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  6. <p>
  7. <strong>Heart and hormones &nbsp;</strong>&nbsp; The heart's unique behavior has given cardiologists a
  8. particularly mechanical perspective on biology. If a cardiologist and an oncologist have anything to talk
  9. about, it's likely to be about why cancer treatments cause heart failure; a cardiologist and an
  10. endocrinologist might share an interest in "cardioprotective estrogen" and "cardiotoxic obesity." Cell
  11. physiology and bioenergetics aren't likely to be their common interest. Each specialty has its close
  12. involvement with the pharmaceutical industry, shaping its thinking.
  13. </p>
  14. <p>
  15. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; The drug industry has been lowering the numbers for cholesterol, blood pressure, and
  16. blood glucose that are considered to be the upper limit of normal, increasing the number of customers
  17. for their prescription drugs. Recently, publications have been claiming that the upper limit of the
  18. normal range of heart rates should be lower than 100 beats per minute; this would encourage doctors to
  19. prescribe more drugs to slow hearts, but the way the evidence is being presented, invoking the
  20. discredited "wear and tear" theory of aging, could have many unexpected harmful consequences. It would
  21. reinforce existing misconceptions about heart functions.&nbsp; &nbsp;</span>
  22. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; A few decades ago, diuretics to lower blood pressure and digitalis/digoxin to increase
  23. the heart's strength of contraction were the main treatments for heart disease. In 1968, the annual
  24. number of deaths in the US from congestive heart failure (in which the heart beats more weakly, pumping
  25. less blood) was 10,000. By 1993 the number had increased to 42,000 per year. More recently, the annual
  26. number of deaths in which heart failure is the primary cause was more than 55,000. During these decades,
  27. many new drugs for treating heart disease were introduced, and the use of digoxin has decreased
  28. slightly. People with heart failure usually live with the condition for several years; at present about
  29. 5.7 million people in the US live with heart failure. The prevalence of, and mortality from, other
  30. cardiovascular diseases (such as hypertension and abnormalities of the coronary arteries) are higher,
  31. but congestive heart failure is especially important to understand, because it involves defective
  32. function of the heart muscle itself.</span>
  33. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Although Albert Szent-Gyorgyi is known mostly for his discovery of vitamin C and
  34. his contribution to understanding the tricarboxylic acid or Krebs cycle, his main interest was in
  35. understanding the nature of life itself, and he focused mainly on muscle contraction and cancer growth
  36. regulation. In one of his experiments, he compared the effects of estrogen and progesterone on rabbit
  37. hearts. A basic property of the heart muscle is that when it beats more frequently, it beats more
  38. strongly. This is called the staircase effect, from the way a tracing of its motion rises, beat by beat,
  39. as the rate of stimulation is increased. This is a logical way to behave, but sometimes it fails to
  40. occur: In shock, and in heart failure, the pulse rate increases, without increasing the volume of blood
  41. pumped in each contraction.</span>
  42. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Szent-Gyorgyi found that estrogen treatment decreased the staircase effect, while
  43. progesterone treatment increased the staircase. He described the staircase as a situation in which
  44. function (the rate of contraction) builds structure (the size of the contraction). Progesterone allowed
  45. "structure" to be built by the contraction, and estrogen prevented that.</span>
  46. <span>(It's interesting to compare these effects of the hormones to the more general idea of anabolic and
  47. catabolic hormones, in which more permanent structures in cells are affected.)</span>
  48. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; The rapid and extensive alternation of contraction and relaxation made possible by
  49. progesterone is also produced by testosterone (Tsang, et al., 2009). Things that increase the force of
  50. contraction are called inotropic, and the things that promote relaxation are called lusitropic;
  51. progesterone and testosterone are both positively inotropic and lusitropic, improving contraction and
  52. relaxation. Estrogen is a negative lusitropic hormone (Filice, et al., 2011), and also a negative
  53. inotropic hormone (Sitzler, et al., 1996), that is, it impairs both relaxation and
  54. contraction.&nbsp;</span>
  55. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Another standard term describing heart function is chronotropy, referring to the
  56. frequency of contraction. Because of the staircase interaction of frequency and force, there has been
  57. some confusion in classifying drugs according to chronotropism. In a state of shock or estrogen
  58. dominance, an inotropic drug will slow the heart rate by increasing the amount of blood pumped. This
  59. relationship caused digitalis' effect to be thought of as primarily slowing the rate of contraction
  60. (Willins and Keys, 1941), though its main effect is positively inotropic. It was traditionally used to
  61. treat edema, by stimulating diuresis, which is largely the result of its inotropic action. Progesterone
  62. and testosterone's inotropic action can also slow the heart beat by strengthening it.</span>
  63. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; I think it was a little before Szent-Gyorgyi's heart experiment that Hans Selye had
  64. discovered that a large dose of estrogen created a shock-like state. Shock and stress cause estrogen to
  65. increase, and decrease progesterone and testosterone.</span>
  66. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; About 30 years after Szent-Gyorgyi's work, people began to realize that digoxin and other
  67. heart stimulating molecules can be found in animals and humans, as metabolites of progesterone and
  68. possibly DHEA (Somogyi, et al., 2004).&nbsp;</span>
  69. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; The regulatory proteins that are involved in estrogen's negative lusi- and inotropic
  70. actions (decreasing pumping action) have been known for over 20 years to be regulated by the thyroid
  71. hormone to produce positive lusi- and inotropic actions on the heart (increasing its pumping action),
  72. and thyroid's beneficial effects on heart and skeletal muscle have been known empirically for 100 years.
  73. However, drug centered cardiologists, reviewing the currently available drugs approved by the FDA, have
  74. typically concluded that "drugs targeted to achieve these objectives are not available" (Chatterjee,
  75. 2002).</span>
  76. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; When a muscle or nerve is fatigued, it swells, retaining water. When the swelling
  77. is extreme, its ability to contract is limited. Excess water content resembles a partly excited state,
  78. in which increased amounts of sodium and calcium are free in the cytoplasm. Energy is needed to
  79. eliminate the sodium and calcium, or to bind calcium, allowing the cell to extrude excess water and
  80. return to the resting state. Thyroid hormone allows cells' mitochondria to efficiently produce energy,
  81. and it also regulates the synthesis of the proteins (phospholamban and calcisequestrin) that control the
  82. binding of calcium. When the cell is energized, by the mitochondria working with thyroid, oxygen, and
  83. sugar, these proteins rapidly change their form, binding calcium and removing it from the contractile
  84. system, allowing the cell to relax, to be fully prepared for the next contraction. If the calcium isn't
  85. fully and quickly bound, the cell retains extra water and sodium, and isn't able to fully relax.</span>
  86. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Heart failure is described as "diastolic failure" when the muscle isn't able to fully
  87. relax. In an early stage, this is just a waterlogged (Iseri, et al., 1952), fatigued condition, but when
  88. continued, the metabolic changes lead to fibrosis and even to calcification of the heart muscle.</span>
  89. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Many children approaching puberty, as estrogen is increasing and interfering with thyroid
  90. function, have "growing pains," in which muscles become tense and sore after prolonged activity. When
  91. hypothyroidism is severe, it can cause myopathy, in which the painful swollen condition involves the
  92. leakage of muscle proteins (especially myoglobin) into the blood stream, allowing it to be diagnosed by
  93. a blood test. The combination of hypothyroidism with fatigue and stress can lead to the breakdown and
  94. death of muscle cells, rhabdomyolysis.&nbsp;</span>
  95. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; The blood lipid lowering drugs, statins and fibrates, impair mitochondrial respiration
  96. (Satoh, et al., 1995, 1994; Brunmair, et al., 2004), and increase the incidence of rhabdomyolysis
  97. (Barker, et al., 2003; Wu, et al., 2009; Fallah, et al., 2013). Interference with coenzyme Q10 is not
  98. the only mechanism by which they can cause myopathy (Nakahara, et al., 1998). The harmful effect of
  99. lowering cholesterol seems to be relevant to heart failure: "In light of the association between high
  100. cholesterol levels and improved survival in HF, statin or other lipid-lowering therapy in HF remains
  101. controversial (Horwich, 2009).</span>
  102. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Heart muscle and skeletal muscle are similar in their structural responses to
  103. interference with mitochondrial functions, namely, swelling, reduced contractile ability, and
  104. dissolution. When myoglobin has been found in the blood and urine, it has been assumed to come from
  105. skeletal muscles, but the heart's myoglobin has been found to be depleted in a patient with
  106. myoglobinuria (Lewin and Moscarello, 1966). When heart failure is known to exist, similar changes can be
  107. found in the skeletal muscles (van der Ent, et al., 1998).</span>
  108. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Stress, in the form of pressure-overload (Zhabyeyev, et al., 2013), or overactivity of
  109. the renin-angiotensin system (Mori, et al., 2013) and sympathetic nervous system or adrenergic chemicals
  110. (Mori, et al., 2012), or a failure of energy caused by diabetes, insulin deficiency, or hypothyroidism,
  111. causes a shift of energy production from the oxidation of glucose to the oxidation of fatty acids, with
  112. the release, rather than oxidation, of the lactic acid produced from glucose. This sequence, from
  113. reduced efficiency of energy production to heart failure, can be opposed by agents that reduce the
  114. availability of fatty acids and promote the oxidation of glucose. Niacinamide inhibits the release of
  115. free fatty acids from the tissues, and thyroid sustains the oxidation of glucose. This principle is now
  116. widely recognized, and the FDA has approved a drug that inhibits the oxidation of fatty acids
  117. (raloxazine, 2006), but which has serious side effects. Glucose oxidation apparently is necessary for
  118. preventing the intracellular accumulation of free calcium and fatty acids (Jeremy, et al., 1992; Burton,
  119. et al., 1986; Ivanics, et al., 2001). The calcium binding protein which is activated by thyroid and
  120. inhibited by estrogen seems to be activated by glucose and inhibited by fatty acids (Zarain-Herzberg and
  121. Rupp, 1999).&nbsp;</span>
  122. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Diabetes or fasting increases free fatty acids, and forces cells to shift from oxidation
  123. of glucose to oxidation of fatty acids, inhibiting the binding of calcium (McKnight, et al., 1999).
  124. Providing a small amount of sugar (0.8% sucrose in their drinking water) restored the calcium binding
  125. and heart function, without increasing either thyroid hormone or insulin (Rupp, et al., 1988, 1999,
  126. 1994). Serum glucose was lowered, as the ability to oxidize sugar was restored by lowering free fatty
  127. acids. Activity of the sympathetic nervous system is lowered as efficiency is increased.&nbsp;</span>
  128. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Digoxin stimulates mitochondrial energy production in skeletal and heart muscle
  129. (Tsyganil, et al., 1982), increasing the oxidation of glucose, rather than fatty acids, supporting the
  130. effect of thyroid hormone. The statins have the opposite effect, decreasing the oxidation of
  131. glucose.&nbsp;</span>
  132. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; One of estrogen's effects is to chronically increase the circulation of free fatty acids,
  133. and to favor the long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA. These fatty acids, which
  134. slow the heart rate (Kang and Leaf, 1994), extend the excited state (action potential: Li, et al.,
  135. 2011), and are negatively inotropic (Dhein, et al., 2005; Macleod, et al., 1998; Negretti, et al.,
  136. 2000), are being proposed as heart protective drugs. (EPA and alpha-linoleic acid also prolong the QT
  137. interval: Dhein, et al., 2005).&nbsp;</span>
  138. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Many publications still promote estrogen as a cardioprotective drug, but there is now
  139. increased recognition of its role in heart failure and sudden cardiac death. A prolonged excited state
  140. (action potential) and delayed relaxation (QT interval) are known to increase the risk of arrhythmia and
  141. sudden death, and estrogen, which causes those changes in humans, causes sudden cardiac death in
  142. susceptible rabbits, with an adrenergic stimulant increasing the arrhythmias, and progesterone and
  143. androgen preventing them (Odening et al., 2012). Progesterone's protective effect seems to be the result
  144. of accelerating recovery of the resting state (Cheng, et al., 2012).&nbsp;</span>
  145. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Estrogen's interactions with adrenalin in promoting blood vessel constriction has been
  146. known for many years (for example, Cheng and Gruetter, 1992). Progesterone blocks that effect of
  147. estrogen (Moura and Marcondes, 2001). Environmental estrogens such as BPA can exacerbate ventricular
  148. arrhythmia caused by estrogen (Yan, et al., 2013). The hearts of mice genetically engineered to lack
  149. aromatase, the enzyme that synthesizes estrogen, were more resistant to damage by being deprived of
  150. blood for 25 minutes (Bell, et al., 2011), leading the authors to suggest that aromatase inhibition
  151. might be helpful for heart disease.&nbsp;</span>
  152. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; In the stressed, energy depleted failing heart, muscle cells die and are replaced by
  153. connective tissue cells. The growth produced by over-exposure to adrenergic stimulation leads to
  154. stiffening and reduced functioning. However, under the influence of thyroid hormone a high work load
  155. leads to functional enlargement, which simply increases the pumping ability. Because of the traditional
  156. belief that heart cells can't replicate, this functional growth was believed to be produced purely by
  157. the enlargement of cells, but in recent years the existence of stem cells able to create new heart
  158. muscle has been recognized. Thyroid is likely to be one of the hormones responsible for allowing stem
  159. cells to differentiate into cardiomyocytes.</span>
  160. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; In this context, of cellular differentiation as a life-long process, we can see the
  161. changes of a failing heart as a differentiation which is forced to take an inappropriate course. The
  162. calcification of blood vessels caused by phosphate excess and vitamin K deficiency involves the
  163. expression of a protein which has its proper place in the skeleton. The replacement of heart muscle by
  164. fibrous connective tissue and even bone is a basic biological problem of differentiation, and the
  165. responsible factors--stress, increased estrogen, deficient thyroid hormone, suppression of glucose
  166. oxidation by fatty acids, etc.--are involved in the problems of differentiation that occur in other
  167. degenerative processes, such as sarcopenia, dementia, and cancer.</span>
  168. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; There have been arguments about the nature of wound healing and regeneration, regarding
  169. the origin of the new cells--whether they are from the dedifferentiation of local cells, or the
  170. migration of stem cells. The evidence is that both can occur, depending on the tissue and the situation.
  171. The deterioration of an organ is probably not a question of a lack of stem cells, but of changed
  172. conditions causing them to differentiate into something inappropriate for the full functioning of that
  173. organ.&nbsp;</span>
  174. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Various stresses can cause cells to dedifferentiate, but hypoxia is probably a common
  175. denominator. In the absence of estrogen, hypoxia can activate the "estrogen receptor."&nbsp; Estrogen is
  176. in some situations a hormone of dedifferentiation, facilitating the formation of new cells in stressed
  177. tissues, as aromatase is induced. However, the presence of polyunsaturated fats, tending to increase in
  178. concentration with age, causes the processes of renewal to produce exaggerated inflammation, with
  179. prostaglandins participating in the processes of development and differentiation. Estrogen, by
  180. increasing the concentration of free fatty acids, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids, contributes to
  181. the metabolic shift away from glucose oxidation, toward the formation of lactic acid, and away from the
  182. full organ-specific differentiation.</span>
  183. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; This perspective puts heart failure, cancer, and the other degenerative diseases onto the
  184. same biological basis, and shows why certain conditions and therapies can be appropriate for all of
  185. them.</span>
  186. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Problems that seem relatively trivial become more meaningful when they are seen in terms
  187. of these mechanisms. Some problems that become very common by middle age are "palpitations," orthostatic
  188. hypotension, orthostatic tachycardia, and varicose veins. The negative inotropic effect of estrogen in
  189. the heart has a parallel in the smooth muscle of veins, in which the muscles are weakened, and their
  190. distensibility increased, when estrogen isn't sufficiently opposed by progesterone. This allows the
  191. veins in the lower part of the body to be distended abnormally when standing, reducing the amount of
  192. blood returning to the heart, so that the volume pumped with each stroke is small, requiring faster
  193. beating. The reduced blood volume reaching the brain can cause fainting. When it becomes chronic, it can
  194. lead to the progressive distortion of the veins. An excess of estrogen is associated with varicose veins
  195. in men, as well as women. (Raj, 2006; Ciardullo, et al., 2000; Kendler, et al., 2009; Asciutto, et al.,
  196. 2010; Raffetto, et al., 2010).</span>
  197. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; The simplicity of things such as supplementing thyroid, progesterone, and sugar, avoiding
  198. an excess of phosphate in relation to calcium, and avoiding polyunsaturated fats, makes it possible for
  199. people to take action themselves, without having to depend on the medical system. Most physicians still
  200. warn their patients of the dangers of thyroid supplements, especially the active T3 hormone, for their
  201. heart, but in at least one specialty, its value is recognized. Heart transplant surgeons have discovered
  202. that administering T3 to the brain-dead heart donor before removing the heart improves its viability and
  203. function in the recipient (Novitzky, 1996). Around this time, the manufacturers of Cytomel conceived the
  204. idea of marketing it as a "heart drug," which would make it much more profitable.</span>
  205. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Another technique that is easy to use to lower blood pressure and improve heart rhythm is
  206. to breathe into a paper bag for a minute or two at a time, to increase the carbon dioxide content of the
  207. blood. This has a vasodilating effect, reducing the force required to circulate the blood, and reduces
  208. anxiety. Rhubarb and emodin (a chemical found in rhubarb and cascara) have been found to have heart
  209. protective actions. A considerable amount of research showed that vitamin K is effective for treating
  210. hypertension, but again, most doctors warn against its use, because of its reputation as a clot forming
  211. vitamin. Recently, the value of the "blood thinner" warfarin, a vitamin K antagonist, has been
  212. questioned for people with heart failure (An, et al., 2013; Lee, et al., 2013). There have been several
  213. recent warnings about the production of arrhythmia by drugs that increase serotonin's effects (e.g.,
  214. Stillman, et al., 2013).</span>
  215. <span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Measuring the speed of relaxation of the Achilles tendon reflex twitch is a
  216. traditional method for judging thyroid function, because in hypothyroidism the relaxation is visibly
  217. delayed. This same retardation can be seen in the electrocardiogram, as a prolonged QT interval, which
  218. is associated with arrhythmia and sudden death. Insomnia, mania, and asthma are other conditions in
  219. which defective relaxation is seen, under the influence of low thyroid function, and an insufficiently
  220. opposed influence of estrogen.</span>
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