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  2. <head><title>Autonomic systems</title></head>
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  4. <h1>
  5. Autonomic systems
  6. </h1>
  7. <p>
  8. <em>Historically, functions such as reason, emotion, and instinct were associated with particular nervous
  9. structures, and there was a reluctance to think that consciousness, like instinct, could be based on
  10. "reflexes." Eventually, this led to the idea of an autonomous nervous system which produced emotions and
  11. adjusted the body's functions, while the "central nervous system" was the seat of conscious thought,
  12. perception, and behavior.</em>
  13. </p>
  14. <em>
  15. <p>
  16. Our individual cells have a degree of autonomy, consisting of the ability to sense their situation,
  17. integrate stimuli, and act adaptively. Their behavior is intelligently adaptive. The cells that make up
  18. the nervous system have this basic capacity for complex adaptive integration, but they also have the
  19. specialized role of serving as links between cells, and between cells and the environment.
  20. </p>
  21. <p>
  22. The integration of the organism is most complete when the energy of each cell is optimal. The "autonomic
  23. nervous system," including nerves that are closely associated with the diverse organs and tissues, is
  24. easiest to understand as a system for integrating and optimizing energy throughout the organism.
  25. </p>
  26. <p>
  27. This view suggests new ways of understanding imbalance in these nervous functions, and the diseases that
  28. develop under the imbalanced conditions--e.g., asthma, polycystic ovaries, menopausal symptoms, some
  29. skin diseases, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and tumors.
  30. </p>
  31. <p>
  32. Every organ has its own intrinsic nerve net, and the cortex of the brain adjusts each system to meet the
  33. adaptive needs of the organism.
  34. </p>
  35. </em>
  36. <p>
  37. <em>
  38. When every cell is functioning optimally, and the organism is adapted to its environment, there is
  39. little need for intervention by the "transmitter substances."</em>
  40. </p>
  41. <p></p>
  42. <p>
  43. People like Walter Cannon and Wilhelm Reich popularized the idea of the autonomic nervous system, but they
  44. were just systematizing ideas that had been developing since the beginning of the century. Their views were
  45. the context in which Selye"s idea of stress developed.
  46. </p>
  47. <p>
  48. The anatomical components of the nervous system that were called the sympathetic ("fight or flight,"
  49. adrenergic) system and the parasympathetic ("vegetative") system are still important factors in
  50. physiological thinking, and despite the great complexity that has grown up around them, there is still a
  51. tendency to identify the systems with polarities of mood or emotion. The idea of polarities is useful, but
  52. it easily leads to error.
  53. </p>
  54. <p>
  55. (The sympathetic system includes a chain of ganglia along the spine, and its functions include dilating the
  56. pupils and accelerating the heart. The parasympathetic system is also called the cranio-sacral system, from
  57. the location of its ganglia, and among its functions are slowing the heart and constricting the pupils.
  58. However, despite several decades of research, the actions of "sympathetic" and "parasympathetic" nerves in
  59. most organs aren"t understood.)
  60. </p>
  61. <p>
  62. If the "adrenaline side" of the nervous system is responsible for the reactions to pain and threat,
  63. reactions of fear and rage, then the opposite side tends to be given attributes such as peace and pleasure,
  64. and the fact that these oppositions are often true has led to a climate in which the adrenergic reactions
  65. are seen as "bad," and the opposite reactions as "good." When adrenalin was identified as an agent of the
  66. sympathetic nervous system, there was a search for the "opposing" agent of the parasympathetic system.
  67. Histamine was an early candidate, before acetylcholine was discovered to be the main parasympathetic agent.
  68. This view of histamine was fostered by the older idea of "trophic nerves," which easily became identified
  69. with the parasympathetic system. When acetylcholine was identified as the transmitter or agent of the
  70. parasympathetic system, it tended to take on many of the qualities, including the "trophic" functions, that
  71. had grown up around the idea of the parasympathetic system, but the emphasis on acetylcholine led to a
  72. general neglect of the associations of histamine, and the mast cells that produce much of it, with the
  73. autonomic nervous system. (The current trend seems to be emphasizing a close integration of mast cell
  74. function with nervous function.) Nitric oxide has recently been identified as another parasympathetic
  75. "transmitter." Nitric oxide and histamine are both very important factors in degenerative inflammatory
  76. diseases, but their association with the parasympathetic nervous system has given them an aura of
  77. benevolence.
  78. </p>
  79. <p>
  80. I think it"s useful to compare the autonomic nervous system with the pituitary, not just because some of the
  81. pituitary hormones are called "trophic" hormones (e.g., luteotrophic, adrenocorticotrophic), but because
  82. their important adaptive functions can themselves be the cause of serious problems. An excess of the thyroid
  83. stimulating hormone, for example, causes degeneration and cancer development in the thyroid gland, and
  84. animals deprived of their pituitary gland, but given thyroid, live longer than intact animals.
  85. </p>
  86. <p>
  87. If slaves are starved and beaten frequently, they aren"t very productive, they don"t live long, and they
  88. might rebel. Workers that are healthy and working for a common goal that they understand are more
  89. productive. Cells that are well energized perform their functions with minimal cues, but deprived cells that
  90. have to be forced to function are likely to die unexpectedly, or to reproduce inappropriately, or to change
  91. their identity.
  92. </p>
  93. <p>
  94. Professors often make a strong impression on their students, but, especially in technical or scientific
  95. fields, they usually do this by controlling the discourse, so that radical questioning is excluded. What
  96. they don"t know "isn"t knowledge." Under the pressure of "getting a professional education," students
  97. appreciate organizing principles and mnemonic devices, but this gives traditional ways of systematizing
  98. knowledge tremendous power that, in practice, is far more important than mere experimental results.
  99. (Experiments that don"t acknowledge the ruling metaphors are almost universally considered inadmissable,
  100. unpublishable.)
  101. </p>
  102. <p>
  103. Some obvious questions about the autonomic system have been commonly ignored or minimized by physiologists.
  104. If "stress" is the stimulus that causes the sympathetic system to increase its activity, what is the
  105. stimulus for increased activity of the parasympathetic system? What accounts for the relative balance
  106. between the two sides of the system, or their imbalance? The fact that the answers aren"t obvious has left
  107. the questions largely to psychiatrists and psychologists. Wilhelm Reich, who tried to provide answers in
  108. terms of developmental interactions between the organism and its environment, found that the question led
  109. him to investigate psychosomatic disease, sexual repression, cancer, and fascism, with disastrous results
  110. for himself.
  111. </p>
  112. <p>
  113. Chinese medicine was familiar with many of the functions of the autonomic nervous system at a time when
  114. western medicine was organized around "the humors." It"s easy for contemporary "western" people to see that
  115. the "winds" and the hot and cold principles of Chinese tradition are metaphors, but they are reluctant to
  116. see that their own system has grown up within very similar traditional metaphoric polarities.
  117. </p>
  118. <p>
  119. The successes of even a good metaphor can cause people to neglect details that could support a more complete
  120. and accurate image of reality.
  121. </p>
  122. <p>
  123. Contemporary science carries a load of bad metaphors, because the educational system doesn"t tolerate a
  124. critical attitude. Potentially, a good metaphor (e.g., Vernadsky"s suggestion that an organism is "a
  125. whirlwind of atoms") could blow away many bad metaphors, but the present organization of science is tending
  126. in the other direction<strong>:</strong> Commercial interests are creating a culture in which their
  127. metaphors are replacing the traditional science in which there was a certain amount of honest intellectual
  128. exploration.
  129. </p>
  130. <p>
  131. In talking about consciousness, sleep, stress, biological rhythms, aging, and energy, I have often focussed
  132. on the efficient use of oxygen for energy production by the mitochondria, i.e., cellular respiration. Every
  133. situation demands a special kind of adaptation, and each kind of adaptation requires a special distribution
  134. of cellular and organic activity, with its supporting local respiratory activity.
  135. </p>
  136. <p>
  137. There is a lot of local self-regulation in the adapting organism, for example when the activated tissue
  138. produces increased amounts of carbon dioxide, which dilates blood vessels, delivering more oxygen and
  139. nutrients to the tissue. But the distribution of excitation, and the harmonious balancing of the organism"s
  140. resources and activities, is achieved by the actions of the cortex of the brain, acting on the subordinate
  141. nerve nets, adjusting many factors relating to energy production and use.
  142. </p>
  143. <p>
  144. On the level of the mitochondria, adrenaline and acetylcholine have slightly different effects. (Metabolic
  145. studies with isolated mitochondria are so remote from the normal cellular condition that their results are
  146. nothing more than a hint of what might be occurring in the cell.) Acetylcholine appears to shift the
  147. proportion of the fuels used (increasing the oxidation of alpha-ketoglutarate, with the production of carbon
  148. dioxide) and increasing the efficiency of energy conservation (phosphorylation, producing ATP) so that less
  149. oxygen is needed, while adrenaline increases the rate of oxygen consumption (and succinate oxidation). This
  150. would be consistent with F. Z. Meerson"s conception of the parasympathetic function as one of the "stress
  151. limiting" systems.
  152. </p>
  153. <p>
  154. On the level of the whole cell, organ, and organism, the parasympathetic function limits oxygen consumption
  155. in a variety of ways, including the reduction of blood flow. Acetylcholine, like histamine and serotonin,
  156. activates glycolysis, the conversion of glucose to lactic acid, which provides energy in the absence of
  157. oxygen.
  158. </p>
  159. <p>
  160. The effects of a little adrenaline, and a lot of adrenaline, are very different, with a high concentration
  161. of adrenaline decreasing the efficiency of phosphorylation. In the stressed heart, this effect of excess
  162. adrenaline can be fatal, especially when it is combined with adrenaline"s acceleration of clotting,
  163. liberation of fatty acids, and frequently of calcium, and constriction of blood vessels.
  164. </p>
  165. <p>
  166. Seventy years ago, autonomic control of blood vessels seemed to be a matter of nerve fibers that constrict
  167. them, and other fibers that cause them to dilate, but that idea hasn"t worked for a long time.
  168. </p>
  169. <p>
  170. Ever since I noticed that the students in our physiology lab who tried to use adrenaline to revive their
  171. rats weren"t successful, I have wondered about the television shows in which adrenaline is given to patients
  172. with heart problems. Under some conditions adrenaline does increase circulation to the heart, but extreme
  173. stress doesn"t seem to be among those conditions.
  174. </p>
  175. <p>
  176. Too much serotonin, histamine, acetylcholine, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, like too much adrenalin, can
  177. cause spasms of the coronary arteries, along with disturbances of mitochondrial respiration. In stress,
  178. these substances are almost sure to be present in excess. (Anti-serotonin drugs are effective for a variety
  179. of heart problems, and other degenerative diseases.)
  180. </p>
  181. <p>
  182. By increasing the production of lactic acid and the loss of carbon dioxide, exaggerated nervous stimulation
  183. (especially the excess of acetylcholine, histamine, and serotonin) can cause a variety of problems,
  184. including generalized vasoconstriction and systemic alkalosis, as well as increased intracellular
  185. alkalinity. This metabolic pattern is characteristic of many kinds of stress, including cancer. (Elsewhere,
  186. I have referred to this pattern as "relative hyperventilation.") The metabolic effects probably account for
  187. some of the "paradoxical" effects of the autonomic agents.
  188. </p>
  189. <p>
  190. When nutrition and thyroid function, light, atmospheric pressure, and other conditions are favorable, the
  191. autonomic transmitters (e.g., acetylcholine, histamine, serotonin, adrenalin) and pituitary hormones and
  192. other "signal substances" are kept within safe limits.
  193. </p>
  194. <p>
  195. Because the substances released from various cells under the influence of the autonomic nerves (histamine
  196. and serotonin, for example) stimulate cell division, injuries which produce clots and vascular spasms will
  197. also stimulate the formation of new blood vessels, a process that is essential for the adaptation of tissues
  198. to prolonged stress.
  199. </p>
  200. <p>
  201. These stress-induced agents are appropriately included in the "vegetative" (parasympathetic) nervous system,
  202. because they promote vegetation, i.e., the proliferation of substance.
  203. </p>
  204. <p>
  205. Adrenaline, and the sympathetic nerves, have the opposite function, of restraining cell division, and they
  206. also oppose the pro-inflammatory functions of those parasympathetic agents.
  207. </p>
  208. <p>
  209. Estrogen tends to shift autonomic balance toward the parasympathetic side, away from the
  210. sympathetic/adrenergic. Recalling that stress, hypothyroidism, and aging increase the activity of aromatase
  211. in various tissues, with local production of estrogen, and that tissue-bound estrogen stays at a high level
  212. in postmenopausal women despite the lower level of estrogen in the serum, it"s worthwhile looking at the
  213. effects of estrogen on the various components of the so-called autonomic nervous system.
  214. </p>
  215. <p>
  216. One injection of estrogen can induce a large increase in the number of sympathetic nerves in the ovaries. At
  217. menopause, a similar "invasion" of sympathetic nerves occurs. The polycystic ovary (which is even more
  218. common after menopause than before, and some studies have found the condition in 20% of premenopausal women)
  219. responds to estrogen by producing nerve growth factor(s), and growing a large number of new sympathetic
  220. nerves. Although the hyperestrogenism associated with the polycystic ovary syndrome has many harmful
  221. effects, the invasion of the ovary by adrenergic nerves apparently protects it from the development of
  222. cancer.
  223. </p>
  224. <p>
  225. Parasympathetic nerves, pituitary hormones and mast cells activate the ovaries. The number of mast cells in
  226. the ovaries is increased by the pituitary hormones (including the thyroid stimulating hormone), and by
  227. estrogen (Jaiswal and Krishna, 1996). Estrogen is the most potent of these hormones in causing the cells to
  228. release histamine. The overgrowth of the sympathetic nerves in the polycystic ovary causes the number and
  229. activity of mast cells to decrease, possibly as a protective adaptation against excessive stimulation from
  230. the many pro-inflammatory factors. The mast cells are needed for the follicles to rupture, so their
  231. suppression prevents ovulation.
  232. </p>
  233. <p>
  234. The nervous system is closely involved in controlling the growth of tissues, and it has been argued (R.E.
  235. Kavetsky reviewed the subject in his book, emphasizing the role of depression in development of cancer) that
  236. cancer results from reduced activity of the sympathetic nerves, or unopposed action of the parasympathetic
  237. system. That stress has a role in cancer is acknowledged by the scientific establishment, but the nervous
  238. system"s direct involvement in the regulation of cellular metabolism, cell division, and other processes
  239. that are central to the cancerous state is either flatly denied or simply ignored.
  240. </p>
  241. <p>
  242. Although mast cells have been known to be a common component of tumors for many years, it is only recently
  243. that antihistamines and other antiinflammatory drugs have been recognized as valuable therapies in cancer.
  244. The whole issue of the role of nerves in tumor development and physiology has been submerged by the mystique
  245. of the "intrinsically bad cancer cell."
  246. </p>
  247. <p>
  248. In Alzheimer"s disease, there has been a great investment in the doctrine that drugs to promote the function
  249. of cholinergic (acetylcholine forming) nerves will restore lost mental function, or at least retard the
  250. progression of the disease. The success of <strong><em>anti</em></strong>cholinergic drugs in treating
  251. several degenerative brain diseases is probably embarrassing to the companies whose cholinergic-intensifying
  252. drugs aren"t very successful. Conveniently for them, these formerly "anticholinergic" drugs are now being
  253. called anti-excitotoxic or anti-glutamatergic drugs. There is no serious conflict in the terminology, since
  254. the cholinergic processes (like the serotonergic processes) are closely associated with excitotoxic nerve
  255. damage. The cholinergic drugs will probably be sold as long as their patents are effective, and then will be
  256. quietly forgotten.
  257. </p>
  258. <p>
  259. The modern conception of pharmacology, with receptors and transmitters turning functions on or off, has
  260. turned into an unproductive and dangerous scholasticism. No one will ever successfully count the number of
  261. transmitter angels dancing on the variable sites of the variable receptor molecules. The functional
  262. "meaning" of a receptor or transmitter changes according to circumstances, and the effect of activating a
  263. particular nerve depends on surrounding conditions, and on preceding conditions. Each cell integrates
  264. stimuli adaptively.
  265. </p>
  266. <p>
  267. If no reflex is simply mechanical and innate, then all reflexes are conditional. (M. Merleau-Ponty argued
  268. against the validity of the reflex concept itself, because of this conditionality.) P. K. Anokhin"s concept
  269. of the "Acceptor of Action" (described in my book, <strong><em>Mind and Tissue</em></strong>) provides an
  270. image in which we can see the "set-points" for the relatively "autonomic" reflexes as reflections of the
  271. general needs of the organism. The local tissue reflexes, the organ reflexes, the spinal reflexes, etc., are
  272. variable, according to their energetic resources, and according to the way in which they are organized under
  273. the influence of the cerebral cortex and the environment.
  274. </p>
  275. <p>
  276. The reality is more complex than the philosophy of the drug industry imagines, but the solutions of problems
  277. can be much simpler, if we think in terms of energetic support, rather than the over-concretized
  278. interventions of the pharmacologists. In hypothyroidism, it is common for there to be an excess of
  279. adrenalin/noradrenalin, serotonin, histamine, and some of the pituitary hormones. Correcting thyroid
  280. function can immediately correct many problems, but especially when the energy deficiency has caused
  281. anatomical adjustments (redistribution of blood vessels and mast cells, for example) it"s important to make
  282. the environment supportive in as many ways as possible.
  283. </p>
  284. <p>
  285. In polycystic ovaries, menopausal symptoms, arthritis, angina pectoris, multiple sclerosis, some kinds of
  286. dementia, migraine, and emphysema, the relief achieved with a simple improvement of cellular energy can be
  287. rapid and complete. Presumably a similar process of biological reorganization is involved in the occasional
  288. spontaneous regression of tumors.
  289. </p>
  290. <p>
  291. Although I don"t think the autonomic nervous system, with its sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions,
  292. exists in the way it has traditionally been conceived, the idea can be useful if we think of using drugs and
  293. other factors in ways that tend to <strong><em>"quiet an overactive autonomic nervous system."
  294. </em></strong>
  295. </p>
  296. <hr />
  297. <p>
  298. <strong><h3>REFERENCES</h3></strong>
  299. </p>
  300. <p>
  301. Am J Emerg Med 1989 Sep;7(5):485-8. <strong>Coronary artery spasm induced by intravenous epinephrine
  302. overdose.</strong> Karch SB. A 27-year-old man was accidentally given 2 mg intravenous epinephrine
  303. instead of 2 mg naloxone. He immediately developed chest pain, nausea, and diaphoresis. An ECG taken shortly
  304. after the epinephrine administration showed widespread ischemia. Forty-five minutes later the tracing still
  305. showed an early repolarization pattern, but ST elevation was less marked and the patient was asymptomatic.
  306. Serum potassium was 3.2 mEq/L and serum catecholamines, drawn approximately 20 minutes after the epinephrine
  307. administration, were 10 times normal (dopamine, 173 ng/L; epinephrine, 1,628 ng/L; norepinephrine, 1,972
  308. ng/L). There are seven other reports of intravenous epinephrine overdose in the English literature. Two of
  309. the previously reported cases had 12-lead ECGs within the first hour. In both there was evidence of
  310. transient ischemia similar to that observed in this case. Most of the patients had symptoms consistent with
  311. angina,<strong>
  312. and several developed pulmonary edema. These findings suggest that, in humans, large intravenous doses
  313. of epinephrine are likely to produce coronary artery spasm and may decrease coronary artery
  314. perfusion.</strong>
  315. </p>
  316. <p>
  317. Res Exp Med (Berl) 1987;187(5):385-93. <strong>Possible interaction of platelets and adrenaline in the early
  318. phase of myocardial infarction.</strong> Seitz R, Leising H, Liebermann A, Rohner I, Gerdes H, Egbring
  319. R. "<strong>It is known that in most cases of transmural acute myocardial infarction a platelet clot
  320. originates within a coronary artery. In acute myocardial infarction patients increased levels of the
  321. plasma catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline as well as the platelet release proteins platelet
  322. factor 4 and beta-thromboglobulin have been reported."
  323. </strong>
  324. </p>
  325. <p>
  326. Anesthesiology 1991 Jun;74(6):973-9. Comment in: Anesthesiology. 1992 Mar;76(3):475. <strong>
  327. Magnesium inhibits the hypertensive but not the cardiotonic actions of low-dose epinephrine.</strong>
  328. <hr />
  329. </p>
  330. <p>
  331. Jpn Heart J 1979 Jan;20(1):75-82. <strong>Inhibition of constrictor responses of dog coronary artery by
  332. atropine. A possible effectiveness of atropine on variant form of angina pectoris.</strong> Sakanashi M,
  333. Furukawa T, Horio Y. A possible effectiveness of atropine on variant form of angina pectoris was
  334. investigated using the left circumflex coronary arterial strips of dogs. Acetylcholine 10(-5)--10(-3) Gm/ml
  335. dose-dependently constricted the isolated arterial strips during potassium-contracture in 6 cases, and
  336. repetitive applications of acetylcholine could produce the similar contractions to the control. In 18 strips
  337. atropine 10(-6) Gm/ml significantly depressed the contractions of coronary arteries induced by acetylcholine
  338. 10(-5)--10(-3) Gm/ml. In 5 arterial strips atropine 10(-6) Gm/ml <strong>
  339. significantly inhibited norepinephrine-induced responses</strong> of these arteries, and by 10(-5) Gm/ml
  340. further suppression of the responses was obtained. The <strong>results suggest that atropine may suppress
  341. the contractile responses of the coronary artery induce by acetylcholine and nonrepinephrine through a
  342. muscarinic-receptor blocking action and simultaneously partly through an adrenergic alpha-receptor
  343. blocking action.</strong>
  344. </p>
  345. <p>
  346. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1981;20(4):245-50. <strong>Effect of long-term beta-blockade with alprenolol on
  347. platelet function and fibrinolytic activity in patients with coronary heart disease.</strong> Jurgensen
  348. HJ, Dalsgaard-Nielsen J, Kjoller E, Gormsen J.
  349. </p>
  350. <p>
  351. C R Seances Soc Biol Fil 1987;181(3):242-8.<strong>
  352. [Adrenaline activates oxidative phosphorylation of rat liver mitochondria through alpha
  353. 1-receptors].</strong>
  354. Breton L, Clot JP, Bouriannes J, Baudry M. We studied the effects and mode of action of epinephrine on the
  355. oxidative phosphorylation of rat liver mitochondria. With either succinate or beta-hydroxybutyrate as
  356. substrate, i.v. injection of 1.5 microgram/100 g epinephrine increased the respiratory rates by 30-40% in
  357. state 3 (with ADP), and by 20-30% in state 4 (after ADP phosphorylation), so that the respiratory control
  358. ratio (state 3/state 4) changed little. The respiratory stimulation by epinephrine was maximal 20 minutes
  359. after its injection. The action of epinephrine on mitochondria was blocked by pretreatment of the animals
  360. with the alpha 1-antagonist prazosin but not by treatment with the beta-antagonist propranolol. I. v.
  361. injection of 10 micrograms/100 g phenylephrine evoked the same mitochondrial response as epinephrine. I. v.
  362. administration of 50 micrograms/100 g dibutyryl cyclic AMP enhanced glycaemia but did not affect
  363. mitochondrial respiration. Epinephrine therefore has an alpha 1-type of action on mitochondrial oxidative
  364. phosphorylation.
  365. </p>
  366. <p>
  367. Biochimie 1975;57(6-7):797-802. <strong>Effects of catecholamines on rat myocardial metabolism. I. Influence
  368. of catecholamines on energy-rich nucleotides and phosphorylated fraction contents.</strong> Merouze P,
  369. Gaudemer Y. 1. The influence of catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline) on energy metabolism of the
  370. rat myocardium has been studied by incubating slices of this tissue with these hormones and by following the
  371. levels of the different phosphorylated fractions and adenylic nucleotides. 2. Similar effects are obtained
  372. with both hormones, adrenaline being more effective. 3<strong>. Catecholamines decrease significantly the
  373. total amount of phosphate while Pi content increases during the first 10 minutes of incubation; labile
  374. and residual phosphate contents increase at the beginning of incubation and decrease to the initial
  375. values afterwards. 4. ATP and ADP levels decrease significantly</strong> with both hormones; however,
  376. the effect of noradrenalin on the ATP level needs a longer time of incubation. <strong>
  377. The ATP/ADP ratios decrease after 5 minutes incubation and the total adenylic nucleotide content is
  378. severely decreased (35 per cent with adrenalin, after 20 minutes incubation). 5. Similar results have
  379. been obtained with other tissues; these results can explain the decrease of aerobic metabolism we
  380. observed under the same conditions.</strong>
  381. </p>
  382. <p>
  383. Eur J Pharmacol 1982 Jul 30;81(4):569-76<strong>. Actions of serotonin antagonists on dog coronary
  384. artery.</strong> Brazenor RM, Angus JA. <strong>"Serotonin released from platelets may initiate coronary
  385. vasospasm</strong> in patients with variant angina. If this hypothesis is correct, serotonin antagonists
  386. without constrictor activity may be useful in this form of angina. We have investigated drugs classified as
  387. serotonin antagonists on dog circumflex coronary artery ring segments in vitro. Ergotamine,
  388. dihydroergotamine,<strong>
  389. bromocriptine, lisuride, ergometrine, ketanserin, trazodone, cyproheptadine and pizotifen caused
  390. non-competitive antagonism of serotonin concentration-response</strong> curves. In addition, ketanserin,
  391. trazodone, bromocriptine and pizotifen inhibited noradrenaline responses in concentrations similar to those
  392. required for serotonin antagonism. All drugs with the exception of ketanserin, cyproheptadine and pizotifen
  393. showed some degree of intrinsic constrictor activity." "Of the<strong>
  394. drugs tested, ketanserin may be the most useful in variant angina since it is a potent 5HT antagonist,
  395. lacks agonist activity and has alpha-adrenoceptor blocking activity."</strong>
  396. </p>
  397. <p>
  398. Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss 1983 Feb;76 Spec No:3-6.<strong>
  399. Role of autonomic nervous system in the pathogenesis of angina pectoris.</strong> Yasue H. "The attacks
  400. of vasospastic angina or coronary spasm can be induced by injection of epinephrine, cold pressor test,
  401. Valsalva maneuver, and exercise." "The attacks of vasospastic angina can also be induced by injection of
  402. methacholine, a parasympathomimetic agent, and this reaction is suppressed by atropine, a parasympathetic
  403. blocking agent. Thus,<strong>
  404. parasympathetic nervous system also seems to play a role in the production of vasospastic angina. The
  405. attacks of vasospastic angina can be easily induced by adrenergic or parasympathetic stimuli from
  406. midnight to early morning but is</strong> usually not provoked by these stimuli in the daytime. Thus,
  407. there is circadian variation in the reactivity of coronary arteries to adrenergic or parasympathetic
  408. stimuli. There are also weekly, monthly and yearly variations of the reactivity of coronary arteries to
  409. these stimuli. Thus, <strong>alpha adrenergic or parasympathetic activity is not the sole factor in the
  410. production of vasospastic angina.</strong> Angina pectoris caused by increased myocardial oxygen demand
  411. is induced by infusion of isoproterenol, a beta adrenergic stimulant, and is suppressed by propranolol but
  412. not by phentolamine."
  413. </p>
  414. <p>
  415. Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 1986 Mar;87(3):281-90. <strong>[Vasoconstrictor responses of isolated pig coronary
  416. arteries].</strong> [Article in Japanese] Ikenoue K, Kawakita S, Toda N.<strong>
  417. "In helical strips of pig coronary arteries, histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and a stable analogue
  418. of thromboxane A2 (9, 11-epithio-11, 12-methano TXA2: s-TXA2) produced a dose-dependent contraction. The
  419. histamine-induced contraction</strong> was suppressed by treatment with chlorpheniramine, suggesting an
  420. involvement of H1 receptors. <strong>Contractile responses to serotonin were attenuated by not only
  421. ketanserin, an S2 antagonist, but also by cinanserin and methysergide.</strong>" "Contractile responses
  422. to histamine were potentiated by treatment with low concentrations of serotonin or s-TXA2. Contractile
  423. responses to serotonin were also potentiated by low concentrations of histamine or s-TXA2. Removal of the
  424. endothelium from pig coronary arterial strips potentiated contractions induced by serotonin, histamine and
  425. norepinephrine. These results suggest that, in addition to damaged endothelium, <strong>integrating action
  426. of endogenous vasoconstrictors, including histamine, serotonin, TXA2 and norepinephrine, may play an
  427. important role in producing coronary vasospasm."</strong>
  428. </p>
  429. <p>
  430. Jpn Heart J 1987 Sep;28(5):649-61<strong>. The role of parasympathetic nerve activity in the pathogenesis of
  431. coronary vasospasm.</strong> Suematsu M, Ito Y, Fukuzaki H. To evaluate the role of the autonomic
  432. nervous system, especially the parasympathetic nervous system, in the initiation mechanism of vasospastic
  433. angina pectoris (AP), the coefficient of R-R interval variation (CV) on the electrocardiogram (ECG) and
  434. plasma catecholamine concentration were measured in 25 patients with vasospastic AP, 10 patients with effort
  435. AP and 12 control subjects. CV which has been recognized as reflecting parasympathetic nervous system
  436. activity was calculated from 100 consecutive heart beats on the ECG and represented as the percentage of
  437. standard deviation of the R-R interval per mean R-R interval. Repeated measurements of <strong>plasma
  438. catecholamine concentration revealed higher values at any sampling point throughout a day in patients
  439. with vasospastic AP than those in
  440. </strong>
  441. control subjects. A distinctly higher CV was observed at night in the vasospastic AP group. <strong>This
  442. elevated CV was abolished by atropine sulfate (1.5 mg/day per os). Pilocarpine injection (1.3 mg/10 kg
  443. B.W. subcutaneously) induced a marked increase</strong> in CV that preceded the occurrence of chest pain
  444. and/or ischemic ECG changes in 5 patients with vasospastic AP. The<strong>
  445. increment in CV at 10 min after pilocarpine administration was greater in vasospastic AP than in control
  446. subjects (p less than 0.05). It is concluded that enhanced parasympathetic activity may play a role in
  447. the initiation of coronary vasospasm associated with sympathetic hyperactivity.</strong>
  448. </p>
  449. <p>
  450. Science 1984 Mar 30;223(4643):1435-7.<strong>
  451. Coronary arteries of cardiac patients are hyperreactive and contain stores of amines: a mechanism for
  452. coronary spasm.</strong> Kalsner S, Richards R. Coronary arteries from hearts of cardiac patients
  453. contain significantly higher concentrations of histamine than do those from noncardiac patients. The
  454. coronary vessels of cardiac patients are also hyperresponsive to histamine and serotonin. These differences
  455. between groups of patients suggest an explanation for coronary artery spasm in heart disease.
  456. </p>
  457. <p>
  458. Fed Proc 1985 Feb;44(2):321-5. <strong>Coronary artery reactivity in human vessels: some questions and some
  459. answers.</strong> Kalsner S. "It is now clear that human coronary arteries in vitro contract to
  460. acetylcholine but that relaxation is the only response observed in dog coronary vessels. <strong>
  461. Acetylcholine is as powerful a constrictor of human coronary arteries, in terms of tension induced, as
  462. 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) or histamine and is a substantially more powerful constrictor than
  463. norepinephrine.</strong> Field stimulation of coronary artery strips caused a vasoconstriction that was
  464. partially antagonized by atropine (3.45 X 10(-6) M)." "Coronary tissue from cardiac patients also contains
  465. stores of 5-HT and histamine, and the histamine levels are substantially increased above the values in
  466. vessels from noncardiac patients. Coronary artery spasm or contraction<strong>
  467. probably can be initiated by diverse intrinsic and extrinsic influences, including autonomic discharge
  468. from either the parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous system or from histamine or 5-HT, and probably no
  469. one agent or entity is causative in all cases."</strong>
  470. </p>
  471. <p>
  472. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1969 Oct 14;164(2):517-9. <strong>Induced carcinogenesis under various influences on the
  473. hypothalamus.</strong> Kavetsky RE, Turkevich NM, Akimova RN, Khayetsky IK, Matveichuck YD.
  474. </p>
  475. <p>
  476. Kavetsky RE, (editor) <strong><em>The Neoplastic Process and the Nervous System,</em></strong>Kiev, 1958.
  477. </p>
  478. <p>
  479. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1966 Jan 21;125(3):933-45. <strong>On the psychophysiological mechanism of the organism's
  480. resistance to tumor growth.</strong> Kavetsky RE, Turkevich NM, Balitsky KP.
  481. </p>
  482. <p>
  483. Patol Fiziol Eksp Ter 1971 Sep-Oct;15(5):3-10. <strong>[Role of disorders in intra-cellular and
  484. neuro-humoral regulation in the development of the tumor process].
  485. </strong>[Article in Russian] Kavetskii RE, Balitskii KP.
  486. </p>
  487. <p>
  488. Mil"man, M.S., <strong>The sympathetic nervous system and the source of tumors,</strong>
  489. Problems of Oncology IX, 162-173, 1936.
  490. </p>
  491. <p>
  492. Obstet Gynecol Surv 1977 May;32(5):267-81. <strong>Estrogen and endometrial carcinoma.
  493. </strong>Knab DR. "1. It has become evident that the estrogen secreting tumors of the ovary are associated
  494. with endometrial carcinoma, but this association is most easily observed in the postmenopausal patient where
  495. the incidence of carcinoma has been<strong>
  496. reported at 10.3% (1. 02) to 24% (83). 2. The most consistent association of endometrial carcinoma is
  497. with polycystic ovarian disease, where 19 (34), 21 (152), and 25% (150) of young women with endometrial
  498. carcinoma had Stein-Leventhal syndrome (67).
  499. </strong>
  500. 3. A very significant discovery became known in 1967 when the peripheral aromatization of delta4
  501. androstenedione to estrone was reported by Kase (94) and MacDonald (111,112). Since that time we have
  502. learned that endometrial carcinoma patients have an increased peripheral conversion (139) (0.1% compared to
  503. 0.027%), which is similar to that found in obese and aging patients, by Hemsell, et al (77). This can be 2
  504. to 4 times greater than the young adult or the patient without cancer." "Similarly patients with polycystic
  505. ovary disease, hyperthecosis and lipoid cell tumors of the ovary demonstrate androgen excess with
  506. extraglandular conversion to estrone (2). 4. It has become apparent that the principal estrogen in the
  507. postmenopausal patient is estrone and that the estrone-estradiol ratio in the serum is higher in
  508. postmenopausal women with corpus cancer than similar patients without cancer (135)." "5. With the lack of
  509. ovarian estrogen there is a relative excess of adrenal testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and delta4
  510. androstenedione, the available precursors of extraglandular estrone (1). 6. With the passage of time <strong
  511. >it appears that endometrial carcinoma is associated with hypothalamic "hyperactivity"</strong>
  512. (31)...."
  513. </p>
  514. <p>
  515. Endocrinology 2000 Mar;141(3):1059-72.<strong>
  516. An increased intraovarian synthesis of nerve growth factor and its low affinity receptor is a principal
  517. component of steroid-induced polycystic ovary in the rat.</strong> Lara HE, Dissen GA, Leyton V, Paredes
  518. A, Fuenzalida H, Fiedler JL, Ojeda SR. A form of polycystic ovary (PCO) resembling some aspects of the human
  519. PCO syndrome can be induced in rats by a single injection of estradiol valerate (EV). An increase in
  520. sympathetic outflow to the ovary precedes, by several weeks, the appearance of cysts, suggesting the
  521. involvement of a neurogenic component in the pathology of this ovarian dysfunction. The present study was
  522. carried out to test the hypotheses that this change in sympathetic tone is related to an augmented
  523. production of ovarian nerve growth factor (NGF), and that this abnormally elevated production of <strong>NGF
  524. contributes to the formation of ovarian cysts induced by EV. Injection of the steroid resulted in
  525. increased intraovarian synthesis of NGF</strong> and its low affinity receptor, p75 NGFR. The increase
  526. was maximal 30 days after EV, coinciding with the elevation in sympathetic tone to the ovary and preceding
  527. the appearance of follicular cysts. Intraovarian injections of the retrograde tracer fluorogold combined
  528. with in situ hybridization to detect tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) messenger RNA-containing neurons in the
  529. celiac ganglion revealed that these changes in NGF/p75 NGFR synthesis are accompanied by selective
  530. activation of noradrenergic neurons projecting to the ovary. The levels of RBT2 messenger RNA, which encodes
  531. a beta-tubulin presumably involved in slow axonal transport, were markedly elevated, indicating that
  532. EV-induced formation of ovarian cysts is preceded by functional activation ofceliac ganglion neurons,
  533. including those innervating the ovary. Intraovarian administration of a neutralizing antiserum to NGF in
  534. conjunction with an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide to p75 NGFR, via Alzet osmotic minipumps, <strong>
  535. restored estrous cyclicity and ovulatory capacity in a</strong> majority of EV-treated rats. These
  536. functional changes were accompanied by restoration of the number of antral follicles per ovary that had been
  537. depleted by EV and a significant reduction in the number of both precystic follicles and<strong>
  538. follicular cysts. The results indicate that the hyperactivation of ovarian sympathetic nerves seen in
  539. EV-induced PCO is related to an overproduction of NGF and its low affinity receptor in the gland. They
  540. also suggest that activation of this neurotrophic-neurogenic regulatory loop is a component of the
  541. pathological process by which EV induces cyst formation and anovulation in rodents. The</strong>
  542. possibility exists that a similar alteration in neurotrophic input to the ovary contributes to the etiology
  543. and/or maintenance of the PCO syndrome in humans.
  544. </p>
  545. <p>
  546. Acta Physiol Hung 1996;84(2):183-90.<strong>
  547. Effects of hormones on the number, distribution and degranulation of mast cells in the ovarian complex
  548. of mice.</strong> Jaiswal K, Krishna A. The changes in the number and degranulation pattern of mast
  549. cells varied with the types of hormonal treatment and ovarian compartment. <strong>Luteinizing hormone (LH),
  550. follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and 17-beta estradiol (E2)
  551. treatment caused increase (P &lt; 0.05) in the number of mast cells</strong> in the hilum as compared
  552. with the controls. Increase (P &lt; 0.05) in the number of mast cells in the whole ovarian complex was
  553. observed only following FSH and E2 treatment. All the hormones used in the present study increased the
  554. percentage degranulation of mast cells in the hilum. However, only LH, FSH and E2 increased the percentage
  555. degranulation of mast cells in other compartments of the ovary (medulla, bursa and cortex). TSH and ACTH
  556. failed to cause any increase in the percentage degranulation of mast cells in these compartments. The
  557. present findings indicate E2 to be the most potent among the hormones tested in causing degranulation of
  558. mast cells in all ovarian compartments.
  559. </p>
  560. <p>
  561. Fertil Steril 2001 Jun;75(6):1141-7. <strong>Increase in nerve fibers and loss of mast cells in polycystic
  562. and postmenopausal ovaries.</strong>
  563. <hr />
  564. <strong>with increasing nerve fiber density in polycystic ovaries, the number of mast cells decreased
  565. strikingly compared with cyclic ovaries (p&lt;.001). Almost no mast cells were seen in postmenopausal
  566. ovaries</strong> with and without hyperthecosis. The number of leukocyte antigen-positive leukocytes was
  567. similar in all groups. CONCLUSION(S): The high density of nerve fibers in polycystic and postmenopausal
  568. ovaries, together with a conspicuous decrease in mast cells, indicates altered neuroimmune communication.
  569. </p>
  570. <p>
  571. Endocrinology 1993 Dec;133(6):2696-703. <strong>Ovarian steroidal response to gonadotropins and
  572. beta-adrenergic stimulation is enhanced in polycystic ovary syndrome: role of sympathetic
  573. innervation.</strong> Barria A, Leyton V, Ojeda SR, Lara HE. Experimental induction of a polycystic
  574. ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in rodents by the<strong>
  575. administration of a single dose of estradiol valerate (EV) results in activation of the peripheral
  576. sympathetic neurons that innervate the ovary. This activation is evidenced by an increased capacity of
  577. ovarian nerve terminals to incorporate and release norepinephrine (NE), an increase in ovarian NE
  578. content, and a</strong> decrease in ovarian beta-adrenergic receptor number in the ovarian compartments
  579. receiving catecholaminergic innervation. The present experiments were undertaken to examine the functional
  580. consequences of this<strong>
  581. enhanced sympathetic outflow to the ovary.</strong> The steroidal responses of the gland to
  582. beta-adrenergic receptor stimulation and hCG were examined in vitro 60 days after EV administration, i.e. at
  583. the time when follicular cysts are well established. EV-treated rats exhibited <strong>a remarkable increase
  584. in ovarian progesterone and androgen responses to isoproterenol, a beta-adrenergic receptor agonist,
  585. with no changes in estradiol responsiveness. Basal estradiol release was, however, 50-fold higher than
  586. the highest levels released from normal ovaries at any phase of the estrous cycle.</strong>
  587. The ovarian progesterone and androgen responses to hCG were enhanced in EV-treated rats, as were the
  588. responses to a combination of isoproterenol and hCG. Transection of the superior ovarian nerve (SON), which
  589. carries most of the catecholaminergic fibers innervating endocrine ovarian cells, dramatically reduced the
  590. exaggerated responses of all three steroids to both beta-adrenergic and gonadotropin stimulation. SON
  591. transection also reduced the elevated levels of ovarian NE resulting from EV treatment and caused
  592. up-regulation of beta-adrenoreceptors. Most importantly, SON transection restored estrous cyclicity and
  593. ovulatory capacity. The results indicate that the increased output of ovarian steroids in PCOS is at least
  594. in part due to an enhanced responsiveness of the gland to both catecholaminergic and gonadotropin
  595. stimulation. The ability of SON transection to restore a normal response indicates that the alteration in
  596. steroid output results from a deranged activation of selective components of the noradrenergic innervation
  597. to the ovary. These findings support the concept that <strong>an alteration in the neurogenic control of the
  598. ovary contributes to the etiology of PCOS.</strong>
  599. </p>
  600. <p>
  601. Wilderness Environ Med 2001 Spring;12(1):8-12. <strong>Alterations in autonomic nervous control of heart
  602. rate among tourists at 2700 and 3700 m above sea level.</strong>
  603. Kanai M, Nishihara F, Shiga T, Shimada H, Saito S. "RESULTS: Both HF and LF heart rate variability <strong
  604. >decreased according to the elevation of altitude</strong>." "CONCLUSIONS: <strong>At 2700 and 3700 m, the
  605. activity of the autonomic nervous system measured by heart rate variability was decreased</strong> in
  606. untrained office workers. The sympathetic nervous system was dominant to the parasympathetic at 3700 m.
  607. These alterations in the autonomic nervous system might play some role in physical fitness at high
  608. altitudes."
  609. </p>
  610. <p>
  611. Acta Neuroveg (Wien) 1967;30(1):557-63. <strong>[Neuroautonomic reactivity of the skin during high mountain
  612. climate treatment of skin diseases].</strong>
  613. [Article in German] Chlebarov S.
  614. </p>
  615. <p>
  616. Munch Med Wochenschr 1966 Mar 18;108(11):589-92. <strong>[Changes of the neurovegetative reactivity of the
  617. skin after Alpine climatic therapy].</strong>
  618. [Article in German] Borelli S, Chlebarov S.
  619. </p>
  620. <p>
  621. J Appl Physiol 1978 May;44(5):647-51. <strong>Mechanism of the attenuated cardiac response to
  622. beta-adrenergic stimulation in chronic hypoxia.</strong> Maher JT, Deniiston JC, Wolfe DL, Cymerman
  623. A.<strong>
  624. "A blunting of the chronotropic and inotropic responses of the heart to beta-adrenergic stimulation
  625. occurs following chronic exposure to hypobaric hypoxia.</strong>" "Neither monoamine oxidase activity
  626. nor norepinephrine level of any region of the heart was altered by chronic hypoxia. However, a twofold
  627. increase (P less than 0.001) <strong>in catechol O-methyltransferase activity above sea-level values was
  628. found in both the atria and ventricles of the hypoxic animals.</strong> Thus, the attenuation in cardiac
  629. responsiveness to beta-adrenoceptor stimulation in chronic hypoxia appears unrelated to the level of vagal
  630. activity, but may be attributable to enhanced enzymatic inactivation of catecholamines."
  631. </p>
  632. <p>
  633. Acta Physiol Scand 1976 Jun;97(2):158-65. <strong>Effects of respiratory alkalosis and acidosis on
  634. myocardial excitation.</strong> Samuelsson RG, Nagy G. In anesthetized dogs electrocardiogram and
  635. monophasic action potentials (MAPs) were recorded from the right atrium and the right ventricle by
  636. intracardiac suction electrode technique. The animals were subjected, by means of ventilation with CO2 and
  637. hyperventilation, to periods of respiratory acidosis and respiratory alkalosis, respectively.<strong>
  638. Pronounced respiratory acidosis induced an increased sympathetic activity
  639. </strong>
  640. followed by a decrease in heart rate and prolongation of the A-V conduction time whereas the shape and
  641. duration of the atrial and ventricular MAPs remained unaltered. Arterial hypoxia in combination with
  642. pronounced respiratory acidosis did not influence the MAP durations. Respiratory <strong>
  643. alkalosis resulted in an increased sympathetic influence on the heart activity</strong> whereas the
  644. shape and duration of the atrial and the ventricular MAPs remained unaffected. <strong>During pronounced
  645. hyperventilation with increasing central venous pressure an increased parasympathetic influence
  646. </strong>
  647. on the heart activity with decrease in the heart rate, prolongation of the A-V conduction time and
  648. shortening of the atrial MAP duration was recorded.
  649. </p>
  650. <p>
  651. Biull Eksp Biol Med 1978 Nov;86(11):525-8. <strong>[Effect of neuromediators on acid-base status].</strong>
  652. [Article in Russian] Lazareva LV, Bazarevich GI, Makarova LV. A relationship between the state of
  653. adrenergic, cholinergic, and serotoninergic systems, on the one hand, and the acid-alkaline balance of the
  654. organism, on the other hand, was revealed in sharp and chronic experiments on dogs. A surplus of each of the
  655. mediators was accompanied by respiratory alkalosis, and its deficiency--by combined respiratory and
  656. metabolic acidosis.
  657. </p>
  658. <p>
  659. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1987 May;65(5):1078-85. <strong>Pathophysiology of pH and Ca2+ in bloodstream and
  660. brain.</strong> Somjen GG, Allen BW, Balestrino M, Aitken PG. The highlights of the literature and our
  661. work on tetany and hyperventilation are reviewed. Our studies concern the following: (1) the changes of
  662. [Ca2+] in circulating plasma caused by respiratory and "metabolic" acidosis and alkalosis; (2) critical
  663. plasma [Ca2+] levels associated with signs of tetany and neuromuscular blockade; (3) changes in cerebral
  664. [Ca2+]o caused by hypo- and hyper-calcaemia, and the changes in cerebral [Ca2+]o and pHo caused by acute
  665. systemic acidosis and alkalosis; and (4) effects of changing [Ca2+]o and pHo levels on synaptic transmission
  666. in hippocampal formation. Our main conclusions are (1) changes of plasma [Ca2+] caused by "metabolic" pH
  667. changes are greater than those associated with varying CO2 concentration; (2) acute systemic [Ca2+] changes
  668. are associated with small cerebral [Ca2+]o changes; (3) the decreases in systemic and cerebral [Ca2+]o
  669. caused by hyperventilation are too small to account for the signs and symptoms of hypocapnic tetany; (4)
  670. moderate decrease of [Ca2+]o depresses and its increase enhances synaptic transmission in<strong>
  671. hippocampal formation; and (5) H+ ions in extracellular fluid have a weak depressant effect on neuronal
  672. excitability. CO2 is a strong depressant, which is only partly explained by the acidity of its solution.
  673. CO2 concentration is a significant factor in controlling cerebral function.</strong>
  674. </p>
  675. <p>
  676. J Hirnforsch 1991;32(5):659-664. <strong>Normalization of protein synthesis and the structure of brain
  677. dystrophic neurons after the action of hypoxia, 10% NaCl and organ-specific RNA.</strong> Polezhaev LV,
  678. Cherkasova LV, Vitvitsky VN, Timonin AV N. I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, USSR Academy of
  679. Sciences, Moscow. It was shown previously (Polezhaev and Alexandrova, 1986) that hypoxic hypoxia causes mass
  680. (up to 30%) diffuse dystrophy of brain cortex and hippocamp neurons in rats, disturbances in the higher
  681. nervous activity, reduction of protein, RNA synthesis in neurons and of DNA synthesis in the whole brain
  682. cortex. Transplantation of embryonic nervous tissue (ENT) in one of the hemispheres normalizes all the above
  683. abnormalities observed in some neurologic and mental diseases in humans. However, transplantation may entail
  684. injuries of parenchyma and brain blood vessels. This forces researchers to search for another biological
  685. method similar by its action but safer and simpler. ENT transplantation has a dual action: 1) formation of
  686. biologically active substances (BAS) releasing from the ENT transplant and from the host brain nervous
  687. tissue upon operation; 2) establishment of synaptic connections between the transplant and host neurons.
  688. Previously we (Vitvitsky, 1987) described the isolation of BAS from rat forebrain in the form of
  689. organ-specific RNA. The latter was injected intraperitoneally several times to post-hypoxic rats in which 30
  690. min prior to that the blood-brain barrier (BBB) was opened by injecting intravenously and intraperitoneally
  691. 10% NaCl solution without damaging the host brain. At the beginning 10% NaCl increased the destruction of
  692. brain cortical neurons and then stimulated protein synthesis in them. RNA injections stimulated the
  693. synthesis in cortical neurons and normalized their structure. Thus, we propose a safe and simple method for
  694. normalization of dystrophic neurons which can be used after certain improvement for curing neurodegenerative
  695. and neuropsychic diseases in humans.
  696. </p>
  697. <p>
  698. Group processes
  699. </p>
  700. <p>
  701. The trouble with writing and painting is that they are considered to be solitary and individualistic
  702. activities. In the 20th century, the idea developed that they were "expressive," rather than communicative,
  703. as if there could be any sane distinction between those. The result was that much of 20th century poetry and
  704. painting was insane. The products of insanity aren"t necessarily worthless, but they are less than they
  705. could be.
  706. </p>
  707. <p>
  708. When the writer and painter are in close contact with responsive people, their product is adjusted to, and
  709. enriched by, the reactions they evoke.
  710. </p>
  711. <p>
  712. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1987;10 Suppl 2:S94-8; discussion S99. <strong>The effect of beta-blockade on
  713. platelet function and fibrinolytic activity.</strong> Winther K. Department of Clinical Chemistry,
  714. Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark. Two groups of hypertensives and a group of migraine sufferers were
  715. tested during treatment with the nonselective beta-blocker propranolol and the beta 1-selective metoprolol.
  716. During treatment with propranolol, an increased platelet aggregability and a decrease in platelet content of
  717. cyclic AMP were seen when compared with metoprolol treatment. In addition, propranolol treatment increased
  718. the plasma level of adrenaline as well as the euglobulin clot lysis time. types of monoamine oxidase,
  719. adrenaline
  720. </p>
  721. <p>
  722. 45: Br J Pharmacol 1982 Feb;75(2):269-86
  723. </p>
  724. <p>
  725. Coronary vasoconstrictor and vasodilator actions of arachidonic acid in the
  726. </p>
  727. <p>isolated perfused heart of the rat.</p>
  728. <p>
  729. Belo SE, Talesnik J.
  730. </p>
  731. <p>
  732. The administration of arachidonic acid (AA) to the isolated perfused heart of
  733. </p>
  734. <p>
  735. the rat usually produced biphasic coronary responses characterized by initial
  736. </p>
  737. <p>
  738. vasoconstriction followed by prolonged vasodilatation. However, some responses
  739. </p>
  740. <p>
  741. were predominantly vasoconstrictor or vasodilator. The non-steroidal
  742. </p>
  743. <p>
  744. anti-inflammatory agents (NSAA) indomethacin (1-5 mg/l) and naproxen (12.5-25
  745. </p>
  746. <p>
  747. mg/1) reversibly inhibited both phases of the response induced by AA.
  748. </p>
  749. <p>
  750. Pretreatment of animals with indomethacin (5 mg/kg) or naproxen (25 mg/kg)
  751. </p>
  752. <p>
  753. daily, resulted in unaltered coronary response to AA. Subsequent addition of
  754. </p>
  755. <p>
  756. NSAA to the perfusate produced inhibition of the AA effect. Short infusions of
  757. </p>
  758. <p>
  759. acetylsalicylic acid at low concentrations (2.9 micrograms/ml), dipyridamole
  760. </p>
  761. <p>
  762. (0.6 micrograms/ml) and sulphinpyrazone (28.7 micrograms/ml) selectively
  763. </p>
  764. <p>
  765. inhibited the vasoconstrictor phase of the response to AA. It was confirmed that
  766. </p>
  767. <p>
  768. metabolic coronary dilatation induced by cardiostimulation was inhibited by
  769. </p>
  770. <p>
  771. prolonged AA administration; this effect was prevented by NSAA pretreatment.
  772. </p>
  773. <p>
  774. Reactive hyperaemic responses to short lasting occlusions of coronary inflow
  775. </p>
  776. <p><strong>were unaffected by NSAA. Linolenic, linoleic, dihomo-gamma-linolenic and oleic</strong></p>
  777. <p><strong>acid usually produced decreases in coronary flow which were unaffected by NSAA,</strong></p>
  778. <p><strong>dipyridamole or sulphinpyrazone. Intra-aortic injections of AA, prostacyclin</strong></p>
  779. <p><strong>(PGI2) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the intact rat produced a dose-dependent</strong></p>
  780. <p><strong>decrease in blood pressure with the AA response inhibited by indomethacin. PGI2</strong></p>
  781. <p>
  782. and PGE2 produced long lasting coronary vasodilatation in the isolated heart.
  783. </p>
  784. <p>
  785. The coronary actions of AA appear to be due to its transformation, within the
  786. </p>
  787. <p>
  788. easily accessible vascular wall, into prostaglandin and thromboxane-like
  789. </p>
  790. <p><strong>substances. We suggest that a vasoconstrictor thromboxane A2-like substance may</strong></p>
  791. <p><strong>be responsible for coronary vasospasm. Coronary insufficiency may also result</strong></p>
  792. <p><strong>from an inhibition of compensatory metabolic coronary dilatation by increased</strong></p>
  793. <p><strong>synthesis of PGE2 within the myocardial cell.</strong></p>
  794. <p>
  795. 42: Br Heart J 1983 Jan;49(1):20-5
  796. </p>
  797. <p><strong>Platelet reactivity and its dependence on alpha-adrenergic receptor function in</strong></p>
  798. <p><strong>patients with ischaemic heart disease.</strong></p>
  799. <p>
  800. Yokoyama M, Kawashima S, Sakamoto S, Akita H, Okada T, Mizutani T, Fukuzaki H.
  801. </p>
  802. <p>
  803. We studied 57 patients admitted to hospital with ischaemic heart disease,
  804. </p>
  805. <p>
  806. including nine patients with variant angina, to evaluate platelet reactivity and
  807. </p>
  808. <p>
  809. its dependence on alpha-adrenergic receptor function. The threshold
  810. </p>
  811. <p>
  812. concentration for biphasic platelet aggregation in response to adrenaline and
  813. </p>
  814. <p>
  815. adenosine diphosphate was measured in fresh platelet rich plasma. There were age
  816. </p>
  817. <p>
  818. related alterations in platelet responsiveness to adrenaline. In 27 age matched
  819. </p>
  820. <p>
  821. control subjects platelets showed adrenaline induced aggregation at a
  822. </p>
  823. <p>
  824. concentration higher than 0.1 mumol. The threshold concentrations for adrenaline
  825. </p>
  826. <p>
  827. and adenosine diphosphate were 0.91 mumol and 4.68 mumol. In 16 patients with
  828. </p>
  829. <p>
  830. acute infarction, 14 with old infarction, nine with effort angina, and nine with
  831. </p>
  832. <p>
  833. rest angina, mean values of platelet aggregation threshold for both adrenaline
  834. </p>
  835. <p>
  836. and adenosine diphosphate were not altered significantly when compared with
  837. </p>
  838. <p>
  839. control subjects. In contrast, the values for adrenaline and adenosine
  840. </p>
  841. <p>
  842. diphosphate in nine patients with variant angina were 0.012 mumol and 2.24 mumol
  843. </p>
  844. <p>
  845. and seven of them showed obvious platelet hyperactivity to adrenaline at a concentration lower than 0.1
  846. mumol. The threshold concentration for adrenaline induced aggregation did not correlate with serum
  847. cholesterol and triglyceride
  848. </p>
  849. <p>
  850. levels.
  851. </p>
  852. <p>
  853. Am Heart J 1985 Jun;109(6):1264-8. Reduction of plasma norepinephrine levels in response to brief coronary
  854. occlusion in experimental dogs. Haneda T, Arai T, Kanda H, Ikeda J, Takishima T. Although an increased
  855. plasma norepinephrine (NE) level is sometimes observed
  856. </p>
  857. <p>
  858. during angina pectoris, it is difficult to say whether sympathetic overflow is
  859. </p>
  860. <p>
  861. its cause. The left anterior descending coronary artery was occluded by
  862. </p>
  863. <p>
  864. intracoronary balloon for 3 minutes in 12 closed-chest anesthetized dogs. During
  865. </p>
  866. <p>
  867. occlusion, heart rate did not change but aortic pressure slightly decreased.
  868. </p>
  869. <p>
  870. Occlusion caused a significant reduction in both NE levels in the aorta (177 +/-
  871. </p>
  872. <p>
  873. 17 to 134 +/- 16 pg/ml, p less than 0.01) and in the great cardiac vein (GCV)
  874. </p>
  875. <p>
  876. 296 +/- 44 to 249 +/- 44 pg/ml, p less than 0.01). After surgical vagotomy, the
  877. </p>
  878. <p>
  879. occlusion increased NE levels in the aorta (227 +/- 44 to 278 +/- 43 pg/ml, p
  880. </p>
  881. <p>
  882. less than 0.01) and in GCV (384 +/- 76 to 444 +/- 81 pg/ml, p less than 0.01),
  883. </p>
  884. <p>
  885. showing the release of vagal inhibition. These results may be applicable to
  886. </p>
  887. <p><strong>patients with transient anterior myocardial ischemia; if plasma NE increases</strong></p>
  888. <p><strong>without marked hemodynamic changes, it is suggested that the sympathetic</strong></p>
  889. <p><strong>overflow is not a result but a possible cause of the ischemia.</strong></p>
  890. <p>
  891. 25: Exp Mol Pathol 1986 Apr;44(2):138-46
  892. </p>
  893. <p><strong>Intimal thickening and the distribution of vasomotor nerves in the mechanically</strong></p>
  894. <p><strong>injured dog coronary artery.</strong></p>
  895. <p>
  896. Taguchi T, Ishii Y, Matsubara F, Tanaka K.
  897. </p>
  898. <p>
  899. Intimal injury and atherosclerotic change seem to be causative factors linked to
  900. </p>
  901. <p>
  902. spasm of the coronary artery. Intimal thickening was produced by mechanical
  903. </p>
  904. <p>
  905. injury to the endothelium of the canine coronary artery and we investigated the
  906. </p>
  907. <p>
  908. distribution of adrenergic, cholinergic, and peptidergic nerves in the coronary
  909. </p>
  910. <p>
  911. arteries. Although adrenergic and cholinergic nerves were not altered in
  912. </p>
  913. <p><strong>density, neuron specific enolase positive nerve fibers were increased in number</strong></p>
  914. <p><strong>in dogs killed 1 and 3 months after injury. Substance P-containing fibers were</strong></p>
  915. <p>
  916. <strong>also increased at 3 months after the induced injury.</strong>
  917. </p>
  918. <p>
  919. 24: J Am Coll Cardiol 1986 Jul;8(1 Suppl A):42A-49A
  920. </p>
  921. <p><strong>Mechanisms of coronary spasm of isolated human epicardial coronary segments</strong></p>
  922. <p><strong>excised 3 to 5 hours after sudden death.</strong></p>
  923. <p>
  924. Vedernikov YP.
  925. </p>
  926. <p>
  927. Isolated segments of epicardial coronary artery with and without severe
  928. </p>
  929. <p>
  930. atherosclerotic lesions excised from human hearts 3 to 5 hours after sudden
  931. </p>
  932. <p>
  933. coronary death demonstrated spontaneous contractile activity that was dependent
  934. </p>
  935. <p>
  936. on the external calcium level and was inhibited by calcium antagonists and
  937. </p>
  938. <p>
  939. activation of beta-adrenoceptors (isoproterenol and high concentrations of
  940. </p>
  941. <p>
  942. norepinephrine). Isoproterenol, with a median effective dose (ED50) of 6.3 X
  943. </p>
  944. <p>
  945. 10(-7) M, relaxed coronary segments that had been precontracted with 30 mM
  946. </p>
  947. <p><strong>potassium. Stimulation of the alpha-adrenoceptors activated spontaneous</strong></p>
  948. <p><strong>contractions and increased tension. Norepinephrine ED50 (in the presence of</strong></p>
  949. <p><strong>10(-6) M propranolol) was 2.3 X 10(-7) M, and tension at a maximal concentration</strong></p>
  950. <p><strong>of 10(-4) M was 385.4 +/- 51.4 mg. The ED50 for acetylcholine and histamine, the</strong></p>
  951. <p><strong>potent activators of coronary segment tone and phasic contractility, was 3.98 X</strong></p>
  952. <p>
  953. 10(-7) and 8.9 X 10(-7) M, respectively; the maximal increase in tension was
  954. </p>
  955. <p>
  956. 1,079.5 +/- 175 (at 10(-4) M) and 1,131.3 +/- 302 mg (at 10(-5) M),
  957. </p>
  958. <p>
  959. respectively. Acetylcholine and histamine increased whereas high concentrations
  960. </p>
  961. <p>
  962. of norepinephrine failed to inhibit rhythmic activity and tension of coronary
  963. </p>
  964. <p>
  965. artery segments with severe atherosclerotic lesions. Membrane electrogenic
  966. </p>
  967. <p>
  968. mechanisms and ways of activating the contractile elements of human coronary
  969. </p>
  970. <p>
  971. artery smooth muscle are discussed.
  972. </p>
  973. <p>
  974. Pharmacol Rev 2000 Dec;52(4):595-638. <strong>The sympathetic nerve--an integrative interface between two
  975. supersystems: the brain and the immune system.</strong> Elenkov IJ, Wilder RL, Chrousos GP, Vizi ES.
  976. Inflammatory Joint Diseases Section, Arthritis and Rheumatism Branch, National Institute of Arthritis and
  977. Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. The brain and the
  978. immune system are the two major adaptive systems of the body. During an immune response the brain and the
  979. immune system "talk to each other" and this process is essential for maintaining homeostasis. Two major
  980. pathway systems are involved in this cross-talk: the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the
  981. sympathetic nervous system (SNS). This overview focuses on the role of SNS in neuroimmune interactions, an
  982. area that has received much less attention than the role of HPA axis. Evidence accumulated over the last 20
  983. years suggests that <strong>norepinephrine (NE) fulfills the criteria for neurotransmitter/neuromodulator in
  984. lymphoid organs.</strong> Thus, primary and secondary lymphoid organs receive extensive
  985. sympathetic/noradrenergic innervation. Under stimulation, NE is released from the sympathetic nerve
  986. terminals in these organs, and the target immune cells express adrenoreceptors. Through stimulation of these
  987. receptors, locally released NE, or circulating catecholamines such as epinephrine, affect <strong>lymphocyte
  988. traffic, circulation, and proliferation, and modulate cytokine production and the functional activity of
  989. different lymphoid cells.</strong> Although there exists substantial sympathetic innervation in the bone
  990. marrow, and particularly in the thymus and mucosal tissues, our knowledge about the effect of the
  991. sympathetic neural input on <strong>
  992. hematopoiesis, thymocyte development, and mucosal immunity</strong> is extremely modest. In addition,
  993. recent evidence is discussed that <strong>NE and epinephrine, through stimulation of the
  994. beta(2)-adrenoreceptor-cAMP-protein kinase A pathway, inhibit the production of type 1/proinflammatory
  995. cytokines,</strong> such as interleukin (IL-12), tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interferon-gamma by
  996. antigen-presenting cells and T helper (Th) 1 cells, whereas they <strong>stimulate the production of type
  997. 2/anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10</strong> and transforming growth factor-beta. Through
  998. this<strong>
  999. mechanism, systemically, endogenous catecholamines may cause a selective suppression of Th1 responses
  1000. and cellular immunity, and a Th2 shift toward dominance of humoral immunity. On the other hand, in
  1001. certain local responses, and under certain conditions, catecholamines may actually boost regional
  1002. immune</strong> responses, through induction of IL-1, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and primarily IL-8
  1003. production. Thus, the activation of SNS during an immune response might be<strong>
  1004. aimed to localize the inflammatory response, through induction of neutrophil accumulation and
  1005. stimulation of more specific humoral immune responses, although systemically it may suppress Th1
  1006. responses, and, thus protect the organism from the detrimental effects of proinflammatory cytokines and
  1007. other products of activated macrophages.</strong>
  1008. The above-mentioned immunomodulatory effects of catecholamines and the role of SNS are also discussed in the
  1009. context of their clinical implication in certain <strong>infections, major injury and sepsis, autoimmunity,
  1010. chronic pain and fatigue syndromes, and tumor growth.</strong>
  1011. Finally, the pharmacological manipulation of the sympathetic-immune interface is reviewed with focus on new
  1012. therapeutic strategies using selective alpha(2)- and beta(2)-adrenoreceptor agonists and antagonists and
  1013. inhibitors of phosphodiesterase type IV in the treatment of experimental models of autoimmune diseases,
  1014. fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
  1015. </p>
  1016. <p>
  1017. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2000 Nov;279(5):C1665-74.<strong>
  1018. beta-adrenergic receptor/cAMP-mediated signaling and apoptosis of S49 lymphoma cells.</strong> Yan L,
  1019. Herrmann V, Hofer JK, Insel PA. Department of Pharmacology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla,
  1020. California 92093-0636, USA.<strong>
  1021. beta-Adrenergic receptor (betaAR) activation and/or increases in cAMP regulate growth and proliferation
  1022. of a variety of cells and, in some cells, promote cell death. In the current studies we addressed the
  1023. mechanism of this growth reduction
  1024. </strong>
  1025. by examining betaAR-mediated effects in the murine T-lymphoma cell line S49. Wild-type S49 cells, derived
  1026. from immature thymocytes (CD4(+)/CD8(+)) undergo growth arrest and subsequent death when treated with agents
  1027. that increase cAMP levels (e.g., betaAR agonists, 8-bromo-cAMP, cholera toxin, forskolin). Morphological and
  1028. biochemical criteria indicate that this cell death is a result of apoptosis. In cyc(-) and kin(-) S49 cells,
  1029. which lack G(s)alpha and functional protein kinase A (PKA), respectively, betaAR activation of G(s)alpha and
  1030. cAMP action via PKA are critical steps in this apoptotic pathway. S49 cells that overexpress Bcl-2 are
  1031. resistant to cAMP-induced apoptosis. We conclude that betaAR activation induces apoptosis in immature T
  1032. lymphocytes via G(s)alpha and PKA, while overexpression of Bcl-2 prevents cell death.
  1033. betaAR/cAMP/PKA-mediated apoptosis may provide a means to control proliferation of immature T cells in vivo.
  1034. </p>
  1035. <p>
  1036. Carcinogenesis 2001 Mar;22(3):473-9. <strong>Beta-adrenergic growth regulation of human cancer cell lines
  1037. derived from pancreatic ductal carcinomas.</strong> Weddle DL, Tithoff P, Williams M, Schuller HM.
  1038. Carcinogenesis and Developmental Therapeutics Program, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of
  1039. Tennessee, 2407 River Drive, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA. Exocrine ductal carcinoma of the pancreas has been
  1040. associated with smoking, and the tobacco-specific nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone
  1041. (NNK) causes this cancer type in laboratory rodents. Current knowledge on the growth regulation of this
  1042. malignancy is extremely limited. Recent studies have shown overexpression of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX 2) and
  1043. 5-lipoxygenase (5-lipox) in exocrine pancreatic carcinomas, <strong>suggesting a potential role of the
  1044. arachidonic acid (AA) cascade in the regulation of this cancer type. In support of this interpretation,
  1045. our data show high basal levels of AA release in two human cell lines derived from exocrine ductal
  1046. pancreatic carcinomas.</strong> Both cell lines expressed m-RNA for beta2-adrenergic receptors and
  1047. beta1-adrenergic receptors. Radio-receptor assays showed that beta2-adrenergic receptors predominated over
  1048. beta1-adrenergic receptors. beta2-Adrenergic antagonist ICI118,551 <strong>significantly reduced basal AA
  1049. release and DNA synthesis</strong> when the cells were maintained in complete medium. DNA synthesis of
  1050. the cell line (Panc-1) with an activating point mutation in codon 12 of the ki-ras gene was significantly
  1051. stimulated by NNK when cells were maintained in complete medium and this <strong>response was inhibited by
  1052. the beta-blocker ICI118,551, the COX-inhibitor aspirin, or the 5-lipox-inhibitor MK-886.</strong> The
  1053. cell line without ras mutations (BXPC-3) did not show a significant response to NNK in complete medium. When
  1054. the assays were conducted in serum-free medium, both cell lines demonstrated increased DNA synthesis in
  1055. response to NNK, an effect inhibited by the beta2-blocker, aspirin, or MK-886. Panc-1 cells were more
  1056. sensitive to the stimulating effects of NNK and less responsive to the inhibitors than BXPC-3 cells. Our
  1057. findings are in accord with a recent report which has identified NNK as a beta-adrenergic agonist and
  1058. suggest beta-adrenergic, AA-dependent regulatory pathways in pancreatic cancer as a novel target for cancer
  1059. intervention strategies.
  1060. </p>
  1061. <p>
  1062. Shock 2000 Jul;14(1):60-7. Terbutaline prevents circulatory failure and mitigates mortality in rodents with
  1063. endotoxemia. Wu CC, Liao MH, Chen SJ, Chou TC, Chen A, Yen MH. Department of Pharmacology, National Defense
  1064. Medical Center, Taipei, ROC, Taiwan. Septic shock is characterized by a decrease in systemic vascular
  1065. resistance. Nevertheless, regional increases in vascular resistance can occur that may<strong>
  1066. predispose mammals to organ dysfunction, including the acute respiratory</strong> distress syndrome. In
  1067. the host infected by endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS), the expression and release of proinflammatory
  1068. tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) rapidly increases, and this cytokine production is regulated by
  1069. agents elevating cyclic AMP. In this report, we present evidence that<strong>
  1070. terbutaline, a beta2-agonist, inhibits TNFalpha production and enhances interleukin-10 (IL-10) release
  1071. in the anesthetized rat treated with LPS. In addition, an overproduction of nitric oxide (NO, examined
  1072. by its metabolites nitrite/nitrate) by inducible NO synthase (iNOS, examined by western blot analysis)
  1073. is attenuated by pretreatment of LPS rats with terbutaline. Overall,</strong> pretreatment of rats with
  1074. terbutaline attenuates the delayed hypotension and prevents vascular hyporeactivity to norepinephrine. In
  1075. addition, pretreatment of mice with terbutaline also improves the survival in a model of severe endotoxemia.
  1076. The infiltration of polymorphonuclear neutrophils into organs (e.g., lung and liver) from the surviving LPS
  1077. mice treated with terbutaline was reduced almost to that seen in the normal controls. These findings suggest
  1078. that the inhibition of TNFalpha and NO (via iNOS) production as well as the increment of IL-10 production
  1079. contribute to the beneficial effect of terbutaline in animals with endotoxic shock.
  1080. </p>
  1081. <p>
  1082. Ann Endocrinol (Paris) 1977;38(6):421-6. [Hyperestrogenism in the woman during the reproductive period].
  1083. [Article in French] Kuttenn F.
  1084. </p>
  1085. <p>
  1086. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1976 Aug;83(8):593-602. Polycystic ovarian disease. Duignan NM.<strong>
  1087. Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) capacity was reduced in 9 of 31 patients with polycystic ovarian
  1088. (PCO) disease and the mean level in PCO patients was significantly less (p less than 0.001) than normal.
  1089. Serum testosterone levels</strong>
  1090. <hr />
  1091. <strong>
  1092. suggested that the normal cyclical release of LH is inhibited in PCO
  1093. </strong>disease by a negative feedback by androgens to the hypothalamus or the pituitary, and that wedge
  1094. resection should be reserved for patients in whom other forms of treatment have failed.
  1095. </p>
  1096. <p>
  1097. Nouv Presse Med 1976 Apr 10;5(15):975-9. [Secretion of gonadotropins during sleep. Changes during secondary
  1098. amenorrheas]. [Article in French] Passouant P, Crastes de Paulet A, Descomps B, Besset A, Billiard M. 4
  1099. females with secondary amenorrheas underwent sleep polygraphic recordings together with blood samples for
  1100. measurements of LH, FSH and GH, 3 normal females served as controls. Among normal subjects LH and FSH
  1101. secretion showed a pulsating pattern around the time of ovulation, appearing as secretory episodes
  1102. throughout the night, without any relationship with sleep stages. In amenorrheas, 3 types of abnormalities
  1103. could be identified: the first was a lack<strong>
  1104. of secretory episodes of LH and FSH associated with an abnormal pattern of GH (9 subjects). The second
  1105. was an hypersecretion of LH and a decrease of FSH secretion together with a normal secretion of GH in 4
  1106. subjects with a Stein-Leventhal syndrome. The last one was an hypersecretion of LH and FSH</strong>
  1107. together with a normal pattern of GH in a subject with an early menopause. These results are discussed
  1108. according to the present data on the part of neurotransmission in the regulation of ovulation and the 2
  1109. types of sleep. Furthermore secretory abnormalities of LH and FSH together with a disconnection between GH
  1110. secretion and the stages of sleep lead to question the possibility of interrelationships in the secretory
  1111. mechanisms of these different hormones.
  1112. </p>
  1113. <p><hr /></p>
  1114. <p>
  1115. Am J Epidemiol 1991 Oct 15;134(8):818-24. Comment in: Am J Epidemiol. 1992 Aug 1;136(3):372-3. Polycystic
  1116. ovaries and the risk of breast cancer. Gammon MD, Thompson WD. Division of Epidemiology, Columbia University
  1117. School of Public Health, New York, NY. Data from a case-control study that was conducted between 1980 and
  1118. 1982 were analyzed to investigate the possible association between polycystic ovaries and the risk of breast
  1119. cancer. The multicenter, population-based study included in-home interviews with 4,730 women with breast
  1120. cancer and 4,688 control women<strong>
  1121. aged 20-54 years. The age-adjusted odds ratio for breast cancer among women with a self-reported history
  1122. of physician-diagnosed polycystic ovaries was 0.52 (95% confidence interval 0.32-0.87). The inverse
  1123. association was not an artifact of infertility, age at first birth, or surgical menopause. Because women
  1124. with this syndrome have abnormal levels of certain endogenous hormones, the observation of a low risk of
  1125. breast cancer in this group may provide new insights into hormonal influences on breast cancer.</strong>
  1126. </p>
  1127. <p>
  1128. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1996 Mar;44(3):269-76. Polycystic ovaries in pre and post-menopausal women. Birdsall
  1129. MA, Farquhar CM. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, National Women's Hospital, Auckland, New
  1130. Zealand.<strong>
  1131. OBJECTIVE: Polycystic ovaries have been diagnosed in more than 20% of premenopausal women using
  1132. ultrasound. The aim of this study was to determine whether polycystic ovaries exist in post-menopausal
  1133. women. DESIGN: Two groups of</strong> women were studied; group 1 consisted of 18 post-menopausal
  1134. volunteers and group 2 comprised 142 women, 94 of whom were post-menopausal who had recently undergone
  1135. coronary angiography. MEASUREMENTS: Transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound scans were performed and
  1136. measurements made of uterine area, endometrial thickness and ovarian volume. The morphological appearance of
  1137. the ovaries was also noted. Fasting blood samples were taken. Medical and menstrual questionnaires were
  1138. completed. RESULTS: Polycystic ovaries were found in 8/18<strong>
  1139. (44%) of group 1 and 60/142 (42%) in group 2. Polycystic ovaries were detected in 35/94 (37%) of the
  1140. post-menopausal women in group 2. Post-menopausal women with polycystic ovaries had larger ovaries
  1141. containing more follicles compared with post-menopausal women with normal ovaries. Post-menopausal women
  1142. with</strong> polycystic ovaries had higher serum concentrations of testosterone and triglycerides than
  1143. had post-menopausal women with normal ovaries. CONCLUSIONS: Polycystic ovaries can be detected in
  1144. post-menopausal women and have some of the same endocrine abnormalities which are evident in premenopausal
  1145. women with polycystic ovaries, that is, raised serum concentrations of testosterone and triglycerides.
  1146. </p>
  1147. <p>
  1148. Cancer Causes Control 1996 Nov;7(6):605-25. Comment in: Cancer Causes Control. 1996 Nov;7(6):569-71.
  1149. Nutrition, hormones, and breast cancer: is insulin the missing link? Kaaks R. International Agency for
  1150. Research on Cancer, Lyon, France. Breast cancer incidence rates are high in societies with a Western
  1151. lifestyle characterized by low levels of physical activity, and by an energy-dense diet rich in total and
  1152. saturated fat and refined carbohydrates. Epidemiologic studies, so far mostly on postmenopausal women, have
  1153. shown that breast cancer risk is increased in hyperandrogenic women, with decreased levels of plasma
  1154. sex-hormone binding globulin, and with increased levels of testosterone and of free estrogens. This paper
  1155. describes the role of hyperinsulinemia as a hysiologic link between nutritional lifestyle factors, obesity,
  1156. and the development of a hyperandrogenic endocrine profile, and reviews evidence that may or may not support
  1157. the theory that chronic hyperinsulinemia is an underlying cause of breast cancer. An hypothesis is
  1158. presented, stipulating that breast cancer risk is increased not only in hyperandrogenic postmenopausal
  1159. women, but also in premenopausal women with mild hyperandrogenism and normal (ovulatory) menstrual cycles.
  1160. The author suggests further investigation as to whether there is a positive association between risk of
  1161. breast cancer before menopause and ubclinical forms of the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and to what
  1162. extent iet and physical activity during childhood, by modulating the degree of insulin esistance during
  1163. adolescence, may or may not be determinants of a PCO-like hyperandrogenic endocrine profile persisting into
  1164. adulthood.
  1165. </p>
  1166. <p>
  1167. Akush Ginekol (Mosk) 1990 Sep;(9):61-3. [The therapeutic effect of parlodel in the polycystic ovary
  1168. syndrome]. [Article in Russian] Soboleva EL, Komarov EK, Potin VV, Svechnikova FA. Parlodel (2.5-50 mg/day)
  1169. has been given for 1 to 7 days to 33 patients with the polycystic ovary syndrome (POS). The ovulatory
  1170. menstrual cycle returned in 10 (30%) patients and 4 of them conceived. Pretreatment cycle disturbance
  1171. persisted in 6 (18%) patients. <strong>Parlodel reduced mid-follicular mean blood LH levels</strong> to
  1172. values of normal women. Some decrease in blood testosterone levels occurred only in the second phase of the
  1173. cycle. Estradiol test in 6 patients showed normal positive and negative feedbacks in the
  1174. hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. Parlodel treatment reduced basal and estradiol stimulated pituitary
  1175. gonadotropin secretion. It is suggested that parlodel may be used in ovulation induction in a proportion of
  1176. POS patients.
  1177. </p>
  1178. <p>
  1179. polycystic menopausal sympathetic estrogen parasympathetic, antimitochondrial, both can have a protective
  1180. function, though in excess the inhibition itself is toxic.
  1181. </p>
  1182. <p></p>
  1183. <p>
  1184. Mast cells: hair growth, angiogenesis, cancer, MS, asthma. Nervous control of insulin,7:
  1185. </p>
  1186. <p>
  1187. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993 Nov;169(5):1223-6. Comment in: Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1994 Dec;171(6):1673 <strong
  1188. >Excessive estradiol secretion in polycystic ovarian disease.</strong> Benjamin F, Toles AW, Seltzer VL,
  1189. Deutsch S. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Queens Hospital Center, Jamaica, NY 11432. Polycystic
  1190. ovarian disease is both a hyperestrogenic and a hyperandrogenic syndrome, and all studies have shown that
  1191. hyperestrogenemia is the result of an elevation of estrone with plasma estradiol levels in the normal
  1192. follicular range. Because a literature search failed to reveal any report of polycystic ovarian disease with
  1193. significantly elevated estradiol levels, we report a case in which the plasma estradiol was so massively
  1194. elevated as to mimic an estrogen-producing neoplasm. This case also suggests that although polycystic
  1195. ovarian disease is a very rare cause of such excessive estradiol production, it should be included in the
  1196. differential diagnosis of estrogen-producing neoplasms.
  1197. </p>
  1198. <p>
  1199. Nephron 1983;33(4):253-6. <strong>Influence of inhibitor of glucose utilization on the blood platelet
  1200. function.</strong>
  1201. Tison P, Kubisz P, Cernacek P, Dzurik R. The <strong>inhibition of glycolysis</strong> by an inhibitor of
  1202. glucose utilization isolated from urine of the uremic subjects reflects in: (1) decreased platelet<strong>
  1203. aggregation induced by adenosine diphosphate, adrenaline, or collagen,</strong>
  1204. respectively; (2) decreased platelet factor 4 release induced by the same inductors; (3) decreased
  1205. availability of platelet factor 3, and (4) inhibition of retraction of reptilase clot. It is concluded that
  1206. the inhibition of glycolysis by 'inhibitor of glucose utilization' contributes to the functional changes of
  1207. platelets and thus to the alteration of hemostasis in uremic patients.
  1208. </p>
  1209. <p>
  1210. Energy: vasodilate, bronchoconstrict, secrete/leak, swell, grow, tumefy. Invasion by sympathetic balances
  1211. the chronic stimulation by mast cells, platelets, pituitary hormones, locally formed estrogen, and the other
  1212. mediators of stress.
  1213. </p>
  1214. <p>
  1215. Res Exp Med (Berl) 1987;187(5):385-93. <strong>Possible interaction of platelets and adrenaline in the early
  1216. phase of myocardial infarction.</strong> Seitz R, Leising H, Liebermann A, Rohner I, Gerdes H, Egbring
  1217. R. <strong>It is known that in most cases of transmural acute myocardial infarction a platelet clot
  1218. originates within a coronary artery. In acute myocardial infarction patients increased levels of the
  1219. plasma catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline as well as the platelet release proteins platelet
  1220. factor 4 and beta-thromboglobulin have been reported.
  1221. </strong>
  1222. <hr />
  1223. </p>
  1224. <p><hr /></p>
  1225. <p>
  1226. Jpn Heart J 1979 Jan;20(1):75-82. <strong>Inhibition of constrictor responses of dog coronary artery by
  1227. atropine. A possible effectiveness of atropine on variant form of angina pectoris.</strong> Sakanashi M,
  1228. Furukawa T, Horio Y. A possible effectiveness of atropine on variant form of angina pectoris was
  1229. investigated using the left circumflex coronary arterial strips of dogs. Acetylcholine 10(-5)--10(-3) Gm/ml
  1230. dose-dependently constricted the isolated arterial strips during potassium-contracture in 6 cases, and
  1231. repetitive applications of acetylcholine could produce the similar contractions to the control. In 18 strips
  1232. atropine 10(-6) Gm/ml significantly depressed the contractions of coronary arteries induced by acetylcholine
  1233. 10(-5)--10(-3) Gm/ml. In 5 arterial strips atropine 10(-6) Gm/ml <strong>
  1234. significantly inhibited norepinephrine-induced responses</strong> of these arteries, and by 10(-5) Gm/ml
  1235. further suppression of the responses was obtained. The <strong>results suggest that atropine may suppress
  1236. the contractile responses of the coronary artery induce by acetylcholine and nonrepinephrine through a
  1237. muscarinic-receptor blocking action and simultaneously partly through an adrenergic alpha-receptor
  1238. blocking action.</strong>
  1239. </p>
  1240. <p>
  1241. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1981;20(4):245-50. <strong>Effect of long-term beta-blockade with alprenolol on
  1242. platelet function and fibrinolytic activity in patients with coronary heart disease.</strong> Jurgensen
  1243. HJ, Dalsgaard-Nielsen J, Kjoller E, Gormsen J. In 14 patients with coronary heart disease the effect of
  1244. long-term treatment (mean 16 months, range 12-33) with alprenolol on platelet function and fibrinolytic
  1245. activity was studied. While on the beta-blocker and two weeks after gradual withdrawal of it, the patients
  1246. performed a bicycle-ergometer test and blood samples were obtained before and following exercise.
  1247. Pre-exercise fibrinolytic activity, assessed by the euglobulin clot lysis time, was 183 +/- 27 min (mean +/-
  1248. SEM) while on alprenolol as compared to 111 +/- 18 min (p less than 0.01) after its withdrawal. Activation
  1249. of fibrinolysis following exercise was not significantly influenced by alprenolol. In patients treated with
  1250. alprenolol, the pre-exercise threshold level of ADP, producing platelet aggregation was 3.3 muM (geometric
  1251. mean) and 5.1 muM after stopping treatment (p less than or equal to 0.05). In patients receiving the
  1252. beta-blocker, the ADP- threshold value dropped from 3.3 muM before exercise to 2.3 muM immediately after
  1253. exercise (not significant). The corresponding values after withdrawal of alprenolol were 5.1 muM and 2.7 muM
  1254. (p less than or equal to 0.02). Adrenaline - stimulated aggregation was not significantly influenced by
  1255. alprenolol. Serotonin release from platelets following maximal ADP- and adrenaline stimuli was not
  1256. significantly changed by exercise in patients on beta-blockade. After stopping treatment, ADP-induced
  1257. serotonin release was 22 +/- 4.1% before and 15 +/- 4.7% after exercise (p less than 0.02). the
  1258. corresponding values using the adrenaline stimulus were 29 +/- 5.7% and 17 +/- 4.7% (p less than 0.05). It
  1259. is suggested that during physical stress alprenolol may protect platelets against aggregatory stimuli.
  1260. </p>
  1261. <p>
  1262. C R Seances Soc Biol Fil 1987;181(3):242-8.<strong>
  1263. [Adrenaline activates oxidative phosphorylation of rat liver mitochondria through alpha
  1264. 1-receptors].</strong>
  1265. Breton L, Clot JP, Bouriannes J, Baudry M. We studied the effects and mode of action of epinephrine on the
  1266. oxidative phosphorylation of rat liver mitochondria. With either succinate or beta-hydroxybutyrate as
  1267. substrate, i.v. injection of 1.5 microgram/100 g epinephrine increased the respiratory rates by 30-40% in
  1268. state 3 (with ADP), and by 20-30% in state 4 (after ADP phosphorylation), so that the respiratory control
  1269. ratio (state 3/state 4) changed little. The respiratory stimulation by epinephrine was maximal 20 minutes
  1270. after its injection. The action of epinephrine on mitochondria was blocked by pretreatment of the animals
  1271. with the alpha 1-antagonist prazosin but not by treatment with the beta-antagonist propranolol. I. v.
  1272. injection of 10 micrograms/100 g phenylephrine evoked the same mitochondrial response as epinephrine. I. v.
  1273. administration of 50 micrograms/100 g dibutyryl cyclic AMP enhanced glycaemia but did not affect
  1274. mitochondrial respiration. Epinephrine therefore has an alpha 1-type of action on mitochondrial oxidative
  1275. phosphorylation.
  1276. </p>
  1277. <p>
  1278. Biochimie 1975;57(6-7):797-802. <strong>Effects of catecholamines on rat myocardial metabolism. I. Influence
  1279. of catecholamines on energy-rich nucleotides and phosphorylated fraction contents.</strong> Merouze P,
  1280. Gaudemer Y. 1. The influence of catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline) on energy metabolism of the
  1281. rat myocardium has been studied by incubating slices of this tissue with these hormones and by following the
  1282. levels of the different phosphorylated fractions and adenylic nucleotides. 2. Similar effects are obtained
  1283. with both hormones, adrenaline being more effective. 3<strong>. Catecholamines decrease significantly the
  1284. total amount of phosphate while Pi content increases during the first 10 minutes of incubation; labile
  1285. and residual phosphate contents increase at the beginning of incubation and decrease to the initial
  1286. values afterwards. 4. ATP and ADP levels decrease significantly</strong> with both hormones; however,
  1287. the effect of noradrenalin on the ATP level needs a longer time of incubation. <strong>
  1288. The ATP/ADP ratios decrease after 5 minutes incubation and the total adenylic nucleotide content is
  1289. severely decreased (35 per cent with adrenalin, after 20 minutes incubation). 5. Similar results have
  1290. been obtained with other tissues; these results can explain the decrease of aerobic metabolism we
  1291. observed under the same conditions.</strong>
  1292. </p>
  1293. <p>
  1294. Eur J Pharmacol 1982 Jul 30;81(4):569-76<strong>. Actions of serotonin antagonists on dog coronary
  1295. artery.</strong> Brazenor RM, Angus JA. Serotonin released from platelets may initiate coronary
  1296. vasospasm in patients with variant angina. If this hypothesis is correct, serotonin antagonists without
  1297. constrictor activity may be useful in this form of angina. We have investigated drugs classified as
  1298. serotonin antagonists on dog circumflex coronary artery ring segments in vitro. Ergotamine,
  1299. dihydroergotamine,<strong>
  1300. bromocriptine, lisuride, ergometrine, ketanserin, trazodone, cyproheptadine and pizotifen caused
  1301. non-competitive antagonism of serotonin concentration-response</strong> curves. In addition, ketanserin,
  1302. trazodone, bromocriptine and pizotifen inhibited noradrenaline responses in concentrations similar to those
  1303. required for serotonin antagonism. All drugs with the exception of ketanserin, cyproheptadine and pizotifen
  1304. showed some degree of intrinsic constrictor activity. Methysergide antagonized responses to serotonin
  1305. competitively but also constricted the coronary artery. The lack of a silent competitive serotonin
  1306. antagonist precludes a definite characterization of coronary serotonin receptors at this time. However, the
  1307. profile of activity observed for the antagonist drugs in the coronary artery differs from that seen in other
  1308. vascular tissues. Of the<strong>
  1309. drugs tested, ketanserin may be the most useful in variant angina since it is a potent 5HT antagonist,
  1310. lacks agonist activity and has alpha-adrenoceptor blocking activity.</strong>
  1311. </p>
  1312. <p>
  1313. Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss 1983 Feb;76 Spec No:3-6.<strong>
  1314. Role of autonomic nervous system in the pathogenesis of angina pectoris.</strong> Yasue H. The attacks
  1315. of vasospastic angina or coronary spasm can be induced by injection of epinephrine, cold pressor test,
  1316. Valsalva maneuver, and exercise. The attacks induced by these procedures can be suppressed by injection of
  1317. phentolamine, an alpha adrenergic blocking agent in 80 per cent of the patients. On the other hand,
  1318. propranolol, a beta adrenergic blocking agent, is not only ineffective in suppressing the attacks but
  1319. aggravates the attacks in 50 per cent of the patients. Thus, alpha adrenergic receptors seem to play an
  1320. important role in the production of vasospastic angina. The attacks of vasospastic angina can also be
  1321. induced by injection of methacholine, a parasympathomimetic agent, and this reaction is suppressed by
  1322. atropine, a parasympathetic blocking agent. Thus,<strong>
  1323. parasympathetic nervous system also seems to play a role in the production of vasospastic angina. The
  1324. attacks of vasospastic angina can be easily induced by adrenergic or parasympathetic stimuli from
  1325. midnight to early morning but is</strong> usually not provoked by these stimuli in the daytime. Thus,
  1326. there is circadian variation in the reactivity of coronary arteries to adrenergic or parasympathetic
  1327. stimuli. There are also weekly, monthly and yearly variations of the reactivity of coronary arteries to
  1328. these stimuli. Thus, <strong>alpha adrenergic or parasympathetic activity is not the sole factor in the
  1329. production of vasospastic angina.</strong> Angina pectoris caused by increased myocardial oxygen demand
  1330. is induced by infusion of isoproterenol, a beta adrenergic stimulant, and is suppressed by propranolol but
  1331. not by phentolamine. So, beta adrenergic receptors play an important role in the production of angina
  1332. pectoris caused by increased myocardial oxygen demand or organic angina pectoris.
  1333. </p>
  1334. <p>
  1335. Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 1986 Mar;87(3):281-90. [Vasoconstrictor responses of isolated pig coronary
  1336. arteries]. [Article in Japanese] Ikenoue K, Kawakita S, Toda N.<strong>
  1337. In helical strips of pig coronary arteries, histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and a stable analogue of
  1338. thromboxane A2 (9, 11-epithio-11, 12-methano TXA2: s-TXA2) produced a dose-dependent contraction. The
  1339. histamine-induced contraction</strong> was suppressed by treatment with chlorpheniramine, suggesting an
  1340. involvement of H1 receptors. Contractile responses to serotonin were attenuated by not only ketanserin, an
  1341. S2 antagonist, but also by cinanserin and methysergide. Relaxation induced by serotonin in preparations
  1342. treated with high concentrations of ketanserin were inhibited by cinanserin and methysergide. Norepinephrine
  1343. contracted coronary arteries treated with propranolol. Contractile responses to norepinephrine were reversed
  1344. to relaxations by prazosin, which were abolished by treatment with yohimbine. Contractile responses to
  1345. histamine were potentiated by treatment with low concentrations of serotonin or s-TXA2. Contractile
  1346. responses to serotonin were also potentiated by low concentrations of histamine or s-TXA2. Removal of the
  1347. endothelium from pig coronary arterial strips potentiated contractions induced by serotonin, histamine and
  1348. norepinephrine. These results suggest that, in addition to damaged endothelium, integrating action of
  1349. endogenous vasoconstrictors, including histamine, serotonin, TXA2 and norepinephrine, may play an important
  1350. role in producing coronary vasospasm.
  1351. </p>
  1352. <p>
  1353. Jpn Heart J 1987 Sep;28(5):649-61<strong>. The role of parasympathetic nerve activity in the pathogenesis of
  1354. coronary vasospasm.</strong> Suematsu M, Ito Y, Fukuzaki H. To evaluate the role of the autonomic
  1355. nervous system, especially the parasympathetic nervous system, in the initiation mechanism of vasospastic
  1356. angina pectoris (AP), the coefficient of R-R interval variation (CV) on the electrocardiogram (ECG) and
  1357. plasma catecholamine concentration were measured in 25 patients with vasospastic AP, 10 patients with effort
  1358. AP and 12 control subjects. CV which has been recognized as reflecting parasympathetic nervous system
  1359. activity was calculated from 100 consecutive heart beats on the ECG and represented as the percentage of
  1360. standard deviation of the R-R interval per mean R-R interval. Repeated measurements of <strong>plasma
  1361. catecholamine concentration revealed higher values at any sampling point throughout a day in patients
  1362. with vasospastic AP than those in
  1363. </strong>
  1364. control subjects. A distinctly higher CV was observed at night in the vasospastic AP group. <strong>This
  1365. elevated CV was abolished by atropine sulfate (1.5 mg/day per os). Pilocarpine injection (1.3 mg/10 kg
  1366. B.W. subcutaneously) induced a marked increase</strong> in CV that preceded the occurrence of chest pain
  1367. and/or ischemic ECG changes in 5 patients with vasospastic AP. The<strong>
  1368. increment in CV at 10 min after pilocarpine administration was greater in vasospastic AP than in control
  1369. subjects (p less than 0.05). It is concluded that enhanced parasympathetic activity may play a role in
  1370. the initiation of coronary vasospasm associated with sympathetic hyperactivity.</strong>
  1371. </p>
  1372. <p>
  1373. Science 1984 Mar 30;223(4643):1435-7.<strong>
  1374. Coronary arteries of cardiac patients are hyperreactive and contain stores of amines: a mechanism for
  1375. coronary spasm.</strong> Kalsner S, Richards R. Coronary arteries from hearts of cardiac patients
  1376. contain significantly higher concentrations of histamine than do those from noncardiac patients. The
  1377. coronary vessels of cardiac patients are also hyperresponsive to histamine and serotonin. These differences
  1378. between groups of patients suggest an explanation for coronary artery spasm in heart disease.
  1379. </p>
  1380. <p>
  1381. Fed Proc 1985 Feb;44(2):321-5. <strong>Coronary artery reactivity in human vessels: some questions and some
  1382. answers.</strong> Kalsner S. Spasm of a conduit coronary artery, converting it into a major resistance
  1383. vessel impeding myocardial blood flow, may have severe short- or long-term effects on cardiac rhythm and
  1384. systolic ejection of blood. It is now clear that human coronary arteries in vitro contract to acetylcholine
  1385. but that relaxation is the only response observed in dog coronary vessels. <strong>Acetylcholine is as
  1386. powerful a constrictor of human coronary arteries, in terms of tension induced, as 5-hydroxytryptamine
  1387. (5-HT) or histamine and is a substantially more powerful constrictor than norepinephrine.</strong> Field
  1388. stimulation of coronary artery strips caused a vasoconstriction that was partially antagonized by atropine
  1389. (3.45 X 10(-6) M). An enhanced reactivity of the epicardial arteries of cardiac and older patients to
  1390. several agonists was also observed and appears to provide a background against which a number of vasoactive
  1391. agents might induce spasm. Coronary tissue from cardiac patients also contains stores of 5-HT and histamine,
  1392. and the histamine levels are substantially increased above the values in vessels from noncardiac patients.
  1393. Coronary artery spasm or contraction<strong>
  1394. probably can be initiated by diverse intrinsic and extrinsic influences, including autonomic discharge
  1395. from either the parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous system or from histamine or 5-HT, and probably no
  1396. one agent or entity is causative in all cases.</strong>
  1397. </p>
  1398. <p>
  1399. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1969 Oct 14;164(2):517-9. <strong>Induced carcinogenesis under various influences on the
  1400. hypothalamus.</strong> Kavetsky RE, Turkevich NM, Akimova RN, Khayetsky IK, Matveichuck YD.
  1401. </p>
  1402. <p>
  1403. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1966 Jan 21;125(3):933-45. <strong>On the psychophysiological mechanism of the organism's
  1404. resistance to tumor growth.</strong> Kavetsky RE, Turkevich NM, Balitsky KP.
  1405. </p>
  1406. <p>
  1407. Patol Fiziol Eksp Ter 1971 Sep-Oct;15(5):3-10. [Role of disorders in intra-cellular and neuro-humoral
  1408. regulation in the development of the tumor process]. [Article in Russian] Kavetskii RE, Balitskii KP.
  1409. </p>
  1410. <p>
  1411. Obstet Gynecol Surv 1977 May;32(5):267-81. <strong>Estrogen and endometrial carcinoma.
  1412. </strong>Knab DR. 1. It has become evident that the estrogen secreting tumors of the ovary are associated
  1413. with endometrial carcinoma, but this association is most easily observed in the postmenopausal patient where
  1414. the incidence of carcinoma has been<strong>
  1415. reported at 10.3% (1. 02) to 24% (83). 2. The most consistent association of endometrial carcinoma is
  1416. with polycystic ovarian disease, where 19 (34), 21 (152), and 25% (150) of young women with endometrial
  1417. carcinoma had Stein-Leventhal syndrome (67). 3. A very significant discovery became known in</strong>
  1418. 1967 when the peripheral aromatization of delta4 androstenedione to estrone was reported by Kase (94) and
  1419. MacDonald (111,112). Since that time we have learned that endometrial carcinoma patients have an <strong
  1420. >increased peripheral conversion (139) (0.1% compared to 0.027%), which is similar to that found in obese
  1421. and aging patients, by Hemsell, et al (77).</strong> This can be 2 to 4 times greater than the young
  1422. adult or the patient without cancer. Estrone produced peripherally in normal postmenopausal women can amount
  1423. to 40-60 microng/day and rise as high as 120-180 microng/day in the endometrial neoplasia group (39).
  1424. Similarly patients with polycystic ovary disease, hyperthecosis and lipoid cell tumors of the ovary
  1425. demonstrate androgen excess with extraglandular conversion to estrone (2). 4. It has become apparent that
  1426. the principal estrogen in the postmenopausal patient is estrone and that the <strong>estrone-estradiol ratio
  1427. in the serum is higher in postmenopausal women with corpus cancer than similar patients without
  1428. cancer</strong> (135). Clearly, we must find the effect of this estrone excess at the nuclear "acceptor"
  1429. level; and does this imbalance create a hormonal environment conducive to the development of endometrial
  1430. carcinoma when age (an extremely important factor) and an oncogenic agent are added? 5. With the lack of
  1431. ovarian estrogen there is a relative excess of adrenal testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and delta4
  1432. androstenedione, the available precursors of extraglandular estrone (1). 6. With the passage of time <strong
  1433. >it appears that endometrial carcinoma is associated with hypothalamic "hyperactivity"</strong>
  1434. (31) which exhibits immunologic-biologic dissociation of LH as previously observed in persistent
  1435. trophoblastic disease when measuring hCG. The significance of this is still unknown. In a like fashion a
  1436. significant number of the at risk polycystic ovary disease patients have an increased LH secretion. 7.
  1437. Patient susceptibility is required as seen in animal experiments where prolonged administration of
  1438. stilbestrol is used and still only rabbits and mice developed a malignant change. 8. Long term exogenous
  1439. estrogen appears to have caused malignant changes in the endometrium, but it was universally given over a
  1440. prolonged period (4 or more years). The recent retrospective studies demonstrate an association of oral
  1441. estrogen therapy with endometrial cancer, but prospective studies investigating dose and duration of all
  1442. estrogen preparations need to be undertaken. 9...
  1443. </p>
  1444. <p>
  1445. Endocrinology 2000 Mar;141(3):1059-72.<strong>
  1446. An increased intraovarian synthesis of nerve growth factor and its low affinity receptor is a principal
  1447. component of steroid-induced polycystic ovary in the rat.</strong> Lara HE, Dissen GA, Leyton V, Paredes
  1448. A, Fuenzalida H, Fiedler JL, Ojeda SR. A form of polycystic ovary (PCO) resembling some aspects of the human
  1449. PCO syndrome can be induced in rats by a single injection of estradiol valerate (EV). An increase in
  1450. sympathetic outflow to the ovary precedes, by several weeks, the appearance of cysts, suggesting the
  1451. involvement of a neurogenic component in the pathology of this ovarian dysfunction. The present study was
  1452. carried out to test the hypotheses that this change in sympathetic tone is related to an augmented
  1453. production of ovarian nerve growth factor (NGF), and that this abnormally elevated production of <strong>NGF
  1454. contributes to the formation of ovarian cysts induced by EV. Injection of the steroid resulted in
  1455. increased intraovarian synthesis of NGF</strong> and its low affinity receptor, p75 NGFR. The increase
  1456. was maximal 30 days after EV, coinciding with the elevation in sympathetic tone to the ovary and preceding
  1457. the appearance of follicular cysts. Intraovarian injections of the retrograde tracer fluorogold combined
  1458. with in situ hybridization to detect tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) messenger RNA-containing neurons in the
  1459. celiac ganglion revealed that these changes in NGF/p75 NGFR synthesis are accompanied by selective
  1460. activation of noradrenergic neurons projecting to the ovary. The levels of RBT2 messenger RNA, which encodes
  1461. a beta-tubulin presumably involved in slow axonal transport, were markedly elevated, indicating that
  1462. EV-induced formation of ovarian cysts is preceded by functional activation ofceliac ganglion neurons,
  1463. including those innervating the ovary. Intraovarian administration of a neutralizing antiserum to NGF in
  1464. conjunction with an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide to p75 NGFR, via Alzet osmotic minipumps, <strong>
  1465. restored estrous cyclicity and ovulatory capacity in a</strong> majority of EV-treated rats. These
  1466. functional changes were accompanied by restoration of the number of antral follicles per ovary that had been
  1467. depleted by EV and a significant reduction in the number of both precystic follicles and<strong>
  1468. follicular cysts. The results indicate that the hyperactivation of ovarian sympathetic nerves seen in
  1469. EV-induced PCO is related to an overproduction of NGF and its low affinity receptor in the gland. They
  1470. also suggest that activation of this neurotrophic-neurogenic regulatory loop is a component of the
  1471. pathological process by which EV induces cyst formation and anovulation in rodents. The</strong>
  1472. possibility exists that a similar alteration in neurotrophic input to the ovary contributes to the etiology
  1473. and/or maintenance of the PCO syndrome in humans.
  1474. </p>
  1475. <p>
  1476. Acta Physiol Hung 1996;84(2):183-90.<strong>
  1477. Effects of hormones on the number, distribution and degranulation of mast cells in the ovarian complex
  1478. of mice.</strong> Jaiswal K, Krishna A. The changes in the number and degranulation pattern of mast
  1479. cells varied with the types of hormonal treatment and ovarian compartment. <strong>Luteinizing hormone (LH),
  1480. follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and 17-beta estradiol (E2)
  1481. treatment caused increase (P &lt; 0.05) in the number of mast cells</strong> in the hilum as compared
  1482. with the controls. Increase (P &lt; 0.05) in the number of mast cells in the whole ovarian complex was
  1483. observed only following FSH and E2 treatment. All the hormones used in the present study increased the
  1484. percentage degranulation of mast cells in the hilum. However, only LH, FSH and E2 increased the percentage
  1485. degranulation of mast cells in other compartments of the ovary (medulla, bursa and cortex). TSH and ACTH
  1486. failed to cause any increase in the percentage degranulation of mast cells in these compartments. The
  1487. present findings indicate E2 to be the most potent among the hormones tested in causing degranulation of
  1488. mast cells in all ovarian compartments.
  1489. </p>
  1490. <p>
  1491. Fertil Steril 2001 Jun;75(6):1141-7. <strong>Increase in nerve fibers and loss of mast cells in polycystic
  1492. and postmenopausal ovaries.</strong>
  1493. <hr />
  1494. <strong>with increasing nerve fiber density in polycystic ovaries, the number of mast cells decreased
  1495. strikingly compared with cyclic ovaries (p&lt;.001). Almost no mast cells were seen in postmenopausal
  1496. ovaries</strong> with and without hyperthecosis. The number of leukocyte antigen-positive leukocytes was
  1497. similar in all groups. CONCLUSION(S): The high density of nerve fibers in polycystic and postmenopausal
  1498. ovaries, together with a conspicuous decrease in mast cells, indicates altered neuroimmune communication.
  1499. </p>
  1500. <p>
  1501. Endocrinology 1993 Dec;133(6):2696-703. <strong>Ovarian steroidal response to gonadotropins and
  1502. beta-adrenergic stimulation is enhanced in polycystic ovary syndrome: role of sympathetic
  1503. innervation.</strong> Barria A, Leyton V, Ojeda SR, Lara HE. Experimental induction of a polycystic
  1504. ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in rodents by the<strong>
  1505. administration of a single dose of estradiol valerate (EV) results in activation of the peripheral
  1506. sympathetic neurons that innervate the ovary. This activation is evidenced by an increased capacity of
  1507. ovarian nerve terminals to incorporate and release norepinephrine (NE), an increase in ovarian NE
  1508. content, and a</strong> decrease in ovarian beta-adrenergic receptor number in the ovarian compartments
  1509. receiving catecholaminergic innervation. The present experiments were undertaken to <strong>examine the
  1510. functional consequences of this enhanced sympathetic outflow to the ovary.</strong> The steroidal
  1511. responses of the gland to beta-adrenergic receptor stimulation and hCG were examined in vitro 60 days after
  1512. EV administration, i.e. at the time when follicular cysts are well established. EV-treated rats exhibited a
  1513. remarkable increase in ovarian progesterone and androgen responses to isoproterenol, a beta-adrenergic
  1514. receptor agonist, with no changes in estradiol responsiveness. Basal estradiol release was, however, 50-fold
  1515. higher than the highest levels released from normal ovaries at any phase of the estrous cycle. The ovarian
  1516. progesterone and androgen responses to hCG were enhanced in EV-treated rats, as were the responses to a
  1517. combination of isoproterenol and hCG. Transection of the superior ovarian nerve (SON), which carries most of
  1518. the catecholaminergic fibers innervating endocrine ovarian cells, dramatically reduced the exaggerated
  1519. responses of all three steroids to both beta-adrenergic and gonadotropin stimulation. SON transection also
  1520. reduced the elevated levels of ovarian NE resulting from EV treatment and caused up-regulation of
  1521. beta-adrenoreceptors. Most importantly, SON transection restored estrous cyclicity and ovulatory capacity.
  1522. The results indicate that the increased output of ovarian steroids in PCOS is at least in part due to an
  1523. enhanced responsiveness of the gland to both catecholaminergic and gonadotropin stimulation. The ability of
  1524. SON transection to restore a normal response indicates that the alteration in steroid output results from a
  1525. deranged activation of selective components of the noradrenergic innervation to the ovary. These findings
  1526. support the concept that an alteration in the neurogenic control of the ovary contributes to the etiology of
  1527. PCOS.
  1528. </p>
  1529. <p>© Ray Peat 2006. All Rights Reserved.</p>
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