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- <h1></h1>
- <p></p>
- <blockquote>
- <h2>
- <strong><span style="color: #222222"><span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: large"
- ><span style="font-style: normal">Phosphate, activation, and aging</span></span></span
- ></span></strong>
- </h2>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"><span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- >Recent publications are showing that excess phosphate can increase inflammation, tissue atrophy,
- calcification of blood vessels, cancer, dementia, and, in general, the processes of aging. This
- is especially important, because of the increasing use of phosphates as food additives.</span
- ></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"><span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >Previously, the complications of chronic kidney disease, with increased serum phosphate,
- were considered to be specific for that condition, but the discovery of a
- phosphate-regulating gene named klotho (after one of the Fates in Greek mythology) has
- caused a lot of rethinking of the biological role of phosphate. In the 19th century,
- phosphorus was commonly called brain food, and since about 1970, its involvement in cell
- regulation has become a focus of reductionist thinking. ATP, adenosine triphosphate, is
- seen as the energy source that drives cell movement as well as the "pumps" that maintain
- the living state, and as the source of the cyclic AMP that is a general activator of
- cells, and as the donor of the phosphate group that activates a great number of proteins
- in the "phosphorylation cascade." When tissues calcified in the process of aging,
- calcium was blamed (ignoring the existence of calcium phosphate crystals in the
- tissues), and low calcium diets were recommended. Recently, when calcium supplements
- haven't produced the intended effects, calcium was blamed, disregarding the other
- materials present in the supplements, such as citrate, phosphate, orotate, aspartate,
- and lactate.</span></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"><span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- >I have a different perspective on the "phosphorylation cascade," and on the other functions of
- phosphate in cells, based largely on my view of the role of water in cell physiology. In the
- popular view, a stimulus causes a change of shape in a receptor protein, causing it to become an
- active enzyme, catalyzing the transfer of a phosphate group from ATP to another protein, causing
- it to change shape and become activated, and to transfer phosphate groups to other molecules, or
- to remove phosphates from active enzymes, in chain reactions. This is standard biochemistry,
- that can be done in a test tube.</span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"><span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- >Starting around 1970, when the involvement of phosphorylation in the activation of enzymes in
- glycogen breakdown was already well known, people began noticing that the glycogen phosphorylase
- enzyme became active immediately when the muscle cell contracted, and that phosphorylation
- followed the activation. Phosphorylation was involved in activation of the enzyme, but if
- something else first activated the enzyme (by changing its shape), the addition of the phosphate
- group couldn't be considered as causal, in the usual reductionist sense. It was one participant
- in a complex causal process. I saw this as a possible example of the effect of changing water
- structure on protein structure and function. This view of water questions the relevance of test
- tube biochemistry.</span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"><span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- >Enzymes are known which suddenly become inactive when the temperature is lowered beyond a certain
- point. This is because soluble proteins arrange their shape so that their hydrophobic regions,
- the parts with fat-like side-chains on the amino acids, are inside, with the parts of the chain
- with water-soluble amino acids arranged to be on the outside, in contact with the water. The
- "wetness" of water, its activity that tends to exclude the oily parts of the protein molecule,
- decreases as the temperature decreases, and some proteins are destabilized when the relatively
- hydrophobic group is no longer repelled by the surrounding cooler water. </span></span
- ></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"><span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >In the living cell, the water is all within a very short distance of a surface of fats or
- fat-like proteins. In a series of experiments, starting in the 1960s, Walter
- Drost-Hansen showed that, regardless of the nature of the material, the water near a
- surface is structurally modified, becoming less dense, more voluminous. This water is
- more "lipophilic," adapting itself to the presence of fatty material, as if it were
- colder. This change in the water's properties also affects the solubility of ions,
- increasing the solubility of potassium, decreasing that of sodium, magnesium, and
- calcium (Wiggins, 1973).</span></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >When a muscle contracts, its volume momentarily decreases (Abbott and Baskin, 1962). Under
- extremely high pressure, muscles contract. In both situations, the work-producing
- process of contraction is associated with a slight reduction in volume. During
- contraction of a muscle or nerve, heat is given off, causing the temperature to rise.
- During relaxation, recovering from excitation, heat is absorbed (Curtin and Woledge,
- 1974; Westphal, et al., 1999; Constable, et al. 1997). In the case of a nerve, following
- the heating produced by excitation, the temperature of the nerve decreases below the
- starting temperature (Abbot, et al., 1965). Stretching a muscle causes energy to be
- absorbed (Constable, et al., 1997). Energy changes such as these, without associated
- chemical changes, have led some investigators to conclude that muscle tension generation
- is "entropy driven" (Davis and Rodgers, 1995). </span></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >Kelvin's description (1858) of the physics of water in a soap bubble, "…if a film such as a
- soap-bubble be enlarged . . . it experiences a cooling effect . . . ," describes the
- behavior of nerves and muscles, absorbing energy or heat when they are relaxing (or
- elongating), releasing it when they are excited/contracting. </span></span></span
- ></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"><span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >Several groups of experimenters over the last 60 years have tried to discover what happens
- to the missing heat; some have suggested electrical or osmotic storage, and some have
- demonstrated that stretching generates ATP, arguing for chemical storage. Physical
- storage in the form of structural changes in the water-protein-lipid system, interacting
- with chemical changes such as ATP synthesis, have hardly been investigated.</span></span
- ></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"><span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >Early studies of muscle chemistry and contraction found that adding ATP to a viscous
- solution of proteins extracted from muscle reduced its viscosity, and also that the loss
- of ATP from muscle caused its hardening, as in rigor mortis; if the pH wasn't too
- acidic, the dead muscle would contract as the ATP content decreased. Szent-Gyorgyi found
- that a muscle hardened by rigor mortis became soft again when ATP was added. </span
- ></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >Rigor mortis is an extreme state of fatigue, or energy depletion. Early muscle studies
- described the phenomenon of "fatigue contracture," in which the muscle, when it reaches
- the point at which it stops responding to stimulation, is maximally contracted (this has
- also been called delayed relaxation). Ischemic contracture, in the absence of blood
- circulation, occurs when the muscle's glycogen is depleted, so that ATP can no longer be
- produced anaerobically (Kingsley, et al., 1991). The delayed relaxation of hypothyroid
- muscle is another situation in which it is clear that ATP is required for relaxation.
- (In the Achilles tendon reflex test, the relaxation rate is visibly slowed in
- hypothyroidism.) A delayed T wave in the electrocardiogram, and the diastolic
- contracture of the failing heart show the same process of delayed relaxation.
- Supplementing the active thyroid hormone, T3, can quickly restore the normal rate of
- relaxation, and its beneficial effects have been demonstrated in heart failure
- (Pingitore, et al., 2008; Wang, et al., 2006; Pantos, et al., 2007; Galli, et al.,
- 2008).</span></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >A large part of the magnesium in cells is bound to ATP, and the magnesium-ATP complex is a
- factor in muscle relaxation. A deficiency of either ATP or magnesium contributes to
- muscle cramping. When a cell is stimulated, causing ATP to release inorganic phosphate,
- it also releases magnesium. Above the pH of 6.7, phosphate is doubly ionized, in which
- state it has the same kind of structural effect on water that magnesium, calcium, and
- sodium have, causing water molecules to be powerfully attracted to the concentrated
- electrical charge of the ion. Increasing the free phosphate and magnesium opposes the
- effect of the surfaces of fats and proteins on the water structure, and tends to
- decrease the solubility of potassium in the water, and to increase the water's
- "lipophobic" tendency to minimize its contacts with fats and the fat-like surface of
- proteins, causing the proteins to rearrange themselves. </span></span></span></span
- ></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >These observations relating to the interactions of water, solutes and proteins in muscles
- and nerves provide a coherent context for understanding contraction and conduction,
- which is lacking in the familiar descriptions based on membranes, pumps, and
- cross-bridges, but I think they also provide a uniquely useful context for understanding
- the possible dangers of an excess of free phosphate in the body.</span></span></span
- ></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >A few people (M. Thomson, J. Gunawardena, A.K. Manrai) are showing that principles of
- mass-action help to simplify understanding the networks of phosphorylation and
- dephosphorylation that are involved in cell control. But independently from the
- phosphorylation of proteins, the presence of phosphate ion in cell water modifies the
- cell's ion selectivity, shifting the balance toward increased uptake of sodium and
- calcium, decreasing potassium, tending to depolarize and "activate" the cell.</span
- ></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >About 99% of the publications discussing the mechanism of muscle contraction fail to
- mention the presence of water, and there's a similar neglect of water in discussions of
- the energy producing processes in the mitochondrion. The failure of mitochondrial energy
- production leads to lipid peroxidation, activation of inflammatory processes, and can
- cause disintegration of the energy producing structure. Increased phosphate decreases
- mitochondrial energy production (Duan and Karmazyn, 1989), causes lipid peroxidation
- (Kowaltowski, et al., 1996), and activates inflammation, increasing the processes of
- tissue atrophy, fibrosis, and cancer.</span></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >For about twenty years it has been clear that the metabolic problems that cause calcium to
- be lost from bones cause calcium to increase in the soft tissues, such as blood vessels.
- The role of phosphate in forming calcium phosphate crystals had until recently been
- assumed to be passive, but some specific "mechanistic" effects have been identified. For
- example, increased phosphate increases the inflammatory cytokine, osteopontin
- (Fatherazi, et al., 2009), which in bone is known to activate the process of
- decalcification, and in arteries is involved in calcification processes (Tousoulis, et
- al., 2012). In the kidneys, phosphate promotes calcification (Bois and Selye, 1956), and
- osteopontin, by its activation of inflammatory T-cells, is involved in the development
- of glomerulonephritis, as well as in inflammatory skin reactions (Yu, et al., 1998).
- High dietary phosphate increases serum osteopontin, as well as serum phosphate and
- parathyroid hormone, and increases the formation of tumors in skin (Camalier, et al.,
- 2010). Besides the activation of cells and cell systems, phosphate (like other
- ions with a high ratio of charge to size, including citrate) can activate viruses
- (Yamanaka, et al., 1995; Gouvea, et al., 2006). Aromatase, the enzyme that synthesizes
- estrogen, is an enzyme that's sensitive to the concentration of phosphate (Bellino and
- Holben, 1989).</span></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >More generally, increased dietary phosphate increases the activity of an important
- regulatory enzyme, protein kinase B, which promotes organ growth. A high phosphate diet
- increases the growth of liver (Xu, et al., 2008) and lung (Jin, et al., 2007), and
- promotes the growth of lung cancer (Jin, et al., 2009). An extreme reduction of
- phosphate in the diet wouldn't be appropriate, however, because a phosphate deficiency
- stimulates cells to increase the phosphate transporter, increasing the cellular uptake
- of phosphate, with an effect similar to the dietary excess of phosphate, i.e., promotion
- of lung cancer (Xu, et al., 2010). The optimum dietary amount of phosphate, and its
- balance with other minerals, hasn't been determined.</span></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >While increased phosphate slows mitochondrial energy production, decreasing its
- intracellular concentration increases the respiratory rate and the efficiency of ATP
- formation. A "deficiency" of polyunsaturated fatty acids has this effect (Nogueira, et
- al., 2001), but so does the consumption of fructose (Green, et al., 1993; Lu, et al.,
- 1994).</span></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"><span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- >In a 1938 experiment (Brown, et al.) that intended to show the essentiality of unsaturated fats, a
- man, William Brown, lived for six months on a 2500 calorie diet consisting of sucrose syrup, a
- gallon of milk (some of it in the form of cottage cheese), and the juice of half an orange,
- besides some vitamins and minerals. The experimenters remarked about the surprising
- disappearance of the normal fatigue after a day's work, as well as the normalization of his high
- blood pressure and high cholesterol, and the permanent disappearance of his frequent life-long
- migraine headaches. His respiratory quotient increased (producing more carbon dioxide), as well
- as his rate of resting metabolism. I think the most interesting part of the experiment was that
- his blood phosphate decreased. In two measurements during the experimental diet, his fasting
- plasma inorganic phosphorus was 3.43 and 2.64 mg. per 100 ml. of plasma, and six month after he
- had returned to a normal diet the number was 4.2 mg/100 ml. Both the deficiency of the
- "essential" unsaturated fatty acids, and the high sucrose intake probably contributed to
- lowering the phosphate.</span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >In 2000, researchers who were convinced that fructose is harmful to the health, reasoned
- that its harmful effects would be exacerbated by consuming it in combination with a diet
- deficient in magnesium. Eleven men consumed, for six months, test diets with high
- fructose corn syrup or starch, along with some fairly normal U.S. foods, and with either
- extremely low magnesium content, or with slightly deficient magnesium content. The
- authors' conclusion was clearly stated in the title of their article, that the
- combination adversely affects the mineral balance of the body. </span></span></span
- ></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >However, looking at their results in the context of these other studies of the effects of
- fructose on phosphate, I don't think their conclusion is correct. Even on the extremely
- low magnesium intake, both their magnesium and calcium balances were positive, meaning
- that on average their bodies accumulated a little magnesium and calcium, even though men
- aged 22 to 40 presumably weren't growing very much. To steadily accumulate both calcium
- and magnesium, with the calcium retention much larger than the magnesium, the minerals
- were probably mostly being incorporated into their bones. Their phosphate balance,
- however, was slightly negative on the "high fructose" diet. If the sugar was having the
- same effect that it had on William Brown in 1938 (and in animal experiments), some of
- the phosphate loss was accounted for by the reduced amount in blood and other body
- fluids, but to continue through the months of the experiment, some of it must have
- represented a change in the composition of the bones. When there is more carbon dioxide
- in the body fluids, calcium carbonate can be deposited in the bones (Messier, et al.,
- 1979). Increased carbon dioxide could account for a prolonged negative phosphate
- balance, by taking its place in the bones in combination with calcium and
- magnesium. </span></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >Another important effect of carbon dioxide is in the regulation of both calcium and
- phosphate, by increasing the absorption and retention of calcium (Canzanello, et al.,
- 1995), and by increasing the excretion of phosphate. Increased carbon dioxide (as
- dissolved gas) and bicarbonate (as sodium bicarbonate) both increase the excretion of
- phosphate in the urine, even in the absence of the parathyroid hormone. Below the normal
- level of serum bicarbonate, reabsorption of phosphate by the kidneys is greatly
- increased (Jehle, et al., 1999). Acetazolamide increases the body's retention of carbon
- dioxide, and increases the amount of phosphate excreted in the urine. </span></span
- ></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"><span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- >Much of the calcium dissolved in the blood is in the form of a complex of calcium and bicarbonate,
- with a single positive charge (Hughes, et al., 1984). Failure to consider this complexed form of
- calcium leads to errors in measuring the amount of calcium in the blood, and in interpreting its
- physiological effects, including its intracellular behavior. Hyperventilation can cause cramping
- of skeletal muscles, constriction of blood vessels, and excitation of platelets and other cells;
- the removal of carbon dioxide from the blood lowers the carbonic acid, changing the state and
- function of calcium. Hyperventilation increases phosphate and parathyroid hormone, and decreases
- calcium (Krapf, et al., 1992).</span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"><span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- >Since estrogen tends to cause hyperventilation, lowering carbon dioxide, its role in phosphate
- metabolism should be investigated more thoroughly. Work by Han, et al. (2002) and Xu, et al.
- (2003) showed that estrogen increases phosphate reabsorption by the kidney, but estrogen also
- increases cortisol, which decreases reabsorption, so the role of estrogen in the whole system
- has to be be considered. </span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >This calcium solubilizing effect of bicarbonate, combined with its phosphaturic effect,
- probably accounts for the relaxing effect of carbon dioxide on the blood vessels and
- bronchial smooth muscles, and for the prevention of vascular calcification by the
- thyroid hormones (Sato, et al., 2005, Tatar, 2009, Kim, et al., 2012). Distensibility of
- the blood vessels and heart, increased by carbon dioxide, is decreased in
- hypothyroidism, heart failure, and by phosphate. </span></span></span></span></span
- >
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >While fructose lowers intracellular phosphate, it also lowers the amount that the intestine
- absorbs from food (Kirchner, et al.,2008), and the Milne-Nielsen study suggests that it
- increases phosphate loss through the kidneys. The "anti-aging" protein, klotho,
- increases the ability of the kidneys to excrete phosphate (Dërmaku-Sopjani, et al.,
- 2011), and like fructose, it supports energy production and maintains thermogenesis
- (Mori, et al., 2000). </span></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >Lowering the amount of phosphate in the blood allows the parathyroid hormone to decrease.
- While the parathyroid hormone also prevents phosphate reabsorption by the kidneys, it
- causes mast cells to release serotonin (and serotonin increases the kidneys'
- reabsorption of phosphate), and possibly has other pro-inflammatory effects. For
- example, deleting the PTH gene compensates for the harmful (accelerated calcification
- and osteoporosis) effects of deleting the klotho gene, apparently by preventing the
- increase of osteopontin (Yuan, et al., 2012).</span></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >Niacinamide is another nutrient that lowers serum phosphate (Cheng, et al., 2008), by
- inhibiting intestinal absorption (Katai, et al., 1989), and also by reducing its
- reabsorption by the kidneys (Campbell, et al., 1989). Niacinamide's reduction of free
- fatty acids by inhibiting lipolysis, protecting the use of glucose for energy, might be
- involved in its effect on phosphate (by analogy with the phosphate lowering action of a
- deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids). Aspirin is another antilipolytic substance
- (de Zentella, et al., 2002) which stimulates energy production from sugar and lowers
- phosphate, possibly combined with improved magnesium retention (Yamada and Morohashi,
- 1986).</span></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >A diet that provides enough calcium to limit activity of the parathyroid glands, and that
- is low in phosphate and polyunsaturated fats, with sugar rather than starch as the main
- carbohydrate, possibly supplemented by niacinamide and aspirin, should help to avoid
- some of the degenerative processes associated with high phosphate: fatigue, heart
- failure, movement discoordination, hypogonadism, infertility, vascular calcification,
- emphysema, cancer, osteoporosis, and atrophy of skin, skeletal muscle, intestine,
- thymus, and spleen (Ohnishi and Razzaque, 2010; Shiraki-Iida, et al., 2000; Kuro-o, et
- al., 1997; Osuka and Razzaque, 2012). The foods naturally highest in phosphate, relative
- to calcium, are cereals, legumes, meats, and fish. Many prepared foods contain added
- phosphate. Foods with a higher, safer ratio of calcium to phosphate are leaves, such as
- kale, turnip greens, and beet greens, and many fruits, milk, and cheese. Coffee, besides
- being a good source of magnesium, is probably helpful for lowering phosphate, by its
- antagonism to adenosine (Coulson, et al., 1991).</span></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"><span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- >Although increased phosphate generally causes vascular calcification (increasing rigidity, with
- increased systolic blood pressure), when a high level of dietary phosphate comes from milk and
- cheese, it is epidemiologically associated with reduced blood pressure (Takeda, et al.,
- 2012).</span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
- style="font-size: medium"
- ><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"
- >Phosphate toxicity offers some interesting insights into stress and aging, helping to
- explain the protective effects of carbon dioxide, thyroid hormone, sugar, niacinamide,
- and calcium. It also suggests that other natural substances used as food additives
- should be investigated more thoroughly. Excessive citric acid, for example, might
- activate dormant cancer cells (Havard, et al., 2011), and has been associated with
- malignancy (Blüml, et al., 2011). Nutritional research has hardly begun to investigate
- the optimal ratios of minerals, fats, amino acids, and other things in foods, and how
- they interact with the natural toxicants, antinutrients, and hormone disrupters in many
- organisms used for food.</span></span></span></span></span>
- </blockquote>
- <blockquote></blockquote>
- <blockquote>
- <span style="color: #222222"> <span style="font-family: georgia, times, serif"><span
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