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24 lines
678 B

  1. {
  2. "tasks": {
  3. "start": "deno --allow-read --allow-net --allow-env --allow-write --allow-run main.ts",
  4. "watch": "deno --watch --allow-read --allow-net --allow-env --allow-write --allow-run main.ts"
  5. },
  6. "fmt": {
  7. "lineWidth": 120,
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  9. },
  10. "imports": {
  11. "@stock3/koala": "npm:@stock3/koala@^15.3.8-esm.0",
  12. "vue": "npm:vue@^3.5.12",
  13. "vue/jsx-runtime": "npm:vue/jsx-runtime",
  14. "@/": "./app/"
  15. },
  16. "nodeModulesDir": "auto",
  17. "compilerOptions": {
  18. "jsx": "react-jsx",
  19. "jsxFactory": "h",
  20. "jsxFragmentFactory": "Fragment",
  21. "jsxImportSource": "vue"
  22. }
  23. }