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- <head><title>Epilepsy and Progesterone</title></head>
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- <h1>
- Epilepsy and Progesterone
- </h1>
- <p>
- The length of the life-span, and of the period of youth or immaturity, is closely associated with the size
- of the brain, and the brain has a very high rate of metabolism. When something interferes with this very
- high metabolic rate, the consequences may be instantanteous,* or developmental, or chronic and degenerative,
- or even transgenerational. The issue of epilepsy centers on questions of brain metabolism, and so it has all
- of those dimensions.
- </p>
- <p>
- As I discuss the mechanisms known to predispose a person to epilepsy, I will emphasize the centrality of
- oxidative energy production, and show how "stroke," "stress," "hyperactivity," "dementia," and other brain
- syndromes are related to "epilepsy." (Similar processes are being studied in the heart and other tissues;
- eventually, we might have a general language that will make it easier to understand the parallels in the
- various kinds of "seizure" in any organ.)
- </p>
- <p>
- As an old term, "epilepsy" has aquired a burden of pseudoscientific ideas, covering old superstitions with
- an overlay of new superstitions. [Hereditary epilepsy has been discussed in countless textbooks and medical
- journals, but I think a much better case could be made for the inheritance of a tendency to offer stupid
- genetic explanations.] "Hereditary epilepsy" and "idiopathic epilepsy" are seriously pathogenic terms;
- "brain scar" sometimes has a factual basis, but most often the term is an evasion of understanding.
- </p>
- <p>
- As long as we realize that the essential meaning of the word is "something that grabs you," "epilepsy" is a
- convenient way to refer to a cluster of convulsive states, fainting spells, night-terrors and nightmares,
- and strange sensations.
- </p>
- <p>
- Seizures can be caused by lack of glucose, lack of oxygen, vitamin B6 deficiency, and magnesium deficiency.
- They are more likely to occur during the night, during puberty, premenstrually, during pregnancy, during the
- first year of life, and can be triggered by hyperventilation, running, strong emotions, or unusual sensory
- stimulation. Water retention and low sodium increase susceptibility to seizures. When I was in high school,
- our dog found and ate a pint of bacon grease, and shortly afterward had a convulsive seizure. I knew of
- veterinarians who treated seizures in dogs with a vermifuge, so it seemed obvious that a metabolic
- disturbance, especially if combined with intestinal irritation, could cause fits.
- </p>
- <p>
- It was undoubtedly such observations that led some physicians to advocate removal of the colon as treatment
- for epilepsy. Pregnancy and the menstrual cycle have been recognized as having something to do with
- seizures, but when seizures occurred only during pregnancy, they were classified as nonepileptic, and when
- they had a clear premenstrual occurrence, they were likely to be classified as "hysterical fits," to be
- treated with punishment.
- </p>
- <p>
- It has been observed that all "recognized" anti-seizure drugs are teratogenic, and women who are taking such
- drugs are told that pregnancy might kill them if they stop the drug, but that their babies will have a
- greatly increased risk of birth defects if they take the drugs during pregnancy. This is why a better
- understanding of epilepsy is very important. Old therapies are mainly important for the insight they can
- give into the nature of the physiological problem. Some of the well established clinical-laboratory
- observations (F. Mora, and C. S. Babel, for example) give strong hints as to the physiological problem, for
- example, low albumin, high prealbumin, low magnesium and high calcium all suggest hypothyroidism. (Problems
- with the bowel, liver, and sex hormones are highly associated with hypothyroidism, both as causes and as
- effects.) Water retention was so clearly involved in seizures that increased water intake was used as a
- diagnostic procedure. (R. Grinker) Unfortunately, animal experiments showed that water intoxication
- increased susceptibility to seizures even in normal individuals. Low sodium content in the body fluids also
- predisposed to seizures, so that someone with hyponatremia (low blood sodium) would be more susceptible to
- induction of a seizure by excessive water intake. (Excessive water uptake is still recognized as a factor in
- seizures, but now it is seen as part of a complex process, involving energy, hormones, and transmitter
- substances. E.g., Kempski; Chan.)
- </p>
- <p>
- Hypothyroid people tend to lose sodium easily, and unopposed estrogen increases water retention, without an
- equivalent sodium retention, so low thyroid, high estrogen people have two of the conditions (edema and
- hyponatremia) known to predispose to seizures. Another outstanding feature of seizures of various sorts is
- that they are most likely to occur at night, especially in the early pre-dawn hours. Low blood sugar and
- high adrenalin predominate during those hours. Hypoglycemia, in itself, like oxygen deprivation, is enough
- to cause convulsions.
- </p>
- <p>
- Progesterone and thyroid promote normal energy production, and their deficiency causes a tendency toward
- hypoglycemia, edema and instability of nerves.
- </p>
- <p>
- Twenty years ago, a woman who was considered demented visited me. From the age of 21, she had been
- increasingly disabled by premenstrual migraines. When she was 35 she was a school teacher, and during the
- summer a neurologist told her that dilantin would help her headaches, because "migraine is similar to
- epilepsy." Although she told the neurologist that the drug made her "too stupid to teach school," he offered
- her no alternatives, and didn't mention that sudden withdrawal from the drug could trigger a seizure. When
- classes started she discontinued the dilantin and had a seizure. The neurologist said the seizure proved
- that migraines were a form of epilepsy. At the age of 52, she spent about 20 hours a day in bed, and
- couldn't go outside by herself, because she would get lost. After using a little progesterone for a few
- days, she stopped having seizures, discontinued her drugs, and was able to work. When she returned to
- graduate school, she got straight As, and earned her masters' degree in gerontology. But she had lost 17
- years because the drug industry had covered up the role of the hormones in epilepsy, migraine, and the
- perimenstrual syndrome.
- </p>
- <p>
- The most popular anticonvulsant drugs are both neurotoxic and teratogenic, that is, they damage the
- patient's brain, and greatly increase the incidence of birth defects. The Nazis justified their horrible
- medical experiments as "science," but the effects of epilepsy medicine in the last half century have been
- similar in effect, grander in scale, and without any scientific justification.
- </p>
- <p>
- Besides the specific promotional efforts of the drug industry and their branch of government, there is a
- broader situation that makes their work easier. It is a culture of goony ideas, that ultimately emanates
- from the academic elite, which (since Descartes, and before) places "thought" above evidence. In biology,
- "genes" and "membranes" are confused ideas that are used to justify actions that aren't based on evidence.
- For the Nazis, "cultural degeneracy" was a medical-biological-political category based on that style of
- thinking. In the United States, "genes" for epilepsy, hyperactivity, language development, IQ, eclampsia,
- etc., are "found" at Harvard/MIT/Stan- ford/Yale/Univ. of California, etc., by an elite whose wits have been
- dulled by environmental deprivation, that is, by a lack of criticism.
- </p>
- <p>
- By manipulating the diet and environment, animals can be made more or less seizure-prone, and it happens
- that the changes that affect the brain affect all other organs, in ways that are now fairly well understood.
- Examining the cellular events associated with a seizure is useful for therapy and prevention of seizures,
- but the same methods are helpful for many other conditions. It is now clearly established that stress can
- cause brain damage, as well as other diseases. Now that our public health establishment has eliminated
- smoking from public places, maybe they can find a way to reduce stress and disease by removing morons from
- positions of power.
- </p>
- <p>
- Excitotoxicity, in its simplest sense, is the harmful cellular effect (death or injury) caused by an
- excitatory transmitter such as glutamate or aspartate acting on a cell whose energetic reserves aren't
- adequate to sustain the level of activity provoked by the transmitter. Once an excitotoxic state exists, the
- consequences of cell exhaustion can increase the likelihood that the condition will spread to other cells,
- since any excitation can trigger a complex of other excitatory processes. As calcium enters cells, potassium
- leaves, and enzymes are activated, producing free fatty acids (linoleic and arachidonic, for example) and
- prostaglandins, which activate other processes, including lipid peroxidation and free radical production.
- Protein kinase C (promoted by unsaturated fats and estrogen) facilitates the release of excitatory amino
- acids. (See J. W. Phillis and M. H. O'Regan, "Mechanisms of glutamate and aspartate release in the ischemic
- rat cerebral cortex," Br. Res. 730(1-2), 150-164, 1996.) Estrogen supports acetylcholine release, which
- leads to increased extracellular potassium and excitatory amino acids. (See R. B. Gibbs, et al., "Effects of
- estrogen on potassium-stimulated acetylcholine release in the hippocampus and overlying cortex of adult
- rats," Br. Res. 749(1), 143-146, 1997.)
- </p>
- <p>
- Estrogen also stimulates the production of free radicals. Calcium, free radicals, and unsaturated free fatty
- acids impair energy production, decreasing the ability to regulate potassium and calcium. The increased
- estrogen associated with seizures is associated with reduced serum calcium (Jacono and Robertson, 1987).
- Feedback self-stimulation of free radicals, free fatty acids, and prostaglandins create a bias toward
- increased excitation.
- </p>
- <p>
- Ammonia is produced by stimulated nerves, and normally its elimination helps to eliminate and control the
- excitotoxic amino acids, glutamate and aspartate. The production of urea consumes aspartic acid, converting
- it to fumaric acid, but this requires carbon dioxide, produced by normal mitochondrial function. A
- deficiency of carbon dioxide would reduce the delivery of oxygen to the brain by constricting blood vessels
- and changing hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen (limiting carbon dioxide production), and the failure to
- consume aspartate (in urea synthesis) and glutamate (as alpha-ketoglutarate) and aspartate (as oxaloacetate)
- in the Krebs cycle, means that as energy becomes deficient, excitation tends to be promoted. This helps to
- explain the fact that seizures can be induced by hypoxia. (Balloonists and mountain climbers at extremely
- high elevations have mentioned suffering from severe insomnia. The mechanisms of excitotoxicity are probably
- involved in other forms of insomnia, too.) Antioxidants help to control seizures, by reducing the excitatory
- contribution of free radicals and lipid peroxidation. Since excitation can promote the toxic forms of
- oxidation, many surprising substances turn out to have an "antioxidant" function. Magnesium, sodium
- (balancing calcium and potassium), thyroid and progesterone (increasing energy production), and in some
- situations, carbon dioxide. Aspirin, by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis (and maybe other mechanisms)
- often lowers free radical production. Adenosine seems to have a variety of antioxidant functions, and one
- mechanism seems to be its function as an antiexcitatory transmitter. One of estrogen's excitant actions on
- the brain probably involves its antagonism to adenosine (Phillis and O'Regan, 1988).
- </p>
- <p>
- Albumin, besides maintaining blood volume and preventing edema, serves to protect respiration, by binding
- free fatty acids. Estrogen blocks the liver's ability to produce albumin, and increases the level of
- circulating free fatty acids. Free fatty acids cause brain edema. This is probably another aspect of
- estrogen's contribution to seizure susceptibility. Magnesium sulfate has been used for generations in India
- to treat eclampsia and "toxemia" of pregnancy, and its effectiveness is gradually coming to be recognized in
- the U.S. Increasingly, magnesium deficiency is recognized as a factor that increases susceptibility to
- seizures. (Valenzuela and Benardo, 1995; Slandley, et al., 1995). Hypothyroidism reduces the ability of
- cells to retain magnesium. Thyroid does many things to protect against seizures. It keeps estrogen and
- adrenal hormones low, and increases production of progesterone and pregnenolone. It facilitates retention of
- magnesium and of sodium, and prevents edema in a variety of ways.
- </p>
- <p>
- Progesterone, because of its normal anesthetic function (which prevents the pain of childbirth when its
- level is adequate), directly quiets nerves, and in this way suppresses many of the excitotoxic processes. It
- has direct effects on mitochondria, promoting energy production, and it facilitates thyroid hormone
- functions in various ways. It promotes the elimination of estrogen from tissues, and is a "diuretic" in
- several benign ways, that are compatible with maintenance of blood volume. It antagonizes the
- mineralocorticoids and the glucocorticoids, both of which promote seizures. (Roberts and Keith, 1995.) The
- combination of hypoglycemia with elevation of cortisone probably accounts for the nocturnal incidence of
- seizures.
- </p>
- <p>
- If progesterone's antiepileptic effectiveness were not enough (and it is very effective even in irrational
- pharmaceutical formulations), the fact that it reduces birth defects, and promotes brain development and
- nerve repair should assure its general use in women with a history of seizures, until it is established that
- they are no longer "epileptic." Although thyroid, progesterone, and a high quality protein diet will
- generally correct the epilepsy problem, it is important to mention that the involvement of unsaturated fats
- and free radicals in seizure physiology implies that we should minimize our consumption of the unsaturated
- fats. Even years after eliminating them from the diet, their release from tissue storage can prolong the
- problem, and during that time the use of vitamin E is likely to reduce the intensity and frequency of
- seizures. Coconut oil lowers the requirement for vitamin E, and reduces the toxicity of the unsaturated fats
- (see Cleland, et al.), favoring effective respiration and improving thyroid and progesterone production.
- Endotoxin formed in the bowel can block respiration and cause hormone imbalances contributing to instability
- of the nerves, so it is helpful to optimize bowel flora, for example with a carrot salad; a dressing of
- vinegar, coconut oil and olive oil, carried into the intestine by the carrot fiber, suppresses bacterial
- growth while stimulating healing of the wall of the intestine. The carrot salad improves the ratio of
- progesterone to estrogen and cortisol, and so is as appropriate for epilepsy as for premenstrual syndrome,
- insomnia, or arthritis.
- </p>
- <p>NOTES:</p>
- <p>
- When the brain loses its oxygen supply, consciousness is lost immediately, before there is much decrease in
- the ATP concentration. This has led to the proposal of interesting "electronic" ideas of consciousness, but
- there is another way of viewing this. While ATP constitutes a kind of reservoir of cellular energy, the flow
- of carbon dioxide through the brain cell is almost the mirror image of the flow of oxygen. Oxygen scarcity
- leads directly to carbon dioxide scarcity. The "sensitive state," consciousness, might require the presence
- of carbon dioxide as well as ATP, to sustain a cooperative, semi-stable, state of the cytoplasmic proteins.
- The ability of ordinary light to trigger a conformation change in the hemoglobin-carbon monoxide-carbon
- dioxide system shows how sensitive a system with only a few elements can be. At the other extreme from
- consciousness, there is the evidence that carbon dioxide is essential for even the growing/living state of
- protozoa, algae, and bacteria.(O. Rahn, 1941.)
- </p>
- <p>
- O. Rahn, "Protozoa need carbon dioxide for growth," Growth 5, 197-199, 1941. "On page 113 of this volume,
- the statement of Valley and Rettger that all bacteria need carbon dioxide for growth had been shown to apply
- to young as well as old cells." "...it is possible...to remove it as rapidly as it is produced, and under
- these circumstances, bacteria cannot multiply."
- </p>
- <p><h3>REFERENCES</h3></p>
- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
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- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
- J. W. Phillis, et al., "Acetylcholine output from the ischemic rat cerebral cortex: Effects of adenosine
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- </p>
- <p>
- T. Backstrom, "Epileptic seizures in women related to plasma estrogen and progesterone during the menstrual
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- </p>
- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
- G. K. Herkes, "Drug treatment of catamenial epilepsy," CNS Drugs 3(4), 260-266, 1995. (Mentions use of
- diuretics, progesterone, and the very high incidence of premenstrucal seizure, and of abnormal menstrual
- cycles in women with epilepsy.)
- </p>
- <p>
- E. Spiegel and H. Wycis, "Anticonvulsant effects of steroids," J. Lab. Clin. Med. 33, 945-957, 1947.
- </p>
- <p>
- G. Holmes, "Anticonvulsant effect of hormones on seizures in animals," 265-268, in: R. Porter, R. H.
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- York, Raven Press, 1984.
- </p>
- <p>
- H. W. Zimmerman, et al., "Medroxyprogesterone acetate in the treatment of seizures associated with
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- central administration of the excitatory amino acid N-methyl-D-aspartate in rats," Hypertension in Pregnancy
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- "Adenosine JA(1) receptors in the rat brain in the kindled model of epilepsy," Eur. J. of Pharmac. 265(3),
- 121-124, 1994. (Adenosine has potent anticonvulsive effects in various seizure models.) P. S. Timiras and H.
- F. Hill, Chapter 43, in Antiepileptic Drugs: Mechanisms of Action, ed. by G. H. Glaser, et al, Raven Press,
- N.Y., 1980. (Estrogens increase cortical excitability, lower convulsive thresholds, and are clearly
- associated with certain cases of petit mal epilepsy. "The mechanisms of this so-called 'catamenial' epilepsy
- are unknown. Water retention and electrolyte changes in the brain...have been implicated..."
- "...acetazolamide (diamox), a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor and diuretic, is successful in the treatment of
- many cases of these seizures, and in refractory cases progestational agents are effective." "...seizures
- were more severe and frequent during the estrogen-dominated preovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle than
- in the progesterone-dominated postovulatory phase." "...ACTH may trigger epileptic convulsions by increasing
- intracellular sodium concentration throughout the body." "Progesterone can effectively reduce the frequency
- and severity of intractable seizures associated with menstruation..." "Considering the markedly
- proconvulsant effects of estrogens, it is surprising that the differential effects of sex hormones on
- central neurotransmitter mechanisms have been only sparingly investigated." "...estradiol decreases
- monoamine oxidase activity and increases choline acetyltransferase activity in various brain regions."
- "...hypothyroidism in perinatal animals has striking suppressant effects on GABA metabolism and also causes
- a persistent lowering of electroconvulsive threshold.")
- </p>
- <p>
- P. S. Timiras and H. F. Hill, "Antiepileptic drugs," Chapter 43; E. Roberts, "Epilepsy and antiepileptic
- drugs: A speculative synthesis," Chapter 44, in Antiepileptic Drugs: Mechanisms of Action, ed. by G. H.
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- </p>
- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
- N. A. Ziboh, et al., Prostaglandins 5, 233, 1974. (Eicosatrienoic (20:3 n-9) acid is a potent inhibitor of
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- </p>
- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
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- vivo rat cerebral cortex," Brain Res. 605(2), 293-297, 1993.
- </p>
- <p>
- J. W. Phillis, et al., "Acetylcholine output from the ischemic rat cerebral cortex: Effectss of adenosine
- agonists," Brain Res. 613(2), 337-340, 1993. (Acetylcholine enhances excitotoxic depolarization,
- intracellular calcium levels, and neural degeneration, and could contribute to ischemic brain injury.
- </p>
- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
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- </p>
- <p>
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- sensitivity to ovarian sex steroids...." Hormonal changes at menopause "may represent the sum of functional
- aberrations that were initiated much earlier in life...." "...prolonged estrogen exposure facilitates the
- loss of hypothalamic neurons...."
- </p>
- <p>
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- loss: A possible model of hypothalamic aging," Exp. Gerontology 30(3/4), 253-267, 1995. "This loss of opioid
- neurons is prevented by treatment with antioxidants indicating that it results from estradiol-induced
- formation of free radicals." "...this beta-endorphin cell loss is followed by a compensatory upregulation of
- mu opioid receptors in the vicinity of LHRH cell bodies." Resulting supersensitivity of the cells results
- "in chronic opioid suppression of the pattern of LHRH release, and subsequently that of LH." The neurotoxic
- effects of estradiol cause a "cascade of neuroendocrine aberrations resulting in anovulatory acyclicity."
- Treatment with an opiod antagonist "reversed the cystic morphology of ovaries and restored normal ovarian
- cycles" in estrogen-treated rats. G. B. Melis, et al., "Evidence that estrogens inhibit LH secretion through
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- </p>
- <p>
- H. J. Sipe, et al., "The metabolism of 17 beta-estradiol by lactoperoxidase: A possible source of oxidative
- stress in breast cancer," Carcinogenesis 15(11), 2637-2643, 1994. "...molecular oxygen is consumed by a
- sequence of reactions initiated by the glutathione thiyl radical. ...the estradiol phenoxyl radical
- abstracts hydrogen from...NADH to generate the NAD radical." "...the futile metabolism of micromolar
- quantities of estradiol catalyzes the oxidation of much greater concentrations of biochemical reducing
- cofactors, such as glutathione and NADH, with hydrogen peroxide produced as a consequence." S. Santagati, et
- al., "Estrogen receptor is expressed in different types of glial cells in culture," J. Neurochem. 63(6),
- 2058-2064, 1994. "...in all three types of glial cell analyzed in almost equal amounts..." D. X. Liu and L.
- P. Li, "Prostaglandin F-2 alpha rises in response to hydroxyl radical generated in vivo," Free Radical Biol.
- Med. 18(3), 571-576, 1995. "Free radicals and some free fatty acids, such as arachidonic acid
- metabolites...may form a feedback loop in which generation of one type leads to formation of the other."
- "Prostaglandin F-2 alpha dramatically increased in response to hydroxyl radical generation...." J. Owens and
- P. A. Schwartzkroin, "Suppression of evoked IPSPs by arachidonic acid and prostaglandin F-2 alpha," Brain
- Res. 691(1-2), 223-228, 1995. "These findings suggest that high levels of AA and its metabolites may bias
- neurons towards excitation." [Estrogen appears to support this excitatory system at every level, while
- prostaglandin F2 alpha alters steroid balance, by suppressing progesterone synthesis.] J. G. Liehr, et al.,
- "4-hydroxylation of estradiol by human uterine myometrium and myoma microsomes: Implications for the
- mechanism of uterine tumorigenesis," Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92(20), 9220-9224, 1995. "... elicits biological
- activities distinct from estradiol, most notably an oxidant stress response induced by free radicals
- generated by metabolic redox cycling reactions."
- </p>
- <p>
- J. G. Liehr and D. Roy, "Free radical generation by redox cycling of estrogens," Free Rad. Biol. Med. 8,
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- regulation hypothalamo-hypophyso-ovarienne de la ratte senile," Gerontologia 10, 65-75, 1964/65. "Our last
- experiment, grafting ovaries...into senile rats which had been castrated (ovariectomized) when young, and
- its result, the appearance of estrous cycles, seems explicable by this hypothesis. Everything happens as if
- the long absence of ovarian hormones... had kept the cells of the hypothalamus in the state of youth. It's
- as if the messages of the circulating steroids fatigued the hypothalamic memory." "What are the factors that
- cause this diminution of the hypothalamic sensitivity...? Kennedy incriminates a decrease in the cellular
- metabolism in general...."
- </p>
- <p>
- P. Ascheim, "Aging in the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-ovarian axis in the rat," pp. 376-418 in: A. V. Everitt
- and J. A. Burgess, editors, Hypothalamus, Pituitary and Aging, C. C. Thomas, Springfield, 1976. C. A. Frye
- and J. D. Sturgis, "Neurosteroids affect spatial reference, working, and long-term memory of female rats,"
- Neurobiol. Learn. Memory 64(1), 83-96, 1995. [Female rats take longer to acquire a spatial task during
- behavioral estrus.] (CA Frye, boston univ., dept biol, behavioral neurosci lab, boston 02215)
- "Estrus-associated decrements in a water maze task are limited to acquisition," Physiol. Behav. 57(1), 5-14,
- 1995.
- </p>
- <p>
- C. A. Kristensen, et al., "Effect of estrogen withdrawal on energy-rich phosphates and prediction of
- estrogen-dependence monitored by in vivo 31P magnetic resonance spectoscopy of four human breast cancer
- xenografts," Cancer Research 55(8), 1664-1669, 1995. This is a very important confirmation of the idea that
- estrogen, by blocking energy, constrains cell function.
- </p>
- <p>
- A. J. Roberts and L. D. Keith, "Corticosteroids enhance convulsion susceptibility via central
- mineralocorticoid receptors," Psychoneuroendocrinology 20(8), 891-902, 1995. ("...increase corticosterone
- levels are associated with increased severity of ethanol, pentobarbitol, and diazepam withdrawal. Further
- work with chemical convulsants suggests that mineralocorticoid receptors mediate excitatory effects of
- corticosteroids on convulsion susceptibility. The circadian rhythm in convulsion susceptibility varies with
- the circadian rhythm of plasma corticosterone levels and MR binding." "...MR are substantially bound at rest
- and maximally occupied during the circadian peak in corticosteroid levels and during stressor exposure,
- these receptors are implicated in the maintenance of and in changes in the arousal state of animals.") L.
- Murri, et al., "Neuroendocrine evaluation in catamenial epilepsy," Funct. Neurol. 1(4) 399-403, 1986. "Our
- data showed a reduction of luteal phase progesterone secretion; an imbalanced secretion of ovarian steroids
- plays a role in the catamenial exacerbation of epilepsy." S. Bag, et al., "Pregnancy and epilepsy," J.
- Neurol. 236(5), 311-313, 1989.
- </p>
- <p>
- "Patients with increased seizure frequency had significantly higher oestrogen levels, lower level of
- progesterone...." "...abortions and status epilepticus had high serum oestrogen levels." M. I. Balabolkin,
- et al., "The role of the female sex hormones in the pathogenesis of catamenial epileptic seizures," Ter.
- Arkh. 66(4), 68-71, 1994. "...a tendency to deficient luteal phase and relative hyperestrogenemia in all the
- cycle phases." C. A. Guerreiro, "Ovulatory period and epileptic crisis," Arq. Neuropsiquiatr. 49(2),
- 198-203, 1991. "We think the estrogen peak is probably the main cause of the increased frequency of
- epileptic seizures during the ovulatory period."
- </p>
- <p>
- U. Bonuccelli, et al., "Unbalanced progesterone and estradiol secretion in catamenial epilepsy," Epilepsy
- Res. 3(2), 100-106, 1989. (Luteal secretion ratio, progesterone to estrogen, was significantly reduced in
- patients versus controls.)
- </p>
- <p>
- T. Backstrom, "Epilepsy in women," Experientia 32(2), 248-249, 1976. "...a significant positive correlation
- between estrogen/progesterone ratio and scores of fits."
- </p>
- <p>
- A. G. Herzog, "Hormonal changes in epilepsy," Epilepsia 36(4), 323-326, 1995. A. G. Herzog, "Progesterone
- therapy in women with partial and secondary generalized seizures," Neurology 45(9), 1660-1662, 1995. A. G.
- Herzog, "Reproductive endocrine considerations and hormonal therapy for women with epilepsy," Epilepsia
- 32(Suppl.6), S27-33, 1991. "Seizure frequency varies with the serum estradiol to progesterone ratio." "...
- propensity for onset at menarch and exacerbation of seizures during the months or years leading up to
- menopause..." polycystic ovarian syndrome and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism are significantly
- overrepresented among women with epilepsy.
- </p>
- <p>
- R.H. Mattson and J. A. Cramer, "Epilepsy, sex hormones, and antiepileptic drugs," Epilepsia 26(Suppl. 1),
- S40-51, 1985. There were fewer seizures during the luteal phase but they increased when the progesterone
- level declined.
- </p>
- <p>
- J.J. Jacono and J. M. Robertson, "The effects of estrogen, progesterone, and ionized calcium on seizures
- during the menstrual cycle of epileptic women," Epilepsia 28(5), 571-577, 1987. A positive relation of serum
- estrogen and seizures, negative relation between serum ionized calcium and seizures, and negative relation
- between serum estrogen and calcium. F. E. Jensen, et al., "Epileptogenic effect of hypoxia in the immature
- rodent brain," Ann. Neurol. 29(6),629-836, 1991. E. C. Wirrell, et al., "Will a critical level of
- hyperventilation-induced hypocapnia always induce an absence seizure?" Epilepsia 37(5), 459-462, 1996. A.
- Nehlig, et al., "Absence seizures induce a decrease in cerebral blood flow: Human and animal data," J.
- Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 16(1), 147-155, 1996.
- </p>
- <p>
- Some clinical laboratory findings in epilepsy: Folic acid, serum decrease, R. E. Davis, et al., "Serum
- pyridoxal, folate, and vitamin B12 levels in institutionalized epileptics," Epilepsia 16, 463-8, 1975.
- </p>
- <p>
- Serum GGT, constantly elevated. Ewen and Griffiths, "Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase: Elevated activities in
- certain neurologic diseases," Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 59, 2-9, 1973.
- </p>
- <p>
- IgA, CSF decreased, F. Mora, et al.
- </p>
- <p>
- Iron-binding capacity, total, serum decrease. F. Mora, et al. Magnesium, serum, decreased; between seizures.
- C S Babel, et al Prealbumin, CSF, increased, the only protein to increase in epileptics. F. Mora, et al.
- </p>
- <p>
- Pyridoxine, serum, sometimes decreased. R. L. Searcy, Diagnostic Biochemistry, McGraw-Hill, 1969.
- </p>
- <p>
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