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  4. TSH, temperature, pulse rate, and other indicators in hypothyroidism
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  8. <h1>
  9. TSH, temperature, pulse rate, and other indicators in hypothyroidism
  10. </h1>
  11. <p>
  12. <strong>Each of the indicators of thyroid function can be useful, but has to be interpreted in relation to
  13. the physiological state.</strong>
  14. </p>
  15. <p>
  16. <strong>Increasingly, TSH (the pituitary thyroid stimulating hormone) has been treated as if it meant
  17. something independently; however, it can be brought down into the normal range, or lower, by substances
  18. other than the thyroid hormones.</strong>
  19. </p>
  20. <p>
  21. <strong>"Basal" body temperature is influenced by many things besides thyroid. The resting heart rate helps
  22. to interpret the temperature. In a cool environment, the temperature of the extremities is sometimes a
  23. better indicator than the oral or eardrum temperature.</strong>
  24. </p>
  25. <p>
  26. <strong>The "basal" metabolic rate, especially if the rate of carbon dioxide production is measured, is very
  27. useful. The amount of water and calories disposed of in a day can give a rough idea of the metabolic
  28. rate.</strong>
  29. </p>
  30. <p>
  31. <strong>The T wave on the electrocardiogram, and the relaxation rate on the Achilles reflex test are
  32. useful.</strong>
  33. </p>
  34. <p>
  35. <strong>Blood tests for cholesterol, albumin, glucose, sodium, lactate, total thyroxine and total T3 are
  36. useful to know, because they help to evaluate the present thyroid status, and sometimes they can suggest
  37. ways to correct the problem.</strong>
  38. </p>
  39. <p>
  40. <strong>Less common blood or urine tests (adrenaline, cortisol, ammonium, free fatty acids), if they are
  41. available, can help to understand compensatory reactions to hypothyroidism.</strong>
  42. </p>
  43. <p>
  44. <strong>A book such as McGavack's <em>The Thyroid,</em> that provides traditional medical knowledge about
  45. thyroid physiology, can help to dispel some of the current dogmas about the thyroid.</strong>
  46. </p>
  47. <p>
  48. <strong>Using more physiologically relevant methods to diagnose hypothyroidism will contribute to
  49. understanding its role in many problems now considered to be unrelated to the thyroid.</strong>
  50. </p>
  51. <p>
  52. <hr />
  53. <hr />
  54. </p>
  55. <p>
  56. I have spoken to several people who told me that their doctors had diagnosed them as "both hypothyroid and
  57. hyperthyroid." Although physicists can believe in things which are simultaneously both particles and not
  58. particles, I think biology (and medicine, as far as it is biologically based) should occupy a world in which
  59. things are not simultaneously themselves and their opposites. Those illogical, impossible diagnoses make it
  60. clear that the rules for interpreting test results have in some situations lost touch with reality.
  61. </p>
  62. <p>
  63. Until the 1940s, hypothyroidism was diagnosed on the basis of signs and symptoms, and sometimes the
  64. measurement of oxygen consumption ("basal metabolic rate") was used for confirmation. Besides the
  65. introduction of supposedly "scientific" blood tests, such as the measurement of protein-bound iodine (PBI)
  66. in the blood, there were other motives for becoming parsimonious with the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. With
  67. the introduction of synthetic thyroxine, one of the arguments for increasing its sale was that natural
  68. Armour thyroid (which was precisely standardized by biological tests) wasn't properly standardized, and that
  69. an overdose could be fatal. A few articles in prestigious journals created a myth of the danger of thyroid,
  70. and the synthetic thyroxine was (falsely) said to be precisely standardized, and to be without the dangers
  71. of the complete glandular extract.
  72. </p>
  73. <p>
  74. Between 1940 and about 1950, the estimated percentage of hypothyroid Americans went from 30% or 40% to 5%,
  75. on the basis of the PBI test, and it has stayed close to that lower number (many publications claim it to be
  76. only 1% or 2%). By the time that the measurement of PBI was shown to be only vaguely related to thyroid
  77. hormonal function, it had been in use long enough for a new generation of physicians to be taught to
  78. disregard the older ideas about diagnosing and treating hypothyroidism. They were taught to inform their
  79. patients that the traditional symptoms that were identified as hypothyroidism before 1950 were the result of
  80. the patients' own behavior (sloth and gluttony, for example, which produced fatigue, obesity, and heart
  81. disease), or that the problems were imaginary (women's hormonal and neurological problems, especially), or
  82. that they were simply mysterious diseases and defects (recurring infections, arthritis, and cancer, for
  83. example).
  84. </p>
  85. <p>
  86. As the newer, more direct tests became available, their meaning was defined in terms of the statistical
  87. expectation of hypothyroidism that had become an integral part of medical culture. To make the new TSH
  88. measurements fit the medical doctrine, an 8- or 10-fold variation in the hormone was defined as "normal."
  89. With any other biological measurement, such as erythrocyte count, blood pressure, body weight, or serum
  90. sodium, calcium, chloride, or glucose, a variation of ten or 20 percent from the mean is considered to be
  91. meaningful. If the doctrine regarding the 5% prevalence of hypothyroidism hadn't been so firmly established,
  92. there would have been more interest in establishing the meaning of these great variations in TSH.
  93. </p>
  94. <p>
  95. In recent years the "normal range" for TSH has been decreasing. In 2003, the American Association of
  96. Clinical Endocrinologists changed their guidelines for the normal range to 0.3 to 3.0 microIU/ml. But even
  97. though this lower range is less arbitrary than the older standards, it still isn't based on an understanding
  98. of the physiological meaning of TSH.
  99. </p>
  100. <p>
  101. Over a period of several years, I never saw a person whose TSH was over 2 microIU/ml who was comfortably
  102. healthy, and I formed the impression that the normal, or healthy, quantity was probably something less than
  103. 1.0.
  104. </p>
  105. <p>
  106. If a pathologically high TSH is defined as normal, its role in major diseases, such as breast cancer,
  107. mastalgia, MS, fibrotic diseases, and epilepsy, will simply be ignored. Even if the possibility is
  108. considered, the use of an irrational norm, instead of a proper comparison, such as the statistical
  109. difference between the mean TSH levels of cases and controls, leads to denial of an association between
  110. hypothyroidism and important diseases, despite evidence that indicates an association.
  111. </p>
  112. <p>
  113. Some critics have said that most physicians are "treating the TSH," rather than the patient. If TSH is
  114. itself pathogenic, because of its pro-inflammatory actions, then that approach isn't entirely useless, even
  115. when they "treat the TSH" with only thyroxine, which often isn't well converted into the active
  116. triiodothyronine, T3. But the relief of a few symptoms in a small percentage of the population is serving to
  117. blind the medical world to the real possibilities of thyroid therapy.
  118. </p>
  119. <p>
  120. TSH has direct actions on many cell types other than the thyroid, and probably contributes directly to edema
  121. (Wheatley and Edwards, 1983), fibrosis, and mastocytosis. If people are concerned about the effects of a TSH
  122. "deficiency," then I think they have to explain the remarkable longevity of the animals lacking pituitaries
  123. in W.D. Denckla's experiments, or of the naturally pituitary deficient dwarf mice that lack TSH, prolactin,
  124. and growth hormone, but live about a year longer than normal mice (Heiman, et al., 2003). Until there is
  125. evidence that very low TSH is somehow harmful, there is no basis for setting a lower limit to the normal
  126. range.
  127. </p>
  128. <p>
  129. Some types of thyroid cancer can usually be controlled by keeping TSH completely suppressed. Since TSH
  130. produces reactions in cells as different as fibroblasts and fat cells, pigment cells in the skin, mast cells
  131. and bone marrow cells (Whetsell, et al., 1999), it won't be surprising if it turns out to have a role in the
  132. development of a variety of cancers, including melanoma.
  133. </p>
  134. <p>
  135. Many things, including the liver and the senses, regulate the function of the thyroid system, and the
  136. pituitary is just one of the factors affecting the synthesis and secretion of the thyroid hormones.
  137. </p>
  138. <p>
  139. A few people who had extremely low levels of pituitary hormones, and were told that they must take several
  140. hormone supplements for the rest of their life, began producing normal amounts of those hormones within a
  141. few days of eating more protein and fruit. Their endocrinologist described them as, effectively, having no
  142. pituitary gland. Extreme malnutrition in Africa has been described as creating ". . . a condition resembling
  143. hypophysectomy," (Ingenbleek and Beckers, 1975) but the people I talked to in Oregon were just following
  144. what they thought were healthful nutritional policies, avoiding eggs and sugars, and eating soy products.
  145. </p>
  146. <p>
  147. Occasionally, a small supplement of thyroid in addition to a good diet is needed to quickly escape from the
  148. stress-induced "hypophysectomized" condition.
  149. </p>
  150. <p>
  151. Aging, infection, trauma, prolonged cortisol excess, somatostatin, dopamine or L-dopa, adrenaline
  152. (sometimes; Mannisto, et al., 1979), amphetamine, caffeine and fever can lower TSH, apart from the effect of
  153. feedback by the thyroid hormones, creating a situation in which TSH can appear normal or low, at the same
  154. time that there is a real hypothyroidism.
  155. </p>
  156. <p>
  157. A disease or its treatment can obscure the presence of hypothyroidism. Parkinson's disease is a clear
  158. example of this. (Garcia-Moreno and Chacon, 2002: "... in the same way hypothyroidism can simulate
  159. Parkinson's disease, the latter can also conceal hypothyroidism.")
  160. </p>
  161. <p>
  162. The stress-induced suppression of TSH and other pituitary hormones is reminiscent of the protective
  163. inhibition that occurs in individual nerve fibers during dangerously intense stress, and might involve such
  164. a "parabiotic" process in the nerves of the hypothalamus or other brain region. The relative disappearance
  165. of the pituitary hormones when the organism is in very good condition (for example, the suppression of ACTH
  166. and cortisol by sugar or pregnenolone) is parallel to the high energy quiescence of individual nerve fibers.
  167. </p>
  168. <p>
  169. These associations between energy state and cellular activity can be used for evaluating the thyroid state,
  170. as in measuring nerve and muscle reaction times and relaxation rates. For example, relaxation which is
  171. retarded, because of slow restoration of the energy needed for cellular "repolarization," is the basis for
  172. the traditional use of the Achilles tendon reflex relaxation test for diagnosing hypothyroidism. The speed
  173. of relaxation of the heart muscle also indicates thyroid status (Mohr-Kahaly, et al., 1996).
  174. </p>
  175. <p>
  176. Stress, besides suppressing the TSH, acts in other ways to suppress the real thyroid function. Cortisol, for
  177. example, inhibits the conversion of T4 to T3, which is responsible for the respiratory production of energy
  178. and carbon dioxide. Adrenaline, besides leading to increased production of cortisol, is lipolytic, releasing
  179. the fatty acids which, if they are polyunsaturated, inhibit the production and transport of thyroid hormone,
  180. and also interfere directly with the respiratory functions of the mitochondria. Adrenaline decreases the
  181. conversion to T4 to T3, and increases the formation of the antagonistic reverse T3 (Nauman, et al., 1980,
  182. 1984).
  183. </p>
  184. <p>
  185. During the night, at the time adrenaline and free fatty acids are at their highest, TSH usually reaches its
  186. peak<strong>.</strong> TSH itself can produce lipolysis, raising the level of circulating free fatty acids.
  187. This suggests that a high level of TSH could sometimes contribute to functional hypothyroidism, because of
  188. the antimetabolic effects of the unsaturated fatty acids.
  189. </p>
  190. <p>
  191. These are the basic reasons for thinking that the TSH tests should be given only moderate weight in
  192. interpreting thyroid function.
  193. </p>
  194. <p>
  195. The metabolic rate is very closely related to thyroid hormone function, but defining it and measuring it
  196. have to be done with awareness of its complexity.
  197. </p>
  198. <p>
  199. The basal metabolic rate that was commonly used in the 1930s for diagnosing thyroid disorders was usually a
  200. measurement of the rate of oxygen consumption, made while lying quietly early in the morning without having
  201. eaten anything for several hours. When carbon dioxide production can be measured at the same time as oxygen
  202. consumption, it's possible to estimate the proportion of energy that is being derived from glucose, rather
  203. than fat or protein, since oxidation of glucose produces more carbon dioxide than oxidation of fat does.
  204. Glucose oxidation is efficient, and suggests a state of low stress.
  205. </p>
  206. <p>
  207. The very high adrenaline that sometimes occurs in hypothyroidism will increase the metabolic rate in several
  208. ways, but it tends to increase the oxidation of fat. If the production of carbon dioxide is measured, the
  209. adrenaline/stress component of metabolism will be minimized in the measurement. When polyunsaturated fats
  210. are mobilized, their spontaneous peroxidation consumes some oxygen, without producing any usable energy or
  211. carbon dioxide, so this is another reason that the production of carbon dioxide is a very good indicator of
  212. thyroid hormone activity. The measurement of oxygen consumption was usually done for two minutes, and carbon
  213. dioxide production could be accurately measured in a similarly short time. Even a measurement of the
  214. percentage of carbon dioxide at the end of a single breath can give an indication of the stress-free,
  215. thyroid hormone stimulated rate of metabolism (it should approach five or six percent of the expired air).
  216. </p>
  217. <p>
  218. Increasingly in the last several years, people who have many of the standard symptoms of hypothyroidism have
  219. told me that they are hyperthyroid, and that they have to decide whether to have surgery or radiation to
  220. destroy their thyroid gland. They have told me that their symptoms of "hyperthyroidism," according to their
  221. physicians, were fatigue, weakness, irritability, poor memory, and insomnia.
  222. </p>
  223. <p>
  224. They didn't eat very much. They didn't sweat noticeably, and they drank a moderate amount of fluids. Their
  225. pulse rates and body temperature were normal, or a little low.
  226. </p>
  227. <p>
  228. Simply on the basis of some laboratory tests, they were going to have their thyroid gland destroyed. But on
  229. the basis of all of the traditional ways of judging thyroid function, they were hypothyroid.
  230. </p>
  231. <p>
  232. Broda Barnes, who worked mostly in Fort Collins, Colorado, argued that the body temperature, measured before
  233. getting out of bed in the morning, was the best basis for diagnosing thyroid function.
  234. </p>
  235. <p>
  236. Fort Collins, at a high altitude, has a cool climate most of the year. The altitude itself helps the thyroid
  237. to function normally. For example, one study (Savourey, et al., 1998) showed an 18% increase in T3 at a high
  238. altitude, and mitochondria become more numerous and are more efficient at preventing lactic acid production,
  239. capillary leakiness, etc.
  240. </p>
  241. <p>
  242. In Eugene during a hot and humid summer, I saw several obviously hypothyroid people whose temperature seemed
  243. perfectly normal, euthyroid by Barnes' standards. But I noticed that their pulse rates were, in several
  244. cases, very low. It takes very little metabolic energy to keep the body at 98.6 degrees when the air
  245. temperature is in the nineties. In cooler weather, I began asking people whether they used electric
  246. blankets, and ignored their temperature measurements if they did.
  247. </p>
  248. <p>
  249. The combination of pulse rate and temperature is much better than either one alone. I happened to see two
  250. people whose resting pulse rates were chronically extremely high, despite their hypothyroid symptoms. When
  251. they took a thyroid supplement, their pulse rates came down to normal. (Healthy and intelligent groups of
  252. people have been found to have an average resting pulse rate of 85/minute, while less healthy groups average
  253. close to 70/minute.)
  254. </p>
  255. <p>
  256. The speed of the pulse is partly determined by adrenaline, and many hypothyroid people compensate with very
  257. high adrenaline production. Knowing that hypothyroid people are susceptible to hypoglycemia, and that
  258. hypoglycemia increases adrenaline, I found that many people had normal (and sometimes faster than average)
  259. pulse rates when they woke up in the morning, and when they got hungry. Salt, which helps to maintain blood
  260. sugar, also tends to lower adrenalin, and hypothyroid people often lose salt too easily in their urine and
  261. sweat. Measuring the pulse rate before and after breakfast, and in the afternoon, can give a good impression
  262. of the variations in adrenalin. (The blood pressure, too, will show the effects of adrenaline in hypothyroid
  263. people. Hypothyroidism is a major cause of hypertension.)
  264. </p>
  265. <p>
  266. But hypoglycemia also tends to decrease the conversion of T4 to T3, so heat production often decreases when
  267. a person is hungry. First, their fingers, toes, and nose will get cold, because adrenalin, or adrenergic
  268. sympathetic nervous activity, will increase to keep the brain and heart at a normal temperature, by reducing
  269. circulation to the skin and extremities. Despite the temperature-regulating effect of adrenalin, the reduced
  270. heat production resulting from decreased T3 will make a person susceptible to hypothermia if the environment
  271. is cool.
  272. </p>
  273. <p>
  274. Since food, especially carbohydrate and protein, will increase blood sugar and T3 production, eating is
  275. "thermogenic," and the oral (or eardrum) temperature is likely to rise after eating.
  276. </p>
  277. <p>
  278. Blood sugar falls at night, and the body relies on the glucose stored in the liver as glycogen for energy,
  279. and hypothyroid people store very little sugar. As a result, adrenalin and cortisol begin to rise almost as
  280. soon as a person goes to bed, and in hypothyroid people, they rise very high, with the adrenalin usually
  281. peaking around 1 or 2 A.M., and the cortisol peaking around dawn; the high cortisol raises blood sugar as
  282. morning approaches, and allows adrenalin to decline. Some people wake up during the adrenalin peak with a
  283. pounding heart, and have trouble getting back to sleep unless they eat something.
  284. </p>
  285. <p>
  286. If the night-time stress is very high, the adrenalin will still be high until breakfast, increasing both
  287. temperature and pulse rate. The cortisol stimulates the breakdown of muscle tissue and its conversion to
  288. energy, so it is thermogenic, for some of the same reasons that food is thermogenic.
  289. </p>
  290. <p>
  291. After eating breakfast, the cortisol (and adrenalin, if it stayed high despite the increased cortisol) will
  292. start returning to a more normal, lower level, as the blood sugar is sustained by food, instead of by the
  293. stress hormones. In some hypothyroid people, this is a good time to measure the temperature and pulse rate.
  294. In a normal person, both temperature and pulse rate rise after breakfast, but in very hypothyroid people
  295. either, or both, might fall.
  296. </p>
  297. <p>
  298. Some hypothyroid people have a very slow pulse, apparently because they aren't compensating with a large
  299. production of adrenalin. When they eat, the liver's increased production of T3 is likely to increase both
  300. their temperature and their pulse rate.
  301. </p>
  302. <p>
  303. By watching the temperature and pulse rate at different times of day, especially before and after meals,
  304. it's possible to separate some of the effects of stress from the thyroid-dependent, relatively "basal"
  305. metabolic rate. When beginning to take a thyroid supplement, it's important to keep a chart of these
  306. measurements for at least two weeks, since that's roughly the half-life of thyroxine in the body. When the
  307. body has accumulated a steady level of the hormones, and begun to function more fully, the factors such as
  308. adrenaline that have been chronically distorted to compensate for hypothyroidism will have begun to
  309. normalize, and the early effects of the supplementary thyroid will in many cases seem to disappear, with
  310. heart rate and temperature declining. The daily dose of thyroid often has to be increased several times, as
  311. the state of stress and the adrenaline and cortisol production decrease.
  312. </p>
  313. <p>
  314. Counting calories achieves approximately the same thing as measuring oxygen consumption, and is something
  315. that will allow people to evaluate the various thyroid tests they may be given by their doctor. Although
  316. food intake and metabolic rate vary from day to day, an approximate calorie count for several days can often
  317. make it clear that a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is mistaken. If a person is eating only about 1800
  318. calories per day, and has a steady and normal body weight, any "hyperthyroidism" is strictly metaphysical,
  319. or as they say, "clinical."
  320. </p>
  321. <p>
  322. When the humidity and temperature are normal, a person evaporates about a liter of water for every 1000
  323. calories metabolized. Eating 2000 calories per day, a normal person will take in about four liters of
  324. liquid, and form about two liters of urine. A hyperthyroid person will invisibly lose several quarts of
  325. water in a day, and a hypothyroid person may evaporate a quart or less.
  326. </p>
  327. <p>
  328. When cells, because of a low metabolic rate, don't easily return to their thoroughly energized state after
  329. they have been stimulated, they tend to take up water, or, in the case of blood vessels, to become
  330. excessively permeable. Fatigued muscles swell noticeably, and chronically fatigued nerves can swell enough
  331. to cause them to be compressed by the surrounding connective tissues. The energy and hydration state of
  332. cells can be detected in various ways, including magnetic resonance, and electrical impedance, but
  333. functional tests are easy and practical.
  334. </p>
  335. <p>
  336. With suitable measuring instruments, the effects of hypothyroidism can be seen as slowed conduction along
  337. nerves, and slowed recovery and readiness for new responses. Slow reaction time is associated with slowed
  338. memory, perception, and other mental processes. Some of these nervous deficits can be remedied slightly just
  339. by raising the core temperature and providing suitable nutrients, but the active thyroid hormone, T3 is
  340. mainly responsible for maintaining the temperature, the nutrients, and the intracellular respiratory energy
  341. production.
  342. </p>
  343. <p>
  344. In nerves, as in other cells, the ability to rest and repair themselves increases with the proper level of
  345. thyroid hormone. In some cells, the energized stability produced by the thyroid hormones prevents
  346. inflammation or an immunological hyperactivity. In the 1950s, shortly after it was identified as a distinct
  347. substance, T3 was found to be anti-inflammatory, and both T4 and T3 have a variety of anti-inflammatory
  348. actions, besides the suppression of the pro-inflammatory TSH.
  349. </p>
  350. <p>
  351. Because the actions of T3 can be inhibited by many factors, including polyunsaturated fatty acids, reverse
  352. T3, and excess thyroxine, the absolute level of T3 can't be used by itself for diagnosis. "Free T3" or "free
  353. T4" is a laboratory concept, and the biological activity of T3 doesn't necessarily correspond to its
  354. "freedom" in the test. T3 bound to its transport proteins can be demonstrated to enter cells, mitochondria,
  355. and nuclei. Transthyretin, which carries both vitamin A and thyroid hormones, is sharply decreased by
  356. stress, and should probably be regularly measured as part of the thyroid examination.
  357. </p>
  358. <p>
  359. When T3 is metabolically active, lactic acid won't be produced unnecessarily, so the measurement of lactate
  360. in the blood is a useful test for interpreting thyroid function. Cholesterol is used rapidly under the
  361. influence of T3, and ever since the 1930s it has been clear that serum cholesterol rises in hypothyroidism,
  362. and is very useful diagnostically. Sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, creatinine, albumin, glucose, and
  363. other components of the serum are regulated by the thyroid hormones, and can be used along with the various
  364. functional tests for evaluating thyroid function.
  365. </p>
  366. <p>
  367. Stereotypes are important. When a very thin person with high blood pressure visits a doctor, hypothyroidism
  368. isn't likely to be considered; even high TSH and very low T4 and T3 are likely to be ignored, because of the
  369. stereotypes. (And if those tests were in the healthy range, the person would be at risk for the
  370. "hyperthyroid" diagnosis.) But remembering some of the common adaptive reactions to a thyroid deficiency,
  371. the catabolic effects of high cortisol and the circulatory disturbance caused by high adrenaline should lead
  372. to doing some of the appropriate tests, instead of treating the person's hypertension and "under nourished"
  373. condition.
  374. </p>
  375. <p><strong><h3>REFERENCES</h3></strong></p>
  376. <p>
  377. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2002 Dec;40(12):1344-8. <strong>Transthyretin: its response to malnutrition and stress
  378. injury. Clinical usefulness and economic implications.</strong> Bernstein LH, Ingenbleek Y.
  379. </p>
  380. <p>
  381. Endokrinologie. 1968;53(3):217-21.<strong>[Influence of hypophysectomy and pituitary hormones on dextran
  382. edema in rats]</strong> German. Boeskor A, Gabbiani G.
  383. </p>
  384. <p>
  385. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Nov;86(11):5148-51. <strong>Sudden enlargement of local recurrent thyroid
  386. tumor after recombinant human TSH administration.</strong>
  387. Braga M, Ringel MD, Cooper DS.
  388. </p>
  389. <p>
  390. J Investig Med. 2002 Sep;50(5):350-4; discussion 354-5. <strong>The nocturnal serum thyrotropin surge is
  391. inhibited in patients with adrenal Incidentaloma.</strong>
  392. Coiro V, Volpi R, Capretti L, Manfredi G, Magotti MG, Bianconcini M, Cataldo S, Chiodera P.
  393. </p>
  394. <p>
  395. Rev Neurol (Paris). 1992;148(5):371-3.<strong>
  396. [Hashimoto's encephalopathy: toxic or autoimmune mechanism?]</strong> [Article in French] Ghawche F,
  397. Bordet R, Destee A. Service de Clinique Neurologique A, CHU, Lille. A 36-year-old woman presented with
  398. partial complex status epilepticus. Magnetic resonance imaging with T2-weighted sequences showed a
  399. high-intensity signal in the left posterior frontal area. Hashimoto's thyroiditis was then discovered. The
  400. disappearance of the high-intensity signal after corticosteroid therapy was suggestive of an autoimmune
  401. mechanism. However, improvement could be obtained only with a hormonal treatment, which supports the
  402. hypothesis of a pathogenetic role of the Tyrosine-Releasing Hormone (TRH).
  403. </p>
  404. <p>
  405. Am J Clin Nutr. 1986 Mar;43(3):406-13. <strong>Thyroid hormone and carrier protein interrelationships in
  406. children recovering rom kwashiorkor.
  407. </strong>
  408. Kalk WJ, Hofman KJ, Smit AM, van Drimmelen M, van der Walt LA, Moore RE. We have studied 15 infants with
  409. severe protein energy malnutrition (PEM) as a model of nutritional nonthyroidal illness. Changes in
  410. circulating thyroid hormones, binding proteins, and their interrelationships were assessed before and during
  411. recovery. Serum concentrations of total thyroxine and triiodothyronine and of thyroxine-binding proteins
  412. were extremely reduced, and increased progressively during 3 wk of refeeding. The T4:TBG molar ratio was
  413. initially 0.180 +/- 0.020, and increased progressively, parallel to the increases in TT4, to 0.344 +/- 0.038
  414. after 21 days (p less than 0.025). The changes in free T4 estimates varied according to the methods
  415. used--FTI and analogue FT4 increased, dialysis FT4 fraction decreased. Serum TSH levels increased
  416. transiently during recovery. It is concluded 1) there is reduced binding of T4 and T3 to TBG in untreated
  417. PEM which takes 2-3 wk to recover; 2) there are methodological differences in evaluating free T4 levels in
  418. PEM; 3) <strong>increased TSH secretion appears to be an integral part of the recovery from PEM.</strong>
  419. </p>
  420. <p>
  421. Neuroendocrinology. 1982;35(2):139-47. <strong>
  422. Neurotransmitter control of thyrotropin secretion.
  423. </strong>
  424. Krulich L. "The central dopaminergic system seems to have an inhibitory influence on the secretion of
  425. thyrotropin (TSH) both in humans and rats."
  426. </p>
  427. <p>
  428. Endocrinology 1972 Mar;90(3):795-801. <strong>TSH-induced release of 5-hydroxytryptamine and histamine rat
  429. thyroid mast cells.</strong> Ericson LE, Hakanson R, Melander A, Owman C, Sundler F.
  430. </p>
  431. <p>
  432. Rev Neurol. 2002 Oct 16-31;35(8):741-2. <strong>[Hypothyroidism concealed by Parkinson's disease][</strong
  433. >in Spanish] Garcia-Moreno JM, Chacon J. Servicio de Neurologia, Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena,
  434. Sevilla, Espana.
  435. <a href="" target="_blank"></a> AIMS: Although it is commonly
  436. recognised that diseases of the thyroids can simulate extrapyramidal disorders, a review of the causes of
  437. Parkinsonism in the neurology literature shows that they are not usually mentioned or, if so, only very
  438. briefly. The development of hypothyroidism in a patient with Parkinson s disease can go undetected, since
  439. the course of both diseases can involve similar clinical features. Generally speaking there is always an
  440. insistence on the need to conduct a thyroidal hormone study in any patient with symptoms of Parkinson, but
  441. no emphasis is put on the need to continue to rule out dysthyroidism throughout the natural course of the
  442. disease, in spite of the fact that the concurrence of both pathological conditions can be high and that, in
  443. the same way hypothyroidism can simulate Parkinson s disease, the latter can also conceal hypothyroidism.
  444. CASE REPORT: We report the case of a female patient who had been suffering from Parkinson s disease for 17
  445. years and started to present on off fluctuations that did not respond to therapy. Hypothyroidism was
  446. observed and the hormone replacement therapy used to resolve the problem allowed the Parkinsonian
  447. fluctuations to be controlled. CONCLUSIONS: We believe that it is very wise to suspect hypothyroidism in
  448. patients known to be suffering from Parkinson s disease, and especially so in cases where the clinical
  449. condition worsens and symptoms no longer respond properly to antiparkinsonian treatment. These observations
  450. stress the possible role played by thyroid hormones in dopaminergic metabolism and vice versa.
  451. </p>
  452. <p>
  453. Endocrine. 2003 Feb-Mar;20(1-2):149-54.<strong>
  454. Body composition of prolactin-, growth hormone, and thyrotropin-deficient Ames dwarf mice.</strong>
  455. Heiman ML, Tinsley FC, Mattison JA, Hauck S, Bartke A. Lilly Research Labs, Corporate Center, Indianapolis,
  456. IN, USA.<strong>
  457. Ames dwarf mice have primary deficiency of prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH), and thyroid-stimulating
  458. hormone (TSH), and live considerably longer than normal</strong>
  459. <strong>
  460. animals from the same line.</strong>
  461. </p>
  462. <p>
  463. (Lancet. 1975 Nov 1;2(7940):845-8<strong>.. Triiodothyronine and thyroid-stimulating hormone in
  464. protein-calorie malnutrition in infants.</strong> Ingenbleek Y, Beckers C.)
  465. </p>
  466. <p>
  467. Am J Med Sci. 1995 Nov;310(5):202-5. <strong>Case report: thyrotropin-releasing hormone-induced myoclonus
  468. and tremor in a patient with Hashimoto's encephalopathy.</strong>
  469. Ishii K, Hayashi A, Tamaoka A, Usuki S, Mizusawa H, Shoji S.
  470. </p>
  471. <p>
  472. Rev Neurol (Paris). 1985;141(1):55-8. [<strong>Hashimoto's thyroiditis and myoclonic encephalopathy.
  473. Pathogenic hypothesis]</strong> [Article in French] Latinville D, Bernardi O, Cougoule JP, Bioulac B,
  474. Henry P, Loiseau P, Mauriac L. A 49 year old caucasian female with Hashimoto thyroiditis, developed during
  475. two years a neurological disorder with tonic-clonic and myoclonic seizures and confusional states. Some
  476. attacks were followed by a transient postictal aphasia.<strong>
  477. Some parallelism was noted between the clinical state and TSH levels.</strong> Neurological events
  478. disappeared with the normalisation of thyroid functions. This association of Hashimoto thyroiditis and
  479. myoclonic encephalopathy has been rarely published. Pathogenesis could be double. Focal signs could be due
  480. to an auto-immune mechanism, perhaps through a vasculitis. A non-endocrine central action could explain
  481. diffuse signs: tonic-clonic seizures, myoclonus and confusional episodes.
  482. </p>
  483. <p>
  484. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1992 Jun;74(6):1361-5. <strong>Fatty acid-induced increase in serum dialyzable free
  485. thyroxine after physical exercise: implication for nonthyroidal illness.</strong> Liewendahl K, Helenius
  486. T, Naveri H, Tikkanen H.
  487. </p>
  488. <p>
  489. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1990;274:315-29. <strong>Role of monokines in control of anterior pituitary hormone
  490. release.</strong> McCann SM, Rettori V, Milenkovic L, Jurcovicova J, Gonzalez MC.
  491. </p>
  492. <p>
  493. Acta Endocrinol (Copenh). 1979 Feb;90(2):249-58. <strong>Dual action of adrenergic system on the regulation
  494. of thyrotrophin secretion in the male rat.</strong>
  495. Mannisto, Ranta T, Tuomisto J. <strong><em>"</em></strong>
  496. <em>....noradrenaline (NA) (1 h), and L-Dopa (1 h) were also effective in decreasing serum TSH
  497. levels...."</em>
  498. </p>
  499. <p>
  500. Endocrinology 1971 Aug;89(2):528-33. <strong>TSH-induced appearance and stimulation of amine-containing mast
  501. cells in the mouse thyroid.
  502. </strong>
  503. Melander A, Owman C, Sundler F.
  504. </p>
  505. <p>
  506. Epilepsy Res. 1988 Mar-Apr;2(2):102-10. <strong>Evidence of hypothyroidism in the genetically epilepsy-prone
  507. rat.</strong> Mills SA, Savage DD. Department of Pharmacology, University of New Mexico School of
  508. Medicine, Albuquerque 87131. A number of neurochemical and behavioral similarities exist between the
  509. genetically epilepsy-prone (GEPR) rat and rats made hypothyroid at birth. These similarities include lower
  510. brain monoamine levels, audiogenic seizure susceptibility and lowered electroconvulsive shock seizure
  511. threshold. Given these similarities, thyroid hormone status was examined in GEPR rats. Serum samples were
  512. collected from GEPR-9 and non-epileptic control rats at 5, 9, 13, 16, 22, 31, 45, 60, 90, 150 and 350 days
  513. of age. Serum thyroxine (T4) levels were significantly lower in GEPR-9 rats compared to control until day 22
  514. of age.<strong>
  515. GEPR-9 thyrotropin (TSH) levels were significantly elevated during the period of diminished serum T4.
  516. GEPR-9 triiodothyronine (T3) levels were lower than control throughout the first year of life. The data
  517. indicate that the GEPR-9 rat is hypothyroid from at least the second week of life up to 1 year of age.
  518. The</strong> critical impact of neonatal hypothyroidism on brain function coupled with the development
  519. of the audiogenic seizure susceptible trait by the GEPR-9 rat during<strong>
  520. the third week after birth suggests that neonatal hypothyroidism could be one etiological factor in the
  521. development of the seizure-prone state of GEPR-9 rats.</strong>
  522. </p>
  523. <p>
  524. Przegl Lek. 1998;55(5):250-8. <strong>[Mastopathy and simple goiter--mutual relationships]</strong> [Article
  525. in Polish] Mizia-Stec K, Zych F, Widala E. <strong>"Non-toxic goitre was found in 80% patients with
  526. mastopathy, and the results of palpation examination of thyroid were confirmed by thyroid
  527. ultrasonographic examination. Non-toxic goitre was significantly more often in patients with mastopathy
  528. in comparison with healthy women,</strong>
  529. and there was found significantly higher thyroid volume in these patients." Endocrinology. 1997
  530. Apr;138(4):1434-9. <strong>Thyroxine administration prevents streptococcal cell wall-induced inflammatory
  531. responses.</strong> Rittenhouse PA, Redei E.
  532. </p>
  533. <p>
  534. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1998;77(1-2):37-43. <strong>Pre-adaptation, adaptation and de-adaptation
  535. to high altitude in humans: hormonal and biochemical changes at sea level.
  536. </strong>
  537. Savourey G, Garcia N, Caravel JP, Gharib C, Pouzeratte N, Martin S, Bittel J.
  538. </p>
  539. <p>
  540. Endocrinol Jpn. 1992 Oct;39(5):445-53. <strong>Plasma free fatty acids, inhibitor of extrathyroidal
  541. conversion of T4 to T3 and thyroid hormone binding inhibitor in patients with various nonthyroidal
  542. illnesses.</strong> Suzuki Y, Nanno M, Gemma R, Yoshimi T.
  543. </p>
  544. <p>
  545. Natl Med J India. 1998 Mar-Apr;11(2):62-5. <strong>Neuropsychological impairment and altered thyroid hormone
  546. levels in epilepsy.</strong> Thomas SV, Alexander A, Padmanabhan V, Sankara Sarma P. Department of
  547. Neurology, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala,
  548. India. BACKGROUND: Neuropsychological impairment is a common problem in epilepsy which interferes with the
  549. quality of life of patients. Similarly, thyroid hormone levels have been observed to be abnormal in patients
  550. with epilepsy on various treatments. This study aimed to ascertain any possible correlation between
  551. neuropsychological performance and thyroid hormone levels among epilepsy patients. METHODS: Thyroid hormone
  552. levels, indices of neuropsychological performance and social adaptation of 43 epilepsy patients were
  553. compared with those of age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects. RESULTS: Epilepsy patients exhibited
  554. significantly (p &lt; 0.001) lower scores on attention, memory, constructional praxis, finger tapping time,
  555. and verbal intelligence quotient (i.q.) when compared with controls. <strong>Their T3, T4 and Free T3 levels
  556. were significantly lower;
  557. </strong>
  558. and <strong>TSH and Free T4 levels were significantly higher than that of controls.
  559. </strong>There was no statistically significant correlation between the indices of neuropsychological
  560. performance and thyroid hormone levels. CONCLUSION: We did not observe any correlation between
  561. neuropsychological impairment and thyroid hormone levels among patients with epilepsy.
  562. </p>
  563. <p>
  564. Crit Care Med. 1994 Nov;22(11):1747-53. <strong>Dopamine suppresses pituitary function in infants and
  565. children.</strong> Van den Berghe G, de Zegher F, Lauwers P.
  566. </p>
  567. <p>
  568. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2000 Jan 1;144(1):5-8.<strong>
  569. [Epilepsy, disturbances of behavior and consciousness in presence of normal thyroxine levels: still,
  570. consider the thyroid gland]
  571. </strong>
  572. [Article in Dutch] Vrancken AF, Braun KP, de Valk HW, Rinkel GJ. Afd. Neurologie, Universitair Medisch
  573. Centrum Utrecht. Three patients, one man aged 51 years, and two women aged 49 and 52 years, had severe
  574. fluctuating and progressive neurological and psychiatric symptoms. All three had normal thyroxine levels but
  575. elevated thyroid stimulating hormone levels and positive thyroid antibodies. Based on clinical, laboratory,
  576. MRI and EEG findings they were eventually diagnosed with <strong>Hashimoto's encephalopathy, associated with
  577. Hashimoto thyroiditis.</strong> Treatment with prednisone in addition to thyroxine suppletion resulted
  578. in a remarkable remission of their neuropsychiatric symptoms. The disease is probably under-recognized.
  579. </p>
  580. <p>
  581. Cell Immunol. 1999 Mar 15;192(2):159-66. <strong>Neuroendocrine-induced synthesis of bone marrow-derived
  582. cytokines with inflammatory immunomodulating properties.
  583. </strong>Whetsell M, Bagriacik EU, Seetharamaiah GS, Prabhakar BS, Klein JR.
  584. </p>
  585. © Ray Peat Ph.D. 2007. All Rights Reserved.
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