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- <head><title>Multiple sclerosis, protein, fats, and progesterone</title></head>
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- <h1>
- Multiple sclerosis, protein, fats, and progesterone
- </h1>
- <p>
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- <p>
- We are always subjected to antigenic burdens. The important question has to do with our ability to limit the
- inflammatory response to these burdens.
- </p>
- <p>
- In MS, it is clear that the inflammatory process itself is destructive, and that estrogen is a major
- predisposing factor. Unsaturated fatty acids, and dietary imbalance of amino acids interact closely with
- hyperestrogenism and hypothyroidism to produce the autoimmune degenerative diseases.
- </p>
- <p>
- Reduction of the mediators of inflammation is better than augmenting a single antiinflammatory agent such as
- cortisol. Although immunosuppressive drugs, including the "essential fatty acids," do alleviate inflammatory
- symptoms temporarily, they probably contribute to the underlying pathology.
- </p>
- <p>
- People with MS have chronically increased production of cortisol. This creates a distortion of protein
- assimilation, resembling a nutritional protein deficiency. Excessive serotonin and estrogen cause a
- relatively uncontrolled production of cortisol. A vicious circle of inflammatory mediators and amino acid
- imbalance can result.
- </p>
- <p>
- Depression, lupus, migraine, menopause, diabetes, and aging have several important metabolic features in
- common with MS.
- </p>
- <p>
- Popular therapies are illogical, and are likely to cause disease progression.
- </p>
- <p>
- High quality protein, thyroid, pregnenolone and progesterone tend to correct the underlying pathology. These
- are antiinflammatory, but they are not immunosuppressive or catabolic.
- </p>
- <p>
- High altitude and sunny climate are associated with a low incidence of MS.
- </p>
- <p>
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- <p>
- Multiple sclerosis (MS), like other autoimmune diseases, affects women more often than men (about 2 to 1),
- has its onset during the reproductive years (especially after the age of 30, when estrogen is very high), is
- often exacerbated premenstrually, and is sometimes alleviated by pregnancy (Drew and Chavez, 2000), when
- progesterone is very high. Women with a high ratio of estrogen to progesterone have been found to have the
- most active brain lesions (Bansil, et al., 1999). Most of the mediators of inflammation that are involved in
- MS--mast cells, nitric oxide (NO), serotonin, prolactin, lipid peroxidation, free fatty acids,
- prostaglandins and isoprostanes, and the various cytokines (IL, TNF)--are closely associated with estrogen's
- actions, and in animals, autoimmune diseases can be brought on by treatment with estrogen (Ahmed and Talal).
- </p>
- <p>
- The strong association of MS with estrogen has led to an illogical, but popular and well-publicized medical
- conclusion that estrogen is protective against MS, and some have claimed that estrogen has beneficial
- therapeutic effects. This strange way of thinking has its equivalent in the idea that, since women are much
- more likely than men to develop Alzheimer's disease, estrogen is protective against it; or that, since women
- have more fragile bones than men do, and their progressive bone loss occurs during the times of their
- greatest exposure to estrogen, estrogen prevents osteoporosis.
- </p>
- <p>
- In this medical environment, close associations between estrogen and degenerative diseases are acknowledged,
- but they are given a meaning contrary to common sense by saying that the association occurs because there
- isn't enough estrogen. The stove burns you because it isn't hot enough.
- </p>
- <p>
- As Dave Barry would say, I'm not making this up. Recently well publicized articles have suggested that
- estrogen protects the brain (even against stroke!) because it increases serotonin and NO. There is something
- almost esthetically pleasing when so many major errors are concentrated into a single article. Nitric oxide
- and serotonin are both neurotoxic (Joseph, et al., 1991; Skaper, et al., 1996; Parkinson, et al., 1997;
- Santiago, et al., 1998; Barger, et al., 2000), as a result of suppressing mitochondrial respiration. NO
- plays a major role in lipid peroxidation and demyelination. It's interesting to see serotonin and NO openly
- associated with estrogen, whose mitochondrial toxicity has been carefully hidden from public view.
- </p>
- <p>
- There are several theories about the cause of MS, old theories about genes and viruses, and newer theories
- about bacteria, vitamin deficiencies, oil deficiencies, poisons, and reactions to vaccinations (especially
- for hepatitis B and influenza). The only theory that has been abandoned is the 19th century psychiatric
- theory about "hysterical paralysis," though occasionally someone does still talk about emotional causes of
- multiple sclerosis; the term "female hysteria" has evolved into "conversion disorder."
- </p>
- <p>
- Each of the main theories has a few facts that seem to support it, but neglects to account for many other
- facts. Everyone agrees that the immune system is involved in MS in some way, but that's really where the
- problem starts, because of the idea that inflammation is an intrinsic part of immunity. If "inflammation is
- necessary and good," then it becomes a problem to define exactly where the boundary is between an
- appropriate reaction and a degenerative process. Edema, reduced cellular respiration, loss of normal
- functions, fibrosis in its various degrees, each component of inflammation can be seen in a good light, as
- part of a "defensive immune reaction." When tissue injury leads to repair, it "must" be seen as beneficial,
- even if it leads to the formation of a scar in place of functional tissue, because the comparison is between
- an imagined worst possible outcome, and an imperfect recovery, rather than comparing the inflammatory
- process with the possibility that a potentially noxious agent might have done no harm at all.
- </p>
- <p>
- The simplest illustration of how inflammation relates to the organism's resources was an experiment in which
- blood glucose was varied, while an animal was exposed to chemicals that varied from mildly irritating to
- potentially deadly. When the animal had very low blood sugar, the mildest irritant could be deadly, but when
- its blood glucose was kept very high, even the deadly antigens were only mildly irritating. Varying the
- blood sodium concentration had similar, but weaker, effects.
- </p>
- <p>
- There is a tendency to see inflammation not only as a normal part of immunity, but to see it as being
- proportional to the nature of the antigen, except when the immune system has been primed for it by previous
- contact, in which case the organism will either not react at all (because it has become immune), or it will
- react much more violently than it did on the first exposure, because it has become allergic. But, in
- reality, the mere concentration of glucose and sodium in the blood (and of thyroid, and many other
- substances that aren't considered to be part of the immune system) can make a tremendous difference in the
- degree of "immunological" reaction.
- </p>
- <p>
- In the excessively sensitive condition produced by hypoglycemia, several things happen that contribute to
- the maladaptive exaggerated inflammatory response.
- </p>
- <p>
- Adrenaline increases in hypoglycemia, and, if the adrenaline fails to convert glycogen into glucose, it will
- provide an alternative fuel by liberating free fatty acids from fat cells.
- </p>
- <p>
- If the liberated fatty acids are unsaturated, they will cause serotonin to be secreted, and both serotonin
- and the unsaturated fatty acids will suppress mitochondrial respiration, exacerbating the hypoglycemia. They
- will stimulate the release of cytokines, activating a variety of immunological and inflammatory processes,
- and they will cause blood vessels to become leaky, creating edema and starting the first stages of fibrosis.
- Both adrenaline and serotonin will stimulate the release of cortisol, which mobilizes amino acids from
- tissues such as the large skeletal muscles. Those muscles contain a large amount of cysteine and tryptophan,
- which, among other effects, suppress the thyroid. The increased tryptophan, especially in the presence of
- free fatty acids, is likely to be converted into additional serotonin, since fatty acids release tryptophan
- from albumin, increasing its entry into the brain. Free fatty acids and increased serotonin reduce metabolic
- efficiency (leading to insulin resistance, for example) and promote an inflammatory state.
- </p>
- <p>
- Fats in the blood-stream have easy access to the brain, and the unsaturated free fatty acids produce brain
- edema (Chan, et al., 1983, 1988). When brain edema is caused by vascular leakage, proteins that are normally
- excluded can enter. The stimulated, excited and fatigued brain exchanges glutamine for tryptophan,
- accelerating its uptake from the blood.
- </p>
- <p>
- When a tissue is injured or stressed, antibodies are formed in response to the altered components of that
- tissue. Therefore, we could call a bruise or a sprain an autoimmune condition, but there are no commercial
- tests for bruised-shin antibodies. The availability of tests for specific antibodies seems to be the
- essential factor in classifying a condition as autoimmune, as in "autoimmune thyroiditis." Unfortunately,
- this way of using language is nested in a culture that is full of unrealistic ideas of causality, and
- thousands of people build their careers on the search for the "mutated genes that are responsible for the
- disease," and for the drugs that will correct the defect.
- </p>
- <p>
- Early in the study of immunology, the focus was on antibodies. Even earlier, inflammation had been
- conceptualized in terms of the "humors," and other prescientific ideas. As soon as multiple
- sclerosis/hysterical paralysis was classified as an autoimmune disease, primitive ideas about the nature of
- the immune system, interacting with primitive ideas about the nature of the brain and the structure of
- cells, blended into the various theories of what the disease is.
- </p>
- <p>
- Rather than seeing immunological nerve damage as the cause of all the other features of multiple sclerosis,
- I think it's important to look at some of the general features of the condition, as contexts in which to
- interpret the events in the nerves.
- </p>
- <p>
- It has been known for a long time that the incidence of MS tends to increase with distance from the equator.
- Incidence is low in sunny dry climates, and at high altitudes. Two clear dietary influences have been found:
- eating pork, and horsemeat.
- </p>
- <p>
- People with MS don't regulate their body temperature very well. Their nerve conduction is slow, and in
- normal people, conduction is faster at higher temperatures, but in people with MS the conduction is slower
- at the normal temperature of 98.6O F than at lower temperatures. A subnormal temperature is also associated
- with old age, and with the hot flashes of menopause.
- </p>
- <p>
- Brain metabolism of glucose is very low in multiple sclerosis, and in my own observations, the general
- metabolic rate is subnormal. However, some people reason that the hypometabolism is caused by the lesions,
- rather than vice versa.
- </p>
- <p>
- Animals that lack the unsaturated fatty acids have a higher metabolic rate and ability to use glucose,
- converting it to CO2 more readily, have a greater resistance to toxins (Harris, et al., 1990; even cobra
- venom: Morganroth, et al., 1989), including endotoxin (Li, et al., 1990)--preventing excessive vascular
- leakage--and to immunological damage (Takahashi, et al., 1992), and to trauma, and their neuromuscular
- response is accelerated while fast twitch muscles are less easily fatigued (Ayre and Hulber, 1996).
- </p>
- <p>
- In people with MS, the blood is more viscous, and the platelets tend to clump together more easily. Their
- cortisol level is higher than normal, and their pituitary adrenal-cortex-stimulating hormone is harder to
- suppress. This is a condition that is also seen in depression and old age. Despite the chronically elevated
- cortisol, people with MS typically have hypoglycemia. They are occasionally found to have low blood sodium,
- hyponatremia, but this is hard to determine when the blood's water content is variable. Their prolactin is
- likely to be high, and this can result from high estrogen, high serotonin, low sodium, or low thyroid.
- Drinking too much water can increase prolactin, and can damage the nerves' myelin enclosures; too much
- serotonin tends to cause excessive drinking. Disturbances of blood glucose, sodium, and water content can
- disrupt the brain's myelin structure. High estrogen disturbs the blood osmotically, making it retain too
- much water in relation to the solutes, and this relates to many of estrogen's effects; since simple osmotic
- variations can damage the myelin structures, it seems that this mechanism should be investigated thoroughly
- before it is assumed that the immunological events are primary.
- </p>
- <p>
- Mast cells, which promote inflammation by releasing substances such as histamine and serotonin (and make
- blood vessels leaky), are more numerous in the brain in multiple sclerosis than in normal brains. Since
- platelet clumping releases serotonin, and also because serotonin excess is suggested by so many other
- features of MS, serotonin antagonists (ondansetron and ketanserin, for example) have been used
- therapeutically with success.
- </p>
- <p>
- Estrogen causes mast cells to release their inflammatory mediators, and it causes platelets to aggregate,
- releasing their serotonin. Since estrogen dominance is closely associated with the presence of active brain
- lesions, antiestrogen therapy would seem obvious in MS. Progesterone counteracts estrogen's effects on both
- mast cells and platelets.
- </p>
- <p>
- Aspirin protects against a variety of inflammatory processes, but it's most famous for the inhibition of
- prostaglandins. While aspirin is often used to relieve pain in MS, and another inhibitor of prostaglandin
- synthesis, indomethacin, has been used therapeutically in MS, it would seem appropriate to investigate more
- carefully aspirin's possible role in preventing or relieving MS.
- </p>
- <p>
- A simple protein deficiency has many surprising effects. It lowers body temperature, and suppresses the
- thyroid, but it increases inflammation and the tendency of blood to clot. Since the brain and heart and
- lungs require a continuous supply of essential amino acids if they are to continue functioning, in the
- absence of dietary protein, cortisol must be produced continuously to mobilize amino acids from the
- expendable tissues, which are mainly the skeletal muscles. These muscles have a high concentration of
- tryptophan and cysteine, which suppress the thyroid. Cysteine is excitoxic, and tryptophan is the precursor
- for serotonin. Presumably, their presence in, and stress-induced release from, the muscles is one of the
- mechanisms that reduce metabolic activity during certain types of stress.
- </p>
- <p>
- When pregnant animals are deprived of protein, the newborn animals have abnormally high levels of serotonin,
- and the enzymes responsible for that excess tend to maintain the serotonin excess even when they are grown
- and have adequate protein. This is analogous to the effect of excess estrogen early in life, which creates a
- tendency to develop breast or prostate cancer in adulthood. It would be interesting to study the gestational
- experience, e.g., length of gestation and birth weight, of the people who later develop MS.
- </p>
- <p>
- Although people in the northern countries aren't normally protein-starved, they do tend to get a large part
- of their protein from the muscle meats. In traditional cultures, all parts of the food animals were
- eaten--chicken feet, heads, and necks, animals' ears and eyeballs, etc.--and so the amino acid balance was
- favorable for maintaining a high metabolic rate and preventing stress.
- </p>
- <p>
- The observation that multiple sclerosis is associated with the consumption of pork and horsemeat, but not
- beef, lamb, or goat, is very interesting, since the fat of those animals is essentially like the fats of the
- plant materials that they eat, meaning that it is extremely high in linoleic and linolenic acids. The rumen
- of cows, sheep, and goats contains bacteria that convert the polyunsaturated fats into more saturated fats.
- Unsaturated fats inhibit the enzymes that digest protein, and MS patients have been reported to have poor
- digestion of meat (Gupta, et al., 1977).
- </p>
- <p>
- The polyunsaturated fats are in themselves toxic to mitochondria, and suppress glucose oxidation, and
- inhibit the thyroid function, with the same suppressive effect on the ability to oxidize glucose, but they
- are also turned, enzymically, into the prostaglandins, and non-enzymically, by spontaneous lipid
- peroxidation, into the toxic isoprostanes. The isoprostanes, and some of the prostaglandins, are elevated in
- the brain and other tissues of people with MS.
- </p>
- <p>
- Lipid peroxidation is very high in multiple sclerosis. Nitric oxide (whose synthesis is promoted by estrogen
- in most parts of the brain) is a free radical that activates peroxidation.
- </p>
- <p>
- Lipid peroxidation selectively destroys, naturally, the unstable polyunsaturated fats. In atherosclerosis,
- the blood vessel plaques contain very little unsaturated fat. This is because they are peroxidized so
- rapidly, but their high ratio of saturated to unsaturated fats has been used to argue that the
- polyunsaturated oils are "heart protective." Similar arguments are often made in MS, though some studies
- don't support the idea that there is a lack of any of the unsaturated fats. Since lipid peroxidation is very
- high, it would be reasonable to assume that there was an abundance of polyunsaturated fats being peroxidized
- through reactions with catalysts such as iron (S.M. LeVine, 1997) and nitric oxide and peroxynitrile.
- </p>
- <p>
- I believe that an important aspect of the intolerance for heat so often reported in people with MS could be
- the tendency of relative hyperthermia to release increased amounts of free fatty acids into the blood
- stream. Women, because of estrogen's effects, usually have much higher levels of free fatty acids in the
- blood than men do. Estrogen increases the release of free fatty acids from stored fat, and the unsaturated
- fats synergize with both estrogen and prolactin, increasing their effects.
- </p>
- <p>
- Temperature regulation apparently involves some nerve cells that sense temperature very accurately, and
- change their activity accordingly. Water has a remarkably high heat capacity, meaning that it takes a
- relatively large amount of heat to change its temperature. The "disappearing heat" is being consumed by
- structural changes in the water. Proteins have the same sort of structural complexity as water, and together
- they can make effective temperature transducers, "thermometers." (Other substances tend to undergo major
- structural changes only as they melt or vaporize. The famous "liquid crystals" have a few distinct
- structural phases, but cytoplasm is like a very subtle liquid crystal.) The "thermostat cells" are actually
- responding to a degree of internal structure, not to the temperature in the abstract. So things that change
- their internal structure will modify their temperature "set-point."
- </p>
- <p>
- Increased estrogen causes an animal to lower its temperature, and it probably does this by increasing the
- "structural temperature" of the thermostat cells, "melting" their internal structure. Progesterone causes
- the animal to increase its temperature, and it apparently does this by increasing the structure/decreasing
- the structural temperature of the thermostat cells. If you put ice in the thermostat, the room gets hot.
- </p>
- <p>
- A cell's internal structure is equivalent to its readiness to work. Fatigue represents a slightly "melted"
- state of the cell, in which structure appears to have been consumed along with the chemical energy reserves.
- Experiments that demonstrated this effect were very clear, but they were ignored because they didn't fit
- people's stereotyped idea of the cell. With a very sensitive thermometer, it's possible to measure the heat
- produced by a nerve when it is stimulated. That's not surprising. But it's surprising that, when the nerve
- is recovering from the stimulation, it absorbs heat from its environment, lowering the temperature locally.
- That even violated some people's conception of "entropy," but it can easily be demonstrated that changing
- the form of some materials changes their heat capacity, as when a rubber band is stretched (it gets hot), or
- contracts (it gets cooler).
- </p>
- <p>
- The excitants, estrogen and cortisol, slow the conduction of nerves, because they cause its internal
- structure to be dissipated. They create a "pre-fatigued" state in the cell.
- </p>
- <p>
- In experiments with rabbit hearts, Szent-Gyorgyi showed that estrogen decreased the heart's readiness to
- work, and that progesterone increased its readiness to work, and he said it did this by "building
- structure." He pointed out that, for a given drug or other stimulus, cells have a characteristic response,
- becoming either more activated or more inhibited, but he showed that, outside the normal concentration or
- intensity range of the stimulus, a cell's response is often reversed.
- </p>
- <p>
- If this is the situation in the nerves in MS, it explains the strange behavior, in which warming the nerve
- reduces its function. The implication is that internal structure (and energy) must be restored to the
- nerves. In experiments that I have described in previous newsletters, increasing sodium, ATP, carbon
- dioxide, and progesterone, and increasing the ratio of magnesium to calcium, have been found to increase
- cellular energy and structure. The thyroid hormone is ultimately responsible for maintaining cells' energy
- and structure, and responsiveness, but if it is increased suddenly without allowing all the other factors to
- adjust, it will raise the temperature too suddenly. It needn't take a long time, but all the factors have to
- be present at the same time.
- </p>
- <p>
- Serotonin, melatonin, estrogen, and polyunsaturated fats all tend to lower body temperature. Since estrogen
- and the unsaturated fats are cellular excitants, the actual decrease in body temperature helps to offset
- their excitatory effects.
- </p>
- <p>
- Both bright light and high altitude tend to reduce serotonin's effects. The tissue carbon dioxide retained
- at high altitude reduces the incidence of many diseases, and multiple sclerosis might be affected as heart
- disease and cancer are. It is known that carbon dioxide is involved in myelin's regulation of its own water
- content. Hyperventilation, by causing a loss of carbon dioxide, releases both histamine and serotonin,
- making blood more viscous, while making blood vessels more permeable, and causing them to constrict.
- </p>
- <p>
- If people with MS have developed it through the interactions of excessive estrogen, serotonin, unsaturated
- fats, iron, and water, and deficient thyroid, and deficient pregnenolone produced in the myelin-forming
- cells (oligodendrocytes), there are many things that can be done to stop its progress, and possibly to
- reverse it.
- </p>
- <p>
- Since a sudden increase in temperature will release increased amounts of the pro-inflammatory fats, things
- should be changed gradually. Increased salt is thermogenic, but increased magnesium is protective against
- hyperthermia, so increased magnesium (epsom salts baths, for example, coffee, fruits, some vegetables and
- meats) would be helpful. Magnesium is rapidly lost from cells in hypothyroidism. Sugar, when accompanied by
- fats and minerals, as in milk, is needed to lower cortisol, and to maintain thyroid activity. Balanced
- proteins, such as cheese, potatoes, eggs, and beef- or lamb-broth (for the gelatin and mineral content in
- particular) will prevent the tryptophan excess that suppresses the thyroid and is potentially a nerve toxin.
- Saturated fats, used regularly, reduce the immediate toxic antimetabolic effects of the stored unsaturated
- fats, but it takes a long time to change the balance of stored fats.
- </p>
- <p>
- Since aspirin lowers temperature, is antiinflammatory, in some situations antiestrogenic, and is a powerful
- antioxidant, it is likely that it would alleviate symptoms and prevent progression of MS, as it does in
- other degenerative diseases. Since platelet aggregation is likely to be involved in the focuses of
- inflammation, aspirin might help to prevent the formation of new areas of damage.
- </p>
- <p>
- While the glucocorticoids are useful for their antiinflammatory actions, cortisol is known to promote the
- killing of brain cells by excitotoxicity. Since estrogen decreases GABA, and both estrogen and serotonin
- activate the excitatory amino acid transmitters, the addition of synthetic glucocorticoids to the
- pre-existing cortisol excess is likely to damage parts of the brain in addition to the inflamed areas.
- </p>
- <p>
- The excess cortisol of depression, old age, and hyperestrogenism often comes down with use of a thyroid
- supplement, but pregnenolone has a very direct action (in opposition to serotonin) that can quiet the
- pituitary, reducing ACTH and cortisol. Progesterone has some similar effects, and is protective against
- excess cortisol, and is a major factor in nerve and brain restoration. Thyroid, progesterone, and
- pregnenolone are all involved in the formation of new myelin, and in the prevention of the edema that
- damages it.
- </p>
- <p>
- Since thyroid and progesterone decrease the formation of estrogen in inflamed tissue, while cortisol
- stimulates its formation, it would seem wise to use thyroid and progesterone for their immediate
- antiinflammatory effects, which include the inhibition of NO formation (Drew and Chavez, 2000), and their
- lack of the excitotoxic, estrogen-stimulating effects of the glucocorticoids. While the glucocorticoids are
- catabolic and liberate cysteine and tryptophan from muscles, thyroid and progesterone are not catabolic, and
- protect against the toxic consequences of those amino acids.
- </p>
- <p><h3>REFERENCES</h3></p>
- <p>
- J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1988 Feb;51(2):260-5. Perivascular iron deposition and other vascular damage
- in multiple sclerosis. Adams CW. "The multiple sclerosis cases showed venous intramural fibrinoid deposition
- (7%), recent haemorrhages (17%), old haemorrhages revealed by haemosiderin deposition (30%), thrombosis (6%)
- and thickened veins (19%). In all, 41% of all multiple sclerosis cases showed some evidence of vein damage."
- "Haemosiderin deposition was common in the substantia nigra and other pigmented nuclei in all cases. It is
- concluded that the cerebral vein wall in multiple sclerosis is subject to chronic inflammatory damage, which
- promotes haemorrhage and increased permeability, and constitutes a form of vasculitis."
- </p>
- <p>
- Am J Pathol 1985 Dec;121(3):531-51. Sex hormones, immune responses, and autoimmune diseases. Mechanisms of
- sex hormone action. Ansar Ahmed S, Penhale WJ, Talal N. "Immune reactivity is greater in females than in
- males. In both experimental animals and in man there is a greater preponderance of autoimmune diseases in
- females, compared with males. Studies in many experimental models have established that the underlying basis
- for this sex-related susceptibility is the marked effects of sex hormones. Sex hormones influence the onset
- and severity of immune-mediated pathologic conditions by modulating lymphocytes at all stages of life,
- prenatal, prepubertal, and postpubertal."
- </p>
- <p>
- J Appl Physiol 1996 Feb;80(2):464-71. Effects of changes in dietary fatty acids on isolated skeletal muscle
- functions in rats. Ayre KJ, Hulbert AJ The effects of manipulating dietary levels of essential
- polyunsaturated fatty acids on the function of isolated skeletal muscles in male Wistar rats were examined.
- Three isoenergetic diets were used: an essential fatty acid-deficient diet (EFAD), a diet high in essential
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- wk, groups of rats on each test diet were fed a stock diet of laboratory chow for a further 6 wk. Muscle
- function was examined by using a battery of five tests for soleus (slow twitch) and extensor digitorum
- longus (EDL; fast twitch). Tests included single muscle twitches, sustained tetanic contractions,
- posttetanic potentiation, sustained high-frequency stimulation, and intermittent low-frequency stimulation.
- Results for muscles from the High (n-6) and High (n-3) groups were very similar. However, the EFAD diet
- resulted in significantly lower muscular tensions and reduced response times compared with the High (n-6)
- and High (n-3) diets. Peak twitch tension in soleus muscles was 16-21% less in the EFAD group than in the
- High (n-6) and High (n-3) groups, respectively [analysis of variance (ANOVA), P < 0.01). During
- high-frequency stimulation, EDL muscles from the EFAD rats fatigued 32% more quickly (ANOVA, P < 0.01)].
- Also, twitch contraction and half-relaxation times were significantly 5-7% reduced in the EFAD group (ANOVA,
- P < 0.01). During intermittent low-frequency stimulation, soleus muscles from the EFAD group generated
- 25-28% less tension than did the other groups (ANOVA, P < 0.01), but in EDL muscles from the EFAD group,
- endurance was 20% greater than in the High (n-6) group (ANOVA, P < 0.05). After 6 wk on the stock diet,
- there were no longer any differences between the dietary groups. Manipulation of dietary fatty acids results
- in significant, but reversible, effects in muscles of rats fed an EFAD diet.
- </p>
- <p>
- Endocr Res 1999 May;25(2):207-14. Prolactin secretion is increased in patients with multiple sclerosis. Azar
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- </p>
- <p>
- Acta Neurol Scand 1999 Feb;99(2):91-4. Correlation between sex hormones and magnetic resonance imaging
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- and low progesterone levels had a significantly greater number of Gd enhancing lesions than those with low
- levels of both these hormones. Patients with a high estrogen to progesterone ratio had a significantly
- greater number of active MRI lesions than those with a low ratio."
- </p>
- <p>
- J Neuroimmunol 1996 Mar;65(1):75-81. Circulating antibodies directed against conjugated fatty acids in sera
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- may arise because of previous membrane disruption by oxidative processes."
- </p>
- <p>
- J Neurosci Res 2000 Nov 15;62(4):503-9. Dehydroepiandrosterone inhibits microglial nitric oxide production
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- </p>
- <p>
- J Exp Med 1984 Nov 1;160(5):1532-43. Inhibition of autoimmune neuropathological process by treatment with an
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- radicals, which are highly toxic agents causing tissue damage in sites of inflammation."
- </p>
- <p>
- J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1981 Apr;44(4):340-3. Rheological and fibrinolytic findings in multiple
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- found to be increased in multiple sclerosis."
- </p>
- <p>
- J Neurochem 1988 Apr;50(4):1185-93. Induction of intracellular superoxide radical formation by arachidonic
- acid and by polyunsaturated fatty acids in primary astrocytic cultures. Chan PH, Chen SF, Yu AC "Other
- PUFAs, including linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid, were also effective in stimulating
- NBF formation in astrocytes, whereas saturated palmitic acid and monounsaturated oleic acid were
- ineffective. Similar effects of these PUFAs were observed in malondialdehyde formation in cells and lactic
- acid accumulation in incubation medium. These data indicate that both membrane integrity and cellular
- metabolism were perturbed by arachidonic acid and by other PUFAs."
- </p>
- <p>
- Ann Neurol 1983 Jun;13(6):625-32. Induction of brain edema following intracerebral injection of arachidonic
- acid. Chan PH, Fishman RA, Caronna J, Schmidley JW, Prioleau G, Lee J "Intracerebral injection of
- polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including linolenic acid (18:3) and arachidonic acid (20:4), caused
- significant increases in cerebral water and sodium content concomitant with decreases in potassium content
- and Na+- and K+- dependent adenosine triphosphatase activity. There was gross and microscopic evidence of
- edema. Saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acid were not effective in inducing brain edema. The
- [125I]-bovine serum albumin spaces increased twofold and threefold at 24 hours with 18:3 and 20:4,
- respectively, indicating vasogenic edema with increased permeability of brain endothelial cells" "These data
- indicate that arachidonic acid and other PUFAs have the ability to induce vasogenic and cellular brain edema
- and further support the hypothesis that the degradation of phospholipids and accumulation of PUFAs,
- particularly arachidonic acid, initiate the development of brain edema in various disease states."
- </p>
- <p>
- Med Sci Sports Exerc 1997 Jan;29(1):58-62. Effects of acute physical exercise on central serotonergic
- systems. Chaouloff F "Works from the 1980's have established that acute running increases brain serotonin
- (5-hydroxytryptamine: 5-HT) synthesis in two ways. Lipolysis-elicited release of free fatty acids in the
- blood compartment displaces the binding of the essential amino acid tryptophan to albumin, thereby
- increasing the concentration of the so-called "free tryptophan" portion, and because exercise increases the
- ratio of circulating free tryptophan to the sum of the concentrations of the amino acids that compete with
- tryptophan for uptake at the blood-brain barrier level, tryptophan enters markedly in the brain
- compartment." "Indirect indices of 5-HT functions open the possibility that acute exercise-induced increases
- in 5-HT biosynthesis are associated with (or lead to) increases in 5-HT release."
- </p>
- <p>
- Med Hypotheses 1995 Nov;45(5):455-8. Melanin, melatonin, melanocyte-stimulating hormone, and the
- susceptibility to autoimmune demyelination: a rationale for light therapy in multiple sclerosis.
- Constantinescu CS "The hypothesis formulated here is based on the observation that resistance to multiple
- sclerosis and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis is associated with dark skin pigmentation. While
- this may signify a protective role for melanin against environmental factors producing oxidative damage, the
- mechanism postulated here is that susceptibility to autoimmune demyelination is influenced by hormonal
- factors, i.e. the neurohormones melatonin and melanocyte stimulating hormone, which have opposing effects on
- immune functions and, the same time, are important determinants of the individual's production of melanin."
- </p>
- <p>
- Neurosci Lett 1989 Nov 6;105(3):246-50. Presence of Schwann cells in neurodegenerative lesions of the
- central nervous system. Dusart I, Isacson O, Nothias F, Gumpel M, Peschanski M Ultrastructural analysis of
- neurodegenerative CNS lesions produced by an excitotoxic substance revealed that the majority of cells
- ensheathing axons were not oligodendrocytes. By their morphology and the presence of both a basal lamina and
- collagen fibers they were identified as Schwann cells. The presence of Schwann cells, whose growth-promoting
- role in the peripheral nervous system has been largely documented, may account for the development of
- regenerating growth cones which have been observed in the excitotoxically lesioned central nervous system.
- Further support for this hypothesis came from the analysis of fetal neural transplants implanted into the
- lesioned area. Schwann cells ensheathing axons were indeed numerous in the neuron-depleted area surrounding
- the transplants, where neurite outgrowth of graft origin occurred.
- </p>
- <p>
- J Neuroimmunol 2000 Nov 1;111(1-2):77-85. Female sex steroids: effects upon microglial cell activation. Drew
- PD, Chavis JA.
- </p>
- <p>
- Neurology 1999 Nov 10;53(8):1876-9 Cerebrospinal fluid isoprostane shows oxidative stress in patients with
- multiple sclerosis. Greco A, Minghetti L, Sette G, Fieschi C, Levi G "The CSF level of the isoprostane
- 8-epi-prostaglandin (PG)-F2alpha (a reliable marker of oxidative stress in vivo) was three times higher in
- subjects with definite MS than in a benchmark group of subjects with other neurologic diseases."
- </p>
- <p>
- J Intern Med 1989 Oct;226(4):241-4. Serum sex hormone and gonadotropin concentrations in premenopausal women
- with multiple sclerosis. Grinsted L, Heltberg A, Hagen C, Djursing H.
- </p>
- <p>
- Am J Gastroenterol 1977 Dec;68(6):560-5. Multiple sclerosis and malabsorption. Gupta JK, Ingegno AP, Cook
- AW, Pertschuk LP.
- </p>
- <p>
- Free Radic Res 1997 Apr;26(4):351-62. Toxicity of polyunsaturated fatty acid esters for human
- monocyte-macrophages: the anomalous behaviour of cholesteryl linolenate. Hardwick SJ, Carpenter KL, Law NS,
- Van Der Veen C, Marchant CE, Hird R, Mitchinson MJ. "The triglycerides showed a direct relationship between
- toxicity and increasing unsaturation, which in turn correlated with increasing susceptibility to oxidation."
- "Triarachidonin (20:4; omega-6), trieicosapentaenoin (20:5; omega-3) and tridocosahexaenoin (22:6; omega-3)
- were profoundly and rapidly toxic. There was a similar relationship between toxicity and increasing
- unsaturation for most of the cholesterol esters, but cholesteryl linolenate was apparently anomalous, being
- non-toxic in spite of possessing three double bonds and being extensively oxidised." "The toxicity of
- triglycerides suggests that polyunsaturated fatty acid peroxidation products are also toxic."
- </p>
- <p>
- J Clin Invest 1990 Oct;86(4):1115-23. Essential fatty acid deficiency ameliorates acute renal dysfunction in
- the rat after the administration of the aminonucleoside of puromycin. Harris KP, Lefkowith JB, Klahr S,
- Schreiner GF.
- </p>
- <p>
- Mikrobiyol Bul 1989 Oct;23(4):342-7. [Leukotrienes and neurological diseases]. [Article in Turkish] Irkec C,
- Ercan S, Irkec M "LTC4 levels were found to be elevated in MS and Behcet patient in comparison with
- controls. Augmentation of LTC4 levels underlines the fact that leukotrienes may be held responsible the
- pathogenesis of these disorders."
- </p>
- <p>
- Lancet 1982 Feb 13;1(8268):380-6. Evidence for subacute fat embolism as the cause of multiple sclerosis.
- James PB "The neurological features of decompression sickness, which is thought to be due to gas embolism,
- are similar to those of multiple sclerosis (MS). This similarity suggested the re-examination of a concept,
- first proposed in 1882, that the demyelination in MS is due to venous thrombosis. Unfortunately, although
- the plaques of MS are often perivenular, thromboses are not always present. Nevertheless, vascular theories
- can explain the topography of the lesions in MS." "There is also evidence in man that fat may lodge in the
- microcirculation of the nervous system and cause distal perivenous oedema with the loss of myelin from
- axons."
- </p>
- <p>
- J Clin Pathol 1979 Oct;32(10):1025-9. Antithrombin activities in childhood malnutrition. Jimenez RA, Jimenez
- E, Ingram GI, Mora LA, Atmetlla F, Carrillo JM, Vargas W.
- </p>
- <p>
- Arch Latinoam Nutr 1980 Dec;30(4):580-9. [Prethrombosis in child malnutrition]. Jimenez R, Jimenez E, Mora
- LA, Vargas W, Atmetlla F, Carrillo JM
- </p>
- <p>
- Stroke 1991 Nov;22(11):1448-51. Platelet secretory products may contribute to neuronal injury. Joseph R,
- Tsering C, Grunfeld S, Welch KM "The view that certain endogenous substances, such as glutamate, may also
- contribute to neuronal injury is now reasonably well established. Blood platelets are known to contain and
- secrete a number of substances that have been associated with neuronal dysfunction. Therefore, we
- hypothesize that a high concentration (approximately several thousand-fold higher than in plasma, in our
- estimation) of locally released platelet secretory products derived from the causative thrombus may
- contribute to neuronal injury and promote reactive gliosis." "We further observed that serotonin, a major
- platelet product, has neurotoxic properties."
- </p>
- <p>
- Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova 1985;85(2):198-206. [Role of disorders of the hemostatic system in
- the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis and ways of correcting them]. [Article in Russian] Karlov VA, Makarov
- VA, Savina EB, Seleznev AN, Savin AA The changes in the hemostatic system were studied in 77 patients with
- different patterns of disseminated sclerosis (DS). The studies demonstrated activation of both
- vasculothrombocytic and coagulation components of hemostasis as well as of fibrinolytic blood properties.
- The latent course of the disseminated intravascular coagulation was revealed in 20.7% of cases. The role of
- hemostatic disorders in the pathogenetic mechanisms of DS is discussed. The patients with DS received
- pathogenetic treatment including drugs eliminating hemostatic disorders, which was beneficial for most
- patients.
- </p>
- <p>
- Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova 1990;90(11):47-50. [Changes in rheological properties of blood in
- multiple sclerosis and their correction]. [Article in Russian] Karlov VA, Savin AA, Smertina LP, Redchits
- EG, Seleznev AN, Svetailo LI, Margosiuk NV, Stulin ID As many as 45 patients with multiple sclerosis were
- examined for rheological blood properties. As compared to controls, the group under examination manifested
- the rise of plasma viscosity, acceleration of red blood cell aggregation. 26.2% of patients demonstrated an
- appreciable increase of blood viscosity. It is assumed that these changes contribute to the deterioration of
- microcirculation and aggravate the demyelinating process. Correction of the rheological properties of the
- blood by plasmapheresis coupled with other methods of pathogenetic therapy turned out effective.
- </p>
- <p>
- Brain Res 1997 Jun 20;760(1-2):298-303 Iron deposits in multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease brains.
- LeVine SM "In summary, the localization of iron deposition in MS and AD brains indicates potential sites
- where iron could promote oxidative damage in these disease states."
- </p>
- <p>
- Circ Shock 1990 Jun;31(2):159-70. Resistance of essential fatty acid-deficient rats to endotoxin-induced
- increases in vascular permeability. Li EJ, Cook JA, Spicer KM, Wise WC, Rokach J, Halushka PV.
- </p>
- <p>
- FEBS Lett 1978 Nov 1;95(1):181-4. Selective inactivation of the NADH-ubiquinone segment of the respiratory
- chain of submitochondrial particles by endogenous free fatty acids during hyperthermia. Ludwig P, Bartels M,
- Schewe T, Rapoport S.
- </p>
- <p>
- J Pain Symptom Manage 2000 Nov;20(5):388-91. Ondansetron in multiple sclerosis. Macleod AD. "Two young women
- with chronic nausea and vertigo caused by multiple sclerosis responded to the introduction and maintenance
- of the 5HT3 receptor antagonist, ondansetron."
- </p>
- <p>
- Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1994 Jul-Aug;73(4):283-5. Intracranial venous thrombosis in a patient with multiple
- sclerosis. A case report and review of contraceptive alternatives in patients with disabilities. Malanga GA,
- Gangemi E.
- </p>
- <p>
- Folia Biol (Praha) 1999;45(4):133-41. Essential fatty acids and related molecular and cellular mechanisms in
- multiple sclerosis: new looks at old concepts. Mayer M.
- </p>
- <p>
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1994 Sep;79(3):848-53. Multiple sclerosis is associated with alterations in
- hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function. Michelson D, Stone L, Galliven E, Magiakou MA, Chrousos GP,
- Sternberg EM, Gold PW "Compared to matched controls, patients with MS had significantly higher plasma
- cortisol levels at baseline. Despite this hypercortisolism and in contrast to patients with depression who
- had similar elevations in plasma cortisol levels, patients with MS showed normal, rather than blunted,
- plasma ACTH responses to ovine CRH, suggesting that the pathophysiology of hypercortisolism in MS is
- different from that in depression." "Taken together, these findings are compatible with data from studies of
- experimental animals exposed to chronic inflammatory stress, which showed mild increased activation of the
- HPA axis with increased relative activity of AVP in the regulation of the pituitary-adrenal axis."
- </p>
- <p>
- Exp Neurol 1977 Oct;57(1):142-57. Tryptophan availability: relation to elevated brain serotonin in
- developmentally protein-malnourished rats. Miller M, Leahy JP, Stern WC, Morgane PJ, Resnick O.
- </p>
- <p>
- Am J Physiol 1989 Oct;257(4 Pt 2):H1192-9. Lung injury caused by cobra venom factor is reduced in rats
- raised on an essential fatty acid-deficient diet. Morganroth ML, Schoeneich SO, Till GO, Pickett W, Ward PA.
- </p>
- <p>
- Eur J Haematol 2000 Jul;65(1):82-3. More on the relationship between cystic fibrosis and venous thrombosis.
- Mori PG, Acquila M, Bicocchi MP, Bottini F, Romano L. Letter
- </p>
- <p>
- Acta Neurol Scand 1982 Oct;66(4):497-504, Platelet aggregation and multiple sclerosis. Neu IS, Prosiegel M,
- Pfaffenrath V Measurements of blood platelet aggregation were carried out in 30 patients suffering from
- multiple sclerosis (MS) and in 15 healthy individuals. Compared with the control group, the MS patients
- showed an increase in both spontaneous and induced (ADP and serotonin) platelet aggregation. The possible
- pathogenetic significance of these results is discussed.
- </p>
- <p>
- Neurology 1975 Aug;25(8):713-6. Schwann cells and regenerated peripheral myelin in multiple sclerosis: an
- ultrastructural study. Ogata J, Feigin I Tissue of a multiple sclerosis plaque in the brachium conjunctivum
- of the pons known to contain peripheral myelin by light microscopic studies were removed from the paraffin
- block and processed for electron microscopic studies. The cells related to the peripheral myelin possessed
- the ultrastructural characteristics of Schwann cells, with basement membranes and associated collagen
- fibers. No continuity was seen with the peripheral within the central nervous tissues by selective
- maturation of multipotential primitive reticular cells, a phenomenon consistent with the view that Schwann
- cells are mesenchymal in character.
- </p>
- <p>
- Tohoku J Exp Med 1999 Dec;189(4):259-65. Elevated plasma level of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)
- in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Onodera H, Nakashima I, Fujihara K, Nagata T,
- Itoyama Y "Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system
- and one of the earliest changes in inflammatory focus involves the activation of vascular endothelial
- cells." "The level of plasma PAI-1 was significantly higher in active MS cases when compared to stable MS
- and controls." "These results suggested that PAI-1 plasma levels are associated with MS disease activity and
- is a good marker for MS relapse."
- </p>
- <p>
- J Mol Med 1997 Mar;75(3):174-86. The role of nitric oxide in multiple sclerosis. Parkinson JF, Mitrovic B,
- Merrill JE "Elevated nitric oxide bio-synthesis has been associated with nonspecific immune-mediated
- cellular cytotoxicity and the pathogenesis of chronic, inflammatory autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid
- arthritis, insulin-dependent diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, and multiple sclerosis."
- </p>
- <p>
- Fed Proc 1987 Jan;46(1):91-6. Role of the clotting system in the pathogenesis of neuroimmunologic disease.
- Paterson PY, Koh CS, Kwaan HC "Our studies of the clotting system and ensuing fibrinolysis implicate
- coagulation and cleavage of fibrin within or on the luminal surface of the cerebrovasculature as events
- initiating the inflammation characterizing EAE." "We postulate that the critical event precipitating EAE is
- binding of circulating MBP-reactive immune effector cells to MBP immunodeterminants on the surface of
- cerebrovascular endothelial cells. Coagulation and ensuing fibrinolysis occur at sites of binding of
- effector cells to cerebrovascular endothelium. Release of biologically active peptides cleaved from fibrin
- open the BBB, thereby setting the stage for the cascade of inflammatory events culminating in clinical
- manifestations of EAE."
- </p>
- <p>
- Neurotoxicology 1998 Aug-Oct;19 (4-5):599-603. In vitro effect of the cysteine metabolites homocysteic acid,
- homocysteine and cysteic acid upon human neuronal cell lines. Parsons RB, Waring RH, Ramsden DB, Williams AC
- "Cysteine (CYS) is a non-essential amino acid which elicits excitotoxic properties via the
- N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of the glutamate receptor.. CYS levels are known to be elevated in
- association with neurological disease such as Alzheimers Disease (AD) and Parkinsons Disease (PD)." "These
- results show that toxic responses are cell-type specific for CYS and its metabolites and this may be
- reflected in the patterns of neurodegeneration observed in such diseases as AD and PD."
- </p>
- <p>
- WMJ 1983 Mar-Apr;55(2):146-50. [Effect of tryptophan excess in a diet on amino acid composition of skin
- collagen and on an initial stage of protein biosynthesis in rat liver]. Pechenova TN, Sushkova VV, Solodova
- EV, Gulyi MF Protein deficiency and tryptophane load against its background lead to the acid-soluble
- collagen synthesis in the rat skin. The amino acid composition of the collagen differs from the norm. This
- is accompanied by changes in the free amino acid pool of blood serum and liver, under tryptophane load the
- free amino acids pool of the liver increasing twice as high. At the same time protein deficiency increases
- and tryptophane load decreases the level of tRNA amino acylation with tryptophane in the animal liver. Thus,
- protein deficiency and tryptophane load against its background cause deep changes in the protein
- biosynthesis.
- </p>
- <p>
- Fed Proc 1987 Jan;46(1):91-6. Role of the clotting system in the pathogenesis of neuroimmunologic disease.
- Paterson PY, Koh CS, Kwaan HC "Our studies of the clotting system and ensuing fibrinolysis implicate
- coagulation and cleavage of fibrin within or on the luminal surface of the cerebrovasculature as events
- initiating the inflammation characterizing EAE." "We postulate that the critical event precipitating EAE is
- binding of circulating MBP-reactive immune effector cells to MBP immunodeterminants on the surface of
- cerebrovascular endothelial cells. Coagulation and ensuing fibrinolysis occur at sites of binding of
- effector cells to cerebrovascular endothelium. Release of biologically active peptides cleaved from fibrin
- open the BBB, thereby setting the stage for the cascade of inflammatory events culminating in clinical
- manifestations of EAE."
- </p>
- <p>
- Rev Esp Fisiol 1983 Mar;39(1):39-44. Intralipid and free plasmatic tryptophan in vitro. Pena JM, Aulesa C,
- Vinas O, Bosch J, Farriol M, Schwartz S "In an attempt to investigate the role of the lipidic emulsion
- Intralipid in the development of metabolic encephalopathy in a patient showing high free tryptophan levels,
- the relationship between lipidic emulsion and free tryptophan was examined in in vitro experiments. The
- addition of intralipid to normal serum produces an immediate increase in non-esterified fatty acids and a
- parallel rise in free tryptophan. Moreover, when serum with intralipid is incubated at 37 degrees C, the
- lipases release new non-esterified fatty acids and the free tryptophan increases proportionally." "It is
- concluded that intralipid causes an increase in free tryptophan levels. It is known that in vivo free
- tryptophan modulates 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis and thus may be considered a possible causal agent for
- encephalopathy."
- </p>
- <p>
- Med Hypotheses 1980 May;6(5):545-557. Fatty acids, fibrinogen and blood flow: a general mechanism for
- hyperfibrinogenemia and its pathologic consequences. Pickart LR, Thaler MM Plasma fibrinogen is elevated in
- various stressful states and conditions in which active mobilization of free fatty acids (FFA) occurs.
- Reduction of plasma FFA by an assortment of hypolipidemic drugs is consistently followed by a decrease in
- the accompanying hyperfibrinogenemia. A direct link between FFA and fibrinogen has been demonstrated in
- animals, and in experiments employing incubated liver slices. Based on these clinical and experimental
- observations, we postulate that hepatic fibrinogen synthesis is stimulated by FFA. Since fibrinogen is a
- major determinant of whole blood viscosity, erythrocyte aggregation, and sludging of red cells in terminal
- and pre-terminal blood vessels, we propose that microcirculatory blood flow may be impaired in the presence
- of chronically elevated plasma FFA levls. Consequently, hypolipidemic drugs may be effective in prevention
- of circulatory complications associated with FFA-induced hyperfibrinogenemia.
- </p>
- <p>
- Neurologia 1996 Aug-Sep;11(7):272. [Exacerbation of spasticity induced by serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
- Letter]. del Real MA, Hernandez A, Vaamonde J, Gudin M
- </p>
- <p>
- J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1997 Mar;62(3):282-4. Ondansetron, a 5-HT3 antagonist, improves cerebellar
- tremor. Rice GP, Lesaux J, Vandervoort P, Macewan L, Ebers GC. "It has been previously shown that
- ondansetron, a 5-HT3 antagonist, can ameliorate vertigo in patients with acute brainstem disorders. A
- coincidental benefit was the improvement of cerebellar tremor in some patients with both vertigo and tremor.
- To further evaluate this effect, a placebo controlled, double blind, crossover study was conducted of a
- single dose of intravenous ondansetron in 20 patients with cerebellar tremor caused by multiple sclerosis,
- cerebellar degeneration, or drug toxicity." "Thirteen of 19 patients were deemed to have improved spiral
- copying after treatment with ondansetron when compared with baseline performance."
- </p>
- <p>
- Neurologia 1993 Oct;8(8):252-5. [Retinal periphlebitis in multiple sclerosis. A prospective study]. Rio J,
- Colin A, Salvador F, Tintore M, Viguera ML, Montalban J, Codina A "In three cases (12.5%) retinal
- periphlebitis was observed." "Given the absence of myelin in the retina, the presence of retinal
- periphlebitis suggests the existence of a vascular mechanism in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis."
- </p>
- <p>
- Int J Neurosci 1995 Dec;83(3-4):187-98. Premenstrual exacerbation of symptoms in multiple sclerosis is
- attenuated by treatment with weak electromagnetic fields. Sandyk R. "The present report concerns two women
- with chronic progressive stage MS who experienced, coincident with increasing functional disability, regular
- worsening of their symptoms beginning about a week before menstruation and abating with the onset of
- menstruation. These symptoms resolved two months after the initiation of treatment with EMFs."
- </p>
- <p>
- J Physiol Biochem 1998 Dec;54(4):229-37. The role of nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis.
- Santiago E, Perez-Mediavilla LA, Lopez-Moratalla N "The inducible NOS (iNOS) is associated with the
- development of a number of autoimmune diseases." "Induction of the enzyme is effected by proinflammatory
- cytokines, immunomodulating peptides, and even beta-endorphin through a mechanism involving an increase in
- cAMP. An excessive production of NO has been implicated in the severe lesions observed in multiple sclerosis
- (MS)."
- </p>
- <p>
- J Neurol 1980 Jan;222(3):177-82. Cerebrospinal fluid lipids in demyelinating disease. II. Linoleic acid as
- an index of impaired blood-CSF barrier. Seidel D, Heipertz R, Weisner B "The linoleic acid content of
- control CSF (1.6 +/- 0.8 nMol/ml) is considerably lower than the corresponding serum value (2.5--4.1
- muMol/ml). Although CSF from MS patients contains a significantly higher linoleic acid concentration than
- controls the close correlation between CSF linoleic acid and CSF albumin is maintained. The high CSF
- concentration of cholesterol esters rich in linoleic acid, which are abundant in serum but represent only
- traces in CNS lipids, points towards an impaired BBB function as the cause of CSF linoleic increase. We are
- able to show that both albumin and linoleic acid are suitable as "serum markers...."
- </p>
- <p>
- J Neurol Sci 1987 Feb;77(2-3):147-52. Chronic periphlebitis retinae in multiple sclerosis. A
- histopathological study. Shaw PJ, Smith NM, Ince PG, Bates D Retinal periphlebitis in multiple sclerosis is
- of particular interest in relation to our understanding of the pathogenesis of the demyelinating central
- nervous system plaques. Previous studies have largely been clinical, and there is little detailed
- histopathological information relating to this condition. We present the first detailed report in the
- neurological literature on the histological findings in chronic periphlebitis retinae associated with
- multiple sclerosis. The most significant abnormalities of the affected retinal veins were the presence of
- thick laminated collagen in the wall, associated with a scanty infiltration of plasma cells.
- </p>
- <p>
- Am Heart J 2000 Aug;140(2):212-8. Low intracellular magnesium levels promote platelet-dependent thrombosis
- in patients with coronary artery disease. Shechter M, Merz CN, Rude RK, Paul Labrador MJ, Meisel SR, Shah
- PK, Kaul S.
- </p>
- <p>
- J Neurochem 1996 Mar;66(3):1157-66. Mast cell activation causes delayed neurodegeneration in mixed
- hippocampal cultures via the nitric oxide pathway. Skaper SD, Facci L, Romanello S, Leon A. "Neurotoxicity
- required a prolonged period (12 h) of mast cell incubation, and appeared to depend largely on elaboration of
- the free radical nitric oxide by astrocytes." "Myelin basic protein and 17 beta-estradiol had a synergistic
- action on the induction of mast cell-associated neuronal injury." "Further, palmitoylethanolamide, which has
- been reported to reduce mast cell activation by a local autacoid mechanism, decreased neuron loss resulting
- from mast cell stimulation in the mixed cultures but not that caused by direct cytokine induction of
- astrocytic nitric oxide synthase." "These results support the notion that brain mast cells could participate
- in the pathophysiology of chronic neurodegenerative and inflammatory diseases of the nervous system, and
- suggest that down-modulation of mast cell activation in such conditions could be of therapeutic benefit."
- </p>
- <p>
- International Journal of Microcirculation--Clinical and Experimental, 1996, Vol 16, Iss 5, pp 266-270.
- Hyperventilation enhances transcapillary diffusion of sodium fluorescein. J Steurer, D Schiesser, C Stey, W
- Vetter, MV Elzi, JP Barras, UK Franzeck. "Voluntary hyperventilation (HV) provokes hemoconcentration due to
- a loss of fluid from the intravascular space." "The exact, mechanism of enhanced transcapillary diffusion of
- Na fluorescein is not known, The distinct increase in FLI without a significant change in microvascular skin
- flux suggests an HV-induced increase in capillary pressure or an enhancement in capillary permeability for
- water and small solutes."
- </p>
- <p>
- Kidney Int 1992 May;41(5):1245-53. Essential fatty acid deficiency normalizes function and histology in rat
- nephrotoxic nephritis. Takahashi K, Kato T, Schreiner GF, Ebert J, Badr KF.
- </p>
- <p>
- Arthritis Rheum 1981 Aug;24 (8):1054-6. Sex steroid hormones and systemic lupus erythematosus. Talal N.
- </p>
- <p>
- Clin Rheum Dis 1982 Apr;8(1):23-8. Sex hormones and modulation of immune response in SLE. Talal N.
- </p>
- <p>
- Ann N Y Acad Sci 1986;475:320-8. Hormonal approaches to immunotherapy of autoimmune disease. Talal N, Ahmed
- SA, Dauphinee M.
- </p>
- <p>
- Ann Nucl Med 1998 Apr;12(2):89-94. Clinical significance of reduced cerebral metabolism in multiple
- sclerosis: a combined PET and MRI study. Sun X, Tanaka M, Kondo S, Okamoto K, Hirai S "The severity of
- cerebral hypometabolism was also related to the number of relapses." "Our results suggest that measurement
- of cerebral metabolism in MS has the potential to be an objective marker for monitoring disease activity and
- to provide prognostic information."
- </p>
- <p>
- Fed Proc 1987 Jan;46(1):118-26. Pathway to carrageenan-induced inflammation in the hind limb of the rat.
- Vinegar R, Truax JF, Selph JL, Johnston PR, Venable AL, McKenzie KK "Antiserotonin agents inhibited the
- hypoalgesia and part of the edema. These findings and histological observations suggested that dermal mast
- cells were injured by C. The hyperalgesia and part of the edema were sensitive to arachidonate
- cyclooxygenase inhibitors (AACOIs). It is speculated that injured mast cells metabolize arachidonic acid and
- reactive intermediates, not prostaglandins, mediate the NPIR hyperalgesia and part of the edema."
- "Arachidonic acid metabolism by neutrophils is speculated to produce the mediators of phagocytic
- inflammatory (PI) edema and hyperalgesia."
- </p>
- © Ray Peat Ph.D. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.RayPeat.com
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