- @echo off
- if NOT EXIST .\build mkdir .\build
- pushd .\build
- cl ^
- -MT %= Make sure the C runtime library is statically linked =%^
- -Fmwin32_handmade.map %= Create a map file =%^
- -Gm- %= Turns off incremently building =%^
- -nologo %= No one cares you made the compiler Microsoft =%^
- -Oi %= Always use intrinsics =%^
- -EHa- %= Disable exception handling =%^
- -GR- %= Never use runtime type info from C++ =%^
- -WX -W4 -wd4201 -wd4100 -wd4189 %= Compiler warnings, -WX warnings as errors, -W4 warning level 4, -wdXXXX disable warning XXXX =%^
- -FC %= Full path of source code file in diagnostics =%^
- -Zi %= Generate debugger info =%^
- -Fe:handmade.exe ..\src\win32_handmade.cpp %= Output filename, input filename =%^
- user32.lib Gdi32.lib winmm.lib %= Linked libraries =%^
- /link -subsystem:windows,5.1 %= Linker stuff =%
- popd
- exit /b
- :error
- echo Failed with error #%errorlevel%.
- exit /b %errorlevel%