests are creating a culture in which their
- metaphors are replacing the traditional science in which there was a certain amount of honest intellectual
- exploration.
- </p>
- <p>
- In talking about consciousness, sleep, stress, biological rhythms, aging, and energy, I have often focussed
- on the efficient use of oxygen for energy production by the mitochondria, i.e., cellular respiration. Every
- situation demands a special kind of adaptation, and each kind of adaptation requires a special distribution
- of cellular and organic activity, with its supporting local respiratory activity.
- </p>
- <p>
- There is a lot of local self-regulation in the adapting organism, for example when the activated tissue
- produces increased amounts of carbon dioxide, which dilates blood vessels, delivering more oxygen and
- nutrients to the tissue. But the distribution of excitation, and the harmonious balancing of the organism"s
- resources and activities, is achieved by the actions of the cortex of the brain, acting on the subordinate
- nerve nets, adjusting many factors relating to energy production and use.
- </p>
- <p>
- On the level of the mitochondria, adrenaline and acetylcholine have slightly different effects. (Metabolic
- studies with isolated mitochondria are so remote from the normal cellular condition that their results are
- nothing more than a hint of what might be occurring in the cell.) Acetylcholine appears to shift the
- proportion of the fuels used (increasing the oxidation of alpha-ketoglutarate, with the production of carbon
- dioxide) and increasing the efficiency of energy conservation (phosphorylation, producing ATP) so that less
- oxygen is needed, while adrenaline increases the rate of oxygen consumption (and succinate oxidation). This
- would be consistent with F. Z. Meerson"s conception of the parasympathetic function as one of the "stress
- limiting" systems.
- </p>
- <p>
- On the level of the whole cell, organ, and organism, the parasympathetic function limits oxygen consumption
- in a variety of ways, including the reduction of blood flow. Acetylcholine, like histamine and serotonin,
- activates glycolysis, the conversion of glucose to lactic acid, which provides energy in the absence of
- oxygen.
- </p>
- <p>
- The effects of a little adrenaline, and a lot of adrenaline, are very different, with a high concentration
- of adrenaline decreasing the efficiency of phosphorylation. In the stressed heart, this effect of excess
- adrenaline can be fatal, especially when it is combined with adrenaline"s acceleration of clotting,
- liberation of fatty acids, and frequently of calcium, and constriction of blood vessels.
- </p>
- <p>
- Seventy years ago, autonomic control of blood vessels seemed to be a matter of nerve fibers that constrict
- them, and other fibers that cause them to dilate, but that idea hasn"t worked for a long time.
- </p>
- <p>
- Ever since I noticed that the students in our physiology lab who tried to use adrenaline to revive their
- rats weren"t successful, I have wondered about the television shows in which adrenaline is given to patients
- with heart problems. Under some conditions adrenaline does increase circulation to the heart, but extreme
- stress doesn"t seem to be among those conditions.
- </p>
- <p>
- Too much serotonin, histamine, acetylcholine, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, like too much adrenalin, can
- cause spasms of the coronary arteries, along with disturbances of mitochondrial respiration. In stress,
- these substances are almost sure to be present in excess. (Anti-serotonin drugs are effective for a variety
- of heart problems, and other degenerative diseases.)
- </p>
- <p>
- By increasing the production of lactic acid and the loss of carbon dioxide, exaggerated nervous stimulation
- (especially the excess of acetylcholine, histamine, and serotonin) can cause a variety of problems,
- including generalized vasoconstriction and systemic alkalosis, as well as increased intracellular
- alkalinity. This metabolic pattern is characteristic of many kinds of stress, including cancer. (Elsewhere,
- I have referred to this pattern as "relative hyperventilation.") The metabolic effects probably account for
- some of the "paradoxical" effects of the autonomic agents.
- </p>
- <p>
- When nutrition and thyroid function, light, atmospheric pressure, and other conditions are favorable, the
- autonomic transmitters (e.g., acetylcholine, histamine, serotonin, adrenalin) and pituitary hormones and
- other "signal substances" are kept within safe limits.
- </p>
- <p>
- Because the substances released from various cells under the influence of the autonomic nerves (histamine
- and serotonin, for example) stimulate cell division, injuries which produce clots and vascular spasms will
- also stimulate the formation of new blood vessels, a process that is essential for the adaptation of tissues
- to prolonged stress.
- </p>
- <p>
- These stress-induced agents are appropriately included in the "vegetative" (parasympathetic) nervous system,
- because they promote vegetation, i.e., the proliferation of substance.
- </p>
- <p>
- Adrenaline, and the sympathetic nerves, have the opposite function, of restraining cell division, and they
- also oppose the pro-inflammatory functions of those parasympathetic agents.
- </p>
- <p>
- Estrogen tends to shift autonomic balance toward the parasympathetic side, away from the
- sympathetic/adrenergic. Recalling that stress, hypothyroidism, and aging increase the activity of aromatase
- in various tissues, with local production of estrogen, and that tissue-bound estrogen stays at a high level
- in postmenopausal women despite the lower level of estrogen in the serum, it"s worthwhile looking at the
- effects of estrogen on the various components of the so-called autonomic nervous system.
- </p>
- <p>
- One injection of estrogen can induce a large increase in the number of sympathetic nerves in the ovaries. At
- menopause, a similar "invasion" of sympathetic nerves occurs. The polycystic ovary (which is even more
- common after menopause than before, and some studies have found the condition in 20% of premenopausal women)
- responds to estrogen by producing nerve growth factor(s), and growing a large number of new sympathetic
- nerves. Although the hyperestrogenism associated with the polycystic ovary syndrome has many harmful
- effects, the invasion of the ovary by adrenergic nerves apparently protects it from the development of
- cancer.
- </p>
- <p>
- Parasympathetic nerves, pituitary hormones and mast cells activate the ovaries. The number of mast cells in
- the ovaries is increased by the pituitary hormones (including the thyroid stimulating hormone), and by
- estrogen (Jaiswal and Krishna, 1996). Estrogen is the most potent of these hormones in causing the cells to
- release histamine. The overgrowth of the sympathetic nerves in the polycystic ovary causes the number and
- activity of mast cells to decrease, possibly as a protective adaptation against excessive stimulation from
- the many pro-inflammatory factors. The mast cells are needed for the follicles to rupture, so their
- suppression prevents ovulation.
- </p>
- <p>
- The nervous system is closely involved in controlling the growth of tissues, and it has been argued (R.E.
- Kavetsky reviewed the subject in his book, emphasizing the role of depression in development of cancer) that
- cancer results from reduced activity of the sympathetic nerves, or unopposed action of the parasympathetic
- system. That stress has a role in cancer is acknowledged by the scientific establishment, but the nervous
- system"s direct involvement in the regulation of cellular metabolism, cell division, and other processes
- that are central to the cancerous state is either flatly denied or simply ignored.
- </p>
- <p>
- Although mast cells have been known to be a common component of tumors for many years, it is only recently
- that antihistamines and other antiinflammatory drugs have been recognized as valuable therapies in cancer.
- The whole issue of the role of nerves in tumor development and physiology has been submerged by the mystique
- of the "intrinsically bad cancer cell."
- </p>
- <p>
- In Alzheimer"s disease, there has been a great investment in the doctrine that drugs to promote the function
- of cholinergic (acetylcholine forming) nerves will restore lost mental function, or at least retard the
- progression of the disease. The success of <strong><em>anti</em></strong>cholinergic drugs in treating
- several degenerative brain diseases is probably embarrassing to the companies whose cholinergic-intensifying
- drugs aren"t very successful. Conveniently for them, these formerly "anticholinergic" drugs are now being
- called anti-excitotoxic or anti-glutamatergic drugs. There is no serious conflict in the terminology, since
- the cholinergic processes (like the serotonergic processes) are closely associated with excitotoxic nerve
- damage. The cholinergic drugs will probably be sold as long as their patents are effective, and then will be
- quietly forgotten.
- </p>
- <p>
- The modern conception of pharmacology, with receptors and transmitters turning functions on or off, has
- turned into an unproductive and dangerous scholasticism. No one will ever successfully count the number of
- transmitter angels dancing on the variable sites of the variable receptor molecules. The functional
- "meaning" of a receptor or transmitter changes according to circumstances, and the effect of activating a
- particular nerve depends on surrounding conditions, and on preceding conditions. Each cell integrates
- stimuli adaptively.
- </p>
- <p>
- If no reflex is simply mechanical and innate, then all reflexes are conditional. (M. Merleau-Ponty argued
- against the validity of the reflex concept itself, because of this conditionality.) P. K. Anokhin"s concept
- of the "Acceptor of Action" (described in my book, <strong><em>Mind and Tissue</em></strong>) provides an
- image in which we can see the "set-points" for the relatively "autonomic" reflexes as reflections of the
- general needs of the organism. The local tissue reflexes, the organ reflexes, the spinal reflexes, etc., are
- variable, according to their energetic resources, and according to the way in which they are organized under
- the influence of the cerebral cortex and the environment.
- </p>
- <p>
- The reality is more complex than the philosophy of the drug industry imagines, but the solutions of problems
- can be much simpler, if we think in terms of energetic support, rather than the over-concretized
- interventions of the pharmacologists. In hypothyroidism, it is common for there to be an excess of
- adrenalin/noradrenalin, serotonin, histamine, and some of the pituitary hormones. Correcting thyroid
- function can immediately correct many problems, but especially when the energy deficiency has caused
- anatomical adjustments (redistribution of blood vessels and mast cells, for example) it"s important to make
- the environment supportive in as many ways as possible.
- </p>
- <p>
- In polycystic ovaries, menopausal symptoms, arthritis, angina pectoris, multiple sclerosis, some kinds of
- dementia, migraine, and emphysema, the relief achieved with a simple improvement of cellular energy can be
- rapid and complete. Presumably a similar process of biological reorganization is involved in the occasional
- spontaneous regression of tumors.
- </p>
- <p>
- Although I don"t think the autonomic nervous system, with its sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions,
- exists in the way it has traditionally been conceived, the idea can be useful if we think of using drugs and
- other factors in ways that tend to <strong><em>"quiet an overactive autonomic nervous system."
- </em></strong>
- </p>
- <hr />
- <p>
- <strong><h3>REFERENCES</h3></strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Am J Emerg Med 1989 Sep;7(5):485-8. <strong>Coronary artery spasm induced by intravenous epinephrine
- overdose.</strong> Karch SB. A 27-year-old man was accidentally given 2 mg intravenous epinephrine
- instead of 2 mg naloxone. He immediately developed chest pain, nausea, and diaphoresis. An ECG taken shortly
- after the epinephrine administration showed widespread ischemia. Forty-five minutes later the tracing still
- showed an early repolarization pattern, but ST elevation was less marked and the patient was asymptomatic.
- Serum potassium was 3.2 mEq/L and serum catecholamines, drawn approximately 20 minutes after the epinephrine
- administration, were 10 times normal (dopamine, 173 ng/L; epinephrine, 1,628 ng/L; norepinephrine, 1,972
- ng/L). There are seven other reports of intravenous epinephrine overdose in the English literature. Two of
- the previously reported cases had 12-lead ECGs within the first hour. In both there was evidence of
- transient ischemia similar to that observed in this case. Most of the patients had symptoms consistent with
- angina,<strong>
- and several developed pulmonary edema. These findings suggest that, in humans, large intravenous doses
- of epinephrine are likely to produce coronary artery spasm and may decrease coronary artery
- perfusion.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Res Exp Med (Berl) 1987;187(5):385-93. <strong>Possible interaction of platelets and adrenaline in the early
- phase of myocardial infarction.</strong> Seitz R, Leising H, Liebermann A, Rohner I, Gerdes H, Egbring
- R. "<strong>It is known that in most cases of transmural acute myocardial infarction a platelet clot
- originates within a coronary artery. In acute myocardial infarction patients increased levels of the
- plasma catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline as well as the platelet release proteins platelet
- factor 4 and beta-thromboglobulin have been reported."
- </strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Anesthesiology 1991 Jun;74(6):973-9. Comment in: Anesthesiology. 1992 Mar;76(3):475. <strong>
- Magnesium inhibits the hypertensive but not the cardiotonic actions of low-dose epinephrine.</strong>
- <hr />
- </p>
- <p>
- Jpn Heart J 1979 Jan;20(1):75-82. <strong>Inhibition of constrictor responses of dog coronary artery by
- atropine. A possible effectiveness of atropine on variant form of angina pectoris.</strong> Sakanashi M,
- Furukawa T, Horio Y. A possible effectiveness of atropine on variant form of angina pectoris was
- investigated using the left circumflex coronary arterial strips of dogs. Acetylcholine 10(-5)--10(-3) Gm/ml
- dose-dependently constricted the isolated arterial strips during potassium-contracture in 6 cases, and
- repetitive applications of acetylcholine could produce the similar contractions to the control. In 18 strips
- atropine 10(-6) Gm/ml significantly depressed the contractions of coronary arteries induced by acetylcholine
- 10(-5)--10(-3) Gm/ml. In 5 arterial strips atropine 10(-6) Gm/ml <strong>
- significantly inhibited norepinephrine-induced responses</strong> of these arteries, and by 10(-5) Gm/ml
- further suppression of the responses was obtained. The <strong>results suggest that atropine may suppress
- the contractile responses of the coronary artery induce by acetylcholine and nonrepinephrine through a
- muscarinic-receptor blocking action and simultaneously partly through an adrenergic alpha-receptor
- blocking action.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1981;20(4):245-50. <strong>Effect of long-term beta-blockade with alprenolol on
- platelet function and fibrinolytic activity in patients with coronary heart disease.</strong> Jurgensen
- HJ, Dalsgaard-Nielsen J, Kjoller E, Gormsen J.
- </p>
- <p>
- C R Seances Soc Biol Fil 1987;181(3):242-8.<strong>
- [Adrenaline activates oxidative phosphorylation of rat liver mitochondria through alpha
- 1-receptors].</strong>
- Breton L, Clot JP, Bouriannes J, Baudry M. We studied the effects and mode of action of epinephrine on the
- oxidative phosphorylation of rat liver mitochondria. With either succinate or beta-hydroxybutyrate as
- substrate, i.v. injection of 1.5 microgram/100 g epinephrine increased the respiratory rates by 30-40% in
- state 3 (with ADP), and by 20-30% in state 4 (after ADP phosphorylation), so that the respiratory control
- ratio (state 3/state 4) changed little. The respiratory stimulation by epinephrine was maximal 20 minutes
- after its injection. The action of epinephrine on mitochondria was blocked by pretreatment of the animals
- with the alpha 1-antagonist prazosin but not by treatment with the beta-antagonist propranolol. I. v.
- injection of 10 micrograms/100 g phenylephrine evoked the same mitochondrial response as epinephrine. I. v.
- administration of 50 micrograms/100 g dibutyryl cyclic AMP enhanced glycaemia but did not affect
- mitochondrial respiration. Epinephrine therefore has an alpha 1-type of action on mitochondrial oxidative
- phosphorylation.
- </p>
- <p>
- Biochimie 1975;57(6-7):797-802. <strong>Effects of catecholamines on rat myocardial metabolism. I. Influence
- of catecholamines on energy-rich nucleotides and phosphorylated fraction contents.</strong> Merouze P,
- Gaudemer Y. 1. The influence of catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline) on energy metabolism of the
- rat myocardium has been studied by incubating slices of this tissue with these hormones and by following the
- levels of the different phosphorylated fractions and adenylic nucleotides. 2. Similar effects are obtained
- with both hormones, adrenaline being more effective. 3<strong>. Catecholamines decrease significantly the
- total amount of phosphate while Pi content increases during the first 10 minutes of incubation; labile
- and residual phosphate contents increase at the beginning of incubation and decrease to the initial
- values afterwards. 4. ATP and ADP levels decrease significantly</strong> with both hormones; however,
- the effect of noradrenalin on the ATP level needs a longer time of incubation. <strong>
- The ATP/ADP ratios decrease after 5 minutes incubation and the total adenylic nucleotide content is
- severely decreased (35 per cent with adrenalin, after 20 minutes incubation). 5. Similar results have
- been obtained with other tissues; these results can explain the decrease of aerobic metabolism we
- observed under the same conditions.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Eur J Pharmacol 1982 Jul 30;81(4):569-76<strong>. Actions of serotonin antagonists on dog coronary
- artery.</strong> Brazenor RM, Angus JA. <strong>"Serotonin released from platelets may initiate coronary
- vasospasm</strong> in patients with variant angina. If this hypothesis is correct, serotonin antagonists
- without constrictor activity may be useful in this form of angina. We have investigated drugs classified as
- serotonin antagonists on dog circumflex coronary artery ring segments in vitro. Ergotamine,
- dihydroergotamine,<strong>
- bromocriptine, lisuride, ergometrine, ketanserin, trazodone, cyproheptadine and pizotifen caused
- non-competitive antagonism of serotonin concentration-response</strong> curves. In addition, ketanserin,
- trazodone, bromocriptine and pizotifen inhibited noradrenaline responses in concentrations similar to those
- required for serotonin antagonism. All drugs with the exception of ketanserin, cyproheptadine and pizotifen
- showed some degree of intrinsic constrictor activity." "Of the<strong>
- drugs tested, ketanserin may be the most useful in variant angina since it is a potent 5HT antagonist,
- lacks agonist activity and has alpha-adrenoceptor blocking activity."</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss 1983 Feb;76 Spec No:3-6.<strong>
- Role of autonomic nervous system in the pathogenesis of angina pectoris.</strong> Yasue H. "The attacks
- of vasospastic angina or coronary spasm can be induced by injection of epinephrine, cold pressor test,
- Valsalva maneuver, and exercise." "The attacks of vasospastic angina can also be induced by injection of
- methacholine, a parasympathomimetic agent, and this reaction is suppressed by atropine, a parasympathetic
- blocking agent. Thus,<strong>
- parasympathetic nervous system also seems to play a role in the production of vasospastic angina. The
- attacks of vasospastic angina can be easily induced by adrenergic or parasympathetic stimuli from
- midnight to early morning but is</strong> usually not provoked by these stimuli in the daytime. Thus,
- there is circadian variation in the reactivity of coronary arteries to adrenergic or parasympathetic
- stimuli. There are also weekly, monthly and yearly variations of the reactivity of coronary arteries to
- these stimuli. Thus, <strong>alpha adrenergic or parasympathetic activity is not the sole factor in the
- production of vasospastic angina.</strong> Angina pectoris caused by increased myocardial oxygen demand
- is induced by infusion of isoproterenol, a beta adrenergic stimulant, and is suppressed by propranolol but
- not by phentolamine."
- </p>
- <p>
- Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 1986 Mar;87(3):281-90. <strong>[Vasoconstrictor responses of isolated pig coronary
- arteries].</strong> [Article in Japanese] Ikenoue K, Kawakita S, Toda N.<strong>
- "In helical strips of pig coronary arteries, histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and a stable analogue
- of thromboxane A2 (9, 11-epithio-11, 12-methano TXA2: s-TXA2) produced a dose-dependent contraction. The
- histamine-induced contraction</strong> was suppressed by treatment with chlorpheniramine, suggesting an
- involvement of H1 receptors. <strong>Contractile responses to serotonin were attenuated by not only
- ketanserin, an S2 antagonist, but also by cinanserin and methysergide.</strong>" "Contractile responses
- to histamine were potentiated by treatment with low concentrations of serotonin or s-TXA2. Contractile
- responses to serotonin were also potentiated by low concentrations of histamine or s-TXA2. Removal of the
- endothelium from pig coronary arterial strips potentiated contractions induced by serotonin, histamine and
- norepinephrine. These results suggest that, in addition to damaged endothelium, <strong>integrating action
- of endogenous vasoconstrictors, including histamine, serotonin, TXA2 and norepinephrine, may play an
- important role in producing coronary vasospasm."</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Jpn Heart J 1987 Sep;28(5):649-61<strong>. The role of parasympathetic nerve activity in the pathogenesis of
- coronary vasospasm.</strong> Suematsu M, Ito Y, Fukuzaki H. To evaluate the role of the autonomic
- nervous system, especially the parasympathetic nervous system, in the initiation mechanism of vasospastic
- angina pectoris (AP), the coefficient of R-R interval variation (CV) on the electrocardiogram (ECG) and
- plasma catecholamine concentration were measured in 25 patients with vasospastic AP, 10 patients with effort
- AP and 12 control subjects. CV which has been recognized as reflecting parasympathetic nervous system
- activity was calculated from 100 consecutive heart beats on the ECG and represented as the percentage of
- standard deviation of the R-R interval per mean R-R interval. Repeated measurements of <strong>plasma
- catecholamine concentration revealed higher values at any sampling point throughout a day in patients
- with vasospastic AP than those in
- </strong>
- control subjects. A distinctly higher CV was observed at night in the vasospastic AP group. <strong>This
- elevated CV was abolished by atropine sulfate (1.5 mg/day per os). Pilocarpine injection (1.3 mg/10 kg
- B.W. subcutaneously) induced a marked increase</strong> in CV that preceded the occurrence of chest pain
- and/or ischemic ECG changes in 5 patients with vasospastic AP. The<strong>
- increment in CV at 10 min after pilocarpine administration was greater in vasospastic AP than in control
- subjects (p less than 0.05). It is concluded that enhanced parasympathetic activity may play a role in
- the initiation of coronary vasospasm associated with sympathetic hyperactivity.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Science 1984 Mar 30;223(4643):1435-7.<strong>
- Coronary arteries of cardiac patients are hyperreactive and contain stores of amines: a mechanism for
- coronary spasm.</strong> Kalsner S, Richards R. Coronary arteries from hearts of cardiac patients
- contain significantly higher concentrations of histamine than do those from noncardiac patients. The
- coronary vessels of cardiac patients are also hyperresponsive to histamine and serotonin. These differences
- between groups of patients suggest an explanation for coronary artery spasm in heart disease.
- </p>
- <p>
- Fed Proc 1985 Feb;44(2):321-5. <strong>Coronary artery reactivity in human vessels: some questions and some
- answers.</strong> Kalsner S. "It is now clear that human coronary arteries in vitro contract to
- acetylcholine but that relaxation is the only response observed in dog coronary vessels. <strong>
- Acetylcholine is as powerful a constrictor of human coronary arteries, in terms of tension induced, as
- 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) or histamine and is a substantially more powerful constrictor than
- norepinephrine.</strong> Field stimulation of coronary artery strips caused a vasoconstriction that was
- partially antagonized by atropine (3.45 X 10(-6) M)." "Coronary tissue from cardiac patients also contains
- stores of 5-HT and histamine, and the histamine levels are substantially increased above the values in
- vessels from noncardiac patients. Coronary artery spasm or contraction<strong>
- probably can be initiated by diverse intrinsic and extrinsic influences, including autonomic discharge
- from either the parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous system or from histamine or 5-HT, and probably no
- one agent or entity is causative in all cases."</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Ann N Y Acad Sci 1969 Oct 14;164(2):517-9. <strong>Induced carcinogenesis under various influences on the
- hypothalamus.</strong> Kavetsky RE, Turkevich NM, Akimova RN, Khayetsky IK, Matveichuck YD.
- </p>
- <p>
- Kavetsky RE, (editor) <strong><em>The Neoplastic Process and the Nervous System,</em></strong>Kiev, 1958.
- </p>
- <p>
- Ann N Y Acad Sci 1966 Jan 21;125(3):933-45. <strong>On the psychophysiological mechanism of the organism's
- resistance to tumor growth.</strong> Kavetsky RE, Turkevich NM, Balitsky KP.
- </p>
- <p>
- Patol Fiziol Eksp Ter 1971 Sep-Oct;15(5):3-10. <strong>[Role of disorders in intra-cellular and
- neuro-humoral regulation in the development of the tumor process].
- </strong>[Article in Russian] Kavetskii RE, Balitskii KP.
- </p>
- <p>
- Mil"man, M.S., <strong>The sympathetic nervous system and the source of tumors,</strong>
- Problems of Oncology IX, 162-173, 1936.
- </p>
- <p>
- Obstet Gynecol Surv 1977 May;32(5):267-81. <strong>Estrogen and endometrial carcinoma.
- </strong>Knab DR. "1. It has become evident that the estrogen secreting tumors of the ovary are associated
- with endometrial carcinoma, but this association is most easily observed in the postmenopausal patient where
- the incidence of carcinoma has been<strong>
- reported at 10.3% (1. 02) to 24% (83). 2. The most consistent association of endometrial carcinoma is
- with polycystic ovarian disease, where 19 (34), 21 (152), and 25% (150) of young women with endometrial
- carcinoma had Stein-Leventhal syndrome (67).
- </strong>
- 3. A very significant discovery became known in 1967 when the peripheral aromatization of delta4
- androstenedione to estrone was reported by Kase (94) and MacDonald (111,112). Since that time we have
- learned that endometrial carcinoma patients have an increased peripheral conversion (139) (0.1% compared to
- 0.027%), which is similar to that found in obese and aging patients, by Hemsell, et al (77). This can be 2
- to 4 times greater than the young adult or the patient without cancer." "Similarly patients with polycystic
- ovary disease, hyperthecosis and lipoid cell tumors of the ovary demonstrate androgen excess with
- extraglandular conversion to estrone (2). 4. It has become apparent that the principal estrogen in the
- postmenopausal patient is estrone and that the estrone-estradiol ratio in the serum is higher in
- postmenopausal women with corpus cancer than similar patients without cancer (135)." "5. With the lack of
- ovarian estrogen there is a relative excess of adrenal testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and delta4
- androstenedione, the available precursors of extraglandular estrone (1). 6. With the passage of time <strong
- >it appears that endometrial carcinoma is associated with hypothalamic "hyperactivity"</strong>
- (31)...."
- </p>
- <p>
- Endocrinology 2000 Mar;141(3):1059-72.<strong>
- An increased intraovarian synthesis of nerve growth factor and its low affinity receptor is a principal
- component of steroid-induced polycystic ovary in the rat.</strong> Lara HE, Dissen GA, Leyton V, Paredes
- A, Fuenzalida H, Fiedler JL, Ojeda SR. A form of polycystic ovary (PCO) resembling some aspects of the human
- PCO syndrome can be induced in rats by a single injection of estradiol valerate (EV). An increase in
- sympathetic outflow to the ovary precedes, by several weeks, the appearance of cysts, suggesting the
- involvement of a neurogenic component in the pathology of this ovarian dysfunction. The present study was
- carried out to test the hypotheses that this change in sympathetic tone is related to an augmented
- production of ovarian nerve growth factor (NGF), and that this abnormally elevated production of <strong>NGF
- contributes to the formation of ovarian cysts induced by EV. Injection of the steroid resulted in
- increased intraovarian synthesis of NGF</strong> and its low affinity receptor, p75 NGFR. The increase
- was maximal 30 days after EV, coinciding with the elevation in sympathetic tone to the ovary and preceding
- the appearance of follicular cysts. Intraovarian injections of the retrograde tracer fluorogold combined
- with in situ hybridization to detect tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) messenger RNA-containing neurons in the
- celiac ganglion revealed that these changes in NGF/p75 NGFR synthesis are accompanied by selective
- activation of noradrenergic neurons projecting to the ovary. The levels of RBT2 messenger RNA, which encodes
- a beta-tubulin presumably involved in slow axonal transport, were markedly elevated, indicating that
- EV-induced formation of ovarian cysts is preceded by functional activation ofceliac ganglion neurons,
- including those innervating the ovary. Intraovarian administration of a neutralizing antiserum to NGF in
- conjunction with an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide to p75 NGFR, via Alzet osmotic minipumps, <strong>
- restored estrous cyclicity and ovulatory capacity in a</strong> majority of EV-treated rats. These
- functional changes were accompanied by restoration of the number of antral follicles per ovary that had been
- depleted by EV and a significant reduction in the number of both precystic follicles and<strong>
- follicular cysts. The results indicate that the hyperactivation of ovarian sympathetic nerves seen in
- EV-induced PCO is related to an overproduction of NGF and its low affinity receptor in the gland. They
- also suggest that activation of this neurotrophic-neurogenic regulatory loop is a component of the
- pathological process by which EV induces cyst formation and anovulation in rodents. The</strong>
- possibility exists that a similar alteration in neurotrophic input to the ovary contributes to the etiology
- and/or maintenance of the PCO syndrome in humans.
- </p>
- <p>
- Acta Physiol Hung 1996;84(2):183-90.<strong>
- Effects of hormones on the number, distribution and degranulation of mast cells in the ovarian complex
- of mice.</strong> Jaiswal K, Krishna A. The changes in the number and degranulation pattern of mast
- cells varied with the types of hormonal treatment and ovarian compartment. <strong>Luteinizing hormone (LH),
- follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and 17-beta estradiol (E2)
- treatment caused increase (P < 0.05) in the number of mast cells</strong> in the hilum as compared
- with the controls. Increase (P < 0.05) in the number of mast cells in the whole ovarian complex was
- observed only following FSH and E2 treatment. All the hormones used in the present study increased the
- percentage degranulation of mast cells in the hilum. However, only LH, FSH and E2 increased the percentage
- degranulation of mast cells in other compartments of the ovary (medulla, bursa and cortex). TSH and ACTH
- failed to cause any increase in the percentage degranulation of mast cells in these compartments. The
- present findings indicate E2 to be the most potent among the hormones tested in causing degranulation of
- mast cells in all ovarian compartments.
- </p>
- <p>
- Fertil Steril 2001 Jun;75(6):1141-7. <strong>Increase in nerve fibers and loss of mast cells in polycystic
- and postmenopausal ovaries.</strong>
- <hr />
- <strong>with increasing nerve fiber density in polycystic ovaries, the number of mast cells decreased
- strikingly compared with cyclic ovaries (p<.001). Almost no mast cells were seen in postmenopausal
- ovaries</strong> with and without hyperthecosis. The number of leukocyte antigen-positive leukocytes was
- similar in all groups. CONCLUSION(S): The high density of nerve fibers in polycystic and postmenopausal
- ovaries, together with a conspicuous decrease in mast cells, indicates altered neuroimmune communication.
- </p>
- <p>
- Endocrinology 1993 Dec;133(6):2696-703. <strong>Ovarian steroidal response to gonadotropins and
- beta-adrenergic stimulation is enhanced in polycystic ovary syndrome: role of sympathetic
- innervation.</strong> Barria A, Leyton V, Ojeda SR, Lara HE. Experimental induction of a polycystic
- ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in rodents by the<strong>
- administration of a single dose of estradiol valerate (EV) results in activation of the peripheral
- sympathetic neurons that innervate the ovary. This activation is evidenced by an increased capacity of
- ovarian nerve terminals to incorporate and release norepinephrine (NE), an increase in ovarian NE
- content, and a</strong> decrease in ovarian beta-adrenergic receptor number in the ovarian compartments
- receiving catecholaminergic innervation. The present experiments were undertaken to examine the functional
- consequences of this<strong>
- enhanced sympathetic outflow to the ovary.</strong> The steroidal responses of the gland to
- beta-adrenergic receptor stimulation and hCG were examined in vitro 60 days after EV administration, i.e. at
- the time when follicular cysts are well established. EV-treated rats exhibited <strong>a remarkable increase
- in ovarian progesterone and androgen responses to isoproterenol, a beta-adrenergic receptor agonist,
- with no changes in estradiol responsiveness. Basal estradiol release was, however, 50-fold higher than
- the highest levels released from normal ovaries at any phase of the estrous cycle.</strong>
- The ovarian progesterone and androgen responses to hCG were enhanced in EV-treated rats, as were the
- responses to a combination of isoproterenol and hCG. Transection of the superior ovarian nerve (SON), which
- carries most of the catecholaminergic fibers innervating endocrine ovarian cells, dramatically reduced the
- exaggerated responses of all three steroids to both beta-adrenergic and gonadotropin stimulation. SON
- transection also reduced the elevated levels of ovarian NE resulting from EV treatment and caused
- up-regulation of beta-adrenoreceptors. Most importantly, SON transection restored estrous cyclicity and
- ovulatory capacity. The results indicate that the increased output of ovarian steroids in PCOS is at least
- in part due to an enhanced responsiveness of the gland to both catecholaminergic and gonadotropin
- stimulation. The ability of SON transection to restore a normal response indicates that the alteration in
- steroid output results from a deranged activation of selective components of the noradrenergic innervation
- to the ovary. These findings support the concept that <strong>an alteration in the neurogenic control of the
- ovary contributes to the etiology of PCOS.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Wilderness Environ Med 2001 Spring;12(1):8-12. <strong>Alterations in autonomic nervous control of heart
- rate among tourists at 2700 and 3700 m above sea level.</strong>
- Kanai M, Nishihara F, Shiga T, Shimada H, Saito S. "RESULTS: Both HF and LF heart rate variability <strong
- >decreased according to the elevation of altitude</strong>." "CONCLUSIONS: <strong>At 2700 and 3700 m, the
- activity of the autonomic nervous system measured by heart rate variability was decreased</strong> in
- untrained office workers. The sympathetic nervous system was dominant to the parasympathetic at 3700 m.
- These alterations in the autonomic nervous system might play some role in physical fitness at high
- altitudes."
- </p>
- <p>
- Acta Neuroveg (Wien) 1967;30(1):557-63. <strong>[Neuroautonomic reactivity of the skin during high mountain
- climate treatment of skin diseases].</strong>
- [Article in German] Chlebarov S.
- </p>
- <p>
- Munch Med Wochenschr 1966 Mar 18;108(11):589-92. <strong>[Changes of the neurovegetative reactivity of the
- skin after Alpine climatic therapy].</strong>
- [Article in German] Borelli S, Chlebarov S.
- </p>
- <p>
- J Appl Physiol 1978 May;44(5):647-51. <strong>Mechanism of the attenuated cardiac response to
- beta-adrenergic stimulation in chronic hypoxia.</strong> Maher JT, Deniiston JC, Wolfe DL, Cymerman
- A.<strong>
- "A blunting of the chronotropic and inotropic responses of the heart to beta-adrenergic stimulation
- occurs following chronic exposure to hypobaric hypoxia.</strong>" "Neither monoamine oxidase activity
- nor norepinephrine level of any region of the heart was altered by chronic hypoxia. However, a twofold
- increase (P less than 0.001) <strong>in catechol O-methyltransferase activity above sea-level values was
- found in both the atria and ventricles of the hypoxic animals.</strong> Thus, the attenuation in cardiac
- responsiveness to beta-adrenoceptor stimulation in chronic hypoxia appears unrelated to the level of vagal
- activity, but may be attributable to enhanced enzymatic inactivation of catecholamines."
- </p>
- <p>
- Acta Physiol Scand 1976 Jun;97(2):158-65. <strong>Effects of respiratory alkalosis and acidosis on
- myocardial excitation.</strong> Samuelsson RG, Nagy G. In anesthetized dogs electrocardiogram and
- monophasic action potentials (MAPs) were recorded from the right atrium and the right ventricle by
- intracardiac suction electrode technique. The animals were subjected, by means of ventilation with CO2 and
- hyperventilation, to periods of respiratory acidosis and respiratory alkalosis, respectively.<strong>
- Pronounced respiratory acidosis induced an increased sympathetic activity
- </strong>
- followed by a decrease in heart rate and prolongation of the A-V conduction time whereas the shape and
- duration of the atrial and ventricular MAPs remained unaltered. Arterial hypoxia in combination with
- pronounced respiratory acidosis did not influence the MAP durations. Respiratory <strong>
- alkalosis resulted in an increased sympathetic influence on the heart activity</strong> whereas the
- shape and duration of the atrial and the ventricular MAPs remained unaffected. <strong>During pronounced
- hyperventilation with increasing central venous pressure an increased parasympathetic influence
- </strong>
- on the heart activity with decrease in the heart rate, prolongation of the A-V conduction time and
- shortening of the atrial MAP duration was recorded.
- </p>
- <p>
- Biull Eksp Biol Med 1978 Nov;86(11):525-8. <strong>[Effect of neuromediators on acid-base status].</strong>
- [Article in Russian] Lazareva LV, Bazarevich GI, Makarova LV. A relationship between the state of
- adrenergic, cholinergic, and serotoninergic systems, on the one hand, and the acid-alkaline balance of the
- organism, on the other hand, was revealed in sharp and chronic experiments on dogs. A surplus of each of the
- mediators was accompanied by respiratory alkalosis, and its deficiency--by combined respiratory and
- metabolic acidosis.
- </p>
- <p>
- Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1987 May;65(5):1078-85. <strong>Pathophysiology of pH and Ca2+ in bloodstream and
- brain.</strong> Somjen GG, Allen BW, Balestrino M, Aitken PG. The highlights of the literature and our
- work on tetany and hyperventilation are reviewed. Our studies concern the following: (1) the changes of
- [Ca2+] in circulating plasma caused by respiratory and "metabolic" acidosis and alkalosis; (2) critical
- plasma [Ca2+] levels associated with signs of tetany and neuromuscular blockade; (3) changes in cerebral
- [Ca2+]o caused by hypo- and hyper-calcaemia, and the changes in cerebral [Ca2+]o and pHo caused by acute
- systemic acidosis and alkalosis; and (4) effects of changing [Ca2+]o and pHo levels on synaptic transmission
- in hippocampal formation. Our main conclusions are (1) changes of plasma [Ca2+] caused by "metabolic" pH
- changes are greater than those associated with varying CO2 concentration; (2) acute systemic [Ca2+] changes
- are associated with small cerebral [Ca2+]o changes; (3) the decreases in systemic and cerebral [Ca2+]o
- caused by hyperventilation are too small to account for the signs and symptoms of hypocapnic tetany; (4)
- moderate decrease of [Ca2+]o depresses and its increase enhances synaptic transmission in<strong>
- hippocampal formation; and (5) H+ ions in extracellular fluid have a weak depressant effect on neuronal
- excitability. CO2 is a strong depressant, which is only partly explained by the acidity of its solution.
- CO2 concentration is a significant factor in controlling cerebral function.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- J Hirnforsch 1991;32(5):659-664. <strong>Normalization of protein synthesis and the structure of brain
- dystrophic neurons after the action of hypoxia, 10% NaCl and organ-specific RNA.</strong> Polezhaev LV,
- Cherkasova LV, Vitvitsky VN, Timonin AV N. I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, USSR Academy of
- Sciences, Moscow. It was shown previously (Polezhaev and Alexandrova, 1986) that hypoxic hypoxia causes mass
- (up to 30%) diffuse dystrophy of brain cortex and hippocamp neurons in rats, disturbances in the higher
- nervous activity, reduction of protein, RNA synthesis in neurons and of DNA synthesis in the whole brain
- cortex. Transplantation of embryonic nervous tissue (ENT) in one of the hemispheres normalizes all the above
- abnormalities observed in some neurologic and mental diseases in humans. However, transplantation may entail
- injuries of parenchyma and brain blood vessels. This forces researchers to search for another biological
- method similar by its action but safer and simpler. ENT transplantation has a dual action: 1) formation of
- biologically active substances (BAS) releasing from the ENT transplant and from the host brain nervous
- tissue upon operation; 2) establishment of synaptic connections between the transplant and host neurons.
- Previously we (Vitvitsky, 1987) described the isolation of BAS from rat forebrain in the form of
- organ-specific RNA. The latter was injected intraperitoneally several times to post-hypoxic rats in which 30
- min prior to that the blood-brain barrier (BBB) was opened by injecting intravenously and intraperitoneally
- 10% NaCl solution without damaging the host brain. At the beginning 10% NaCl increased the destruction of
- brain cortical neurons and then stimulated protein synthesis in them. RNA injections stimulated the
- synthesis in cortical neurons and normalized their structure. Thus, we propose a safe and simple method for
- normalization of dystrophic neurons which can be used after certain improvement for curing neurodegenerative
- and neuropsychic diseases in humans.
- </p>
- <p>
- Group processes
- </p>
- <p>
- The trouble with writing and painting is that they are considered to be solitary and individualistic
- activities. In the 20th century, the idea developed that they were "expressive," rather than communicative,
- as if there could be any sane distinction between those. The result was that much of 20th century poetry and
- painting was insane. The products of insanity aren"t necessarily worthless, but they are less than they
- could be.
- </p>
- <p>
- When the writer and painter are in close contact with responsive people, their product is adjusted to, and
- enriched by, the reactions they evoke.
- </p>
- <p>
- J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1987;10 Suppl 2:S94-8; discussion S99. <strong>The effect of beta-blockade on
- platelet function and fibrinolytic activity.</strong> Winther K. Department of Clinical Chemistry,
- Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark. Two groups of hypertensives and a group of migraine sufferers were
- tested during treatment with the nonselective beta-blocker propranolol and the beta 1-selective metoprolol.
- During treatment with propranolol, an increased platelet aggregability and a decrease in platelet content of
- cyclic AMP were seen when compared with metoprolol treatment. In addition, propranolol treatment increased
- the plasma level of adrenaline as well as the euglobulin clot lysis time. types of monoamine oxidase,
- adrenaline
- </p>
- <p>
- 45: Br J Pharmacol 1982 Feb;75(2):269-86
- </p>
- <p>
- Coronary vasoconstrictor and vasodilator actions of arachidonic acid in the
- </p>
- <p>isolated perfused heart of the rat.</p>
- <p>
- Belo SE, Talesnik J.
- </p>
- <p>
- The administration of arachidonic acid (AA) to the isolated perfused heart of
- </p>
- <p>
- the rat usually produced biphasic coronary responses characterized by initial
- </p>
- <p>
- vasoconstriction followed by prolonged vasodilatation. However, some responses
- </p>
- <p>
- were predominantly vasoconstrictor or vasodilator. The non-steroidal
- </p>
- <p>
- anti-inflammatory agents (NSAA) indomethacin (1-5 mg/l) and naproxen (12.5-25
- </p>
- <p>
- mg/1) reversibly inhibited both phases of the response induced by AA.
- </p>
- <p>
- Pretreatment of animals with indomethacin (5 mg/kg) or naproxen (25 mg/kg)
- </p>
- <p>
- daily, resulted in unaltered coronary response to AA. Subsequent addition of
- </p>
- <p>
- NSAA to the perfusate produced inhibition of the AA effect. Short infusions of
- </p>
- <p>
- acetylsalicylic acid at low concentrations (2.9 micrograms/ml), dipyridamole
- </p>
- <p>
- (0.6 micrograms/ml) and sulphinpyrazone (28.7 micrograms/ml) selectively
- </p>
- <p>
- inhibited the vasoconstrictor phase of the response to AA. It was confirmed that
- </p>
- <p>
- metabolic coronary dilatation induced by cardiostimulation was inhibited by
- </p>
- <p>
- prolonged AA administration; this effect was prevented by NSAA pretreatment.
- </p>
- <p>
- Reactive hyperaemic responses to short lasting occlusions of coronary inflow
- </p>
- <p><strong>were unaffected by NSAA. Linolenic, linoleic, dihomo-gamma-linolenic and oleic</strong></p>
- <p><strong>acid usually produced decreases in coronary flow which were unaffected by NSAA,</strong></p>
- <p><strong>dipyridamole or sulphinpyrazone. Intra-aortic injections of AA, prostacyclin</strong></p>
- <p><strong>(PGI2) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the intact rat produced a dose-dependent</strong></p>
- <p><strong>decrease in blood pressure with the AA response inhibited by indomethacin. PGI2</strong></p>
- <p>
- and PGE2 produced long lasting coronary vasodilatation in the isolated heart.
- </p>
- <p>
- The coronary actions of AA appear to be due to its transformation, within the
- </p>
- <p>
- easily accessible vascular wall, into prostaglandin and thromboxane-like
- </p>
- <p><strong>substances. We suggest that a vasoconstrictor thromboxane A2-like substance may</strong></p>
- <p><strong>be responsible for coronary vasospasm. Coronary insufficiency may also result</strong></p>
- <p><strong>from an inhibition of compensatory metabolic coronary dilatation by increased</strong></p>
- <p><strong>synthesis of PGE2 within the myocardial cell.</strong></p>
- <p>
- 42: Br Heart J 1983 Jan;49(1):20-5
- </p>
- <p><strong>Platelet reactivity and its dependence on alpha-adrenergic receptor function in</strong></p>
- <p><strong>patients with ischaemic heart disease.</strong></p>
- <p>
- Yokoyama M, Kawashima S, Sakamoto S, Akita H, Okada T, Mizutani T, Fukuzaki H.
- </p>
- <p>
- We studied 57 patients admitted to hospital with ischaemic heart disease,
- </p>
- <p>
- including nine patients with variant angina, to evaluate platelet reactivity and
- </p>
- <p>
- its dependence on alpha-adrenergic receptor function. The threshold
- </p>
- <p>
- concentration for biphasic platelet aggregation in response to adrenaline and
- </p>
- <p>
- adenosine diphosphate was measured in fresh platelet rich plasma. There were age
- </p>
- <p>
- related alterations in platelet responsiveness to adrenaline. In 27 age matched
- </p>
- <p>
- control subjects platelets showed adrenaline induced aggregation at a
- </p>
- <p>
- concentration higher than 0.1 mumol. The threshold concentrations for adrenaline
- </p>
- <p>
- and adenosine diphosphate were 0.91 mumol and 4.68 mumol. In 16 patients with
- </p>
- <p>
- acute infarction, 14 with old infarction, nine with effort angina, and nine with
- </p>
- <p>
- rest angina, mean values of platelet aggregation threshold for both adrenaline
- </p>
- <p>
- and adenosine diphosphate were not altered significantly when compared with
- </p>
- <p>
- control subjects. In contrast, the values for adrenaline and adenosine
- </p>
- <p>
- diphosphate in nine patients with variant angina were 0.012 mumol and 2.24 mumol
- </p>
- <p>
- and seven of them showed obvious platelet hyperactivity to adrenaline at a concentration lower than 0.1
- mumol. The threshold concentration for adrenaline induced aggregation did not correlate with serum
- cholesterol and triglyceride
- </p>
- <p>
- levels.
- </p>
- <p>
- Am Heart J 1985 Jun;109(6):1264-8. Reduction of plasma norepinephrine levels in response to brief coronary
- occlusion in experimental dogs. Haneda T, Arai T, Kanda H, Ikeda J, Takishima T. Although an increased
- plasma norepinephrine (NE) level is sometimes observed
- </p>
- <p>
- during angina pectoris, it is difficult to say whether sympathetic overflow is
- </p>
- <p>
- its cause. The left anterior descending coronary artery was occluded by
- </p>
- <p>
- intracoronary balloon for 3 minutes in 12 closed-chest anesthetized dogs. During
- </p>
- <p>
- occlusion, heart rate did not change but aortic pressure slightly decreased.
- </p>
- <p>
- Occlusion caused a significant reduction in both NE levels in the aorta (177 +/-
- </p>
- <p>
- 17 to 134 +/- 16 pg/ml, p less than 0.01) and in the great cardiac vein (GCV)
- </p>
- <p>
- 296 +/- 44 to 249 +/- 44 pg/ml, p less than 0.01). After surgical vagotomy, the
- </p>
- <p>
- occlusion increased NE levels in the aorta (227 +/- 44 to 278 +/- 43 pg/ml, p
- </p>
- <p>
- less than 0.01) and in GCV (384 +/- 76 to 444 +/- 81 pg/ml, p less than 0.01),
- </p>
- <p>
- showing the release of vagal inhibition. These results may be applicable to
- </p>
- <p><strong>patients with transient anterior myocardial ischemia; if plasma NE increases</strong></p>
- <p><strong>without marked hemodynamic changes, it is suggested that the sympathetic</strong></p>
- <p><strong>overflow is not a result but a possible cause of the ischemia.</strong></p>
- <p>
- 25: Exp Mol Pathol 1986 Apr;44(2):138-46
- </p>
- <p><strong>Intimal thickening and the distribution of vasomotor nerves in the mechanically</strong></p>
- <p><strong>injured dog coronary artery.</strong></p>
- <p>
- Taguchi T, Ishii Y, Matsubara F, Tanaka K.
- </p>
- <p>
- Intimal injury and atherosclerotic change seem to be causative factors linked to
- </p>
- <p>
- spasm of the coronary artery. Intimal thickening was produced by mechanical
- </p>
- <p>
- injury to the endothelium of the canine coronary artery and we investigated the
- </p>
- <p>
- distribution of adrenergic, cholinergic, and peptidergic nerves in the coronary
- </p>
- <p>
- arteries. Although adrenergic and cholinergic nerves were not altered in
- </p>
- <p><strong>density, neuron specific enolase positive nerve fibers were increased in number</strong></p>
- <p><strong>in dogs killed 1 and 3 months after injury. Substance P-containing fibers were</strong></p>
- <p>
- <strong>also increased at 3 months after the induced injury.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- 24: J Am Coll Cardiol 1986 Jul;8(1 Suppl A):42A-49A
- </p>
- <p><strong>Mechanisms of coronary spasm of isolated human epicardial coronary segments</strong></p>
- <p><strong>excised 3 to 5 hours after sudden death.</strong></p>
- <p>
- Vedernikov YP.
- </p>
- <p>
- Isolated segments of epicardial coronary artery with and without severe
- </p>
- <p>
- atherosclerotic lesions excised from human hearts 3 to 5 hours after sudden
- </p>
- <p>
- coronary death demonstrated spontaneous contractile activity that was dependent
- </p>
- <p>
- on the external calcium level and was inhibited by calcium antagonists and
- </p>
- <p>
- activation of beta-adrenoceptors (isoproterenol and high concentrations of
- </p>
- <p>
- norepinephrine). Isoproterenol, with a median effective dose (ED50) of 6.3 X
- </p>
- <p>
- 10(-7) M, relaxed coronary segments that had been precontracted with 30 mM
- </p>
- <p><strong>potassium. Stimulation of the alpha-adrenoceptors activated spontaneous</strong></p>
- <p><strong>contractions and increased tension. Norepinephrine ED50 (in the presence of</strong></p>
- <p><strong>10(-6) M propranolol) was 2.3 X 10(-7) M, and tension at a maximal concentration</strong></p>
- <p><strong>of 10(-4) M was 385.4 +/- 51.4 mg. The ED50 for acetylcholine and histamine, the</strong></p>
- <p><strong>potent activators of coronary segment tone and phasic contractility, was 3.98 X</strong></p>
- <p>
- 10(-7) and 8.9 X 10(-7) M, respectively; the maximal increase in tension was
- </p>
- <p>
- 1,079.5 +/- 175 (at 10(-4) M) and 1,131.3 +/- 302 mg (at 10(-5) M),
- </p>
- <p>
- respectively. Acetylcholine and histamine increased whereas high concentrations
- </p>
- <p>
- of norepinephrine failed to inhibit rhythmic activity and tension of coronary
- </p>
- <p>
- artery segments with severe atherosclerotic lesions. Membrane electrogenic
- </p>
- <p>
- mechanisms and ways of activating the contractile elements of human coronary
- </p>
- <p>
- artery smooth muscle are discussed.
- </p>
- <p>
- Pharmacol Rev 2000 Dec;52(4):595-638. <strong>The sympathetic nerve--an integrative interface between two
- supersystems: the brain and the immune system.</strong> Elenkov IJ, Wilder RL, Chrousos GP, Vizi ES.
- Inflammatory Joint Diseases Section, Arthritis and Rheumatism Branch, National Institute of Arthritis and
- Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. The brain and the
- immune system are the two major adaptive systems of the body. During an immune response the brain and the
- immune system "talk to each other" and this process is essential for maintaining homeostasis. Two major
- pathway systems are involved in this cross-talk: the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the
- sympathetic nervous system (SNS). This overview focuses on the role of SNS in neuroimmune interactions, an
- area that has received much less attention than the role of HPA axis. Evidence accumulated over the last 20
- years suggests that <strong>norepinephrine (NE) fulfills the criteria for neurotransmitter/neuromodulator in
- lymphoid organs.</strong> Thus, primary and secondary lymphoid organs receive extensive
- sympathetic/noradrenergic innervation. Under stimulation, NE is released from the sympathetic nerve
- terminals in these organs, and the target immune cells express adrenoreceptors. Through stimulation of these
- receptors, locally released NE, or circulating catecholamines such as epinephrine, affect <strong>lymphocyte
- traffic, circulation, and proliferation, and modulate cytokine production and the functional activity of
- different lymphoid cells.</strong> Although there exists substantial sympathetic innervation in the bone
- marrow, and particularly in the thymus and mucosal tissues, our knowledge about the effect of the
- sympathetic neural input on <strong>
- hematopoiesis, thymocyte development, and mucosal immunity</strong> is extremely modest. In addition,
- recent evidence is discussed that <strong>NE and epinephrine, through stimulation of the
- beta(2)-adrenoreceptor-cAMP-protein kinase A pathway, inhibit the production of type 1/proinflammatory
- cytokines,</strong> such as interleukin (IL-12), tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interferon-gamma by
- antigen-presenting cells and T helper (Th) 1 cells, whereas they <strong>stimulate the production of type
- 2/anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10</strong> and transforming growth factor-beta. Through
- this<strong>
- mechanism, systemically, endogenous catecholamines may cause a selective suppression of Th1 responses
- and cellular immunity, and a Th2 shift toward dominance of humoral immunity. On the other hand, in
- certain local responses, and under certain conditions, catecholamines may actually boost regional
- immune</strong> responses, through induction of IL-1, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and primarily IL-8
- production. Thus, the activation of SNS during an immune response might be<strong>
- aimed to localize the inflammatory response, through induction of neutrophil accumulation and
- stimulation of more specific humoral immune responses, although systemically it may suppress Th1
- responses, and, thus protect the organism from the detrimental effects of proinflammatory cytokines and
- other products of activated macrophages.</strong>
- The above-mentioned immunomodulatory effects of catecholamines and the role of SNS are also discussed in the
- context of their clinical implication in certain <strong>infections, major injury and sepsis, autoimmunity,
- chronic pain and fatigue syndromes, and tumor growth.</strong>
- Finally, the pharmacological manipulation of the sympathetic-immune interface is reviewed with focus on new
- therapeutic strategies using selective alpha(2)- and beta(2)-adrenoreceptor agonists and antagonists and
- inhibitors of phosphodiesterase type IV in the treatment of experimental models of autoimmune diseases,
- fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
- </p>
- <p>
- Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2000 Nov;279(5):C1665-74.<strong>
- beta-adrenergic receptor/cAMP-mediated signaling and apoptosis of S49 lymphoma cells.</strong> Yan L,
- Herrmann V, Hofer JK, Insel PA. Department of Pharmacology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla,
- California 92093-0636, USA.<strong>
- beta-Adrenergic receptor (betaAR) activation and/or increases in cAMP regulate growth and proliferation
- of a variety of cells and, in some cells, promote cell death. In the current studies we addressed the
- mechanism of this growth reduction
- </strong>
- by examining betaAR-mediated effects in the murine T-lymphoma cell line S49. Wild-type S49 cells, derived
- from immature thymocytes (CD4(+)/CD8(+)) undergo growth arrest and subsequent death when treated with agents
- that increase cAMP levels (e.g., betaAR agonists, 8-bromo-cAMP, cholera toxin, forskolin). Morphological and
- biochemical criteria indicate that this cell death is a result of apoptosis. In cyc(-) and kin(-) S49 cells,
- which lack G(s)alpha and functional protein kinase A (PKA), respectively, betaAR activation of G(s)alpha and
- cAMP action via PKA are critical steps in this apoptotic pathway. S49 cells that overexpress Bcl-2 are
- resistant to cAMP-induced apoptosis. We conclude that betaAR activation induces apoptosis in immature T
- lymphocytes via G(s)alpha and PKA, while overexpression of Bcl-2 prevents cell death.
- betaAR/cAMP/PKA-mediated apoptosis may provide a means to control proliferation of immature T cells in vivo.
- </p>
- <p>
- Carcinogenesis 2001 Mar;22(3):473-9. <strong>Beta-adrenergic growth regulation of human cancer cell lines
- derived from pancreatic ductal carcinomas.</strong> Weddle DL, Tithoff P, Williams M, Schuller HM.
- Carcinogenesis and Developmental Therapeutics Program, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of
- Tennessee, 2407 River Drive, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA. Exocrine ductal carcinoma of the pancreas has been
- associated with smoking, and the tobacco-specific nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone
- (NNK) causes this cancer type in laboratory rodents. Current knowledge on the growth regulation of this
- malignancy is extremely limited. Recent studies have shown overexpression of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX 2) and
- 5-lipoxygenase (5-lipox) in exocrine pancreatic carcinomas, <strong>suggesting a potential role of the
- arachidonic acid (AA) cascade in the regulation of this cancer type. In support of this interpretation,
- our data show high basal levels of AA release in two human cell lines derived from exocrine ductal
- pancreatic carcinomas.</strong> Both cell lines expressed m-RNA for beta2-adrenergic receptors and
- beta1-adrenergic receptors. Radio-receptor assays showed that beta2-adrenergic receptors predominated over
- beta1-adrenergic receptors. beta2-Adrenergic antagonist ICI118,551 <strong>significantly reduced basal AA
- release and DNA synthesis</strong> when the cells were maintained in complete medium. DNA synthesis of
- the cell line (Panc-1) with an activating point mutation in codon 12 of the ki-ras gene was significantly
- stimulated by NNK when cells were maintained in complete medium and this <strong>response was inhibited by
- the beta-blocker ICI118,551, the COX-inhibitor aspirin, or the 5-lipox-inhibitor MK-886.</strong> The
- cell line without ras mutations (BXPC-3) did not show a significant response to NNK in complete medium. When
- the assays were conducted in serum-free medium, both cell lines demonstrated increased DNA synthesis in
- response to NNK, an effect inhibited by the beta2-blocker, aspirin, or MK-886. Panc-1 cells were more
- sensitive to the stimulating effects of NNK and less responsive to the inhibitors than BXPC-3 cells. Our
- findings are in accord with a recent report which has identified NNK as a beta-adrenergic agonist and
- suggest beta-adrenergic, AA-dependent regulatory pathways in pancreatic cancer as a novel target for cancer
- intervention strategies.
- </p>
- <p>
- Shock 2000 Jul;14(1):60-7. Terbutaline prevents circulatory failure and mitigates mortality in rodents with
- endotoxemia. Wu CC, Liao MH, Chen SJ, Chou TC, Chen A, Yen MH. Department of Pharmacology, National Defense
- Medical Center, Taipei, ROC, Taiwan. Septic shock is characterized by a decrease in systemic vascular
- resistance. Nevertheless, regional increases in vascular resistance can occur that may<strong>
- predispose mammals to organ dysfunction, including the acute respiratory</strong> distress syndrome. In
- the host infected by endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS), the expression and release of proinflammatory
- tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) rapidly increases, and this cytokine production is regulated by
- agents elevating cyclic AMP. In this report, we present evidence that<strong>
- terbutaline, a beta2-agonist, inhibits TNFalpha production and enhances interleukin-10 (IL-10) release
- in the anesthetized rat treated with LPS. In addition, an overproduction of nitric oxide (NO, examined
- by its metabolites nitrite/nitrate) by inducible NO synthase (iNOS, examined by western blot analysis)
- is attenuated by pretreatment of LPS rats with terbutaline. Overall,</strong> pretreatment of rats with
- terbutaline attenuates the delayed hypotension and prevents vascular hyporeactivity to norepinephrine. In
- addition, pretreatment of mice with terbutaline also improves the survival in a model of severe endotoxemia.
- The infiltration of polymorphonuclear neutrophils into organs (e.g., lung and liver) from the surviving LPS
- mice treated with terbutaline was reduced almost to that seen in the normal controls. These findings suggest
- that the inhibition of TNFalpha and NO (via iNOS) production as well as the increment of IL-10 production
- contribute to the beneficial effect of terbutaline in animals with endotoxic shock.
- </p>
- <p>
- Ann Endocrinol (Paris) 1977;38(6):421-6. [Hyperestrogenism in the woman during the reproductive period].
- [Article in French] Kuttenn F.
- </p>
- <p>
- Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1976 Aug;83(8):593-602. Polycystic ovarian disease. Duignan NM.<strong>
- Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) capacity was reduced in 9 of 31 patients with polycystic ovarian
- (PCO) disease and the mean level in PCO patients was significantly less (p less than 0.001) than normal.
- Serum testosterone levels</strong>
- <hr />
- <strong>
- suggested that the normal cyclical release of LH is inhibited in PCO
- </strong>disease by a negative feedback by androgens to the hypothalamus or the pituitary, and that wedge
- resection should be reserved for patients in whom other forms of treatment have failed.
- </p>
- <p>
- Nouv Presse Med 1976 Apr 10;5(15):975-9. [Secretion of gonadotropins during sleep. Changes during secondary
- amenorrheas]. [Article in French] Passouant P, Crastes de Paulet A, Descomps B, Besset A, Billiard M. 4
- females with secondary amenorrheas underwent sleep polygraphic recordings together with blood samples for
- measurements of LH, FSH and GH, 3 normal females served as controls. Among normal subjects LH and FSH
- secretion showed a pulsating pattern around the time of ovulation, appearing as secretory episodes
- throughout the night, without any relationship with sleep stages. In amenorrheas, 3 types of abnormalities
- could be identified: the first was a lack<strong>
- of secretory episodes of LH and FSH associated with an abnormal pattern of GH (9 subjects). The second
- was an hypersecretion of LH and a decrease of FSH secretion together with a normal secretion of GH in 4
- subjects with a Stein-Leventhal syndrome. The last one was an hypersecretion of LH and FSH</strong>
- together with a normal pattern of GH in a subject with an early menopause. These results are discussed
- according to the present data on the part of neurotransmission in the regulation of ovulation and the 2
- types of sleep. Furthermore secretory abnormalities of LH and FSH together with a disconnection between GH
- secretion and the stages of sleep lead to question the possibility of interrelationships in the secretory
- mechanisms of these different hormones.
- </p>
- <p><hr /></p>
- <p>
- Am J Epidemiol 1991 Oct 15;134(8):818-24. Comment in: Am J Epidemiol. 1992 Aug 1;136(3):372-3. Polycystic
- ovaries and the risk of breast cancer. Gammon MD, Thompson WD. Division of Epidemiology, Columbia University
- School of Public Health, New York, NY. Data from a case-control study that was conducted between 1980 and
- 1982 were analyzed to investigate the possible association between polycystic ovaries and the risk of breast
- cancer. The multicenter, population-based study included in-home interviews with 4,730 women with breast
- cancer and 4,688 control women<strong>
- aged 20-54 years. The age-adjusted odds ratio for breast cancer among women with a self-reported history
- of physician-diagnosed polycystic ovaries was 0.52 (95% confidence interval 0.32-0.87). The inverse
- association was not an artifact of infertility, age at first birth, or surgical menopause. Because women
- with this syndrome have abnormal levels of certain endogenous hormones, the observation of a low risk of
- breast cancer in this group may provide new insights into hormonal influences on breast cancer.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1996 Mar;44(3):269-76. Polycystic ovaries in pre and post-menopausal women. Birdsall
- MA, Farquhar CM. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, National Women's Hospital, Auckland, New
- Zealand.<strong>
- OBJECTIVE: Polycystic ovaries have been diagnosed in more than 20% of premenopausal women using
- ultrasound. The aim of this study was to determine whether polycystic ovaries exist in post-menopausal
- women. DESIGN: Two groups of</strong> women were studied; group 1 consisted of 18 post-menopausal
- volunteers and group 2 comprised 142 women, 94 of whom were post-menopausal who had recently undergone
- coronary angiography. MEASUREMENTS: Transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound scans were performed and
- measurements made of uterine area, endometrial thickness and ovarian volume. The morphological appearance of
- the ovaries was also noted. Fasting blood samples were taken. Medical and menstrual questionnaires were
- completed. RESULTS: Polycystic ovaries were found in 8/18<strong>
- (44%) of group 1 and 60/142 (42%) in group 2. Polycystic ovaries were detected in 35/94 (37%) of the
- post-menopausal women in group 2. Post-menopausal women with polycystic ovaries had larger ovaries
- containing more follicles compared with post-menopausal women with normal ovaries. Post-menopausal women
- with</strong> polycystic ovaries had higher serum concentrations of testosterone and triglycerides than
- had post-menopausal women with normal ovaries. CONCLUSIONS: Polycystic ovaries can be detected in
- post-menopausal women and have some of the same endocrine abnormalities which are evident in premenopausal
- women with polycystic ovaries, that is, raised serum concentrations of testosterone and triglycerides.
- </p>
- <p>
- Cancer Causes Control 1996 Nov;7(6):605-25. Comment in: Cancer Causes Control. 1996 Nov;7(6):569-71.
- Nutrition, hormones, and breast cancer: is insulin the missing link? Kaaks R. International Agency for
- Research on Cancer, Lyon, France. Breast cancer incidence rates are high in societies with a Western
- lifestyle characterized by low levels of physical activity, and by an energy-dense diet rich in total and
- saturated fat and refined carbohydrates. Epidemiologic studies, so far mostly on postmenopausal women, have
- shown that breast cancer risk is increased in hyperandrogenic women, with decreased levels of plasma
- sex-hormone binding globulin, and with increased levels of testosterone and of free estrogens. This paper
- describes the role of hyperinsulinemia as a hysiologic link between nutritional lifestyle factors, obesity,
- and the development of a hyperandrogenic endocrine profile, and reviews evidence that may or may not support
- the theory that chronic hyperinsulinemia is an underlying cause of breast cancer. An hypothesis is
- presented, stipulating that breast cancer risk is increased not only in hyperandrogenic postmenopausal
- women, but also in premenopausal women with mild hyperandrogenism and normal (ovulatory) menstrual cycles.
- The author suggests further investigation as to whether there is a positive association between risk of
- breast cancer before menopause and ubclinical forms of the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and to what
- extent iet and physical activity during childhood, by modulating the degree of insulin esistance during
- adolescence, may or may not be determinants of a PCO-like hyperandrogenic endocrine profile persisting into
- adulthood.
- </p>
- <p>
- Akush Ginekol (Mosk) 1990 Sep;(9):61-3. [The therapeutic effect of parlodel in the polycystic ovary
- syndrome]. [Article in Russian] Soboleva EL, Komarov EK, Potin VV, Svechnikova FA. Parlodel (2.5-50 mg/day)
- has been given for 1 to 7 days to 33 patients with the polycystic ovary syndrome (POS). The ovulatory
- menstrual cycle returned in 10 (30%) patients and 4 of them conceived. Pretreatment cycle disturbance
- persisted in 6 (18%) patients. <strong>Parlodel reduced mid-follicular mean blood LH levels</strong> to
- values of normal women. Some decrease in blood testosterone levels occurred only in the second phase of the
- cycle. Estradiol test in 6 patients showed normal positive and negative feedbacks in the
- hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. Parlodel treatment reduced basal and estradiol stimulated pituitary
- gonadotropin secretion. It is suggested that parlodel may be used in ovulation induction in a proportion of
- POS patients.
- </p>
- <p>
- polycystic menopausal sympathetic estrogen parasympathetic, antimitochondrial, both can have a protective
- function, though in excess the inhibition itself is toxic.
- </p>
- <p></p>
- <p>
- Mast cells: hair growth, angiogenesis, cancer, MS, asthma. Nervous control of insulin,7:
- </p>
- <p>
- Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993 Nov;169(5):1223-6. Comment in: Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1994 Dec;171(6):1673 <strong
- >Excessive estradiol secretion in polycystic ovarian disease.</strong> Benjamin F, Toles AW, Seltzer VL,
- Deutsch S. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Queens Hospital Center, Jamaica, NY 11432. Polycystic
- ovarian disease is both a hyperestrogenic and a hyperandrogenic syndrome, and all studies have shown that
- hyperestrogenemia is the result of an elevation of estrone with plasma estradiol levels in the normal
- follicular range. Because a literature search failed to reveal any report of polycystic ovarian disease with
- significantly elevated estradiol levels, we report a case in which the plasma estradiol was so massively
- elevated as to mimic an estrogen-producing neoplasm. This case also suggests that although polycystic
- ovarian disease is a very rare cause of such excessive estradiol production, it should be included in the
- differential diagnosis of estrogen-producing neoplasms.
- </p>
- <p>
- Nephron 1983;33(4):253-6. <strong>Influence of inhibitor of glucose utilization on the blood platelet
- function.</strong>
- Tison P, Kubisz P, Cernacek P, Dzurik R. The <strong>inhibition of glycolysis</strong> by an inhibitor of
- glucose utilization isolated from urine of the uremic subjects reflects in: (1) decreased platelet<strong>
- aggregation induced by adenosine diphosphate, adrenaline, or collagen,</strong>
- respectively; (2) decreased platelet factor 4 release induced by the same inductors; (3) decreased
- availability of platelet factor 3, and (4) inhibition of retraction of reptilase clot. It is concluded that
- the inhibition of glycolysis by 'inhibitor of glucose utilization' contributes to the functional changes of
- platelets and thus to the alteration of hemostasis in uremic patients.
- </p>
- <p>
- Energy: vasodilate, bronchoconstrict, secrete/leak, swell, grow, tumefy. Invasion by sympathetic balances
- the chronic stimulation by mast cells, platelets, pituitary hormones, locally formed estrogen, and the other
- mediators of stress.
- </p>
- <p>
- Res Exp Med (Berl) 1987;187(5):385-93. <strong>Possible interaction of platelets and adrenaline in the early
- phase of myocardial infarction.</strong> Seitz R, Leising H, Liebermann A, Rohner I, Gerdes H, Egbring
- R. <strong>It is known that in most cases of transmural acute myocardial infarction a platelet clot
- originates within a coronary artery. In acute myocardial infarction patients increased levels of the
- plasma catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline as well as the platelet release proteins platelet
- factor 4 and beta-thromboglobulin have been reported.
- </strong>
- <hr />
- </p>
- <p><hr /></p>
- <p>
- Jpn Heart J 1979 Jan;20(1):75-82. <strong>Inhibition of constrictor responses of dog coronary artery by
- atropine. A possible effectiveness of atropine on variant form of angina pectoris.</strong> Sakanashi M,
- Furukawa T, Horio Y. A possible effectiveness of atropine on variant form of angina pectoris was
- investigated using the left circumflex coronary arterial strips of dogs. Acetylcholine 10(-5)--10(-3) Gm/ml
- dose-dependently constricted the isolated arterial strips during potassium-contracture in 6 cases, and
- repetitive applications of acetylcholine could produce the similar contractions to the control. In 18 strips
- atropine 10(-6) Gm/ml significantly depressed the contractions of coronary arteries induced by acetylcholine
- 10(-5)--10(-3) Gm/ml. In 5 arterial strips atropine 10(-6) Gm/ml <strong>
- significantly inhibited norepinephrine-induced responses</strong> of these arteries, and by 10(-5) Gm/ml
- further suppression of the responses was obtained. The <strong>results suggest that atropine may suppress
- the contractile responses of the coronary artery induce by acetylcholine and nonrepinephrine through a
- muscarinic-receptor blocking action and simultaneously partly through an adrenergic alpha-receptor
- blocking action.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1981;20(4):245-50. <strong>Effect of long-term beta-blockade with alprenolol on
- platelet function and fibrinolytic activity in patients with coronary heart disease.</strong> Jurgensen
- HJ, Dalsgaard-Nielsen J, Kjoller E, Gormsen J. In 14 patients with coronary heart disease the effect of
- long-term treatment (mean 16 months, range 12-33) with alprenolol on platelet function and fibrinolytic
- activity was studied. While on the beta-blocker and two weeks after gradual withdrawal of it, the patients
- performed a bicycle-ergometer test and blood samples were obtained before and following exercise.
- Pre-exercise fibrinolytic activity, assessed by the euglobulin clot lysis time, was 183 +/- 27 min (mean +/-
- SEM) while on alprenolol as compared to 111 +/- 18 min (p less than 0.01) after its withdrawal. Activation
- of fibrinolysis following exercise was not significantly influenced by alprenolol. In patients treated with
- alprenolol, the pre-exercise threshold level of ADP, producing platelet aggregation was 3.3 muM (geometric
- mean) and 5.1 muM after stopping treatment (p less than or equal to 0.05). In patients receiving the
- beta-blocker, the ADP- threshold value dropped from 3.3 muM before exercise to 2.3 muM immediately after
- exercise (not significant). The corresponding values after withdrawal of alprenolol were 5.1 muM and 2.7 muM
- (p less than or equal to 0.02). Adrenaline - stimulated aggregation was not significantly influenced by
- alprenolol. Serotonin release from platelets following maximal ADP- and adrenaline stimuli was not
- significantly changed by exercise in patients on beta-blockade. After stopping treatment, ADP-induced
- serotonin release was 22 +/- 4.1% before and 15 +/- 4.7% after exercise (p less than 0.02). the
- corresponding values using the adrenaline stimulus were 29 +/- 5.7% and 17 +/- 4.7% (p less than 0.05). It
- is suggested that during physical stress alprenolol may protect platelets against aggregatory stimuli.
- </p>
- <p>
- C R Seances Soc Biol Fil 1987;181(3):242-8.<strong>
- [Adrenaline activates oxidative phosphorylation of rat liver mitochondria through alpha
- 1-receptors].</strong>
- Breton L, Clot JP, Bouriannes J, Baudry M. We studied the effects and mode of action of epinephrine on the
- oxidative phosphorylation of rat liver mitochondria. With either succinate or beta-hydroxybutyrate as
- substrate, i.v. injection of 1.5 microgram/100 g epinephrine increased the respiratory rates by 30-40% in
- state 3 (with ADP), and by 20-30% in state 4 (after ADP phosphorylation), so that the respiratory control
- ratio (state 3/state 4) changed little. The respiratory stimulation by epinephrine was maximal 20 minutes
- after its injection. The action of epinephrine on mitochondria was blocked by pretreatment of the animals
- with the alpha 1-antagonist prazosin but not by treatment with the beta-antagonist propranolol. I. v.
- injection of 10 micrograms/100 g phenylephrine evoked the same mitochondrial response as epinephrine. I. v.
- administration of 50 micrograms/100 g dibutyryl cyclic AMP enhanced glycaemia but did not affect
- mitochondrial respiration. Epinephrine therefore has an alpha 1-type of action on mitochondrial oxidative
- phosphorylation.
- </p>
- <p>
- Biochimie 1975;57(6-7):797-802. <strong>Effects of catecholamines on rat myocardial metabolism. I. Influence
- of catecholamines on energy-rich nucleotides and phosphorylated fraction contents.</strong> Merouze P,
- Gaudemer Y. 1. The influence of catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline) on energy metabolism of the
- rat myocardium has been studied by incubating slices of this tissue with these hormones and by following the
- levels of the different phosphorylated fractions and adenylic nucleotides. 2. Similar effects are obtained
- with both hormones, adrenaline being more effective. 3<strong>. Catecholamines decrease significantly the
- total amount of phosphate while Pi content increases during the first 10 minutes of incubation; labile
- and residual phosphate contents increase at the beginning of incubation and decrease to the initial
- values afterwards. 4. ATP and ADP levels decrease significantly</strong> with both hormones; however,
- the effect of noradrenalin on the ATP level needs a longer time of incubation. <strong>
- The ATP/ADP ratios decrease after 5 minutes incubation and the total adenylic nucleotide content is
- severely decreased (35 per cent with adrenalin, after 20 minutes incubation). 5. Similar results have
- been obtained with other tissues; these results can explain the decrease of aerobic metabolism we
- observed under the same conditions.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Eur J Pharmacol 1982 Jul 30;81(4):569-76<strong>. Actions of serotonin antagonists on dog coronary
- artery.</strong> Brazenor RM, Angus JA. Serotonin released from platelets may initiate coronary
- vasospasm in patients with variant angina. If this hypothesis is correct, serotonin antagonists without
- constrictor activity may be useful in this form of angina. We have investigated drugs classified as
- serotonin antagonists on dog circumflex coronary artery ring segments in vitro. Ergotamine,
- dihydroergotamine,<strong>
- bromocriptine, lisuride, ergometrine, ketanserin, trazodone, cyproheptadine and pizotifen caused
- non-competitive antagonism of serotonin concentration-response</strong> curves. In addition, ketanserin,
- trazodone, bromocriptine and pizotifen inhibited noradrenaline responses in concentrations similar to those
- required for serotonin antagonism. All drugs with the exception of ketanserin, cyproheptadine and pizotifen
- showed some degree of intrinsic constrictor activity. Methysergide antagonized responses to serotonin
- competitively but also constricted the coronary artery. The lack of a silent competitive serotonin
- antagonist precludes a definite characterization of coronary serotonin receptors at this time. However, the
- profile of activity observed for the antagonist drugs in the coronary artery differs from that seen in other
- vascular tissues. Of the<strong>
- drugs tested, ketanserin may be the most useful in variant angina since it is a potent 5HT antagonist,
- lacks agonist activity and has alpha-adrenoceptor blocking activity.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss 1983 Feb;76 Spec No:3-6.<strong>
- Role of autonomic nervous system in the pathogenesis of angina pectoris.</strong> Yasue H. The attacks
- of vasospastic angina or coronary spasm can be induced by injection of epinephrine, cold pressor test,
- Valsalva maneuver, and exercise. The attacks induced by these procedures can be suppressed by injection of
- phentolamine, an alpha adrenergic blocking agent in 80 per cent of the patients. On the other hand,
- propranolol, a beta adrenergic blocking agent, is not only ineffective in suppressing the attacks but
- aggravates the attacks in 50 per cent of the patients. Thus, alpha adrenergic receptors seem to play an
- important role in the production of vasospastic angina. The attacks of vasospastic angina can also be
- induced by injection of methacholine, a parasympathomimetic agent, and this reaction is suppressed by
- atropine, a parasympathetic blocking agent. Thus,<strong>
- parasympathetic nervous system also seems to play a role in the production of vasospastic angina. The
- attacks of vasospastic angina can be easily induced by adrenergic or parasympathetic stimuli from
- midnight to early morning but is</strong> usually not provoked by these stimuli in the daytime. Thus,
- there is circadian variation in the reactivity of coronary arteries to adrenergic or parasympathetic
- stimuli. There are also weekly, monthly and yearly variations of the reactivity of coronary arteries to
- these stimuli. Thus, <strong>alpha adrenergic or parasympathetic activity is not the sole factor in the
- production of vasospastic angina.</strong> Angina pectoris caused by increased myocardial oxygen demand
- is induced by infusion of isoproterenol, a beta adrenergic stimulant, and is suppressed by propranolol but
- not by phentolamine. So, beta adrenergic receptors play an important role in the production of angina
- pectoris caused by increased myocardial oxygen demand or organic angina pectoris.
- </p>
- <p>
- Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 1986 Mar;87(3):281-90. [Vasoconstrictor responses of isolated pig coronary
- arteries]. [Article in Japanese] Ikenoue K, Kawakita S, Toda N.<strong>
- In helical strips of pig coronary arteries, histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and a stable analogue of
- thromboxane A2 (9, 11-epithio-11, 12-methano TXA2: s-TXA2) produced a dose-dependent contraction. The
- histamine-induced contraction</strong> was suppressed by treatment with chlorpheniramine, suggesting an
- involvement of H1 receptors. Contractile responses to serotonin were attenuated by not only ketanserin, an
- S2 antagonist, but also by cinanserin and methysergide. Relaxation induced by serotonin in preparations
- treated with high concentrations of ketanserin were inhibited by cinanserin and methysergide. Norepinephrine
- contracted coronary arteries treated with propranolol. Contractile responses to norepinephrine were reversed
- to relaxations by prazosin, which were abolished by treatment with yohimbine. Contractile responses to
- histamine were potentiated by treatment with low concentrations of serotonin or s-TXA2. Contractile
- responses to serotonin were also potentiated by low concentrations of histamine or s-TXA2. Removal of the
- endothelium from pig coronary arterial strips potentiated contractions induced by serotonin, histamine and
- norepinephrine. These results suggest that, in addition to damaged endothelium, integrating action of
- endogenous vasoconstrictors, including histamine, serotonin, TXA2 and norepinephrine, may play an important
- role in producing coronary vasospasm.
- </p>
- <p>
- Jpn Heart J 1987 Sep;28(5):649-61<strong>. The role of parasympathetic nerve activity in the pathogenesis of
- coronary vasospasm.</strong> Suematsu M, Ito Y, Fukuzaki H. To evaluate the role of the autonomic
- nervous system, especially the parasympathetic nervous system, in the initiation mechanism of vasospastic
- angina pectoris (AP), the coefficient of R-R interval variation (CV) on the electrocardiogram (ECG) and
- plasma catecholamine concentration were measured in 25 patients with vasospastic AP, 10 patients with effort
- AP and 12 control subjects. CV which has been recognized as reflecting parasympathetic nervous system
- activity was calculated from 100 consecutive heart beats on the ECG and represented as the percentage of
- standard deviation of the R-R interval per mean R-R interval. Repeated measurements of <strong>plasma
- catecholamine concentration revealed higher values at any sampling point throughout a day in patients
- with vasospastic AP than those in
- </strong>
- control subjects. A distinctly higher CV was observed at night in the vasospastic AP group. <strong>This
- elevated CV was abolished by atropine sulfate (1.5 mg/day per os). Pilocarpine injection (1.3 mg/10 kg
- B.W. subcutaneously) induced a marked increase</strong> in CV that preceded the occurrence of chest pain
- and/or ischemic ECG changes in 5 patients with vasospastic AP. The<strong>
- increment in CV at 10 min after pilocarpine administration was greater in vasospastic AP than in control
- subjects (p less than 0.05). It is concluded that enhanced parasympathetic activity may play a role in
- the initiation of coronary vasospasm associated with sympathetic hyperactivity.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Science 1984 Mar 30;223(4643):1435-7.<strong>
- Coronary arteries of cardiac patients are hyperreactive and contain stores of amines: a mechanism for
- coronary spasm.</strong> Kalsner S, Richards R. Coronary arteries from hearts of cardiac patients
- contain significantly higher concentrations of histamine than do those from noncardiac patients. The
- coronary vessels of cardiac patients are also hyperresponsive to histamine and serotonin. These differences
- between groups of patients suggest an explanation for coronary artery spasm in heart disease.
- </p>
- <p>
- Fed Proc 1985 Feb;44(2):321-5. <strong>Coronary artery reactivity in human vessels: some questions and some
- answers.</strong> Kalsner S. Spasm of a conduit coronary artery, converting it into a major resistance
- vessel impeding myocardial blood flow, may have severe short- or long-term effects on cardiac rhythm and
- systolic ejection of blood. It is now clear that human coronary arteries in vitro contract to acetylcholine
- but that relaxation is the only response observed in dog coronary vessels. <strong>Acetylcholine is as
- powerful a constrictor of human coronary arteries, in terms of tension induced, as 5-hydroxytryptamine
- (5-HT) or histamine and is a substantially more powerful constrictor than norepinephrine.</strong> Field
- stimulation of coronary artery strips caused a vasoconstriction that was partially antagonized by atropine
- (3.45 X 10(-6) M). An enhanced reactivity of the epicardial arteries of cardiac and older patients to
- several agonists was also observed and appears to provide a background against which a number of vasoactive
- agents might induce spasm. Coronary tissue from cardiac patients also contains stores of 5-HT and histamine,
- and the histamine levels are substantially increased above the values in vessels from noncardiac patients.
- Coronary artery spasm or contraction<strong>
- probably can be initiated by diverse intrinsic and extrinsic influences, including autonomic discharge
- from either the parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous system or from histamine or 5-HT, and probably no
- one agent or entity is causative in all cases.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Ann N Y Acad Sci 1969 Oct 14;164(2):517-9. <strong>Induced carcinogenesis under various influences on the
- hypothalamus.</strong> Kavetsky RE, Turkevich NM, Akimova RN, Khayetsky IK, Matveichuck YD.
- </p>
- <p>
- Ann N Y Acad Sci 1966 Jan 21;125(3):933-45. <strong>On the psychophysiological mechanism of the organism's
- resistance to tumor growth.</strong> Kavetsky RE, Turkevich NM, Balitsky KP.
- </p>
- <p>
- Patol Fiziol Eksp Ter 1971 Sep-Oct;15(5):3-10. [Role of disorders in intra-cellular and neuro-humoral
- regulation in the development of the tumor process]. [Article in Russian] Kavetskii RE, Balitskii KP.
- </p>
- <p>
- Obstet Gynecol Surv 1977 May;32(5):267-81. <strong>Estrogen and endometrial carcinoma.
- </strong>Knab DR. 1. It has become evident that the estrogen secreting tumors of the ovary are associated
- with endometrial carcinoma, but this association is most easily observed in the postmenopausal patient where
- the incidence of carcinoma has been<strong>
- reported at 10.3% (1. 02) to 24% (83). 2. The most consistent association of endometrial carcinoma is
- with polycystic ovarian disease, where 19 (34), 21 (152), and 25% (150) of young women with endometrial
- carcinoma had Stein-Leventhal syndrome (67). 3. A very significant discovery became known in</strong>
- 1967 when the peripheral aromatization of delta4 androstenedione to estrone was reported by Kase (94) and
- MacDonald (111,112). Since that time we have learned that endometrial carcinoma patients have an <strong
- >increased peripheral conversion (139) (0.1% compared to 0.027%), which is similar to that found in obese
- and aging patients, by Hemsell, et al (77).</strong> This can be 2 to 4 times greater than the young
- adult or the patient without cancer. Estrone produced peripherally in normal postmenopausal women can amount
- to 40-60 microng/day and rise as high as 120-180 microng/day in the endometrial neoplasia group (39).
- Similarly patients with polycystic ovary disease, hyperthecosis and lipoid cell tumors of the ovary
- demonstrate androgen excess with extraglandular conversion to estrone (2). 4. It has become apparent that
- the principal estrogen in the postmenopausal patient is estrone and that the <strong>estrone-estradiol ratio
- in the serum is higher in postmenopausal women with corpus cancer than similar patients without
- cancer</strong> (135). Clearly, we must find the effect of this estrone excess at the nuclear "acceptor"
- level; and does this imbalance create a hormonal environment conducive to the development of endometrial
- carcinoma when age (an extremely important factor) and an oncogenic agent are added? 5. With the lack of
- ovarian estrogen there is a relative excess of adrenal testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and delta4
- androstenedione, the available precursors of extraglandular estrone (1). 6. With the passage of time <strong
- >it appears that endometrial carcinoma is associated with hypothalamic "hyperactivity"</strong>
- (31) which exhibits immunologic-biologic dissociation of LH as previously observed in persistent
- trophoblastic disease when measuring hCG. The significance of this is still unknown. In a like fashion a
- significant number of the at risk polycystic ovary disease patients have an increased LH secretion. 7.
- Patient susceptibility is required as seen in animal experiments where prolonged administration of
- stilbestrol is used and still only rabbits and mice developed a malignant change. 8. Long term exogenous
- estrogen appears to have caused malignant changes in the endometrium, but it was universally given over a
- prolonged period (4 or more years). The recent retrospective studies demonstrate an association of oral
- estrogen therapy with endometrial cancer, but prospective studies investigating dose and duration of all
- estrogen preparations need to be undertaken. 9...
- </p>
- <p>
- Endocrinology 2000 Mar;141(3):1059-72.<strong>
- An increased intraovarian synthesis of nerve growth factor and its low affinity receptor is a principal
- component of steroid-induced polycystic ovary in the rat.</strong> Lara HE, Dissen GA, Leyton V, Paredes
- A, Fuenzalida H, Fiedler JL, Ojeda SR. A form of polycystic ovary (PCO) resembling some aspects of the human
- PCO syndrome can be induced in rats by a single injection of estradiol valerate (EV). An increase in
- sympathetic outflow to the ovary precedes, by several weeks, the appearance of cysts, suggesting the
- involvement of a neurogenic component in the pathology of this ovarian dysfunction. The present study was
- carried out to test the hypotheses that this change in sympathetic tone is related to an augmented
- production of ovarian nerve growth factor (NGF), and that this abnormally elevated production of <strong>NGF
- contributes to the formation of ovarian cysts induced by EV. Injection of the steroid resulted in
- increased intraovarian synthesis of NGF</strong> and its low affinity receptor, p75 NGFR. The increase
- was maximal 30 days after EV, coinciding with the elevation in sympathetic tone to the ovary and preceding
- the appearance of follicular cysts. Intraovarian injections of the retrograde tracer fluorogold combined
- with in situ hybridization to detect tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) messenger RNA-containing neurons in the
- celiac ganglion revealed that these changes in NGF/p75 NGFR synthesis are accompanied by selective
- activation of noradrenergic neurons projecting to the ovary. The levels of RBT2 messenger RNA, which encodes
- a beta-tubulin presumably involved in slow axonal transport, were markedly elevated, indicating that
- EV-induced formation of ovarian cysts is preceded by functional activation ofceliac ganglion neurons,
- including those innervating the ovary. Intraovarian administration of a neutralizing antiserum to NGF in
- conjunction with an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide to p75 NGFR, via Alzet osmotic minipumps, <strong>
- restored estrous cyclicity and ovulatory capacity in a</strong> majority of EV-treated rats. These
- functional changes were accompanied by restoration of the number of antral follicles per ovary that had been
- depleted by EV and a significant reduction in the number of both precystic follicles and<strong>
- follicular cysts. The results indicate that the hyperactivation of ovarian sympathetic nerves seen in
- EV-induced PCO is related to an overproduction of NGF and its low affinity receptor in the gland. They
- also suggest that activation of this neurotrophic-neurogenic regulatory loop is a component of the
- pathological process by which EV induces cyst formation and anovulation in rodents. The</strong>
- possibility exists that a similar alteration in neurotrophic input to the ovary contributes to the etiology
- and/or maintenance of the PCO syndrome in humans.
- </p>
- <p>
- Acta Physiol Hung 1996;84(2):183-90.<strong>
- Effects of hormones on the number, distribution and degranulation of mast cells in the ovarian complex
- of mice.</strong> Jaiswal K, Krishna A. The changes in the number and degranulation pattern of mast
- cells varied with the types of hormonal treatment and ovarian compartment. <strong>Luteinizing hormone (LH),
- follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and 17-beta estradiol (E2)
- treatment caused increase (P < 0.05) in the number of mast cells</strong> in the hilum as compared
- with the controls. Increase (P < 0.05) in the number of mast cells in the whole ovarian complex was
- observed only following FSH and E2 treatment. All the hormones used in the present study increased the
- percentage degranulation of mast cells in the hilum. However, only LH, FSH and E2 increased the percentage
- degranulation of mast cells in other compartments of the ovary (medulla, bursa and cortex). TSH and ACTH
- failed to cause any increase in the percentage degranulation of mast cells in these compartments. The
- present findings indicate E2 to be the most potent among the hormones tested in causing degranulation of
- mast cells in all ovarian compartments.
- </p>
- <p>
- Fertil Steril 2001 Jun;75(6):1141-7. <strong>Increase in nerve fibers and loss of mast cells in polycystic
- and postmenopausal ovaries.</strong>
- <hr />
- <strong>with increasing nerve fiber density in polycystic ovaries, the number of mast cells decreased
- strikingly compared with cyclic ovaries (p<.001). Almost no mast cells were seen in postmenopausal
- ovaries</strong> with and without hyperthecosis. The number of leukocyte antigen-positive leukocytes was
- similar in all groups. CONCLUSION(S): The high density of nerve fibers in polycystic and postmenopausal
- ovaries, together with a conspicuous decrease in mast cells, indicates altered neuroimmune communication.
- </p>
- <p>
- Endocrinology 1993 Dec;133(6):2696-703. <strong>Ovarian steroidal response to gonadotropins and
- beta-adrenergic stimulation is enhanced in polycystic ovary syndrome: role of sympathetic
- innervation.</strong> Barria A, Leyton V, Ojeda SR, Lara HE. Experimental induction of a polycystic
- ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in rodents by the<strong>
- administration of a single dose of estradiol valerate (EV) results in activation of the peripheral
- sympathetic neurons that innervate the ovary. This activation is evidenced by an increased capacity of
- ovarian nerve terminals to incorporate and release norepinephrine (NE), an increase in ovarian NE
- content, and a</strong> decrease in ovarian beta-adrenergic receptor number in the ovarian compartments
- receiving catecholaminergic innervation. The present experiments were undertaken to <strong>examine the
- functional consequences of this enhanced sympathetic outflow to the ovary.</strong> The steroidal
- responses of the gland to beta-adrenergic receptor stimulation and hCG were examined in vitro 60 days after
- EV administration, i.e. at the time when follicular cysts are well established. EV-treated rats exhibited a
- remarkable increase in ovarian progesterone and androgen responses to isoproterenol, a beta-adrenergic
- receptor agonist, with no changes in estradiol responsiveness. Basal estradiol release was, however, 50-fold
- higher than the highest levels released from normal ovaries at any phase of the estrous cycle. The ovarian
- progesterone and androgen responses to hCG were enhanced in EV-treated rats, as were the responses to a
- combination of isoproterenol and hCG. Transection of the superior ovarian nerve (SON), which carries most of
- the catecholaminergic fibers innervating endocrine ovarian cells, dramatically reduced the exaggerated
- responses of all three steroids to both beta-adrenergic and gonadotropin stimulation. SON transection also
- reduced the elevated levels of ovarian NE resulting from EV treatment and caused up-regulation of
- beta-adrenoreceptors. Most importantly, SON transection restored estrous cyclicity and ovulatory capacity.
- The results indicate that the increased output of ovarian steroids in PCOS is at least in part due to an
- enhanced responsiveness of the gland to both catecholaminergic and gonadotropin stimulation. The ability of
- SON transection to restore a normal response indicates that the alteration in steroid output results from a
- deranged activation of selective components of the noradrenergic innervation to the ovary. These findings
- support the concept that an alteration in the neurogenic control of the ovary contributes to the etiology of
- </p>
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