- #include <math.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "./djstdlib/core.cpp"
- const string LOG_FILE_LOCATION = "./log.gtl"_s;
- const string DB_FILE_LOCATION = "./db.gtd"_s;
- struct GymLogDbHeader {
- uint32 nextId;
- };
- struct GymLogDbEntry {
- uint32 id;
- uint32 nameLength;
- };
- struct GymLogDbParsedEntry {
- uint32 id;
- string name;
- };
- struct GymLogDbParsed {
- GymLogDbHeader header;
- list<GymLogDbParsedEntry> entries;
- };
- struct WeightRepsInfo {
- uint8 reps;
- real32 weight;
- };
- struct GymLogEntry {
- uint64 timestamp;
- uint32 exerciseId;
- union {
- WeightRepsInfo weightRepsInfo;
- };
- };
- GymLogDbParsed *parseDb(Arena *arena, string database) {
- GymLogDbParsed *dbParsed = PushStruct(arena, GymLogDbParsed);
- GymLogDbHeader *header = (GymLogDbHeader *)database.str;
- dbParsed->header = *header;
- size_t head = sizeof(GymLogDbHeader);
- uint32 entriesLeft = header->nextId - 1;
- dbParsed->entries = PushList(arena, GymLogDbParsedEntry, entriesLeft);
- while (entriesLeft > 0 && head < database.length) {
- GymLogDbEntry *currentEntry = (GymLogDbEntry *)((byte *)database.str + head);
- GymLogDbParsedEntry parsedEntry = { currentEntry->id, PushString(arena, currentEntry->nameLength) };
- head += sizeof(GymLogDbEntry);
- memcpy(parsedEntry.name.str, database.str + head, currentEntry->nameLength);
- appendList(&dbParsed->entries, parsedEntry);
- head += currentEntry->nameLength;
- }
- return dbParsed;
- }
- list<GymLogEntry> loadEntryLog(Arena *arena, string fileLocation) {
- list<GymLogEntry> result = {0};
- string logfile = readEntireFile(arena, LOG_FILE_LOCATION);
- if (logfile.length % sizeof(GymLogEntry) != 0) {
- log("Log file corrupted.\n");
- } else {
- size_t entryCount = logfile.length / sizeof(GymLogEntry);
- result = { (GymLogEntry *)logfile.str, entryCount, entryCount };
- }
- return result;
- }
- struct WorkSummary {
- real32 totalWork;
- uint32 restTime;
- };
- WorkSummary workSummaryForExercise(list<GymLogEntry> entries) {
- WorkSummary result = {0};
- UnixTimestamp lastTimestamp = 0;
- for (EachInReversed(entries, i)) {
- GymLogEntry logEntry = entries.data[i];
- result.totalWork += logEntry.weightRepsInfo.weight * logEntry.weightRepsInfo.reps;
- if (lastTimestamp > 0) {
- result.restTime += (uint32)(lastTimestamp - logEntry.timestamp);
- }
- lastTimestamp = logEntry.timestamp;
- }
- return result;
- }
- int gymTrackerWorkToday(Arena *arena, uint32 exerciseId, string exerciseName) {
- int statusCode = 0;
- string logfile = readEntireFile(arena, LOG_FILE_LOCATION);
- if (logfile.length % sizeof(GymLogEntry) != 0) {
- log("Log file corrupted.\n");
- statusCode = 1;
- } else {
- size_t entryCount = logfile.length / sizeof(GymLogEntry);
- list<GymLogEntry> logEntries = { (GymLogEntry *)logfile.str, entryCount, entryCount };
- UnixTimestamp todayUnix = getSystemUnixTime();
- Timestamp todayTs = timestampFromUnixTime(&todayUnix);
- list<GymLogEntry> todaysEntries = {0};
- todaysEntries.data = logEntries.data;
- for (EachInReversed(logEntries, i)) {
- GymLogEntry logEntry = logEntries.data[i];
- Timestamp logTs = timestampFromUnixTime(&logEntry.timestamp);
- if (logTs.tm_yday == todayTs.tm_yday && todayTs.tm_year == logTs.tm_year) {
- todaysEntries.head += 1;
- todaysEntries.data = &logEntries.data[i + 1];
- }
- }
- if (todaysEntries.data) {
- todaysEntries.length = todaysEntries.head;
- WorkSummary summary = workSummaryForExercise(todaysEntries);
- log("Total work today for %S:\n%.2fkg in ~%.2fmin.\n", exerciseName, summary.totalWork, (real32)summary.restTime / 60.0f);
- }
- }
- return statusCode;
- }
- int gymTrackerStatus(Arena *arena, list<string> args) {
- int statusCode = 0;
- string file = readEntireFile(arena, LOG_FILE_LOCATION);
- GymLogDbParsed *db = parseDb(arena, readEntireFile(arena, DB_FILE_LOCATION));
- if (file.length % sizeof(GymLogEntry) != 0) {
- puts("Log file corrupted.");
- statusCode = 1;
- } else {
- Timestamp startTs = {0};
- int numDays = 1;
- bool showAll = args.length == 1 && strEql(args.data[0], "--all"_s);
- if (!showAll) {
- if (args.length == 2 && (strEql(args.data[0], "--days"_s) || strEql(args.data[0], "-d"_s))) {
- size_t l;
- numDays = parsePositiveInt(args.data[1], &l);
- }
- if (numDays == -1) {
- puts("Bad argument for --days (-d) parameter.");
- statusCode = 1;
- } else {
- uint64 todayUnix = getSystemUnixTime();
- UnixTimestamp startUnix = todayUnix - numDays * 24 * 60 * 60;
- startTs = timestampFromUnixTime(&startUnix);
- }
- }
- if (statusCode == 0) {
- int lastDay = -1;
- int lastYear = -1;
- size_t entryCount = file.length / sizeof(GymLogEntry);
- list<GymLogEntry> logEntries = { (GymLogEntry *)file.str, entryCount, entryCount };
- list<string> nameByExercise = PushFullListZero(arena, string, db->header.nextId);
- list<real32> workPerExerciseByDay = PushFullListZero(arena, real32, db->header.nextId);
- list<uint32> restPerExerciseByDay = PushFullListZero(arena, uint32, db->header.nextId);
- list<uint32> lastTsPerExerciseByDay = PushFullListZero(arena, uint32, db->header.nextId);
- int dayCount = 0;
- Timestamp timestamp = {0};
- GymLogEntry *prevEntry = 0;
- GymLogEntry *entry = 0;
- for (EachIn(logEntries, i)) {
- prevEntry = entry;
- entry = &logEntries.data[i];
- timestamp = timestampFromUnixTime(&entry->timestamp);
- if (timestamp.tm_year < startTs.tm_year || timestamp.tm_yday < startTs.tm_yday) {
- continue;
- }
- if (timestamp.tm_yday != lastDay || timestamp.tm_year != lastYear) {
- if (dayCount > 0) {
- log("\n");
- }
- log("================ %S =================================\n", formatTimeYmd(arena, ×tamp));
- lastDay = timestamp.tm_yday;
- lastYear = timestamp.tm_year;
- dayCount++;
- }
- workPerExerciseByDay.data[entry->exerciseId] += entry->weightRepsInfo.reps * entry->weightRepsInfo.weight;
- uint32 lastTsForExercise = lastTsPerExerciseByDay.data[entry->exerciseId];
- if (lastTsForExercise > 0) {
- restPerExerciseByDay.data[entry->exerciseId] += (uint32)(entry->timestamp - lastTsForExercise);
- }
- lastTsPerExerciseByDay.data[entry->exerciseId] = (uint32)entry->timestamp;
- const char *format;
- if (entry->weightRepsInfo.weight == (int32)entry->weightRepsInfo.weight) {
- format = "%S: %S %.0fkg X %i\n";
- } else {
- format = "%S: %S %.2fkg X %i\n";
- }
- string *exerciseName = &(nameByExercise.data[entry->exerciseId]);
- if (exerciseName->str == 0) {
- for (EachIn(db->entries, j)) {
- GymLogDbParsedEntry dbEntry = db->entries.data[j];
- if (dbEntry.id == entry->exerciseId) {
- *exerciseName = dbEntry.name;
- }
- }
- }
- string nameToPrint = {0};
- if (prevEntry && entry->exerciseId == prevEntry->exerciseId) {
- nameToPrint = PushStringFill(arena, exerciseName->length, '.');
- } else {
- nameToPrint = exerciseName->str ? *exerciseName : "unknown-exercise"_s;
- log("\n");
- }
- log(format,
- formatTimeHms(arena, ×tamp),
- nameToPrint,
- entry->weightRepsInfo.weight,
- entry->weightRepsInfo.reps);
- Timestamp nextTimestamp = {0};
- if (i < logEntries.head - 1) {
- nextTimestamp = timestampFromUnixTime(&logEntries.data[i + 1].timestamp);
- }
- if (i == logEntries.head + 1 || nextTimestamp.tm_yday != lastDay || nextTimestamp.tm_year != lastYear) {
- log("\n");
- log("Work summary:\n");
- for (size_t j = 0; j < workPerExerciseByDay.length; j++) {
- if (workPerExerciseByDay.data[j] != 0.0f) {
- log("%S: %.2fkg in %.2fmin\n", nameByExercise.data[j], workPerExerciseByDay.data[j], (real32)restPerExerciseByDay.data[j] / 60.0f);
- }
- }
- zeroListFull(&workPerExerciseByDay);
- zeroListFull(&restPerExerciseByDay);
- zeroListFull(&lastTsPerExerciseByDay);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return statusCode;
- }
- int gymTrackerDeleteEntries(Arena *arena, list<string> args) {
- int statusCode = 0;
- if (args.length == 0) {
- log("Please pass the number of entries to delete starting from the most recent.");
- statusCode = 1;
- } else {
- size_t position = 0;
- int numToDelete = parsePositiveInt(args.data[0], &position);
- if (numToDelete != -1) {
- list<GymLogEntry> logEntries = loadEntryLog(arena, LOG_FILE_LOCATION);
- if (numToDelete > logEntries.length) {
- log("%i is more than the current number of log entries (%i). Aborting.", numToDelete, logEntries.length);
- statusCode = 1;
- } else {
- writeEntireFile(arena, LOG_FILE_LOCATION, (byte *)logEntries.data, (logEntries.length - numToDelete) * sizeof(GymLogEntry));
- }
- } else {
- log("Invalid number to delete.\n");
- statusCode = 0;
- }
- }
- return statusCode;
- }
- // Syntax: do <exercise-name> weightKg reps
- int gymTrackerDo(Arena *arena, list<string> args) {
- int statusCode = 0;
- string newExerciseName = {0};
- if (args.length < 3 || args.data[0].length == 0) {
- log("Invalid exercise name and/or number of arguments.\n");
- statusCode = 1;
- } else {
- newExerciseName = args.data[0];
- }
- GymLogDbParsedEntry *existingEntry = 0;
- if (statusCode == 0) {
- GymLogDbParsed *db = parseDb(arena, readEntireFile(arena, DB_FILE_LOCATION));
- for (EachIn(db->entries, i)) {
- GymLogDbParsedEntry entry = db->entries.data[i];
- if (strStartsWith(entry.name, newExerciseName)) {
- existingEntry = &entry;
- log("Assuming exercise \"%S\".\n\n", entry.name);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!existingEntry) {
- log("The exercise \"%S\" hasn't been registered.", newExerciseName);
- statusCode = 1;
- }
- }
- if (statusCode == 0) {
- uint32 exerciseId = existingEntry->id;
- size_t parsedCount = 0;
- real32 kg = parsePositiveReal32(args.data[1], &parsedCount);
- uint8 reps = parsePositiveInt(args.data[2], &parsedCount);
- if (parsedCount == 0 || kg == NAN || reps == 0 || kg == 0) {
- log("Invalid reps or weight input.\n");
- statusCode = 1;
- } else {
- GymLogEntry entry = {
- getSystemUnixTime(),
- exerciseId,
- reps,
- kg,
- };
- fileAppend(arena, LOG_FILE_LOCATION, (byte *)&entry, sizeof(entry));
- statusCode = gymTrackerWorkToday(arena, exerciseId, newExerciseName);
- }
- }
- return statusCode;
- }
- int gymTrackerListExercises(Arena *arena, list<string> args) {
- int statusCode = 0;
- GymLogDbParsed *db = parseDb(arena, readEntireFile(arena, DB_FILE_LOCATION));
- if (db->entries.length == 0) {
- log("No entries currently registered in the exercise database.");
- } else {
- log("%i entries currently registered in the exercise database:\n\n", db->entries.length);
- for (EachIn(db->entries, i)) {
- log("#%i: %S\n", i + 1, db->entries.data[i].name);
- }
- }
- return statusCode;
- }
- int gymTrackerAddExercise(Arena *arena, list<string> args) {
- int statusCode = 0;
- GymLogDbParsed *db = parseDb(arena, readEntireFile(arena, DB_FILE_LOCATION));
- string newExerciseName = args.data[0];
- if (newExerciseName.length == 0) {
- log("No exercise name provided.\n");
- statusCode = 1;
- }
- if (statusCode != 1) {
- string databaseLocation = DB_FILE_LOCATION;
- string database = readEntireFile(arena, databaseLocation);
- byte *buf = 0;
- size_t newEntryStartIndex = 0;
- if (database.length == 0) {
- // Initialise DB
- newEntryStartIndex = sizeof(GymLogDbHeader);
- buf = PushArray(arena, byte, sizeof(GymLogDbHeader) + sizeof(GymLogDbEntry) + newExerciseName.length);
- GymLogDbHeader *header = (GymLogDbHeader *)buf;
- header->nextId = 1;
- } else {
- // Validate entry not already present
- bool invalid = false;
- GymLogDbHeader *header = (GymLogDbHeader *)database.str;
- size_t head = sizeof(GymLogDbHeader);
- uint32 entriesLeft = header->nextId - 1;
- while (entriesLeft > 0 && head < database.length) {
- GymLogDbEntry *currentEntry = (GymLogDbEntry *)((byte *)database.str + head);
- head += sizeof(GymLogDbEntry);
- string entryName = {(char *)((byte *)database.str + head), currentEntry->nameLength };
- if (strEql(entryName, newExerciseName)) {
- invalid = true;
- log("Exercise \"%S\" already registered (entry #%i)\n", entryName, currentEntry->id);
- break;
- }
- head += currentEntry->nameLength;
- }
- if (!invalid) {
- newEntryStartIndex = database.length;
- buf = PushArray(arena, byte, database.length + sizeof(GymLogDbEntry) + newExerciseName.length);
- memcpy(buf, database.str, database.length);
- } else {
- statusCode = 1;
- }
- }
- if (statusCode != 1) {
- // Add entry
- GymLogDbHeader *header = (GymLogDbHeader *)buf;
- GymLogDbEntry *entry = (GymLogDbEntry *)(buf + newEntryStartIndex);
- entry->id = header->nextId;
- entry->nameLength = (uint32)newExerciseName.length;
- header->nextId++;
- byte *newExerciseNameDb = buf + newEntryStartIndex + sizeof(GymLogDbEntry);
- memcpy(newExerciseNameDb, newExerciseName.str, newExerciseName.length);
- size_t bufSize = newEntryStartIndex + sizeof(GymLogDbEntry) + newExerciseName.length;
- writeEntireFile(arena, databaseLocation, buf, bufSize);
- }
- }
- return statusCode;
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- initialiseCore();
- Arena *arena = arenaAlloc(Megabytes(64));
- list<string> args = getArgs(arena, argc, argv);
- int statusCode = 0;
- if (args.length < 1) {
- log("At least one arg is required.\n");
- statusCode = 1;
- }
- if (statusCode == 0) {
- if (strEql(args.data[0], "status"_s)) {
- statusCode = gymTrackerStatus(arena, listSlice(args, 1));
- } else if (strEql(args.data[0], "do"_s)) {
- statusCode = gymTrackerDo(arena, listSlice(args, 1));
- } else if (strEql(args.data[0], "delete"_s)) {
- statusCode = gymTrackerDeleteEntries(arena, listSlice(args, 1));
- } else if (strEql(args.data[0], "list"_s)) {
- statusCode = gymTrackerListExercises(arena, listSlice(args, 1));
- } else if (strEql(args.data[0], "add"_s)) {
- statusCode = gymTrackerAddExercise(arena, listSlice(args, 1));
- } else {
- log("Unknown command \"%S\"\n", args.data[0]);
- statusCode = 1;
- }
- }
- return statusCode;
- }