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- <title>Adaptive substance, creative regeneration: Mainstream science, repression, and creativity</title>
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- <h1>
- Adaptive substance, creative regeneration: Mainstream science, repression, and creativity
- </h1>
- <p>
- <strong>"I intend to show you how neo-Darwinism has been invalidated within science itself, as an
- explanation of how life on earth has evolved and is evolving. It is nevertheless still perpetrated by
- the academic establishment, if only because it serves so well to promote genetic engineering, a
- technology that has the potential to destroy all life on earth. Furthermore, neo-Darwinism reinforces a
- worldview that undermines all moral values and prevents us from the necessary shift to holistic,
- ecological sciences that can truly regenerate the earth and revitalize the human spirit."
- </strong>
- Mae-Wan Ho
- <a href="http://www.i-sis.org.uk/paris.php" target="_blank">http://www.i-sis.org.uk/paris.php</a>
- </p>
- <p>
- <hr />
- </p>
- <p>
- More than 50 years have been wasted in one of the most important and fundamental branches of science and
- medicine, for reasons that are highly ideological and political. Rather than studying the regeneration of
- organs and tissues, and recognizing its obvious importance in healing as well as in understanding the nature
- of life, much of the last century was devoted to the defamation of the researchers who were making real
- process in the field. Despite many demonstrations that regeneration can occur in adult mammals, students
- were taught that it happens only in lower vertebrates. I think it's important to look closely at the
- ideology responsible for this great loss.
- </p>
- <p>
- Warburg and Szent-Gyorgyi, in thinking about cancer, emphasized that growth is the primordial function of
- all cells, and that the differentiated functions of complex organisms involve restraints of that primitive
- function, imposed by a system that has developed through time.
- </p>
- <p>
- Seen with this orientation, regeneration is the spontaneous result of the disappearance of restraint. The
- reproduction of a whole plant from a twig, or clone, was a process known for thousands of years. Any part of
- the plant contains the information needed for making a whole plant. More than thirty years ago, cells from a
- tumor were added to the cells of a normal embryo, and the animal that matured from the embryo-tumor mix was
- normal, and had traits of both lineages, showing that the tumor cells had retained the genetic information
- of a complete healthy organism, and just needed a different environment in which to realize their full
- potential.
- </p>
- <p>
- One of the currents of medical thinking, from classical times through Paracelsus to homeopathy and
- naturopathy, has been a confidence in the capacity of the organism to heal itself. But "modern" medicine has
- arrogated to itself the "healing power," with terrible results, mitigated only by their occasional reluctant
- acceptance of fragments of sane organismic thinking, such as recognizing the importance of nutrition, or of
- keeping sewage out of the drinking water. Research into methods to support the organism's natural
- restorative powers has been ridiculed and suppressed.
- </p>
- <p>
- We are immersed in the propaganda of modern medicine, and part of that propaganda involves the confabulation
- of a history of science that supports their practice and their ideology. The real history of science won't
- be found in science textbooks.
- </p>
- <p>
- "I intend to show you how neo-Darwinism has been invalidated within science itself, as an explanation of how
- life on earth has evolved and is evolving. It is nevertheless still perpetrated by the academic
- establishment, if only because it serves so well to promote genetic engineering, a technology that has the
- potential to destroy all life on earth. Furthermore, neo-Darwinism reinforces a worldview that undermines
- all moral values and prevents us from the necessary shift to holistic, ecological sciences that can truly
- regenerate the earth and revitalize the human spirit." Mae-Wan Ho
- <a href="http://www.i-sis.org.uk/paris.php" target="_blank">http://www.i-sis.org.uk/paris.php</a>
- </p>
- <p>
- Mainstream medical treatments are based on some fundamentally absurd scientific ideas. The advent of
- experimental animal cloning and the industrialization of genetic engineering have undercut the most
- important biological doctrines of the 20th century, but the processes of critical thinking haven't made
- headway against most of the traditional medical stereotypes. Cloning shows that all cells are potential
- "stem cells," but this fact co-exists with the Hayflick doctrine, that says, essentially, that no cell is a
- stem cell.
- </p>
- <p>
- The ideology of culturally significant "intellectuals"--scientists, professors, neurobiologists, linguists,
- philosophers, oncologists, geneticists--in the US is deeply influenced by the dualism and mechanistic
- materialism of Rene DesCartes.
- </p>
- <p>
- The denial that animals can think or understand language, the claim that babies or animals don't feel pain,
- or that heart cells and brain cells can't divide, or that somatic cells lack the genetic capacity to be
- cloned, or that they are intrinsically mortal, limited to a maximum of 50 cell divisions--these absurdities
- of 20th century biology and medicine all resulted from an abject commitment to the mechanistic doctrine of
- matter and life promoted or invented by DesCartes.
- </p>
- <p>
- I doubt that DesCartes really invented anything, because, by the evidence of his writing, he wasn't an
- intelligent man, but he placed himself politically in such a way that his arguments were acceptable to many
- influential people, and they continue to be acceptable to authoritarian and elitist factions even today.
- </p>
- <p>
- In the 16th and 17th century the cultures of England, Holland, and France were increasingly dominated by
- business interests. People who had money to invest wanted to see the world as an orderly, predictable place,
- and they found that many of the ideas of the ancient Greeks were useful. Mathematics was needed to calculate
- interest rates, insurance premiums, and, for the military, the trajectories of missiles. In an orderly
- world, allowance for a little random variation helped to save the perfection of the general rule.
- </p>
- <p>
- In this environment, theological thinking began retrenching its doctrine, to make it more acceptable to the
- increasingly powerful commercial people. The clockwork universe of DesCartes' time, in which a perfect world
- that operated according to perfect natural laws had been divinely created, gradually became theologically
- acceptable during the 18th and 19th centuries. In the 18th century, the Deists were the most famous
- embodiment of the idea, and then in the 19th century their place was taken by the Catastrophists, who
- claimed that the fossils which seemed to show evolutionary change of species actually represented species
- that had been created along with those now existing, but that had been destroyed by catastrophes, such as
- Noah's flood. By the end of the 19th century, the president of an American university recognized that
- theological compromises could prevent his undergraduates from rejecting religion entirely, and forbade
- sermons against evolution.
- </p>
- <p>
- There were many biologists who insisted that evolution of new species was analogous to the development of an
- individual, and that both revealed an adaptive capacity of the living substance. In this view, the adaptive
- growth of an individual in a new environment revealed novel solutions to new problems, and showed an innate
- inventiveness and intelligence in the process of growth and adaptation. The appearance of new species was
- thought to represent the same sorts of adaptive processes.
- </p>
- <p>
- Erasmus Darwin (grandfather of Charles) was an evolutionist of this sort, but because of political and
- theological pressure, he kept relatively quiet about his beliefs. There was an underground culture, in which
- an evolutionary view of the world was accepted, but these views were seldom published, because of
- increasingly stringent censorship. Because of censorship, poetry, letters, and diaries, rather than academic
- and scholarly works, give us the true picture of 18th century and early 19th century scientific culture.
- </p>
- <p>
- The scientists who wanted their work to be acceptable to those in power found ways to work with the
- Cartesian mechanical view of the world, building on the Deists' compromise, which had succeeded in removing
- the supernatural from nature. As the fossil evidence of evolution became inescapable, around the time of
- Charles Darwin's work, those who wanted to bring evolution into the mainstream of culture found that the
- Catastrophism of the creationists could be adapted to their purposes, with only slight modification.
- </p>
- <p>
- The doctrine of Thomas Malthus, who argued that war, famine, and disease were beneficial for those who
- survived, by decreasing the competition for limited resources, became a near equivalent to the catastrophic
- floods that the creationists had invoked to explain the geological record that contained evidence of many
- extinct animals. <strong>The doctrine of Malthus, like that of the Catastrophists, made loss, deletion, and
- destruction into a central device for explaining the history of the world.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Both of the Darwins had accepted the idea that many biological changes were adaptive, rather than random,
- but the new practical compromise doctrine introduced the idea that changes were just "random variations."
- The essentially mechanical nature of the world was preserved, because "chance" occurrences could be dealt
- with, and didn't involve anything supernatural. <strong>The function of the environment wasn't to add
- anything to life (that would have been to assert that there were creative powers other than those of the
- Creator), but simply to eliminate the inferior individuals that appeared as the result of random
- changes.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Gregor Mendel applied the principle of chance to explaining the inheritance of certain traits, and showed
- that "traits" were passed on unchanged, even when they weren't visible. His ideas were published and were
- acceptable to the scientific mainstream of his time. Traits were determined by "factors" that were passed
- on, unchanged, from parents, and biological variation was explained by varied mixing of factors which in
- themselves were unaffected by the organism or the environment. Genetic determinism was safely compatible
- with creationism.
- </p>
- <p>
- Shortly after Mendel's death, August Weismann began a campaign to put a stop to the claims of those who,
- like the Darwins and Lamarck, saw adaptive development of organisms as an essential part of the evolution of
- species.
- </p>
- <p>
- Weismann was essentially a propagandist, and his first fame was the result of "disproving" Lamarck by
- cutting the tails off more than 1500 mice, and observing that their offspring were born with tails. The
- reason the inheritance of acquired traits was impossible, he said, was that the "germ line" was perfectly
- isolated from the rest of the organism. The differentiated tissues of the body were produced by the
- selective loss of information from the nuclei of cells in the embryo. The cells of the germ line were
- immortal and contained all the information needed to produce an organism, but no other cell of the organism
- was complete.
- </p>
- <p>
- Complexity was produced by deletion, and this was the basis for arguing that, if even the development of an
- individual was nothing but a passive unfolding of inherited properties, much like unpacking a trunkful of
- clothes, then there could be no adaptively acquired traits, and certainly no inheritance of something which
- didn't exist. Changes in an individual were simply accidents, such as having a tail amputated, and so the
- whole issue of the origin of complexity was safely left to a primordial creation.
- </p>
- <p>
- Weismann and his arguments were famous in Europe and the US, and formed the background for the ideas known
- as neo-Darwinism. His "isolation of the germ line" was the earliest version of the Central Dogma of
- molecular biology, namely, that information flows only from DNA to RNA to protein. His doctrine, of
- complexification through deletion, is the epitome of the greatest dogma of modern times, expressed in
- doctrines from Catastrophism through the second law of thermodynamics and the theory of the Big Bang, down
- to Hayflick's Doctrine of the mortality of somatic cells. All these are consequences of the Cartesian and
- Deistic separation of intelligence from matter.
- </p>
- <p>
- Regeneration is one of the most vivid examples of the intelligence of living substance.
- </p>
- <p>
- Given a natural tendency of cells to multiply, the interesting thing about regenerative healing is the
- question of why the new growth of tissue sometimes differentiates to fit appropriately into its
- surroundings, but sometimes fails to differentiate, becoming a tumor.
- </p>
- <p>
- With aging, the regenerative process declines, and the process of tissue rebuilding slows. Against a
- background of reduced regenerative ability, tissue growth sometimes produces tumors, rather than renewed
- healthy tissue. When tumors are grafted onto the amputated tail stump of a salamander, which has good
- regenerative ability, the tumor is transformed into a tail, by its envirornment, or morphogenic field. The
- "cancer problem" is essentially the problem of understanding the organizing forces of the organism. The
- aging problem is another aspect of the same problem.
- </p>
- <p>
- Traditionally, biologists had studied anatomy, physiology, embryology or development, and taxonomy or the
- classification of organisms. The growth of knowedge early in the 20th century was suddenly seeming to
- confirm the physiological, adaptive view of organisms that Lamarck had held. C.M. Child, Joseph Needham,
- Alexander Gurwitsch, and L.V. Polezhaev were demonstrating the primacy of a formative process in biology.
- Polezhaev and Vladimir Filatov were studying practical means of stimulating regeneration as a medical
- technique.
- </p>
- <p>
- Until the beginning of the second world war, the study of regeneration and the pattern-forming processes in
- embryology were the liveliest parts of biological research. Gestalt psychology was being developed at the
- same time, with a similar emphasis on patterns and wholes.
- </p>
- <p>
- But Weismannism and neo-Darwinism, largely embodied in the person of the geneticist T.H. Morgan,
- deliberately set out to kill that line of biological research. Gestalt psychology was similarly eliminated
- by the Behaviorists.
- </p>
- <p>
- One of Morgan's closest associates, his student and colleague A.H. Sturtevant, said that "Morgan's
- objectives, what he was trying to get at in general in his biological work was to produce mechanistic
- interpretations of biological phenomena. One of the things that irritated him most was any suggestion of
- purpose in biological interpretation. He always had some reservations about the idea of natural selection,
- because it seemed to him to open the door to interpretations of biological phenomena in terms of purpose. He
- could be talked into the conclusion that there was nothing that wasn't strictly mechanistic about this
- interpretation, but he never liked it. And you had to talk him into it again every few months." (Sturtevant,
- A. H., <em>Genetics, Vol. 159,</em> 1-5, September 2001, Copyright 2001, Reminiscences of T. H. Morgan.)
- </p>
- <p>
- Whatever his motives, Morgan was known to have prevented his students (including C.M. Child) from publishing
- work that supported a holistic view of the organism. After Morgan's death, there was an intense and
- widespread campaign to suppress any approach to biology other than the "new synthesis," neo-Darwinism, with
- its doctrine of mechanistic genetic determinism and its doctrine of random variation. A developmental
- biologist, J.M. Opitz (1985), commented that <strong>"in one of the most astounding developments in Western
- scientific history, the gradient-field, or epimorphic field concept, as embodied in normal ontogeny and
- as studied by experimental embryologists, seems to have simply vanished from the intellectual patrimony
- of Western biologists."</strong>
- <strong> </strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Formative processes are necessarily multidimensional, and that makes calculation and analysis very complex.
- To a great extent, the geneticists were motivated to study bacterial genes, rather than vertebrate embryos,
- by the principle that motivated the drunk to look for his car keys under the street lamp, even though that
- wasn't where he lost them, because the light made it easier to look there.
- </p>
- <p>
- Bacteria are easy to study because they lack the complexity that makes it hard to study an embryo or an
- animal. The language used in genetics textbooks shows not only that bacteria are treated by geneticists as
- if they were one or two dimensional, but that the concepts developed for bacterial genetics have been
- extrapolated to use in describing complex organisms: "<strong>Genes interact</strong> to establish the body
- axis in Drosophila. Homeotic <strong>Genes control</strong> pattern formation along the anterior-posterior
- body axis." (<em>Essentials of Genetics,</em> M. Cummings and W. Klug, Prentice Hall, 2004.)
- </p>
- <p>
- One of the basic distinctions in embryology is in the way the cells divide after the egg is fertilized.
- Oysters and earthworms have spiral cleavage, sea urchins and people have radial cleavage. Several decades
- ago an experimenter was transferring a nucleus from an egg of an animal with radial cleavage, I think a sea
- urchin, into the enucleated egg of a snail, with spiral cleavage. The nucleus transplanted across such a
- great difference in phyla didn't sustain maturation of the animal, but it did permit development to proceed
- for several rounds of cell division, and the pattern of cell division, or cleavage, and embryonic
- development always followed the pattern of the phylum to which the egg cytoplasm belonged, never the pattern
- of the phylum from which the nucleus was derived. The genes in the nucleus, obviously, weren't directing the
- basic pattern formation of the embryo.
- </p>
- <p>
- One-dimensional bacterial genetics can be used to "explain" multidimensional systems, but it can't be
- expected to make useful predictions.
- </p>
- <p>
- The idea of complexity, or of multidimensionality, has often been analyzed in terms of "fields," by analogy
- with a magnetic field, as some property, or properties, that extend beyond any individual part, giving some
- coherence to the parts. Lamarck was concerned with understanding ensembles of particles and cells, but in
- his time electricity and heat were the only principles that physics provided that helped to illuminate the
- nature of living organisms. At the end of the 19th century, though, the physicist J.C. Bose was noticing
- that all of the properties of life that had interested Lamarck and Buffon--irritability, sensation,
- contraction, memory, etc.--had their close analogs in non-living substances. Bose, who invented the radio
- detector that was the core of Marconi's apparatus, found that, in the presence of an electromagnetic field,
- particles of a substance, such as finely powdered metal filings, cohered into a unified whole. An otherwise
- invisible, undetectable "field" which in Lamarck's time might have been known as one of the "subtle fluids,"
- was able to organize a myriad of inert particles into a unified whole.
- </p>
- <p>
- In the early 1920s, Bungenberg de Jong and A.I. Oparin showed how solutions of organic substances could
- spontaneously organize themselves into complex systems, with differentiated parts. A Russian embryologist,
- Alexander Gurwitsch, found that the parts of an organ or embryo could exert their stimulating or organizing
- influence on other cells even through a piece of glass, and by using different types of filter, he
- identified ultraweak ultraviolet rays as a medium of communication between cells. F.-A. Popp and others are
- currently studying the integrating functions of ultraweak light signals. Guenter Albrecht-Buehler (who has
- an interesting website called Cell Intelligence) is investigating the role of pulsed infrared signals in
- cell communication.
- </p>
- <p>
- Electrical fields produced by cells, tissues, and organisms have been shown to influence cellular metabolism
- and physiology, and to influence growth patterns. Closely associated with cellular electrical fields are
- fields or gradients of pH and osmolarity, and all of these fields are known to affect the activity of
- enzymes, and so to create environments or fields of particular chemical concentrations.
- </p>
- <p>
- A phenomenon that was well known in the 1930s, when developmental fields were still a familiar part of
- scientific discussion, was the "cancer field." Before a cancer developed in a particular area, the area
- showed progessive changes, away from normal function and structure, toward the cancer physiology.
- </p>
- <p>
- In the embryonic state, damaged tissues regenerate quickly. The metabolism of an embryo or fetus is highly
- oxidative, converting glucose rapidly to carbon dioxide and water. Both carbon dioxide and water are
- important regulators of cellular metabolism and function, and the concentrations of both of them decrease
- systematically with maturity and aging. Both are involved with the most basic aspects of cellular
- sensitivity, responsiveness, and organization.
- </p>
- <p>
- To resume the scientific tradition that has "simply vanished," I think we have to recover our ability to
- think about organisms generally, leaving aside as many of the concepts of genetics as possible (such as
- "gene," "operon," "receptor"; "the gene" has never been more than an ideological artifact), because they so
- often falsify the most important issues. The organization of tissues and organs, and their functional
- properties, should be the focus of attention, as they were for Lamarck around 1800, and for Johanes Muller,
- who in 1840 saw cancer as a problem on the level of tissue, rather than cells. For Lamarck, sensitivity and
- movement were the essential properties of the living substance, and J. C. Bose showed reasons for believing
- that the characteristics of life were built on related properties of matter itself.
- </p>
- <p>
- Sensitivity, the ability to respond appropriately to the environment, is probably a missing factor in the
- development of a tumor. The ability to become quiescent, to quietly participate in the ensemble of cells, is
- an essential feature of the sensitivity and responsiveness of the cells of complex organisms. The factors
- that support organized appropriate functioning are the factors that help cells to inhibit the excitatory
- state. If the keys of an accordion or organ didn't spring back after the musician pressed them, the
- instrument would be unplayable. In extreme physiological states, such as epilepsy or malignant hyperthermia,
- nerves or muscles become incapable of relaxing. Insomnia and muscle cramps are milder degrees of a defective
- relaxation process. Excitoxicity and inflammation describe less generalized cases of a similar process, in
- which there is an imbalance between excitation and the restorative ability to stop the excitation. Prolonged
- excitation, resulting in excessive fatigue, can cause a cell to disintegrate, in the process of cell death
- called apoptosis, "falling away."
- </p>
- <p>
- In the experiments of Polezhaev and Filatov, the products of cell disintegration were found to stimulate the
- birth of new cells (possibly by blocking a signal that restrains cell division). This process has been found
- in every organ that has been examined appropriately. It amounts to a "streaming regeneration" of the
- organism, analogous to the progressive creation of Lamarck's view. G. Zajicek has demonstrated an orderly
- "streaming" renewal in several organs, and even the oocytes (which in the Weismannian dogma were formed at a
- very early stage during embryonic development, and were perfectly isolated from the cells of the mature
- body) have recently been shown to be continually regenerated in adult ovaries.
- </p>
- <p>
- "Stem" cells turn out to be ubiquitous, and the failure of regeneration and restoration seems to be
- situational. In the 1950s a magazine article described the regeneration of a finger-tip when the wound was
- kept enclosed. Decades later, friends (one a child, the other a man in his forties) had accidental
- amputations of a finger-tip, down to the cuticle so that no visible nail remained. The boy's mother fitted
- his finger with the tube from a ballpoint pen, and the man used an aluminum cigar tube as his "bandage."
- Within a few weeks, their fingers had regenerated to their normal shape and length. I think the closed
- environment allows the healing tissues to be exposed to a high concentration of carbon dioxide, in
- equilibrium with the carbon dioxide in the capillaries, and to a humid atmosphere, regulated by the osmotic
- or vapor pressure of the living tissues.
- </p>
- <p>
- Under ordinary conditions, the creation of cells and the dissolution of cells should be exactly balanced.
- The coordination of these processes requires a high degree of coherence in the organism.
- </p>
- <p>
- Simple increase of water in the vicinity of a cell increases its tendency to multiply, as well as its
- excitability, and hypertonicity restrains cell division, and reduces excitability. Carbon dioxide, besides
- helping proteins to release water, appears to increase the ability of proteins and cells to respond to
- morphogenetic fields. Carbon dioxide is the most universal agent of relaxation, restoration, and
- preservation of the ability of cells to respond to signals. Progesterone is another very general agent of
- restorative inhibition.
- </p>
- <p>
- The study of regeneration and "stem cells" is helping to illuminate the general process of aging, and to
- provide very practical solutions for specific degenerative diseases, as well as providing a context for more
- appropriate treatment of traumatic tissue injury.
- </p>
- <p>
- In aging, the growth and regenerative processes are slowed. There is some evidence that even cell death is
- slower in old age, at least in some tissues. Since animals with the highest metabolic rate live the longest,
- the slowing rate of metabolism during aging probably accounts for those changes in the rate of cell renewal.
- The continually streaming regeneration of tissues is part of the adaptive process, and it is probably
- intensified by stress.
- </p>
- <p>
- The ability to sleep deeply decreases in old age, as a generalized inflammatory, excitatory state of stress
- develops. With progressive weakening of restorative cellular relaxation (inhibition), cells become more
- susceptible to disintegration. It's well established that bone loss occurs almost entirely during the night,
- and since the catabolic hormones generally affect soft tissues as well as bones, the atrophy of soft tissues
- ("sarcopenia") of aging is also probably a process that occurs mostly during the night. Mediators of
- inflammation are at their highest during the night (Cutolo and Masi, 2005). But during the period of growth,
- the length of bones seems to increase mostly during the night (Noonan, et al., 2004). My interpretation of
- this is that the stress of darkness accelerates biological processes, whether the process is mainly
- constructive or mainly destructive.
- </p>
- <p>
- The effect of light supports efficient oxidative energy production, which supports the protective inhibitory
- processes, by increasing ATP and CO2, and decreases the inflammatory mediators that intensify stress. If
- organized cellular luminescence is required for a proper balance, then the random luminescence produced by
- lipid peroxidation (which may be more intense at night--Diaz-Munoz, et al., 1985), might be an important
- factor in disrupting the balanced streaming of regeneration. Free radicals, whatever their source, absorb a
- broad spectrum of radiation, and would block luminous signals of all frequencies. Isoprene, produced mainly
- at night (Cailleux and Allain, 1989), is another ultraviolet absorber that might account for nocturnal
- regulatory disorders.
- </p>
- <p>
- The age pigment, lipofuscin, is known to contribute to degenerative diseases, but the nature of its toxicity
- has never been established. Its absorptive and fluorescent properties would be very likely to interfere with
- mitogenetic and morphogenetic radiation. Polyunsaturated fats are the main component of lipofuscin, and
- these fats in themselves can absorb ultraviolet light. When those fats are present in the skin, exposure to
- ultraviolet light accelerates the aging of the skin. Free fatty acids often increase during the night, under
- the influence of hormones such as adrenaline and growth hormone.
- </p>
- <p>
- A single night of poor sleep probably causes significant anatomical damage to the streaming cellular systems
- that will be repaired over the next few days if a high level of energy metabolism can be combined with a
- sufficient amount of deep sleep. The things that optimize energy and sleep form the background for
- supporting the restorative processes. Salt, glycine, carbon dioxide, progesterone, thyroid hormone and sugar
- all contribute to preserving the organism's energetic reserves by reducing inappropriate excitation.
- </p>
- <p>
- Lamarck's idea that organs developed or regressed according to their use or disuse was often attacked by
- followers of the Weismann-Morgan genetic dogma. In their view, the influence of the environment was limited
- to either preventing or permitting the realization of "the genetic potential." Once that predefined
- potential had been unfolded, the finite and mortal nature of the somatic cells didn't allow for any
- significant changes, except for depletion and death. One of the high points of Weismannian biology came with
- the publication of an article in Science, around 1970, that proposed to explain learning in terms of the
- lifelong loss of brain cells, beginning in humans around the age of 18 months, with a daily loss of 100,000
- cells, which would record experience by selective deletion, the way punching holes in cards had been used to
- enter data into computers. I was present to witness "world class biologists" taking that idea very
- seriously.
- </p>
- <p>
- As Sturtevant mentioned in the quotation above, T.H. Morgan couldn't accept any attribution of
- purposefulness to organisms. In his genetic dogma, changes were only random, and people who denied that were
- denounced as "teleological" (or metaphysical) thinkers. Changes occurred by deletion, not by meaningful
- addition.
- </p>
- <p>
- One of Pavlov's students, P.K. Anokhin, developed the concept of the Functional System in the 1930s, to
- explain the purposive behavior of animals. In the 1950s, Anokhin integrated the endocrinology of stress and
- adaptation into the concept, and F.Z. Meerson continued the work, concentrating on the metabolic and
- structural changes that protect the heart during stress. The simplest view of the conditional reflex
- involves the adaptation of an animal to an external signal, identifying it as the occasion for a particular
- action. Analyzing the Functional System starts with the need of the animal, for example for food, and
- examines the processes that are involved in satisfying that need, including nerve cells, a sense of hunger,
- knowledge of what things are edible, the muscles needed to get the food, and the digestive apparatus for
- assimilating it.
- </p>
- <p>
- When an understanding of stress physiology is combined with the idea of functional systems, the adaptive
- meaning of the use or disuse of certain organs is given a concrete basis. Cortisol mobilizes amino acids
- from muscles that are idle, and makes them available for the synthesis of proteins in the muscles, nerves,
- or glands that are activated in adapting to the stress. The London taxi drivers whose hippocampus grows as
- they learn the locations of the streets are very good examples of the processes described by Meerson,
- Anokhin, and Lamarck, in which the use of an organ in meeting a need contributes to the development of that
- organ. The balance between growth and regression is shifted during adaptive behavior.
- </p>
- <p>
- Exercise physiologists, without mentioning functional systems, have recently discovered some principles that
- extend the discoveries of Meerson and Anokhin. They found that "concentric" contraction, that is, causing
- the muscle to contract against resistance, improves the muscle's function, without injuring it. (Walking up
- a mountain causes concentric contractions to dominate in the leg muscles. Walking down the mountain injures
- the muscles, by stretching them, forcing them to elongate while bearing a load; they call that eccentric
- contraction.) Old people, who had extensively damaged mitochondrial DNA, were given a program of concentric
- exercise, and as their muscles adapted to the new activity, their mitochondrial DNA was found to have become
- normal.
- </p>
- <p>
- There are probably the equivalents of constructive "concentric" activity and destructively stressful
- "eccentric" activity in the brain. For example, "rote learning" is analogous to eccentric muscle
- contraction, and learning by asking questions is "concentric." "No bird soars too high, if he soars with his
- own wings." Any activity that seems "programmed" probably stifles cellular energy and cellular intelligence.
- </p>
- <p>
- When activity is meaningful, and is seen to be meeting a felt need, the catabolic and anabolic systems
- support and strengthen the components of the functional system that has been activated. Everything we do has
- an influence on the streaming renewal of the adaptive living substance.
- </p>
- <p>
- There are many therapeutic techniques that could be improved by organized research, for example,
- investigating the interactions of increasing carbon dioxide, reducing atmospheric pressure, supplementing
- combinations of salt and other minerals, balancing amino acids and sugars, and varying light exposure and
- types of activity. The dramatic results that have occasionally been demonstrated (and then suppressed and
- forgotten) are just a hint of the possibilities.
- </p>
- <p>
- If we keep our thoughts on the living substance, the pervasive ideologies lose their oppressive power.
- </p>
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- </strong>
- The enhancement in lipoperoxidation occurs concurrently with a decrease in glutathione peroxidase activity,
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- fraction. The changes described in this paper seem to be related to a succession of light and dark periods,
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- oscillator with an important role in modulating the membrane properties of the nerve cell.
- </p>
- <p>
- Brain Res. 1977 Mar 4;123(1):137-45. <strong>Daily variations of various parameters of serotonin metabolism
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- </strong>Hery F, Chouvet G, Kan JP, Pujol JF, Glowinski J. Rats submitted to regular 12 h cycles of light
- and darkness for three weeks were sacrificed at various times of the day. 5-HT, 5-HIAA and tryptophan levels
- were estimated in the fronto-parietal cerebral cortex. Tyrosine and free and total tryptophan levels in
- serum were estimated in parallel. Significant circadian variations in 5-HT and 5-HIAA levels were found in
- cerebral tissues. The peaks of 5-HIAA levels were dectected during the lignt and dark periods respectively,
- the maximal fluctuations being seen between 17.00 h and 21.00 h, two times separating the light off.
- Important significant circadian variations in free and total <strong>serum tryptophan</strong> levels were
- also observed<strong>. In both cases, the maximal levels were found during the middle of the dark
- phase</strong> after the peak of 5-HIAA levels. The circadian rhythm of tyrosine levels in serum was in
- opposite phase with that of tryptophan (free or total). The diurnal changes in tryptophan content in
- cerebral tissues seemed thus related to those found in serum. Taking in consideration results obtained in
- previous studies 16,17 carried out in similar experimental conditions, it was concluded that the parallel
- increase in serum free tryptophan and in tissues 5-HIAA levels seen during the night were not related to a
- stimulation of 5-HT turnover. Indeed 5-HT synthesis is minimal at this time16.
- </p>
- <p>
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- <strong>
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- <p>
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- post-injection, whereas no significant change was seen with injections given in the middle of the
- photophase. No significant change in muscle FFA level was obtained either during the photophase or the
- scotophase when estimated at 90 min postinjection. <strong>With a higher dose (5 mg/kg body weight) of
- melatonin given in the scotophase, on the other hand, a significant increase in both plasma as well as
- muscle FFA levels was obtained at 90 min post-injection but there was no effect on plasma FFA at 20 min
- or 90 min</strong> post-injection in the photophase and at 20 min in the scotophase. It is concluded
- that <strong>
- melatonin has a lipid mobilizing action in the pigeon when administered during the scotophase.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
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- using the temporary occlusion of the two carotid arteries combined with arterial hypotension as a method to
- induce ischemia in rats. We measured the rate of cell production and their state of differentiation with a
- mitotic indicator, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), in combination with the immunohistochemical detection of
- neuronal markers. One week after the ischemic episode, the cell production in dentate gyrus was increased
- two- to threefold more than the basal level seen in control animals. <strong>
- Two weeks after ischemia, over 60% of these cells became young neurons as determined by colabeling with
- BrdU and a cytoplasmic protein (CRMP-4) involved in axonal guidance during development. Five weeks after
- the ischemia, over 60% of new neurons expressed calbindin, a calcium-binding protein normally expressed
- in mature granule neurons.</strong> In addition to more cells being generated, a greater proportion of
- all new cells remained in the differentiated but not fully mature state during the 2- to 5-week period after
- ischemia." "The results support the hypothesis that survival of dentate gyrus after ischemia is linked with
- enhanced neurogenesis. Additional physiological stimulation after ischemia may be exploited to stimulate
- maturation of new neurons and to offer new therapeutic strategies for promoting recovery of neuronal
- circuitry in the injured brain."
- </p>
- <p>
- Am J Cardiol. 1998 Dec 17;82(12A):24U-28U; discussion 39U-41U. <strong>Clinical profiles of plain versus
- sustained-release niacin (Niaspan) and the physiologic rationale for nighttime dosing.</strong> Knopp
- RH. Niacin is the oldest and most versatile agent in use for the treatment of dyslipidemia. It has
- beneficial effects on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; the
- apolipoproteins B and A-I constituting these fractions; triglyceride; and lipoprotein(a). Together, these
- benefits lead to a diminished incidence of coronary artery disease among niacin users. The chief constraints
- against niacin use have been flushing, gastrointestinal discomfort, and metabolic effects including
- hepatotoxicity. Time-release niacin has been developed in part to limit flushing, and now a nighttime
- formulation (Niaspan) has been developed that assists in containing this untoward effect. In a pivotal
- metabolic study, bed-time administration of 1.5 g time-release niacin was shown to have the same beneficial
- effects as 1.5 g plain niacin in 3 divided doses and to be well tolerated. <strong>Previous studies suggest
- that bedtime niacin administration diminishes lipolysis and release of free fatty acids</strong> to the
- liver; this, in turn, leads to an abolition of the usual diurnal increase in plasma triglyceride, which may
- result in diminished formation and secretion of triglyceride in the very-low-density lipoprotein fraction.
- </p>
- <p>
- J Pediatr Orthop. 2004 Nov-Dec;24(6):726-31. <strong>Growing pains: are they due to increased growth during
- recumbency as documented in a lamb model?
- </strong>
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- </p>
- <p>
- Cell Tissue Kinet. 1977 Nov;10(6):557-68. <strong>Circadian rhythms of presumptive stem cells in three
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- </p>
- <p>
- Physiol Res. 1995;44(4):249-56. <strong>Circadian and circaannual oscillations of tissue lipoperoxides in
- rats.</strong> Solar P, Toth G, Smajda B, Ahlers I, Ahlersova E. Circadian and circaannual oscillations
- of tissue lipid peroxides (LPO) were studied in young male Wistar rats. The concentration of
- malondialdehyde, one of LPO degradation products, was measured at 3-h intervals during 24 hours in rats,
- adapted to light:dark 12:12 h regimen in the course of the year. LPO in the liver, thymus and bone marrow
- oscillated rhythmically in the course of the day and year. Circadian oscillations in all tissues were
- two-peaked, with zeniths at various times of the light and dark parts of the day. In the liver and thymus,
- <strong>the highest mesors were found during the winter</strong>, in the bone marrow during the spring. The
- same holds for amplitude values, with the exception of the bone marrow which exhibited the highest values
- during the summer. The reason for the LPO oscillations is probably resulting from the changing ratio of pro-
- and anti-oxidative capacities in various tissues during the day and the year.
- </p>
- <p>
- Biofizika. 1976 Jul-Aug;21(4):688-91. <strong>[Circadian rhythms of ultraweak chemiluminescence of bean
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- chemoluminescence of bean roots were investigated. It was found that under periodical change of light and
- darkness and without subsequent illumination a periodical change of spontaneous chemoluminescence of bean
- roots was observed. (The study of antiradical activity of the substances extracted from the root showed the
- dependence of this activity on illumination conditions.
- </p>
- <p>
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- Vorobjov NA. "Healing of the bone injury in rabbits was studied as affected by carbostimulin and its mixture
- with vitamin D3. Some biochemical indexes: the content of sialic acids, calcium and citric acid in blood
- serum of the animals, intensity of 14C incorporation from NaH14CO3 into the regenerated bone tissue and its
- proteins as well as histological studies, data, evidence for a positive effect of the mentioned preparations
- on the bone substance regeneration in the animals under experiment."
- </p>
- <p>
- Biofizika. 1961;6(4):490-2. <strong>[Study on ultra-weak spontaneous luminescence of animal cells.]</strong>
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- </p>
- <p>
- Biofizika. 1961;6(4):83-5. <strong>Study of the faint spontaneous luminescence of animal cells.</strong>
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- </p>
- <p>
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- antioxidants as well as in the antioxidative activity were studied in lipids of mice liver tissue and small
- intestinal mucosa. The intensity of free radical reactions in lipids of animal tissues was affected directly
- by administration of synthetic inhibitors of the reactions. The inverse correlation was observed between the
- alteration in concentrations of native antioxidants and free fatty acids as well as between the
- antioxidative activity of lipids and amount of free cholesterol in them. <strong>Free fatty acids appears to
- be the constant participants in the system of free radical oxidation of lipids, while cholesterol can
- center the system under distinct level of these reactions intensity.</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
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- </strong>
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- </p>
- <p>
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- </strong>
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- </p>
- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
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