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Daniel Ledda 3 months ago
12 changed files with 302 additions and 133 deletions
  1. +10
  2. +1
  3. +12
  4. +1
  5. +1
  6. +1
  7. +22
  8. +10
  9. +198
  10. +4
  11. +0
  12. +42

+ 10
- 1
app/api.ts View File

@@ -1,7 +1,16 @@
export type DJAPIEndpoint = "/rp-articles";

type RPArticle = {
title: string,
slug: string;
titleDe: string,
titleEn: string,
author: string,
tags?: string[],

export interface DJAPIResultMap extends Record<DJAPIEndpoint, unknown> {
"/rp-articles": { slug: string; title: string, tags?: string[] }[];
"/rp-articles": RPArticle[];

export type DJAPIResult = DJAPIResultMap[DJAPIEndpoint];

+ 1
- 1
app/generative-energy/GEDeutsch.tsx View File

@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
{rpArticles.value && => (
<RouterLink to={{ name: "GEDeutschArticle", params: { articleName: _.slug } }}>
{_.tags?.map(tag => <span class="tag">{tag}</span>)}

+ 12
- 2
app/generative-energy/GEDeutschArticle.tsx View File

@@ -41,7 +41,13 @@ export default defineComponent({

const articleMetadata = computed(() => articleData.value?.find(_ => _.slug === props.articleName));

useHead({ title: () => articleMetadata.value?.title ?? '' });
title: () => articleMetadata.value?.title ?? '',
metatags: () => articleMetadata.value ? [
{ name: 'title', content: articleMetadata.value.title },
{ name: 'author', content: },
] : [],

function transformArticleNode(node: Node): VNode | string {
if (node.nodeType === node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
@@ -49,6 +55,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
const attrs: Record<string, string> = {};
const children = [...node.childNodes].map((_) => transformArticleNode(_));

if (el.attributes.getNamedItem('lang')?.value === 'en') {
el.ariaHidden = 'true';

if (el.tagName === "P") {
(el as HTMLParagraphElement).dataset.tunit = '';
@@ -101,7 +111,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
<p class="text-slab">
Bei dem untenstehenden Artikel handelt es sich um eine hobbymäßige, amateurhafte Übersetzung des
Artikels „{ articleMetadata.value?.title }“ von Ray Peat. Bei Ungenauigkeiten oder Fehlübersetzungen freue ich mich über <DJEmail>eine Mail</DJEmail>!
Artikels „{ articleMetadata.value?.titleEn }“ von Ray Peat. Bei Ungenauigkeiten oder Fehlübersetzungen freue ich mich über <DJEmail>eine Mail</DJEmail>!
{ articleMetadata.value?.tags?.includes('in-arbeit') && <h5 class="baustelle">🚧 Bitte beachte, dass diese Übersetzung noch in Arbeit ist! 🚧</h5> }
<hr />

+ 1
- 1
app/generative-energy/GEMain.tsx View File

@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ export default {
and my life in general. Hover over the links below for more detail.
<div class="text-slab">
<DJTooltip tooltip="Convert to and from grains, set ratios, etc.">

+ 1
- 1
app/home/DJHomeRoot.tsx View File

@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
stations, as well as the main municipalities, into English. You live in Allach? It's
Axleigh now. Giesing? Nope! Kyesing! This is a WIP.
München auf Englisch - Munich in English
M&uuml;nchen auf Englisch - Munich in English
<a href="/kadi/">

+ 1
- 0
app/useDJSSRContext.ts View File

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { type MaybeRefOrGetter, useSSRContext } from "vue";
export type DJSSRContext = {
head: {
title: MaybeRefOrGetter<string>;
metatags: MaybeRefOrGetter<Array<{ name: string, content: string }>>;
registry: Record<string, unknown>;
styles: Record<string, string>;

+ 22
- 4
app/useHead.ts View File

@@ -1,19 +1,37 @@
import { watchEffect, toValue, type MaybeRefOrGetter } from 'vue';
import { watch, toValue, type MaybeRefOrGetter } from 'vue';
import useDJSSRContext from "@/useDJSSRContext.ts";
import { h } from "@/util.ts";

export default function useHead(params: {
title: MaybeRefOrGetter<string>,
metatags?: MaybeRefOrGetter<Array<{ name: string, content: string }>>
}) {
const context = useDJSSRContext();

if (context) {
context.head.title = params.title;
context.head.metatags = params.metatags ?? [];
} else {
watchEffect(() => {
const newTitle = toValue(params.title);
watch([() => toValue(params.title), () => toValue(params.metatags) ?? []], ([newTitle, newMetatags]) => {
if (newTitle) {
document.title = newTitle;
const currMetatags = document.head.querySelectorAll('meta');
const existing = new Set<string>();
for (const currMetatag of currMetatags) {
const match = newMetatags.find(_ => ===;
if (!match) {
} else {
currMetatag.content = match.content;
for (const newMetatag of newMetatags) {
if (!existing.has( {
document.head.appendChild(h('meta', newMetatag));
}, { immediate: true });

+ 10
- 5
main.ts View File

@@ -15,7 +15,10 @@ const utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
const parser = new DOMParser();

function appHeaderScript(params: { ssrContext: DJSSRContext, entryPath: string }) {
return `<script type="importmap">
return `
<title>${ toValue(params.ssrContext.head.title) }</title>
${ toValue(params.ssrContext.head.metatags).map(_ => `<meta name="${ }" content="${ _.content }">`).join('\n\t') }
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"vue": "/deps/vue/dist/",
@@ -77,13 +80,16 @@ async function getAPIResponse(apiReq: Request): Promise<Response> {
for (const filePath of paths) {
const content = await Deno.readTextFile(filePath);
const dom = parser.parseFromString(content, 'text/html');
const metadata = { title: '', tags: [] as string[], slug: '' };
const metadata = { title: '', author: 'Ray Peat, übersetzt von Daniel Ledda', titleEn: '', titleDe: '', tags: [] as string[], slug: '' };
const metaTags = dom.querySelectorAll('meta') as unknown as NodeListOf<HTMLMetaElement>;
for (const metaTag of metaTags) {
const name = metaTag.attributes.getNamedItem('name')?.value ?? '';
const content = metaTag.attributes.getNamedItem('content')?.value ?? '';
if (name === 'title') {
if (name === 'title-de') {
metadata.titleDe = content;
metadata.title = content;
} else if (name === 'title-en') {
metadata.titleEn = content;
} else if (name === 'tags') {
metadata.tags = content ? content.split(",") : [];
} else if (name === 'slug') {
@@ -190,7 +196,7 @@ Deno.serve({
app.provide("dom-parse", (innerHTML: string) => {
return parser.parseFromString(innerHTML, "text/html").documentElement;
const ssrContext: DJSSRContext = { styles: {}, registry: {}, head: { title: "" } };
const ssrContext: DJSSRContext = { styles: {}, registry: {}, head: { title: "", metatags: [] } };
if (router) {
await router.replace(pathname.split("/generative-energy")[1]);
await router.isReady();
@@ -198,7 +204,6 @@ Deno.serve({
const rendered = await renderToString(app, ssrContext);
const content = utf8Decoder.decode(await Deno.readFile(siteTemplate))
.replace(`<!-- SSR OUTLET -->`, rendered)
.replaceAll("%TITLE%", toValue(ssrContext.head?.title) ?? "Site")
`<!-- SSR HEAD OUTLET -->`,
appHeaderScript({ ssrContext, entryPath: clientEntry }),

+ 198
- 99
public/generative-energy/content/caffeine.html View File

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
<meta name="slug" content="caffeine">
<meta name="title" content="Koffein: ein vitamin-ähnlicher Nährstoff, oder Adaptogen">
<meta name="tags" content="in-arbeit">
<meta name="title-de" content="Koffein: ein vitaminähnlicher Nährstoff, oder Adaptogen">
<meta name="title-en" content="Caffeine: A vitamin-like nutrient, or adaptogen">
<meta name="tags" content="">

<h1 data-tunit>
<span lang="en">Caffeine: A vitamin-like nutrient, or adaptogen</span>
@@ -618,116 +619,214 @@


🚧 Baustelle beginnt ab hier. 🚧
<span lang="en">
Toxins and stressors often kill cells, for example in the brain, liver, and
immune system, by causing the cells to expend energy faster than it can be
replaced. There is an enzyme system that repairs genetic damage, called
"PARP." The activation of this enzyme is a major energy drain, and substances
that inhibit it can prevent the death of the cell. Niacin and caffeine can
inhibit this enzyme sufficiently to prevent this characteristic kind of cell
death, without preventing the normal cellular turnover<strong>;</strong> that
is, they don"t produce tumors by preventing the death of cells that aren"t
<span lang="de">
Giftstoffe und Stressoren können Zellen oft töten, zum Beispiel im Gehirn, in der Leber, und im Immunsystem,
indem sie dafür sorgen, dass die Zellen ihre Energie schneller verbrauchen, als sie ersetzt werden kann. "PARP"
ist ein Enzymsystem, das genetische Schäden repariert. Die Aktivierung dieses Enzyms sorgt für große
Energieverschwendung, und Stoffe, die es hemmen, können den Zelltod aufhalten. Niacin und Koffein können dieses
Enzym ausreichend hemmen, um diesem typischen Zelltod vorzubeugen, ohne den normalen Zellenumsatz zu
verhindern; sprich, Tumoren werden nicht begünstigt, weil sie den Zelltod von nicht
gebrauchten Zellen eben nicht verhindern.


Toxins and stressors often kill cells, for example in the brain, liver, and
immune system, by causing the cells to expend energy faster than it can be
replaced. There is an enzyme system that repairs genetic damage, called
"PARP." The activation of this enzyme is a major energy drain, and substances
that inhibit it can prevent the death of the cell. Niacin and caffeine can
inhibit this enzyme sufficiently to prevent this characteristic kind of cell
death, without preventing the normal cellular turnover<strong>;</strong> that
is, they don"t produce tumors by preventing the death of cells that aren"t
The purines are important in a great variety of regulatory processes, and
caffeine fits into this complex system in other ways that are often protective
against stress. For example, it has been proposed that tea can protect against
circulatory disease by preventing abnormal clotting, and the mechanism seems
to be that caffeine (or theophylline) tends to restrain stress-induced
platelet aggregaton.
When platelets clump, they release various factors that contribute to the
development of a clot. Serotonin is one of these, and is released by other
kinds of cell, including mast cells and basophils and nerve cells. Serotonin
produces vascular spasms and increased blood pressure, blood vessel leakiness
and inflammation, and the release of many other stress mediators. Caffeine,
besides inhibiting the platelet aggregation, also tends to inhibit the release
of serotonin, or to promote its uptake and binding.
<span lang="en">
The purines are important in a great variety of regulatory processes, and
caffeine fits into this complex system in other ways that are often protective
against stress. For example, it has been proposed that tea can protect against
circulatory disease by preventing abnormal clotting, and the mechanism seems
to be that caffeine (or theophylline) tends to restrain stress-induced
platelet aggregaton.
<span lang="de">
Die Purine sind für eine Vielzahl von regulierenden Prozessen wichtig, und Koffein passt in dieses System
in vielerlei Hinsicht hinein, und weist oft eine schützende Wirkung auf. Es wurde zum Beispiel vorgeschlagen,
dass Tee vor Herzkreislauferkrankungen schützen kann, indem es abnormale Blutgerinnung verhindert, und der
Mechanismus ist scheinbar, dass Koffein (bzw. Theophyllin) dazu neigt, durch Stress verursachte
Thrombozytenaggregation zu hemmen.

J. W. Davis, et al., 1996, found that high uric acid levels seem to protect
against the development of Parkinson"s disease. They ascribed this effect to
uric acid"s antioxidant function. Coffee drinking, which <em>lowers</em> uric
acid levels, nevertheless appeared to be much more strongly protective against
Parkinson"s disease than uric acid.
Possibly more important than coffee"s ability to protect the health is the way
it does it. The studies that have tried to gather evidence to show that coffee
is harmful, and found the opposite, have provided insight into several
diseases. For example, coffee"s effects on serotonin are very similar to
carbon dioxide"s, and the thyroid hormone"s. Noticing that coffee drinking is
associated with a low incidence of Parkinson"s disease could focus attention
on the ways that thyroid and carbon dioxide and serotonin, estrogen, mast
cells, histamine and blood clotting interact to produce nerve cell death.
Thinking about how caffeine can be beneficial across such a broad spectrum of
problems can give us a perspective on the similarities of their underlying
physiology and biochemistry, expanding the implications of stress, biological
energy, and adaptability.
The observation that coffee drinkers have a low incidence of suicide, for
example, might be physiologically related to the large increase in suicide
rate among people who use the newer antidepressants called "serotonin reuptake
inhibitors." Serotonin excess causes several of the features of depression,
such as learned helplessness and reduced metabolic rate, while coffee
stimulates the <em>uptake</em> (inactivation or storage) of serotonin,
increases metabolic energy, and tends to improve mood. In animal studies, it
reverses the state of helplessness or despair, often more effectively than
so-called antidepressants.
<span lang="en">
When platelets clump, they release various factors that contribute to the
development of a clot. Serotonin is one of these, and is released by other
kinds of cell, including mast cells and basophils and nerve cells. Serotonin
produces vascular spasms and increased blood pressure, blood vessel leakiness
and inflammation, and the release of many other stress mediators. Caffeine,
besides inhibiting the platelet aggregation, also tends to inhibit the release
of serotonin, or to promote its uptake and binding.
<span lang="de">
Wenn Blutplättchen verklumpen, schütten sie mehrere Faktoren aus, die zur Entwicklung einer Gerinnung beitragen.
Serotonin ist einer dieser Faktoren, und es wird von anderen Zellenarten ausgeschüttet, wie zum Beispiel
Mastzellen, Basophilen, und Nervenzellen. Serotonin sorgt für Gefäßkrämpfe und einen erhöhten Blutdruck,
Durchlässigkeit und Entzündung der Blutgefäße, und die Ausschüttung vieler anderer Stress-vermittelnder

The research on caffeine"s effects on blood pressure, and on the use of fuel
by the more actively metabolizing cells, hasn"t clarified its effects on
respiration and nutrition, but some of these experiments confirm things that
coffee drinkers usually learn for themselves.
<span lang="en">
J. W. Davis, et al., 1996, found that high uric acid levels seem to protect
against the development of Parkinson"s disease. They ascribed this effect to
uric acid"s antioxidant function. Coffee drinking, which <em>lowers</em> uric
acid levels, nevertheless appeared to be much more strongly protective against
Parkinson"s disease than uric acid.
<span lang="de">
J. W. Davis, et al., 1996, beobachteten, dass einen hohen Harnsäurespiegel offenbar vor der Entwicklung von
Parkinson schützt. Sie schrieben diese Wirkung der antioxidativen Funktion von Harnsäure zu. Das Trinken von
Kaffee, was den Harnsäurespiegel senkt, schien dennoch noch viel stärker vor Parkinson zu schützen als Harnsäure.

Often, a woman who thinks that she has symptoms of hypoglycemia says that
drinking even the smallest amount of coffee makes her anxious and shaky.
Sometimes, I have suggested that they try drinking about two ounces of coffee
with cream or milk along with a meal. It"s common for them to find that this
reduces their symptoms of hypoglycemia, and allows them to be symptom-free
between meals. Although we don"t know exactly why caffeine improves an
athlete"s endurance, I think the same processes are involved when coffee
increases a person"s "endurance" in ordinary activities.
<span lang="en">
Possibly more important than coffee"s ability to protect the health is the way
it does it. The studies that have tried to gather evidence to show that coffee
is harmful, and found the opposite, have provided insight into several
diseases. For example, coffee"s effects on serotonin are very similar to
carbon dioxide"s, and the thyroid hormone"s. Noticing that coffee drinking is
associated with a low incidence of Parkinson"s disease could focus attention
on the ways that thyroid and carbon dioxide and serotonin, estrogen, mast
cells, histamine and blood clotting interact to produce nerve cell death.
<span lang="de">
Möglicherweise noch wichtiger als der gesundheitsschützende Effekt von Kaffee ist seine genaue Wirkungsweise.
Studien, die Beweise dafür zu sammeln suchten, dass Kaffee schädlich ist, und das Gegenteil beobachteten,
bieten ein besseres Verständnis für mehrere Krankheiten. Die Wirkung von Kaffee auf Serotonin, zum Beispiel,
ähnelt stark der von Kohlenstoffdioxid und den Schilddrüsenhormone. Die Beobachtung, dass das Trinken von Kaffee
mit einer geringen Parkinsoninzidenz einhergeht, könnte die Aufmerksamkeit darauf lenken, wie die
Schilddrüsenhormone und Kohlenstoffdioxid mit Serotonin, Östrogen, Mastzellen, Histamin, und Blutgerinnung
bei der Entwicklung von Nervenzelltod interagieren.
<span lang="en">
Thinking about how caffeine can be beneficial across such a broad spectrum of
problems can give us a perspective on the similarities of their underlying
physiology and biochemistry, expanding the implications of stress, biological
energy, and adaptability.
<span lang="de">
Wenn wir darüber nachdenken, wie Koffein bei einem breiten Spektrum von Problemen positiv wirksam sein kann,
können wir eine Perspektive für die ihnen zugrundeliegende Physiologie und Biochemie erhalten, was die
Implikationen für Stress biologische Energie, und unsere Anpassungsfähigkeit erweitert.
<span lang="en">
The observation that coffee drinkers have a low incidence of suicide, for
example, might be physiologically related to the large increase in suicide
rate among people who use the newer antidepressants called "serotonin reuptake
inhibitors." Serotonin excess causes several of the features of depression,
such as learned helplessness and reduced metabolic rate, while coffee
stimulates the <em>uptake</em> (inactivation or storage) of serotonin,
increases metabolic energy, and tends to improve mood. In animal studies, it
reverses the state of helplessness or despair, often more effectively than
so-called antidepressants.
<span lang="de">
Die Beobachtung, dass Kaffeetrinker eine geringe Suizidrate haben, zum Beispiel, könnte physiologisch damit
zusammenhängen, dass die Suizidrate unter Personen höher ist, die die neuen Antidepressiva verwenden, die
"Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer". Serotoninüberschuss verursacht viele Depressionsmerkmale, wie zum Beispiel
erlernte Hilfslosigkeit und eine niedrigere Stoffwechselrate, während Kaffee die <em>Aufnahme</em>
(Deaktivierung oder Speicherung) von Serotonin stimuliert, Stoffwechselenergie erhöht, und die Stimmung
gewöhnlicherweise verbessert. In Tierversuchen sorgt es für die Umkehrung des Hilfslosigkeitszustands oder der
Verzweiflung, oft noch effektiver als die sogenannten Antidepressiva.
<span lang="en">
The research on caffeine"s effects on blood pressure, and on the use of fuel
by the more actively metabolizing cells, hasn"t clarified its effects on
respiration and nutrition, but some of these experiments confirm things that
coffee drinkers usually learn for themselves.
<span lang="de">
Die Forschung zu den Wirkungen von Koffein auf Blutdruck, sowie auf den Gebrauch von Brennstoffen von den
aktiver verstoffwechselnden Zellen, bietet noch keine Aufklärung zu den Wirkungen auf Veratmung und Ernährung,
aber einige dieser Experimente bestätigen einiges, das Kaffeetrinker am eigenen Leibe erfahren.
<span lang="en">
Often, a woman who thinks that she has symptoms of hypoglycemia says that
drinking even the smallest amount of coffee makes her anxious and shaky.
Sometimes, I have suggested that they try drinking about two ounces of coffee
with cream or milk along with a meal. It"s common for them to find that this
reduces their symptoms of hypoglycemia, and allows them to be symptom-free
between meals. Although we don"t know exactly why caffeine improves an
athlete"s endurance, I think the same processes are involved when coffee
increases a person"s "endurance" in ordinary activities.
<span lang="de">
Oft sagen Frauen, die unter Symptomen von Unterzuckerung zu leiden glauben, dass das Trinken von selbst der
kleinsten Menge Kaffee bei ihnen für Unruhe und Zittern sorgt. Manchmal habe ich geraten, dass sie versuchen
sollen, ungefähr zwei Unzen [~60ml] Kaffee zusammen mit Sahne oder Milch bei einer Mahlzeit zu trinken. Häufig
stellen sie fest, dass zu einer Reduzierung ihrer Unterzuckerungssymptome führt, und ermöglicht es ihnen,
zwischen Mahlzeiten symptomfrei zu bleiben. Obwohl wir nicht genau wissen, warum Koffein die Ausdauer von
Leistungssportlern verbessert, denke ich, dass die gleichen Vorgänge am Werk sind, wenn Kaffee die "Ausdauer"
eine Person bei normalen Aktivitäten erhöht.
<span lang="en">
Caffeine has remarkable parallels to thyroid and progesterone, and the use of
coffee or tea can help to maintain their production, or compensate for their
deficiency. Women spontaneously drink more coffee premenstrually, and since
caffeine is known to increase the concentration of progesterone in the blood
and in the brain, this is obviously a spontaneous and rational form of
self-medication, though medical editors like to see things causally reversed,
and blame the coffee drinking for the symptoms it is actually alleviating.
Some women have noticed that the effect of a progesterone supplement is
stronger when they take it with coffee. This is similar to the synergy between
thyroid and progesterone, which is probably involved, since caffeine tends to
<em>locally</em> activate thyroid secretion by a variety of mechanisms,
increasing cyclic AMP and decreasing serotonin in thyroid cells, for example,
and also by lowering the systemic stress mediators.
<span lang="de">
Koffein teilt bemerkenswerte Parallele mit den Schilddrüsenhormonen und Progesteron, und der Konsum von Kaffee
oder Tee kann dabei helfen, deren Produktion aufrechtzuerhalten, oder deren Mangel kompensieren. Frauen trinken
prämenstruell spontan mehr Kaffee und, da Koffein bekanntermaßen die Konzentration von Progesteron im Gehirn
erhöht, ist das offensichtlich eine spontane und rationale Form der Selbstmedikation; jedoch sehen medizinische
Redakteure die Kausalität gerne umgekehrt, und geben dem Kaffeekonsum die Schuld an eben den Symptomen, die dieser
tatsächlich lindert.

Caffeine has remarkable parallels to thyroid and progesterone, and the use of
coffee or tea can help to maintain their production, or compensate for their
deficiency. Women spontaneously drink more coffee premenstrually, and since
caffeine is known to increase the concentration of progesterone in the blood
and in the brain, this is obviously a spontaneous and rational form of
self-medication, though medical editors like to see things causally reversed,
and blame the coffee drinking for the symptoms it is actually alleviating.
Some women have noticed that the effect of a progesterone supplement is
stronger when they take it with coffee. This is similar to the synergy between
thyroid and progesterone, which is probably involved, since caffeine tends to
<em>locally</em> activate thyroid secretion by a variety of mechanisms,
increasing cyclic AMP and decreasing serotonin in thyroid cells, for example,
and also by lowering the systemic stress mediators.
<span lang="en">
Medical editors like to publish articles that reinforce important prejudices,
even if, scientifically, they are trash. The momentum of a bad idea can
probably be measured by the tons of glossy paper that have gone into its
development. Just for the sake of the environment, it would be nice if editors
would try to think in terms of evidence and biological mechanisms, rather than
<span lang="de">
Medizinische Redakteure veröffentlichen gerne Artikel, die wichtige Vorurteile stärken, selbst wenn sie
wissenschaftlicher Müll sind. Das Momentum einer schlechten Idee kann wahrscheinlich daran gemessen werden, wie
viele Tonnen Hochglanzpapier in ihre Entwicklung geflossen sind. Nur der Umwelt zuliebe wäre es schön,
wenn die Redakteure im Sinne von Beweisen und biologischen Mechanismen anstatt Stereotypen denken würden.
Medical editors like to publish articles that reinforce important prejudices,
even if, scientifically, they are trash. The momentum of a bad idea can
probably be measured by the tons of glossy paper that have gone into its
development. Just for the sake of the environment, it would be nice if editors
would try to think in terms of evidence and biological mechanisms, rather than
<p class="notranslate">

<p data-notranslate>
<a href="">Originalartikel und Quellenverzeichnis</a>

+ 4
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public/generative-energy/content/hypothyroidism.html View File

@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
<meta name="title" content="TSH, Temperatur, Puls, und andere Indikatoren bei einer Schilddrüsenunterfunktion">
<meta name="slug" content="hypothyroidism">
<meta name="title-de" content="TSH, temperature, pulse rate, and other indicators in hypothyroidism">
<meta name="title-en" content="TSH, Temperatur, Puls, und andere Indikatoren bei einer Schilddrüsenunterfunktion">
<meta name="author" content="Ray Peat">
<meta name="translator" content="Daniel Ledda">
<meta name="tags" content="">

<h1 data-tunit>

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public/generative-energy/index_template.html View File

@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
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<meta name="description" content="Generative Energy - A page dedicated to Dr. Raymond Peat">
<meta property="og:title" content="%TITLE%">
<meta property="og:image" content="icecream.png">


+ 42
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public/generative-energy/styles.css View File

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> * {
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margin-top: 16px;

img {
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> * {
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text-align: right;

.ge-calculator {
